View Full Version : [IC] AtS's Legacy of Fire: Chapter 1 - Howl of the Carrion King

2018-10-18, 10:21 PM
The Sultan's Claw, Somewhere North of Katapesh | Midday

The cracked earth sighs under the influence of the hot midday sun, which hangs high overhead, unleashing its relentless rays upon travelers below. A small caravan of adventurers riding camels braves the harsh elements, traveling somewhere deep into the wild scrublands. This group, in particular, has traveled almost a week from the quiet desert town of Solku to... out here, in the desolate wastes of northern Katapesh. The travel has been fairly uneventful, framed by a backdrop of the looming Pale Mountain on the horizon, most days cloudless and hot spent riding camelback over the dunes and hills and crags, most nights quiet and cold spent huddled 'round campfires under starry skies.

Despite the discomfort of such harsh travel, the group has grown to know each other fairly well. They have been hired by a young merchant princess, Almah, for an expedition to scout and reclaim the long-abandoned battle-market village of Kelmarane, located in the northern wastes of Katapesh at the foot of the Brazen Peaks. Their guide, to rendezvous with the rest of Almah's charge, is a distinguished, greying-but-still-spry man by the name of Garavel. Black of hair and grey of beard, and clad in a white keffiyeh on his head and simple brown robes, he is wiry and strong. At his hip, a scimitar hangs from a simple cord belt. He rides his camel with a practiced grace, trotting a few yards ahead of the the group, leading the way through the craggy wasteland.

As the group crests the next hill, Garavel clears his voice and speaks in a low rumbling tone. "We have almost arrived. Just beyond this hill, you'll see..."

Off in the hazy distance, you spy a craggy treetop over the next hill. This is the Sultan's Claw, as much of a landmark as you'd be able to find out here in the desert wastes. It's a massive, old, dying tree, with five sparsely-leafed branches jutting up into the sky. It looks more like a giant skeletal talon than a thing of living wood. Clustered around the tree is an almost bustling caravan consisting of a half-dozen wagons, a large tent, and animal pen filled with camels and goats.

In your time traveling with Garavel, you've noticed a strange feature he keeps hidden under his headpiece - a metal bolt that prodrudes from the left side of his skull - a Pactmaster's favor, a magical and cultural alteration native to Katapesh that is said to keep the emotions of those who use it in check.

Now's your time to introduce your characters and the party. You've all known each other for at least this week of travel, but if you'd like to intertwine your backstories more than that, feel free. (We have two PC's with Finding Haleen, at the very least)

Either make rolls here using the forum dice roller or in Discord using Sidekick, it's up to you.

2018-10-19, 10:46 AM
"Land ho! Or at least yer landlubber equivalent" Eshe whoops from atop her camel.

"Be bloody glad ta be resting me hindquarters" the garundi woman grumbles, rubbing her aching posterior. Her discomfort is something she hasn't been shy about airing during the course of the trip.

"No offence ta ye" she adds to her mount with a reassuring pat, "I'm just not meant fer camels I think".

2018-10-19, 11:20 AM
(Perception 19)

Andrei Kovacs wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. Though he had lived in Katapesh all his life, somehow, the Varisian had never quite gotten used to the heat. And though he had no objection to his camel, overcoming the camel’s objection to Kilava had been a bit more troublesome, at least at first. The bored looking tiger continued to trail beside him, as it had for most of the journey.

“Oh? We’re there, are we?” he asked, perking up a little at the news, “Finally!”

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-19, 07:39 PM
Zahur taps out a slow rhythm on his hardened leather cuirass as the party trudges along, chanting softly in time with the camel's steps. "Pa-nu-ra-them-ya-ni-dah-zil-bha-gu-ran-tem-ya-ni..." He sports a keffiyeh in the same style as Garavel, white cloth framing a sunken and hungry visage. Dull brown eyes stare blankly out of a dull brown face - a face which brightens considerably at the news that the Sultan's Claw is near. He reaches for his weapons bandolier reflexively before confirming there's nothing hostile in sight, and then stretches one arm at a time while keeping the reins of the camel.

"It really has been a long few days. Uh, not to say you're bad company, just..." Zahur stammers and sputters off. "I'm eager to get to the village, is all I mean."

2018-10-19, 09:54 PM

Morife nods at the excited cry from Eshe, a satisfied smile on normally hard face. The rigors of the last week had been testing but not altogether unwelcome. Indeed, finding that the merchant princess was hiring for an expedition to the very place where Haleen might be had been a stroke of luck. And meeting the half-elf with the tiger, Andrei, who also sought Haleen just confirmed his information must be sound. It was good to be away from the city for a short time and once these gnolls were routed he looked forward to the impending resolution. Perhaps Haleen was with Almah's other forces and had already dealt to the vicious curs. He chuckled at that thought but still hoped that some action might remain.

"Sultan's Claw. A welcome sight indeed!"

He looked over at the others, fine travelling companions each. "Lead on, Garavel. I am eager to sight this Kelmarane. Abadar will surely fill the princesses coffers with gold as just reward for driving off the gnoll tribe and restoring such a waypoint". He urges his camel forward slowly, following their aging guide.

Anticipating their imminent arrival he mutters a brief prayer to Abadar under his breath as they advance.

Might as well cast guidance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/guidance/).

2018-10-20, 12:18 AM
The Sultan's Claw | Midday

Garavel gives a tired smile at Morife and Zahur and says, "If only it weren't for the gods-forsaken gnoll tribes. We've got our work cut out for us, even with all of the manpower the princess has assembled for this expedition." The man's voice is low and cool, though not unkind. Soon after speaking, his head whips back around and he's cupped a hand to his eyes, shading them from the sun.

"Is... is that a fire?" His voice rises a bit higher, a hint of concern in his tone. Garavel gives his camel a nudge, urging the animal faster. "Hurry! There is something wrong!" The guide takes off in a puff of sand and dust, and it's all the party can do to keep up with his elevated pace. After a few minutes hard ride, the group arrives at the Sultan's Claw proper, to chaos unfolding.

The caravan is bustling with activity and yelling voices fill the air. The penned animals prance in agitation, tugging at their restraints and bleating loudly. A clutch of confused goats and livestock wander the grounds around the wagons, unattended. Perhaps a dozen men and women rush around the campsite, chasing down an animal or hastening toward the center of the cluster of wagons and tents near the gnarled Sultan's Claw, carrying buckets of water. One of the wagons is on fire!

Lush orange and red flames engulf an elaborate wooden wagon emblazoned with painted moons and stars. A gout of smoke pours from an open door, and as the party approaches, an ill wind blows a number of colorful fortune-telling Harrow cards from inside the wagon. One of these singed cards blows right into Andrei's chest, fluttering there for a moment. Then, the worst happens. Errant flames from the wagon lick the hanging branches of the Sultan's Claw above, and the entire tree is quickly engulfed in flames. The dry heat from the past week has left everything in prime condition to burn to cinders.

Suddenly, the central flap of the most elaborate tent in the caravan flies open and a regal woman, clearly Princess Almah, steps out into the midday sun. "Douse that flame!" she shouts to the men surrounding the wagon before turning to the party. "Ah, Garavel!" she says, "And just a moment later than the nick of time, as usual." Almah shakes her head slightly, then looks at the rest of the party. "Find some way to help!" she barks, before taking off toward the burning wagon. Garavel quickly dismounts his camel and follows Almah.

Almah, Garavel, and four soldiers dressed in the distinctive red chitin-plate armor of the Pactmaster Guard run back and forth between the burning wagon and an uncovered wagon about twenty feet away. The uncovered wagon contains a huge barrel, and as they open a spigot at the bottom, it's clearly full of drinking water. Their efforts are slowly working to douse the flames, but more and more of the wagon crumbles to soot while they struggle to bring pail after pail of water to the wagon and tree. At the foot of the water wagon, several more pails await hands to carry them.

Four burly mercenaries struggle with an enclosed wooden wagon within feet of the burning one, struggling to move the heavy vehicle out of harm's way. Nearby, a red-headed halfling kneels next to a pair of severely burned mercenaries who tried to enter the burning wagon when the flames first erupted. The halfling healer is able to attend to one of the two suffering mercs, a man who howls in pain, but is not able to help the second, a woman who's breathing is shallow and labored.

The harrow card that flew into you depicts the Cyclone. This signifies an unstoppable force that tears through everything in its path. The card portends war, arson, and destruction.

There's several ways to help out here.

1. Put out the fire: You may join Almah and Garavel and ferry water from the water wagon to the burning one. The current method is very inefficient, but all of the npcs are too frazzled to think of anything better to do. You can direct the NPCs if you have a better idea, or even try to lift the water barrel with a Strength check.

2. Move the endangered wagon: The four mercenaries will aid if anyone helps push the endangered wagon out of the way. This too will require a Strength check.

3. Heal the wounded: The two wounded, burnt mercenaries are being tended to by a healer, but he's clearly out of his depth with such extensive injuries.

4. Deal with frightened animals: Use Handle Animal to try to corral and calm the frightened animals running about. Several people chase them, clearly the animals are important to the expedition, and the ones that are loose run the risk of getting lost in the nearby wilderness.

2018-10-20, 03:45 AM

With chaos erupting all around Morife also dismounts, albeit with far less grace and speed than Garavel. There is little he can do for the injured so he runs across to help the four mercenaries shift the endangered wagon out of harms way. "C'mon lads, put your back into it!" He slams his shoulder against the wagon using all his strength to assist with the activity

Strength check DC? [roll0] + assists?
Diplomacy check if needed [roll1]

2018-10-20, 04:44 AM
"Oh bloody hell" Eshe yells, leaping from her camel. She turns to her travelling companions and shouts "Andrei! I'm on the injured, you handle the fire!" as she dashes to the injured mercenaries. The half-elf can conjure water, she recalls. Better he focus on that damned fire.

She pushes past the struggling healer with a bellowed "Move!", pale light flickering around her fingers as she slaps the brief charge of positive energy into the first victim, soothing the worst of his wounds. A second spell follows a few seconds later, bolstering the laboured breathing of the other mercenary.

"Aye, they ain't dying today" she mutters, examining the burns on the second patient as a small black cat emerges from his resting place inside her hood and drops gently to the ground. Muffles gives a reassuring purr as he examines the other patient for his master.

"Either o these two good fer fighting tha fire if we get em back on their feet?" she asks the halfing as she works. "Or can they wait fer proper healing?"

Eshe casts Stabilise on the two injured mercenaries, then sees what she can do with a heal check.

Unless of course no one else does anything about the panicking animals, in which case she'll probably start casting Sleep on them once she's done stabilising the injured.

Dark Hawk799
2018-10-20, 09:34 AM
Samira, knowing just how bad a fire can be for a desert caravan, quickly hops off her camel and rushes to the fire and aids in putting it out. Grabbing an extra bucket she fills it and hurries to throw it on the fire.

Looking to the disorganized guards running about, "I've seen worse fires than this get put out, but we do need you to pick up the pace with those buckets."

NOT casting create water over the wagon, also attempts to get the water runners moving just a bit quicker. If someone ends up using diplomacy to organize the guards Samira will attempt to aid them.

2018-10-20, 09:37 AM
Andrei snatched up the card, looking up at the scene in front of him as he dismounted from his camel, and then back down at the card, “Destruction, yes, arson, I’d certainly hope not, war… Well, what does a card know,” he muttered to himself in Elvish.

Eshe’s call snaps him out of his daze, and he shoves the card into his pocket before rushing forward towards the fire. He busies himself with repeatedly casting Create Water, conjuring a downpour to directly smother and contain the flames, which seemed to be a considerably faster method than going back and forth to the barrel. In between castings, he begins calling out to the others working at fighting the fire, attempting to organize an ad hoc bucket brigade(19 diplomacy).

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-20, 10:11 PM
Zahur gawks at the crackling flames that rise up to consume the Sultan's claw as the people at the front of the riding formation swiftly dismount and rush toward the fire. Seeing the situation well manned and knowing the group's magicians are better equipped to handle the wounded and burning, he turns his camel to the side and circles around the perimeter of the camp, trying to herd back any of the livestock that might flee too far. He calls out to the people already chasing down the animals and tries to work in tandem with them - after all, Zahur has no knowledge of which animals are more or less vital to the caravan.

2018-10-22, 12:41 PM
The Sultan's Claw | Midday


Morife and the mercenaries' first attempt to shove the wagon is unsuccessful. They are no coordinated and getting in each other's way. The wagon sort of slumps in a rut and rocks despite all their exertion. However, upon regrouping and a much more coordinated and heroic effort lead by Morife, they are able to get the wagon rolling to safety. The four mercs congratulate Morife, impressed by his leadership and strength.


Eshe's magic immediately brings the two injured mercenaries into more stable condition. Though still unconscious, their breathing becomes stronger, and the worst burns and cuts heal slightly. They are still hurt and will require further healing or bed rest to fully recover. The cleric is grateful for the support and clasps Eshe's fingers in his small weathered hand, nodding and thanking her profusely. "By Nethys' ascenscion! I don't know what I'd've done if it weren't for you! My healing's all spent for the day, gods know that first aid is so much harder without magic!" He finishes bandaging the two unconscious mercenaries, then says, "I'll get them patched up better tomorrow... should last like this. I don't think they'll be fighting any more fires today, though."

"The name's Father Zastoran. I'll make sure these two know how you helped them when they wake up, miss..." he pauses, waiting for a name.


Zahur tries his best to help herd the animals. His efforts are fairly effective, that is, until one of the goats makes a break for it, sprinting surprisingly quickly over a nearby dune and out of sight. Otherwise, the ranger's combined efforts with the other caravan folk are able to reign in the rest of the livestock safely.

Samira and Andrei

With some amount of shouting and wild gesturing, Samira and Andrei are able to get the fire fighters organized more effectively. At Andrei's direction, Garavel, Almah, Samira, and the caravan guards all line up, passing bucket after bucket down the line and dumping it onto the fire, while the oracle conjures water to rain down from above. After mere minutes, they've managed to douse the flames on both the caravan and the Sultan's Claw, and the immediate danger subsides.


The camp breathes a collective sigh of relief as the last flames are doused. An impromptu circle forms around Almah, as everyone is uneasy and exhausted after the commotion, and look to their leader for guidance. Some members of the caravan give a smile and weak wave to the heroic newcomers, who burst onto the scene and handled almost all the problems at camp quickly and readily. Almah herself looks especially grateful for such a level-headed and professional response to the commotion.

She wipes her brow, beads of sweat leaving her tanned skin slick from both the heat of the day and the exertion, then she speaks. "Well, that was quite an introduction. We have much to speak about regarding the fire, but first things first..." She turns to address the party directly. "As I'm sure you've guessed, I'm Almah, and this is our caravan. Everyone," she says, looking round the caravan group and pointing towards the new arrivals, "these are the newest of our number. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?"

Everyone in the party gains 80 XP for dealing with the fire.

Current total: 80 XP

2018-10-23, 04:34 AM

Nodding almost imperceptibly at the praise from the mercenaries, Morife strides across to receive Almah's greeting. He bows and introduces himself "Morife Khumein, at your service my lady. May Abadar's fortunes rain down upon us and guide this expedition to wealth and profits befitting a princess."

Aid another if anyone else goes for Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense motive, because why not: [roll1]

2018-10-23, 09:35 AM
"Andrei Kovacs," Andrei said, with a polite bow.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-23, 10:28 AM
Zahur freezes up for a moment when the group is given the spotlight, but brings himself back to attention with a pinch on the hand. He waves back to some of the caravaneers waving at them, stretches a thin smile across his face, and bows his head briefly before speaking his piece. "I am Zahur Khayyam bin Tangaratta al-Shodra. I hope to serve well under the eyes of the Perfected One."

2018-10-23, 10:32 AM
"Eshe" she replies with a nod.

"An that be a lesson I learnt well. Always be having a cantrip fer triage, even if it don't come up often. Now, let's be moving this sorry pair somewhere out of the way..."


"Eshe Watercliffe" she introduces herself, "ship's doctor temporarily without me ship. Til she comes back ta port, ah'll be making sure yer limbs stay attached and yer insides are inside".

The black cat from earlier re-emerges from her hood with a plaintive mreow. Eshe chuckles and reaches up to scratch her feline companion behind the ears. "Oh, and this be Muffles. Ship's cat and me able-bodied assistant".

Dark Hawk799
2018-10-23, 12:54 PM
Looking excited at the gathered people praising her, Samira waves to the crowd and introduces herself as Samira. "Glad we arrived when we did, wild fires are a nasty business in the desert"

2018-10-24, 11:34 PM
The Sultan's Claw | Midday

At Morife's blessing, Almah smiles darkly. "Thank you, Morife," she says quietly. "If I had the Wealthy Father's blessing, we wouldn't be in this mess. It's a long story, but the short of it is that Kelmarane was once under my family's influence, generations ago. The Roveshki name is not worth what it once was, and it's all this blasted place's fault. Bad investments, natural disasters, you name it, they cost my great-great grandfathers everything and now I'm left with this gnoll-infested wasteland as my inheritance." She sighs, shaking her head slowly.

She addresses each member in turn, nodding her head at the greetings and salutes from the party. "All of you, your service and expertise are invaluable to this expedition. Especially in a time like this," she explains, gesturing toward the burned-out husk of the wagon smoking nearby. "Garavel?" she calls for her major domo and he quickly returns to her side. Her voice loses the kind tone and becomes instructive and stern. "Find out who or what caused the fire. We have one dead and two casualties - we cannot afford any more mishaps like this. If there is any sign of foul play, we must sort it out quickly." She looks out at the rest of the party, tapping her chin. "Take the newcomers with you. Clearly, all of you have an alibi - you all arrived after the fire broke out!" She turns, and starts to head back to the main tent, though she stops halfway there. "Report your findings to me this evening, before supper."

Garavel bows sharply and takes the party aside. "This is what I know right now - we have one dead, Almah's former fortune-teller, Eloais, and two wounded, the leader of the hired mercenary company Trevvis, and his second-in-command Kallien. They charged into the burning wagon in an attempt to rescue Eloais, but the fires overwhelmed them." He slowly paces back and forth in front of the party. "We've got our work cut out for us. We need to investigate the wagon, examine Eloais' body, and interview the rest of the caravan."

At this point, the rest of the camp has started to come down from the excitement and commotion, and people are beginning to return to their daily routines. The cleric from before busies himself at an infirmary tent, rushing about, red hair frizzy and disheveled. The animal herders have managed to get the livestock under control and penned back up, and the various guards stand watch, some alone, others in pairs, whispering nervously among themselves.

"As far as the interviews go, there's Father Zastoran, Dashki, our guide through the wasteland, Almah's personal guard - Fixx, Keldon, Podarn, and Vodrave. The mercenaries, that's Trevvis and Kallien, their leaders, the two wounded. But their underlings, Utarchus, Dullen, Brotis, and Yesper, we need to hear their statements, at least. Oh! And last, the animal herders, a couple - Hadrod and Hadrah."

"Decide how you'll proceed from here. You've proven your worth in a crisis, so now I want to see how capable you all are at investigation."

A few investigation scenes here:

1. Examine the burned wagon for evidence
2. Examine Eloais' body
3. Interview Father Zastoran
4. Interview Dashki
5. Interview Almah's personal guard
6. Interview the mercenaries
7. Interview the animal herders
8. Inteview Almah

Or anything else you can think of that might be relevant to the investigation! Feel free to split into groups, tackle things solo, or however you want to approach this situation.

Morife - Morife's sense motive attempt is enough to notice that Almah seems surprisingly unconcerned with Eloais' death, or at least, she shows no sign of distress or mourning.

2018-10-25, 05:31 AM

Morife watches as Almah departs, her behavior curious but not altogether unusual for a woman of her standing. He says nothing. Slowly, he turns to Garavel and his travelling companions. He nods his approval as Eshe makes a move toward the body of the late fortune-teller. The woman clearly has some skills with medicine as she said. Best she is left to complete her examination without interruption.

"I would like to examine the wagon of the poor soul first. I will meet you shortly when we are ready to begin the interviews."

Morife approaches the burned-out wagon of Eloais the fortune-teller. His eyes wander across the charred remains as he runs a gauntleted hand through the soot and embers, a prayer to Abadar muttered under his breath as he concentrates.

When he has thoroughly checked the wrecked wagon he returns to sternly observe the interviews as they proceed.

Cast Guidance (!)
Perception check to examine burnt wagon = (8)+6 = 14 (from Discord) + 1 Guidance = 15

Eshe's got the autopsy covered.

I suggest someone with good Diplomacy (Andrei with aid from Samira?) conducts the interviews. Morife will observe and concentrate on Sense Motive on any responses/ reactions. Sound like a plan?

I'll roll a bunch of Sense Motive checks for use as needed, so as not to hold anyone up (although AtS you may wish to reroll these in secret). Not quite sure how the Discord roller works. Here's the first one anyway:

1d20+8 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance & Silver-Tongued Haggler) = (2)+8 = 10
1d20+8 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance & Silver-Tongued Haggler) = (14)+8 = 22
1d20+8 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance & Silver-Tongued Haggler) = (8)+8 = 16
1d20+8 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance & Silver-Tongued Haggler) = (11)+8 = 19
1d20+8 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance & Silver-Tongued Haggler) = (6)+8 = 14
1d20+7 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance) = (19)+7 = 26
1d20+7 Sense Motive check (Incl. Guidance) = (5)+7 = 12

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-25, 09:45 AM
"She died... in the flames?" Zahur mutters to himself and scratches his ruffled head. He follows Morife to the remains of the wagon, both out of personal interest and out of intuitive deference to the person displaying the most leadership, and squints at the wreckage from a slight remove.

"Pardon my ignorance", he says softly to Morife, moving closer so that the words need not carry as far, "but I always thought fortune tellers were something close to holy women. I am surprised to learn this one was claimed so easily by smoke and fire."

2018-10-25, 02:56 PM
Andrei unconsciously reached for the Cyclone card, upon hearing of the fortune teller’s death. Bringing himself back to the present, he stated, “I suppose I’ll speak with Lady Almah’s guard. Perhaps they might have noticed something.”

And so, he will attempt to locate her guards, and attempt to strike up a conversation with them.

“So, that fire… really quite something, eh?”

(25 diplomacy)

2018-10-25, 03:04 PM
The Sultan's Claw - Nearby Eloais' wagon | Midday

Examination of the wagon's remains reveals a grisly scene. The structure has been reduced to mostly ash, and among the soot a few broken bottles and potion vials are strewn about, from a chest or other container consumed by the fire. To the side, Morife finds a cracked crystal ball, and peppered throughout the length of the wagon are several pools of melted wax, the last remnants of the candles Eloais kept throughout her living quarters. Some of the nearby guards watch the investigation while they try to feign disinterest. They cannot help their wandering eyes as Zahur and Morife conduct a thorough search of the perimeter, while Eshe breaks out her tools and examines the body.

At the center of the wagon lie the charred remains of the fortune teller. Practically reduced to an almost skeletal state, the flesh has been seared off revealing burned bone in many places. Others are more blackened, charred and smelling of smoke. With a careful eye, the witch realizes that there are no signs of struggle here - though the body is severely burnt, no other wounds can be found on the remains. Moreover, Eshe is able to tell from the condition and position of the body that Eloais died quickly - she'd been sleeping while the fire spread, and did not have much warning before she succumbed to the heat and suffocation of smoke inhalation.

Zahur's foot kicks a small bag, buried in the soot. A familiar jingle, the clinking of coinage, rings out. Out of the corner of his eye, movement attracts his attention. A mangy, dark-haired, shifty man watches the investigation, apart from the guards and rest of the party. He stands at the edge of a nearby wagon, peering out from his half-hidden position behind it. His eyes lock with Zahur's and he quickly turns to leave.

Though not formally introduced to the party, this man is Dashki, the guide that Garavel described when listing all of the potential interviewees.

Zahur finds 55 gp in a small leather bag that somehow avoided destruction in the fire. Clearly, this money belonged to Eloais, but it seems like no one noticed it besides the party...


The Sultan's Claw - Guard's Post | Midday

The guards greet Andrei with a curt nod. One of them walks up to greet the oracle, answering his query. "Aye, shame we've lost Eloais. She was always a pretty girl, and cheery, even when her cards would portend doom. Garavel's sent you to interview the camp, yes?" He's surprisingly helpful - it seems that he remembers Andrei's quick thinking and leadership to organize the bucket line in the midst of the crisis. The four guards all look eager to help. "What do you need to know?" the leader asks.

Dark Hawk799
2018-10-25, 03:45 PM
While the others investigate the wagon, Samira decides to go see what Father Zasteran knows of the situation.

"Greetings father Zasteran, we are looking to see what might have caused that dreadful fire and were curious if you knew anything that might aid us?"

Got myself a solid 22 on that diplomacy check.

2018-10-25, 04:52 PM
"Well, any idea what might have caused the event?" Andrei asked curiously, "Are such things common around here?"

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-26, 11:35 AM
Zahur throws a befuddled look over in Dashki's direction as the man turns away. Giving the area another once-over, he slips the coinpurse into a pocket of his backpack (for safekeeping of course) before heading over to tap Morife on the shoulder. "One of the caravaneers made eye contact with me. Dark hair, sketchy eyes, reminds me of the wasteland guide Garavel mentioned. I'll go see what he wants; tell me how the interviews go."

Zahur then heads in the direction that the guide left toward, hoping to catch up. As cover permits, he moves behind wagons or people's backs to stay half-hidden, whether from Dashki or anyone else. Might as well return kind for kind, given that the man seemed to want to avoid the attention of casual observers.

2018-10-27, 12:51 PM

Samira finds the elderly halfling at the makeshift infirmary. It's more just an extra tent at the edge of the caravan, equipped with a couple of beds and Father Zastoran's own personal supply of tinctures, tonics, and potions. He keeps the locked up in a small chest at the back of the tent, though when Samira arrives, he's just loaded up his arms with a bunch of vials and is having trouble closing the chest with his feet.

"Oh! Yes, you're one of the newcomers, aren't you?" he asks, his face cheery, though he still struggles to get the chest closed, attempting, and failing to kick the lid shut. "The fire, well, I didn't see what started it... uh..." he grows a bit frustrated. "Mind giving me a hand? I need these to tend to the wounded."

The beds in the tent are occupied by two human forms. It's Trevvis and Kallien, still recovering from their burns and resting quietly. Trevvis is sleeping, though Kallien stirs slightly when Samira strikes up the conversation with the priest.


"Common? Hmm, we've had a bit of bad luck lately, but nothing so dire. Water barrels burst, wagon wheels break. I think this place is cursed." The guard seems a little superstitious, shivering a bit as he looks up at the gnarled, dry, and now-burnt tree branches of the Sultan's Claw looming overhead. "Still, I don't remember anything particularly suspicious 'round the astrologer's wagon before the fire broke out. Except..." He trails of for a second, scratching his chin, before continuing. "I did see that scout, Dashki, hanging round, but I just thought he was trying to sneak in to Almah's tent. He's obsessed with her. We've already caught him in there, smelling her clothes once. He's a bit off, but a murderer?"

"If I had to guess what happened, I'd wager it was those damn candles Eloais kept all throughout her tent. Dry weather like this, was just asking for a stray ember to light it all up."


Zahur is able to stealthily tail Dashki through the caravan. The scout takes a winding path back to his quarters, a simple hammock strung up to a copse of trees at the edge of the encampment. Still unaware he'd been tailed by the stealthy ranger, he stoops over and digs into a small bundle tied to the base of one of the trees. He pulls out a silk scarf and places it to his face, breathing deep. He then turns, and finally realizes that he's not alone.

His face turns bright red, and he immediately whips the scarf back down, balling it up in his fist and attempting to hide it behind his back. "Oh, u-uh... Yes. Y-you are one of the n-new hires? Why have you come here? Shouldn't you be with the others?" His voice is stuttering. Clearly flustered, he immediately questions Zahur's presence.

2018-10-28, 04:39 AM

Nodding agreement to Zahur he watches the other man move away to tail Dashki before turning back to complete his inspection of the wagon, prodding the cracked crystal ball and solidified pools of wax. With nothing more of note he wanders briskly over to where Andrei is talking to the guards, standing a few feet back and observing the conversation. If that conversation starts to wind down he moves over to the medical tent where Samira is talking with the old halfling.

Knowledge check (Arcana?), if needed, to confirm that crystal ball, candles etc are all as expected [roll0]+?

Then just sit back and us those Sense Motive rolls on any nearby interviewees - guards and then the doctor. I presume I cannot see Zahur & Dashki at present given his location.

2018-10-28, 01:14 PM
"Smoke got ta her in her sleep, looks like" Eshe declares, gently pulling a borrowed sheet over the burnt corpse as she finishes her autopsy.

"Naught suspicious here and," she glances around the camp at the progress the others are making, "looks we won't be needing to put tha screws ta anyone jus yet, eh Muffles?".

The bored looking cat barely bothers to stir from his resting place in her hood.

"Let's be looking about then, see what they mighta missed" she mutters, pulling up a little magic as she starts to search.

2018-10-28, 01:27 PM
Andrei nodded, mentally filing away the information, "Well, I'm sure it was just an unfortunate incident, then," he said with a polite smile, "But, I expect you've got things to do, I shan't distract you any longer."

After saying his thanks and taking his leave, he decides to go find the animal herder next. It would be good to know if anything was left of the caravan's livestock, and perhaps the man might know something further of what had happened here.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-28, 09:11 PM
Zahur scratches his head again and peers at the bundle by the tree before turning his face up toward the guide. "Well, it's been six days through the desert with just them and camel spit. Even if Almah gave us all the same tack, I figured I should go around and meet the rest of the camp. And you did seem to have something to say, back at the wagon."

His eyes flick down to where Dashki is hiding the scarf behind his back and grow cold for a moment before returning to their normal position and tone. "Were you close to Eloais?"

2018-10-29, 10:18 PM
Morife and Samira

Morife joins the oracle just as he finishes questioning the guards. He catches the guard's mention of bad luck and feels certain that the guards believe their own superstitious tales. They aren't lying, but they also have no clue what's causing all of these unlucky incidents. Then, the inquisitor and the oracle part ways with a quick nod, Andrei off to question the animal herders, Morife to join Samira at the infirmary tent. The inquisitor arrives while the halfling is still struggling with an armful of supplies and an open trunk. "Can somebody help me out here!" he calls out, woefully.


Eshe's incantation reveals no residual magical auras, though she does note the scattered remains of a burned harrow deck around the area. The cards have been blown about by the wind and they lie, blackened and singed, in the dust. Most of the cards are still fairly intact, and in her search she also uncovers a Harrow mat and deck case. Collecting the remaining cards shouldn't prove too difficult, though some of the cards might have been blown away by the winds or fully destroyed by the fire at this point.

Eshe finds a broken Harrow mat, and a case for a Harrow deck. The remnants of the deck are scattered throughout the caravan, and Andrei has the Cyclone card from earlier...


The animal herders are an elderly couple, named Hadrah and Hadrod. They speak with eagerness, interrupting each other and finishing each other's sentences. Hadrah says, "Yes, I was the first to see the fire! And then the animals were spooked, and it was all we could do to keep them safe!" Hadrod lets out a loud wail, then whimpers, "Not all of them are safe! Oh, poor Rombard, all alone and lost and scared!" Hadrah pats his shoulder gently and wipes a tear from his cheek with a handkerchief. "There, there, dear. We'll find him, or he'll find his way home. He always does."


Dashki's eyes dart back and forth wildly. "Eloais? I barely knew 'er! She was all mysterious with her card readings and portents... but she di'n't see that fire comin', di'n't she?" He looks around, then takes a step closer and whispers. "It was pro'b'ly the pugwampis what got 'er."

2018-10-30, 04:11 AM

Morife mutters a short incantation and then, somewhat reluctantly, he moves forward to crouch down and help the halfling with his paraphernalia as Samira continues the conversation. As he assists, he scans the area for unusual magical auras - making sure to cover the supplies but also the doctor and his two patients.

Cast detect magic - what a good idea, I should have done this earlier!

Morife Khumein (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1708119)
M LG Human (Garundi) Inquisitor, Level 1, Init 2, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 4, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+3, x2)
Morningstar (two-handed) +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+4, x2)
Dagger +3 (+3 Str) or ranged +2 (+2 Dex) (1d4+3, 19-20/ x2)
Scale Mail Armour (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Condition None

Foryn Gilnith
2018-10-30, 09:23 AM
"The pugwampis?" Zahur leans in to listen closer to the guide's whisper, stepping to the side as he does so in order to align his ear with the voice more closely. (Also, as long as he's moving anyway and has plausible deniability, he inches a little bit closer to Dashki's hammock and the tree with that mysterious satchel tied to it.)
"I've never heard of such a creature. Is there some way to ward it off?"

2018-10-31, 12:14 AM
"Rombard?" Andrei asked curiously, "Well, any idea what might have caused this little conflagration?"

(Diplomacy 25)

2018-11-01, 11:51 PM
Morife and Samira

The inquisitor and the sorceress continue to converse with Father Zastoran, and the grateful halfling is more than happy to tell them everything he knows. All in all, they learn that all six mercenaries were gathered round the fire-pit - on the other side of camp from Eloais' wagon - so he, and they, each had alibis during the incident. "The only one I can't account for... that Dashki! No one with healthy desires skulks around pretty women the way he does; who knows what a scoundrel like him is capable of?" The flaming-haired halfling is quick to point the blame at the caravan's resident tracker and creep.


"Aye, them's terrible critters what crawled up from the Darklands below the earth. 'Jackal rats', some call 'em, on account of their pointed little 'eads. They worship gnolls as gods and infest their communities like rats. Wherever pugwampis go, bad luck is sure to follow. The gnolls hate 'em for it, and try to kill the little bastards whenever they can. But they always come back. Perhaps their bad luck caused Eloais' candles to start the fire? Yes, pugwampis. I am certain it was pugwampis." Dashki sets off on a rather long-winded explanation. When he finishes his rambling, he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "You believe me, right?"


"Rombard, he's my best, my favorite! Our prize goat, gone missing!" Hadrod says, almost bursting into tears yet again. Hadrah nods, then continues. "As for the fire, we were so preoccupied with the animals, we didn't see much. Can't say we were very close to Eloais, though she was nice enough for a foreigner. Mysterious though, with her Harrow cards and all that. Still, Princess Almah trusted her, the two were practically inseparable, really, and that was good enough for us. She was a good person, shame to see her go like that."

The Sultan's Claw - Nearby Almah's Tent | Evening

The investigations draw to a close and the party reconvenes to swap stories and information. As the sun starts to slip below the horizon, casting purple-red rays across the sky, a horn echoes across the caravan. Everyone at camp gathers around Almah's tent at the signal, and the princess waits patiently for the group to gather. When everyone has arrived, she speaks. "I would hear of the investigation. What have you learned? What can you tell me of this terrible tragedy?"

2018-11-03, 06:26 AM
Eshe speaks first. "Had a look at tha body, no foul play there. Best I could tell the smoke got her in her sleep".

"Had a good look about the caravan whilst I were at it. Naught signs of magic, so we can rule tha out too" she adds.

"Do we know whereabouts the fire started, inside or out?

2018-11-03, 11:02 AM
"Yes, I haven't found any real evidence of foul play either. Seems that the only suspicious thing anyone's seen is that some scout named Dashki was hanging around, but, well, that could just as easily mean nothing," Andrei said.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-11-03, 10:52 PM
Zahur stands to the side of the group, not looking at Almah directly, preferring to let others do the brunt of the talking. However, at the sound of a familiar name, his ears perk up and he steps forward to join the conversation.

"If it's the scout Dashki we're talking about, I stopped to have a chat with him. Weird guy - he was doing something or other with a silk scarf - but he seemed earnest enough. Mentioned something about... 'jackal rats', I think he called them, that might have started the fire. Bearers of bad luck. You'd know better than us whether to trust him on that."

2018-11-05, 02:43 AM

Morife stands to one side, muscled forearms arms crossed. He watches all present intently. The mention of these 'jackal rats' does ring a few bells from the old travelers tales, but nevertheless he watches for any tell-tale flickers from Almah or anyone else present.

"Do you know anything of these so-called 'jackal rats'? Have they been causing concern?"

Is Dashki here too? I'll be watching everybody (sense motive) but especially Almah & Dashki. If Dashki is present Morife will be standing nearby him.

2018-11-06, 01:03 AM
The Sultan's Claw - Nearby Almah's Tent | Evening

From everybody's examination of the scene, it's clear that the fire was started within the wagon. It was almost certainly started by a tipped-over candle, while Eloais took one of her many daytime "meditation retreats". Andrei's ruling out of foul play feels corroborated by the evidence and witness testimonies, save for some of the camp's reservations about Dashki's motives.

Dashki nods vigorously when Zahur brings up the Pugwampi. "J'es, the Jackal Rats! I don't tell lies!" he chimes in, trying to sell his story and proclaim innocence. Morife watches as Almah and Garavel share a quick glance at each other. Almah lets her impassive mask slip for a second and a hint of confusion and fear crosses her face. She glances toward Garavel for confirmation and reassurance. The elder man returns her gaze quietly, offering a single nod to silently confirm the princess' query.

Morife also observes Dashki - the scout seems genuinely eager to prove his innocence, and he clearly believes every word coming out of his own mouth. Still, not every member of the camp is willing to take Dashki's word. A few of the guards and mercenaries call out "Jackal Rats? Never heard of 'em, prove it!" and "Liars always lie, your story is such a crock!" and emotions in the camp start to run high. Dashki begins to sweat profusely and begin protesting in earnest, continuing to explain all the horrible bad luck that the pugwampi bring. "They worship the gnolls like gods. They're always around in gnoll country, little pests always ruinin' everything! They have fey magic, so ain't nobody ever seen 'em!"

The infighting grows to a fevered pitch as each side is unable to come to an agreement. Almah steps forward and raises a hand upward to the night sky. "ENOUGH!" her voice reverberates through the cool air, surprisingly imposing for someone of such slight stature. "If these Pugwampi are real, we will need to remove them from the area - we cannot have such foul creatures despoiling our camp any longer. You," she says, pointing at Zahur, "gather the others and find me proof of these Pugwampi. Then we can know for certain that Dashki's words are true." She turns to the mangy-haired scout. "Bring me one of these things, dead or alive. We must remove the lot of them from these lands if we are to cultivate Kelmarane into the thriving hub it once was."

Then she looks around the camp. "Gather your supplies, you will leave at dawn," she says, asking the party to prepare for a hunt tomorrow.

Pugwampi are rare, tiny fey creatures, almost like gremlins. Dashki's description of "jackal rats" isn't far from the truth, for they have the canid features of the jackal. They emit an aura of unlucky energy, that affects those nearby without some kind of fate-based protection. Essentially, they give 5e disadvantage on all checks within the unluck radius, though this can be negated by having any source of luck bonus, like a Luckstone or the Divine Favor buff. Like all fey, they resist damage from most weaponry except for those made from cold iron.

2018-11-06, 01:17 AM
"Fer what it be worth," pipes up Eshe, "Pugwampi do be a thing that exists. I be recalling mention of them in Ingrid Avalonne's 'Pixies, Gremlins and other Minor Fey'. Little dog faced gremlins what be bringing bad luck like a dead albatross".

"Or an angry witch" she adds with a chortle at her own joke.

She casts a speculative glance at her companions. "I don't be needing to mention that fey be vulnerable to cold iron, right?"

Foryn Gilnith
2018-11-06, 02:11 PM
Zahur puts on a toothy smile as Almah says 'dead or alive', nodding along with her words. "In the end, there's only one thing to do in gnoll country, after all..." Once the party has their instructions, he idly runs his finger along one of the chakrams that hang from his bandolier, looking pensively into the sand dunes as Eshe speaks.

"Come to think of it, did anyone go to find that goat that ran off in the fire? Probably easier to track than these gremlins would be, even if it's a lower priority. Might as well get it back as long as we're going to be out hunting anyway."

2018-11-07, 05:20 PM
"According to the animal herders, the goat is still missing," Andrei stated, "I suppose there's no harm in bringing it back, should the opportunity arise."

2018-11-08, 04:03 AM

"We will be ready. If these pugwampi are out there, we will find them".

When the gathering finally disperses Morife finds his allotted place and gets himself ready for the mornings activities. He takes the opportunity as the camp settles to discretely ask some of the guards and others about Haleen and whether anyone is familiar with her.

I don't suppose there is a whole bunch of cold iron weaponry on offer......?
Diplomacy roll re: Haleen [roll0]

2018-11-09, 03:00 PM
The Sultan's Claw - Nearby Almah's Tent | Evening

The caravan group settles in for the evening once Almah concludes the meeting. It's been decided - the party, accompanied by Dashki and Garavel, will set out in the morning to find evidence of the Pugwampi, while the rest of the camp readies for the journey to their next destination. The merchant princess points out their next destination on the map - an abandoned monastery a few miles from the caravan's current position at the Sultan's Claw. Almah tasks Trevvis' mercenary group - at least, those that aren't still recovering from wounds - with scouting the monastery while the hunting group is away. They should be able to make the journey there and back before midday as well.

"This is only a scouting mission. Go, perform a quick survey of the grounds and what hazards we may encounter, then return to us. No heroics," the princess demands of the mercenaries, wanting to avoid more casualties while maximizing the caravan's efficiency. "The monastery has been abandoned for as long as Kelmarane - there's no telling what might have taken residence within. Be careful." Then, she addresses the hunting group. "The rest of us will await your return. Spend as much time as you need tomorrow, but return before nightfall. I would like to clear Dashki's name, if we can, but we also cannot waste too much time wandering the wilderness on a wild-goose-hunt. One day, then return. We must move on."

With everyone's orders received and all parties briefed, Almah takes her leave for the night, returning to her tent. Morife's inquiries into Haleen's whereabouts are met with shrugs - not one of the caravan present have heard of the woman, nor anyone matching her description. Almah herself, however, mentions an interesting fact. "While I haven't heard of your sister before, I do have some information that you might find helpful. Though Kelmarane is mostly abandoned by civil folk and overrun with evil Gnoll tribes, rumors spread that the battle-markets for which the city was well-known have recently re-opened, under control of some cabal of disreputable merchants. Part of our mission here is to wrest control of the markets from these squatters. They are integral to the health and economy of the city, and I aim to restore them to their former heights and glory. Still, someone seeking their fortune in the wilds of Katapesh might have made their way to the markets, to win coin and infamy. I'm sure it's a brutal blood-sport, but rumors say it pays well..."


The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh | Morning

Everyone sleeps well and performs their morning preparations without incident. Almah bids safe travels and good luck to both parties as they set out from the camp. Upon inspection in the morning light, there's clear evidence of some kind of small creatures in the outskirts of camp - coarse, black fur stuck to brambles, tiny clawed footprints in the surrounding dirt, and a wandering trail of goat hoofprints leading to the west. These prints are surrounded by a cluster of the same clawed feet, which scatter about in what looks like a struggle as the creatures led the poor goat out into the western wilderness. The trail isn't always easy, and for some reason, a feeling of unease casts a dark pall on party. The underbrush seethes with activity, small birds setting to flight, tiny rodents scampering about, all under the hot morning sun. The surroundings continue to grow more harsh the further out from the Sultan's Claw the party travels, with the shrubs and sparse grass shrinking, replaced by spiny, unyielding cacti and succulents. Before long, the group arrives at the edge of a thickly clustered "cacti forest" that spans a few hundred feet across. Somewhere within the harsh, dense vegetation, a bleating cry echoes.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9-WHbGPXhw0v0aAAeV7_uXdvfHA-rqEYSARU6Nwv44/edit?usp=sharing)
Traveling into the cacti forest requires good balance to avoid taking damage from the prickly spines. Every move action requires an accompanied Acrobatics check (with a -5 penalty if you're moving above half-speed) or else you take 1 point of damage from the prickly spines. None of the vegetation, cacti or otherwise, is considered difficult terrain.

We aren't quite in initiative yet, though entering the cacti forest without being stealthy about it will surely alert anything within to your presence. Additionally, you make make Perception checks to see if you can spy anything within the cacti forest... though you might have to get closer for a better look...

From the amount of tracks, you estimate that there were three of the Pugwampi creatures around camp last night.

The cry is clearly that of a goat in distress, somewhere lost within the cactus field.

The feeling of unease in the area... it's probably due to the Pugwampi. Though their unluck aura isn't strong enough to cover this entire area, you can still feel the misfortune floating overhead. They are here, somewhere within the cacti forest, and will affect actions performed within the radius, should you venture within their 25-foot aura.

2018-11-10, 03:03 AM
"Now that be a feeling I ain't used ta being on the receiving end of" Eshe mutters.

Tilting her head towards their temporary additions she says "good news Dashki, looks like we be finding pugwampis easy enough. Something be cursing us with misfortune ahead".

"Be tempting to turn things about and just burn them out" she muses, gazing speculatively at the field of cacti, "but I suppose someone be wanting the goat back. Any of you lot got a thought on how to be flushing them out?"

2018-11-10, 05:30 AM

"I feel it too" Morife says, clutching his crossbow. "A blight on the land. Maybe with Abadar's aid I can help curb their influence". He speaks a quick prayer to Abadar, a brief touch to his holy symbol as he does.

He moves forward, peering into the thicket. "Well, if we go straight for the goat that should get their attention".

Cast bless (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bless/).
Move to Q8 (shall I update Google Sheets? I'll try)

If there's still time I'll cast detect magic scanning for auras in the patch (not expecting any), followed by casting guidance because why not.

Morife Khumein (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1708119)
M LG Human (Garundi) Inquisitor, Level 1, Init 2, HP 10/10, Speed 30ft
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 4, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+3, x2)
Morningstar (two-handed) +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+4, x2)
Dagger +3 (+3 Str) or ranged +2 (+2 Dex) (1d4+3, 19-20/ x2)
Scale Mail Armour (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
Guidance: +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

2018-11-10, 07:33 AM
"Alright" Eshe agrees, "ah'll be ready ta hit them once you flush em out".

She chants two spells in quick succession, one hand tracing out the flowing gestures that accompany them. The first spell causes a phantasmal sphere to surround her for a moment before fading from view, the second the familiar minor blessing favoured by many in the party.

Magic in place she turns to the thicket, fingers held in the first gesture of another spell. "Ready".

Casting mage armour and guidance on herself, followed by readying an action to cast sleep.

2018-11-10, 09:45 AM
"Judging from these tracks, there's three of the little bastards," Andrei said, examining the Pugwampi tracks which had been left behind. He drew his starknife, moving after Morife, as Kilava trailed beside him.

"I can't say I fancy moving around in that," he said, observing the cactus before them.

(Survival 18)

Foryn Gilnith
2018-11-11, 02:21 PM
"Seven of us to three of them..." Zahur grits his teeth and lets out a low growl, touching the chakrams looped around his ammunition belt to steady himself. "Great odds as long as nobody trips and impales themselves on a cactus. Thanks for taking point, Morife; I'll try to repay the favor sometime."

He proceeds to draw two of the blades, one for each hand, and gives just a quick glance over to check on Garavel before jogging forward into position behind Andrei.

2018-11-13, 04:46 AM

Nodding at Zahur and Andrei's comments Morife hooks his crossbow to his belt and pulls out his steel morning star. Moving slowly forward he reaches out as he approaches the cacti forest, touching the wicked thorns and observing with irony his own weapon.

When everyone is ready he starts his way forward edging through the copse of massive spiked plants trying his best to avoid skewering himself on the lethal-looking spines but his efforts futile as the spines scratch and cut him.

Move half speed forward (30ft, to K8?)
Acrobatics [roll0] incl +1 for guidance
Stealth [roll1]

Morife Khumein (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1708119)
M LG Human (Garundi) Inquisitor, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/10, Speed 30ft
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 4, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+3, x2)
Morningstar (two-handed) +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+4, x2)
Dagger +3 (+3 Str) or ranged +2 (+2 Dex) (1d4+3, 19-20/ x2)
Scale Mail Armour (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
Guidance: +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

2018-11-13, 11:50 PM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Morning

Morife wades in to the cactus patch, trying his best to avoid the prickly spines. Despite his best efforts, the cacti needles scratch and prick him painfully through the gaps in his armor. Still, he's able to wade his way into the patch without too much trouble, making his way toward the sounds of the frightened goat. His armor clanks loudly with each step.

After some travel, he can see further into the surprisingly dense cactus patch, to pick out four figures nearby. There's the goat, tied to a stake embedded in the earth near the center of the patch. It struggles at it's bindings while unyielding and spiny cacti prick and pierce the poor animal repeatedly. Just a few steps away from the goat, a small, strange, black-haired creature whispers menacingly to the frightened animal. It turns slowly to face Morife's intrusion and its canid face splits into a toothy grin. The creature gleefully brandishes the large knife it had been using to threaten the hapless goat.

Suddenly, cacti are rustling nearby! Two more creatures emerge from the vegetation, their black fur matted and unkempt. They snarl with mouths full of sharp teeth and dead, beady eyes that dart back and forth constantly. Each of these two creatures are armed with shortbows.

The rest of the party watches as these creatures emerge from the depths of the cactus patch, then unleash their precisely-timed counterattacks at once.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9-WHbGPXhw0v0aAAeV7_uXdvfHA-rqEYSARU6Nwv44/edit?usp=sharing)

Morife takes 1 point of damage for failing the Acrobatics check.

I've posted initiative order in #initiative on Discord. We'll be using grouped initiative. Feel free to ask for clarification or answer questions in Discord if needed.

Additionally, feel free to unleash any readied actions your character would have prepared.

2018-11-14, 03:52 PM
Eshe glares at the misshapen fey, her fingers tracing old signs of rest and binding. "Sleep" she commands in a voice heavy with enchantment.

Readied action triggered, hitting two of the pugwampis with sleep, DC 16. Both SR tests passed.

2018-11-16, 11:12 AM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Morning

Motes of sparkling, magical sand descend upon the two gremlins as Eshe completes the casting of her spell. For a moment, their eyelids droop, heavy, almost lulled to sleep by the magical influence, but just before they doze off, both of them shake off the sparkling dust, sending glittering particles flying into the cactus field around. They hiss angrily at the trick once they regain their faculties.



Samira moves up to the edge of the cactus patch, scanning the battlefield intently. She's ready to blast one of the creatures with electricity should any come near.

Move: From V8 to Q7
Standard: Ready an action to use her bloodline power Electricity Ray should any Pugwampi come in range.
SR: [roll0]
Ranged Touch: [roll1] +1 from Morife's Bless, for a result of 13.
Damage: [roll2]

Remember, the Pugwampi have an unluck radius of 20ft, so if you're within that range of one, you suffer from disadvantage (roll 2d20, take the lowest, whenever you make a check).
Additionally, Morife's Bless is still in effect, giving everyone a +1 Morale bonus to attack rolls and saves against fear.

Grouped initiative, so Andrei is up next, then the Pugwampi, then everyone in the party.

2018-11-16, 11:42 AM
Kilava(4 acro) and Andrei(15 acro) move up into the cactus field. Kilava takes one point of damage.

2018-11-16, 12:42 PM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Morning

Andrei and his big cat move into position within the cactus patch, and then the Pugwampi seize action. One of the creatures looses an arrow from its shortbow, aiming for Morife. Then, it moves to circle the outside perimeter of the battlefield. Unfortunately, this places it within Samira's grasp, and the sorcerer unleashes a crackle of lightning that fries the gremlin on the spot. The two remaining Pugwampi carefully circle Kilava, drawing daggers and staring at the animal with hungry eyes. They squawk and growl at each other, shouting "Get the fluffy one in the back!" in Gnoll. These two unleash a timed coordinated strike when they both move into position, slashing at the cat with their tiny weapons.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9-WHbGPXhw0v0aAAeV7_uXdvfHA-rqEYSARU6Nwv44/edit?usp=sharing)

Pugwampi B
Standard: Attack Morife with shortbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Crit: +[roll2])
Move: Move to L4, triggering Samira's readied action, dies

Pugwampi C
Move: 5-foot-step to J7
Standard: Ready an action to strike Kilava when its ally moves into flanking position
Attack: [roll3] (+2 for flanking)
Damage: 1 nonlethal damage

Pugwampi A
Move: Move to H9, triggering Pugwampi C's readied action
Standard: Attack Kilava
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: 1 nonlethal damage

2018-11-16, 12:53 PM
"Bloody fey" Eshe curses as the Pugwampis shrug off her spell.

"Time to be having a taste o yer own medicine"

Misfortune (DC 15 will save) on Pugwampi A, Cackle as a move action if it succeeds.

2018-11-16, 01:41 PM

"Gah!" Morife grunts in irritation as the arrow is deflected by his scale armour even as his attacker is fried by the tattooed sorceress. With the two little devils surrounding the big cat Morife tries to even the odds. Stepping carefully past the lethal cacti he swings his morning star at the nearest in a great sweeping arc.

Standard: Morningstar two-handed vs J7 [roll0][roll1] damage [roll2] less DR
Misc: 5ft step to J8 (or J9 if he kills it)

Morife Khumein (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1708119)
M LG Human (Garundi) Inquisitor, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/10, Speed 30ft
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 2, Will 4, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+3, x2)
Morningstar (two-handed) +3 (+3 Str) (1d8+4, x2)
Dagger +3 (+3 Str) or ranged +2 (+2 Dex) (1d4+3, 19-20/ x2)
Scale Mail Armour (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

2018-11-16, 02:47 PM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Morning

Morife lands a powerful blow against the tiny fey creature, crushing it under his mace. The bloody pulp remaining - a tangle of limbs, bone fragments, and fur - twitches slightly, then grows still. Eshe's malign influence causes the remaining creature to be cursed with bad luck.


Samira moves into the cactus patch, attempting to finish off the final creature with an electric ray. She carefully navigates the vegetation, then performs a quick incantation. A small ray of electricity zooms toward the creature, but it dissipates harmlessly as the gremlin resists the magical effect. It taunts the sorceress, making a rude gesture and laughing gleefully.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9-WHbGPXhw0v0aAAeV7_uXdvfHA-rqEYSARU6Nwv44/edit#gid=0)

One Pugwampi remains.

Move: Move to N9
Acrobatics: [roll0] vs DC 15
Standard: Ray of Frost, energy type changed to Electricity due to Djinni Bloodline Arcana
SR: Failed in Discord (6 vs SR 7)

Foryn Gilnith
2018-11-16, 03:46 PM
Zahur runs up toward the cactus patch, stopping before the worst of the prickles to spend a moment getting a read on the situation. Seeing the back-and-forth of fang and mace in melee, gauging the distance and trajectory lines, he makes a split-second decision: attack now, without chasing further into the underbrush. Holding up a chakram - thirty inches of steel pounded into a circle, drab and dusty from the desert exposure but razor-sharp where it counts - Zahur hurls it through the air with a twist of his body. The blade glides over the cactus patch before swooping down to pierce the body of the first pugwampi he can see.

Moving to Q10 (25 feet) and attacking H9 (45 feet away). Rolled to hit in discord, with a -2 penalty for range and a -4 penalty for melee. Not updating the map because combat is ostensibly over.

2018-11-16, 10:40 PM
If it was still alive, Kilava attacks the remaining Pugwampi.

Bite 1: 7 to-hit
Claw 1: 18 to-hit, 3 damage
Claw 2: 14 to-hit, 3 damage

2018-11-18, 11:07 AM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Morning

Zahur's chakrams and Kilava's claws make swift work of the remaining Pugwampi. It lets out one final screech as it is ripped apart by metal blade and claw. To the back of the patch, Rombard's fearful bleating continues to sound, as the goat struggles to release itself from the bonds the Pugwampi have tied. Now that the hostiles have been dealt with, it's pretty easy to navigate the patch safely and carefully to find the goat within the vegetation.

Garavel calls out congratulations from his position at the back of the formation. "Nice work! Let's lop the head off one of those things and we can bring it back to Almah." Dashki, who had spent most of the fight cowering behind Garavel's back, emerges and puffs his chest up. "I was just about to pull ou' my scimitar and give 'em what for! But now you see, I'm no liar! The Jackal Rats are real!"

With a little searching, Rombard is located in a spot near the center-back of the patch, tied with twine and fraying rope to a taller cactus than the surrounding vegetation. He's struggling against the bonds and very agitated. Several cuts and embedded cactus spines cover his flank, bleeding slightly, though the animal is not dangerously wounded.

Everyone gains 120 XP for defeating the Pugwampis.

Current Total: 200 XP

I'll assume you guys can take 10/20 on Acrobatics from now on to avoid taking damage from navigating the cactus patch, so you can move within it safely without making checks. We're out of initiative, so feel free to wrap up whatever you'd like in this scene - search, grab the goat, get a Pugwampi trophy, or whatever else you can think of - maybe search for their actual nest within the patch? Let me know in Discord when you guys are ready to move on to the next scene.

Rombard will take a DC 10 Handle Animal check (or some other way to calm him) before he can be safely removed from the cactus patch. In his current agitated state, he runs the risk of injuring himself further in the cactus patch.

2018-11-25, 05:35 PM
"Someone grab one of the corpses of the creatures to bring it back to camp, I'll get the bloody goat," Andrei said, carefully making his way over to the goat and soothing it, before leading it out of the cactus patch.

(Take 10 Handle Animal for total of 15)

Foryn Gilnith
2018-11-25, 06:29 PM
Zahur edges forward through the cactus thicket, dancing through paths when he can see them and gingerly brushing aside branches with a hardened leather vambrace when he can't. "I'll get it, I'll get it," he calls out while reaching for his chakram embedded in the dusty ground. "Might as well take the head off with a blade that's already blood-slick.

How's the cat holding up? I couldn't really see what happened, but I heard the buggers yelling."

2018-11-25, 09:38 PM
"She'll be fine," Andrei said, leading the goat out as Kilava followed close behind, having taken some minor damage but for the most part seeming unharmed.

"How are the rest of us?"

2018-11-26, 03:44 AM

Listening to Andrei and Zahur calling to each other Morife leaves the goat and the 'evidence' to them and proceeds to search through the thorny growth for anything else of interest. "I'm okay" he states, nursing a few nasty scratches and noting Garavel and Dashki far far from any chance of combat,"I hope that's all of them. Keep an eye out for any more signs."

Perception [roll0] (incl. +1 for guidance) just looking for anything else incl nest

2018-11-27, 12:13 AM
The Wilderness in Northern Katapesh - Pugwampi Nest | Midday

While Zahur sets to work "procuring" a Pugwampi head as evidence, Andrei's soothing voice and calming touch brings Rombard's frantic struggle to an end. After a few moments, the oracle, the cat, and the goat emerge from the underbrush, unscathed save for a few brambles and thorns stuck harmlessly in the fur and clothing. Zahur joins them moments later, carrying a sack dripping deep red onto the sand below.

Unfortunately, Morife's searching turns up nothing. The creatures have hidden their nest well, and he can't find anywhere it could be within the cactus patch. The sun climbs higher overhead while the group searches, empty-handed, for more signs of the pugwampi. After a short time, Garavel calls it. "Let's head back. So we couldn't find the nest - Almah asked us to find evidence, not eradicate these things from Golarion. That will come later, I'm sure." He says the last bit with a slight chuckle, beckoning for the others to follow him as he turns to head back to the caravan.

2018-11-27, 11:05 AM
Andrei follows him, with the goat and Kilava close behind.

2018-12-01, 05:44 AM

"Yeah, we could be here all day. We've got what we came for" he nods towards the bloody sack and the lucky goat. "Murderous little gremlins."

Morife cradles his crossbow warily as he falls in behind Garavel and Andrei, scowling and half expecting another suicidal pugwampi to try and jump them.

2018-12-04, 03:33 PM
"Aye, rooting out tha rest of them be a job fer another day. Preferably one where we be properly prepared" Eshe agrees, finding a place in the middle of the group for the journey back.

2018-12-05, 04:17 PM
The Sultan's Claw - Guard's Post | Midday

The trip back to the Sultan's claw is fairly uneventful, though Garavel and Dashki make small-talk with the party to pass the time. The sun continues to beat down hot rays onto the Katapesh wastes and everyone is glad to have a full canteen or waterskin to quench a quickly-growing thirst. After a short time, the group arrives back at the camp, which seems fairly sparse. Apparently the group of four mercenaries from Trevvis' company that were tasked with scouting the abandoned church that morning have yet to return.

The party gathers around the fire pit nearby the guard's post, but their employer is nowhere to be found. Garavel joins them, mentioning, "Almah must be off doing gods-know-what. She's a willful one, that princess. Let's find her so we can give our report." There's two of Almah's guard nearby, who wave when the adventurers approach, but otherwise continue their quiet conversation while stoically keeping watch. Father Zastoran hustles around his tent, still tending to the wounded Trevvis and Kallien. The two mercenary leaders are doing better today, and both are up and about, trying their best to escape the elderly halfling cleric's attention, but he keeps shepherding them back into bed. The fiery-haired cleric is surprisingly forceful for someone of his size.

There's also the matter of Rombard, and his owners, Hadrod and Hadrah. They can probably be found at or near their quarters by the livestock pens.

Free time at camp! Almah is somewhere, though you'll need to ask around to find her.

There's the guards talking at the post, they might have seen where she's gone. There's also Father Zastoran and his patients in the infirmary tent, who also might have seen where the princess has gone.

Last, there's Rombard the goat and his worried owners, Hadrah and Hadrod.

2018-12-06, 07:02 PM
"Well, I suppose I should at least return this misbegotten creature to its owners, so that it is off our hands," Andrei said, going to return Rombard to its owners.

2018-12-10, 03:28 PM
The Sultan's Claw - Animal Pens | Midday

Andrei finds Hadrod and Hadrah diligently tending to the livestock in the pen by their quarters. The old man is seated on a worn stool, hard at work milking one of the remaining goats, while his wife pours grain from a sack into feeding troughs around the pen. When the oracle comes into view with Rombard in tow, Hadrod's face lights up and he kicks backward, losing his balance on the stool and collapsing backward. He kicks up a dusty cloud while bellowing "Rombard! Rombard! You found 'im, he's SAFE *COUGH* AND SOUND! *COUGH* *COUGH*" His joyful shouts become a fit of coughing as the dust around him settles.

Once the intitial commotion ends, Hadrod and Hadrah bow and thank Andrei profusely for returning Rombard safe and sound. Hadrah worries over the goat, taking a damp cloth to wipe down the goat's scrapes and bloodstains from the venture through the cactus patch. Hadrod can't seem to stop shaking Andrei's hand, telling him again and again, "Thank you for saving him! We were so worried!" He looks down at his worn, threadbare clothes and continues, "We don't have much to repay you, but we are grateful. If you ever need anything, like, say, fresh goat's milk, it's yours!"

Everyone receives 100 XP for the safe return of Rombard.

Current Total: 300 XP

2018-12-11, 03:39 AM

Heading over to the two friendly guards Morife waves and tries for a smile. "Anything happening out there?" He makes a show of observing the surrounding area that they are watching. "We're supposed to be reporting to the princess, seen her about? And shouldn't those other men be back by now?"

Sense motive [roll0] incl. Guidance
Diplomacy (if needed) [roll1]

If the guards have nothing to add he makes his way over to the cleric & patients and makes similar small talk before inquiring as to Almah's whereabouts, grabbing a spare bandage as he does and wrapping the nasty scratch from the cacti thorns.

Sense motive [roll2] incl. Guidance
Diplomacy (if needed) [roll3]

2018-12-11, 11:24 AM
"It was no problem," Andrei said with a polite smile, as his hand got repeatedly shook, "Say, you wouldn't have happened to have seen Princess Almah around camp anywhere, would you? We still need to make our report to her, and it would not do to keep the Princess waiting."

2018-12-18, 11:49 PM
The Sultan's Claw | Midday

The party takes some time to ask around for Almah's whereabouts, and the guards, Father Zastoran, and Hadrod all mention seeing Almah praying in the shade of the Sultan's Claw itself. It doesn't take long to find her there, kneeling in the sparse shade that the towering deadwood offers. Her eyes are closed and her head bowed as the group approaches, yet she senses the others gathering nearby, and says, without lifting her head, "I'll be just a moment."

She murmurs a few wordless prayers, then finishes and stands, turning to face her hired adventurers. "Did your search bear fruit?" she asks, brushing dust and sand from her knees.

Foryn Gilnith
2018-12-20, 10:16 AM
"The jackal-rats were real, for what it's worth." Zahur drops the bloody (though quite dry, at this point) head he had been carrying so that it rolls sideways between Almah and the group. "Bloodied their noses before returning with one of the goats they stole. If it's a priority to root them all the way out, we could go back and torch the cactus patch we found them in, but..."

The smoky-hued Vudrani flashes a jagged smile while chucking to himself for a moment. "We wouldn't want to hold up the caravan. There's miles still to Kelmarane, after all."

2018-12-21, 04:35 PM
The Sultan's Claw | Midday

Almah puts a hand to her mouth when Zahur drops the bloodied head of the Pugwampi to the ground. It ceases its roll with its lifeless, still-open eyes staring directly at the princess. She quickly regains her composure and walks up to the trophy. She brings her scarf to cover her mouth and nose and says with muffled words, "Such a foul stench. These creatures are scum and should be eradicated, but we have other priorities." She glances at Dashki and continues, "though this does clear Dashki of any doubt. Now, Eloais can rest in peace, without the specter of foul play casting a pall over the her memory. Thank you, all of you." She gestures to a small grave nestled in the roots of the Sultan's Claw. Almah has fashioned a small wooden grave marker out of a few branches from the Claw, carved with surprising artistry. It lists a simple phrase, struck into the wood in Kelish.

My love rests here.

"Speaking of other priorities, the scouting group should be returning soon. You're all dismissed, do as you like until supper - we will debrief the scouts and form our plan of attack at that time." She gives a quick nod, then gestures for Garavel to follow her as she makes her way back to her tent at camp.

Free time, but let me know in Discord when you're ready to move on.

2018-12-24, 01:37 PM
Whilst they wait for the scouts to return Eshe busies herself by dragging Morife off to clean and bandage his scrapes from the thorns.

Muffles, being far more sensible, goes to find his dinner scurrying about.

2018-12-25, 04:02 AM

Morife leaves Almah to pay her respects to the slain fortune-teller, unaware of the meaning of the Kelish writing. Some time to reflect before debriefing the scouts sounds like a welcome respite. Perhaps seeing him wince at his nasty scratches Morife welcomes the attentions of Eshe. "Many thanks, Eshe. Here, Abadar requires that all services receive due payment". He makes a point of insisting that she accept a few coins in compensation for her time and her ministrations.

A token gesture for RP reasons only. 3sp?

Foryn Gilnith
2018-12-31, 10:50 AM
Having said his piece, Zahur nods farewell to both the departing princess and the other party members. After all, they'll be working together again tomorrow (and the day after that, and after that) - might as well take a bit of quiet personal time when it's offered. He scoops up the severed pugwampi head and goes off to find both a trash heap, to toss or bury the grisly trophy, and a clear space, to clean the muck off his hands and meditate until suppertime.

2019-01-08, 11:22 PM
"It's me job to keep ya all in ship shape, an' tha lady's the one paying me wage" Eshe scoffs, none the less pocketing the money. "Having me services be most like a part o' yer own pay, in effect".

Eh, a token payment'd be more along the lines of a few copper.

2019-01-13, 01:43 AM
The Sultan's Claw | Evening

The scouting party returns just before supper, seemingly unscathed. Hadrod and Hadrah had spent most of the afternoon preparing a large meal for the group - not a usual occurrence, but the old man mentioned wanting to gather the group for a celebration of Eloais' life with a family-style dinner. He's prepared an assortment of Kelish cuisine, including a surprisingly refreshing prickly cactus and dried apricot salad, quail egg couscous, and goat cheese. Some other members of the camp also contribute dishes, Dashki roasting rat skewers over an open flame, while Father Zastoran prepares a simple herbal iced tea. Garavel shows a suprising aptitude for baking, as he produces a couple loaves of simple wheat levain from a portable stone oven in Almah's tent.

Almah's guards set up a table outside her tent and before long it's laden with food, heaping helpings for all to share. Podarn, one of Almah's guards, holds a bottle of wine and fills each attendee's cup with red wine. When everyone has gathered, Almah thanks the group. "It means so much to me that you'd honor Eloais' memory in this way," she says, a small shadow of a smile crossing her normally inscrutable face. "Fill your bellies, for we will break camp tomorrow and set out for the monastery. The scouts," she says, gesturing to the members of Trevvis' mercenary company that had completed the scouting mission earlier, "have created a map of the monastery, or, at least, what they could tell without alerting the occupants. They've marked patrols, posts, and even some of the interior layout." She holds up a scroll case and produces the map from it, holding it up to show the group.

"With this, we're off to a great start to this mission. But for now, eat, drink, and be merry! You've all worked hard, both the scouts and the Pugwampi hunting party." She lifts aloft a cup, and a bit of wine spills out. "To our continued success!"

Still working on updating the map, but I'll do so in Google Sheets and post a link in the next update. Again, I can move things forward ot the next day and some encounters, just let me know when you'd like to move the scene forward.

2019-01-15, 03:54 PM

Some of the tension of travel washes away from Morife as the big man relaxes with the others. He imbibes a little, but is careful not to over-indulge given what the next day may bring. Keeping largely to himself he is content to watch and listen, taking a moment to talk quietly with Trevvis to get updated on the monastery in order to prepare for the coming day.

I'm happy to move on when you're ready.

2019-01-16, 09:46 PM
Andrei eats as well, drinking a little, and generally making small talk with the rest of the camp's residents. Before he turns in for the night, he makes sure Kilava is fed too.

Ready to move on as well.