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2017-08-24, 12:43 PM
April 6th, 3 o'clock after noon

Each of you had your own reasons for wanting to go to Orlane, so when the post requesting an armed escort for a caravan appeared on the local job board, you decided to sign up; after all, if you were going to Orlane anyway, you might as well earn a few coins along the way. The caravan master, Robert Nist, doesn't expect trouble, but taking the road through the Dimwood is always a little risky.

The journey so far has been uneventful, with light spring rains being the only inconvenience; even the past day's trek through the Dimwood, considered the most dangerous part of the route, has been uneventful. In the middle afternoon, you come to the Dimwood River crossing.

A wooden drawbridge spans 200 feet across the Dimwood river, with the middle raised up about halfway across. On the near side a bell hangs under a sign which reads "ring for service." The caravan master rings the bell, and nothing happens. He rings it again. Still nothing. And again. Still nothing.

"The tolltaker doesn't seem to be home. Any ideas?"

2017-08-24, 02:09 PM
Though he was not officially part of the caravan guard contingent, Arco Nist had spent much of the time on the journey getting to know them. The half elf had introduced himself as an alchemist and nephew of the caravan master, Roger Nist. He'd shared stories of his family, most of whom are guild artisans and merchants. He focused primarily on his younger brother, who is a cartographer, a cleric, and somewhat of an adventurer.

Arco is slim and just over 5 feet tall. His black hair is usually tied back in a tight ponytail which stretches halfway down his back. His skin is light brown, almost bronze, with eyes the color of a deep blue sea or sky. He’s rakishly handsome and clean shaven. He typically wears loose fitting traveler's clothes with a color scheme of various dark blues, over which he most often wears a dark purple cloak. He also sports a floppy, wide brimmed, dark purple hat. Most of his equipment is either worn, in or on his pack, or hanging from his wide black belt.

The night before he had shared rumors of thing he'd heard about Orlane, "I've heard that the priest of the local temple and the mayor are in a silent struggle for control of the town. Tales also speak of the well water in Orlane having been poisoned with a mind-altering drug. One fellow insisted that an insane druid is living near the village and is enchanting an army of townspeople for some foul purpose."

Arco walks up to his uncle and shrugs, "Based on rumors I've heard, I suggest we take time to collect as much of the river water as we can. You know, just in case the rumor about the well water in Orlane is true.

As to the tolltaker, this does seem a bit odd. Are there normally guards, or any others posted here as well?"

He looks around for any sort of building where the tolltaker might stay, and inspects this side of the bridge itself without setting foot on it. He's looking for any sign of recent passage, any obvious defects, or any hints of tampering. In that effort he also walks about ten feet upriver and climbs down the bank far enough to look under the bridge.

Every morning he uses a sorcery point when he casts Mage Armor to extend it for 16 hours.

Investigation or perception [roll0]

2017-08-24, 02:30 PM
As to the tolltaker, this does seem a bit odd. Are there normally guards, or any others posted here as well?[/COLOR]"

Robert scratches the back of his head. "No guards, but the tolltaker and his family live on the other side if the bridge , and I've never known them not to have someone ready to allow crossing, even if it is just their son." He points out a house on the other side of the river, partially obscured from sight by some trees.

He looks around for any sort of building where the tolltaker might stay, and inspects this side of the bridge itself without setting foot on it. He's looking for any sign of recent passage, any obvious defects, or any hints of tampering. In that effort he also walks about ten feet upriver and climbs down the bank far enough to look under the bridge.

As far as Arco can tell, the bridge is well-maintained and doesn't show any sign of tampering. Any signs of recent use have been obscured by the recent rain. The rain has also caused the river to swell slightly, and there is a lot of debris caught along the banks.

2017-08-24, 03:56 PM
That tracks with rumors that I've heard about the mayor and priest as well. Seems they a grappling with each other over control of the town but whether their motives are cliched or more specific I wasn't able to determine.

I hadn't heard about an insane druid but that would explain several stories that I had heard about crocodiles. It would appear that the town has suffered several attacks by crocodiles "straying" much too far from the marshes and savagely attacking the towns people. That last sentence trails off a little bit as Hardis glances over at the water of the river. "Perhaps, now that I think about it we should stay away from the waters edge for now to be on the safe side shall we"

After taking 2 or 3 steps back Hardis will continue sharing.

"It could be that the druid is using these crocodiles but regardless the story about the druid,sane of otherwise, also makes sense.

I have heard that this area used to be home to a school of druids known as the Ajarno. They disappeared suddenly over a century ago however and no one has heard from them since. The emergence of a druid now is..ominous to say the least.

This talk about mind altering drugs is also disconcerting as I've heard a rumor that the local wine maker makes the best wine in the Vale...by mixing the blood of kidnapped children.

To be frank this whole situation is looking more and more disconcerting the more thought is put into it."

With that Hardis produces a small flask and takes a gentle swig to calm his nerves.

2017-08-24, 04:04 PM
Pyrestein furrows his brow. "Aye, I've also heard these rumors about druids and winemakers. This isn't a good sign fer a first impression, innit?"

He holds up his flaming frying pan, hoping to get a better look at the other side of the bridge. "Do ye know what the toll normally costs?" he asked the caravan master. Even if they find an alternate way over the river, Pyrestein wanted to keep an eye out that the caravan paid the toll, even if they simply left the gold in the empty booth.

2017-08-24, 10:29 PM
Robert ignores the priest's question, having greater concerns on his mind. "We need to be across the bridge soon. I- I don't want to be in these woods after sundown. It's too dangerous."

2017-08-25, 02:29 AM
The bridge not being attended to could be of concern. Especially for him. A quick glance behind them wouldn't hurt. Karn decides to take notice of what is going on surrounding them and behind them. There were more than enough eyes paying attention to the bridge that wasn't moving, his concern presently was the idea that someone set this up to perhaps ambush them.

"I have also heard about those crocodiles you mentioned but the rest is news to me."

A brief moment of concern crosses his mind. Orlane having those types of issues means further complications of his plan but more importantly the person he was wanting to see. His voice came out calm as could be though given the situation. Attributing the lack of attention at the bridge presently to careless tolltakers who may have had the son this man mentioned wander off instead of sticking around to do his part.

"Might have to have one or a few of us travel across to lower the bridge for the others. Unless there's another way or those people decide to make an appearance sometime soon.
I'm not keen on sitting here for longer than we have to."

Picture of Karn for reference for peeps. He usually wears his chainmail underneath the long coat/traveling clothes, backpack on his back and shield/warhammer are mostly in hands when traveling. Town travel would mean shield slung on after backpack to still use quickly in a pinch and warhammer at his side. Pair of handaxes are on his waist one on each side

2017-08-25, 06:24 AM
Pyrestein exhaled gruffly, examining their options. "Ye may be right," he said, referring to Karn but addressing the group. "Who here thinks they could make the swim? I'll be a bit slow in this armor, but I'm willing ter go. If there are crocodiles, the swimmers will be needin' their wounds cured."

2017-08-25, 11:41 AM
Grovski was either walking by the caravan or chatting and playing with his "aang". Its actually his shield but the design is exotic. Its shaped like a round turtoise shell and their is a hole on one side to put your hand it. Inside the hole, the handle is there. But if he put the shield between his leg with the hole at the bottom, he can tap the shield to make melodious sound come out.

During the trip, he proven to be positive and charming.

When mentionned the rumors, he adds it his own: " What I heard is that the Elves of the Dim Forest allied themselves with troglodytes and preparing to attack the town. Which makes no sense to me whatsoever but if the people of Orlane ARE being kidnapped and replaced as I heard, this might be explaining it. "

At the bridge, he groan and already start to remove his armor: " I'll swim across. No need for you guys to risk your safety. However, if you can back me up from a distance with spells, that would be appreciated. Or rocks if their IS alligators in those waters. "


2017-08-25, 12:08 PM
Hardis watches as Grovski undressed and got ready to swim. The dragonborn had been a welcome addition as they travelled with the caravan. Hardis and Grovski had often joined together and played to pass the time; Aang, Lute, and Song helping to ease any tensions and lighen the mood.

Hardis was inspecting the draw bridge mechanism as Grovski prepped himself. Yes, we can help where we can Grovski. Try not to get your britches biten too much

While Grovski is getting ready to swim I'd like Hardis to be looking around on our side of the draw bridge to see if there is a way to drop our side down. Or if there is anything noticible about the mechanism.


Imagine him a little more elven with blond hair instead but that's pretty close to how I envision Hardis looking. His clothes and leather armor have kind of a courtiers robes vibe to them but they are still functional.

2017-08-25, 02:18 PM
"I understand my uncle's desire to move along swiftly, and I agree with him. But there's no need to be hasty about our decision on how to do that. Wait a moment, everyone, before doing anything."

Arco will go out onto the bridge and walk cautiously up to the edge of the opening. He looks across and judges the distance to the other side. He casts Misty Step (30') to put himself just off the side of the bridge to cross the opening, then flies 10' with Tempestuous Magic to land back on the bridge. Once he gets across he cautiously approaches the mechanism that will lower the bridge and tries to activate it.

2017-08-25, 02:42 PM
Once across, it's easy to find the control mechanism. Chains clank as a series counterweights lower the bridge, which comes down with a gentle thud.

2017-08-25, 03:12 PM
Once the bridge falls Hardis gives Arco a small round of applause. "Well done and now we're off". He stays with the caravan as it makes the crossing his rapier at his side while they move across.

Once they reach the other side Hardis would like to have a look and investigate the watch house if the situation isn't pressing.

"We should have a look at the booth as we pass. There could be clues that could help us. Robert, you said it's unusually for no one to be manning the crossing correct?"

2017-08-25, 03:32 PM
Once on the other side of the Dimwood River it's easier to see the tollhouse, a sturdy wood-and-plaster cottage. Crossbow bolts litter the ground around the front of the house, and the broken-off head of a battle axe is embedded in what remains of the door. Part of the thatch roof has caved in. There are no sounds coming from within.

2017-08-25, 04:16 PM
Grovski stop his undressing and put back his armor. He isn't upset and is even whistling a tune they had being playing on their travel here.

Once fully dress, he climb back in the caravan.

2017-08-25, 04:29 PM
Hardis drops down from the caravan and places his hand on the rapiers hilt as he stoops down and picks up one of the arrows and looks it over.

Hmm he says to no one in particular. With that he moves closer to the door inspecting the axe head briefly then turning his gaze towards the inside of the toll house

Am I able to tell if these are of like elvish or druidic make from how they are made or are these more human / nondescript style?

2017-08-25, 05:18 PM
Arco grins and shrugs once at Hardis, then takes a slight bow, "Thank you! I'm always happy when my sorcery can be of assistance."

As the wagons pass by, Arco says to his uncle, "I know you really want to get to Orlane as soon as possible. But please wait a few moments for us to check out this house, someone may need assistance. At the very least maybe we can find some clues inside as to what actually happened here."

Joining Hardis, the sorcerer also checks out the crossbow bolts. If they're sized for a light crossbow, which he wields, he'll collect any that remain in serviceable condition. From the position of the bolts he tries to confirm what he believes; that they were fired from the house.

He remains 30' back from the door, and looks around each side of the house for windows or any footprints. "Let me know when you're ready to go in Hardis, I'll try to open the door from here." Once signaled to do so, he'll cast Mage Hand to open the door.

2017-08-25, 05:38 PM
Grovski nod approuvingly to the sorcerer with a smile. He get his shield ready and get close to the group, ready to enter the place when the group are.

2017-08-25, 05:47 PM
Father Pyrestein nods approvingly, glad that nobody had to soak themselves in the moat. As they pass through the toll booth, he pushes a gold piece under the sill, hoping it was enough to cover the group's toll.


2017-08-25, 05:52 PM
Hardis looks at the group ready to go and then looks at the bolt once more.

Nodding to the group "Grovski, Arco. You're up."

2017-08-25, 06:50 PM
Intelligence (Invesitgation) check: [roll0]
Result: The axehead is sturdy, sharp, quite heavy, and clearly designed with killing in mind; but spartan in design. It's probaby not elven or druidic, as those groups tend to prefer more elegant designs.

The crossbow bolts are lighter bolts used by civilians - perfect for his light crossbow. They are pointed away from the house, supporting his notion that they were fired from inside, probably from the partially-barricaded windows and narrow horizontal openings in the thatch roof. Acro could collect some, but doing so and sorting the usable from the bent and broken would take about five minutes.

There are plenty of footprints in the muddied grounds around the house.

Wisdom (Survival) check: [roll1]

Results: these tracks were made by humanoids with a heavy footfall. You estimate that there are between five and ten of them.

The cottage door lazes open, precariously attached to the house on a single hinge, releasing the smell of decay. The inside of the house is dominated by a pile in the middle on the single large room. The pile was hastily composed of broken furniture, firewood, and wet straw, topped off by a fly-covered corpse, naked and face down.

Elsewhere in the house, empty cupboards are hanging open, a table is turned sideways against a window, and more quarrels protrude from the woodwork. A back door is hanging open.

Against the far wall there is a ladder which leads up to a loft. The sound of strained breathing can be heard from up there.

2017-08-25, 07:32 PM
Grovski sigh, point out the ladder and the trap above. He point his eyes and the back door next, to make someone guard this entrance or go watch. Then go to the body and try to drag it outside. He is VERY careful not to touch it with any of his skin.

2017-08-25, 10:36 PM
Arco relays what he discovers about the tracks, then enters the house. He looks out the back door, then makes his way to the ladder. Glancing around to see who came inside, he tries to quietly climb up to investigate the strained breathing.

2017-08-25, 10:51 PM
Hardis will take Grovski's hint and after drawing his rapier he will move to cover the back door.

As Arco makes his way up Hardis will nervously grimace hoping for the best

From grynels response does that mean its ok to look at spoilers with a players name on it? I didnt know if that was private information or not

Also once we sush this breathing out hopefully well be able to arcana check that body or at least investigate it

2017-08-25, 10:59 PM
The flies scatter of Grovski approaches the body, revealing the corpse's tattooed skin bare. It's a male orc, well-built at about seven feet tall and 300 pounds of muscle. There's a broken-off bolt in its neck, surrounded by crusty black blood.

Arco looks around the loft. There are several straw mattresses and another makeshift barrier, behind which is the source of the labored breathing: it's a middle-aged human man, seated with his back against the wall. The congealed blood indicates the wounds on his head and right arm. The broken pieces of a crossbow as scattered around him. He's still alive, but not conscious.

2017-08-26, 01:21 AM
Pyrestein runs forward and casts Cure Wounds on the wounded human.

2017-08-26, 01:52 AM
The wounds on the man begin to heal, although he remains very weak. His eyes open.

"Wha...who...wh-where is Evey? Where is Duff?"

2017-08-26, 02:20 AM
Karn nods towards Arco "That's a handy trick to have up your sleeve." After seeing both the slight teleporting across the bridge. He had hung back to stick with the caravan. "I heard about that troglodyte thing too actually. Odd...maybe multiple people hearing similar rumors might make some truth to them,
whether it's stretched or not is a different matter."

Watching the others approach cautiously towards the building, well what was left of it, he took note of the footprints and took a slightly closer look to see if he could discern anything about them. Grovski dragged the orc out while Arco, Hardis and the Father had busied themselves inside the small cottage. Karn knelt down next to the orc, wondering what the tattoos were of if anything in particular. "Roger, who was this?"

Karn decided the best for himself currently was to stick nearby Roger and the caravan itself while the others were inside. If those footprints had meant someone was nearby, he'd want to try to see them coming first...maybe give them the false impression that only himself and Grovski were guarding the caravan and signal the others to counter ambush. He was still convinced that was potentially going to happen. Perhaps that was part of his personal past or his professional past that made him slightly on edge most of the time with his guard up. He did slightly enjoy the company of the musically inclined ones of the group that he was currently traveling with. Breaking up the monotone atmosphere with some melody was welcome. He chimed in with his singing when he felt he could contribute a little with his baritone voice. Being a half-orc with some slightly shady tendencies and the behavior of a hardened individual whose seen and done some things of questionable morals, people sometimes mistake him for not enjoying certain things in life. Who doesn't like to pass the time when they can?

Because I like to help immersion this is what I imagine Karn's voice to be like.


2017-08-26, 03:36 AM
Examining the footprints around the house.

Wisdom (survival) check: [roll0]
Result: Like Hardis, you see that these tracks were made by a group of large humanoids; orcs most likely, considering the dead one in the cottage. You guess there were about eight orcs present.

Examining the tattoos on the orc corpse.

Intelligence (Religion) check, with advantage because Karn is an Orc: [roll1] [roll2]

Result: You recognize the tattoos as part of the worship of Gruumsh, the patron deity of Orc and god of destructive conquest. This particular orc followed a version of the religion where strength in battle is received in exchange for the sacrifice of live captives.

2017-08-26, 04:58 AM
The wounds on the man begin to heal, although he remains very weak. His eyes open.

"Wha...who...wh-where is Evey? Where is Duff?"

Arco displays a sympathetic visage and shrugs, "Easy now, you're lucky to be alive. We saw nobody else other than a dead orc downstairs. My name is Arco. My companions and I are part of a caravan destined for Orlane. Are those the names of your family? Maybe they ran away? When did this attack happen?"

2017-08-26, 08:05 AM
Grovski assist Karn outside of the house...

2017-08-26, 08:41 AM
"The tracks were made by orcs it seems. At least 8 would be my guess. And these tattoos are religious. Gruumsh..no surprise there but the fun part is this part of the religion has something to do with getting strength in exchange for live prisoners. So unless everyone is dead in there...theres probably captives that these footprints took with them."
Karn stands up after having examined the body and was pointing to various markings while speaking to emphasize his points. He looks towards the direction the footprints are heading trying to follow them to get a feel which way they want whether it's towards Orlane or a different direction.
A small amount of anger rises inside of him. Captives is not something he's happy about. His hand clenched his warhammer as he's following the tracks for a few moments until he feels he knows everywhere going.

2017-08-26, 10:32 AM
The tracks seem to be leading away from Orlane, into the Dimwood. Karn also notes that they tracks were made since the last rain, which would make them about 36 hours old.

Arco displays a sympathetic visage and shrugs, "Easy now, you're lucky to be alive. We saw nobody else other than a dead orc downstairs. My name is Arco. My companions and I are part of a caravan destined for Orlane. Are those the names of your family? Maybe they ran away? When did this attack happen?"

"My wife and son...they were here with me when the orcs attacked. I don't know how long I've been out."

2017-08-26, 02:22 PM
Pyrestein poured the man a glass of water and gave him some rations, in case he was hungry. "Listen here, laddie, we're going ter get yer family back," he assured, using a calming tone and gently helping the man sit up more comfortably. "These orcs always take live prisoners, is the good news. But ye got ter tell us everything ye know about who attacked you. Where they came from, where they went...every bit helps."

2017-08-26, 03:11 PM
Karen would speak up loud enough to be heard by everyone. "Grab him and bring him with. Every second we waste isn't good. They have around a day and a half on us. We need to haul ass to catch up. They headed into the dimwood."

2017-08-26, 03:47 PM
His voice is unsteady but he does his best to answer. "I don't know where they came from. There are orcs deep in the Dimwood, but I haven't heard of them being this close. My boy saw them coming from the north. He yelled to me and we were just able to get the door barred in time. We held them off as long as we could, but I must have gotten hit. I think there was a short one who was their chief."

2017-08-26, 04:56 PM
Karen would speak up loud enough to be heard by everyone. "Grab him and bring him with. Every second we waste isn't good. They have around a day and a half on us. We need to haul ass to catch up. They headed into the dimwood."

Grovski sigh: " Let's hustle up to the town first. Our job is to bring the caravan to town safely. Who knows, maybe they attacked the rest of the town as well. If their is anyone else alive here, let's bring them with us first to get shelter! "

2017-08-27, 02:33 AM
Pyrestein nodded in agreement with Grovski. "It'd be suicide to traverse the woods this late at night. We'll have ter go first thing in the morning. That'll give us time ter get this caravan to Orlane." He washed the wounded man's face. "You'll want ter come with us. They'll have medical aid in Orlane. And don't worry, yer family will be safe. These orcs always keep their captives alive."

2017-08-27, 12:48 PM
This decision dismays the tolltaker, but pleases the merchant. A place for the injured man (whose name, you learn, is Finley) is found on one of the carts and he soon falls asleep. The caravan finishes crossing resumes its journey.

Shortly afterward the forest thins out and finally gives way to flat prairie. Soon your begin to see small farmhouses surrounded by cultivated land or enclosures with livestock.

Shortly after sundown, the caravan reaches a rectangular building which marks the village proper. A man outside, armed with leather armor and a short sword, stops the carts.

"Alright, what have we got here?"

Robert hands the guard a piece of parchment. "This is my shipping manifest."

The guard looks at the parchment, and then back up at the party. "And uh, how are these then?"

"Just my escort."

"Ratcatchers, eh? We you'd better keep your nose clean." He gestures are the strange group, particularly at Gorski and Karn. "We don't like strangers that make trouble. Ey, who's this up here? Is that to tollman?"

"Yes, his house seems to have been attacked by orc marauders. His family is still missing, so I think my employees here would like to get some rest before looking for them. We'll be staying at the Foaming Mug."

"Foaming Mug burned down," the guard says, evidently unconcerned with the report he just heard. "You'll have to stay at the Golden Grain Inn."

Robert grimaces. "Very well then. Are we ready to go?"

2017-08-27, 03:20 PM
Arco remains quiet during the debate about where to go after leaving Finley's house. He was certainly biased, and didn't want to exert any undue influence on the group's decision. Had they decided to go after the orcs, he would've likely parted ways with them and escorted the caravan. But that decision was behind him once they agreed to finish the job of safely seeing the caravan into Orlane.

On the way to town, Arco finds a way to talk with his companions without Finley hearing, "Though Pyrestein reassured Finley that his family would be kept alive, I have my doubts about that. Based on stories I've heard and common knowledge, orcs are not nice people. Karn, you seem to know a bit about this group of orcs; what exactly do they typically do with the captives they take? Are they usually enslaved, sacrificed to their half blind god, eaten, ransomed, or something else?"

Seeing the area around town still apparently functioning as normal bolsters Arco's psyche a bit. He knows that farms and such in this type of society are vital to it's continued existence. But he's somewhat dismayed by the seeming utter lack of concern the guard shows after hearing what his uncle says about the orcs and Finley's family. This feeling is furthered when he hears about the inn burning down, and by his uncle's reaction.

He musters what seems a genuinely positive attitude and smiles at the guard, using his best persuasive tone, "Tell us, if you would, how your lovely little town of Orlane fares these days. I've heard it's a nice place to live, and a wonderful place to visit. I'm considering the possibility of living here myself, for a time. I'd heard there may be a need for a professional alchemist, and I'm one of the best in the land. To whom would I speak about such a potential future business?"

He's also trying to get a read on this guy, seeking some insight about his attitude and motivation, "As ratcatchers, as you so adeptly deduced, are there any local trouble we might help to solve? You know, rats that need catching, that sort of thing? Also, do you have any other, more specific advice on avoiding conflict in town?"

After the exchange with the guard ends and they head into town, Arco comments flippantly to his uncle and the other caravan guards, "Indeed, lets go see how golden the grain really is at this inn. I'm looking forward to a nice meal, a few drinks, some talk with locals and other travelers who might be there."

In a more serious tone he adds, "Then we can have a serious discussion among ourselves about our near future. Finley, do you have a place you can stay while recovering from your wounds?"

2017-08-27, 06:34 PM
The whole trip think of what they should do next. In the end, he curse inwardly this toll bridge for being under-protected. If it wasnt the orcs, bandits would want that money instead.

But this is the way of the world, the law of the jungle. Orcs are just one of the thing that can kill you in this world.

But in the end, he say to the old man they saved a bit before they arrived at the guard: " I'm not sure what my group will decide to do next but I will pray in any case for your family. "

He let other speak as they get inside. He wondered in the back of his head how Zackary Ormond have being doing. He ignore the obvious racist rant the guard.

2017-08-27, 07:04 PM
A moment sir you seem extrodinarily unconcerned about orcs slaughtering a family near your town. From what I've gathered the orcs have never ventured as far as the toll house before and it would imply that they are getting bolder venturing farther and farther from the forrest. How can you not be worried about such a thing? You have orc cultists, burning inns and these things dont seem to bother you so I have to wonder what could be more important at the moment good sir

2017-08-27, 07:57 PM
The guard looks back at Hardis blankly, as if this hadn't occurred to him. "Oh yeah. I should tell Grover. I'm sure he'll look into it."

Wisdom (perception) check: [roll0]

Result:It's hard to see only by torchlight, but there are no fang marks visible. The guard does have a significant other, though.

2017-08-27, 08:25 PM
Karn nods towards the guardsman. "Don't plan to cause any."

"Sacrificed after a few days. The rain that just happened could buy us another day. If we leave at first light we could get there in time." Karn's fist clenches towards the beginning of his sentence. Emphasizing that he doesn't like to be using the word "if" in this circumstance.

The Golden Grain Inn does sound at least a good place to start. Some food and drink would do wonders. As well as ask a few questions around.

"Yes...serious discussion is very much a good idea over some drink and food."
Karn bides his time thinking of what he needs to do while in town. Also picturing some fond memories a slight smile comes across his lips as he remembers the last time he saw someone from here. Happy to know at least one familiar face he'd run across.

2017-08-28, 11:22 AM
Hardis blinks twice staring in disbelief at the guardsmen. He had meet some inept guards in his travels but this was especially bad unless something else was at work here. Mind controlling water was mentioned earlier perhaps this was an example and if so perhaps this Grover was a piece of it.

"yeah, yeah maybe we should let Grover know about the death and burning I'm sure he'll get on that. Who is Grover by the way? You know what why don't he go have a talk with Grover together yea?

Hardis would like to try and figure out if maybe this guy is on something. He's acting pretty perculiar according to Hardis. He'll looking the guard over and try to figure out if this is drunkeness, mind control or ineptitude.

Perhaps some insight or arcana?

2017-08-28, 03:36 PM
The guard looks blankly at Hardis. "Uh, I don't think we should bother him. He doesn't-"

"What's taking so long out here?" Another guard, this one wearing nicer leather armor and carrying a spear, steps out of the building.

"Grover, these folk say that orcs attacked the tollhouse. They think the tollman's family are captives."

"If they were taken by orcs, then they're dead," Grover say flatly "I'll get a posse to look into it in a few days when we know its safe. Are you all done wasting my time?"

Robert leans over to Arco. "I think we should go. Being on the bad side of the law isn't good for business."

2017-08-28, 04:50 PM
Hardis narrows his eyes towards this Grover that appears but softens as he tries to turn a aggravating response into an opportunity

"Grover was it? Well you seem to be the one calling the shots around here so yes we should be talking to you shouldn't we.

I have to ask what could be occupying your time more than the concern of people you are supposed to be guarding?

If you are so overburdened that you need help perhaps a few rat catchers might just be the solution that you're looking for.

Leaders such as yourself can't be bothered with every little event and nuisance that should stumble your way. You need to delegate so delegate to us. We're affordable, I have to say we're better than our charming friend here" Hardis points to the previous guard "and best of all. We're expendable. If we rescue the captives you can take credit for having the initiative to save the townsfolk and if things go south and we're unsuccessful well then no skin off your back."

2017-08-28, 05:11 PM
Grover glowers." Look here, if you want to go get your heads impales around an orc camp, I won't stop you. In fact, I encourage it. But if a bunch of wannabe-heroes are going to come into town and tell me how to run a village watch, we're going to have a problem."

2017-08-28, 05:58 PM
Hardis puts up his hands in a disarming manner trying to deescalate the situation that he's found himself in.

No trouble,sir. You're the one in charge, your are the authority here and we wouldn't presume to tell you how to run it.

We're not looking for trouble and we're not looking to step on any toes but if you're looking for a opportunity to help yourself we'll be around and we'll be helping our friend here.

Again no disrespect and no slight intended but we've heard rumors about recent events that are happening around this city and potentially we could help you and your higher out with any maybe problems or "situations" that may or may not be present.

2017-08-28, 08:44 PM
Grovski interfered: " Less words, more actions. Let's get to this inn already! "

Perception check again to see mark on the newcomer neck

2017-08-29, 03:29 AM
"I could do with a spot of rest meself..." Pyrestein yawned. "Been quite a day."

He hoped he'd get a chance to speak to the others in the caravan who were expressing concerns with this city. Their welcome has been unusually hostile, and Pyrestein's mental warning bells were buzzing that something wasn't right.

2017-08-29, 03:35 AM
At Hardin's apology and with Grover's ego assuaged, the watchman becomes less aggressive. "Good. As long as we understand each other. I'll be keeping my eye on you lot."

He musters what seems a genuinely positive attitude and smiles at the guard, using his best persuasive tone, "Tell us, if you would, how your lovely little town of Orlane fares these days. I've heard it's a nice place to live, and a wonderful place to visit. I'm considering the possibility of living here myself, for a time. I'd heard there may be a need for a professional alchemist, and I'm one of the best in the land. To whom would I speak about such a potential future business?"

He's also trying to get a read on this guy, seeking some insight about his attitude and motivation, "As ratcatchers, as you so adeptly deduced, are there any local trouble we might help to solve? You know, rats that need catching, that sort of thing? Also, do you have any other, more specific advice on avoiding conflict in town?"

Arco attempts to gain the trust of the other guard.
Charisma (Persuasion) check: [roll0]
Result: The guard seems relieved to pay attention to something other than his superior and Hardis arguing, and Arco strikes him as a decent sort. "Yeah, this town's alright. A little boring, but city folk often say they like that. I don't think we've ever had an alchemist before. I'm not actually sure what one of those is. You could talk to Mayor Ormond if you want to start up a shop. I'm sure he could find a place for you. If your friends don't get you kicked out, that is. Grover's a good man really, he's just a bit touchy about being in charge." The guard's face remains blank through his response, and his eyes don't really focus on Arco, or anything else really.

Finley, do you have a place you can stay while recovering from your wounds?"

Finley is barely awake. "The inn...or the temple..."

2017-08-29, 10:29 AM
"By your leave then we'll be staying at the golden graAINN GROVSKI LET ME DOWN I'M BETTER I'M BETTER BY TYMORA GRAH GRAH GRA"

As Groski yanks Hardis away deciding that the time for words was over Hardis eventually gives in and while mutter magical slanders and mockery under his breath you would just hear an errant "your mother..blah grah grrrr" as hes hauled off. After he had settled he'll take out his harmonica and start playing a tune that starts fast, angry and indignant and as time passes mellows into a lazy sauntering.

Hardis had let his outrage at the guard get the better of him. He had wanted to make the guards help so bad that he perhaps had made the situation worse and not better. He just couldn't believe that they wouldn't help and it hurt his heart to see good people suffer.

2017-08-29, 02:11 PM
Karn nods towards the guards as they began to walk away. He had said his piece earlier and didn't feel like speaking with them anymore about it. The slight dig towards Grovski and himself was expected but still had him slightly angry. That may have been more to being on guard all day from the orcs...and also wanting to go after them as soon as possible to rescue the captives. At this point he actually probably would be fine with vengeance just as much as rescue. Off to the Golden Grain and with a little bit of anticipation. There was perhaps some good information to be gained from this place once they were inside.

2017-08-29, 02:59 PM
Arco nods in response to his uncle, smiles at the guard and says, "Thank you, good sir. I'll take your advice to heart."

He shrugs and rolls his eyes as he indicates the others with a slight nod, speaking softly, "They're caravan guards, not really my friends. You know how it is, so hard to know the type of people you're hiring until after the fact."

Though this is technically true, he does have a budding friendship with them. He's trying to make himself seem separate from the caravan guards, being only part of the caravan itself. So if you think it's appropriate a deception roll could be included.
Once they enter the town, Arco pays close attention to the layout of buildings, the people he sees, and anything that seems out of place or unusual for a town of this size and location.

Once they reach the inn he stays close to his uncle and offers to help him in whatever way is needed. He wants to get his own room, and only barely acknowledges the others in the group in public.

2017-08-29, 05:15 PM
Hardis continues on with the group to the Golden Grain.

Once inside the in Hardis goes to work trying to accommodate and comfort Finley. He'll find Finley food and drink to try and comfort him. Hardis will enquire if he knows anyone or has family near by that we can take him to.

Hardis will not be pushy with Finley and will play the situation by ear trying to give him what he needs. If that is companionship he'll be there for him and if that is some space Hardis will back off as well.

Once Finley is taken care of if there is time Hardis will mingle among the patrons of the inn trying to get more information about the town.

Like I said Hardis will try to take care of Finley as best he can take care of a man whose entire family might be dead. Hardis will be encouraging him and just trying to make the situation as good as it can be give the circumstances.

If there is time he'll try to listen in on conversations at the bar for anything that seems pertanent.

2017-08-30, 12:42 AM
At the inn, Pyrestein is going to ask around about the winemaker, claiming to be a huge fan of wine hoping to try the selection. He wants to know whether the winery is open right now and where it is in town.

2017-08-30, 03:46 PM
As the wagon train enters the town square, Robert passes bags of gold to each of his escorts. "30gp each, as agreed. Now let's hope I can sell these goods before you all get banished." He takes his wagons to the livery while the rest of you head to the Golden Grain Inn.

The Inn is a large wooden building, once whitewashed, but the paint is peeling. Over the door there's a wooden sign painted to depicting a sheave of wheat and a mug.

The inside is moderately busy, with most tables occupied, but lacking the revelry one might expect from a tavern. Those seated at each table talk among themselves in low voices. A bald man stands behind the bar preparing drinks while a young woman serves them and buses tables.

Once inside the in Hardis goes to work trying to accommodate and comfort Finley. He'll find Finley food and drink to try and comfort him. Hardis will enquire if he knows anyone or has family near by that we can take him to.

Hardis will not be pushy with Finley and will play the situation by ear trying to give him what he needs. If that is companionship he'll be there for him and if that is some space Hardis will back off as well.

Once Finley is taken care of if there is time Hardis will mingle among the patrons of the inn trying to get more information about the town.

When Finley approaches the bar, the bartender drops his cloth. "Finley! What's happened to you?" Finley explains the situation as he best can. "That's terrible. I'll send Lana over to the temple to light a candle for your family." He escorts the wounded tolltaker up to one of the rooms, and then returns. "Terrible business, that is. Sorry for the wait. Anything I can help you with? A bed in the common room is a silver per person per night, private rooms are two gold."

At the inn, Pyrestein is going to ask around about the winemaker, claiming to be a huge fan of wine hoping to try the selection. He wants to know whether the winery is open right now and where it is in town.

The townsfolk in the inn either ignore Pyrestein or scowl at him. This may be the least friendly village inn he's even been in. The only person willing to speak with him is the timid waitress.

"Good evening, sir. Can I get a drink for you?"

2017-08-30, 05:18 PM
Agreed, it was it was unfortunate that fate had not delivered us any sooner. I only wish that there was more that I could do for him.

Hardis will order a drink from the barkeep.

A bed would be grand yes but what I'm most in need of right now friend is information. We've only just arrived in town and other than some rumors to go off of we don't particularly know your town well. For example I don't even know your name good sir. My name is Hardis and he extends his hand in greeting.

Hardis will also drop that he is pretty handy with instruments and that he would be willing to play to lighten the mood in exchange for lodging.

2017-08-30, 07:13 PM
Arco joins Hardis as he speaks with barkeep. He smiles and slides 4 gp across the bar under his palm, "Yes indeed, a drink, a room for me," he lifts his hand to reveal the extra money, "and whatever you can tell us about Orlane. I'm Arco, the alchemist, and I've been considering setting up a shop here."

2017-08-30, 07:19 PM
Karn looks around upon entering the tavern and watches Finley get taken away by the barkeep. That's at least one thing taken care of. For a tavern this place seems not as lively as he thought it would be. It was busy for sure but the people seemed...off. More than likely just because new comers may not be exactly looked highly at due to things that may be going on. Everyone was even rather not too happy with Father despite him being a human. Well that bodes well for him speaking with anyone. The waitress at least was willing to speak...but probably due to it being her job.
"Excuse me miss. I would like an ale and also just a simple question for you if you would be so kind. Do you know Margaret Ellsyn?"
Karn asks as politely as possible and hands her a gold piece.

2017-08-30, 08:06 PM
Hardis looks at Arco then the coins then the inn keep and smiles.

I...am not looking to open a shop but I am I'm always looking to invest and pay someone else to open up a shop

2017-08-30, 09:07 PM
Grovski grumble: " Well if every vilagers is gonna be grumpy pants about races, I guess we should let Bogard do the talking? "

2017-08-31, 04:43 AM
"Evening, lass!" Pyrestein said cheerfully. "I would love a glass of wine! Ya got anything made locally?"

2017-08-31, 06:37 AM
The bartender seems happy to have a conversation with Hardis and Arco.

A bed would be grand yes but what I'm most in need of right now friend is information. We've only just arrived in town and other than some rumors to go off of we don't particularly know your town well. For example I don't even know your name good sir. My name is Hardis and he extends his hand in greeting.

Hardis will also drop that he is pretty handy with instruments and that he would be willing to play to lighten the mood in exchange for lodging.

"My name is Bertrand Belswill, proprietor of the Golden Grain Inn. It's a pleasure serving you and your friends. Orlane is a nice little town, mostly dedicated to farming. Not a lot goes on here, in spite of any rumors you might have heard. You know how people will spread any false thing they hear if it's exciting enough. What brings you to this town? " Arco and Hardis both get the impression that he's would prefer to talk about you than the town.

When Hardis mentions music, Bertrand shrugs. "These folks tend to spoil any parties they come to, but you're welcome to give it a try."

"I'm Arco, the alchemist, and I've been considering setting up a shop here."

"An alchemist! I don't think we've had some set up a permanent shop here. Tell me, can you take some substance, say a drink, and figure out what it's made of and how it's made? I might have some work for you."

"Excuse me miss. I would like an ale and also just a simple question for you if you would be so kind. Do you know Margaret Ellsyn?"

The waitress sets a tray of empty mugs on the bar. "Yes, I know Maggy. Strange that you should ask about her now. She and her husband disappeared abruptly a few weeks ago. Some of their pigs got out while they were gone and if caused a big scene. They just came back the other day, but nobody knows where they went. Maggy used to be very friendly, but now she'll barely talk to me."

"I would love a glass of wine! Ya got anything made locally?"

"You must have head of Clefton's winery. He makes the wine we serve here at the Golden Grain. I can get you some if you like. 20 gold for a bottle. It's a little pricey, but most people who drink it say that it's the best they've ever had."

2017-08-31, 08:49 AM
Seeing that the waitress is rather friendly, Grovski decide to test his luck: " Miss, do you know what happened to Zackary Ormond by any chance? Is he still living here? "

2017-08-31, 10:34 AM
"Sounds lovely! I'd never dream of missing an opportunity like that!" Pyrestein nodded eagerly. "Hey Grovski, interested in sharing a bottle with me? If not, I can pay for the whole thing meself." Pyrestein remembered that Grovski had also expressed an interest in the possibly-murderous winemaker, plus he'd remembered to prepare Detect Poison.

2017-08-31, 12:21 PM
Karn's eyes show concern as she finishes filling him in.

"What? That's awful. Would you be so kind as to tell me how to find her? I haven't been in touch with her in some time and wish to pay a visit. Perhaps she'll warm up to an old familiar face and I can find out what happened."

Karn wonders if this disappearance has anything to do with the disappearance tied to the orcs that they know of Finley's family. But if that were the case did they escape? Or were they let go? Or is it something else at play that caused their disappearance. And the way she was acting thus far, perhaps some of these rumors weren't quite as stretched as she'd like us to think.

2017-08-31, 01:58 PM
Seeing that the waitress is rather friendly, Grovski decide to test his luck: " Miss, do you know what happened to Zackary Ormond by any chance? Is he still living here? "

"Oh yes, the mayor. He doesn't come in here often, but he's nice. He live in the big house on the hill."

"What? That's awful. Would you be so kind as to tell me how to find her? I haven't been in touch with her in some time and wish to pay a visit. Perhaps she'll warm up to an old familiar face and I can find out what happened."

The waitress gives some directions using street names you don't recognize. "But they live on a hog farm, so you'll smell it when you're near."

2017-08-31, 07:39 PM
Grovski answer: " I doubt most people would be able to afford such high priced wine to begin with. The price is fishy to me. Im not a big drinker of that stuff myself but I don't mind having a look, if you catch my drift. "

2017-09-01, 12:50 PM
Arco smiles, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Betrand."

He thinks for a moment, then adds, "Given some time, a place to work, a little luck, and the incentive to do so, I could analyze the components of most liquids. What did you have in mind?"

Taking his drink and room key (presuming he gets one), the sorcerer joins his companions at the table. He raises an eyebrow at the wine bottle and asks quietly, "Nobody has drank any of that yet, right?

2017-09-01, 05:42 PM
Since Grovski declined to split the cost, Pyrestein paid the full 20 gold for the bottle of wine.

"Nay," Pyrestein replied under his breath to the sorceror, eyes flitting to surreptitiously make sure there weren't any townsfolk within breathing distance of their conversation. "Annit cost a pretty penny too. Twenty gold's almost a week's hard work fer a skilled laborer. I don' think many people would pay that on a single bottle, unless there was an extreme reason they wanted this particular brand..."

He poured a glass of it but left it sitting in the dead center of the table. "I dinnae prepare Detect Poison, but anyone can help themselves." He did cast Detect Magic on the bottle and the glass of wine, just to be safe.

2017-09-01, 06:19 PM
He thinks for a moment, then adds, "Given some time, a place to work, a little luck, and the incentive to do so, I could analyze the components of most liquids. What did you have in mind?"

Bertrand leans forward lowers his voice. "It's this wine. Clefton's wine is so damned good. We brew our own ale here at the Inn and I'm very proud of it, but I can't seem to figure out how to get my wine to taste like his. I've even bought his own grapes from him, but it's no use. I just want to know what secret ingredient he has. If you can figure it out, the bottle one wine and private room is on the house, and I'll write a letter of recommendation for the mayor."

He did cast Detect Magic on the bottle and the glass of wine, just to be safe.

As soon as Father Pyrestein finishes casting the spell, he can see the faint aura of transmutation magic around the wine bottle.

2017-09-01, 06:46 PM
Grovski was about to cast Detect poison but wait for the result of the detect magic spell first before cating it... He look at the caster with curiosity.

2017-09-01, 10:24 PM
"Hmm, thar be transmutation magic comin' from the wine..." Pyrestein muttered under his breath to the others. "Curious...I'm no' sure what that could mean..."

2017-09-02, 12:48 AM
Bertrand, great to meet you. We've only just meet but I think we're going to get along just fine. Don't let his modesty fool you. I imagine you won't find a better alchemist in the Vale than Arco.

Hardis will open one of the pouches around his waist and produces a small card. If one were to look at it the card would read "Hardis Havenfell. Vocalist, investor, and all around Renaissance Man" along with his sigil. Hardis will hand it to Bertrand and say If you hear about any opportunities feel to let them know Havenfell is looking for them. Hardis leans in and says And there might also be a referral fee for you if the opportunity works out. I'm especially interested in druidic magic I find the whole thing fastinating but that is neither here nor there. Anyhow Bertrand I think its a little late for music after all. Let me speak with one friends over here and we'll figure out this bed solution

2017-09-02, 01:30 AM
"Hmm, thar be transmutation magic comin' from the bottle but no' the wine itself..." Pyrestein muttered under his breath to the others. "Curious...I'm no' sure what that could mean..."

Grovski whisper, seem to be hesitating: " I dont know. I could still cast Detect Poison but I heard its their well who was poisoned. You think it would be possible to get a simple? "

2017-09-03, 12:42 AM
"Hmm, thar be transmutation magic comin' from the wine..." Pyrestein muttered under his breath to the others. "Curious...I'm no' sure what that could mean..."

Arco says softly, "Well, that'll certainly make my job easier. Bertrand wants me to analyze the wine for secret ingredients. Though I'll give it a full analysis, I suspect this enchantment is the only real secret.

I have a private room, so perhaps we should continue our conversation there."

2017-09-03, 05:46 PM
Grovski notes that there is a well behind the inn.

When Hardis asks Bertrand about the historian, Bertrand mentions that Misha the priestess or Mayor Ormund would have access to town records, and while old lady Vilma isn't a historian, she is almost as old as the village and knows a lot about its history.

2017-09-03, 09:24 PM
"I'll be right back"

Grovski get a empty clean mug and bring back to the well. he get some water in the bucket in the mug and come back in the inn.

Then, putting the mug next to the wine, he use Detect Poison tos ee if any of the drinks have something unusual about it...

2017-09-03, 10:14 PM
Neither liquid shows any sign of being poisonous.

2017-09-03, 11:25 PM
Grovshi sigh of relief: " None of them seem poisonous thanks to Detect Poison. Im not sure what it means. Maybe we are overreacting and the bottle have some sort of preservation spell on the wine bottle? "

2017-09-04, 02:34 AM
"If ya want my guess, it's somethin' nefarious ter make people wanna drink it more," Pyrestein's eyes narrowed. Having dedicated a large part of his life to cooking for people of all types and places, he wasn't used to seeing prices this steep. "Only way a fella'd be able ter get away with 20 gold per bottle..." he looked both ways. "Welp, I've had far too many fine wines in my life to not find out...Pelor protect me..." and he took the wine glass to his lips and sipped it.

2017-09-04, 03:08 AM
Father Pyrestein has had better wines than this, although he cannot deny that it is quite good.

2017-09-04, 05:04 AM
Karn will look around the inn and see if anyone is paying attention to the group of them at the table.

"Perhaps it is time to go discuss our plans for the evening and morning. I for one am slightly wishing to do something more than sit around and play with the wine in the public eye."

2017-09-04, 01:34 PM
At Arcos mention of his room Hardis will start making his way toward the upstairs. Along the way he'll make eye contact with gorski and anyone else and motion towards the starts with his head as if to say "this way" then keep going

2017-09-04, 01:48 PM
Grovski sigh: " It would had being more effective to invite a villager to drink with us then drink it ourself. But let's just go and explore the town. I would like to talk to the mayor among other things."

2017-09-05, 03:24 AM
"...'s not bad. Not twenty gold, but it'd qualify fer 'fine wine.'" Pyrestein nodded his approval. "Stronger than most wine, I'll tell ye that...I'm down for a traipse through the town afore we tuck in fer the night, but I may want to regain me senses fer just a second. Just a minute or two in me room." He glanced at Hardis, following the bard's lead to head upstairs for more privacy.

2017-09-05, 09:52 AM
Grovski look at Pyrestein with both a weird look. He is both suspicious, worried and confused.

He follow you upstair to your room as well, without a word spoken.

2017-09-06, 09:42 AM
Arco obtains a new bottle of wine from Bertrand to experiment on, then leads everyone to his room. Once inside he locks the door and tries to make everyone comfortable. He remains standing (near the window if there is one).

"So it seems we've dispelled one rumor, at least in part. If the well behind the inn has the same source as other wells in town, we can rule out the poisoned water. But there are other concerns to investigate.

I've arranged to get a letter of recommendation from Bertrand to the Mayor by analyzing this wine for any secret ingredients using alchemy. This process will take about six hours, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow, if not later. I'd suggest we wait until I have this letter before we speak to the Mayor. It'll give us a positive footing to start, and I can work on setting up a legitimate business here as a means to gain his trust.

Until then, we still have some time tonight to check out a few things, if everyone is willing. Are we still planning to go seek out those orcs in the woods? As I said, the analysis of the wine will take time, but I see no immediate urgency for that. If we're to have any chance of rescuing those folks from the orcs, we can't delay much longer. It may well be too late for them, but I for one won't rest easy until I know that for certain. Even if it's too late for them, we can wreak havoc on such a violent tribe and prevent further harm from them."

2017-09-06, 11:16 PM
Grovski add: " The mayor was a friend of my parents. Im sure we can work this out. But as for the orcs... It pain me to say that no, we shouldn't. A isolated toolbridge was a bad idea to begin with. If they wanted to make a tool to pass, it's better to do it at the entrace of a fortificated place. Not strangled in the middle of nowhere. If it wasn't the orcs, it would have being thieves, magic creature or something else to get them first. "

He look depress saying so and sigh: " I believe that if the people here have being swapped or mindcontrolled, gettuing rid of the orcs would make it easier for them to act. We should focus on the mission and bring back the orc info to our guild to make a other quest for it. A hunter who hunt two rabbits in the same time will end up with a empty stomach. "

2017-09-07, 08:54 AM
"I have no problem leaving as soon as possible to go after the orcs. During the day would be better to talk with anyone in town as it is already late.I myself can see in the dark, night travel is no issue for me. I don't know how the rest of you fair on that end."

Karn will take a standing position near the door. Thinking of the possibilities in his head. He has no objection to leaving now for the orcs. They probably wouldn't expect someone to come after them at night and they aren't exactly right nearby it would take time to get to them. The sooner they leave the better. He always liked a good challenge anyway.

"Speaking with Margaret can wait for the time being. I need to talk to her or rather...want to. But it's too late to do so tonight. However, the orc problem I'd like to deal with. If we let them go they could come back after the town again, who knows how well this town would do combined with the other issues. I feel if we leave them to their devices they may come after the town.
If we don't first ensure the town is clear from outside issues before worrying about the internal...when we are dealing with something in town the orcs could come anyway. If that toll was there for some time and the orcs didn't attack it until now, why? What made them suddenly come after it? They had to know it was there seeing as it appears to be common knowledge to those in this area."

2017-09-07, 11:09 PM
"I won't be tha' useful in the dark," Pyrestein admitted, displaying his flaming frying pan. "One o' the reasons I tend to wield this darling. I'm down fer investigating the town or going after the orcs, but only one of those has a time limit. And I cannae stand idly by while innocent lives are in danger, so I'm leaning towards Karn n' Arco's side. But I do haveta be honest, I don' really think the poor man's family is still alive. I think we may have missed our chance to go rescue them, and I'm not one for acts of vengeance."

"If we do go, though...after that I want ter make sure we deal wi' that winemaker," he added. "If he's used his gift to harm a single soul, he brings shame to the rich n' noble art of vinification."

2017-09-07, 11:29 PM
Grovski shrug: " I said my piece. The villagers should have made this research party, not us. Especially if they are supposed to be one pack. We should ask the others and just go with the majority."

2017-09-08, 05:47 AM
Arco grins at the dragonborn, "Well, Grovski, if we're going by majority, Father Pyrestein, Karn and I have it."

With a shrug he continues more seriously, "However, you do make a very good point to ponder. There's much merit to the idea of securing a safe base of operations here in town before setting out to solve troubles further away. We could still spend some time tonight investigating the well and the town in general. I'd personally like to have a good look at that burned down inn. Then tomorrow we pay a visit to the Mayor and the temple, talk to some town folk and farmers, and try to sort through all the rumors we've heard and clues we might find for any true threats in town. At some point I can also hunker down here to analyze this wine for Bertrand."

He looks around the group and pauses slightly before adding with a convincing intent, "But also consider this; if there is a mad druid around here, it would make sense for that person to somehow enlist the orcs, willingly or by guile and magic, to start causing trouble in the area. In fact, I'd suspect a mad druid would expend a lot of effort convincing all the local threats to join the crazed cause.

So if we decide to seek out the orcs, with hope of finding the family of Finley decreasing with every hour, or at the very least to find out what happened to them, we should leave as soon as possible. I tend to believe that whatever issues Orlane might face right now likely won't change much in a day or two."

The half elf glances at Hardis, with hope of support clear on his face, "I can see fairly well at night, and I've expended very little of my sorcery."

2017-09-08, 12:14 PM
While the other had been talking Hardis had found a comfortable part of the wall to lean against. He paid attention to the discussion all the while twirling a gold coin from knuckle to knuckle in a nifty trick of dexterity.

Arco looks his way.

The fate of Finley's family burdened Hardis.

Hardis flicks the coin into the air and catches it as if to say "time to work".

If there is a chance that they are alive I believe it is our duty try and help. I haven't known you all long however from what I've seen I can't imagine that we are so heartless as to assign blame for the attack on a family of victems trying to earn a living?

Even if we end up being too late the orcs do still need to be dealth with. The town wouldn't have put an unguarded toll house with a family where they were expecting to be attacked by orcs or otherwise. That implies to me that this is out of the ordinary. Why are they attacking closer to the city? Are they being driven by this druid? There are a number of questions that we don't have answers to so we should have a look either way.

I'll also say that this Vale was once home to a druidic circle of significant power. While they vanished mysteriously it could be that someone has found something. It warrants investigation at least. As Arco said it could be that the druid is the center string in this web but we'll have to see.

Lastly if a moral reason isn't good enough consider this. The artifacts and knowledge of the Ajarno are worth a fortune. Honor, heroism, money. Just something to think about.

2017-09-08, 12:36 PM
" Since it seem we are going, now we should maybe ask for a ride back to the toolbridge in carriage to save some time. Doesn't have to follow us further then this and it will save us some precious time. "

2017-09-08, 02:07 PM

Arco perhaps your Uncle would be willing to loan us one of his carriages?

2017-09-09, 11:59 AM
"I don't know. He does value them highly since his business depends on them, but we can go ask. He took them to be unloaded or stored, so if we go now they may still be hitched."

2017-09-09, 06:41 PM
Worst he can say is no why dont we go see him then.

If he's reluctant perhaps we can offer him an IOU or a downpayment. One way or another we need to get going soon

2017-09-09, 10:27 PM
Arco requests the use of the cart and horse from his uncle, who reluctantly agrees. "Just bring them back in one piece. Yourself too."

With only one wagon and no cargo, the ride back to the tollhouse takes about three hours. Once there, it's easy to find the trail the orcs left behind. Once the party enters the Dimwood, the trail becomes less clear. Father Pyrestein and Grovski lead the way.

Father Pyrestein has the highest Wisdom (survival) bonus at +5, and Grovski is assisting since he has proficiency.

Between the two of them, they manage to track the Orcs back to their camp a few hours past midnight. Despite the lack of sleep, everyone is fully alert.

The orc camp is situated in a wide clearing in the Dimwood. It is surrounded by a low stone wall made of loosely-mortared flagstones. The height of the wall varies between 8 and 12 feet. The walls would be easy to climb, but difficult to climb quietly.

At the south side, there is an 15-foot wide opening in the wall, which is currently blocked by barriers of makeshift barbed wire. On one side of the opening there is a 25-foot tall watchtower made of wood and canvas. On top of the tower is a pike which bears an impaled humanoid corpse, which is unidentifiable given the distance and light level. The tower is currently occupied by a single orc. No sounds come from within the camp other than the occasional soft bleating of a goat.

The party is currently behind a thicket about 50 feet away from the compound, out of sight from the orc in the watch tower.

2017-09-10, 07:22 AM
Pyrestein's flaming Frying Pan has been wrapped completely in his heavy cloak, which he wears for just this sort of occasion.

"I confess I'm not very stealthy..." he whispers to his colleagues. "Do we want someone ter try and sneak over 'n clean out the watchtower so the rest of us can enter?"

Whoever does decide to stealth, Pyrestein is going to cast Guidance on them to help them out.

2017-09-10, 07:32 AM
"Yes, those who are stealthy should try to sneak up on the guard and neutralize him. If it fails I have a spell that can reach the guard from here and has a good chance of taking him down in one shot."

2017-09-10, 05:42 PM
Karn readies himself for the action to unfold. Regardless of their tactic it almost always comes down to something more than just sneaking around. However he hasn't had that experience with these ones yet. Perhaps he can get lucky enough to be able to do that but he's ready in case it doesn't work out.

"I'll wait here as part of the backup plan. Sneaking isn't my strongsuit. If someone sneaks or Arco does some magic and things start going South fighting our way in quickly will be needed...thats where my strongsuit lies."

Ooc: Id post as spoiler but posting from phone atm. Karn wants to listen to see if he can hear anything going on or any voices or anything from inside. I'm guessing being nighttime it's relatively quite outside so any other noises or any noises in general coming from inside the camp. Maybe any prisoners are making some noise that'd be super helpful ha.

2017-09-11, 02:22 PM
Hardis looks around the group and then peers over to the encampment. If he did it just right he's pretty sure he could scout the perimeter without being seen. He was fairly light footed.

"I'll have a look. Right now I only see the one guard but who know how many more they could have in there. I'll have a look around the encampment and be right back."

Hardis hands Gorski is lute to minimize the chance of it snagging on something.

"Hang on to this for me will you big guy?"

With that he's off trying to be as quiet and low as possible. Jumping from cover to cover, whether bush or barrel, and trying as best as he can to use the environment to his advantage he'll look into the camp and see what's what.

2017-09-11, 04:27 PM
Arco shrugs, "I'll go with you, Hardis. With a little luck we can both sneak around the perimeter to have a look and a listen."

+2 +1d4 guidance

2017-09-11, 10:37 PM
Grovski accept the lute but put further away, in a space between a bush and a tree.

" We don't know their guarding routine, I wonder if they take shift upthere or the same guard will be there all night. But good luck!"

2017-09-12, 01:41 AM
Years ago Hardis had traveled and eventually lived among a group of dragonborn for a time and as such knew many of their customs

As Hardis hears Grovski he turns back around and gives the dragonborn version of a thumbs up before continuing his way

2017-09-12, 10:56 PM
The two half-elves circle around the compound, keeping in the shadows and on the edge of the glade as much as possible.

Arco: [roll0] + [roll1]
Hardis: [roll2]

They make it far enough around that they can stand at the base of the wall without being seen from the watchtower. They wait and listen, but hear no sign that they have been detected. What can be heard is the crackling of a dying fire, the occasional bleating of goats, and some very loud snoring. On the opposite end of the compound they find a partially-collapsed section of wall that would be easy to climb over if they so chose to.

2017-09-14, 12:55 PM
As Hardis approaches the wall and peers in he encampment he takes note of the collapsed side of the wall. It could make a great way to by pass they guard if they needed to.

Hardis gently nudges Arco and tilts his head towards the wall to make sure that they are both looking at the same thing.

After that they spend time trying to see if they can see any indications of survivors or non orcs in the camp trying to remain as hidden as possible while they do. Each of them looks and points out possible holding areas trying to see if two sets of eyes are better than one.

2017-09-14, 02:37 PM
Hardis and Arco get a good look at the interior of the compound.


In the middle of the compound, there is a large round hut with a thatch roof, and in front of that hut there is a large bronze bowl for burnt offerings. On either side of the large hut are smaller, similarly shaped huts clustered around smoldering firepits. The only creatures that can be seen outdoors are two tired-looking orcs standing guard in front of one of the huts. In the southeast part of the compound there is an animal pen which holds several goats.

2017-09-14, 03:57 PM
Arco whispers softly to Hardis, "If they have prisoners they're probably in the guarded hut. Should we launch an attack now or go tell the others? What I have in mind will alert our friends and foes alike, and might kill the tower guard. We're closer to the guarded hut now than the others, and we might be noticed trying to return."

2017-09-14, 05:34 PM
Hardis whispers back to Arco, "True however we should try to meet up with the rest of the group. If we're discovered trying to get back you can do your idea and we're not worse off then if we attacked right now but if we succeed in getting back to everyone we'll be at full strength"

2017-09-14, 06:11 PM
Arco smiles, shrugs, and starts making his way back toward the others.

2017-09-16, 02:59 AM
"How did it go?" Pyrestein whispered after the others returned. Since the orcs weren't assaulting them in full force, he figured the foray couldnt have gone that bad.

2017-09-16, 01:31 PM
Grovski is relief to see Arco come back, ever so slowly. He await for the answer.

2017-09-18, 12:49 AM
Hardis follows behind Arco and retrieves his lute

As well as we could have hoped
We spotted guards at one of the huts could stand to reason if they have prisioners they are there

Hardis will draw a small map of the village on the ground and relay the rest of the information that they gathered

2017-09-18, 03:46 PM
"So, we know where they've got the prisoners..." Pyrestein whispered. "How many orcs are there roughly? Any chance we could just overpower them? Maybe punch our way through to the hut 'n use it as a bottleneck?"

2017-09-18, 06:13 PM
Karn smiles at the sight of them returning. Successfully having scouted the camp.

"While im all for the idea of charging headlong into them. Perhaps a slightly better approach is to kill the watchtower, set fire to it and use that as a distraction to get in through the way you guys did."

2017-09-18, 07:03 PM
Pointing out spots on the crude map, Arco explains his thoughts and conclusions, "We saw only three orcs, the one in the tower and two others guarding one of the huts. Those guards didn't look particularly alert. We presume this guarded hut is where the prisoners would be, if indeed they're still alive. There are six other huts and one larger one. From that I'd deduce that there are at least eight orcs here, probably more."

Glancing back at the tower he adds, "How about I light up that tower and attack the guard from here with a twinned bolt of fire while one or more of you also shoot the guard with missile weapons. This should draw out at least some of the orcs. Then we can try to make our way around to the partially collapsed section of the wall and try to get to the guarded hut without being noticed. I can try to sneak in, using my misty step to get inside the hut, see if the captives are there, then try to escape out the partially collapsed wall. If we can slay a few orcs in the process, all the better."

2017-09-19, 02:37 PM
"I like Gorski's idea of lighting the tower," Pyrestein nodded. "Le's lead wi'th tha' and sow chaos."

Once combat starts, Pyrestein is going to cast Bless on Arco, Gokski, and Karn.

2017-09-20, 01:28 AM
Hardis stands with the others looking over the map that he had drawn. While the others talked he listened, hearing years of experience in battle and adventure laying out the plan.

His silver coin flipping between his knuckles. Index to middle, middle to ring, ring to pinky and back again. He thinks of his family and what we would be willing to do to get them back.

The coin returns landing on the thumb as he flicks it in up grasping it in the air and picking a side. He opens his palm.

"Seems Tymora favors the bold after all. You'll have my song for what it's worth. The survivors should be our primary goal. We slay what gets in our way only and once we have the villagers we retreat. No need to fight once we have what we came for."

2017-09-20, 01:39 AM
Grovski shrug but get out one of his javelins to throw at the guard at the tower watch, as the group is planning.

(seriously though, I'll follow what you want at this point. I cant come up with a better plan)

2017-09-22, 05:45 PM
Karn points to the crudely drawn map. "Those tired guards...they're close to that collapsed wall section. Perhaps we could avoid the guard tower altogether, go in that way and take those guards out quickly. If we can do so without getting noticed we can get the hostages and get out. Maybe we could even have 2 of us take out the guards while the others rush past to find the survivors. However that ends up going, I think going through that wall section might be an even better idea."

2017-09-22, 07:03 PM
Grovski nods: " Indeed, that's a better plan. Let's go with that."

2017-09-23, 02:44 PM
Pyrestein stopped pointing his finger at the watchtower guard, having been prepared to blast him away with Guiding Bolt on somebody's signal. "Le's do it," he whispered in agreement with the current plan

2017-09-24, 03:00 AM
The party circles the camp, careful to keep out of the moonlight. Soon they arrive at the partially collapsed section of wall. It is decided that Karn, being the best climber, should go over first to find the best footholds. Father Pyrestein prays to invoke divine guidance for him.

Karn's Athletics roll: [roll0] + [roll1]

He climbs over the wall almost as easily as walking on the ground. The others take note of his footholds and follow after.

The interior of the compound looks the same as when it was scouted earlier.


2017-09-24, 12:06 PM
Karn gets up and over the wall section with relative ease. Keeping as quiet as possible while having done so, he turns around after to assist the others over as well. Once everyone is over he brandishes his weaponry. The compound matched what the map they drew earlier so that was a good thing...meant the others had skills aside from what was shown during their caravan travel together thus far.
Being inside the actual compound now, Karn assumes any talking might be heard that is anything more than a whisper. They also should be quick...more time spent inside means more chance of getting caught and they aren't sure how many orcs are here.

Speaking as quietly as he can and coupling it with hand gestures to get the point across "Hug wall. Come from behind. Take em out and drag bodies into hut with us"

Karn didn't want to waste time and after having spoke he looked to each of them and nodded. Gripping his weapon and his shield on his arm he moved forward getting their next part of the plan underway.

2017-09-24, 01:45 PM
Arco nods to Karn and loads his crossbow, holding it ready to fire, since it was far quieter and less flashy than his spells. His primary effort was moving forward quietly and staying out of sight, but his eyes constantly flashed to the watchtower, ready to cast his fire bolt if they should be noticed.

2017-09-26, 03:41 PM
Hardis follows Karn and Arco over the wall ready to support the team as best as he can.

He'll slide out his knife from the sheath at the small of his back. It was curved downward, weighted towards the front, and dwarven as the day is long it was a trusty companion to Hardis. Once over the wall he'll also palm his harmonica ready to use it to assit him in casting should the need arrive.

However most of all Hardis is using all his quile and trying to channel his sister, she was always the sneaky one, to stay as hidden as he can and as quite as he can.

2017-09-28, 05:02 AM
1 hex = 5 feet
Hardis: [roll4]
Arco: [roll2]
Father Pyrestein: [roll0]
Orc guards: [roll5]
Grovski: [roll3]
Karn: [roll1]

2017-09-28, 04:58 PM
Hardis gets ready to move forward but before he does he turns to Arco and whispers "Let's do this!" in his most inspirational tone.

He then stealths forward crouching down and staying low. He makes for the nearest hut after they get over the wall and inches as far forward as he can without being visible to the guards.

Hardis will take a moment while near the hut to see if there is a way to look inside the hut without raising attention. If so he'll have a glance and see what he can see.

Using my reaction to give Arco a inspiration dice.

Hardis stealths to the nearest hut directly down from their starting location. If he has movement and if he isn't in the sight lines of the guards he'll inch around to the left of the hut in prep for moving behind the left most hut next turn.

Let me know if that doesn't make sense of if there are any problems there.

2017-09-29, 02:33 AM
Before they just enter the village hole in the wall, Grovski cast Bless on his fellow adventurers as they stealthly charge the two guards...

Then he fire his javelin on one still standing after his fellow adventurer attacked.

Bless on Karn, Arco. I'll add me "if possible) or if its other only, Father Pyrestein

Attack roll for javelin:
[roll1] + 5 (+ Bless bonus if any)

[roll2] + 3

2017-09-29, 05:46 PM
Sticking with the plan, Arco moves directly toward the north side of the westernmost hut (double move to the north side of the hut on the left) trying to get into a position to see the guards without being seen.

After moving 30', if he is spotted he'll shoot a guard (using bless) and cast misty step (bonus action) to get to his destination.

Not sure what rolls bardic inspiration can be added to, but he'll use it if it seems like it would help.
Stealth [1d20+2[/roll]
Attack [1d20+4[/roll] + bless [roll0]

2017-09-29, 09:15 PM

Stealth [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2017-09-29, 10:34 PM
Pyrestein delays action, keeping his eye on the watchtower guard. If the alarm is sounded and the rest of the orc camp becomes aware of the attackers, Pyrestein will then fire Guiding bolt at him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-09-29, 10:35 PM

As shown in the OOC thread: Attack (1d20)[17] and add 5 to that
Damage (4d6)[14]

2017-10-02, 12:34 PM
Arco and Hardis successfully make their way behind the second hut. The guards are still unaware of the party's presence.


2017-10-03, 06:55 PM
As Arco joins Hardis makes a knife motion towards the guards towards Arco.

Hardis will place the harmonica close to his mouth ready to cast if he has to

Hardis will hold his action until one of the party members goes to attack and then he'll cast faerie fire on the guards

per Gryndels post in ooc can we tell if the orcs are wearing metal armor from this distance?

2017-10-05, 12:39 PM
Arco will move 20' closer, misty step right between the guards, move 10' into the hut, then cast a twinned fire bolt.

If they notice him sneaking closer, he will misty step between them, do twinned shocking grasp, then move inside.

Stealth [roll0]
Spell attack (either spell is twinned)


Shocking Grasp

2017-10-05, 12:41 PM
If he gets advantage on attacks:

2017-10-05, 04:55 PM
One of the orc guards lowers his head, and then shakes himself awake. He opens his eyes and sees Arco creeping around the hut.


As soon as Arco had appeared, he vanished. Each guard then feels a hand behind their neck followed by an electric shock.

Leaving the stunned guards outside, Arco ducks inside the hut and finds a miserable-looking human woman and a ten-year-old boy, gagged and shackled to rings embedded in a stone. The woman sits up alert, but she cannot discern who has entered through the darkness

Father Pyrestein saw the shower of sparks indicated that the fight has begun in earnest. The guards are unable to react, but he knows the effect will only last a few seconds.


2017-10-06, 12:38 AM
Pyrestein blasts the watchtower orc with a silent Guiding Light.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-10-06, 03:39 PM
The beam of divine light cuts across the sky, missing the orc in the watchtower by inches. He turns around to try to figure out what he just witnessed.

2017-10-06, 09:17 PM
Before they just enter the village hole in the wall, Grovski cast Bless on his fellow adventurers as they stealthly enter...

Then, when the guard notice them, he fire his javelin on one the one on the left, the one the watchtower orc would have trouble seing from where he was.


2017-10-07, 04:28 AM
Grovski's javelin hits one of the orcs in the shoulder, and then twists aside, creating an ugly wound.

Karn surveys the scene. Two wounded guards, and a watchman on the alert. This is his chance to act before the orcs can gather their wits and mount a counterattack.

2017-10-07, 08:44 AM
Karn rushes forward at one of the guards of the hut. Holding his shield in front of him as he approaches, his grip tightening on his warhammer as he lashes out at the guard.

Bless: 1d4
Attack: 1d20+5
Damage: 1d8+5

Karn surges his assault to lash out at the other guard as well hoping to take both of them in his assault.if not further wound the two of them.

Ooc: action surge

2017-10-07, 02:22 PM
Karn's assault proves deadly effective. Both guards are lay dead, their skulls caved in.

The guard in the tower is about to sound the alarm. The party must act quickly.

2017-10-07, 06:15 PM
Seeing the condition and situation of both captives, Arco steps back outside and to his right (toward the center of the compound). Staying against the hut he stops when he can see the watchtower and shoots a fire bolt at the guard.

Whatever move he has left he'll use to go back inside.

Attack [roll0] + bless [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Arco approaches the captives sand whispers urgently, "We're here to rescue you, be as quiet as possible."

He takes out his vial of acid and begins doing his best to break them free without harming them.

2017-10-07, 09:03 PM
Karn looks at the guards, quickly searching through their belongings to find anything of value. Mainly searching for the keys to the shackles that the captives are held into place with. Rushing over to them and wanting to free them from their bonds.

"Hurry, we don't have much time now."

Ooc: posting from phone so I couldn't use the color for speech. But if he can't find keys he'll try to bash the bonds with his Morningstar unless someone else has a way to unlock or break them free. The idea is that karn will take them over his shoulders and start to book it out of there with the few seconds head start their going to get now that stuffs getting nuts.

2017-10-08, 01:57 AM
Karn's search turns up no keys. He does find a gold ring with a cracked gemstone, as well as the armaments of the guards: one club and two handaxes.

When Karn steps inside the hut sees the two increasingly-confused captives. Their shackles have no locks; it looks like the links connecting their chains to the ring in the stone were simply bent open and closed again. Someone could attempt to force them open by hand or with tools, or they could simply bash the chains apart.

2017-10-08, 02:52 AM
Grovski try to stay away from the watch tower sight as he incite in silence to stay behind the hut they are hiding behind and wait for a signal for the others who are inside.

Better stay ready and not move in those clanky armor of them if they can help it...

(By staying hidden, we wont trigger the watchtower by not making a sound now that the guards are dead... hopefully. If the acid work, we might not need to create a disavantagous stealth situation... even if we are far away from the watchtower. )

2017-10-08, 02:59 AM
OOC: So this post is basically null and void with the OOC conversation as he is waiting for Arco to acid the chains and then grab the woman to run.

Karn will attempt to force them open as he whispers to the captives.

"We are here to save you and get you home."

He will motion towards Arco who is the only other one here with him.

"Hurry, help me pry these open."

Ooc: Maybe athletics to attempt to pry them open?

Hopefully with advantage if Arco helps?

2017-10-09, 03:45 AM
Arco's acid makes short work of the chains holding down the boy. As soon as he is free, the boy removes his gag and runs over to his mother. The chains that remain clasped on him jangle loudly.

2017-10-09, 12:05 PM
Hardis, relieved to find the family alive offers a silent pray of thanks to Tymora for their good fortune and for the bold actions of Arco.

He looks the two of them over and sees which of the two of them is worse off. He'll lay his hand on the back of that person and hums a gentle elven tune to aid his casting as he tries to aleaviate some of thier suffering.

Hardis will cast a lvl 1 healing word on the worse looking of the two if he feels it would help them. If they don't look like they'll benefit from it he'll store the spell slot away.


2017-10-09, 12:16 PM
"We must be quiet and we must leave now. Duff, would you like a piggy back ride?"

Talking only for now, but persuasion if/when needed at +5.

2017-10-09, 09:49 PM
Karn seeing Arco free the boy will approach the mother to attempt to free her while trying to speak to the boy to calm him down.

"You need to be quiet. We are here to help and you need to help us too."

Karn leans to the boy to whisper.
"Be strong for your mother."

After speaking to the boy now he attempts to break the chains.
Strength check: [roll0]

2017-10-09, 10:48 PM
Perception check for the watchorc: [roll0]

The watchorc, high in his tower, fails to notice the commotion down below.

Duff looks afraid, but when he hears Arco say his name, he seems more comfortable. Evelyn mumbles some words of assurance through her gag.

Meanwhile, Karn attempts to pull the iron ring open, but it resists his attempt this time.

2017-10-10, 11:04 AM
While Karn reaches down to pull the iron ring open Hardis leans in and encourages him in a hushed tone.

"You're the best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down. You're the Best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down, Karn"

Words have a power all their own and Hardis was hoping that his would give his friend strength


2017-10-10, 02:48 PM
Hardis's stirring words give Karn a confidenct boost, and Karn wrenches the link open. Both prisoners are now free to move.

Evelyn stands and whispersThank you, friends. What's next in the plan?

2017-10-10, 04:31 PM
Arco looks around the hut to see if there's anything he can use to wrap around the chains that remain attached to the pair to muffle them, "We leave the compound the same way we came in, hopefully without being noticed. The sooner the better, lets go now."

If he can't find anything inside, he'll try to salvage something from the dead guards. If nothing else, he'll rip some of his clothes to use.

2017-10-10, 06:05 PM
Arco is able to find some material on the dead orcs which would be suitable for the job.

Evelyn and Duff no longer have automatic disadvantage on stealth checks.

2017-10-10, 07:10 PM
Ooc: seems they're capable of moving on their own then so we don't have to carry them?

Ic: Karn managed to pull the chains free, grunting with exertion with the inspiration help from Hardis. Glancing outside he speaks quietly.
"We should get moving. I don't fancy slugging our way out fully."

2017-10-11, 09:32 AM
Arco looks at Karn and Hardis, "It might buy us more time if you drag those two corpses inside."

He leads the way out, moving directly toward where the others wait, then directly toward the broken wall.

2017-10-11, 02:40 PM
Agreed lets get them in here.

After hardis helps get the body in the tent he'll head out with Arco, Karn, and the family

2017-10-12, 11:41 PM
As the bodies are dragged into the tent Hardis as a look at the more burly intimidating one.

He hums an elven lullaby as he casts his magic to look like the orc guard.

Once properly disguised he'll step outside and assume the guards post. Hardis will think back to how he had observed the orcs acting before hand. Sleepy and tired. He then adopts that body laungage while standing outside.

2017-10-16, 03:10 AM
The party, including the freed captives and lead by Arco, make their way to the collapsed section of the wall.

The ruse seems to have worked. Once the everyone else is over, Hardis abandons his post and follows them.

The party retraces their steps through the forest and make it back to the cart just before sunrise. By midmorning, they are back in Orlane proper. Duff and Evelyn sit in the cart, the boy leaning against his mother fast asleep.

2017-10-16, 07:12 AM
We should go directly to the inn and reunite the family. Arco wants to get to his bed as soon as possible.

2017-10-16, 07:30 AM
We should go directly to the inn and reunite the family. Arco wants to get to his bed as soon as possible.

Its the same for Grovski. While he is happy for their reunion, he want to sleep the morning away.

2017-10-16, 10:31 AM
Hardis is excited to sleep as well. He places his head back and lets it lean wherever it will. He's happy that they were able to do some good.

He had seen enough of the world and been on enough jobs to know that they didn't' always end as happy as this one

He allows himself a wary smile and offers thanks to Tymora that at least this one ended well.

2017-10-16, 09:07 PM
In ground floor of the inn is empty, which makes it only slightly less lively than the night before. Once awakened, Duff runs up the stairs, and Evelyn hurries after him. The noise summons Bertrand the innkeeper, who watches their ascension with astonished relief. "I didn't believe I would ever see them alive again. Thank you for bringing them back. Would any of you like some breakfast on the house?"

2017-10-16, 09:16 PM
Hardis meets Bertrand with a tired smile as he sets his gear down in front of the bar

Yes, that would be divine

Hardis starts telling the tale of the rescue as Bertrand is cooking and serving

2017-10-17, 03:38 AM
Karn smiles as the woman and boy run into the inn ahead of them. It was well worth the risk that they took to save their lives. To see them walk back into their home town was everything he had hoped it would be. The trip was short enough to make and the payout ten fold. Karn finds happiness in the fact that someone else's family was saved that day but a tinge of sadness hits him slightly when he sits down at the bar and the bartender offers food.

"An ale for me as well. Food before sleep would be wonderful too."

2017-10-17, 03:51 AM
Bertrand prepares some bacon and wheat porridge while listening to Hardis's tale. "So those orcs are still out there? I hope they don't trouble us further." He serves the food and drink to anyone who wants it.

2017-10-17, 04:37 AM
As he's about to head upstairs to his room, Arco hears the word breakfast and his stomach growling at the same time. Reluctantly, with more than a few yawns, he joins the others for a brief meal. In reply to Bertrand he mutters, "I fear they will, sooner or later. But at least that family is safe, for now, and reunited."

Turning a weary face to his companions he adds, "With such a late start, this day must be mostly dedicated to sleep for me. The rest will be occupied by my work on that wine. I must also find a way to locate a small diamond sometime soon, as component for a spell. So if any of you go out into town today, ask around for me, will you?"

2017-10-17, 12:24 PM
Since everyone is taking breakfast first, Grovski will do the same. before sleeping most of the day.

2017-10-17, 12:51 PM
While eating breakfast Hardis remembers his interaction with the guard captain and decides that it's probably a good idea to try and smooth things over.

Hey Bertrand, I have a question for you. Would you happen to know the watch captain Grover at all? I had a bit of unfortunate run in with him. I was just overtaken with concern for getting the family back safe and sound I fear I ruffled his feathers a bit. Do you know what kind of drink he prefers? I want to extend a olive branch so to speak.

2017-10-17, 11:35 PM
As they are sitting eating, karn heard mention of a diamond being needed by arco. Snapping him out of his daydream thoughts of home, he digs into his pocket and pulls out the ring he found presenting it to arco.
"Will this suffice?"

2017-10-18, 12:16 AM
Arco inspects the ring, "Whatever this is worth, we shall split the value equitably. If the gemstone is what I need I shall compensate each of you for your fair share."

2017-10-18, 03:46 AM
Hey Bertrand, I have a question for you. Would you happen to know the watch captain Grover at all? I had a bit of unfortunate run in with him. I was just overtaken with concern for getting the family back safe and sound I fear I ruffled his feathers a bit. Do you know what kind of drink he prefers? I want to extend a olive branch so to speak.

Bertrand scratches the back of his head. "He's usually here in the late afternoon. If you want to buy a firkin of ale for him (2gp), I could keep it here and tell him it's from you. Or you could take it with you and give it to him yourself."

Arco inspects the ring, "Whatever this is worth, we shall split the value equitably. If the gemstone is what I need I shall compensate each of you for your fair share."

In better light, what Karn thought was a crack turns out to be an intricate design etched into the surface of the stone. The image is of an oak tree.

2017-10-18, 11:55 AM
Hardis takes out two gold coins and hands them to Bertrand. "Done, and done. Here you know what tell him it came from me he should have my card but just in case let me add a little personal touch to this."

Hardis then takes out a piece of paper from his pack and his ink set. He draws a little image of a cat and the words "I'm sorry" on the outside. On the inside he scetches out a self portrait so that Grover remembers who its from and encloses a polite apology with hopes that they can be better friends in the future.

Hardis will then hand the note to Bertrand and say "Make sure he gets this as well"


2017-10-18, 04:48 PM
Bertrand takes the card, and Hardis takes a look at the ring.

Intelligence (history): [roll0]

Hardis recalls seeing this symbol in an ancient codex when researching Arjano prior to traveling. The oak tree was the personal seal of the head elder of the commune.

2017-10-19, 12:20 AM
After finishing eating and drinking a few pints, Karn wishes to sleep. He retires to a room for the evening as they have had a successful day.

2017-10-19, 04:06 AM
Using prestidigitation, Arco adds the flavor of cinnamon to his porridge, "The ring is worth about 75 gold pieces, so 15 each*. I don't have quite enough to pay you each the full amount right now, but I'll give most of what I have for now and pay the rest later."

*If we're counting Father Pyrestein, although Bogard is leaving us.

2017-10-19, 10:42 AM
As Arco makes the offer to the group Hardis has a closer look at the ring.

"Wait is that an Oak? Yeah I remember seeing that symbol in a codex I was looking through before we left.

That's the sigil of the personal seal of the head elder of the druidic commune! What were orcs doing with it?"

Hardis will take out his notebook and scetch down the design and make several notes about it.

"That could be useful for helping our investigation of the Arjano! Arco do you sense anything from it? Does it feel magical to you in anyway?"

I'd like to do a arcana check to see if I know if there could be anything overly magical about this thing, please.

Alternatively, I could aid Arco in a arcana check to get advantage.

2017-10-19, 01:29 PM
Arco concentrates on the ring to determine if any magic is present within.

"Really? Well, that's a very good question. What else do you know about these druids? Could this also be connected with the rumored insane druid living nearby who's enchanting an army of townspeople for some foul purpose?"

He has +3 on arcana checks, so maybe he should aid Hardis.

2017-10-19, 04:43 PM
The two half-elves, combining their efforts to make one full elf, perform the ritual to detect magic on the ring.

Hardis makes an Intelligence (arcana) check, with assistance from Arco. [roll0], [roll1]

The ring has transmutation magic. Specifically, it seems to have a modified version of Knock, that suppresses Arcane Lock on specific doors.

2017-10-19, 05:12 PM
Hardis relays the pair's findings.

"So, it's a key. Interesting. This is a great find."

2017-10-20, 03:18 AM
Arco nods, "Indeed, this could well prove useful in more than one way. I think it's best if we keep it out of sight in general."

Unless soneone objects he places it in a pouch, "If there's nothing else, I'm ready for bed."

2017-10-21, 01:15 PM
Everyone retires to their respective rooms and has a well-earned rest.

It's midafternoon when everyone wakes.

2017-10-21, 06:15 PM
Awakening so late, Arco anticipates a short day ahead. So he casts his customary Mage Armor spell without extending it.

He tries to find Finley and family with the intention of inquiring about any details that Evey or Duff can provide about the orcs.

He also wants to talk to his uncle. If he doesn't see him by the time he goes to the common room he'll ask Bertrand, "Have you seen my Uncle Robert today?

As he enjoys a hearty meal, during which he shares anything he learned with his companions, he adds, "I think that if this mad druid exists, he may have been connected with the Arjano commune."

He then retires to his room to begin analyzing the wine.

2017-10-22, 09:09 PM
Karn finds himself meandering down to grab something to eat, his mind filled with questions of concern. Today he doesn't want to put it off at all but rather get to it quickly. Eating without much hesitation and downing a ale to begin his day. Karn gathers his gear and checks it over before wishing to go visit Margaret. Her disappearance without any idea of what happened is concerning, but what's more concerning is her return and attitude change. The way the barmaid was saying it made it seem as though she appeared to be radically different in personality.

2017-10-23, 02:46 AM
Awakening so late, Arco anticipates a short day ahead. So he casts his customary Mage Armor spell without extending it.

He tries to find Finley and family with the intention of inquiring about any details that Evey or Duff can provide about the orcs.

Duff is not interested in discussing his ordeal, and is content with laying in bed next to Finley. Evelyn agrees to talk in the hallway.

"They attacked us early in the morning. I was out collecting mushrooms in the forest when I heard them coming. They were making a lot of noise, howling and blowing their horns. I ran back to the house and told Finley what was going on. He got us all inside and we set up some barricades. The country around the house has always been safe, but we always kept some weapons around in case the worst should happen. Eventually they made it to the house and before long they had battered the door down and they were up the loft. That's the last thing I remember before waking up in that hut.

I'm not sure how long passed while held prisoner. I heard them talking about, but I couldn't understand any of it. Some of them came in and threatened to kill us - I think they wanted to eat us - but a short one wouldn't let them. I think he was a priest or something. He kept telling them to wait. I don't know why.

Is there anything specific you wanted to know?"

He also wants to talk to his uncle. If he doesn't see him by the time he goes to the common room he'll ask Bertrand, "Have you seen my Uncle Robert today?

Bertrand replies, "Yes, I believe he left late in the morning to deliver his wares to the various buyers around town. You should have seen his face when I told him where you went off it. He went pale as a ghost."

2017-10-23, 03:04 AM
Grovski: " Arco, I'll come with you. Not sure how I can help but we should'nt move on our own."

Once inside the room: " Look, I didn't have time to share this with the others but I heard that people in Orlane are being kidnapped and replaced. You can identify the changelings by the fang marks in their necks. At least that's the rumor. Zackary Ormond, the mayor of this place, is a old friend of my parents. Talking to him might solve some question you have."

2017-10-23, 12:15 PM
Hardis woke around the same time as the others and came down to join the group eating their meals.

He ate while reviewing notes he had joted down in his journal looking over what they knew so far about the town.

His notebook was somewhat of a roadmap of his adventures and it was well worn to say the least. It even included a puncture on the front which had saved his life when a knife was thrown at him.

Hardis thinks over what Arco had said before he left to retire back to his room. It was entirely likely that the druid was connected to the commune, which had been Hardis' working theory. The ring that they had found would be important but it was only one clue. They would need more.

Hardis finsihes his meal, closes his journal, and then prepares his pipe will he thinks things over. The tobacco that he packed in was of a good quality but nothing special still it helped to keep his hands busy doing something.

Hardis eventually leaves with Karn when he leaves. While he had a keen interest in finding the commune of the Arjano he wanted to make sure the Karn was taken helped. The two had developed somewhat of a back and forth over their time together and the secrets of the Arjano would keep for another day.

2017-10-24, 11:31 AM
Duff is not interested in discussing his ordeal, and is content with laying in bed next to Finley. Evelyn agrees to talk in the hallway.

"They attacked us early in the morning. I was out collecting mushrooms in the forest when I heard them coming. They were making a lot of noise, howling and blowing their horns. I ran back to the house and told Finley what was going on. He got us all inside and we set up some barricades. The country around the house has always been safe, but we always kept some weapons around in case the worst should happen. Eventually they made it to the house and before long they had battered the door down and they were up the loft. That's the last thing I remember before waking up in that hut.

I'm not sure how long passed while held prisoner. I heard them talking about, but I couldn't understand any of it. Some of them came in and threatened to kill us - I think they wanted to eat us - but a short one wouldn't let them. I think he was a priest or something. He kept telling them to wait. I don't know why.

Is there anything specific you wanted to know?"

"What else can you tell me about this short one? Is he an orc as well? What was he wearing? Was he carrying anything of note?"

Bertrand replies, "Yes, I believe he left late in the morning to deliver his wares to the various buyers around town. You should have seen his face when I told him where you went off it. He went pale as a ghost."

Arco sighs softly, then replies, "Well, I suppose I should let him know I'm safe, but I really don't want to disrupt his business. I'll begin analyzing that wine for you. If he should return here before I'm finished please inform him I'm in my room."

Grovski: " Arco, I'll come with you. Not sure how I can help but we should'nt move on our own."

Once inside the room: " Look, I didn't have time to share this with the others but I heard that people in Orlane are being kidnapped and replaced. You can identify the changelings by the fang marks in their necks. At least that's the rumor. Zackary Ormond, the mayor of this place, is a old friend of my parents. Talking to him might solve some question you have."

Arco smiles, "Thank you Grovski, and I agree about not going out alone. But I have no intention of leaving the inn again until I finish analyzing that wine. I think you three should stick together. If you need me come back to get me, I'll be glad to help however I can. I also think you should tell them all this changeling and bite mark rumor."

He also shares everything he learned about the orcs from Evelyn.

2017-10-24, 03:20 PM
"What else can you tell me about this short one? Is he an orc as well? What was he wearing? Was he carrying anything of note?"

"He was an orc, I'm sure. He was covered in white paint, and he carried a spear that had dead animals hanging from it - mice, birds, just small things. Sometimes his voice sounded like thunder inside a cave. Most of the time he was next to a she-orc who seemed to be the toughest fighter."

2017-10-27, 02:55 AM
"He was an orc, I'm sure. He was covered in white paint, and he carried a spear that had dead animals hanging from it - mice, birds, just small things. Sometimes his voice sounded like thunder inside a cave. Most of the time he was next to a she-orc who seemed to be the toughest fighter."

"Were those two at your house with the others?"

After the answer to that, Arco adds in an empathic, very friendly yet sincerely concerned tone, "Do you think Duff will be ok? Will you three be staying here a while?

2017-10-27, 06:17 AM
"Were those two at your house with the others?"

After the answer to that, Arco adds in an empathic, very friendly yet sincerely concerned tone, "Do you think Duff will be ok? Will you three be staying here a while?

"The short one was at the attack. I'm not sure about the others.

Duff is frightened and doesn't want to leave the bed. I'm sure he will move past this, gods willing. The priestess came to visit and prayed a blessing on him. We'll stay here for a while longer. Finley and Bertrand are old friends, and he said we could stay as long as we like."

Karn and Hardis

Karn follows the directions provided by the bar maid. True to her advice, Karn could smell the farm before he could see it. The farm has a modest homestead, a large barn, and several animal pens containing a small number of swine. A man is working on repairing fences, and the sounds of cooking can be heard from inside the homestead.

2017-10-27, 07:05 AM
Karn's nose wrinkles slightly as they get closer...pig farm's always smelled interesting to say the least. Seeing the man doing work outside, he guessed that would be the best place to start. He approached the man and spoke in a happy tone. Karn actually was in a good mood due to them having been successful rescuing the family.
"Hello there sir. How do you fair on this fine morning? I do hope you don't mind the random visit but I am here looking for Margaret Ellsyn. It has been a while since I last saw her."

2017-10-27, 08:58 AM
Grovski nods and try to go back to the others...

(do I need to roll for it?)

2017-10-27, 03:00 PM
Karn, Grovski, Hardis

The man stops working and looks at the trio with a blank expression. "She's in the kitchen," he says flatly. "Who are you?"

2017-10-30, 09:24 AM
He smiles, trying his best to appear pleasant as He is not trying to cause any issues.

"My name is Karn, I'm married to Margarets sister."

He reaches his hand out for a handshake and thinks for a moment. He thought he had met this man previously and wonders if he doesn't recognize Karn or forgot him perhaps.

2017-10-30, 06:15 PM
Grovski follow but don't like the smell of a farm. He try to not show it however. he keep his mouth shut however.

2017-10-30, 08:12 PM
The man looks Karn in the eye with a blank expression. He doesn't seem to notice the extended hand or Karn's companions. "Oh. I'm Sven." He doesn't resume working.

2017-10-31, 02:58 AM
"The short one was at the attack. I'm not sure about the others.

Duff is frightened and doesn't want to leave the bed. I'm sure he will move past this, gods willing. The priestess came to visit and prayed a blessing on him. We'll stay here for a while longer. Finley and Bertrand are old friends, and he said we could stay as long as we like."

Arco smiles warmly at her, "Then we'll be neighbors, at least for a short while. I'm here primarily because I heard there may be an opportunity in Orlane for an alchemist to ply his trade honorably. My uncle is a caravan master who's been here before, but not for some time."

He lowers his voice and adds, "When I began to check out more about Orlane I heard other, far more disturbing things, about this town and the surrounding area. This only deepened my desire to come here. My campanions and I each have one or more reasons to be here, only a few of which coincide. But we all seem to share a common interest in seeking to find out more about Orlane and what troubles there may be here, then help where we can."

Then he bows his head slightly before intoning positively, "If things work out as I hope, I may make Orlane my home. But I've kept you from your family far too long already, so I bid you well. Let's talk again soon, I'd love to hear more about your family's history and experiences here, and share mine if you're interested."

2017-10-31, 12:14 PM
"Hello Sven."
Karn lowers his hand, realizing he hadn't met him before. But still...this was strange behavior.

"If it's entirely alright, I'd love to speak with her."
Karn won't wait for an answer. If one of the rumors are true...perhaps Sven isn't actually Sven anymore. Karn will motion for the others to follow him as he walks around Sven and heads towards the house.

2017-10-31, 12:34 PM
Nice to meet you Sven. Hardis pulls out one of his business cards, smiles, and tries to hand it to Sven "I'm Hardis investor, entrepreneur, and all around renaisance man."

When the man doesn't take the card Hardis will just kinda awkwardly tuck it into his shirt or pocket and give it a pat as if to say "there you go".

Hardis takes Karns lead making his way up to the house.

if Sven tries to stop Karn Hardis will run interference trying to fast talk and distract him

2017-10-31, 01:30 PM
Sven continues to look in the direction of the party as they depart. The group enters the homestead, and the smell of rustic cuisine partially masks the smell of the pigs. Margaret is standing at the kitchen table, kneading some dough. She looks up, starts, and then smiles. "Oh, I wasn't expecting visitors. Are you here to help Sven fix the fences? Would you like some soup?"

Although Karn hes never met Sven until now, he has met Margaret in person several times.

2017-10-31, 01:43 PM
So she is completely not doing any sort of recognition right now? Like she doesn't seem to recognize Karn?

"Hello Margaret. It's been a little while."
Karn attempts his best smile. He has news for her...that he doesn't wish to tell her. But...something about her is off. She doesn't seem to react to his presence at all. She would usually greet him with a warm smile and a gentle hug but this...complete disregard as if...

Karn's thinking that the rumors may be more than just rumors now.

2017-10-31, 03:19 PM
So she is completely not doing any sort of recognition right now? Like she doesn't seem to recognize Karn?
Correct. They had a good relationship when he knew her, but there's no evidence of recognition.

2017-11-01, 12:15 AM
Grovski try to spot a mark on their neck, like the rumors have told him...

2017-11-01, 04:15 AM
Grovski does not see any marks on Margaret's neck, but he does notice red friction burns around her wrists.

2017-11-01, 03:40 PM
Hardis is observing both Sven and Margaret. He takes note of body laungage, how they both don't seem to recognize Karn even though he seems to think they should.

He tries to remember anything from his travels or studies that could explain their behavior. He also tries to imagine a method to narrow down what could be wrong with them.

hoping for like a arcana check or investigation/ knowledge check. I'm hoping that having direct observations and first hand contact will help Hardis narrow down what this could be.

2017-11-04, 07:32 PM
As far as Hardis can tell, Margaret's behavior is entirely sincere. There are a number of things that might cause a loss of memory. Some examples that come to mind:

Head injury
Some illmesses that debilitate the mind and body.
Memory alternation magic
Charming magic

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to rule out any of these just based on a casual interaction, although she doesn't show any obvious sign of physical trauma to the head.

Margaret blinks a few times, and then breaks into a bigger smile. "Karn! I'm so glad you've come! It's been ages. Have you brought your wife with you?" She steps around to table and gives Karn a hug, leaving flour handprints on his back.

2017-11-04, 08:24 PM
... Red friction burns on her wrists? Why both of her wrists and only her wrists...

His first idea is shackles. But she seem to be free now, even if she clearly don't seem to remember things she should.

He ponder all that with a frown. He is not sure if he should ask where are those weird burns are from. Maybe its not shackles but some kind of allergy from wearning jellewleries?

She dont seem like the type to wear such trinkets... And why on both wrist then? Would that be a fashion trend he is not aware about?

He is lost in thought, realizing his first idea might have being too out-there. Their must be a more logical explination for this weird behavior and... those marks.

2017-11-05, 02:04 PM
Her sudden recollection of him does confuse him slightly while he returns the hug. Something wasn't right with this situation. He smiled warmly at her "Well I actually....need to ask you something first. What..."

He slightly struggles to find the words necessary to out his thought out there in a manner that doesn't come off wrong.

"I have an odd question for you that I need to ask first. What is your sisters name?"

He spoke a little quickly. He needed to know how bad that bout of forgetfulness affected her. If she remembered that. Karns wife and her sister were the same person good....if she only remembered her Sisters name okay...if she didn't remember any of that it would be a bigger problem.

2017-11-06, 04:25 AM
Margaret's eyes look in the direction of Karn -but not at him- for a few moments. Just before it becomes awkward enough for Karn to want to say something, she smiles again. "It's Yayanna, of course. Silly me. I must be stressed from cleaning up the farm."

2017-11-06, 11:39 AM
Hardis can tell there is something off about these people and while he knows several things that could explain it there just isn't enough known yet.

While Karn is interacting with Margaret Hardis is listening to their conversation but he also takes a look around the house for anything that might be off or out off place.

is there anything in the house that looks strange? Like is she making a pretend soup or anything in the house that might be out of place?

2017-11-08, 02:51 AM
Intelligence (investigation) check by Harids, with disadvantage: [roll0] [roll1]

Almost everything around the house looks normal and lived-in. The only thing out of place he spots in on Margaret's hand: while a married woman in this area would normally wear a wedding band around her wrist, she has none, although she does have a tan line suggesting she wore one until recently.

2017-11-08, 06:32 AM
Grovski cough: " Humm, should we stay any longer? I thought you only wanted to meet old friends but being shackled here won't lead us anywhere, isn't it? We still have the mayor to see... "

He try to be subtle about but he sensed if they poked around for too much, he feared to give them a bad feeling. He wanted to get away and regroup. Something didn't feel right about that woman but except from the clue he saw, he couldn't put in his finger on it on what else exactly.

2017-11-08, 01:42 PM
Oh well let's not be rude Grovski.

Margaret, thank you for welcoming us into your home first off. Secondly I can't help but notice your wedding band is missing. How did that happen? It happened recently yes? If we can help you find it we'd be happy to help.

Hardis is trying to draw the groups attention to the detail he found as well as get Margaret to maybe trip over her words.

Tanlines on the wrist where the wedding band should be tells me that it's most likely not a replicant or clone or something, right?

2017-11-09, 07:39 PM
Margaret looks down at her wrist in silence. After a moment's thought, she looks up with a smile. "We had a spiritual experience, so we've rid ourselves of our worldly wealth and symbols of vanity. Sven and I are united by love, not pieces of metal."

2017-11-11, 10:50 PM
Karn still feels uneasy about the situation. Her looking not in his direction was definitely off. She always was extremely nice towards him. Others would resent him for being a half-orc but she always made him feel welcome with everything that she did. Her general attitude and personality right now seemed to not match up perfectly but be close enough to be a pass. The rest of this conversation needed to happen away from here.

"Margaret I can see that you are busy and to be honest my friends and I are as well today. Perhaps we could come back tomorrow for dinner and catch up properly?"

Karn goes in for a hug as he finishes with a warm smile. Hoping the others would catch on that it would be best to not dwell here currently.

2017-11-13, 12:19 PM
Okay, come back to see us some time, she says cherrfully, leaving another pair of flour handprints on Karn's back.

2017-11-13, 01:18 PM
Once they are out, Grovski point out the flour imprint on the guy back and try to remove them with hios hands.

Once they are out of ears reach from those they interrogated, he point out his suspicions about the marks on her wrists.

2017-11-15, 07:04 PM
"Something was definitely not right. I had something I need to tell her...but it has to wait until I'm sure she's all her. She needs to know and remember. Something might be wrong with her memory."

Karn was wracking his brain trying to figure it out but there would be not much experience to draw on for himself to remember anything similar. His magic and odd things such as this experiences are rather limited. He would hope that maybe Arco would have some light to shed on it after telling him about what they saw. The only other thing he could think of would be to come back later and ask her where they had this experience at to maybe track down some clues there.

2017-11-17, 02:58 AM
On his way out, Hardis asks Margaret about her spiritual change. "You should speak to Father Abramo," she says. "He used to be the priest in town before he retired and Misha took over. Now he just helps people shed their worldly burdens and get in touch with their spiritual side. He's a very wise man. He usually stays at the temple, if you want to speak with him."

2017-11-21, 08:45 PM
Grovski sigh or relief when they leave the farm. He nods to Margaret: " Sound like a good plan. What dob you think you guys? "

2017-11-22, 01:16 PM
Hardis thanks Margaret for her time and leaves with a cordial bow.

"Yes, I feel like we most definitely need to investigate this priest more. Right now they are our best lead into why people are acting strangely. There are a number of things that I know of that can change someones personality to change. Dogglegangers, magicial suggestions, and more mundane techniques as well.

We should regroup with the others and look into this further."

2017-11-24, 12:37 AM
Karn will head back to the inn with the others to regroup. They needed to figure out their next step.

(Not sure if that's what we were waiting for or if we're waiting for something else so figured I'd just toss this up quick)

2017-11-24, 12:46 PM
Inside the Golden Grain Inn, Arco is slowly enjoying an ale and chatting with Bertrand (and possibly others), "So tell me what happened to the Foaming Mug."

2017-11-25, 03:33 AM
"Oh, you heard about that? I was out of town that night, so most of what I can tell you is second-hand."

The others are walking inside as Bertrand begins the tale. "That was a terrible night. The Mug was an old inn owned by a Mr. and Mrs. Willard. They were a nice couple, and their brews were decent - but not as good as mine, you understand, but decent. It was about a year ago, on a dark and stormy night. The Mug was closed and shuttered up, from what I hear. Belba Clefton-" Arco remembers this as the name of the winemaker "-was strolling by when he heard the sounds of a struggle. He said he saw some figures crawling into the Mug from the top windows. So he runs to the center of town raising a great ruckus, sounding the alarm, and the good citizens of the town grabbed their pitchforks and hoes and such and went to the Willards' defense.

"There was a great fight, but most people couldn't even see who the intruders were, it was so dark, you understand. The only detail everyone could agree on was the wretched smell that seemed to come from the intruders. Well at some point someone must have knocked over the lantern 'cause soon the whole place was on fire, and the Mug being such an old building, it didn't last long.

Both of the Willards died, along with both of the Cleftons' grown sons. Gwen -she's one of my serving girls- and her brother were orphaned on that night too.So much death in one night, and we aren't even sure what did it, although personally I think it was orcs - maybe even the same ones you went after this morning. It was the attack on the Mug that inspired Mayor Zackary to organize a town guard.

Rebuild? No, the most people avoid the place. Some say the smell from the attack still lingers, or that the property is cursed. It's just as well; with trade dropping off, we don't really need a second inn in town, you understand. "

2017-11-26, 10:43 AM
After greeting his companions with a simple nod, Arco becomes spellbound by the tale. Visions of the night flow through his imagination as he listens intently to Bertrand. He instantly concludes that more needs to be known about Belba Clefton, Gwen, and her brother.

With a shrug he smiles at Bertrand and says, "Orcs aren't well known for stealthy attacks, I doubt it was them. Still, interesting that it became the impetus for the Mayor to establish a city watch. Anybody ever talk about rebuilding it?"

He looks around the faces of his companions and adds, "More people to speak with, and the list of topics to discuss continues to grow. I have some hours before the process of analysis is complete on the wine, and the rest needs no supervision."

Focusing on Karn, he asks, "How was your visit to the friends of the family?"

2017-11-28, 02:20 PM
Karn listens to the tale of the Mug as it had been referred to as. Apparently more to this town is happening than is what is being told...and a lot is being told. They seemed to arrive at a time when the town could be close to unraveling at the seems. He hoped that his past issues would be not plague him while they were here, they picked up enough to deal with for now.

"It was interesting to say the least." Karn starts as he takes a swig of the ale in front of him.

"Sven, the husband, was blank as if speaking and acting only from memory not to what was in front of him. Margaret, my sister-in-law, didn't seem to recognize me at first but gave a shake and then knew who I was. Also took her a minute to react to me asking her the name of her sister. She....she just seemed off from last I saw her is the best way I could put it."

2017-11-28, 04:34 PM
Karn listens to the tale of the Mug as it had been referred to as. Apparently more to this town is happening than is what is being told...and a lot is being told. They seemed to arrive at a time when the town could be close to unraveling at the seems. He hoped that his past issues would be not plague him while they were here, they picked up enough to deal with for now.

"It was interesting to say the least." Karn starts as he takes a swig of the ale in front of him.

"Sven, the husband, was blank as if speaking and acting only from memory not to what was in front of him. Margaret, my sister-in-law, didn't seem to recognize me at first but gave a shake and then knew who I was. Also took her a minute to react to me asking her the name of her sister. She....she just seemed off from last I saw her is the best way I could put it."

Arco listens intently as each word spoken by Karn deepens a slight frown into a scowl, "Sounds like there could be magical influence afoot." He lowers his voice so that only his companions can hear and adds, "Enchanting magic specifically, charm spell of some kind most likely. Another clue to the veracity of this mad druid."

He drinks the remainder of his mug and shrugs, "I've got a few hours free, so what next? Temple, Mayor, somewhere else?"

2017-11-30, 02:43 AM
Grovski step in: " The mayor is Zackary Ormond if my informations are correct. It's a knight who was friends with my parents. Maybe he could have answers for us? "

2017-12-04, 12:39 AM
With no objections, the group makes its way to the mayor's house. It isn't hard to find, being the largest house in the village and perched on a hill overlooking the lake. The house is in excellent repair and has been recently whitewashed. Well-manicured rose bushes grow in front of the raised and covered porch on the front side of the house. The party approached the front door and Grovski makes use of the heavy iron knocker. A tall, bald butler with broad shoulders opens the door.

"Good day, gentlemen. Do you wish to visit with Mayor Ormond?"

2017-12-04, 04:22 AM
Anybody ever talk about rebuilding it?"

This was never answered when Arco asked Bertrand about the Foaming Mug.

2017-12-09, 10:06 PM
Grovski step foward: " Yes, we came to see him. Is that possible? "

2017-12-12, 04:28 AM
"Of course. Please follow me." The butler leads the party into a spacious parlor and bids them sit. "Wait here if you please, and I will tell Mayor Ormond of your arrival." As he leaves, Grovski notes that his movements betray him as a fighting man.

A few minutes later, a bald, smiling man with mustache and mutton chops enters the room. "Grovski! Last time I saw you, you were barely up to my shoulder, and not here I am looking up at you! What brings you to these parts?"

2017-12-14, 10:58 AM
Grovski laugh: " Childrens don't go shrinking with age after all. Im a adventurer now, like my parents was. But... We came here on official business..."

He first told him about the orcs... and our suspicion about the alchool.

" ... And we came to you, hoping you would have a answer about a other phenomenon. Just as a precaution... At what age did you saw me last as a kid? You remember how old I was? "

OCC: If he answer correctly, I'll tell him about this doppleganger problems

2017-12-17, 03:20 AM
"You have indeed come in dark times," the mayor says gravely. "All of that about the wine being made from the blood of children is nonsense, of course. The Clefton's are friends of mine, and I am sure they would never harm a child. But there is something to the rest of what you're saying. This is the first I've heard of orcs, but creatures from the swamp -you know, crocodiles, large snakes, and stirges- have been prowling around the homesteads around the outskirts of town. We've never known them to leave the swamp. I've heard talk about a druid; I suspect that he might be seeking revenge for the people of Orlane displacing an old commune.

"I'm also pretty sure that the temple is involved somehow. Abramo, who used to be our priest, started going senile, and this new priestess Misha who replaced him...there's just something I don't like about her. Often when people disappear for a week, if they come back at all they say they've had some kind of spiritual awakening. Misha won't tell me anything about it, she just tells me that's Abramo's thing, and you can't make any sense out of what he says. I wanted to arrest her, but Grover -you've met the captain of the militia, right?- Grover says that we shouldn't make that move until we have some concrete proof, and I trust his judgement.

"I can't make heads nor tails of this. Even if it is the temple, I don't see how they would be working with the druid, or what it has to do with the swamp. Maybe you've come at the right time after all. Would you be willing to investigate a little more and see what you can uncover?"

Grovski asks the question about his age. "Oh, I remember the last day I saw you. It was your 15th birthday, and your parents were just sending you out on your first solo quest, as a coming-of-age tradition. You were being sent off to recover a merchant's stolen property from bandits. I was almost as proud of you as your parents. It was a shame that I was reassigned before you came back. I heard you did very well." This answer is consistent with the truth, so Grovski shares the information about the dopplegangers. "I very much hope that you're wrong about that. Not knowing who your friends are...just the thought makes me despair."

2017-12-19, 03:43 AM
Karn listens closely to what the mayor has to say about everything going on and what he knows of the situations.

"I think we could afford to look into the problems...at least the doppleganger to start. I personally have family here that I want to get to the bottom of what happened to them,
if they really are them or not. This potential of them being a doppleganger and unknown of their whereabouts then I definitely feel the need to investigate. Perhaps looking into that, this new priest and old priest might reveal further information about the rest of the happenings."

2017-12-24, 10:16 PM
Arco had been quietly assessing the mayor and his interaction with others. He speaks up, "Rumors, evidence we've found already, and what you say now far outweigh my original reason to meet you, Mayor Ormond. But my personal business can wait until a later time. For now know that I'm a member of the Merchant Guild and I'm considering opening a business here."

Nodding at the others he adds, "I'll join my friends to investigate the multitude of issues Orlane is apparently experiencing. In a few hours we'll have proof about the wine. While it would be wise for us to decide how to go about this in private, I'd like to hear your suggestions about what to do first, your honor. Perhaps you'd like to hear all the rumors we heard about Orlane before arriving?"

Oh, and I wanted to roll insight on his speel, but previewed already. So I rolled ooc, got 11.

2017-12-28, 03:47 PM
Grovski ponder: " I wouldn't trust Grover judgement on this but that's just me. Doing nothing, considering their is dopplegangers around, will only make them grow stronger and once you do something, you'll be overhelm with a rebellion. A strong one with dopplegangers pushing normal villagers to this. I strongly suggest to at least put her under arrest during our investigation and request a other spellcaster to come to the village. You have the autority to assign us to the job as well so it could be used as cover. But one thng for sure: we will need to meet this Misa and neutralize her. "

2017-12-30, 05:01 AM
Arco doesn't get the impression that Ormond is lying. To the contrary, Arco suspects that Ormond has been looking for a chance to let down his guard, and Grovski has provided that.

The mayor shakes his head at the dragonborn. "Your point is taken. I'd still prefer to avoid any rash actions, but certainly you should talk to Misha. Maybe you can get something out of her that I couldn't. If you are still concerned about the wine, you could speak to the Cleftons. Here..." He rummages through his pockets and produces a length of blue ribbon with a red wax seal. "This is my personal seal. If you show it to anyone friendly, they should know that it means I've authorized you to look into the matter."

2017-12-30, 07:19 AM
"Excellent," Arco says softly, then adds a little louder, "to the temple next. I'm hopeful that we can persuade Misha to tell us something useful, or at least make some sense of what she is willing to say."

2017-12-31, 01:15 PM
Agreed, to the temple then perhaps we'll find answers there that have eluded us

just posting to let you know that I'm still here

2018-01-02, 05:31 PM
The temple sits atop a hill on the west side of town. The domed roof of the central building is just barely visible behind the 25-foot granite walls that surround the complex, providing a defensive sanctuary as well as a spiritual one for the locals. A partially-paved path leads up to the south wall, where a pair of stout wooden gates are propped open.

The courtyard is covered by well-manicured grass, with sunflowers planted here and there. The path, now fully-paved, comes to a large sundial marked with a complex calendar and astrological symbols, its shadow showing the time to be 5 o'clock. From there, the path splits to the right, left, or straight through to the doors of the sanctuary.