View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Throne IC

2018-05-30, 07:12 PM
Having lived in Korvosa for some time you have heard many stories of the hero/vigilante Blackjack, however no one has seen him in action for many years at this point, and Korvosa has never been worse off. The general opinion is that either he has hung up his mask and cape or some lowlife finally got lucky and did for him. Whatever the truth is, the city is lesser for his absence. More recently, you have heard that the hellknights too have given up on Korvosa and are making plans to withdraw from the city and leave it to its fate.

As you arrive at your law practice one morning you see a heavy canvas tarot card inserted in between the door and its frame. Staring out at you is a colorful depiction of an emaciated humanoid creature being struck in the head by a lightning bolt flung from the finger of a godly hand. It is the vision card, from the suit of books. When you take it and turn it over you see a note written in a tidy hand across the back of the card. It reads: I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet I cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like us will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

As your frantic hunt for your missing daughter draws ever on your employers grow less sympathetic to your plight. You receive a letter by courier one afternoon stating that you are released from a lordling's service. As you go to cast the parchment and envelope away you notice that there is something else inside. You withdraw a heavy canvas tarot card, beautifully painted. It is called the peacock, and is of the keys suit. The picture upon its face however depicts a cockatrice and its victim. Turning the card over you find a second note, obviously not from your former employer. It says: Your daughter has been taken by the petty crimelord Gaedren Lamm. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet I cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like us will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

The talk on everybody's lips is that the king's health is poor and in decline. Some are insisting that his young queen, Ileosa, is to blame while others assert even more strenuously that King Eodred is simply an old man, and will be the monarch who breaks the curse of the crimson throne by passing away in his sleep, hopefully some years off yet. What is more worrisome is that apparently the Sable Company's oath is to the king himself, rather than to the city as a whole. If Eodred passes the vaunted hippogriff marines of Korvosa will leave the city to its fate, and lawbringers are few enough as it stands.

You are drinking in The Creaky Hammock, a tavern, while attempting to work some information out of your contacts that might help you find Aldwyn, but the hunt is going nowhere fast. After coming back from relieving yourself in the alley behind the establishment you find that your companions have left you none the wiser and with a bar tab to boot. Angrily knocking over a tankard you reveal a heavy canvas tarot card that was concealed beneath it. A masterfully depicted bear stares up at you from the bar, and tucked, almost daintily, between it's claws is a paintbrush. You notice that the card's suit is that of hammers before turning the curiosity over. There is a note scribbled on the back of the card that reads: Your nephew has been taken by a man named Gaedren Lamm. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet I cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like us will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

You sit in your gutted laboratory satisfied that the loss of your precious instruments was worth it to save your friends. However, that does not solve the problem of how you are going to support yourself or how you are going to ensure that such things never happen again. Running a hand over your face you let out a sigh and then a gasp. You were certain that your desk was clear a moment ago, but now a heavy canvas tarot card lies in the middle of it. A centaur in profile stares up at you. He is dressed as an explorer and on his back rests a heavy pack. Across the top of the card is its name: the wanderer, and at the bottom is the small icon of an open book. Turning the card over you discover a note written on the back: I know what Gaedren has done to your friends. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet I cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like us will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Your duties as a temple guard, while fulfilling, can often be quite boring. Standing in one place for hours on end, with only the occasional walk down the pews clearing out forgotten bits of refuse to break up the monotony. However, today, a particular bit of refuse seems to almost reach out and grab you. It is a heavy canvas tarot card that some petitioner must have left on the bench. Depicted on its face is an angle in the battle plate of Heaven with its white feathered wings outstretched behind it, a great spear in one hand and a trumpet held to its lips. The card is apparently named for that trumpet and it belongs to the shields suit. Turning the card over reveals a note penned on the reverse side. It reads: I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet I cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like us will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Lancet Street is located just south of the West Dock district in Midland, not far from the Jeggare River. The road runs north to south so the light of the setting sun is blocked by the buildings and the rise of the city to the west. This part of town is neither particularly destitute nor very affluent. The cobblestones are kept fairly clear of horse droppings or other refuse, and the buildings are well maintained if noticeably old. Number 3 Lancet Street is a small nondescript hovel in a row of the same. The door is just slightly ajar and a thin strip of light can be seen coming from the inside.

The corner of a piece of parchment sticks out from beneath a mat just in front of the door. Written upon the parchment, in the same hand as upon the cards, is a brief note. It says: Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a bit, but shall return shortly. Please have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table contains bread and wine for you.

The interior of this home is a single cozy chamber filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The aroma comes from several sticks of incense smoldering in wall mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke gives the room a dreamy feel. The walls are draped with large brocade tapestries, one showing a black skulled beast juggling human hearts, and another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-capped mountain peak. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall, hooded figure surrounded in mist, holding a flaming sword in a skeletal hand. Several brightly colored rugs cover the floor, but the room's only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throw cloth and several elegant high-backed chairs. A basket covered in blue cloth sits under the table

2018-05-30, 08:43 PM
Solange spends the day musing over the card she found while cleaning. It's been a long time since she's heard anything about Gaedren, but the mere mention of him is enough to incite long dormant feelings of anger and powerlessness. The fact that the note claims to be from someone 'unable to strike against him' brings feelings of sympathy, once a long time ago she would have loved to have someone to go to for help who could 'strike' against Gaedren. Of course at the same time she does wonder who could possibly know about her history with Gaedren aside from the high priests and grand paladins of the temple, and she even wonders if after all these years this could be some kind of trap.

Deciding that the only way to satisfy her curiosity is to head to the address she leaves shortly before sunset. She figures she's strong enough now where if it is some kind of trap she can handle it.

Arriving at 3 Lancet Street she finds the note left beneath the map and heads inside. She decides she rather likes the tapestry of the angels on the mountain, but she finds the other two a little two macabre for her tastes. She gathers up the basket under the table, and if it contains bread and wine as advertised decides to have snack while waiting for her host to arrive.

2018-05-30, 09:00 PM
Meilin spends some of her day at work wondering about the card and its origins before deciding that she will, in fact, visit the house. As she talks to her colleagues, she makes certain they're aware of the street she'll be visiting and when, should something shady occur and she ends up in need of saving. She's not so delusional as to think the cavalry would come if she were to get into trouble, but her absence would be noted, at least. Before she attends, she returns home to change into something a little less conspicuous and more suited to the largely-indstrial area she'll be attending, where she also updates her journal and stores the card somewhere safe.

When she arrives, Biance in hand, she spots an armored woman approaching a basket with a hungry look in her eyes. She raps her cane on the doorframe to to get the woman's attention. "How do you do?"

2018-05-30, 09:59 PM
"Oh, hi." says Solange as she puts the basket aside for the moment "Are you the one who sent the note asking for help bringing justice to Gaedren?"

2018-05-30, 10:03 PM
"No. I don't think I'm the enigmatic sort." Meilin says, because she isn't. "But, I did receive one." She says, as she peers passed the woman, at the banners, then looks back to her. "And you may call me Meilin. A pleasure."

2018-05-30, 10:48 PM
"Pleased to meet you Meilin, my name is Solange." Solange looks hungrily at the basket. "I showed up a few minutes ago and found this note outside the door saying that whoever called us here stepped out for the moment and instructing us to be seated and wait. They also apparently left us the bread and wine" Solange takes the basket again and tears off a chunk of bread and pours herself some wine. She dips the bread into the wine to soften it as she eats. "I'm guessing Gaedren upset someone new, and they are trying to gather his enemies to see him brought down. It's A bit surprising that I'd be called though given that as much as I'd love to see him dealt with my history with him was years ago, before I was either a guard or a Paladin. It makes me wonder who has been sending the notes, they have to be incredibly well informed."

Solange's job would be painfully obvious since she's wearing fancy armor (provided by the temple) and a "squires outfit" which includes a tabard displaying the heraldry of Lord Sun. There is also the large silver holy symbol proudly on display around her neck. She's not subtle or even remotely enigmatic either. :)

2018-05-31, 02:03 AM
"well, glad I'm not the only one with a sense for drama", Hector mutters to himself as he looks over the card. If this is a setup, is a really good one: both the delivery and the content of the message fit both his current situation and his sense for theatrics like a tailor-made glove. It would be a shame not to reward this effort with his presence. And in the case this was not a sham, it might just be the break he was looking for.

Hector spends good part of the day penning a letter to his wife, explaining where he will be in the evening, and where to start looking for him in case he'll go missing. In the end he decides against sending it: it would either cause at best worries or at worst bitter scoffs, as those seems to be the prevailing emotions Edith has for him ever since the...accident. Hector strike through "To my beloved" and swaps that for "an esteemed Mr Asheycomb", figuring his landlord to be a more objective reader for his message.

Come sunset, he heads through Midland towards the docks, looking for Lancer Street n.3. He's nervous, barely kept calm by the weight of his concealed pistol in his sleeve, mentally repeating his formulas to focus. He finds the dooropen, sweet perfume of incense coming from the inside, a female figure standing in the doorway talking to someone inside - an armored woman, displaying the temple's heraldry and a holy symbol to Lord Sun. A reassuring sight.

"Ah-hem. Hector Morris of the Ashburnum-Whit, pleased to make your acquaintance. I have been invited to a gathering. I'd like to compliment whoever crafted the invitation - excellent flair, not overdone, just perfect".

As he steps in the apartment and takes in the scenery, the scent in the air, the figures on the tapestries. The wine and bread on the table. Did he forget to eat lunch again?

"Gaedren has caused me and many people I care about a lot of grievances in recent days. The recent spread of Shiver overdoses in Midland, you might have heard about it. I raised charges against him with the Korvosan Guard but they fell on deaf ears. Today's message, Lord Sun be willing, is a sign that not all hope is lost".

Hector looks like an older gentleman, with an air of slight confusion around him, like a head-on-the-clouds kind of person. When he talks about Gaedren his eyes focus and his face hardens into a display of sudden, steely determination.

2018-05-31, 03:05 AM
"Hello Hector, I'm Solange" noticing that Hector is eyeing the food she pushes the basket over towards him as enters as she quietly listens to him. I'm guessing you received a note like we did instructing you to come here if you wanted to see Gaedren brought to justice. So far whoever owns this place and sent out those notes has yet to make an appearance but they did leave a note telling us to sit here and wait, and to feel free to help ourselves to the bread and wine if we want to. " she finishes the last of the bread she took and adds "The guard never seemed particularly adept at dealing with Gaedron, I'm guessing he finally made an enemy who is willing to take more direct action. My own problems with him aren't recent but are quite personal."

2018-05-31, 07:02 AM
Siod spends the remainder of the afternoon looking at the card in a slightly drunken stupor. He was frustrated how slow this search was going, and he held his salvation in hand. But he had enough enemies. People who would just love to set up a trap for him. Finish him off in a back alley. He isn't even sure if his sister Ornelle would miss him. After all, he lost her only kid. Aldwyn was a special kid. His heart was incredibly pure. Even though this city was rough and so his playmates were too, he always carried some sort of serenity with him. To no surprise he was as naive as he was good-hearted. Siod takes out the shoe he found of Aldwyn. Getting teary-eyed at the sight he just thinks to himself. "I'll save you, dallag*."

Later the same evening he finds himself in an area known for safe houses. Close enough to the rivers, fishermen and other less savory individuals are living here. He sees number 3 and peeks in, shortly after where he almost shouts: "By the glowing breasts of Lady Moon, what are you doing here? Is this some kind of joke?" You see a towering Shoanti man peeking into the hovel. He leans in from the side, and you are not sure if the door hinges can take any more abuse.


As he eventually enters, you can see his almost inhuman size as he has to duck until he takes a seat. He crosses his arms and watches from the corner of the room. "So, why are you here? A temple guard? Two foreign elves? What an unusual gathering. My name is Siod. I think I've heard your names from outside." Everyone with a good eye can see a small tarot card peeking out of Siod's girdle on the left.
* dallag is Gaelic for shrew or any little blind creature

2018-05-31, 07:37 AM
Meilin is just about to greet Hector when the large man arrives, and she takes a moment to process the existence of gigantic people. Up to now, she's been near the peak of humanoid height, so it's nice to experience a snippet of the lives of shorter people.

"We are the most common sort of elves." Meilin says, at Siod's words on elves. "But the same could not be said of your rarity, could it? Where are you from, Siod?" She asks, peering at the man's clothes for any hint of his origin - and spotting the tarot card. "Excuse me, may I see that? I received a similar card and would like to check something."

2018-05-31, 08:05 AM
"a note, and a card, not unlike the one Siod carries tucked in his belt. On this note: Hector Morris is my name, pleased to meet you."

Hector extracts his tarot card from an inside pocket of his jacket, and shows the card to the others gathered in the room: the card of the Wanderer, depicting a centaur dressed for adventure.

"I wonder if we have to wait for a full deck to assemble...the chairs might not be enough for everyone then. I´ll leave it to our host to figure that out". He then take a seat, facing Solange, and helps himself to a bit of bread. He then turns to face the others:

"Should I pour some wine for you two as well? I worked up some agitation coming to this meeting it seems, and turns out my throat got rather dry."

2018-05-31, 08:10 AM
"My people are known as the Skoan-Quah, we are Shoanti. We hail from the Mindspin Mountains due North-East. But my parents quit their life style and went on to live here. Safe to say, we are not particularly well integrated." Siod hints at the slums in front of the city. A large portion of it are Shoanti, some sort of druidic mountain people, who got disowned by Cheliax and put into these slums. "Gladly for my tribe, the mountains are of little interest to the higher-ups. But life in the mountains is hard. So we picked the easier life."

Siod pauses and looks at Meilin. "Similar how?" Siod hands it over. Jumping to conclusions was Siod's favorite hobby. "If what the cards say is also similar, we are either targetted by our malefactor or we have just found an influential ally."

2018-05-31, 08:28 AM
"No wine for me, thank you." Meilin tells Hector, then listens curiously through Siod's explanation of his people. Her interest is only diverted as the pair of cards is brought out. "Mine had an identical note, but it was the Vision."

2018-05-31, 09:11 AM
"I don't like this at all. If you'd excuse me, I'll stand guard outside instead of enjoying the food in this rat trap." Siod goes towards the door and opens it, going outside and standing with his back towards the wall next to the door. He keeps the door open as if anticipating a bomb or similar inside the house. "I keep the door open. Should help with the ventilation. Incense is not my favorite. I get a headache from it." he mutters outside. Outside he crosses his arms and eyes passing people like a doorman would.

2018-05-31, 03:26 PM
"well, I know that if whoever invited me was harboring ill intentions, he or she would have had better ways to act upon them than giving me a warning and an invite to...", spreading an arm in a sweeping gesture meant to encompass the food on the table, the armed temple guard, the tall elf, and the even taller Shoanti "..well, whatever this is."

2018-05-31, 05:54 PM
This morning has been nothing if not tiresome for the fair and overworked Zhen Xifei. Waking up before dawn was a constant of life for the woman, having to check in with clients and working schedules out for he coming week. It has only gotten harder, after just having received a letter informing Xifei that her lordly benefactor has cut her lose professionally. It was a shame, really, as he was her main source of information for the cities going-ons. Money would be scarcer, meaning her search would slow. THAT could not happen.

"Please be safe Lifen, for a little longer".

Finally finishing the bookkeeping for the day, Xifei decided to look into the second notice she received today. Cryptic messages meant rich information, secret societies, a knife in the back, or some mix of the three. But with her main source of information beyond her grasp the woman was desperate for assistance. Catching the source of her anguish would just be a succulent addition.


Arriving at the listed location on her card Xifei grumbled to herself over her own stupidity. She was just down the road the afternoon before, escorting a merchant's son back home from the docks. Hindsight has never been her friend, a bitter reminder every day of her life.

Shaking the morose thoughts from her mind, Xifei continued down the street to spot the number 3 on the front of the various structures on Lancet St. Many of the areas in the city rarely went higher then 20 in building marks, but that doesn't stop the contractors from humbling numbers around like some city planners funhouse. Breaking from her train of thought, Xifei finally found the building. Not exactly a grand place but the windows were intact. Sadly that was a sign of wealth in certain parts.

Gently knocking upon the door, Xifei noticed the note on the ground by accident stepping upon it with her soft leather shoes, a gift from a banker a few years back. Looking down, the woman could not believe her eyes. Her beckoner left before she even arrived! The gall of some people! She would certainly make good on their promise of free food, nicities be damned. The door was pushed open, fast enough to prove her point but not enough to cause any damage. Xifei looked inside, slightly startled at the group inside seeming to be chatting in wait.

"Please tell me this isn't some treasure hunting scheme. I WILL NOT be a part of another one in my lifetime"

2018-05-31, 08:25 PM
A thin, pale Varisian woman of middling years answers Xifei's indignant question from the doorway, next to Siod. "I assure you, it is not," she says in a calm clear voice. With a thin smile she gestures for Siod to go inside and follows him, closing the door behind herself. She is dressed well, in faded silks embroidered with intricate patterns. Her clothes may once have been quite fine but now they are old, having been patched and mended several times.

Moving to a seat at the table, and gesturing for others to do the same, she introduces herself. "Thank you all for coming. I am Zellare Esmeranda," she says pulling a deck of cards from her pocket and beginning to shuffle them idly. "I beg your pardons, my friends, for my absence and my unconventional method of contacting you." The cards seem to float and dance almost hypnotically between her hands and fingers, cards like the ones each of you carry.

"I have my reasons for remaining hidden you see - a vicious man would like to see me come to great harm, especially if he knew I was reaching out for help. The same man that has done something terrible to each of you. I speak of Gaedren Lamm, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives of those he touches is matched only by his gift for avoiding reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves stole this, my harrow deck, from me. It is very important to me, an heirloom pass from mother to daughter for more than a dozen generations of my family, and my sole means of support. When Lamm's lambs stole it, my son Eran tracked them down and recovered my deck for me. But Gaedren could not let this stand. He had my son followed... and murdered."

Zellare pauses, tears welling up in her eyes and her hands falter in their smooth, practiced motions. With a deep breath, she continues. "I sought help from the Korvosan guard, but they turned me away. And so I asked around. I paid bribes. I consulted my harrow deck for advice. And recently, I was rewarded - the deck lead me to where Gaedren is hiding. It is an old fishery north of here, number 17 Westpier. There he counts his stolen treasure and trains abducted children to be pickpockets. This is why I need your help. I cannot face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that even if they were willing to help, Gaedren would surely know of their coming in advance. And what's more, even if they arrested him, we have no guarantee that he would be punished. This man has evaded the law for decades. It is time for him to pay."

2018-05-31, 09:10 PM
Meilin carefully observes the woman as she absorbs the information she's offering, and compares it to the things she knows of what she's being told. It takes her a couple of moments before she's ready to say anything. "...is this your home?" She asks, as she shuffles in her seat. She didn't want to sit down in the first place, but she wouldn't be accused of a lack of manners at the first meeting.

2018-05-31, 09:15 PM
Zellare shakes her head. "My place of business. I tell fortunes and perform harrows here," she says spreading her cards out on the table in front of here. "I would like to perform a harrow now for all of you in fact. If you would return your cards?"

2018-05-31, 09:20 PM
Meilin smiles bashfully, which makes her look weird, because she so rarely does so. "I stored it in my home. In case of...well, I left it in my home regardless. I suppose i could run and fetch it..." She says, casting a brief glance at the door and counting how many minutes it would take. The fact that she'd have to reveal some of her paranoia to actually explain herself makes her doubly uncomfortable.

2018-05-31, 09:27 PM
Xifei listened on as their newly revealed hostess explained the dire straits she and her family have been put through. It is sadly not uncommon for the authorities to be lax in this area, she this this through personal experience. Any wariness she initially held was finished upon hearing about her lost child, killed in a way the woman prayed her daughter would never suffer.

Briskly entering the room proper, Xifei brought out the card mentioned and placed it onto the table amongst it's kin. Divination and surgery were common in her home country, with many levels of accuracy and showmanship.

I am sure we all could do with a look into the future, no matter how this concludes" Xifei begins with a restrained smile, correcting her coats buttons to be more presentable. "I for one am all for protecting the children if our fair city, and showing this man you mentioned his just desserts"

2018-05-31, 09:28 PM
Zellare raises an eyebrow and stands. Walking around the table she reaches into Meilin's waterproof pouch and withdraws the tarot card. "That won't be necessary," she says. "The piece always longs to return to the set." with a flick of her wrist Zellare throws the card across the table towards the splayed deck and it slips into place between two of its fellows.

2018-05-31, 09:33 PM
Meilin blinks as Zellare retrieves the card she stored quite safely in her home, then raises an eyebrow. "I also left a stack of diamonds and three beautiful wives at home."

2018-05-31, 09:42 PM
Zellare laughs melodiously and smiles, heading back to her seat. "But I have neither a mine nor a harem, dear," she ripostes.

Her mirth fades at Xifei's words. "You must be careful. He has many children in his employ. He calls them his lambs. I have no doubt that he treats them cruelly and they fear him greatly, but they also serve him. Some he kidnaps but others he 'rescues'," Zellare all but spits the word "from a life alone on the mean streets of Korvosa."

2018-05-31, 09:47 PM
Solange has been watching quietly as things have begun to move quickly. She produces her trumpet card for Zallare and hands it over to her. As she does she inquires "Do you have connections to the temple of Lord Sun, or did you use divination magic to uncover my past with Gaedren?"

2018-05-31, 09:50 PM
"I do not have much in the way of faith," Zellare says to Solange, taking the card and giving it a few quick flicks. The fortuneteller spins the card a few times and with each turn the message on its back fades until it is once again unmarred. "I simply listen to the music of the city and follow where the harrow leads."

2018-05-31, 10:38 PM
"That's too bad. As I'm sure you aware faith was my salvation. Without the mercy of Lord Sun and his followers I'd be dead in a gutter right now". Solange doesn't care for the evasive answer but decides to let it go since Zellare is working against Gaedren. She assumes that the harrow is a focus for divination magic and that is how she uncovered her background. After all her history with Gaedren was when she was a young child. Just the same, when she returns to her temple Solange plans to inquire about Zellare.

2018-05-31, 10:57 PM
The fortune teller shrugs. "Actually, I know very little about any of you. To some I have a stronger connection because our situations are similar, but most of what I know is that Gaedren's thread has entwined with your own. That, and that you are strong enough, together, to face him."

2018-06-01, 01:41 AM
"Well, miss Esmeranda, I'll bite". Hector slides his card on the table.
"And I am sorry for your loss. This man has to be stopped, than becomes clearer with every new account of his deeds. This course of action is hardly ideal, but it is a fact that the law in this city is for many just a plaything. And is certainly not by chance that Korvosa has an illustrious tradition of vigilantism..."

Hector had already decided to take matters into his own hands regarding Gaedren, even before this invitation came.

2018-06-01, 01:57 AM
Siod reflexibly crunches the card in his fist before realizing his grave mistake. His tan face looses a lot of color and he stammers: “I am sorry. I swear I was taught better. We respect the elders. We protect our kids But the thought of loosing Aldwyn, and with that tormenting my sister...“ The man hunter stops mid sentence and gives her his card.

2018-06-01, 03:45 AM
Zellare nods kindly to Siod and takes his card smoothing it carefully in her fingers. After a moment, in much the same way that she expunged the ink from the others, Zellare has removed the creases left by the big Shoanti's fist. Casting a look at Hector she says, "You have my heartfelt thanks."

Then taking all of the cards together Zellare sits begins to shuffle, faster and with greater flourishes than before. The candles gutter and smoke as she hums softly to herself. Suddenly the fortuneteller flicks a card at each of her subjects. It lands face up before them on the table and she begins to speak, starting on her immediate right. Meilin "Mockingbird" Kueijin! You are chosen by the Peacock. While the Peacock cares only for itself and its plumage you care for others, but like the peacock, which is quick despite its plumage, you are light on your feet. A good match. Be ware, for as the Peacock's feathers shimmer and change in the light, so too will you be required to change."

Zellare turns ever so slightly to face the next participant. "Zhen "Fey" Xifei! You are chosen by the Avalance. The avalanche crushes all in its path without remorse, yet you seek to protect. You must be as quick as a falling stone if you are to avert disaster, but you too are suited to this task. Many and wild are the stones to come but you mustn't fear."

The Varisian woman continues, "Siodhachan Glunmar! You are chosen by the Demon's Lantern. You will face impossible challenges. I see conflict, conflict with those who might be friends, conflict which could be avoided. Perhaps you are called to be the guiding light in a deep darkness."

"Hector Morris Ashburnum-Whit! You are chosen by the Crows. They come to pick the bones of the dead, stealing away loves and treasures, but crows can be kept away with a little invention. They are an indifferent sign to one such as you."

Finally, Zellare reaches the end of the circle at her left. "Solange! You are chosen by the Locksmith. It is a dangerous sign, for the Locksmith is quick and nimble of finger, where you are solid and strong of heart. She bears the keys to a new destiny, but you should have care when opening strange doors."

With a slight pop the candles and incense all flare brightly for a moment as the cards snap back across the table and rejoin the deck. Zellara slumps forward in her chair breathing hard. "The worst is over," she proclaims. "All that is left is to examine the spread." She shuffles the cards a few times and lays nine of them out in front of her in a three by three square. Pointing to the left column she says, "These three represent the past."

Zellare begins by turning over the card in the top left of the spread. The first card to be revealed is the Empty Throne. "A True Match!" she exclaims. "You have all lost something dear to you, however these things will turn out for the good. I fear perhaps that this alludes to something greater. Perhaps King Eodred has already left us?" The next card down is the Theater. "Ahh, we are reassured. This card tells us that the old ways of prophesy are strong tonight." The final card in the left column is the Peacock. "Great luck!" Zellare says looking at Meilin. "Your chosen has appeared in the spread... however this time I believe it speaks to you," the fortuneteller turns to Solange. "This card refers to your change after being taken in by the supplicants of Lord Sun."

Zellare moves on to the middle column. "These next three tell of the present," she explains turning over the top card. "The Liar, but she is not in her proper place. Normally she would indicate a treacherous love, but here she proclaims the formation of new relationships. Perhaps it means those at this table, but perhaps it means others as well, maybe someone who seems duplicitous." The card in the center is the Paladin. "Trials are upon you all. This is a sign that you must stand firm against them in order to triumph." The final card in the middle column is the Carnival. "A time of tricks and illusions, things which are not as they seem. You should seek for wisdom to understand the crazed dance."

"Finally, we look to the future." Zellare turns over the top card in the right hand column. "The Beating, in this place it speaks of a hidden strength to emerge from a great ordeal to come." Next is the Owl. "The wisdom of the natural order will reveal itself. A way will be made plain by how things ought to be." The very last card is the Cricket. Zellare sighs, "Normally a good sign in this place the cricket predicts that your journey will end badly. I see a chase across perilous terrain."

And with that the Harrowing ends. Zellare's face is beaded with sweat as she collects up her deck. "I have done all I can for you my friends," she says pulling a stray bit of hair out of her face.

Everybody has received 3 Harrow Points that they can use during this chapter of the Curse of the Crimson Throne. Hazuki has received 4 since her choosing card came up in the spread. At any point during this section of the campaign you may spend a Harrow Point as a free action to:

Reroll an Initiative Check, Reflex save, Dexterity based Attack Roll, or a Dexterity based Skill Check
Gain a +1 Dodge bonus to your AC for one encounter (Up to 3 points may be used this way in a single encounter)
Increase your base land speed by 10 ft for one encounter

Additionally each character will get a certain bonus during a specific encounter based upon the card they received for their choosing.

2018-06-01, 06:29 AM
Solange listens politely to the reading. She has great faith in Lord Sun but ordinarily very little in fortune telling of this sort. For some reason this reading makes her unusually nervous though. Perhaps because Zellare already somehow gained knowledge of the worst moments of her life. She did after all mention being guided to her knowledge by the harrow and if that is her focus for proven divination ability... well who is to say there might not be something here.

"Thank you for your efforts, but I'll put my faith in Lord Sun to guide and protect me. I refuse to believe our journey is doomed to end badly before we even begin it."

2018-06-01, 06:40 AM
Meilin is familiar with tales of old witches spinning threads of fate in caves, so Zellare's reading isn't entirely out of the ordinary for her. Much like the rest of these unusual circumstances, it has given her a lot to think about. "Thank you, Ms Esmeranda. I'll be certain to recommend you to my friends."

2018-06-01, 02:25 PM
"definitely not the worst auspices I´ve been dealt...the one before a play were always catastrophic. They were also usually right.". He takes his card depicting a murder of crows, and stares at it for a moment. "Last week would have been a better fit, I hadn't yet sold my physician's mask back then."

He catches his breath, for a moment not sure how to talk to this colorful gathering of strangers. "I intend to head to the fishery. At least to get proof that Ms Esmeranda information is as solid as her showmanship. Tonight would be best. Safehouses such as these as by their very nature temporary, and I know that I couldn't sleep at the idea that tomorrow Gaedren and his lambs might have left for a new hideout." Hector turns, to look at each one of the others individually. "And I wouldn't mind some company, while we're at it. It seems that we all have at least something in common after all".

2018-06-01, 06:44 PM
Solange says to Hector "I will accompany you, I very much want to see Gaedren dealt with. I agree that time is of the essence. she also adds "The reading was my first one. I simply do not believe the future is set in stone or can be predicted that way. If I understand the meaning of that final card correctly we probably shouldn't go since our journey is doomed. I on the other hand believe we are more than capable of dealing with Gaedren"

2018-06-01, 07:18 PM
Zhen Xifei was focused on the woman's harrowing, notebook in hand and quill moving about to record the fortune. Rarely were these things completely accurate but to not be informed is to ask to be trampled under by the march of time. It also kept her aware of opportunity, something Xifei surely needed. Upon finishing her notes she looked up to the two speaking parties, plots being set and rescues being planned. Exactly what she wanted to hear.

"I too want to become involved. This man has stolen someone precious to me, and any leads to finding them or the fiend behind it is progress. Plus..It seems lie we all have our reasons to meet this Gaedren fellow".

2018-06-01, 07:31 PM
"It's worth looking at." Meilin concedes and hopes that will be enough to make her involvement clear. She doesn't entirely trust the circumstances, or even their host, but little can go wrong with poking around old fishing warehouses. And if it does, it's likely to lead to something useful.

2018-06-02, 12:19 AM
"Thank you for your efforts, but I'll put my faith in Lord Sun to guide and protect me. I refuse to believe our journey is doomed to end badly before we even begin it."

" If I understand the meaning of that final card correctly we probably shouldn't go since our journey is doomed."

"The cricket is but a part of the whole, and the future can be changed, but you must take great care. The prophesy is strong and the chase can end badly for the rabbit or the hounds."

"Thank you, Ms Esmeranda. I'll be certain to recommend you to my friends."

Zellare smiles, and maybe there is a twinge of sadness in it, "You are too kind."

As you depart the fortuneteller's hovel you notice that night has truly fallen over the city. Magical lamps have flickered to light with small tongues of heatless flame, but they are few and far between in this area of the city, as are patrols by the Guard.

Passing quickly through the relatively deserted streets you arrive at number 17 Westpier. The old fishery is a decrepit looking building perched on a steep embankment with most of the structure jutting out over the Jeggare River, supported by wooden pilings. The wooden walls of the building extend almost down to the waterline and are mottled with mold and grit, while all of its windows are boarded up. The reek of brine and the stink of week dead fish hang thickly in the air over the whole building.

A set of double doors stand closed on the west wall of the fishery beneath a short length of rusted chain that might have once held up a piece of signage. Abutting the north side of the building is a 15 foot wide loading ramp leading to a set of sliding bay doors. A rickety looking boardwalk clings to the south side of the fishery supported by barnacle encrusted pilings that have had half their thickness worn away at the waterline twelve feet below. A small access door leads from this board walk into the fishery. On the riverward side of the structure a sailing ship that has clearly seen better days lies at anchor.


2018-06-02, 02:00 AM
Xifei moved alongside the group, making their way to their destination at one of the many docking areas. The fishery was one of many, with even the boarded up windows and obvious rotting wood not being that uncommon.

"Several entrances means several exits. Best be on alert"

Moving forward, the woman made her way closer to the building's windows attempting to get a glimpse inside.

2018-06-02, 02:13 AM
Solange appraises the fishery from the outside. She doesn't like the look of the boardwalk and it's flimsy supports but figures the side access door is probably the most likely way to proceed.

I'm guessing the doors are going to be locked since it's night time. I have a crowbar with me if nobody has a more ahh... subtle, way of getting us inside should they prove to be locked

2018-06-02, 03:51 AM
(while on the way there, as a way to make conversation)

"Has any of you actually met Gaedren? I am sorry to admit I don't know what the man looks like, except through second hand descriptions and accounts of his criminal actions.

When the group gets to the fishery Hector begins to sift through his own pockets, producing several pouches and small envelopes. He carefully pours some the contents, liquids and dust of several colors, into a small vial and then shakes it to mix, finally affixing the vial to a bandolier lining the inside of his jacket, next to two other similar vial. "Never been a strong swimmer. If this goes down anything like the dock scene from "the twelve wives from the harbor" this could come in handy".

I'm guessing the doors are going to be locked since it's night time. I have a crowbar with me if nobody has a more ahh... subtle, way of getting us inside should they prove to be locked

"This is almost serendipitous, I have a crowbar with me as well!" Hector speaks in hushed tones, but he can hardly contain the excitement.

2018-06-02, 04:20 AM
Solange says I've met him. Since we're all going to confront him anyway, I might as well explain my history with him. I was an orphan, he took me in, and was teaching me how to steal. I was never one of his favorites, as I was a terrible thief. One day I found a holy symbol and was intrigued so I attended services dedicated to Lord Sun. I liked what I heard. When Gaedren found out he beat me and left me for dead in an alleyway, I managed to crawl back to the church and they took me in and trained me. This was over a decade ago, but I'm quite sure I can recognize Gaedren. Of course when I find him I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I want revenge for him nearly killing me, and for all the other things he's done as well, but as a Paladin I'm supposed to be above things like vengeance. As hector fiddles with his potions and concoctions and talks about the water she responds "I don't get the reference since I don't go to the theater, but I don't relish the thought of falling into the water either as I've never been a strong swimmer myself, not to mention I'd hate to get my armor wet"

2018-06-02, 05:30 AM
"Your backstories are rather interesting but best reserved for another time. There are kids involved that could still be living. Give me your crowbar, Hector. Solange, you open the second entrance down there with Hector. We go into here."

You feel commanding people around is not Siod's forte. His voice is shaking. You can't tell if he is angry or fearful. The eyes of the tribesman are narrowed, his grip around the crowbar is tight enough to change his knuckles to a white hue. He then pries open the main door.


2018-06-02, 09:56 AM
"Here you go, Siod. But I'd rather you wait a few minutes before barging in, until Zehn has come back from her scouting."

2018-06-02, 06:19 PM
"I agree that we should let Zehn finish scouting." Solange hefts her crowbar "Then I'll see about getting that other door open if we want to try entering from two directions. Personally I think we should avoid splitting up and all head in one door since we don't know what kind of security to expect and we're probably going to alert whomever is in there when we force the doors. I'll go with whatever plan we agree is best."

2018-06-03, 01:17 AM
Xifei stalked along the border of the fishing building, peering into any viable gaps in the boarding over the windows. Sneaking wasn't usually her style, but for her goals some unsavory things could be permitted. Especially for a broken down shanty like this, where no guard was in the vicinity.

After ducking past the corner and over to where the group was set up, Xifei did her best to explain what little she saw inside.

"I didn't see anyone awake, but heard one sleeping person in the side room to the right. The main room in the back also sounded like there was an animal of some sort, so be wary. Beyond that we should be good to proceed"

2018-06-03, 03:06 AM
speaking in hushes tones: "if this is, indeed, Gaedren's base of operations, I expect we'll find stock of a peculiar drug they have been flooding the streets with as of late. I am no great student of the law, but that could be enough evidence to condemn him, even in the eyes of the Korvosan guard, especially if they can take the merit for a job someone else has done for them."
Hector turns to face Solange "That is to mean, I don't really care if this man lives or dies, as long as we can stop what he's doing, and news of his guilt and defeat spreads loud and clear."

"I say we block the doors on the street side, and enter from the west doors. Let's try to squeeze what information we can out of their sentry, if that's what the young fellow is."

2018-06-03, 04:14 AM
Solange thinks for a second. She would like to see Gaedren dead, but as she explained her oaths are supposed to place her above vengeance.
"I.. I'd be willing to turn him over to the guards if we find evidence and he surrenders. It would be the right thing to do "On the matter at hand she adds Blocking the main doors and using the western entrance seems prudent. It also means we won't be split up if the security in there proves to be more intense than it appears. Siod, if you could jam the front door with Hector's crowbar I'll see about opening the side door"

"Also if anyone needs a light I've brought some candles and sunrods with me. I can see okay in the dark, but occasionally I guide those who cannot"

Solange removes her cape and wraps it around the crowbar to pad it a bit to hopefully muffle the sounds a little as she works. When everyone is ready she'll try and force the door (Roll in OOC).

2018-06-03, 05:09 AM
Solange jams the end of the crowbar into the gap between the two sliding doors. There is a muffled "Huh?" from inside the room and then the rotten old wheel locks holding the doors in place give way with a pair of sharp snaps. The doors roll open with a clatter and there is a loud bang and a soft thud from inside the building.

A candle in a simple brass holder sits on the desk next to the youth who lies on the ground next to his fallen chair. He gapes up at you in bewilderment for a moment before a deep baying fills the fishery.

Roll for initiative! Sorry folks but there's just no way to quietly force a set of sliding double doors with a crowbar.

Map for reference

2018-06-03, 07:10 PM
Solange swaps her crowbar for her sword and shield. She says "I'd get out of here kid, Gaedren is going down tonight and you don't want any part of it. I'd leave your weapon behind and leave the building. If you need a place to go, head for The Temple Of The Sun they took me in"

Solange will step into the room and to the side to make room for her companions to get in behind her. She stands at the ready, but isn't going to try and just cut this poor kid down. That said she'll stay on her guard in case he's unusually loyal to Gaedren and decides to try and attack her anyway. She's guessing the baying is some kind of guard animal and the entire place is going to be aroused soon.

2018-06-04, 03:17 AM
Siod pushes his way past the kid into the building (assuming it is harmless I will not expect attacks, if this means I am still flatfooted, so be it). "If you rather stay boy, then stay close. And point in the direction where the dogs are."

The large man pulls out his falchion as he moves in but he keeps his left hand off the hilt for a second to rub the small boy's head, as if to reinforce his spirits. He then takes both hands at the hilt to strike.

Move action to draw weapon and move, free action to speak and RP a bit, standard action to prepare to strike any animal that runs our way (prepared action). Not anything, so kids are exempt.

2018-06-04, 03:45 AM
The kid throws up his empty hands and cries, "Please don't hurt me! I never wanted to work for Gaedren! He made me!"

2018-06-04, 01:37 PM
Hector steps inside the fishery few instants after Siod and Solange, a windarm appearing in his right hand almost out of nowhere at the sound of a mechanism being released. Astute onlookers would be able to see that it is a rather tiny gun indeed, but Hector finds some confidence in it nonetheless.

"Kid you stay right there where you are and you won't get hurt."

Hector eyes dart around the room, ready to discharge his weapon at the first sign of hostility. His gaze stops on the sprawling figure on the ground, and he croaks out of surprise: "Ruffian! You are not a kid! You're a gnome! Stay on the ground! Drop your weapon!"

2018-06-04, 01:47 PM
Now that they're firmly in warehouse territoy, Meilin considers what weapon would be best for the trial ahead. With it being an enclosed space, with plenty of people, she settles for Bianca and keeps her ready for troubles to come.

2018-06-04, 06:50 PM
Xifei moved into the building, eying the teenager in caution before moving in further, unclasping the metallic length along her hips before gripping the handle on her side. With a flick of the wrist, the gleaming metal followed the pummel, pulling apart into 9 five foot long whips made of thin bending metal. Not exactly a safe weapon , but much easier to praise over vital areas then the rapier on her other hip.

The element of surprise mostly gone now, the woman moved to door opposite the entrance they came from and attempted to slam it open, and catch whoever was inside by surprise.

2018-06-04, 08:51 PM
The gnome's demeanor changes in an instant. "Guilty!" he trills in a sing song voice. Keeping his other hand raised he carefully draws and casts aside his knife, all the while grinning dementedly. "It's so terribly dim in here. I think we need some FLARE!" The last word he yells at the top of his lungs and dives under the desk in the corner.

Hector is caught off guard by the gnome's feigned surrender, but Xifei is no. Her whip blades lash out and wrap around the gnome's thigh as he dives, slicing deep through cloth and flesh. He gives a strangled yelp as he tumbles gracelessly into the hollow beneath the desk and lies there moaning in pain. The candle atop the desk flickered once during his dive, though not due to any passing breeze.

There are shouts from the south and the east doors. Several voices, young and terrified bubble up through the cutouts in the wall for the trough. A single voice, masculine and angry booms through the south door. "BLOO!"

The east door bangs open and a mangy hound surges through it. Siod sidesteps its lunge and neatly severs its head with his massive chopping blade. The dog's body falls to the floor and the burly half-orc woman who opened the door stares at the invaders. "Ohh," she moans with a sad expression on her face. "Yargin's not gonna like dat." The half-orc begins to chortle to herself and almost without raising her eyes from the hound's dead body she hefts a flail and swings it underhanded at Siod's chin.


The half orc is adjacent to Siod, I just wanted to show where the dog's body is.

Attack roll:

Crit Damage[roll3]

Reminder on conditions: Hector can't see the opposite wall from the entry door, and its dim light for him starting at the middle of the room.
Meilin has bright light to the middle of the room and dim light to the walls.
Everybody else has darkvision.

2018-06-05, 12:54 AM
Hector takes a moment to figure exactly where did things in his life go wrong enough that he'd be involved in a situation like this.

He loads one of his special ammunitions in his windarm, removing a sticker with an arcane seal as he does so. He then takes a step toward the table and grabs the candle

move action to reload the weapon, free action to imbue with alchemical ordnance (5 left for the day, remains potent for 5 rds), 5 foot step to the west toward the table, and move equivalent to grab the candle. Unless Solage makes Daylight, in that case I'll ready an action to shoot the first hostile creature not engaged in melee)

2018-06-05, 02:26 AM
The gnome cringes away from Hector, clutching at his bleeding leg. He screams in panic, raising a bloody hand to protect himself, as the alchemist reaches for the candle, "PLEASE! NO!"

2018-06-05, 05:24 AM
"Filthy gnome." Siod exclaims but his attention is caught by the bigger threat of a swinging flail. Siod intently watches her movements and face intently like no other combatant would, and Siod strikes just before the flail would ordinarily return.

Move action to study my target: Knowledge (Local) to realize if I might have seen her already and if I know her name: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Crit(18-20): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]

2018-06-05, 12:33 PM
Meilin readies herself for an attack from the door beside her or else coming from the South - the throng of people by the half-orc makes it difficult for her to help in any other way. She pops the cap off of her potion of Shield and downs it.

2018-06-05, 02:47 PM
Solange doesn't appear to be able to reach Siod besides he seems to have the situation well in hand. Her companions are doing a good job of covering the doors. She decides to move up with Meilin to support her and cast "Daylight" to help with the lighting issues. She'll cast the spell on her shield.

2018-06-05, 05:46 PM
Xifei blinked rapidly, the sudden surge of light from her companion' s magic. Sometimes she did forget that humans had trouble in the shade.

Taking the opportunity from the downed gnome boy, the woman proceeded to kick open the door next to her. Hopefully the children were behind it, and didn't want a fight.

5 ft step to doorway to the right
Readied action to attack any adult villains, and if o can be distinct nonlethal if violent kid
Move action to open door, loudly

2018-06-05, 11:11 PM
Solange's shield shines forth like the sun casting sharp shadows from its bright light. The gnome cringes and huddles more tightly into his refuge beneath the desk while the half orc duels with Siod.

A flail makes for a poor defensive weapon and, while his opponent manages to catch his blade with her chain a couple times, the big Shoanti slices the half-orc several deep cuts. She laughs horrible as she fights, gurgling in the back of her throat, even as Siod cuts her. Dancing back a step she flourishes her flail and reaches into the sash around her waist. Producing a vial, she tosses the cork aside and drains it before smashing the empty glass on the floor. Dark blood ceases to flow from her wounds and she raises a mocking hand to beckon her opponent, before snapping the door between them shut with a flick of her flail.

When Xifei kicks open the southern door the stench of that billows through the open door is eye-watering. Near the opposite wall she sees a tall, slender man in fine silks with cropped blonde hair and a noble's sneer on his face. He holds a candle in one hand and a twisted bit of something shiny, maybe wire or glass. Whatever it is he points it at her with a casual arrogance. A moment passes and nothing happens causing the man's face to redden with fury and several vile curses fly from his mouth as he shakes the object.


2018-06-06, 12:45 AM
Hector kneels warily next to the gnome, weapon still at the ready, trying to understand if the gnome is bleeding to death or simply not liking his odds.

"Where are the kids? where is Gaedren?"

Move equivalent action to try and assess his wounds, and ready an action to shoot in case he goes for the knife or casts a spell. I figure both the sneering man and the half orc woman are behind too much cover from where I'm standing

2018-06-06, 01:07 AM
The gnome looks pale and the cut nasty, but not life threatening at the moment. "I don't want to die!" he pleads keeping both hands on his leg. "Promise you won't kill me! Promise you'll let me go!"

Yeah, the two active opponents would be pretty hard to get to. The gnome is in the low single digits for HPs and has suffered a failure of morale rather than body. You don't think he's going to be any further trouble as long as he thinks he can find a way to save his own skin.

While talking is a free action we aren't going to be having a full interrogation session in the middle of a fight. You can say 25 words per round and he can respond with the same. Just like a message spell. Please don't take this as a challenge to cram as much into a round as possible. Keep your structures natural, if you go a little over that's fine.

2018-06-06, 04:52 AM
Smiling at the newly revealed man's difficulties, Xifei rushed forward through the door frame and towards the newest enemy. She swung her urumi around in a broad stroke, aiming for the man's arms.

charge 10ft, forward into range of the new guy. Attacking and praying for more crits.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Critical Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

2018-06-06, 04:12 PM
Solange puts down her shield in a position to illuminate the room and prepares to go help Xifei and Meilin.

2018-06-07, 06:24 AM
Siod steps a bit back and charges the door with his shoulder to try and crack it open. He hopes the door is as poorly maintained as the rest of the dock.

[roll0] + eventual boni for the charge (pretty please?), because 300+ lbs. charging a door is ... well much.

2018-06-07, 08:27 PM
Meilin moves into the room following Xifiel and attacks the noble-looking fellow with Bianca.

Move to whatever space is in range and isn't blocking the door.

Attack: 1d20++2 Damage: [roll0]

2018-06-07, 11:38 PM
The door splinters under Siod's charge and the half-orc is sent tumbling head over heels down the rickety stairs behind it. Several high-pitched voices shriek in terror at the noise as light spills into the room through the shattered door. The half-orc, now bleeding once more from her fall down the stairs, picks herself up and her eyes glint evilly in the as she rushes across the room and snatches up a child no older than eight. He screams in terror as she dangles him by one ankle over a cut-out in the floor that drops away into the river. The child is waif thin, dressed in rags, and pale as the moon underneath a generous coating of grime. The half-orc continues her sickening, wet chortles as more than a score of children shrink back into the southern corners of the room, with some of the "bigger" kids trying to shield the younger ones behind themselves. "You're here for dese. Well keep back if you want 'em alive!"

Upstairs, in the other room, the man in the silks lets out a terrified, girlish scream when Xifei's blade cuts him and he turns a sickly shade of green at the sight of the blood. Dropping his weapon he sprints for the entry door, heedless of his own defense, drawing a bronze key from a pouch at his belt. Xiefi and Meilin both throw hurried attacks at their fleeing opponent and they both miss. He jams the key into the lock and turns it, shoving at the doors only to have them open an inch and slam back as the crowbar slid through the outer handles bars the door. Sliding to the ground he begins to blubber raising his hands in surrender. "I YIELD! I YIELD!!!" he shrieks eyes closed tight.


2018-06-09, 02:40 AM
Seeing the man in the noble garb surrender to Meilin and Xeifei Solange will again pick up her shield (since she doesn't want to leave it behind). She continues to provide illumination. She thinks to herself that putting it down was probably a waste of time.

2018-06-09, 03:51 AM
"HURT THESE KIDS AND YOUR DEATH WILL BE SLOW AND PAINFUL!" Siod shouts to his right to make sure he is heard by his allies.

"What do you have to gain from opposing us? Gaedren will loose, he will die, and you will have nothing." With these words, Siod slowly inches forward pretending to be calm. "If you surrender now, we can work out a deal. The guard does not need to find you."

Walking slowly, maybe a third of my movement. Down to the corner of the ramp/stairs at maximum. I don't want to spook her. I think she realizes my shouting is for my friends to get into position. My slow walk should just put pressure on on her thinking.

2018-06-09, 04:54 AM
"well that answers one out of two", Hector thinks to himself, hearing Siod's warning.

He locks gaze with the gnome, his alchemical ordnance buzzing menacingly from his held sidearm: "Is Gaedren here? answer me, then get out of here".

2018-06-09, 08:28 AM
Meilin decides to let somebody else lead the combat situation, as she has mostly done in the past, and approaches the yielding man to take his key.

2018-06-10, 11:07 PM
Xifei crosses the room and handcuffs the blubbering man as Meilin takes his key.

The gnome bobs his head nervously. "Yeah, Gaedren is down below. He barely leaves at all anymore. You gotta go through the ship!" The moment the words are out of his mouth he scampers to his feet and, despite his injury, begins limping away down the access ramp as fast as his short legs will carry him, casting furtive glances over his shoulder.

In the main room the half-orc laughs at Siod. "Maybe you'll kill me, but it won't bring this one back," she says giving his ankle a shake, causing him to squeal in fear. "Gaedren's bad news. Nobody crosses him. He has the key to shutting people up. And I don't trust you."

Just about this time Siod spots Aldwyn rubbing at his eyes blearily in the crowd of children. The child was obviously sound asleep but has finally come around enough to realize what is going on. However he's too young to fully understand all of the implications of the situation. He's hungry, bruised, and scared, and his favorite uncle has suddenly appeared like a phantom out of his dreams to come and save him. Ducking under one of the older urchin girl's arms he rushes forward before anyone can grab for him in the dark.

"UNCLE SIOD!" he cries flinging his arms out.

2018-06-11, 12:59 AM
Now that she's recovered her shield Solange heads to catch up with Siod and lend her support.

2018-06-11, 01:15 AM
Hector looks warily at the gnome going away, wondering if he'll come to regret the way he handled this. He shakes out of his reverie as Solange moves toward the other room. Hector moves to follow the Aasimar, and drinks his adhesive spittle extract with his action.

2018-06-11, 04:38 AM
Solange quickly sums up what is happening in the room as she arrives at the doorway. She decides to try something a bit reckless and holds her shield up in the dim room in an attempt to blind/distract the half orc she says "Let's grab her Siod" as she runs across the room and tries to tackle her and the kid both together away from the hole.

2018-06-11, 05:23 AM
"You are really giving your life for this old idiot?" Siod turns his face towards Aldwyn and his eyes widen. He starts to charge the half-orc and half-way yells. "ALDWYN! STOP! BRING EVERYONE UPSTAIRS!" The tall Shoanti lowers his head as if to try and tackle the half-orc. In the last moment, he starts an upswing with his sword and tries to cut off the half-orc's left arm, freeing the kid and catching it.

If you want or need rolls.
Reflex to catch kid: [roll2]

2018-06-11, 11:57 AM
As Aldwyn rushes forward, heedless of his uncle's instructions, the half-orc turns and raises her flail to strike him down. Solange vaults over the stair railing and rolls to cushion her landing raising her shield. The sudden light causes the half-orc to flinch and her flail zips over Aldwyn's head as Siod severs her other arm just above the elbow. Solange barrels into the thug with a shield rush, slamming her to the floor. Siod turns to catch the child she was threatening as a gob of webbing sails across the room pinning the child's foot to the side of the hole. In a frantic scramble, Siod pulls the boy back into the fishery with only a little bit of dirty river water in his hair.

Aldwyn grabs hold of his uncle as the other boy thrashes free of the webbing and Siod. He begins sobbing hysterically and one of the other children, a girl of perhaps twelve rushes over to comfort him. He babbles something about being fed to Gobblegut, but she just strokes his lank, dirty hair and shushes him. All of the children stare at Siod, Solange, and Hector with various mixes of fear, wonder, hope, and suspicion.

We are out of initiative order.

In addition everybody receives 267 333 XP each for the defeated enemies.

2018-06-11, 01:08 PM
"There there. It is no need to cry. uncail iomair* is there for you. dallag**" Siod holds the small boy with his left arm and wipes away the kid's tears with his right. As Siod mentions his nickname, he makes a face as if to start crying again. "I will show you how to run as fast as a deer and be as agile as a mountain goat. Then no one will catch you again. When you're quick enough, I show you how to fight."

He turns to his comrades. "Are things upstairs alright? What about the short one? Nice reaction, Hector. I assume Fey is upstairs?" Siod stands up and dusts himself off. "Let her bleed to death, Solange. I think that is preferrable to anything the Hellknights do to her."
*Uncle Bear
** Shrew

2018-06-11, 11:11 PM
Solange looks troubled at the idea of leaving someone to bleed to death. She turns around and delivers a coup-de-grace to the downed female Half-Orc despite Siod's wishes and says "She might deserve to slowly bleed out, but mercy is a virtue". She looks around at the children and says to them "You should seek refuge at the temple of Lord Sun, that is where I went when I escaped from Gaedren many years ago."

2018-06-12, 01:10 AM
Hector joins Solange and Siod on the lower floor, and takes a moment to take in the mess they suddenly got in, and clean the sides of his mouth from spilled gunk with his scarf.
"The gnome took flight. Well, so to speak. Apparently Gaedren is in the ship moored next to the fishery, and seems to never leave the boat these days. He seemed really afraid of him."

"Hard to tell if the noises alerted him - but I think we should press on. Fey is still upstairs with the blonde fellow. He might know what lurks on the ship - maybe even what a 'Gobblegut' is supposed to be - haven´t heard that name before."

He'll then walk upstairs to join Fey in his room, giving a brief examination of the room they found the gnome in first, checking the table and other obvious places for items of interest. Ideally something relating to Gaedren's business dealings.

Perception bonus is +8 due to my heightened awareness extract

2018-06-12, 04:16 AM
“One thing's for sure. Gobblegut will have a maw and a belly to eat things with. Aldwyn;
you know where the temple is. Guide them there. All of you stay there until yuoour parents come to.get you. As for Gaedren. I feel he deserves a new hair cut.“

(Color and formatting when I am home.)

2018-06-12, 03:03 PM
The half-orc lies on the floor, eyes glassy, following movements and sounds. She seems to convulse periodically, and you realize she is still laughing. When Solange gives her mercy, the child-slaver thug dies with a smile on her lips.

The little boy attaches himself to Siod's hip and shakes his head. "I know the way from our house. I don't know where we are. They never let me out." Aldwyn squeezes his uncle tighter. "Can't you take me? What if something happens? I want to go home, Uncail Iomair"

The oldest, largest boy present picks up the dead woman's flail and gives it a few practice swings, cracking himself painfully on the elbow in the process. The girl hugging the frightened little boy glare venomously at Siod. "Few enough of us even have parents. None of them would come get us, except to sell us back to someone like Gaedren." Turning to look at Solange her expression softens a bit but remains guarded and her voice is so jaded from one so young that it is almost painful to listen to. "Why would anyone help us?"

Upstairs, Hector takes the still burning candle from the desk and begins to poke around the upper work room. The desk has a simple ledger on it recording transactions with various fishermen. Apparently the house buys the portions of their catch unfit for sale elsewhere and sells them chum. There is a cabinet at the back of the room which is locked. Through the open bay doors Hector catches sight of more than one person moving about the streets. No one is paying much mind to the fishery, but perhaps all of the noise has tipped off the local populace to their burning needs to be elsewhere. A few voices float over the night air as well, although indistinct and far away.

The room with Xifei and her captive is empty of anything valuable or significant. It would seem that the dog which Siod slew made its den here, and nobody bothered to clean the place with any regularity. The desk and chair are both ruined. The captive has relinquished his Wand of Acid Spray and his dagger to Xifei. He is also trying to bribe her into releasing him with a necklace when Hector walks in with his candle.

Siod and Solange are both still downstairs dealing with the orphans. Solange's shield is with them.

Hector is upstairs, alone, poking around by candle light.

And Xifei is interrogating/frisking her captive.

2018-06-12, 06:32 PM
Siod stands up and crosses his arms. "If you can work and learn to hunt, maybe I can talk to the elder. The reservations are not big and we are struggling to feed ourselves. But if you can pull your weight, maybe the Shoanti can accept some street rats." He turns to the girl. "Young woman, I wish it were different but you have to pull your own weight from now on. The temple can shelter you for a short time but I doubt they can give you a home."

He turns to the pier. "If your captor is in there, we will get him. Here and now. Then we will bring you to the temple. We go in, you barricade the door after us with a large plank. Listen now, you only open if we say the following sentence: 'Ní fhaca mé le fada sibh.'* Do you understand?" Siod looks at the 'warrior' boy and the girl.

*Long time no see

2018-06-12, 08:03 PM
The girl nods up at Siod, her face still clouded as though she doesn't trust their rescuers and the boy with the flail gives the kind of cocky grin that only comes from people who don't realize how in over their heads they really are.

One of the older boys, who was actually lounging in a hammock the whole time watching things play out snorts at Siod's suggestion. Displaying far more balls than sense he says, "And why, in Hell's name, would we want to come live with a bunch of skin wearing savages who paint themselves in blue cow spunk for fun?" Aldwyn's face goes red with anger as the kid continues, "Or go live with a bunch of holy hypocrites?" Rolling neatly out of the hammock he heads for the stairs. "Nah, screw all of you. I'm gonna go cut some purses and keep the money this time."

Aldwyn rushes the kid screaming and tackles the older boy. They roll a few times as the others rush to separate them or cheer one of the boys on getting in Siod's and Solange's way. Aldwyn is yelling things about Siod coming to get him and how the other boy can't pick on him anymore while the older kid screams racial slurs back at him.

2018-06-12, 10:40 PM
Siod picks both kids by their respective collars and pulls them away from each other. then you can hear a few clamoring slaps and a few silent slaps. "Stop it immediately. Aldwyn I am not your personal attack dog. And young man? Consider who rescued you all. I did not alone certainly. But a Shoanti warrior saved your hides today. Now stop bickering and hide again."

2018-06-13, 12:48 AM
Solange attempts to reassure the children as much as possible, turning on what charm she has. "Years ago I was also one of Gaedren's children, except he beat me and left me for dead in an alleyway when I displeased him by attending services for Lord Sun. Despite everything, despite how hopeless things seemed the temple of Lord Sun took me in and not only provided for me but trained me, and made me a much stronger person. she pauses "Some of you might do better to accept Siod's offer and seek a life among the Shoanti if you do not want to accept the charity of Lord Sun, and that is a valid option. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING is better than trying to live on the streets and stealing for a living

To the girl who addressed her specifically Solange says "Some people do what is right BECAUSE it is right. The Temple Of Lord Sun will help you because it is the right thing to do, and for no other reason. It might be hard to believe after having lived with Gaedren and his men but some people strive to do good with no thought for how it benefits them."

"Do as Siod says and wait here, we shall return shortly when we have dealt with Gaedren"

Solange will wait for Siod to finish up and say anything else he has to add before stepping out, and heading to catch up with Fey and Hector.

2018-06-13, 03:56 PM
Hector joins Fey in the room with their captive "We should tie him up until we've dealt with Gaedren...gag him to prevent him to call for help seems prudent"

"On the one hand the safest course of action would be to leave him tied up in the room downstairs with the kids, but on the other hand it could turn out really messy, really quickly".

Once downstairs with Solange and Siod again, he braces himself for what's to come, wondering what lies in wait on the ship moored to the docks - and also wondering where do they keep their supplies of Shiver, as all he could see so far is rotting fish and every other kind of filth

2018-06-14, 11:29 PM
The children seem pretty used to keeping Aldwyn and the other boy separate, and the boy with the flail seems to take his assignment as protector seriously, becoming a touch bossy and big-headed until his female counterpart deflates him with a few choice words. As the door closes behind Solange and Siod, you hear a few muffled thumps, probably of it being barred. There is also a soft splash, it would seem the children are adept at eliminating evidence.

When the rest of the raiding party arrives Xifei turns to them. "His name is Yargin. He's Gaedren's fence, accountant, and a bit of an alchemist. He says the money is in the cabinet in the next room. This key," She says holding up a bronze key, "Will unlock the cabinet and any other door in the fishery. Gaedren is beneath our feet at the moment. To reach him we must go through a hidden door on the lower deck of the ship outside. In the next room there is an office with the doctored accounts of this place's business dealings."

In response to Hector's suggestion Xifei proposes that the party lock Yargin in the bunk room, reasoning that he is already chained up and it would prevent any interaction between him and the children. Her only inquiry about them is if they are all safe, although a look of maternal worry crosses her face when she asks.

2018-06-15, 03:41 AM
Solange listen to Fey's accounting and says "We should collect the doctored records and head to the ship outside then. I think locking this fellow up will be sufficient until we return." Solange will follow Fey since she has the key and can unlock the cabinets to collect the records (and the money which was also mentioned but that is not Solange's primary concern).

2018-06-15, 01:12 PM
Siod nods grimly. "Either lock him up or kill him outright. I am not one for disputing the fate of vile men like him." Siod looks around then whispers as if expecting to be listened to by foreign ears. "I heard the Hellknights sacrifice the souls of sinners to their god. And even if he has done bad things, I think Hell is a promotion not a punishment for him. He should stand trial to proper gods."

The large man turns to the door and before touching its handle turns to the others. "Oh, by the way, is anyone skilled in finding traps? Gaedren is a coward, he would hide behind those."

I know this is Pathfinder, but I wouldn't need the feature "trapfinding" to find non-magical traps, would I? I don't assume Gaedren can pay for magical traps anyway, so...Perception: [roll0]

2018-06-15, 10:18 PM
"I'm not comfortable with simply executing him, we're about to collect evidence so we should probably turn him over to the guard. In response to Siod's question Solange said "Sadly traps and other devices were never part of my training. We'll simply have to proceed cautiously. .

2018-06-16, 09:41 AM
"His alchemist you say? How interesting. Was shiver your own design? or you following someone else's formula?"

Hector leans in on the man "Either way, I'd like to see your notes".

"I suggest we have this fellow take us to Gaedren. The prison infiltration from "the secret castle" comes to mind, even if thinking of Gaedren as our princess to rescue invokes either shivers or snickers. For those not familiar with the piece: the heroes have one of the guards they subdued guide them through the titular castle, pretending he took them prisoner while, in fact, he is held at knife point."

"No matter what we do with this man, we should collect the money as well. Gaedren activities have brought me considerable amounts of practical difficulties, among them forcing me to sell the means by which my livelihood depends. Something to make this month rent would be a nice first step toward balancing the scales".

2018-06-16, 06:33 PM
"I have no objection to taking what ill gotten gains Gaendren and his associates have obtained. Depending on how much we find we might consider leaving some to the temple of Lord Sun to help care for the orphans..." There is one thing Solange has been wondering since it was mentioned so she turns to the prisoner and asks "What exactly is a Gobblegut?"

2018-06-17, 02:12 AM
"His alchemist you say? How interesting. Was shiver your own design? or you following someone else's formula?"

"We just distribute shiver. We don't make it at all, but from what I understand of the process it would require dream spider venom..."

Hector leans in on the man "Either way, I'd like to see your notes".

"I suggest we have this fellow take us to Gaedren. The prison infiltration from "the secret castle" comes to mind, even if thinking of Gaedren as our princess to rescue invokes either shivers or snickers. For those not familiar with the piece: the heroes have one of the guards they subdued guide them through the titular castle, pretending he took them prisoner while, in fact, he is held at knife point."

"No matter what we do with this man, we should collect the money as well. Gaedren activities have brought me considerable amounts of practical difficulties, among them forcing me to sell the means by which my livelihood depends. Something to make this month rent would be a nice first step toward balancing the scales".

The captive takes you through the door to his office in the next room and provides his notes, then stands cringing in silence as you discuss his future purpose. They are as he described them. They appear to detail the legitimate dealings of the fishery.

"What exactly is a Gobblegut?"

"Gobblegut is Gaedren's pet alligator. He uses it to dispose of... evidence."

Using the prisoner's key, you unlock the cabinet in the upper work room and recover six coin pouches. Each of them contains approximately fifty coins. Four of the pouches are filled with coppers and two are filled with silvers.

2018-06-17, 01:41 PM
(I assume Hector tells me of the crocodile. Can we continue onwards?)

"I have always wanted to wrestle an alligator. Sure beats pinning down the usual minging debtor, even if that's a bit easier." As you look into Siod's eyes, you are unsure if he is serious about wrestling a deadly animal or just sarcastic. "This leaves Gaedren up to you. Or would you rather...?"

Come to think of it, we don't know terribly much about Gaedren? What is he like? How old? Is he a skilled thief? Is he alchemically skilled? How would he fight? Please roll for my knowledge (local) in secret if you want to.

2018-06-19, 12:59 PM
"That means that Solange and I will be in charge of Gaedren. If everything goes according to plan. Most likely, we'll adapt and improvise as we go along. I reckon we have to head outside and navigate the planks to reach the boat, and it might be prudent to cover Solange's shield with something to avoid announcing our presence any more than necessary. Let's go."

Hector offers his overcoat to cover up the shield in case it's needed. You can notice a second spring-loaded mechanism coiled around his other arm, exactly like the one he used to produce his gun earlier.

2018-06-20, 12:06 AM
Xifei chains Yargin to one of the beds in the bunk room and the party heads out to the board walk. The planks are slimy and the wood creaks alarmingly under any weight at all. Instinctively, everybody spreads out and chooses their footing very carefully. Going slowly you follow the rickety old boardwalk out to the ship. From this angle you can see peeling paint on the stern of the ancient ship. It reads: Kraken's Folly.

The hull can hardly be seen for all the seaweed, barnacles, and muck caked upon it. The deck looks rotten and it is clear that more and more ropes have been added over a period of years with the goal of keeping the vessel afloat. A spot of color can be seen in the dim starlight. There is a crude representation of a herring stenciled on the door to the aft cabin in red paint.

Marching Order?

2018-06-20, 02:25 PM
Siod leads the bunch. I imagines where his weight is held, the other can easily pass, including the heavily armored knight. The only exception is that his armor doesn't hinder him when he goes overboard. If he notices something odd, he will signal the others with an extended hand to stop in order to scout ahead.

2018-06-21, 12:00 AM
Siod leads the way with Solange and her light, covered for the moment, directly behind him. Hector is left with a spot in the middle while Xifei and her whip blade take up a rear guard. Slipping quietly over the low railing of the derelict ship the party pads over the half rotted deck, choosing their footing carefully. Siod pushes open the door to the aft cabin. Inside the air is thick and musty. Cobwebs hang in opaque sheets from the walls and ceiling. Mounds of what might have been blankets, cushions, and rushes lie in piles on the floor, also covered in webbing.

Stepping inside you are all reminded that Korvosa is famous, or rather infamous, for its drain spiders. Beasts that can squeeze like octopuses and grow to similar sizes. They get their names from their tendency to live in Korvosa's sewers and crawl up drains to terrify property owners. You also remember that drain spiders are renowned for their aggressive tendencies when you hear a skitter and a chitter that makes your skin crawl. The sound comes from inside the room but you don't see what is making it.


Monsters: [roll0]
Party: [roll1]

2018-06-21, 12:26 PM
Siod pulls out his sword and moves into attack position, two spaces south of the stairs down the ship to leave space for Solange and one other. If he sees a spider he studies its movement to take advantage of it next turn.

2018-06-21, 02:52 PM
Hector follows Siod inside the cabin, loaded windarm in one hand, ready to attack any drain spider or other aggressive creature he sees

2018-06-22, 12:36 AM
A spider the size of a house cat, its spindly brown legs banded with white, comes charging forward on six legs, from the western corner of the cabin. Its two front legs are raised and wave in the air as it hisses. Hector whips around with his gun and the sharp pop of the bullet leaving the barrel fills the small enclosed space. Hector's bullet tears through one of the creature's upraised limbs and it curls to one side, rolling down the stairs. Shortly a chorus of sympathetic hisses rise from below.

2018-06-22, 05:29 PM
"They're not that scary. Stay together." Siod advances towards the spider and strikes any one that tries to jump him.

Moving2-3 spaces down the ship, preparing an attack to the first spider that attacks me.

2018-06-22, 05:53 PM
Solange will follow Siod and get ready to whack any spiders that she can see.

2018-06-24, 07:28 AM
Hector loads another round in his windarm and follows his companions, taking up the rear. He muses for a moment if the situation warrants use of more serious ammunition, but the spider didn't seem a very serious treat...time will tell.

depending how far the Siod and Solange goe this round it's either move action to reload, 5 foot step to follow to the stairs landing and ready an action to shoot spiders, or move action to reload and second move to follow. The internet where I'm at is really crappy and cannot load the map (or even the avatars for that matters), hence the if-then-else :)

2018-06-25, 12:30 AM
Descending down into the depths of the rotted ship the new acquaintances operate like a well oiled machine. At the base of the stairs the injured spider spasms feebly but its fangs still drip with venom. Siod butchers the foul thing contemptuously, hacking off its remaining limbs with one quick sweep and then bisecting its body.

Solange gives a shout as a second spider of similar size drops from the underside of the deck above, attempting to land on Siod's back. She spears it on the end of her blade, but its body is deceptively heavy and as she tries to flick it free of her sword she misses a swing at a third spider that skitters forward.

Behind her, Hector takes aim at the beast and pulls the trigger of his little coat pistol. With a bang and the sound of rending brass the tiny lead ball goes zipping through the air, pinging off of a nail somewhere with a dull clang.

Xifei leaps down the stairs kicking off of the wall to fly over everybody's head and land with a roll. Producing her rapier she stabs at the spider killing it, but two more come boiling out of the webbing she disturbed and sink dripping fangs into wrist and ankle. The wounds don't look serious but, almost immediately, she begins to shake.


The spiders are brown dots. A little hard to see but they are to the left and right of Xifei (orange).

2018-06-25, 02:18 AM
Solange looks at what happens to Fey with concern but there isn't much she can do to aid her right now. She takes a swing at the closest spider if she can do so without injuring Fey.

2018-06-25, 02:37 AM
"Dammit!" Hector curses under his breath as he sees a puff of clay dust sputter from his weapon, a typical sign of a clogged barrel. He waits for Solange and Siod to engage the spiders and moves towards Xifei, to administer some treatment to his poisoned companion

heal check (standard action) [roll0] if this beats the spiders poison DC, Xifei gets +4 on her next save vs poison

2018-06-26, 05:34 AM
Siod ignores what happens and takes a long step into the ship's holding area. He slashes at the spider standing furthest away, trusting in her companions to dispose of the other.

5 ft. step
move action to study spider
standard action to power attack: [roll0]