View Full Version : Soldiers and Scumbags IC

2018-02-26, 06:22 AM
You have gotten off the Transport that took you to Virbius. Before you is a sprawling, ramshackle collection of tents and vehicles, all sunk slightly into the muddy grass. The outpost sentries clutch their lasguns tightly, briefly looking you over and then staring back out into the open plains of Virbius intently. All around you, guardsmen are cleaning their weapons and inspecting their vehicles, though a few pause for a moment to give you a distrustful glance. In the distance, you can hear a confessor evenly chanting a catechism, praying to the Emperor for an ignoble and horrific death to the enemies of Mankind. The Guardsman look upon your Abhumans companions with barely disguised hatred.
A massive tent is in the middle of the Camp. Your orders are to report there for further instructions.

You can take a few actions like Information Gathering or you can head straight to the Command tent to await your orders. Also please repost sheets

2018-02-26, 02:05 PM
"Reportin' somewhere for orders? Now that's plain fancy, innit? Thought they were gonna get us all bunched up, point somewhere an' scream 'charge'. Guess we're all in for a lucky day, lads." Drazz commented in what sounded like an odd mix of sarcasm and actual good mood as he swaggered alongside the group, the bulky gas mask-inhaler combination hanging lazily off one side of his face and giving him the chance to smell some fresh air.

And perfectly breathable air felt weird after so much time living in the underhives, then choking up Savlar's fumes, then having to deal with a ship's badly-recycled atmosphere. Drazz had even kept his gas mask most of time even after planetfall just because he was overwhelmed by all that freshness at first, but he was keeping it off for a few minutes at a time now. He also found grass weird, it was pretty vibrant and lively compared to the bunch of fungi and mold he was used to seeing. Hell, even seeing skies that weren't horribly polluted was also weird.

"Ya know, this planet's too fancy-lookin'." he added, idly kicking at the grass with a dirty boot and causing specks of mud to fly away and onto the side of a formerly-clean tent. "Betcha it's prelude to suicide missions."

2018-02-26, 02:55 PM
"Y'can't call every mission a suicide mission if you keep coming back from it, Drazz" come the grinning tones of Zya, swaggering beside the group with the Red Light Special swinging from her hip. "'sides, I'm sure anyone with the Craplord is gonna just plow through the bad guys" she jokes, laughing. "Anyone get told what the bogies are on this backyard?"

2018-02-26, 03:12 PM
”Pretty sure it’s Orks. Woulda sworn I smelled Orks as soon as we touched down. Ain’t that right, Squiggs?”

Aces cockily strolls a few feet back from Zya, heavy bolter lazily propped against his shoulder and pointing to the heavens. His mask is deep green, with a stylized toothy grin painted across the lower half. As he walks past the non-Savlar Imperial Guardsmen, he meets their dirty looks with his own, attempting staredowns from behind plasteel lenses.

”That’s cause you think everything smells like Orks. It’s probably just the new coat of paint on your mask.”

Leroy rolls his eyes at Aces’ back—his expression of exasperation hidden by his own dull reddish-brown mask.

Aces pauses and looks down at Squiggs for a second.

”You’re saying the Kernel’s been sabotaging our paints? Damn...that’s some...good thinkin’. I like where your head is at, Squiggs—never can be too careful.”

Aces resumes his stride, shaking his head at the implications.

”Next coating, I’m makin’ my own paint.”

2018-02-26, 03:35 PM
"I hope it ain't orks. It ain't orks, izzit?" Scrapper asked, barely hiding the fear in his voice as he followed behind Drazz, his attitude a far cry from the more experienced penal legionnaire's confident swagger. Scrapper had never been very courageous, but he was shorter and thinner than Drazz and that came in handy when it was time for looting difficult places. "Scrap, jus' shove a dirty sock in it." the squad's techie retorted, shutting up his cowardly comrade.

"And hey, Craplord's a piece o' crap no matter how much I tinker. Here's hopin' we get some stuff next time." Drazz replied to Zya before pushing his gas mask back in place to better shoot some mean looks back at the bastards looking their way with a mix of disgust and fear. "Aces, I jus' know there'll be Frenzy in the paint."

2018-02-26, 04:31 PM
Uya's heavy footsteps squished loudly in the muddy ground, he followed behind his fellow chem-dogs, relieved to be off the transport. He lifted a heavily scarred and hairy arm, sniffing his armpit, "Uya not smell like ork." Shea, Uya's unofficial keeper and friend walked alongside him, periodically having to pull on his kit to keep him from getting distracted and wandering off. "Aye, ye smell better than an ork, love. Now, don't ye worry, Scrap, Uya here loves stomping on the greenskins, dontcha big boy? He'll keep their attention off you, sugar."

Uya nodded, scratching his scar covered forearm, "Yarp. Smash da big 'uns, smash 'em good. Uya protectin' da little 'uns. I not stinks, dem orks stink. Uya hungry."

"What else is new, love?"

"Dis place new"

She sighs and smiles at her ogryn comrade, "Right, love."

2018-02-26, 08:53 PM
Louie slaps the transport driver's behind and rolls out, ducking her well-deserved slap. He strides along beside Aces, drinking in the fresh air and beaming.

You know, if there's one thing I love about you fellas it's your sunny dispositions and general mental stability.

The ratling glances around the camp, sizing up marks of all kinds. Well, doesn't everyone look so happy to see us. If this welcome got any warmer I might just cry. That's all right, I like 'em angry. He winks lasciviously at one of the more hostile-looking nearby guardswoman.

I don't know what you're complaining about, Drazz. Fresh air, cute girls, and good pals. Just like the Munitorium recruiting poster said it would be!Now, Mouse, why don't we amble around and have a look-see. Maybe some of our dear friends have left equipment for us. And maybe some new friends are low on the little things that make life more bearable.

2018-02-26, 09:54 PM
"Hold on, didn't the guy say Virbius?" Zya asks the group, pondering. "Thats a Sevvies ball isn't it?" she adds, looking around as they continue towards the tent. "Lorgar's Arse, this tent is a walk." she comments.

2018-02-26, 11:39 PM
Louie reappears in the middle the group. The others realize they didn't even know the little man was gone.

Good news, ladies and gents! Uncle Lou got you all the scoop on what's goin on down here. Apparently there's Dominate boys, Eldar, and Orks. So if you ever get bored of heretics,
there's two flavors of Xenos! Aces, take your finger off the trigger before an accident happens, I have great news for you. The orks have kommandos! And camouflaged Killer Kans, apparently. Now that I would like to see. Preferably several clicks away and through a scope, but still. Aces, please, finger off the trigger, they're not in the camp.

2018-02-26, 11:42 PM
Zya looks down towards Louie for a moment, then laughs. "You're an arse, Louie.". As the group reach the tent, Zya shifts her hellgun to a more 'parade' position, and salutes as soon as she enters, rather smartly for a Chem-Dog

2018-02-26, 11:43 PM
Aces shakes his head.

"Here's what I know. The munitorium posters I saw didn' say nothin' 'bout Orks. If they had, I'd a done a better job of not getting caught fencin' stimms in the hab-blocks. They also didn't say nothin' bout ghosts."

Leroy shrugs.

"What now, Aces?"

Aces glances over his shoulder.

"You heard me. I played a few rounds of cards with some boots who were rotating off for R&R yesterday. They said this place is haunted. Grunts go to sleep and disappear. Sometimes, all that's left of 'em in the morning is their bloody boots, or a head, or a middle.

Now to me, that sounds dumb. Ghosts? Bah! I don't believe in ghosts. But Orks? You ever meet Kernel Konrad, that fracker is the stuff of nightmares. Melts into the shadows, always one step ahead and behind, nasty sense 'o humor...

I listened to their stories, took their chips, but didn't have the heart to tell them...It's probably Orks."
As Louie fills the group in, Aces tenses before shrugging in resignation.

"Told ya it's Orks. Ork Kommandoes---they're the worst kinda Ork. I got no doubt ol' Konnie followed us here. Squiggs here knows what's what. I could smell that fracker in the paint. I probably got Killah Kan scent all over my frackin' mask..."

Leroy doesn't say anything for once.

2018-02-26, 11:52 PM
You all walk into the Tent and salute the Colonel.
“The Colonel returns your salute with a snap. “You may be seated,” he bellows, “I am Colonel Garn of the 37th Maccabian Janissaries, and for the duration of this mission I’ll be your commanding officer.” Colonel Garn retrieves a pointer from the desk, and turns to face the large map on his wall. “The Battle for Virbius has not been going well.” You notice on the map dozens of small, black Xs. “The Severan Dominate forces on this planet have been waging a particularly brutal guerrilla campaign against us, but we think we may have found the man responsible. Imperial intelligence believes that they have located General Harvax Scarus somewhere in this mountain range.” The Colonel takes his pointer and swats the map with a resounding crack. “In the morning, the 37th will be launching a major offensive against the General and his forces. Meanwhile, your orders are to find the General and capture or kill him. You will be well behind enemy lines and are required to maintain vox silence for the duration of your mission. Yours will be the third squad we have sent after the General, and you are expected to set off at dawn. You may now leave. Extra Gear has been allotted for you in the armory so I suggest you head there first,”

Extra Gear: One Signal Jammer, One Missile Launcher, Two Frag Missiles, Two Krak Missiles and Field Rations for One Month.
I need a +10 awareness test from everyone.

2018-02-27, 03:13 PM
Zya blinks for a second at the General's words. Then, without a reply, she salutes, nods, and walks right back outside. "Suicide mission it is, Drazz. For your pasty arse anyway" she says, laughing as the others walk out. Switching to the low-gothic gutter speak of their home for a moment, she observes "Throne, these Jannisaries are right cool on us. What's the bet their quartermaster's gonna tell us to frak ourselves?", starting the walk towards the requisition tent.

2018-02-27, 03:44 PM
Aces mirrors Zya’s actions, his mask doing a good job of masking his internal struggle to keep a straight face when confronted with such obviously bad intel.

Once they’re well out of earshot, Aces shrugs.

”That didn’t sound right. ‘General Scare-Us?’ Really? Ol’ Konrad might’ve foooled the Colonel, but I know a frackin’ Ork trap when I smell one. An’ I’m a gunna proceed according-like.”

Leroy shakes his head.

”He said it was the Severans, Aces. Point blank.”

Aces snorts rudely from behind his gas mask.

So? If we prepare for Orks, and its Orks, then we’re prepared. If it’s not Orks, then we’re over-prepared. Where’s the problem?”

2018-02-27, 04:36 PM
Louie pops back in. Again, everyone would swear he'd been there the whole time. His normal grin is twice as wide.

Gueeeesss what IIII found? Hey,
Drazz, you any good with fixin things?

He leads the team to a decommissioned Chimera APC in the back of the camp. He jumps up until the roof.

Officially destroyed in action and written off by the munitorium. All ours, if dear darling Drazzy can get her running again.

2018-02-27, 09:55 PM
Drazz doesn't seem surprised at the revelation, mostly because he'd been eyeing the same thing already. "Ye, ye. Seen it. Not sure what needs fixin', tho'." The "Tek" takes a furtive look around to make sure no one's looking and quickly produces a combi-tool from his coat before sliding under the Chimera to peek and poke at the damage it seems to have suffered.

2018-02-27, 11:46 PM
Uya stepped around the chimera, his stereotypical disdain for cramped and dark spaces evident. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped, defeat spread across his face. Shea elbowed Uya's forearm, it did not budge. "I know, I know. But it always ends up ok, doesn't it?" Uya shrugged and mumbled under his breath, kicking mud at the chimera.

2018-02-28, 01:30 AM
Drazz spent a few good minutes checking the IFV's hull, mentally noting all the areas where the armoring was gone and searching for the problems an abandoned armored vehicle would surely have.

"So...?" Scrap asked, breaking the mostly-silent atmosphere. "Ye, jus' our luck. No engine, lackin' armorin', woulda growl really loud even with the lights back on." Drazz replied after rolling out and away from the Chimera.

2018-02-28, 04:53 AM
"Well, a broken Chimeras about as useful as a grox librarian." Zya drawns, tapping her hip with a look of boredom. "Lets go to reqs and see what theyll deign to give us." she turns, and starts off again towards the supply tents

2018-02-28, 10:26 AM
Aces stairs at the junk heap.

”What’s the point of a truck without an engine?”

Leroy punches Aces in the shoulder.

”Who cares? It’s gotta be worth something.”

Aces nods slowly and absentmindedly rubs his exposed shoulder.

”Right. Biz is biz. Think we can pawn it for some real flak armor? These cutoffs look cool ‘n all, but they ain’t gunna stop nothin’.”

2018-02-28, 07:38 PM
Drazz put some thought into the situation. An abandoned Chimera with a missing engine... "Either they've the stupidest techies tis side of the Sector or there ain't no engines 'round to put in it." In order to figure out which was it, the penal legionnaire went straight towards the motor pool area to see if there were any unattended chimera powerplants he could nick. Or maybe two smaller ones for a Salamander, or even one for a Leman Russ; he wasn't too picky and could try his hand at jury-rigging them into the battered Chimera chassis.

2018-02-28, 11:27 PM
Louie goes off to find the Maccabeans' attached ratlings. After the usual flowery compliments, exchange of tasty foods from each others' homeworlds, and outrageously exaggerated stories of each party's daring deeds, he gets down to business.

Well, lads, it appears there's been a bit of a mistake. See, the Munitorium forgot to issue me my standard set of guard flak armor. On the other hand, they gave me too many combat drugs! I'd love to resolve the problem, but I'm new here and all. Is there anyone who could fix things for me? Make sure I get my armor and who could take the drugs to their rightful place?

2018-03-01, 12:09 PM
Drazz did what he was used to and sneaked into the motor pool to take a quick look, figuring anyone inside would be understandably against having any of the Chem-Dogs anywhere near usable and expensive gear. His intention to steal an engine was a perfect example of why they had that attitude towards the Dogs. Unfortunately...

"Place looks like a scrapyard." the techie complained as he rejoined the group, having safely slipped in and out. "Yea, no luck." Scrapper agreed, even more bummed out than his older companion was. The cowardly penal trooper wanted some nice slabs of armor to hide behind more than all the other people in the squad.

"If we want somethin' good 'tween our meat and their guns, ya're all on scrap duty. I'll give the pointers, an' maybe we'll get this done. A broken engine's fine, we can jus' nick the bits and bobs to fix it." Drazz said.

2018-03-01, 03:50 PM
Louie reappears in the group. His armor looks suspiciously more complete than it used to, although the camo cloak covers most of it.

Hiya, lads. I'll take a little walk with ya Drazzy, see if we see anything interesting-like.

Stealth: [roll0] vs 77
If that succeeds, Awareness [roll1] vs 72 with Drazz's help

2018-03-01, 07:10 PM
When Drazz and Louie return to the group, it's to see a rather annoyed looking Zya, arms crossed and lips pulled back into the hint of a snarl. "No luck with the fraking Munitorium. ********s wouldn't even give us the gear the boss told us we were getting. Said they were tired of losing it on stupid missions." she explains, shaking her head and pushing herself off the tent-pole and comes over to the pair. "You got any good news?"

2018-03-02, 02:28 AM
Those in charge of requisitions refused to grant such important equipment to a company of your size. The looks of distaste are evident as they tell you to leave.

With Louie's keen ratling eyes and Drazz's technical expertise, they manage to find a Engine that is compatible with the Chimera. They also find enough scrap to repair the walls.

Drazz begins work on the chimera and by nightfall it is ready to be taken out for a drive. While it won't be winning any beauty contests, its functional.

As night begins to fall, the Maccabians change sentries and begin setting up campfires. Shortly before dusk a pair of combatbike riding natives arrive at camp and report to Colonel Garn’s tent for about half an hour. When the two tribesmen come out, a few of the Janissaries speak with them and share with them their rations. Other Maccabians glare at the tribesmen and speak to each other in hushed and angry tones, complaining softly about the lack of devotion of the “dirty ferals.”

If you have anything else you want to do, get it done. If not just tell me and I'll skip to the next day.

Chimera Stats:
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear

You guys have a Autocannon and a heavy flamer as your weapons.

2018-03-02, 11:59 AM
Drazz had recruited Uya's assistance to help carry the heavy engine and pieces of metal, making things easier on everyone. When Zya found the ragtag group, Scrapper seemed quite pretty happy and Drazz had his well-worn combi-tool out. "Heheh." "Oh girl, do we." The techie spent several hours working on the IFV, and though he'd never worked on anything as complex as putting a Chimera's engine in place, he did better than expected. The armor repairs were really easy compared to the engine work, as it was a fairly straightforward welding work where he only had to take care to pick the most suitable pieces and put as much care into each weld as possible.

"Hahah, not as suicidal now, eh?" Needless to say, Drazz's swagger had increased by at least one quarter when he finally finished the repairs, though he didn't show if off after deciding some well-deserved rest was in order. He did notice the arrival of the natives. He also stared long and hard at the combat bikes, silently wondering whether they really needed one for each and, in a totally unrelated thought, trying to figure out a good place in the camp to hide a stolen motorbike in. "Figger one o' us can talk up the 'dirty natives'?"

2018-03-03, 02:49 PM
"Could use a guide." Zya says, eyeing the chimera suspiciously. "I can navigate with the map the Boss showed us, but a native'd be more useful. Whadaya reckon, Fingers?"

2018-03-05, 03:21 PM
With no one volunteering to do it themselves, Drazz groaned and slapped Scrapper's arm before walking towards the group with the natives, comrade in tow. The techie was lacking the usual swagger, trying to listen in on their chat and avoiding much attention.

2018-03-07, 12:48 PM
Uya and Shea followed suit without much comment. Shea kept Uya on track and focused, more or less, on the tasks at hand. Carrying the engine and scrap didn't bother Uya one bit, he was good at picking stuff up and putting it down, and happy to help. Shea spread on some positive reinforcement every time Uya did something without destroying something else.

2018-03-07, 05:47 PM
After a moment, Zya sighs and follows after Drazz, and once she comes close, raises a hand towards the natives. "Riders! D'you got a moment to chat?"

2018-03-07, 06:12 PM
Aces and Leroy trail Zya, providing physical and emotional support. Aces casually hefts his heavy bolter up to lean against his shoulder. Muffled beneath his grinning gas mask, Aces knows he won’t be able to conduct biz the way he used to before he was drafted. He’s happy to just look big and let the others do the talking.

2018-03-07, 09:33 PM
The first rider greets Zya Cordially but suspiciously. In response to her request of guidance he says:
"We are sorry but we must go back to our families. They are missing us. We have spent the last moon helping the Thunderlords Warriors find their enemy. Without further reward we have no reason to help you too,"
He speaks Gothic Formally but It sounds strange. The other Rider stays quiet.

You can't hear anything important over the buzz of the camp.

2018-03-08, 04:24 PM
Zya frowns, anger evidently blooming on her face, but she nods. "Ok. Well, hope these iron-faced arserods don't treat y'too badly." she says, voice becoming noticeably more coarse as she turns to head back to the chimera.

2018-03-10, 10:18 AM
Aces shrugs.

”What if we let you keep some of the shiny that you find or kill? They’s our rules—you guide us, you can eat what you kill.”

Aces shifts Piecemaker meaningfully.

“And with our heavy weapons truck, the killin’ be good.”

2018-03-10, 01:18 PM
Louie sidles up to the Tribals. Evenin' gentlemen. Now, I don' wanna keep you away from yer families long, that's important. An' I'm not gonna beat around the bush. You look like a coupla smart, savvy warriors, you don't need our help findin' the loot. You're smart fellas, you wanna reward up front, an' a reward you shall have. What I have here is real, genuine Frenzon, Imperial make. The good stuff. Makes a boy with two hairs on his chin inta a fighter anna killer, or a warrior inta a hero. When yer families are in danger an' ya need an edge, Frenzon's just the stuff fer ya. Worth its weight in Thrones when life's on the line. Or, if that's not yer fancy, I gotta coupla mono-knives. Good Forge-World make. Keep an edge no matter what- rain, mud, snow, an ork's guts, a heretic's ribs, nothin' blunts 'em. Cut through armor like ya wouldn' believe. Now, as ya may guess, I'm not of a size fer real good knife fightin', so I'm willin' ta trade 'em fer some good infermation.

2018-03-10, 05:28 PM
Uya's curiosity would be held at bay no more. Driven by his two strongest feelings: love of the Emperor and hunger, and against Shea's protests, Uya explored the camp. Imperials everywhere showed their love for the biggest of bosses in different ways, Uya was curious of the Maccabians, their ways of worship, and their food. They seemed like a devout bunch, Uya hoped for the best.

2018-03-12, 12:31 PM
Failing to catch any juicy rumors or information floating in the air, Drazz ends up hanging close to the squad's ratling in the interest of figuring out whether the squad had anything to gain from the locals.

2018-03-15, 11:09 AM
The first rider adamantly refuses and rides away. The second rider stays and introduces himself as Lorak, Son of Kulth.
Uya acquires a Sheet of Metal from the Scrap Yard. He punches a few holes into it and bends it into shape. With a few finishing touches by Shea, it becomes recognizable as a Jannisarry mask. There are mixed reactions from the Maccabeans. Some look upon the Hulking Ogryn with amusement while others glower daggers at it.

As the day breaks, the Forward Outpost springs to life. Companies and platoons shape up into marching formation and begin to head out, and lumbering tank and artillery columns roar to life. Regimental banners are lifted, and the thousands strong regiment begins to break into their separate battle patterns, each heading to their own engagements on the front lines

How do you proceed with your mission?

Every day the players travel towards a destination have them make an Ordinary (+10) Navigate (Surface) Test. If they fail, they make no progress for that day. Multiple days of failure result in the Squad doubling back around to its own tracks, obviously lost. There are three main terrain types in this section of Virbius: grassland, forest, and mountain. Grassland is the easiest to traverse, but is also the most open. The Squad suffers no navigation penalties, but is easier to spot by Dominate forces. Forest terrain is more difficult to navigate. While in a forested area increase the difficulty of Navigation (Surface) Tests, but allow the Squad an easier time hiding from Dominate Patrols. Mountainous terrain has neither advantage. In mountainous terrain it is both difficult for the Squad to navigate and relatively easy to spot the Squad.

Primary Mission: Locate and capture or kill Dominate Commander Harvax Scarus.
Secondary Mission: Disrupt Dominate supply lines and destroy any Dominate forces encountered.
Tertiary Mission: Locate the most recent missing squad.
General Orders: Maintain vox silence while behind enemy lines.

You don't know where Scarus is.

Kinda rushed right now so I couldn't get a proper post up. Sorry. I'll fix it once I have time.

2018-03-15, 03:39 PM
Zya is sitting on top of the Chimera when the others arrive, lho-stick sticking out from behind her mask, the smoke billowing from around the seal. In her hands, a small dataslate copied from the general's map. "Mornin' mutts" she drawls as she sees the others approach, pulling down her mask and leaping onto the ground. "Been looking at the OZ, I think we take the chimera through the forest. Less chance of a firefight there. Get to the mountains, follow along 'til we find a likely lookin' track for their supplies."

2018-03-16, 04:22 PM
Aces shrugs.

”All due respect, but the forest is full of Orks. Probably. We wouldn’t even know until it’s too late, because we won’t be able to see a thing.

It’s bad enough to fight Orks—but you want as much warning as possible. In a forest, even the dumbest orks get to be right sneaky, ‘cause the trees do all the sneakin’ for them. Even worse, we know we gotta be on the lookout for kommandos—those bastards will be like frakin’ green ghosts. And don’t get me started on the Kernel—he’s probably got a booby trap watin’ for us in every tree. The forest is even green, like Orks.

Nah, I say we take the plains. We might get shot to pieces by the Sevs, but at least we’ll be able to spot the Orks.”

Leroy shakes his head.

”What if the loot is better in the forest? Plus, this chimera’s so loud, if there are any Orks, they’ll probably just thing we’re friendlies. See Aces? We can be sneaky, too.”

Leroy offer a wink at the rest of the group, but fails to duck Aces’ slap to the back of his head.

”Don’t be an idiot, Squigs. Orks kill friendlies all the time.”

2018-03-18, 10:17 AM
Uya fiddled with his kit, checking and re-checking his ripper gun, more out of forgetfulness than vigilance. "Maybe we find friends first. Dey lost or ded, maybe has stuff for us, maybe has info on da bad guys. Be nice to save friends." Shea patted the ogryn's scarred up and hairy forearm, "Thats a nice thing to think, but you know sometimes we can't help everyone. It sure would motivate the big guy though", the last part said louder for the benefit of the group.

2018-03-19, 11:37 AM
Scrapper seemed to want to say something... "Forest." It was made much easier when he could follow his more experienced pal's lead. "Yea, forest."

"I'm not buyin' this crap 'bout orks. Always complainin' about them innit? Forest's the best path. We get some nature all over the Chimera an' it's camo'd. We hear somthin', we stop, listen harder, an' the camo does work."

2018-03-20, 01:13 PM
Aces snorts derisively.

”Best path to an ork ambush and a messy death. Your average Ork will shoot at anything that makes a loud noise. Don’t matter if they can see ya or just spray blindly—it’s all the same to ‘em.

But if it’s kommandos in the forest—we won’t hear a thing until the bombs go off. Ol’ Konrad is treatin’ that forest like his personal hunting grounds, no joke, cuz.”

2018-03-20, 06:34 PM
"Then *you* go prancin' off to the plains and get y'head shot off by a Dominate marksman. We're going through the forest, Aces. Don't like it then frak off and let the commissar catch you." Zya replies, evidently annoyed at the man's blathering. "Look, our job is to find this ******** of a general and frak him. We 'aint gonna do that by piddlin' halfway across the continent to find the last buggers who tried. We go through the forest, do it the way I've said, best way to find the bugger."

Apologies for pinging the filter Mods, will be more euphemistic ^_^

2018-03-20, 07:07 PM
"Ya want the plains then take 'em. On those feetsies. I repaired the Chimera, I'm drivin' it, I say we go down the forest. End o' story." Drazz said, hopefully putting an end to any dissent from the ork-obsessed trooper.

2018-03-20, 07:24 PM
Aces glances back between the stormtrooper and the operator, before hanging his head letting out an exaggerated, gas-mask muffled sigh.

”...tried to tell ‘em...”

Aces trudges onto the chimera, and immediately gets to work trying to find the optimum firing port and angle for bracing his heavy bolter.

2018-03-20, 10:25 PM
Louie sidles up to the group looking studiously nonchalant.

Gentlemen! Good to see you on this fine day! Apropos of nothing, I don't suppose that the chimera is good to go, by any chance? Like right now immediately go? Just an idle question. I'm certainly enjoying my cross-cultural learning here. Did you know that the Maccabeans have some interesting beliefs and practices concerning drug use and sleeping with other people's wives? Fascinating stuff. I'll tell you all about it when we get the frak out of here RIGHT NOW.

Have we decided on a route yet? I scouted ahead and there's clearly only one way to go. Zya was right, our only safe way is that way Zya was just talking about, so that's decided, nothing keeping us here now! Let's go do our duty to the Emperor!

He vanishes into the APC.

2018-03-21, 11:10 AM
What was what about sleeping with other people's wives? They were in a Guard encampment among soldiers, not some paradise world resort with ample opportunity for adultery. There was only one reasonable explanation for the ratling's odd behavior.

"I think Louie's real high on somethin'." Drazz pointed out as he got inside the Chimera with Scrapper in tow. They'd try to get some improvised camo netting as soon as they got to the forest's outskirts.

2018-03-21, 09:57 PM
Uya gathered his things and stood up, walking past the arguing and otherwise noisy little people, stomping his feet. "Mean n' dumb. Like orks. Uya not ork, Uya ogryn. Find friends. If you lost, Uya come get you." Shea sighed, staying put, knowing when to leave the upset ogryn alone. Uya leaned against the chimera, back to the group, causing it to groan slightly. He waited impatiently for a decision to be made, not expecting his opinion to be taken seriously.

2018-03-22, 09:18 AM
Your squad takes to the jungle path. With the help of Lorak, Navigation is a piece of cake. You trace along the mountain base but don't see anything Important for most of your journey. Zya notices that your group is just an hour away from the last known relocation of the Missing Squad and informs the rest of you. You drive up to the point where radio contact was lost and get out of the vehicle and Before you lay the battered and broken remains of a Chimera APC. The Chimera is split down the middle, its two halves sunk deep into the mud. Along the breach, the metal is twisted, corroded, and blackened. The corpses of Guardsmen litter the area, some in pieces and some still clutching their weapons. It is a grisly sight.

+0 CL Spinward Front to recognize the Weaponry used.
+10 Medicae for examination of the bodies
+0 FL Xenos for some other helpful info
+10 Awareness to search
+40 tech use if you pass the Search
and if you guys want to loot anything be my guest. Not much to find though other than standard Weaponry and Armor but if you roll high enough there may or may not be a special item.

2018-03-22, 05:09 PM
During their short trip, Drazz had noticed a group of orks, warned the team about it, then simply drove past them since they were blissfully unaware of their presence. Their mission didn't include the need to fight greenskins, even if it was useful to know there were some around.

Upon finding the scene of carnage, the techie started to look around for clues and loot.

2018-03-22, 08:39 PM
Louie spends much of the trip with his head out the hatch, scanning for danger. He jumps out when they reach the ambush site, rifling around for loot and clues as to what attacked the patrol.

Awareness (sight) for loot and clues: [roll0] vs 62 (42+10 difficulty +10 sight-based)

Awareness (smell) to see if he can smell anything unusual from the attackers or their weapons: [roll1] vs 62 (42+10 difficulty +10 smell-based)

2018-03-22, 08:52 PM
Uya had hoped this would be a rescue, not this. But he wasn't so stupid that he didn't realize that this was a possibility, but it still saddened him. Uya poked around, double checking to make sure the guardsmen were indeed dead. Maybe there would be some food.

2018-03-23, 08:15 AM
Aces hops out of the Chimera warily. His knuckles are white as they grip the heavy bolter, wary of a kommando ambush but not so wary as to not try and nab some proper guardsman armor.

When Drazz announced that Orks were spotted in the area, Aces found it surprisingly relieving. It’s a tough burden to be the only one to know the truth and not be believed. Now that everyone was on the same page, ork-wise, Aces felt better. That is, until he remembered there were Orks around.

”...told you there were Orks in the forest. This is ork work, for sure. Keep yer eyes peeled for traps n stuff—this might be the work of kommandos, and we don’t want to be ambushed rummaging through the shiny, ya dig?”

Aces casts a glance over the wreckage, keeping an eye out for some better flak armor than his flimsy vest. If nothing turns up, he’ll eagerly hop back in the Chimera— better than being caught in the open with Orks around.

if needed to spot flak armor that can be looted: [roll0] vs 14 + modifiers

2018-03-23, 03:52 PM
As Zya picks through the wreckage, she bends down to pick up a dataslate. "Drazz, come an' have a look at this!" she calls out, waving down the Operator and handing over the slate. "Reckon' you can crack this one open?" she asks.

2018-03-23, 04:38 PM
"Sure thing." Drazz received the data-slate and checked it for damage and password-locking before working on unlocking the information within.

While looting, Drazz also decided to collect the cognomens to prove they'd found the missing squad. The higher-ups would probably react badly to severed fingers (from the ones who still had them) for digital recognition.

2018-03-23, 08:24 PM
Louie looks around for a while, then stops, his nose twitching. He paces around for a moment and grins. Mouse, get over here an' help me dig. Aces, I may have a present for ya... He dives into the mud and wreckage, rummaging around. Louie and Mouse reemerge, Louie with a rocket launcher and Mouse overburdened by rockets. He walks up to Aces with a wide grin and hands him the launcher. Merry early Sanguinalia, ya big goon. Don' say ol' Lou never gets ya nuffin nice. An' don' waste it on some ork on a bike neither.

2018-03-25, 04:40 PM
Aces’ eyes widen beneath his mask. He braces his heavy bolter vertically against his shoulder, freeing up another hand to bear-handle the missile launcher.

”NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ‘BOUT! Yo Squigs, go grab ‘em extra missiles. This is right shiny to the mega! Some hyped up biz, no doubt. Golden to the core, ya hear?!”

Aces continues on in this manner for a bit, climbing back into the Chimera and affectionately patting the missile tube as Leroy breaks out his Primer and begins to read up on the basics of missile weapon safety and operation.

2018-03-27, 10:03 AM
Drazz fixes up the dataslate and it flickers to life. After a few minutes of browsing through all the meaningless articles, he finds something useful.

“This is Sergeant Arus Illaran of the 37th Maccabian Janissaries, Mission Log 512.01.32. Unauthorized access of this mission log is a crime against the Imperium, the punishment for which shall be death. It is week three of our foray into Severan Dominate territory. Minimal casualties, food and fuel reserves nominal. Still no sign of our target, but our most recent recon has established the movements of a regular supply convoy that is likely refitting the General’s base. While we do not know the schedule of the convoy, our trackers have mapped what we believe to be its supply route, and we are simply waiting for its next appearance. We will ambush this convoy, use it to pinpoint the General’s location, eliminate him, and return to our Regiment as heroes. The Emperor Protects! End of log.”

After the Cognomen tags are collected, you discover that only out of a 15 man squad only ten bodies are present.

Small crystalline shards and wicked gashes were how these Guardsmen met their end. Definetly not standard weaponry.

The Chimera was attacked with a Heat Lance, a punishing combination of melta and high-yield laser that split the APC in two.

One Degree of Success: This weaponry is obviously of xenos origin. Two or More Degrees of Success: This type of weaponry is often used by the Eldar. It may have been acquired by the Severan Dominate, or they may be consorting with xenos themselves. Five or More Degrees of Success: This weaponry is utilized by a sect of black-clad Eldar who are rumoured to be even more wicked then the rest of their kin. Utilizing this weaponry is an extreme heresy, and if the Severan Dominate is actually in league with these xenos, then their crimes against the God-Emperor are multiplied still further.

2018-03-27, 12:22 PM
"Heh. Buncha stupid glory-hungry deaders." Drazz commented as he read the data-slate at the same time as he rummaged through the corpses' belongings. He managed to find two unused and intact krak grenades, and readily grabbed them. It'd be very rude to leave Emperor-given ordinance just lying around.

While recovering the cognomens to take back to the camp, he noticed a few were missing... Some people were taken prisoners, then.

"Ey lads, we finally have a way to find their general. We have a supply convoy to follow. And at least five people are missin' here, no corpses. Tho' it's weird to swipe grunts, maybe it's slavin' material."

2018-03-27, 03:46 PM
"The Dominate take slaves now? The Frakkers!" Zya says, shaking her head in astonishment. "So d'we have a direction, or do we just hide here better than these morons?" she asks.

2018-03-28, 05:00 PM
"Eh, I dunno but grunts ain't fit for ransomin', that's sure. And lemme see..." Drazz replied, cleaning his fingers on one of the corpses' partially-intact uniform and swiping around the information in the data-slate.

2018-03-29, 09:31 AM
Aces spits on the ground from his braced firing post inside the Chimera.

”Frackin’ slavers.”

2018-03-31, 04:17 PM
At the mention of slavers, Shea turned her head at the ogryn with a worried look. Uya sprung into action, thundering steps signaling his rejoining the conversation. "Dey takin' our boys!?!" The ogryn slammed his open hand down on the ripper gun, cycling the cylinder around until it thunked into place, "We gots ta get 'em back!!" Uya turned to stare at the chimera, taking timid steps towards it, "Uya gets in an' we go... Uya gets in... Uya get in..."

2018-04-02, 10:31 PM
Zya moves back to the Chimera, jumping in and waving to the others after Drazz explains where the convoy is. "Get yer arses in gear boys. We find the spot, camp it for a few nights, then once we see a convoy, we figure a way t'follow it, or just hit the frakkers an nick their maps. Whatever works."

2018-04-03, 12:02 AM
"Yah, we head there and sit tight for a bit. We strike or shade dependin' on how tough it is." Drazz said before getting into the Chimera.

2018-04-03, 06:56 PM
Aces thumps Leroy on the helm with a free hand in agreement, and then rebraces his heavy bolter.

”I like this plan.”

2018-04-05, 09:17 PM
You all board into the Chimera, planning on ambushing the convoy. You are on your way when you hear the sound of a gun going off. It strikes your Chimera. Somethings attacking you.

You see Purple Orks and a purple war machine rushing you.

You hear something yelling "WAAGH"

2018-04-05, 09:26 PM
"Well.... Frak." Zya drawls from her vantage point atop the Chimera. She drops down, shaking her head and charging up her hellgun. "Orks. Get on the Autocannon, Aces, 'n get ready to move to the flamers if Drazz here can't keep 'em far away enough. Drazz, FLOOR IT!"

She moves to one of the rearmost sponsons, oddly flat emotionally for the situation, and pokes the barrel of the Red Light Special out towards the enemies

Half Action Aim, then Shoot the closest Orc

TN=42+10 aim +10 Accurate +10 Red Dot Sight +10 Single Shot (-whatever penalties are there for shooting out of a moving Chimera, no idea) = 82
[roll0] 4 DoS!

Damage [roll1] Pen 7, Minimum Damage 6. For every 2 DoS past the first, gain another 1d10, max 2

[roll2] Get this one

2018-04-06, 09:46 AM
Uya's anxiety over not actively killing the Emperor's enemies was only furthered by his having to stay in the chimera. "WUT UYA DO!?" Shea yelled over the commotion, "You know well he's just gonna charge at the nearest thing if we don't give him orders!"

2018-04-06, 12:45 PM
First there was the pinging of an attack on the Chimera's hull. Then there was the loud xeno screaming. Drazz knew very well what kind of trouble had just found them, and it just had to be xenos.

"Floorin' it on **** terrain is askin' for crap." Drazz replied to Zya before shouting at Uya at the top of his lungs to cancel out the noise from the other occupants of the vehicle, the sounds of combat, and the Ogryn's own shouting. "UYA, STICK YER GUN INNA LITTLE WINDOW, SEE 'EM ORKS AN' SHOOT 'EM."

2018-04-06, 12:57 PM
From his perch peering out of the top hatch, Louie sees a purple tide coming.

Ladies an' gennelmen, if ya look out your windows you'll see some charming local wildlife in their natural habitat: comin' fer yer head. Please return yer lasguns to their upright an' shootin' position.

Mouse, spot fer me. Let's try ta bag us a drive-ork. Reckon they don't like bein' shot in the face?

Comrade full action aim, Louie full action called shot to hit the Ork driver in the face. Aim bonus is canceled out by driving and called shot penalties. I assume called shot doesn't get the single shot bonus?

EDIT forgot the short range and Accurate bonuses

[roll0] TN 58- 5 DoS

2018-04-06, 02:58 PM
Uya roared and smashed the barrel of his ripper into the port hole, he began firing wildly in the general direction of the orks.

Does Shea get to attack as well orr...?

2018-04-06, 06:15 PM
"Deal with it, Drazz, go as fast as y'frackin' can!" Zya yells back.

2018-04-06, 11:57 PM
"I'm the FRACKIN' PILOT." Drazz politely retorted to yelled back at Zya as he accelerated the Chimera to its maximum safe speed. He wasn't feeling like risking his ass on getting a little bit more out of the recently-repaired vehicle when their enemies weren't that fast.

2018-04-09, 01:05 PM

Aces proceeds to yell a few other choice phrases while mashing down on the trigger of his heavy bolter, spraying large caliber death in the general direction of the green...purple skins.

comrade: +5 bs
Aces: suppressive fire [roll0] vs 33+5-20 (hard pinning test for hose in the cone of fire)

2018-04-10, 02:33 AM
A Massive Ork covered in Purple War paint begins running at your chimera.
He barely steps a few feet before being shot by Aces.
“Runz for it!”
He does a 360 and runs for the forest.
Zya hits him with a shot right in the back of his head. He plops down dead.
The other orks begin running away from the waves of bullets unleashed by Aces.
The Killa Kan takes a hit from Louies Las and Collapses into a heap of broken wire. Weird colored blood can be seen leaking out of the Chassis.
Da Two surviving Boyz turn tail and run for the forest.
One gets shot in the chest by a bolt from Aces and staggers for a second before running farther away.

You all demolished these guys. Ill have to make the next encounter harder. Unless anyone wants to hunt down the last two orks, ill count this combat as over. If you guys try to loot the battle field tho, itll start another encounter.

2018-04-10, 11:47 AM
Drazz sighed when the noise of rowdy xenos looking for battle disappeared, leaving only the sound of their vehicle.

"The noise's gonna draw more o' them, or Dominate scum. We're headin' to our objective." the driver commented as he continued leading the Chimera away from the site of the battle and towards the location the convoy was going to pass through.

2018-04-10, 05:38 PM
Zya grins. "Zap, headshot!" she calls out, looking over at Louie and winking. "Don't forget you 'aint the only sharpshooter, Fingers." With that done, she grabs hold of the straps dangling from the ceiling and starts to pull herself back forwards towards Drazz, using the ceiling straps to stay at least somewhat stable. "Good idea. Guess that whole thing about Kommando Kans wasn't groxs**t after all."

2018-04-11, 08:25 AM
Uya smiles, his crooked teeth glistening. He starts cheering, "Yeahh! Ya got 'em! Iz dat it tho?"

2018-04-11, 12:32 PM
As smoke whisps rise from the barrel of Piecemaker, Aces pumps a fist in the air.

”Yeah, that’s right! You run! Run back to the Kernel and tell ‘im not to mess with Aces! Not so big and strong in the face of full-auto, is ya?!

Leroy nods his head in agreement.
”Two targets, solid hits. Full retreat from enemy. Good fire for effect, Aces.”

”Thanks, Squigg.”

2018-04-16, 03:09 PM
Louie rolls his eyes exaggeratedly at Zya, then grins. Hey, ya know what they say: even a blind grox finds a meal every now an' then

He sets up in his makeshift sniper's nest out the hatch, laying his cloak over him and Mouse's heads so they can scan for enemies relatively unobserved.

2018-04-18, 08:43 PM
You dig in near the Supply Convoy's route and wait. After 2 days you see it. The supply convoy itself is comprised of two Dominate supply trucks and ten Severan Dominate soldiers. They do not see you.

2018-04-18, 08:46 PM
Kneeling down behind Drazz' seat, Zya whispers. "What do we reckon? Can we follow 'em?"

2018-04-19, 06:08 PM
Drazz groaned as he put his brain to work. "Followin' risks bein' found, even if we jus' follow the tracks. Then we lose the big kill chance..."

"But if we can't interrogate or find a map or notes we ain't findin' out where they headin' even if we get 'em." the driver said as he analyzed the situation.

2018-04-21, 03:10 AM
Uya knew he wasn't exactly clever, usually he only got in the way of any kind of planning. If he had his way, they'd just smash 'em up and make em talk. Maybe wear their uniforms for some sneaky surprise. Uya would have to hid though, he didn't think they had his size.

"Ugghhh, Uya bored. Wanna get to smashin'."

"There there, sugar. You'll get your chance, but keep your voice down for now."

2018-04-21, 12:17 PM
Yeah, when I think stealth I think an extra-loud chimera. Ya do know this thing is louder'n a bull-grox in matin' season, right? Pretty sure we might actually be stealthier firin' the cannon continuously ta drown out the engine. Although it looks like they're goin' pretty slow, since their guards are on foot. We might be able ta ditch the ol' metal box in a hidden place somewheres and shadow 'em on foot ourselves. If there's one thing we tend ta be good at, it's sneakin' up on people.

2018-04-22, 12:48 AM
Zya nods at Louie, brow furrowed as she thinks. "Finger's is blind. They're just restin' for a sec, moron, they'll be up and off again in a sec, fully loaded." she says, moving to the rear of the chimera and strapping down again. "Lorak, you're quiter than us. You trail them, leave us a route to follow behind. You get in trouble, come back to us and make your engine roar."

Stealth Roll [roll0] vs 60

2018-04-23, 02:27 PM
"Trucks are loud, ya frak." Drazz politely pointed out. The offensive manners were pretty much just part of prison-talk, though.

"Zya's right, we've got the biker. We follow a little ways behind, it's not like we can miss these tracks." he added, pointing to the two supply trucks and the tracks they left in the path. The Chimera's engine was turned off and it'd stay that way until they could follow the convoy sneakily.

2018-04-25, 06:40 AM
Lorak wordlessly nods. He rummages through the food bin and takes a few meat sticks and other rations. He drives off and leaves you with the chimera.

Rolling stealth in sets of 3 days.

2018-04-25, 06:52 AM
After a few days of following the convoy, Lorak gets too close and is sighted by the Supply trucks. His bike explodes from the shots fired by the soldiers and Lorak is thrown on the ground unconscious and the Dominate soldiers take him prisoner.

2018-04-25, 07:00 AM
When the sound of gunfire cracks through the air, Zya pulls herself off from her seat with rapid haste, and kneels down again behind Drazz. "Native's in trouble. Drazz, wait five minutes, then lead the squad in a frontal assault. Fingers, you're with me. Gonna flank 'em." she growls, slipping through the Chimera's side-door and sprinting off into the forest. She and Louie swing out about 30 meters from the path as they head towards the sound of explosions and engines, and pull up on a vantage point. "Lorak down. Looks like he got too close. Fingers, when the others blast in, we're on marksman duty. Copy?" she says, voice low and quick, before she moves off a little, making sure there is at least some space between her and Louie.

2018-04-25, 11:57 AM
++Now it's an even worse time to fight.++ Drazz countered through the vox channel, trying to figure out what exactly had happened with little intel. ++What's happened, is the bugger dead or prisoner?++

2018-04-26, 08:54 AM
Uya Rak was not known for being a particularly unreasonable ogryn. But today, he was eager to bring the Emperor's peace to his enemies. Days of trudging around had left the ogryn very bored... And quite eager. He was fidgeting in the chimera, clearly agitated.

"Not to be a pain, but big guy is about to bust at the seams with the Emperor's wrath. Reckon we best direct it while we can!"

2018-04-26, 06:05 PM
A few moments after Drazz' question comes over the micro-bead, ++The native has been taken prisoner. Still alive. And we 'aint got a choice, Drazz. We can't follow them quietly with the Chimera without our tracker, we either attack now when we've got 'em flanked, or we get attacked when they spot and hear us. Get that engine revved and hit 'em hard. Our boy's in the truck on y'left, so try and crash into the right one.++

2018-04-26, 06:17 PM
"Tell 'im to shove it." Drazz grumpily replied to the Uya's handler before replying to Zya. ++Ah ****. Then try an' drop the Dominate in one o' the trucks, we can't explode 'em or the local's a deader.++

"Well, now tell Uya we doin' it."

2018-04-27, 12:23 PM
Aces racks the bolt of Piecemaker in preparation for action.

”No offense, but ain’t supakeen on stickin’ our necks out for the biker. Figgur we should stick to our biz and hit the oh-bee-gee. But whatever—better rebels then orks.”

Leroy declined to mention that the sounds of a battle may attract orks.

2018-04-28, 11:40 AM
Louie, for once, stops talking. He and Mouse slip on their chameleoline cloaks, seeming to vanish into the surrounding terrain as they creep through the trees to set up an ambush. They ghost along until they find an elevated area in front of the convoy and hunker down, sighting along their rifles at the driver of the prisoner's truck. Louie whispers into the comm-bead.

Ready when you are. Target in sight.

Stealth to position: /1d100. This is worth spending Fate on, so if it fails [roll0]

Rolled in OOC, fate not needed, 7 DoS.

Then double action aim at the truck driver.

2018-05-01, 03:11 AM
Drazz' instruction to shove it was heard loud and clear. It was answered with what sounded and felt suspiciously like an angry ogryn punching the inside of the chimera's chassis as hard as he could, followed by some grumbling. The Ogryn exited the chimera and started walking towards the enemy's location. "Why you gotta be ornery for? Well, if he wat'nt fired up before, those Dominate boys in for it now." Shea departs after Uya, jogging to catch up. ++Y'all shout out a target or I'ma just let 'im do his thing++

2018-05-04, 12:39 PM
Drazz was a bit startled by the punching, but it only made him further pissed. He couldn't even guess how an Ogryn out of all people had heard him over the noisiness of the situation and when he hadn't even shouted the reply to Shea, much less understood what 'shove it' meant, but there he had it.

"Shea, the ogryn keeps hittin' the Chimera, he's bein' left behind." the techie groaned at the handler. He was normally sarcastic but had the habit of getting far too grumpy when under pressure.

Meanwhile, Scrapper was more or less paralyzed, shrinking in the seat closest to Drazz.

2018-05-05, 01:02 PM
Louie whispers curtly into the vox. If yer all done playin' around, I think there's a deaf pilgrim on Holy Terra that ain't heard ya yet. I'm in cover, target in sight an' approachin'. I'm firin' when he gets ta a hunnred an' ten meters out, or we're gonna lose this chance. Some distraction or backup'd be 'preciated.

He lays flat on his belly behind some shrubbery, peering through his scope at the driver of the prison truck. Mouse lies next to him, finger on the trigger of his own rifle.

Aiming and aiming and aiming.

2018-05-06, 11:06 PM
Drazz sighed and drove towards the path to get Aces to open up. He couldn't do anything aside from driving closer and Scrapper was beyond useless without his gunner certification.

2018-05-07, 08:25 AM
Drazz sneaks the Chimera closer to the Supply trucks. They don't notice him. You can hear the engines revving. They're about to leave!

Do you let them drive off or COMBAT? If it's the latter, you get a surprise round.

2018-05-08, 08:58 PM
Takin' the shot. Mouse, volley fire. The spotter's shot rings out, followed a split second later by the crack of the long-las aimed at the driver's head.

Taking an aimed shot at the driver. [roll0] vs 83(38 +30 unaware +20 double aim +5 volley fire -10 Called Shot)

If it hits, [roll1] (minimum 7), Pen 3, additional 1d10+1 per every 2 DoS (accurate and ambush, max of 2 extra d10) [roll2], [roll3]

EDIT: 21 damage, Pen 3 (because accurate counts the original straight-pass DoS, but ambush only counts additional DoS). Unless he's a Space Marine in disguise or his windshield is made of whatever spaceship observation domes use, that guy is super dead.

2018-05-09, 10:30 PM
Zya slips down the gentle slope to the path, slamming up against a tree with her back to it, counting two seconds after the sharp crack of Louie's gun, and turns, letting out a volley of sharp hellgun blasts.

Semi-Auto burst

BS Target 52 [roll0]

Damage - [roll1] Pen 7, Minimum 6 damage

if BS roll is below 32 [roll2] Pen 7, Minimum 6 damage

If BS roll is below 12 [roll3] Pen 7, Minimum 6 damage

2018-05-10, 06:02 PM
Drazz keeps driving while sighing at the situation, and for his part Scrapper just looks nervous and about to curl up in a ball. Frakkin' Dominate.

Full Action: Move at Tactical Speed.

2018-05-13, 02:43 PM
There was really only one time Shea raised her voice to Uya, "THEY DONE SAID MEAN THINGS 'BOUT THE EMPEROR! KILL 'EM ALL!"

Uya bellowed and charged, wildly firing his ripper gun in the enemy's general direction until he got into crushin' distance of an enemy.

2018-05-26, 05:23 AM
The Driver of the Truck holding Lorak was reminecising about his family. He was going to see them again after 15 years give or take and this time he wasn't leaving ever again. As soon as his side took over this planet he could go home. He planned to open a farm with his parents once he got home. All these dreams were shattered when Louie's Long Las implodes his head. His gunner looks on in horror before yelling AMBUSH! This along with the Imperial Chimera throwing up massive amounts of noise got everyones attention. The first trucks gunner for unknown reasons held off firing. Zya's shot hits a soldier on the first truck and hurts him badly. He looks pissed and shoots at Zya.

The Dominate soldiers started firing at Zya,Louie and the Ogryn who comes barreling out of the forest with his gun firing wildly. The Gunner on the second truck begins firing at the Chimera.

Louie's: [roll0] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto)Damage: [roll1] Pen 0
<21 Additional Hit:[roll2] Pen 0

Zya's: [roll3] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto)Damage: [roll4] Pen 0
<21 Additional Hit:[roll5] Pen 0

Uya's: [roll6] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto)Damage: [roll7] Pen 0
<21 Additional Hit:[roll8] Pen 0

Uya's: [roll9] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto)Damage: [roll10] Pen 0
<21 Additional Hit:[roll11] Pen 0

Attack: [roll12] v 30 (30 Base -10 full auto +10 aim)
[roll13] Pen 3
[roll14] Pen 3
[roll15] Pen 3

2018-05-26, 01:48 PM
++How's izzit goin', lads? Keep me up-to-dayte on whatever's gonna shoot me, a'ight?++ Drazz asked as he dosed the amount of pressure he put on the gas and used the throttle sparingly, maintaining the Chimera at a steady pace to avoid threats while allowing Ace to keep shooting. The MIU linking allowed for good maneuvering and battlefield awareness, and it was the reason the pilot didn't try a risky sliding dodge just to avoid some piddly stubber fire.

"Ha, it ain't orks. We doin' it. Right?" Scrapper suddenly said from his seat, before being hit with a sudden wave of doubt that made Drazz sigh loudly. "Scrap, yer nerves're made o' mushy crap."

Full Action: Move at Tactical Speed.

2018-05-26, 03:21 PM
Louie chuckles into the vox. Heh. Bastard never saw it coming. An' his buddies shoot like drunk grox. What a bunch of fraggin' goons. Mouse, spot fer me. Let's feed these clowns their own teeth.

Companion double action aim at the turret gunner. Louie switch to normal fire and single shot. [roll0] vs 68.

Damage [roll1] pen 1 min 5. Extra from accurate if needed [roll2] [roll3] 17 total to the bastard

2018-05-27, 06:03 PM
Ducking behind the tree as a few more shots slam into it, Zya laughs, shaking her head. ++Frakkers couldn't hit the broad side of Drazz's mum at this rate!++ she voxes through to the others, before rolling out from the tree, and dashing forwards to slide and crouch beside a rotting log, checking her target before arming and throwing a Krak grenade to roll under the chimera their boy isn't in.

BS roll to throw - [roll0] vs 62 (+20 IIRC from Chimera side)

Damage [roll1] Pen 6

2018-05-28, 10:43 AM
++Coz' my mum's arse's half as wide as yers. Bet they'd hit that one.++ Drazz commented over the comms.

2018-05-30, 09:38 AM
Uya continues to bellow incoherently, bee-lining to the nearest unfortunate foe with his ripper gun still firing madly in their general direction. The ogryn wouldn't worry about injury until it impeded his ability to dispense the Emperor's peace.

I'm not sure what kind of damage I took, still fairly new to Only War.

Melee as soon as possible, spray and pray until then.


WS - 30 (8+20)
BS - 33 (13+20)
S - 48 (13+20 +10 +2 +3)
T - 50 (8+20 +10 +2)
AG - 27 (14+20 -10 +3)
INT - 14 (9+20 -15)
PER - 32 (12+20)
WP - 32 (12+20)
FEL - 32 (12+20)

2018-06-02, 12:43 PM
Aces fires at the enemy truck that doesn't hold a prisoner.

Aces spent the first turn aiming. The second goes as follows:

Comrade: Ranged Volley (+5 BS)
Half Action: Full-Auto at the truck not carrying a prisoner (BS 33 +10 Short Range +20 Aim +5 Volley +30 Target's Size -10 Chimera -10 Auto = TN 78)

Damage if he hits (Pen 5, explosive):
[roll0]+8 [roll1]+8 [roll2]+8 [roll3]+8 [roll4]+8 [roll5]+8
Half Action: Aim

2018-06-03, 12:39 AM
Aces’s gunfire glances off of the trucks armor, which earns a sneer from the Gunner, right before his head explodes from Louie’s shot. He collapses and one of the other soldiers move to replace him. The gunner on the other truck seems to shake himself out of it and opens fire on the chimera. The rest of the Gunmen continue firing at Zya, Uya and Louie. Uya misses his shots again. Zya’s grenade goes off with a resounding boom and the truck starts smoking from the bottom.

Louie's: [roll0] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 10 Single Shot)Damage: [roll1] Pen 0
Area: [roll2]
Zya’s : [roll3] v 30 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto)Damage: [roll4] Pen 0
Area: [roll5]
<21 Additional Hit:[roll6] Pen 0
Area: [roll7]

Uya's: [roll8] v 40 (30 base +10 Aim+ 0 Semi Auto+10 Size)Damage: [roll9] Pen 0
Area: [roll10]
<21 Additional Hit: [roll11] Pen 0
Area: [roll12]


Attack: [roll13] v 50 (30 Base -10 full auto +10 aim +20 Size)
[roll14] Pen 3
[roll15] Pen 3
[roll16] Pen 3
[roll17] Pen 3
[roll18] Pen 3

2018-06-06, 04:32 PM
Drazz kept driving while the enemy gunner missed all their shots, and Aces kept firing.

Full Action: Move at Tactical Speed.

Comrade: Ranged Volley (+5 BS)
Half Action: Full-Auto at the truck not carrying a prisoner (BS 33 +10 Short Range +10 Aim +5 Volley +30 Target's Size -10 Chimera -10 Auto = TN 68)
[roll0] (4 DoS, 4 hits)

Damage if he hits (Pen 5, Explosive):
[roll1]+8 [roll2]+8 [roll3]+8 [roll4]+8 [roll5]+8 [roll6]+8
Half Action: Aim

2018-06-12, 12:04 AM
"Eat las, heretic scum!" Zya yells, turning and aiming to shoot through the one of the Chimera's windshields

Half Action Aim, Then Shoot

[roll0] TN72 (+10 Range, +10 Aim, +10 Accurate)

[roll1] Pen 7,

[roll2] If attack roll is below 52

[roll3] If attack roll is below 32

2018-06-12, 11:14 AM
[Show 'em what you got, Uya!]

Uya's ripper gun stops barking in the general direction of the enemy as he begins to pick up speed and charge the enemy!

No idea how close Uya is to actually hitting someone over the head.

2018-06-17, 05:23 AM
Nicodemus wasn't precisely useful in a firefight at the moment. He eyed the distance towards the enemy, figuring that the paltry range of the Compact Las Carbine they gave him wouldn't be enough. What he could do however was at least make the rest of the squad performed a bit better. He put the Las Carbine down in his lap, taking out his Psy Focus, a small set of prayer beads with a sacred bone hanging from it. Focusing, he drew upon the Warp to hopefully enhance his allies. Once the power had been used he took his Las Carbine back up and aimed out of one of the Chimera's windows if there was still room.

Sawyer eyed up Nicodemus while he used the power, waiting to see what happened before taking a shot at one of the heretics.

Casting Prescience with the first Half Action, Aiming with his second.
Focus Power Roll (Challenging): [roll0] 39 (Per) + 10 (Psyniscience) + 10 Psy Focus + 5 Psy Rating (Fettered) Everyone gets a whopping +2 to WS and BS. (No exploding heads.).

2018-06-19, 12:50 AM
The bullets from Slam’s volley fail to penetrate the armor of the Supply truck. Zya’s las blast slams into the final drivers chest and sets him on fire. He dies screaming for his mother as his skin melts off. The remaining troops seem panicked and hide behind the cover provided by the trucks’s sides. After a few seconds you see them throwing their guns down and one of the better dressed ones calls out “We Surrender! Stop firing please!” He seems terrified.

2018-06-19, 06:26 AM
Uya hadn't been firing for a bit anyway, so the request didn't apply to him, at least he thought so. Also, it's not like requests for surrender couldn't be rejected, and nobody had bothered telling him to stop anyway.

WS - 30
S - 48



2018-06-19, 11:52 PM
Nicodemus was the odd man out when it came to the regiment, so he remained quiet when it came to deciding if they were goign to accept the surrender or not. However, he maintained the power's effect on his squad in case they decided that heretics must be purged.

2018-06-20, 08:39 AM
Slam leaned forward until she was practically draped over the firing mechanism for the mounted Autocannon. Over already? Damn traitor cowards. Be hours before the stuff wears off and I'm back to baseline bliss.

She sighs and waves to Zya. "Hey boss... I can cover them from here with the auto, I guess? If you have them come out and drop their crap. Make it easier if you want to grease them."

Full Action: Overwatch (Semi-Auto Burst with Autocannon), triggers on first enemy trying to attack.

2018-06-20, 09:05 AM
Alright Uya, that's enough, buddy! You did a great job, pal. I'll make you stew with real meat flavor chunks tonight- you earned it.

Louie stands and eyes the Dominate soldiers. He speaks with a wide grin and exaggerated friendliness. They're gonna be real friendly-like, ain't they? They're gonna han' their guns to Uya to collect real slow. Then we're gonna have us a nice chat about secret bases an' such. No need for Uya to tear more people's arms off. Ain't no commissars aroun'.

2018-06-20, 11:16 AM
Drazz noticed the Dominate soldiers' surrender and mentally cheered. The less time spent risking getting a bullet into him, the better. That and they still didn't have the right bits of info necessary to actually finish the mission they'd been saddled with. He didn't move the Chimera any closer to avoid looking threatening, but he quickly reached for the micro-bead.

++Get 'em guns down an' keep 'em livin', we need that info.++ he called over the comms before adding:
++We needa know where that base is.++

"Haaa... Pretty good, ain't it? What we doin' with 'em, tho'?" Scrapper asked, scratching the back of his buzzcut hair. "Yeah, the less shootin' the better. And dunno, we could smoke 'em or pretend we're the Dominate and they're prisoners. We'll see, yeah?"

2018-06-23, 01:49 AM
++I'll stand and do the scary Stormtrooper thing++ Zya says, somewhat bemused as she walks forward, keeping her gun trained on the rest of them. Behind her faceplate, she grins, but the helmet makes her expression impossible to read. ++Hey Drazz, thought. Could we paint a scarier face on my helmet?++ she adds, grinning. To the Dominate solders, she yells. "You Emperor-Betraying Warpbound Scum! Do as the Sniper says, and free your prisoner!"

2018-06-25, 12:46 AM
The Dominate Soldier that Uya grabbed screams as he gets his chest crushed by Uya. The other soldiers just back away and stare with wide open eyes at Uya. Luckily they saw it as a Show of force rather than an actual attack.
The Soldiers then pick their guns back up and carefully hand it to Uya. The soldier who talked earlier seems to be their leader orders a man to go into the first supply truck and take out Lorak. Lorak is bloody and seems to have been beaten down. He slowly walks toward Zya with Lorak.

2018-06-25, 08:36 PM
Seeing as the combat had died down, Nicodemus shut off his channeling of the power. He paid close attention to what was going on, and how precisely they were going to get the information from the heretics.

2018-06-26, 11:24 AM
++Scarier than the one ya were born with? I real doubt it.++ Drazz commented sarcastically as he kept the Chimera's guns trained on the Dominate prisoners.

2018-06-26, 07:19 PM
Zya's barking laugh comes across the vox at Drazz's jibe. "Hey Lorak. They treat you alright? Kiss your booboos?" Zya teases, keeping her lasgun trained on the Dominate soldiers. "Good job,
scum. Now, on the ground, hands behind your head, 'cept for the chatty one who's gonna have a few words with Louie here."

2018-06-26, 08:58 PM
Louie sidles up to the man he was talking to. He lights up a lho stick and offers one to the man. Smoke? Nothing' like a lho after a good tussle. He leans towards him conspiratorially and speaks in a low voice, stage whispering so everyone can hear.

We're a Penal Legion, see? So we know what it's like ta be drafted fer a war that you don't unnerstand an' have the brass not give two moldy grox balls about ya. I know you an yer boys were jus' doin' what ya had to ta survive. Now, High Command would wan' us to las the lot of ya. But High Command ain't here, an' neither are the commissars. What they really want is the location of yer base. We give 'em that, they aren't gonna be lookin' fer every two-bit patrol. Far as they'll know, we killed ya to the man.

I bet you all got family you wanna go home to. You don't wanna die fer the brass on some stupid mountain. So here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna tell us where the base is, how it's defended, an' how to get there. Then we're gonna blow these trucks, killin' all the brave soldiers what died to a man to protect 'em. Ain't no one seen some men leavin'. It never happened. An' we ain't never gonna see each other again. He winks at the soldier.

2018-06-29, 04:52 AM
Lorak replies "Their treatment needs improvement. i give it 3 stars," He gives a quick grin before grimacing once more. He needs to lean onto Uya to even stay upright.
The Boy (Once you take a closer look you see he is actually just a boy no older than 21) looks hopeful as he takes a lho stick and smokes. "We didnt want none of this sir. The high ups took us and forced us to fight. We just want to go home,"
When he sees you get it, he looks you in the eye and actually smiles. He asks for a map and marks the location of the camp. He thinks for a while and then states a warning. "The Real threat at camp isn't the General. Theres these black...things. They attack us imperials (You notice he uses us instead of you, trying to ally himself) but leave THe Dominate more or less alone. Anyone who follows them gets found dead or not at all," He then puts his pen down and states that's all he knows.

2018-06-29, 12:31 PM
Alright Uya, that's enough, buddy! You did a great job, pal. I'll make you stew with real meat flavor chunks tonight- you earned it.

Louie stands and eyes the Dominate soldiers. He speaks with a wide grin and exaggerated friendliness. They're gonna be real friendly-like, ain't they? They're gonna han' their guns to Uya to collect real slow. Then we're gonna have us a nice chat about secret bases an' such. No need for Uya to tear more people's arms off. Ain't no commissars aroun'.

The Dominate Soldier that Uya grabbed screams as he gets his chest crushed by Uya. The other soldiers just back away and stare with wide open eyes at Uya. Luckily they saw it as a Show of force rather than an actual attack.
The Soldiers then pick their guns back up and carefully hand it to Uya. The soldier who talked earlier seems to be their leader orders a man to go into the first supply truck and take out Lorak. Lorak is bloody and seems to have been beaten down. He slowly walks toward Zya with Lorak.

Uya comes down from his frenzy fairly quickly at the promise of food. "For real? Promise? Ok. GIVE ME GUNS! SLOW! SLOWER!" Shea keeps her lasgun trained on the prisoners while catching her breath, she doesn't seem worried that any of them will try anything with the ogryn so close.

After dumping their weapons in a pile for his comrades to inspect (not being interested in the weapons himself, since he didn't spot at ogryn-proof weapons), Uya gladly let Lorak lean on him and helped him walk as much as he needed. The ogryn shot the prisoners a dirty look, "Not nice. Maybe crush one more for Lo-rak"

2018-06-29, 10:10 PM
With the situation appearing to be under control, Slam straightens up and, after giving Spook a light kick to the head to get his attention, climbs down from the turret and waits until her loader passes down her autocannon before heading towards Zya at a leisurely pace with the big gun not quite aimed directly at the group of prisoners. "Bunch of pansies, ain't even got the stones to fight like soldiers. Stupid sodding traitors."

Behind her, Spook mutters under his breath as his paranoia begins to kick in. "Too easy, dis can't be right, it's never this easy. Don't you see the pattern, it's all so simple, any second now they're gonna turn into monsters and eat our faces and we gots to kill them before they steal our fluids and-"

Spook's ranting is stopped by Slam's chuckling. "Oy. Be nice, they're gifting us all this nice stuff and you just gotta be so negative."

"And what da hell else could you need?! I already got dis heavy-ass launcher to carry around on top of your cannon?!"

Slam shrugs. "Girl's gotta accessorize."

2018-06-30, 11:13 AM
Louie puts an arm around the kid and walk away from the rest of the group, pumping him for information on guard patrols, camp layout, defenses, topography, where the general sleeps and works, his daily movements, and the black Xenos. He assiduously writes everything down, adding notations to the boy's map as they talk. After getting it all, he walks the captive to the treeline.

Ya done good, kid. Real good job infiltratin' the Dominate, passin' yerself off as one of them. Yer service to the imperium is commended, an' all that. Now scram. Get outta here before one a my more bloodthirsty buddies makes ya regret stayin'. An' boy- if I ever see ya through my scope in a traitor uniform again, I'll shoot yer nards off.

Louie watches the kid disappear into the forest with a chuckle, then turns and walks back to the group.

Well, ladies an' gennelmen, Ol'Lou has the information we need.

He waves the annotated map and his notes.

2018-07-01, 05:55 PM
Zya frowns as the ratling allows the prisoner to vanish, and without a word, the moment he says he has the information, she raises her lasgun and starts to systematically mow down the rest as they kneel on the ground.

TN=82 (PB Range, Semi-Auto Burst) [roll0]
Damage in Discord

+Mercy's for losers, Louie.++

2018-07-02, 10:19 AM
Slam doesn't even raise an eyebrow as she levels her autocannon at the soldiers and starts unloading it as fast as she can pull the trigger. "Heh. Too bad, guess we can't be friends."

Behind her, Spook's paranoia meant he was actually almost prepared for this, and he fires a few las bolts as well.

Half Action: Aim
Half Action: Semi-Auto Burst
Comrade Order: Ranged Volley
Rolls in the Discord roll thread.

2018-07-02, 11:33 AM
Drazz sighed in a clearly irritated manner over the shared comms. ++I wanted their uniforms, and I had a plan. And yea, let's start jus' murderin' any who comes our way, so we can 'xpect somethin' similar in return as soon as they catch wind o' that. Emperor damn it to the Warp.++

The driver hopped off the Chimera to search for any interesting items.

1d100z Borked roll.

2018-07-02, 03:21 PM
Instead of firing along with his comrades, Uya just pointed and laughed. "Stupid traitors!"

2018-07-03, 12:30 AM
Nicodemus watched the exchange from the safety of the transport, raising an eyebrow with a passing moment of curiosity when Louie walks away with the information followed by an approving nod once the traitors were fired upon. Assuming that there were no more prisoners to shoot since they were either kneeling or fled there wasn't much he could do except leave the transport and start inspecting things. "Don't suppose there are any Guard Flak without a number of incriminating holes in them are there? Don't believe a Commissar will be particularly believing of the 'shot the traitors' line of explaining things." Still, he looked over the gear before picking up a lasgun and inspecting it for damage that would hamper its use. Sawyer sees him picking through the battlefield and scowls. "If no one has objections I'm going to be taking one of their lasguns, need something that with a bit more range."

2018-07-03, 03:18 AM
Louie's captive looks at his friends and runs. He hopes they release them too but he's not dumb. His fears are confirmed as the gun shots are heard.

The captives scramble and try to run as they get blasted but at this close of a range there was no chance. After a few seconds, they're all dead. Their armor has been more or less pulverized but a few of te ones killed before hand have theirs more or less intact.
There seems to be something black watching you from the trees. When it sees that you have noticed it, it disappears. A figment of your Imagination perhaps? Combats over! Lorak is safe and we're in the home stretch. Everyone take 200 exp. anyone doing any search/looting/anything else or can I fast forward to getting In the camp. Oh yeah, I need to know how you guys plan on entering the camp or whether you guys even bother to.

2018-07-07, 04:05 PM
Drazz wasn't happy about the result. "Damaged their armor too. We know ya wanna be all mean an' slick, but can ya do that in a way that don't frak us up?" the driver complained as he went about looking for loot on the bodies and grimacing at the holed guard flak armor he'd have to salvage.

"Next time we goin' smarter."

2018-07-07, 10:39 PM
Nicodemus frowns as he looks at the armor, finding one that wasn't too full of holes at least. "A shot to the head would have made things easier for cleanup as well. Alas. We've got what we came here for at the very least. Anything keeping us here?"

2018-07-09, 12:06 PM
Slam ignores the complaints as she picks through the corpses until finding a man whose head was no longer attached but whose armour seemed to be relatively intact. Shrugging at the blood and shrapnel holes, she strips the flak armour off and, after cinching the straps out as far as they'll go, manages to squeeze it onto her sizeable frame.

"Nice. Eh, think I'm good. Maybe try and find some green paint later to cover this red before the Commissar notices it."

2018-07-10, 11:48 AM
"Got guns tho. And ammo." Uya kicked the pile of weapons he confiscated from the traitors. Shea started going through the pile to scavenge power packs.

2018-07-11, 02:44 AM
After going over the map and plotting out where you are, you figure it'll take you three days to get to the camp. Lorak keeps his bike attached to the chimera and rides on the inside. He's very weak from the bloodloss but seems to be slowly recovering. After three days you arrive at your destination. A little cliff near the camp where you can't be seen. Below you can see the Dominate encampment. It's well fortified with turrets and sentries everywhere. In the middle theres a big building with a Dominate flag on top.
There always seems to be a pair of eyes watching you, disappearing when you look at it directly. They don't look like any human eyes you've seen.

2018-07-15, 10:01 PM
Louie surveys the camp through his scope. Well, that looks like a fair number a' traitors. Might I suggest tryin' to pop the general while he's walkin' around rather than stormin' the place?

Rolling Awareness: [roll0] vs 22

Also, where did the dominate guy tell us the general normally is? What are his habits?

2018-07-16, 03:05 PM
Drazz sniffed. Frakin' jungles, all weird and green. He was keeping his gas mask on at almost all times and yet he felt like all of that "pure" green air was gonna clog his nostrils.

"We coulda gone for disguisin' but noo." he commented, glancing critically at the most murder-happy members of the squad before adding: "Yea, stormin' the place's dumb as ****. Think ya can look 'round the place and see if there's any weak spot? If the big shot ain't comin' to us, we could create a distraction, slip in while the goons storm out, get what we want and slip out. Depends on how things look, tho'."

2018-07-16, 08:57 PM
Slam is once again perched on top of the turret while enjoying the view. She shoots Drazz an apologetic look. "Hey, sorry bro. I see one of ya shooting, I tend to just follow along. So, distraction, huh? Well, you could do a drive-by in the Chimera, give them the runaround chase while the rest sneaky sneaky into the big house. Or we find something that can go big boom and let it boom real good."

2018-07-17, 11:38 PM
Nicodemus had a fun trip. He spent most of his time with Sawyer's lasgun pressed firmly against the base of his skull just in case any warp shenanigans happened while he was scrying through it to hopefully get battlefield situations for both his squad and the Imperial Guard. As he focuses on his prayer charm the warp reveals its secrets to him and he manages to find some interesting things. With his eyes closed he starts jotting down notes. Once he was done with an hour of scrying he left where they had stored the vehicle and joined up with the others, speaking in a quiet tone. "Through the Emperor's guidance I was able to get some information on our enemy. . . unfortunately none that would help other Guardsmen, but some that may be useful to us. I saw the Orkz overtake a forward camp the Imperial Guard was holding near here. We may be able to use that somehow since they are no friends of the Dominate obviously. The Dominate has been making moves as well. . . I saw six soldiers stalking about where we first got our mission."

2018-07-25, 07:32 AM
While you were planning Lorak had come out of the Truck. He taps Drazz upon his shoulder and points out a part of the Camp on the south. He coughs and grabs Uya for support before stating "This is old Viribian Camp. One of few places storms don't strike. Abandoned because after the sky men came, a curse fell upon it. Shadows in the dark grabbing our people. The point is that used to be an entrance tunnel that leads into that big building. Well hidden."

2018-07-26, 05:53 AM
Uya gingerly (gingerly for an ogryn) places a hand at Lorak's back to support him. "Dey not grab Uya, too big. Stupid shadows." Uya puffed up his chest, but it was clear that he was put off by the idea of the darkness swallowing him up. Shea chuckled at the child-like behavior.

2018-07-26, 11:58 PM
Nicodemus turns his attention towards where Lorak pointed. "Seems like that would be our best way in then without trying to charge right at them."

2018-07-30, 04:14 PM
"Thanks on the info, Lorak. Ya stay back here and we'll do our dirt."

Drazz sniffed again and readjusted his gas mask before addressing the team in an exaggerated and obviously faux paternal tone. "Well ya bunch o' dirt, rejoice. We've just found an 'scuse to do one o' the stuff we do best, scurryin' in the damp an' frakkin' dark, just like back home, ey? Let's get sneakin' to grab the big shot, livin' or bagged."

2018-07-30, 09:58 PM
Louie sighs. I take it that's a no on waitin' out here fer him ta come out, then? We're jus' gonna march into some dark, enclosed space fulla zeenoes or summat and hope fer the best? Fine. But I'm stickin' ta the middle of the group. Ain't waitin' around in the back to be ambushed, no sah.

2018-07-30, 10:38 PM
Slam scratches her head for a moment before shrugging. "Guess we can try it. At least, if everyone's jumping scared cause of a bunch of shadows, mebbe they ain't keen on looking too close at that part of the camp, so no patrol's gonna trip over the wagon while we're gone."

Below her, mostly hidden inside the internals of the Chimera's turret, Spook can be heard starting on a new rant that seems to involve some sort of conspiracy between the shadow monsters and the local Ecclesiarchy though mercifully no one other than Slam outside of the vehicle can actually hear him clearly enough to be annoyed by it.

2018-07-31, 10:54 AM
Lorak takes you about half an hour off from the camp to what looks like a cave. Deeper inside the stone and dirt turns into rusted metal and bricks. After you go even deeper the walls are covered in strange runes which hurt to look at too long. "Remnants of the Cave-People. While we ride with the storm, the cowards go underground. Very deep underground. The shamans said they used to trade us metal for food but that one day they sealed their caves and when they come out they were Monsters. Our people flooded their caves with fire and lightning to kill them all but the marks of their existence still remain and refuse to be removed no matter how hard we try,"(Gain one CP) The Runes and Markings seem to invoke a god of "Life Primordial" and "The Great Cycle". suddenly you are hit with a vision of people in pus covered robes cutting apart a man and throwing him into a pit of filth.Eventually he stops at a covered up tube and opens it. The smell is Horrible but not as bad as you would have expected. He points to a ladder and states "That is Way down. Careful. some of our Defences maybe still active. Nothing too dangerous. Just shock spears and such. I would come but Injury is too bad. Good Luck Friends ," He sticks his hand out to shake.

2018-08-02, 05:35 PM
Drazz shook Lorak's hand. "Yea, sure. This ain't ya mission anyway, Lorak. 'preciate the help, catch us later if we don't die, eh? I wanna know where ya get those rides." he replied, obviously meaning either of the parties could end up dead.

With the objective a little closer, Drazz was more focused, and he quickly whipped out his auspex to hold it in one hand and his combi-tool in the other to fine-tune it while trying to figure out what was ahead of them. "Ahah, hope we can do lootin' on those defs. Hear anythin', see anythin', yell 'fore ya die, k?" As always, the prospect of some Chem-Dog signature looting made him giddy.

Awareness with auspex assistance for more basic detection duties.
[roll0] Per 33 +0 Skill +20 Auspex = TN 53

Tech-Use with the auspex to notice complex stuff.
[roll1] Int 34 +0 Skill +10 Combi-tool = TN 44

2018-08-05, 03:30 AM
Nicodemus looked around the cave system, frowning as he observed the runes and markings. While he couldn't understand the runes, something about them made Nicodemus want to give them a wide berth. Paranoia about these things tended to pay off in the end. Especially when it concerned markings that were near impossible to destroy. "Thank you for the information Lorak." He looked to the hand for a moment, before shaking it and waiting to follow the rest down.

2018-08-05, 09:10 AM
Slam skips the offered hand and gives the native man a bear hug instead (though cautiously, given his injuries). "You be good, man. Keep them engines warm, we might be needing to leg it once we grease this poof general."

She shoulders her pack and the acquired launcher before hefting her autocannon and keeping it pointed at the darkness ahead. "Dark place, huh? Eh, reminds me of the ol' sublevels five and down in the hive. Can't be any worse than the muties from down there."

2018-08-06, 09:58 AM
Uya unconsciously brought his ripper gun to a low ready when they entered the cave, it wasn't that bad but enough to make him feel just a bit anxious.

He shook Lorak's extended hand as gingerly as he could, which is to say not at all. "Bye, be good Lo-rak"

Uya peered down the hole and gave a sniff, he knew Ogryn who gave off worse stench, he was not impressed. What concerned him was actually going down the tube. He took several steps back while shaking his head, "Nope, nope, nope!"

2018-08-07, 07:17 AM
The tunnel itself is dark and damp and barely big enough for an Ogryn. Uya hits his head quite a few times. Rats skitter through the tubing that runs through the side and Strangely they only seem to be going one way. The smell of sewer gets worse the further you go. After a while (Chronos say its been 12 minutes) you come across a split in the tunnel. The Left side seems newer and less rusted than the other side and lacked the runes from the rest of the tunnel. The Right side looked exactly the same as the rest of the tunnel. You come across a bigger room with a bunch of bodies inside. They all are heavily mutated and deformed. Most of the bodies were skeletons but there were a few in the center that were still rotting. The rest of the bodies were situated around them and seemed to be paying them obesience. The corpse in the center slowly gets up and scratches its back with a massive dripping axe. its about a foot bigger than your Ogryn. He seems to be blind. He stares in your general and cracks a smile About time you got here Children! his voice sounds horrible and guttural. he kicks a corpse by him and tells it Get up Bubonicous! We have teaching to be done. He turns back to you and tells you to put your tribute down by the hole. The "Hole" is filled with skeletons and worse. The second corpse slowly begins stirring.
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/7a/ae/767aae45a9fd141eb2864e726be83bdc.jpgYou keep walking until you come across a hatch at a dead end. You can hear voices on the other side but they're extremely faint. it's been about 3 hours since you passed the turning.

2018-08-11, 06:16 PM
Drazz wanted to go down the path that obviously took into the base. Normally he'd want to loot, but when the place was smelly and rune-infested, he knew better than to try his luck and find only heresy. But nooo, the majority of the group wanted to take their gas masks off and sniff an air that smelled like an arch-heretic's hairy arse. Next the driver wanted Louie to do his frakking work and scout. Louie was too chicken**** to do it. While Drazz contemplated not leaving anyone to scout ahead and trusting his reflexes to be the first one to run away and leave the rest of the squad to be shot to hell, they still had a mission to do, and since they were expendable he wasn't feeling good about their chances of survival in case they didn't do it or they decided to desert.

++Ya owe me.++ he'd groaned to Louie in a caustic tone as he started to walk a few meters in front of the group, so he could quickly rush back and tell them—specially the noisy Ogryn—to stop in case of trouble. He kept an eye up ahead and one on his auspex, grumbling and cursing all the while, no sound coming from his mask but plenty of low-volume bitching filling the team's vox channel until he got tired of doing it.

Awareness with auspex assistance.
[roll0] Per 33 +0 Skill +20 Auspex = TN 53

Tech-Use with the auspex to notice complex stuff.
[roll1] Int 34 +0 Skill +10 Combi-tool = TN 44

Stealth Roll!
[roll2] Agi 42 +20 Skill +? Bonus from darkness = TN 62+?

2018-08-14, 12:08 PM
Since it seemed they've reached the end of the path, Drazz called for a halt and rejoined the group. ++Auspex's sayin' there's a buncha corpses. Not the lootable kind either, jus' corpses. Not the excitin' kind o' ride if ya ask me. Anyone wanna peek into the cave o' doom, be my guest. I ain't sure I wanna test what got the deaders killed.++

2018-08-17, 01:32 AM
Nicodemus nods his head, looking to the right and left as he frowns. "Unfortunately I have a bad feeling about our path to the left. Think it would be best if we go down the right path, investigate the corpses and try to figure out what killed them and what else we're dealing with down here."

2018-08-17, 06:46 AM
Sometimes in between Uya's heavy footsteps there would be a thud, followed by a monotone "Owww". Shea winced with every thud.


Uya didn't stop to discuss, rather kept walking at the same base, "Go da right way! Right ways da right way!" He said it as if it was some sort of mantra with a sing-songy quality to it.

2018-08-17, 08:50 AM
Louie looks at the two of them like they're crazy.Yer joking, right? It's a room full a corpses, and ya wanna go through it?! Who cares what killed 'em? They're fraggin' traitors, we're not here to solve the mystery of their deaths. Whatever killed em is probly aroun' there somewheres. What are ya, a buncha stupid Cadians? We don' need to take the most dangerous path fer the sake of provin' our devotion to the emperor or some such nonsense. If yer so keen on gettin' yerself dead, go walk in there. I'll wait here till the screamin' stops.

2018-08-17, 09:53 AM
Uya stops just long enough to say, "But... Might be stuff in dere."

2018-08-19, 12:19 PM
Slam decides to just kick back and chill while the others argue about whether or not to turn around. Ever since seeing those weird symbols that she wasn't 100% certain weren't just hallucinations from her "#9 Calming Mix", she'd been trying to adjust the air flow rate and return to her normal blank state of zen. As she fiddles with the regulator, she fails to notice the valve on the line to her combat drug tank has cracked open and is now mixing it in with the others. The result is a sudden, uncontrollable fit of giggles before she shoves her way past the others and starts walking towards the chamber.

"Ehhhh... scuse me ladies. I ain't scared of no bodies."

2018-08-19, 04:03 PM
Uya cheers in approval of Slam's gusto, "Dats da spirit!"

2018-08-21, 12:34 PM
++Good luck, ya deader-wannabes. Louie, can ya start scouting? I just tried it an' ya saw the results.++ Drazz commented over the comms, taking care to follow the group but staying out of sight of the chamber.

++Wanna wait for 'em here? Might as well let 'em get in trouble an' if it's a trap, then eh. We can take the Chimera and look for a new life outta the legion, coz' I doubt a tek and a ratling gonna get this done.++

2018-08-21, 09:11 PM
Louie waves to his departing comrades, and hands each of them a syringe filled with green liquid. Hey, if'n yer determined to go die, take one a these each. On the house. Guys I took em from won't be needin' em. He watches them go and turns to Drazz. Ah, that's a shame. I'll miss the dumb bastards. Louie sighs and lights up a lho-stick. Well, migh' as well camp out by the truck fer a few days, see if ol' fancy-pants ever steps outta his castle. If he does, we shoot him. If not... Louie shrugs.

2018-08-27, 08:03 AM
You all wait by the splitting point and sit on some rocks. Nothing really happens except that the rats stop crawling. Its eerily quiet.As you stare in shock at the talking corpse, it walks closer to you. "Bubonicus" slowly gets up and says something in a throaty language that you cannot understand (The rot of the vocal cords doesn't help either) Which makes the Cultist stop. "No Tribute? Grandfather nurgle will be very displeased younglings. Here, i'll kill one of you as tribute and we'll sweep this whole thing under the rub hmm? No need to tell Phlegor" He winks in the general direction of Nicodemus before attempting to Bisect him. His axe misses and opens a hole in the floor out of which Maggots swarm. "My Apologies! I'll try and hit this time. Grandfather wanted me to learn to go without my eyes but i'm still learning,"He pops another grin and jovially winds up for another swing.

2018-09-01, 08:47 PM
Slam eyes the maggots crawling out of where the axe had split the ground for a moment before aiming at the giant walking corpse-thing. "Hey Spooky, not to upset ya or nuthin, but I think that bug dream ya told me bout is comin' true."

"...the one with da maggots?!"

"Um... yeah. Sorry."

A moment later, she hears the wordless screaming of her comrade behind her punctuated by wildly aimed firing from his las carbine. She sighs and unloads on the big bastard before he can split the psyker boy in half.

Comrade Order: Ranged Volley
Half Action: Aim
Half Action: Semi-Auto Burst at the big thing with an axe. Rolls in Discord. Used a Fate Point to reroll the attack roll. Results... hehe. 34 and 38 to the Right Arm and 25 to the Body, Pen 6 Impact.

2018-09-02, 08:10 PM
Wai-..Sto-..Please" The Cultist with the axe barely gets out a few words before being disintegrated into a pile of mush. The other cultist just looks at you with hate on his face before he shares the same fate. Wisely choosing not to loot the room, you head back to meet with the others.
Slam and Uya come back with no loot. It seems that the other way was inhabited still by the "cave people"

2018-09-04, 09:34 AM
Uya didn't even bother firing or charging, he gave a look of disgust at the mush piles and maggots and turned around to meander back to the group.

"No shinies, only yucky stuff. Right way not right way today." Uya falls back into step with the rest and continues hitting his head on each low-hanging object, Shea in tow.

2018-09-08, 11:40 PM
Slam gives the Ogryn a reassuring pat on the back. "No worries big guy. Bet the general gots tons of shinies we can nick while we cap his ass."

Slam shoots Drazz and Louie a smirk with her eyes (as her mouth as usual is hidden behind her inhaler) as she reappears from the gloom. "Told ya. Just a coupla stiffs. We good now."

2018-09-09, 01:26 PM
Uya smiles a crooked, yellow smile. "Big baddie got da big shinies, ya hear Shea? We gonna get the shinies." Shea shrugged and chuckled, "You bet, hun."

As Uya marched along with his comrades he started mumbling the thing he'd buy with all his shinies, "Errr, want las-cannon what can hit baddies wit, and nice boots. New boots fer Shea too. New boots fer everyone. Thats nice. Maybe buyin not-scary car fer us. Mmmm..."

2018-09-11, 06:45 AM
You all take the left turn this time and keep walking until you come across a hatch at a dead end. When opened it leads into to the bathroom to an armory. Guns are stacked against the wall and there's a few suits of armor in the corner. You don't see any guards but You can't see much because of the dim lights.

2018-09-14, 05:50 AM
"Look! Shinies what go boom n' such!"

Uya excitedly began to tear apart the armory in search of weapons that wouldn't be broken by his gentle touch.

2018-09-18, 12:23 PM
++So all ya got was a scare, and all we got was wastin' ammo and time to shoot at stiffs, and time is thrones.++ Drazz snorted. While he was glad his meat shields companions hadn't gotten sacked, he was still a bit sore about the choice of path and the predictably underwhelming results. ++Ya lucky we got them inhalers. Were I smellin' all o' the crap 'round here I'd have left ya back here already. Let's move.++

At least the armory did some fine work raising his spirits. ++Uya, jus' wait and we'll find somethin' good for ya, geddit?++ he said as he shone the lamp-pack's light around to search for loot—and also to get an undamaged suit of armor his size. Maybe some fatigues and field kits too, so they could actually try the disguise plan.

2018-09-20, 08:00 AM
In a box near a pile of old lasguns you find a box full of old fatigues. There are also a few sets of fatigues sized for children that would fit a ratling (it seems like children were being recruited for the war effort). Field Kits were in a box by a big broken down tank that was missing most of it's right half. There's a 2 sets of trooper suits next to the vast amounts of Flak armor (none of which are sized for children unfortunately). For Uya you scrounge up a Untouched dusty Autocannon next to a few Ripper guns and a Heavy Stubber that were less dusty. There were also a few grenades and the crème de le crème an ornate plasma cannon. Unfortunately it is locked up in what appears to be a glass case with a mechanical lock leading to a few dusty turrets. It appears that simply breaking the case will cause the turrets to go off.

2018-09-24, 10:01 AM
Uya stares at the shiny plasma cannon in the box. Then he looks to turrets. Then the box. Then the turrets. He repeats this for a few minutes while making thinking noises and grunts in between scratching himself.

"If Uya open box, maybe dem tarrots get mad. So... Uya smash dem first 'afore openin' da box!! Dats smart way, then dun get shot up! Ay, bois! I gon smash dem tarrots and get the big blue shiny what fer killin' an' such!"

Uya takes a look at the autocannon and heavy stubber, trying to decide which would destroy the turrets faster. He repeats the process of looking back and forth between the two for a few minutes...

2018-09-27, 05:44 PM
++We can't be makin' much noise.++ Drazz told Uya, launching an exasperated look at Shea to keep the brute in check. Now, he could try to use his technical abilities of dubious quality to unlock the box without triggering the turrets... Or he could check whether the turrets weren't an easier target.

So he carefully stared and analyzed the turrets to see whether they only had a connection to the case and no visible motion trackers of their own, meaning they could be directly deactivated.

2018-09-27, 11:14 PM
You can't see any sensors other than the ones directly on it that will activate it if it's harmed and the ones on the wires attaching it to a makeshift mechanism on the lock. If opened without the key, current stops going to the turrets and sets them off.

2018-09-28, 08:37 PM
Louie rubs his temples. Guys. I love loot as much as the nex' guy. Maybe more. But yer overlookin' one teeny, tiny detail. WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ENEMY BASE! If'n ya start settin' off explosions an' turrets an' ****e, don' ya think they'll get a *little* suspicious?! Throne! Loot ain't worth nothin' if yer dead. Let's grab it on the way out or somethin'. They'll already be all riled up after we gank the big man, so a little more chaos won' hurt then. Till then, let's not bring down the whole base on our heads. Put on their fatigues so's ya don't stand out, push some loot back in the hatch ta take later, and let's go kill the bastard.

2018-09-29, 10:01 AM
"Just don't touch anythin' until the boys figure out the turrets hun" Shea put a hand on the hairy and excessively scarred forearm to reassure the ogryn that it was the right thing to do.

"But... Shinies... I dun get it... Dat one makes big booms, looks like it. Wanna use it ta blow up da bad guys." Uya scratches his head and brushes the alarming amount of dandruff off his shoulder. He starts to tear apart the place looking for a uniform that will fit him.

2018-10-03, 09:36 AM
No luck for poor Uya with an uniform. There's a big undershirt though that would fit on him. Luckily the bottom half of the uniform is pretty much same (So Is the top half but with a few differences in insignia and such).

You can hear a commotion outside after you all finish changing and a man in a prissy outfit strides in the armory. He sees you and orders you out to join the next force going out to assault an imperial camp. The disguise seems to have worked.

2018-10-03, 12:47 PM
Uya frowns at the prissy newcomer, crosses his arms, and stomps a foot down like a child throwing a tantrum. He whines, "But Uya need ta get shiny in box first! Uya don't want to make tourettes mad! Get in big bad trouble, friends get mad!"

Shea recognizes the prissy uniform as most likely meaning "I outrank you". She stands between Uya and the priss, "Ahh, sorry there sir! Uya here is passionate 'bout combat readiness! He's gonna git upset if he don't fry some Imperials with this beauty, could ya help us out before he tries ta pry it open again?"

2018-10-03, 03:56 PM
++Calm yer brains, Louie, I've said we ain't makin' much noise and I'm goin' by it too. And I know what I'm doin', I put that frakkin' Chimera back into workin' order, didn't I? I'm the company's best tek, ya see.++ Drazz had shot back the ratling as he continued to analyze the lock and the turrets themselves with his auspex. ++An' this plasma cannon is too delicate so the most Uya's doing is carryin' it. He uses it, I reckon we might as well blow up.++

He spent a few more minutes on it before sighing and starting to replace the uniform and the damage armor with the equipment available in the armory. ++Well yea ****e. Turrets also all wired up, we better crack this open on the way 'round.++

While Drazz was surprised by the prissy officer's appearance, he didn't show it outwardly thanks to years of hiding contraband. Scrapper was a bit paler but luckily the more experienced trooper was blocking proper line of sight to the cowardly git. Drazz saluted the superior but cringed when Uya decided to act up, the only thing keeping him from being very loudly pissy and angry being the presence of the officer—that and the fact Uya was like a very stupid and spoiled child capable of tearing a grown man in half. The techie cleared his throat, before adding in surprisingly non-slurred speech that took some effort to produce: "He's a good trooper, but he's gotten obsessed with the cannon." he explained, Scrapper providing assistance with a silent nod after regaining his composure.

2018-10-11, 12:06 PM
Fine Fine. Be careful with it. Do you even know how to use that thing? He takes out a weird key card looking thing and shoves it in the lock and takes out the Plasma Cannon. He hands it over to Uya before walking off toward the bathrooms.

When you go outside you see a large movement of armed vehicles and people. They're all arranging at one of the main gates. There's plenty of people walking around and you blend in as well as you could for a group with 2 abhumans. They seem more accepting of you than the Janissaries did though. Only a few gazes linger. Judging from the guards at one big building that seems to be the actual command center.

2018-10-12, 07:07 AM
A big crooked toothy grin spread across Uya's face, "Point, shoot. I know how." He cradled the plasma cannon as if it were his only child and stowed his ripper gun, it was a sidearm now.

Shea and Uya stared at the plasma cannon in the ogryn's hands in disbelief. It had worked...

Uya couldn't stop smiling as the group made their way. "Now, you be careful with that thing. I heard they tend to bite back... Now, where we off to Drazz?"

2018-10-17, 08:56 PM
Drazz was stunned silent. How the hell had that even happened? It took him a while to recover. ++Oh yeah, ****e. Frak. Stay away from 'im jus' in case it goes boom. Can any o' ya see the big shot? We mighta wanna slip up to the center.++ the techie commented, leading the group as a trailblazer in the middle of the mess and sticking to the vanguard in order to make sure the rest of the group following in wouldn't take areas where they'd be too visible.

2018-10-20, 03:14 AM
Entrances:- There's no other big entrances like the front for the building but there is a back entrance. The Two Troopers stationed here are remarkably worse than the ones up front, both gearwise and in their discipline. There are also a few windows around 7 feet of the ground near the side of the building that are unguarded.
Troop Movements:- Troops keep shuffling in and out of camp (Most doing the latter). Almost all march past the Main building on their way.

2018-10-27, 11:12 AM
Louie considers the options, pensively dragging on his lho-stick. Way I see it, we got two options. One: He points the lit end at Uya. Uya here lifts us up to that window, then climbs in himself. We can peek in before we go, see what's what. Do the old in-and-out burglar entry. It's quiet, no need to attract attention. Problem is, it depends on us bein' able to open those windows without breakin' them. Else the racket will be enough to wake the whole damn camp. Two, we try ta talk our way past the two fellas in back. Advantage is it don't look so suspicious. Disadvantage is that if it don't work, they'll be on higher alert.

2018-10-29, 12:20 PM
Uya tries his best to follow along, but his new plasma cannon was just so shiny. He thought of how it'd probably be taken away for being too shiny for ogryns when they got back to base. That thought made him sad and filled him with determination to make the weapon look as junky as possible without actually hurting it.

He snapped back into it towards the end of Louie's brainstorm, "Uhhh, we jus' smash 'em and walk in? We use somethin' tricky den smash dey heads when dey ain't lookin'?" Uya patted his plasma cannon, which needed a name, "Or jus melt da whole place".

2018-10-31, 10:10 PM
++Yeah, les' go for the windows. They open, it's gonna be all easy 'til we try an' get Uya in.++

2018-11-01, 08:39 AM
it's an easy fit for the humans and a difficult one for Uya. The bathroom smells like hell and there's fluid near your feet. It's empty at the moment and is quite small. The lights keep flickering on and off. There's a door at the opposite end of where you came from.

2018-11-05, 09:56 PM
Louie whispers to the squad. Alright, nice an' quiet, lads. Easy does it. Uya, you stay here a mo' while we scout ahead. Yer not pertikerly quiet. I'll go first. Let's see what's behin' that door. He sidles up to the door and presses his ear against it.

Perception [roll0] vs 52

Hearing nothing, he cracks the door slightly and peers through.

2018-11-06, 03:42 AM
You hear naught but Ogryn Breaths in your ear.

You see people milling about and a big door a little further down the left hall. on the right you see a hall that heads to a bigger open space.

2018-11-06, 07:30 AM
Uya nodded and grudgingly stayed behind as his group figured things out ahead. He took this time to study and admire his new shiny cannon.

2018-11-08, 04:53 AM
It is very shiny. There is gold engraving over it, beseeching the Emperor's wrath to be manifest through the wielder, and the front is shaped like a Dragons Mouth. It is a work of art worthy of a museum or an Astartes.

2018-11-15, 11:09 PM
Alright ya goons, we're gonna go in nice and normal like. Stagger it, so's they don' see a whole mob a guys comin' outta the can at once. This ain't some nobby pleasure world, after all. I'll go firs' with Mouse, you all follow after.

Louie opens the door and walks out into the hall like a man with a freshly empty bladder, nonchalantly looking around for any directions that seem to have a better chance of more important people.

2018-11-19, 12:59 PM
++Yah, shur. Real thankful ya doin' scoutin' now.++ Drazz commented in a tone that was half cheeky joking and half well-positioned jab. He had recently been doing more scouting than the ratling scout himself after all.

2018-11-20, 12:37 PM
Uya lumbers along, cradling his precious plasma cannon, waiting for an opportunity to try the new toy out.

2018-11-23, 09:20 AM
You follow the cues to the general planning room. The guards let you in, assuming you have some data and they didn't want to get demoted to the frontlines for stopping anyone important. Inside A severe man with a scarred, bald head looks up from his desk. From the medals displayed on his desk, you can guess that you’ve finally located General Scarus. He places his hands on his bolt pistol and says "What do you want?". He's eyeing you down, with mismatched eyes. He appears uncannily like one of the commissars in camp. Beside him a Ducal Legate stands, posed over a map but she turns to you as well.

2018-11-26, 01:07 PM
"We has message, general sir." Uya turned towards the rest of the group, the barrel of his plasma cannon pointed at the general's general direction in a casual low-ready and his finger on the trigger.

"Yes, sir. The message is as follows: Dear General Scarus."

Uya pulled the trigger.

"Die, traitor scum. Signed, The Emperor of Mankind <3."

Lets vaporize this traitor-scum
Should Uya roll initiative?
Here is a ballistics roll? Dunno if Plasma needs that roll or something else.


WS - 30 (8+20)
BS - 33 (13+20)
S - 48 (13+20 +10 +2 +3)
T - 50 (8+20 +10 +2)
AG - 27 (14+20 -10 +3)
INT - 14 (9+20 -15)
PER - 32 (12+20)
WP - 32 (12+20)
FEL - 32 (12+20)

2018-11-27, 04:44 PM
++We should at least try an' get the big shot alive!++ Drazz groaned over the comm-bead as he took aim at the Ducal Legate and fired.

[roll0] Firing at the Legate with the Dominate lasgun at Overcharge mode. BS 34 +0 Semi-Auto +10 Aim +10 Short Range +30 Surprise +5 Ranged Volley = TN 89
If it hits: 1 DoS: [roll1] +3 DoS: [roll2] +5 DoS: [roll3]
DoS: 1+ (89-6=83).

Result: All shots hit. Replace the first damage die of [1] with the [9] DoS for a total of [13], [7], [7] Energy damage, Pen 0. Hits to Body, Body, Arm according to the multi-hit table.

Comrade's Actions: Ranged Volley (+5 BS).

2018-12-02, 10:34 PM
Frakking hell! Louie yelps, whipping out his gun. Mouse, sight for me! He fires at the closest enemy still standing.

Draw weapon and shoot on full power. Comrade Full Aim

[roll0] vs 118 (38 +30 Surprised +10 Short Range +20 Aim +10 Accurate +10 single shot)

Damage [roll1] Pen 3, extra damage for Degrees of Success [roll2] [roll3], +1 per 2 DoS

Gun jams.

2018-12-03, 07:35 AM
“Well, it looks like a few of you damn Imperials have finally made it here," He flips the table and steps around, charging at his new quarries. The Legate sends a shot, but it goes wild in his pain from being hit. Uyas hit got refracted, i just refluffed it. 15 + 13 + 6 on Uya, pen 5 on all of em. Righteous fury = 5 on your arm.

2018-12-12, 02:22 PM
Drazz would've liked to help Uya. He really would, but there was no way he was going to brave a Warp-damned power sword that was perfectly capable of filleting the big guy. ++The goddamn general gotta field, try to grab 'im! Grope an' grab wit 'im! Louie, let's finish his company!++ Crap crap crap, there was no way they weren't gonna get all frakked up if they couldn't at least take out the Legate to focus on the target.

With that in mind, Drazz fired another burst of las-fire from his stolen Dominate-marked lasgun, the insides growing hotter as he kept burning through the charge pack on Overcharge mode.

I ended up not posting yesterday as said in the Discord due to small technical issues partially related to incomplete information.

Comrade's Actions: Ranged Volley (+5 BS).

Half Action: Aim at the Legate.
Half Action: Fire at the Legate with the Dominate lasgun in Overcharge mode.
[roll0] BS 34 +0 Semi-Auto +10 Aim +10 Short Range +5 Ranged Volley = TN 59
If it hits: 1 DoS: [roll1] 3 DoS: [roll2] 5 DoS: [roll3]
DoS: 1+ (59-9=50): 6 DoS total.

Result: All shots hit. Replace the third damage die of [3] with the [6] DoS for a total of [11], [13], [10] Energy damage, Pen 0. Hits to Left Leg, Leg, Body according to the multi-hit table.