View Full Version : The Death of Princess Maria 2 IC

2019-04-04, 02:34 PM
The kingdom of Kha'Rest is quite silent in the morning. Its capital city, Jazi, is even more solemn. As you each wake up you can see guards walking around outside your window, placing a poster on every door and wall. You don't even need to read it to know what it says. It's been three days since Princess Maria was kidnapped and her father has been grieving since then. King Caineghis is a mighty and proud man but he is also well known for being a loving and doting father. The last three days have no doubt been a blitzkrieg of divinations, reconnaissance and other forms of information gathering in preparation for a rescue mission.

The posters soon draw crowds. Young men from all over the capital are eager to prove themselves as fine warriors or brave knights in order to impress Princess Maria, who is by far one of the most beautiful human maidens this kingdom has ever known. Her features, almost elf-like, are renowned for being able to bewitch any man who dares to gaze upon her lovely face.

Well, whatever is happening in the kingdom, it doesn't change the fact that you need to get out of bed at some point.

The Palace of Jazi - Located in the center of town, it is a tribute to Kha'Rest's long and proud history of fine masonry. Dwarven men built this palace long ago and it has stood proudly ever since, never once falling to enemy hands. The current ruler is Caineghis I, a man whose long red hair has earned him the nickname The Lion of Jazi. He is a fair and just man who has always treated his subjects kindly and instituted a policy where the crown would pay for half of the upkeep of the city and its infrastructures, as opposed to the previous policies of paying for it entirely through taxation. This has led to the people of Kha'Rest becoming far wealthier than neighboring states, as they get to keep much more of their income. Support for the king has never been greater. He has two daughters, Maria and Amora, as well as a son, Prince Michael, who is a deadly fencer that acts as the current captain of Jazi's guard (a position he earned through years of working on the streets as a patrolman).

The Barracks - Here you can ask for the guard's assistance, or visit any prisoners as long as they are not deemed too dangerous. Prince Michael can often be found here as well.

The School - Fancy some scholarly learning? The school system in Jazi is a vocational institution that requires you to be at least 15 years of age before you begin taking classes. If you study here, you can gain bonuses on Profession checks and other types of skill checks related to your profession (approved by me, but the check bonus will increase as you level up provided you keep up with your studies, up to a +10 bonus!)

The Hierophant - Every city needs a tavern, and The Hierophant is a special kind of tavern. Run by the town's priesthood of Calistria, this place is where you can come to get a drink with your healing, or perhaps a blessing with your whores. The barkeeper is also the high priestess, Madame Volutia, though to every man in the city's distress, she sadly only has eyes for her female patrons.

The Merchant District - Your standard set of shops, including a blacksmith, an apothecary, a menagerie and a magic item shop. Each merchant has a name and a personality and can be interacted with on a deeper level than just a shopkeeper if you so choose. The maximum caster level of any item you can buy in Jazi is 8.

The poster reads: "To all citizens of Jazi: Please lend us your aid in rescuing our Princess! Come to the palace for details. Reward: The King will grant anyone who is directly responsible with the rescuing of his princess any wish that is within his power to grant."

2019-04-04, 03:51 PM
Lexara nearly jumped out of the bed hearing guard leaving posters around. This the day! She will prove herself, she will be a real hero! She runs to her get things. Everything already packed. Just cover yourself with a jacket and put the saddle on Moil and of we go! Lexara can hardly contain her excitement. This is a tragedy really, she should be worried about the princess. Yet she can't help herself, this just like in the fables. Maybe she will have to slain a big and mean dragon! Better not, doses are actually scary.

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-04, 04:38 PM
Up early, Lady Vivviane saddles Apacen. As she and Apacen start walking towards the Palace, she stops to read the new signage.

She gives a brief prayer for the young Princess's safety, and slowly makes her way to the royal seat.

Apacen preens in the many stares he draws. Not many Pellean Draconian Purebloods can be found outside of the ranks of Pellean Dragon Knights, and many people gaze at the large white warhorse in awe.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-04, 07:45 PM
Malleus awoke, thanks to that incessant sunlight insisting itself so very rudely into his eyes. Judging by the angle, it was about an hour past dawn. He adjusted his glasses which had come partway off during the night, and somewhat groggily groomed himself for the day to come. He readied a couple of simple mixes for the day, and rolled himself one of his special "pick-me-up" cigarettes, placing it in the case right on the opening end -- where he knew to find it nearly without sight -- before packing his pack and wandering out into the day.

He'd given the matter a fair bit of thought. That the princess had gone missing was well-known enough, of course. The why, now, that was the interesting part. Money was the most likely reason -- as it is for most things -- but perhaps she'd run off with a particular lover, or joined some religious cult, or.... He'd run through about a dozen different chances, before dismissing them all. Yes, of course he'd go to the palace -- but it couldn't hurt to see what rumors were about. It was never good to go into a negotiation at an information disadvantage, after all.

He set off for the Hierophant -- a place of loose women as well as loose lips, though only the latter was of immediate interest -- to settle into a corner table, order himself a drink, light up a smoke, and cast his ear about the room for information. Once he'd satisfied himself properly that he'd gleaned all there was to glean, he set off, picking his way amongst the throng of preening schoolboys and muscled armor models to the palace gates.

Prepared a couple of spells for the day (leaving two slots open), as well as getting a mutagen ready, because I oughta do that.

May as well try to gather some information on the way to the palace: [roll0] Diplomacy

2019-04-04, 11:05 PM
The sun's harsh rays slap Morrigan awake in the early hour of the morning. Gazing out into the new day she realized how little sleep she had actually gotten, no more than 3 hours had passed since stumbling into the tavern. That is what happens when one tries to rush, it always catches up. Morrigan's eyes drift over the room landing on the large bird perched on her chair, the star within it glistening in the morning light. She couldn't tell if Cidolfus was awake, the osprey's eyes were impossible to see with out being an inch away. Quickly dressing, Morrigan left in the same messy state as she arrived.

Upon stepping out into the street the Sun's rays only seemed to assault her harder but the bright light revealed something new. A small poster hanging on the door she just left a missive from the king. "About time," Morrigan muttered aloud, her hand rising to try and stop the words from flowing out of her mouth. That wasn't appropriate she thought to herself.

A shrill whistle leaves morrigans mouth drawing the attention of people nearby. Moments later Cidolfus came flying out of a second story window landing down on her shoulder. Turning Morrigan started walking to the palace her shoulders slouching as she dreaded what was to come from this ordeal.

2019-04-05, 06:23 PM
As Vivianne walks through the city she spots a young human with blonde hair holding a half-orc against a wall by his throat. The human's other hand holds a rapier which is pointed directly at the half-orc's snout. "Once more, with feeling: if you don't tell me what you know, I'm going to pierce your throat and then tie you up so you can't even struggle while you choke on your own blood!" the human threatens. His voice is so cold and angry that even hearing it, Vivianne can't help but shiver.

The half-orc speaks rapidly in Orcish and the human listens, growling before shoving the other man against the wall and letting him go. "Pathetic. I'm not going to waste my time with you. Be grateful that I have more important matters to attend to. Any other day and you'd be skewered right now." The human leaves the alley and starts walking ahead of Vivianne.


As Lexara makes her way through the city, she spots a strange sight indeed. An old human with one eye is moving down the street slowly. He wears a soft blue robe and hobbles along on a cane. The man supports his weak strides by keeping his free hand on his knee, steadying himself as he walks. The man stops in front of Lexara and he smiles, closing his good eye and speaking. His voice is soft, and Lexara can barely make it out, but his message is clear and it is jarring.

"Your future is quite bleak, my friend. Rarely have I ever felt such a strong aura of unluck as the one that comes from you. I don't even need to pull my tarot deck out to know that you are heading down a dangerous path. Forces outside your control may seek to harm you." The old man reaches into his robe and pulls out a deck of tarot cards which glow as he presents them to Lexara. "It is as I thought. Your aura is so strong, why, just take a look at my poor deck!"

The old man draws a hand of five cards and flips them over, revealing that they are all Death. "Sweetheart, if I were you, I'd at least take care not to get myself into anything too dangerous, lest you let fate get the better of you. If I'm still kicking, then you're far too young to die!"


Malleus enters The Hierophant, a quaint little place with lots of ...women?

He looks around to see humans, orcs, a few half-giants, and plenty of dwarves set up all over the place. All of them men. They're drinking, playing cards, feet on the table, just having a good time. It's clear that most of them aren't from around here, based on their clothes and accents. And Malleus quickly figures out what's going on as he canvases the room...they're all here to try and save the princess.

People have come from far and wide to respond to the king's proclamation..in such a short time! But a princess's ransom is enough for any man to retire on, he knew that much.

Madame Volutia, a tall and busty woman with black hair and a pink blouse, stands behind the counter. She is polishing a glass and frowning as she glances around the room.

When Malleus asks for a drink, she sets one in front of him. "Careful that you don't spill, dearie. There's not a lot of room to be alone in here right now."

Malleus starts walking back to his seat, and he has to duck out of the way as a dwarf and a half-orc go at it. The dwarf smacks the half-orc over the head. "Shut up, the lot o' ya! Ain't no one gonna rescue Maria but me and my boys. Got that? We've bested a wyvern and got away only losing one man. Tha's more than any o' you greens can claim."

He glances at Malleus. "And what in the Stone are you looking at, pipsqueak? Gotta problem with Mardon, Son of Greshor?"


As Morrigan walks, she spies a tall human male with brown hair and polished white armor. He's issuing directives to a few guards. "We need to move quickly to secure the perimeter. Of all the times for this to happen, just a week before the zhe'tahl..."

His subordinates are visibly depressed by his words, and they hang their heads as they start to spread out.

The man turns his attention to Morrigan as she approaches. "Halt! Apologies, ma'am, but we are setting up a checkpoint. You may not approach the castle until your personal belongings have been searched. We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you in advance for your cooperation."

Morrigan can make a Knowledge (Local) check here

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-05, 10:39 PM
"Madam, you have my word that I shall not spill a drop." Not that I can say the same for the rest of this bunch.

He sighed internally as the dwarf decided to mouth off, to him of all people. He took a moment to set down the drink at the table he'd intended to occupy, and then made a bit of a show of estimating the dwarf's height, bringing his hand against his own chest in a measuring contest. "So far, only in your apparent inability to estimate relative heights of individuals at a distance, and in your lack of social awareness for those that are simply trying to enjoy a proper drink. But neither of those is a terminal offense."

Staring down the dwarf, while making a point of checking the room for other potential adversaries, he "But if we're going to have a problem, Mardon, son of Greshor, I'd suggest you step outside. No sense sullying a perfectly good bar floor -- in the presence of a lady -- with blood, after all. Poor manners are no way to attract a princess."

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-06, 01:04 AM
Apacen makes a menacing sound at the blonde youth as he passes, but Lady Vivianne ignores him. She dismounts and with a friendly smile and the unfocused gaze of the blind, she approaches the young half orc, palms out front in a calming gesture.

"Peace. I mean you no harm."

She briefly channels divine power, filling her waterskin with clean, fresh water.

"Please, have some of my water. Are you injured? Is everything well?"

Casting Create Water to fill the skin.
Diplomacy to attempt to calm him down.

She'll look him over, looking for any obvious injuries.
If he's injured, she'll cast cure light wounds, if he allows.

Apacen stands by, a dubious expression on his long face. He eyes the half orc suspiciously.

2019-04-06, 03:41 AM
Lexara stops consider what man said. She knew she was about to put herself in a lot of danger. Yet the possibility of death hasn't crossed her mind. She looks down at herself and reflects. Her jacket filled with deadly chemicals. Finally, she looks at the man and 5 cards he is holding. "I dance with death everyday old man. With that bad a luck I already have one leg in the, may as well do a backflip as I jump in". Lexara fakes confidence before ridding of.

She still moves to the place. Now slower and less excited. Thinking about the future. Perhaps she really shouldn't go through with the rescue. Still, she odds to at least hear out what the have to say before making a judgement.

Rolling bluff to fake confidence [roll0].

2019-04-06, 03:38 PM
Mardon, son of Greshor approaches the man with a frown. "Now you listen here, laddie, and listen good: there are three big groups gunning for this prize, along with all the troublesome freelancers. There's the city paladins, and if they were gonna do it we wouldn't be here by now. So obviously someone screwed something up. There's the southern witch and her little coven, who are busy at the palace right now. And then there's me and my men, honest miners who became powerful warriors after years of tollin' away in the dark! So unless you like missing your princess or havin' her die at the hands of some treasonous wretch, I suggest you start showin' me a bit more respect, aye?"

As she moves through the city, Lexara hears a rumor that the innkeeper of The Hierophant is a beautiful woman with eyes for her female guests. Intrigued, she diverts her attention and enters the bar. There, she finds the buxom priestess, along with a crowd of people. There are dwarves, men, orcs and others, all looking for a chance to rescue the princess. In the center of the room, a mouthy dwarf is squaring off against a human who looks like a blast of strong wind might knock him over.

The half-orc looks at her and takes a sip of water before he grumbles.

"Piss off, love. Offering charity to a criminal is how girls like you go missing, you know."

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-06, 06:32 PM
Lady Vivianne smiles at the half-orc's grumbling.

"I'm sure Apacen here would agree with you, good sir," she said, patting Apacen's neck. "He's very protective of me."

"Though, speaking of missing women, it's time I continue on to the palace." Vivianne swings up onto Apacen's back with all the grace of an experienced rider.

"I am the Lady Vivianne Pelleas. The blessings of The Empress on you, stranger. Perhaps one day we shall meet again."

With that, Apacen turns, snorting his disapproval of the detour. Vivianne murmurs to the warhorse,"Peace, Apacen, there are no coincidences. The Empress chooses my path."

2019-04-06, 09:30 PM
Morrigan is a little surprised that they put up a check point this far away. As morrigans pulls her shoulder back of she utters "By all means, search away," a begrudged tone hiding in her words. "I don't believe you will find anything illegal or threatening"

While the guards begin there search Morrigan lets out a soft whistle, calling Cid to her. The large bird lands on her shoulder rubbing its beak against her head. Quickly, Morrigan loses herself in pruning him as her sense of time sleeps away.

2019-04-06, 09:49 PM
The man takes his time to search her bag and then nods and hands it back to her. "Once again, thank you for your cooperation in this matter, ma'am. We will not begin the official disarming process for another four days."

She's starting to think he isn't out here because of the princess...

Vivianne reaches the palace, where she finds a long line of people waiting to get in to see the king. She likely has a bit of time before she can enter. There is a woman wearing a suit of yellow armor holding up a wall by the entrance of the line. She has her hair pulled back into a dark ponytail and isn't looking at anyone.

2019-04-06, 11:37 PM
Of course, man are going to fight one another. This one doesn't even look like a fair fight. Thinking it will be over in a few seconds she manoeuvres around everyone else going over to the bar. She climbs on of the stools to stands on. Turning over to the bar keep. "That's quite a crowd. Are the all here because of the Princess?"

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-07, 11:34 AM
Malleus stared down the dwarf. "Nothing wrong with mining, it's a perfectly noble profession." He took a long drag from his cigarette before blowing a smoke ring over the dwarf's head.

"I have to ask, what do you hope to gain from this little show of yours? As you said, I'm a pipsqueak, a troublesome freelancer, no threat at all to you or your quest. I don't know why my respect even matters to you.

"Or are you trying to prove something to your friends here? I think you're going about it all wrong, if so. No respect to be gained by beating up on someone weaker than you. And imagine if you lost a fight, to me, in front of all these people? That'd be enough to humiliate a man." Planting the seeds of failure in the foe's mind was a well practiced technique; it set the mind to places it shouldn't go, to places other than how to deal with the present.

"So unless you think I've got the princess stashed in my trousers, why don't you go get to work? That is, unless you like watching a pipsqueak troublesome freelancer steal your precious prize."

2019-04-07, 12:02 PM
Not getting attention of Madame Volutia Lexara turn in her stool to watch a fight. Hearing wimp talk she gets a little intrigued. She leans against the counter knowing she is about to see a neat trick or some fool get shut down.

2019-04-07, 12:18 PM
Mardon, son of Greshor hesitates, before lower his fist and turning around. "Tch...whatever then. Watch where you're walking next time, anyway."

He sits down to continue drinking with his buddies.

Madame Volutia gives an audible sigh of relief and smiles at the girl in front of her. "Welcome to The Hierophant, sweetie. Would you like a blessing? Or perhaps just here for pleasure?"

She can hear plenty of 'pleasure' through the thin walls. Seems like the tavern is busy today.

2019-04-07, 12:49 PM
Did this thugs just got intimidated? Oh what a shame, she won't get to see a fight. However, her disappointment didn't last long as she hears womens voice. She places her hand on the counter, resting her body weight on them. She steps from one leg to another in excitement and that sets her hips in motion. She bites in on her lips. Is she really going to go through with that? Well, according to the old man she is as good as dead, so she might as well. "That's rather a forward offer. Luckily for you, that's why I'm here. Well, that and the princess situation. Could use to intel on that."

2019-04-07, 12:59 PM
Madame Volutia blinks in surprise. "'Forward'? ...Young lady, you do realize this is a brothel, right?" she asks, curious. "What do you want to know about the princess?"

2019-04-07, 01:11 PM
Lexaras face goes white then red in embarrassment. "Oh, I was thinking it would be more normal type of tavern" She looks back at the crowd, now slightly disgusted. "Anyways. First of all, the princess. Does anyone know what kidnapped her, fay? demons? a dragon?!"

2019-04-07, 01:18 PM
"It is a tavern, yes, but The Hierophant is primarily a temple to Calistria, the goddess of fertility, sex, and revenge," Madame Volutia explains patiently. "Therefore, the priestesses are all what we call 'sacred prostitutes', using their talents in the bedroom to help heal the wounded, nurture the faithful, and inspire generosity for the church's coffers."

"The king is supposed to have some information about the princess's whereabouts at this point. If you want to save her, you should go speak with him. Though I don't suggest going alone."

She smiles warmly. It seems the woman is genuinely concerned for Lexara's safety.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-07, 01:26 PM
Quickly downing his drink, spilling not a drop as promised, Malleus's ears perked up at the newcomer's questions. The dwarf had let a fair bit slip himself, of course -- there was going to be competition, and apparently most people regarded this as some sort of lark, the fools. But this -- this was pertinent information about to be had. He sidled quietly up to the bar, ostensibly to order another drink, but lingered nearby.

2019-04-07, 01:31 PM
Lexara smiles hearing about the exact nature of Hierophant. "That sounds quite lovely. I won't be going alone, Milly with being with me! Very well, I shell to see what the king has to say. Until then, I really could use a blessing. Especially taking into the account a massive risk I'm about to undertake". Near the end of the last sentence, Lexaras voice quiets down, and she mumbles a little. The grim reality of impending death making her shiver a little.

2019-04-07, 01:49 PM
Madame Volutia nods. "Then you may have this," she replies, placing an amulet on the table.

2019-04-07, 01:57 PM
Lexara takes it, putting it on immediately. "Thank you" She says, however, her voice is not one of joy. She turns around to jump on the stool, but then she turns around slamming her hand on the counter. "Ok, I'm going, to be honest with you. I came here because of lady love rumours and I don't know if I get a chance to return so would rather not go with getting some". She talks fast, filled with bolling storm of emotions.

2019-04-07, 02:22 PM
Madame Volutia raises an eyebrow, then laughs out loud. "My my! And I am the one who's forward?" She chuckles good-naturedly. "Young lady, heroism is all well and good, but I don't even know your name. It's certainly true that I have had some relations with a few female customers, but only after weeks of discussion and natural chemistry taking hold. I'm very sorry that you...got the wrong idea."

It looks like she's a bit upset about the implication that she just jumps into bed with any pretty girl who asks, but Lexara can tell she's blaming the rumor mill for that and not her.

2019-04-07, 02:52 PM
Lexara goes red in emberesmant. Not so loud! Then shakes her head looking down defeated. Why is she even doing this? "I didn't meant you specifically. You just explained service provided in this establishment. I am interested. Besides, if I succeed on my mission I got at least some odds of wooing the princess, right?". With that last sentence she smirks, rubbing her thump on her nose. Then she adds, a bit quieter and with note of sadness. "and should the worst come to happen. I would like to have done this at least once".

2019-04-07, 02:55 PM
"Ah, a service? Why didn't you say so? Please, enjoy..."

She collects a 2 gp fee and Lexara is led into the back room. A beautiful young elven woman with long brown hair and almond-shaped eyes approaches her. "May Calistria guide your way..."

Two hours later, Lexara returns to the tavern, feeling blessed. She gets a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws until she sleeps.

2019-04-07, 03:05 PM
Lexara was rather relieved to having to provide further explanation and was happy to pay.

Afterwards she head for the exit to jump back on her goat and gets back an the roud. She wasn't expecting to be doing that today. No regrets tho.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-07, 06:23 PM
Malleus couldn't help but let out a brief belly laugh of his own, though a glance toward the little woman indicated he meant no malice behind it.

"Well, I suppose you're right, Madame, it's a poor place to be alone. Enjoy your 'blessing', little one -- perhaps I'll see you around. I'm off to apply for the job of troublesome freelancer."

2019-04-07, 10:55 PM
Lexara dosn't acknowledge the comment. This exactly what she is worried about. She prefer to keep this visit a secret. Luckily she just got what she wanted and can dissappear into the private room.

2019-04-08, 04:23 AM
Malleus takes a moment to finish up his drink before he heads out.

Madame Volutia bends down to start pouring ale in a small glass when there's a loud noise from the doorway. A young man with blonde hair, steel armor, and a flowing red cape kicks the door open and it slams against the wall, snapping one of the hinges. Captain Michael Leonis enters the bar and takes a look around.

"Well now. So these are the brave men and women who came from all over the country to try and rescue our princess? Drinking ale in the morning when they shouldn't be wasting even a second of daylight getting information from my father and going out to do their ****ING JOBS!" He smacks the mug out of the dwarf patron's hand. The dwarf stands up in anger, placing one hand on his axe. "Why I oughta"

Before he can finish the sentence, Captain Leonis punches him right in the jaw and the dwarf drops like a ton of bricks, out like a light. The other patrons all quickly finish their drinks and bow their heads, scattering out the door with an occasional, "Sorry for your loss" or "We'll find your sister, don't worry" to the prince as they pass. Soon the unconscious dwarf and the group by the bar are the only ones left in the tavern.

Madame Volutia watches the display in silence and as soon as the prince has cleared everyone else out, she shakes her head and walks out from behind the bar, touching the door and repairing it instantly and walking over next to the dwarf, kneeling down and saying a small prayer. The dwarf's swelling goes down as she touches his face, but he remains unconscious. The madame stands up.

"Michael, honey, I love you as much as I love my own daughter but Maria would be beside herself if she could see the way you're acting right now," she lectures. The prince glowers and turns away. "I'd take all the disappointment in the world, hell, I wouldn't care if she hated me for the rest of her life, if it meant that she was back here," he mutters quietly, walking out the door without a word.

Madame Volutia is quiet, looking at the ground for a moment, before she turns to Malleus with a smile. "Well then, you heard the captain. You best be off to see the king! Oh, and your tab...that will be three silver please."

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-08, 01:10 PM
Malleus watched the scene with not so much as a raised eyebrow. "Yes, of course" he remarked idly to the Madame at the request for payment, flicking his hand quickly into his pouch and emerging with four silver pieces. "Here you are."

With that, he hustled off in pursuit of the prince. This -- now, THIS was a man who was sure to know things.

If I can catch up to the prince and get a few words in, I will; if not, off to the castle. Up to you, not sure how you'd like to move things along :smallyuk:

2019-04-08, 01:17 PM
Malleus manages to catch up to the man. He looks like he's more muscle than water, and he moves very quickly for being weighed down in fine-looking breastplate. He glances back at the man as he approaches. "And who are you supposed to be? Looking to get involved in my sister's rescue, too? ...Good. At the very least, you look capable."

He crosses his arms. "I'm Michael Leonis. Captain of the city's royal guard. If you've got something to say, I'm listening."

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-08, 05:29 PM
At the remark that he looked capable, Malleus may have had just a brief hint of surprise cross his face. "I don't hear that very often."

"But yes, I am planning on assisting as I can. I don't mean to put upon you, but I've given this more thought than the brutes in there who think that 'a bigger axe' is the solution to all life's problems. There's something very unusual about this whole matter, and I'm hoping you can shed some light. I imagine this is not a simple matter of ransom -- else you'd have already paid. Nor is it a simple matter of applying enough force -- else you'd be in the process of raising a proper army, if not leading it yourself. So there's a problem of motivation.

"And I'm sure that as you said they'll be providing some information at the castle, and I intend to go forthwith. But frankly if the clientele of the Hierophant is any indication, it's going to be a madhouse down there, and I am certain that any briefings are being kept to a, well, excessive brevity. So if there's any information you can share, it would go a long way toward making my assistance far more valuable."

2019-04-09, 04:48 PM
Captain Michael Leonis crosses his arms and looks lost in thought for a moment. "I will be frank. I don't know a whole lot more than you do. My father has the real intel right now, he put up those posters because of a report back from some scouts in the area. As for me, I've been going through the streets holding up every petty thug and thief to find information on the black market. See if they had something to do with this. I haven't been successful."

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-09, 05:14 PM
A disappointing response, to be sure, but one that had to be taken in stride. This was always among the possibilities.

"Very well then. I shall leave you to your task."

Malleus gave a slight bow of the head, placed his cigarette back between his lips, and set off toward the castle.

2019-04-10, 01:35 PM
At some point, the four adventurers managed to gather together. Malleus and Lexara try their best to keep calm, though the weight of what they saw in the tavern hangs on each of their minds. Vivianne, in particular, has a lot to think about. The blessing of Calistria graces Lexara's neck and she feels more determined than ever to embark on her quest, the gift from Madame Volutia emboldening her and removing whatever doubts or fears she might have had after she met the strange man on the street.

When the group arrives at the castle they spot a noble paladin stepping out of the castle along with three companions. He turns around and bows to the king, who is standing on the steps. "My Lord, I can understand why you are nervous, but please, trust me. I will find her." The king nods fervently. "I believe in you, Sir Sclavo. Please, be careful out there."

The paladin Sir Sclavo mounts a decorated war horse and rides off with his group to the east. The king turns and spots your group. "Ah! More adventurers, seeking to assist the kingdom in our direst hour, eh? Please, come in."

The king leads you inside and has you all stand before the throne. He sits down and sighs heavily. "You might find it odd that I'm greeting this people myself. Well, I actually...I gave all my staff a few days off. You might think it's silly, after all, they're just paid employees, but really, everyone who knows Maria loves her. Most of the maids feel like they've lost a sister."


His Majesty King Caineghis I cuts an imposing figure, and normally merely being in his presence would cause a man to cower, but this lion's teeth have been filed down thanks to his worry. He looks thin and pale in the cheeks, and it's clear when he said "his staff" he included his chefs as well. The Lion of Jazi is fabulously wealthy and a proud warrior, and his throne room is a testament to his and his family's legacy of tactical prowess. The Leonis Coat of Arms hangs behind the throne, a lion and lioness circling a bleeding human, and it speaks volumes about their history. The Leonis princesses and queens have long ruled alongside their husbands and brothers fiercely, and are just as active if not moreso in the rulings of the kingdom. The queen has an equal voice along with the king, and their children are each considered to have "half" a vote, so that when policies are made, they are made as a family with everyone having some level of input. Due to this group-based monarchy, the Leonis line has rendered itself practically immune to infighting and family-planned assassinations, no one ever feels like they're being excluded.

After about sixty seconds of sitting in the throne, Caineghis snaps out of his daze and looks up. "Oh, you're still here. Right. Here is what we know. We believe that Maria has been taken to The Cavern of Fate on the eastern border of the city. I doubt that's the kidnapper's destination, it's too close to the city, but he's probably hiding out there right now waiting for a lapse in security so he can sneak away. He probably already would have if Michael didn't immediately dispatch his troops to comb every inch of the city's outer wall. There are thirty arrows on each corner just looking for a single person out of the ordinary. Of course, that's left Michael to guard the city entirely on his own, but he hasn't seemed to have a problem with it."

2019-04-10, 02:00 PM
Lexara is rather surprised to see King approach group randos just like that. One would think he would be more worried about his safety. "Sir, I do indeed find this rather odd. For a simple reason that this is rather risky. Three of us are armed, don't you find this to be a security risk?". For some reason,n she doesn't find a man intimidating. Perhaps it's bouse everyone is already so much larger to her. "When it comes to Princess, I assume the time is on the essence and we should go soon as possible, but is there any clue to who might be behind all of this? Perhaps he has an escape root already set up in the cavern?"

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-10, 07:01 PM
"I agree, miss. Any moment wasted is time the villains can use to make good their escape." The Lady turns to face the general direction of the other three, her eyes unfocused. "I am Lady Vivianne Pelleas. Perhaps we could work together? I'm sure fate has brought us here together for a reason. I have faith that with all of our talents, we will see the princess rescued."

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-10, 10:13 PM
Malleus listened to the king, having managed to put out his cigarette before entering. The man was obviously exhausted out of his mind, probably not willing to share quite all that he knew, and taking rash steps that could endanger the city, not to mention his son... but who wouldn't, for their daughter?

No mention of motivation, either. That remained troubling. He found himself emitting a faint "hmmm" noise at various points during the king's speech, clearly not realizing he was making any noise at all.

The little one he'd of course seen before. The lady, something new. Malleus stared back at her coldly, sizing her up.

"Sure, why not. Wisdom of crowds and all that."

2019-04-11, 01:08 PM
"You can call me Lexara, or you know what, go ahead and call make that Lexi." With that Lexara turns to her goat ready to hop on and get to ridding toward the caverns.

2019-04-13, 07:44 AM
"There is no clue as to the identity of Maria's kidnapper," King Caineghis I replies wearily. "Nor what they may want. We have tracked the kidnapper by scent, but that is all we can do. Inside the Cavern of Fate, they wait."

2019-04-13, 08:22 AM
"Then off we go". Lexara jumped on her goat ready to ride off and try recusing the princess.

2019-04-13, 08:28 AM
As the group moves to leave the city, they run into a couple of scruffy-looking ruffians. Two men, early twenties, with long shaggy hair and black leather jackets. They glance at each other as the party approaches.

"Well, would you look at this, Rich? This guy is 'oggin' all the good-looking ladies in town!"

The other man snorts. "'E looks like 'e might wet 'imself if you get too close. Must have quite a bit of money to attract so much attention..."

They step forward, dangerous eyes on Malleus.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-13, 11:24 AM
Malleus rolled his eyes a bit. Here we go again.

He took one step forward -- no sense getting the girls hurt on their first expedition, that was no way to make friends -- and let out a thick puff of smoke, shifting the cigarette deftly to the side of his mouth so he could speak clearly.

"Yes, gentlemen, they are quite beautiful aren't they? You can ask them if you want, but I'm afraid you're not their type -- but I hear there's plenty to go around down at the Hierophant. Now, I'm going to have to ask you nicely to step out of the way so we can be about our business."

2019-04-13, 11:28 AM
"Ooh, 'ear that, Valen? 'E's gonna make things uncomfortable for us if we don't let 'im on 'is way."

"It's right improper of us to delay such a fine, upstandin' citizen, innit?"

The two of them howl with laughter, mocking Malleus's accent.

Then they straighten up.

"I's not 'appenin', mate."

"Right. Unless you wanna sod off to the 'ospital with your 'eart in your 'ands, you best be 'andin' over that wallet, pronto."

2019-04-13, 12:36 PM
Lexara turns her shield into a crossbow and fires 2 tanglefoot bags, one at each man. "Next time I will loud fire oil!" She turns at Malleus "Same to you"

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

2019-04-13, 12:39 PM
"Well now. We've been shot," one of the men comments matter-of-factly, as they both sidestep the attacks.

"Quite. Seems like we 'ave no choice but to defend ourselves."

Initiative: [roll0]

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-13, 12:42 PM
"Well, this is quite the conundrum you've placed me in. On the one hand, that sod off to the 'ospital with me 'eart in me 'ands bit sounds quite unpleasant. On the other, I really do like this wallet. It's genuine northlands leather with a high quality double-stitch. You just can't find that kind of craftsmanship around these parts. Let me think about it a moment.

Unbuttoning his overcoat, he fumbled around behind it, pulling out not his wallet, but a fine steel rapier, with a guard that was somewhere between a functional piece and a work of art on its own, and a blade that tapered to a nearly invisible point.


"Now let me make you a counter off--"

Even as he drew the sword and lowered it to point the tip unerringly at the nearer villain's face, he watched the tanglefoot bags sail over his head towards the enemy.

"Never mind. I see my companion has presented a counter en amicus curiae, as it were. One last chance to run."

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-13, 03:55 PM
"You have threatened my companions, and your crass behavior deserves a violent end, commoner. If you run now I will show mercy."

Sitting astride Apacen, Lady Vivianne draws her longsword from its scabbard. Her other hand tightens its grip on her banner. "Attack, and you die."

Held action to charge if they draw a weapon or move to do anything but run away.
DC 5 Ride guide with knees: cant fail. (sheet didnt account for no ACP from medium armor)
DC 10 Ride fight with mount: [roll0]

Charge! (+2 hit, -2 AC) Flagbearer: +1 hit, +1 dmg
Lady Vivianne's attack: [roll1] (+1 height)
Damage: [roll2] Slashing

Apacen's attack(unarmed strike): [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] bludgeon

After attack, she will ride by attack past them and position for another charge. (60 total speed, no aoo for target of charge attack)

If they use a ranged attack against her, Stone Shield spell.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-13, 04:43 PM
Malleus shrugged. "Still not too late to run."

Taking a deft few steps to the outside hand of his foe, he planted suddenly and let loose with a lightning-quick thrust, aiming at the man's shoulder for now. No need to kill him, just scare him off...

Move to, oh, Rich's side -- away from the other fellow so as not to be flanked later.

Attack (counting the +1 bonuses from Flagbearer): [roll0], damage [roll1]

2019-04-13, 05:03 PM
"**** of creeps" Lexaras experience hunters tell her to cut them any slack. She puts one flak in her crossbow and other on special attachment for quick loading. Should they take a single step towards her, she will fire.

Reading a blitz with 2 fire flasks, both the same man.
to hit [roll0] dmg [roll1]
to hit [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2019-04-13, 05:17 PM
The men laugh at the attacks. To the group's surprise, their wounds simply vanish, with bruises healing quickly while cuts sew themselves shut.

"Tha's all you got? Well, now I just feel bad for 'em, innit?"

"Let's get 'em, Rich!"

The two men lean forward to charge, but an arrow flies out of nowhere and lands between the groups. The two men grimace and back off.

A woman approaches the party. Vivianne recognizes her as the woman who was standing against the wall in line.

"Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to be interested in Princess Maria, would you?"

She smiles at Lexara. "I..I need to find her, so would you permit me to join you and help your cause?"

The woman has dark hair and is wearing some sort of hide armor. She has a longbow strapped to her back.

2019-04-13, 05:52 PM
Sudden appearance of a woman is caught Lexara of guard, and she addressed her, little halfling, as the leader. "This is my name, but who are you? Why do you need her?"

2019-04-13, 05:56 PM
"It's nice to meet you, This. I'm Kara. Kara Lighthallow."

Kara Lighthallow offers the halfling a friendly hand to shake. "The princess protected my family and I from goblins a year or so ago. She was so cool! You have no idea how amazing it was to see her fight. That's why I have to rescue her. She's a good person, and she's really strong. Jazi needs her!"

2019-04-13, 06:03 PM
Lexara accepts the handshake "Please to meet you. Surely we could use member for our grup" She turned to the rest "Right?" Back to Kara "Also do you know this man?"

2019-04-13, 06:09 PM
"Who, the thugs? No, they're probably just common street thieves."

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-14, 02:35 PM
"Well met, Kara Lighthallow. I am Lady Vivianne Pelleas. You have my thanks for your aid. There was something unnatural about those bandits."

Apacen snorts, restlessly knocking his hooves against the street, obviously irritated at not getting to fight. He eyes the strange human distrustfully.

"Joining forces to rescue the princess would be most reasonable."

[roll0] (+1 vs bluff)

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-14, 07:56 PM
Malleus whirled his head about as the arrow came flying in, keeping his focus on the bandits until they had fully turned tail.

He was content to let the others talk; you learned a lot more that way. Now was a time for listening.

[roll0] sense motive because why not

2019-04-15, 06:20 AM
Kara appears to be an honest woman, eager to help her idol.

They leave the city and head on to the path outside it.

According to Malleus's map, the Cavern of Fate is only about a seven minute walk, but that makes sense, seeing as the king claimed to be watching it from the city walls.

Everyone make Perception, Reflex, and talk to each other at your leisure

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-15, 09:51 AM
"Miss Lexara, that is a fine weapon you have. Is it your own work?"

Vivianne's Perception: [roll0]
Vivianne's reflex [roll1]
Apacen's Perception [roll2]
Apacen's Reflex: [roll3] (evasion)

2019-04-15, 10:35 AM
Lexara brights up. Her weapon is her pride and joy. She gets flustered a little looking the other way. "Ones again, you can call me Lexie." Then she looks down fiddling with her weapons intricate mechanism. "Yes, I made all by myself. Do you really think it's cool?"

Lexaras Perception [roll0]
Lexaras Save[roll1]
Milly Perception [roll2]
Milly Save[roll3]

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-15, 11:01 AM
”I am rather impressed with the transformational aspects. Have you considered adding an alignment sight to increase accuracy?” Malleus remarked.

He continued speaking, though his eyes were darting about away from his current companions (save for the newcomer, to whom he gave a wide berth), scanning the side alleys, sewer grates, and even the clouds for any signs of anything amiss. ”Perhaps we should discuss it later in a more appropriate setting. I’ve given this matter considerable thought, and there are a number of aspects which are of serious concern. I suggest you devote yourselves to your surroundings, as it is entirely possible that we are walking into a trap of some kind.”

2019-04-15, 11:47 AM
Lexara fiddles with a little leaver thinking about it "'Yes, actually. Problem is, in assists always get stuck in here". Pointing as some part of mechanics mid fold at which point it hardly resembles weapon at all or shield.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-15, 07:28 PM
"Mmmhmm" was Malleus's only reply, as a thick puff of smoke came out from betwixt his lips.

2019-04-18, 09:03 AM
The group arrives at the entrance to The Cavern of Fate. The cavern is located in a small grove of trees about a quarter of a mile from the city wall, still very much in range of Michael's guards' siege weapons mounted on the wall. The party spots Sir Sclavo, the paladin they had seen before, frowning as he stands at the entrance.

"For the last time, I need to go inside and save the princess. This must be my fate!" the paladin pleads. At first, the group wonders who he is talking to, before a ghost appears in front of the cavern. The ghost is of an elven male, and it looks extremely annoyed at Sir Sclavo.

"Are you seriously still here? It's been a few hours, at least. Look, I don't make the rules, okay? Either you get in, or you don't. You got a problem with that, take it up with corporate." He points to the sky.

Sclavo groans and looks over at the group. "He won't budge. My men went home a while back, but I have to save Maria. She's...she's everything to me. I've been trying to get into this cave for hours, but there's some kind of invisible force stopping me. It's like walking into a wall."

The ghost looks intrigued at the group. "Oh ho. Now who do we have here? A few challengers of Fate, are you? Well, step right up! The Curse of the Cavern awaits you!"

The ghost waves one hand and a deck of ghostly tarot cards appears over the entrance of the cavern. "The Trial of the Cavern of Fate is about to begin. Those who would enter will subject themselves to their chosen fate. This will either operate as a blessing or a curse while you are in the cavern, and the only way to rid yourself of it is to either accomplish your goal or to flee with the honest intention to never return. Or you could die. That's always a possibility. But hey, if adventuring isn't your thing, there's always room for more spooky bouncers around here. Strength knows I could use some vacation days."

2019-04-18, 12:12 PM
Lexara goes right in. This is a moment she was waiting for. She will finally get back at all the huntsman telling that heroism is a mans job. Knight in shining armour is helpless. It's her time to shine "I shell do it. Let's hope old man was wrong". Lexara rides right beside the paladin. Ghost seems rather odd but right now, she only thinking about the princess and proving herself.

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-18, 05:01 PM
Lady Vivianne salutes the ghost with her lance.
"Already I am both Blessed and Cursed by The Empress, Specter. I will continue to walk the fated path She sets for me."

Apacen eyes the specter with hostile suspicion, and walks into the cave at his mistress' direction.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-18, 06:29 PM
"Just a minute" Malleus called after his new companions. Cavern of Fate -- ooh, spoooooooky.

"Why won't it let you in?" he asked the paladin, before turning to the ghost -- why am I talking to a ghost? Why is a ghost talking to us? What is the proper pronoun to attribute to a nominally male ghost -- do ghosts have a proper gender? Must remember to look that one up sometime with a similar question: "Why won't you let him in?"

2019-04-27, 06:49 AM
The ghost stops them.

"Alright, let's check out your fate here..." He glows in front of Lexara. "What do the Tarot have in store for you today?"

Vivianne approaches, confident her goddess will protect her. The cards begin to shuffle, then a single card appears in the air. He flips it around. "Temperance, in the Upright position."

That...that isn't her goddess. What is going on? She feels a blessing settle inside her.

Malleus is up next. The cards begin to shuffle. A single card appears in the air. He flips it around. "The Devil in the Reverse Position."

Malleus's body absorbs a terrible curse.

The cards begin to shuffle, and then a single card appears in the air. He flips it around. "The Empress, in the Reverse Position."

Lexara feels her body absorb a horrible curse, but the pendant that Madame Volutia gave her begins to shine. "Wait...what? What is happening?"

The card vanishes, replaced by a different one. "The...The Hierophant, in the Upright position? How is this possible?" the ghost asks, staring.

Lexara's fate has been changed!

Malleus realizes the ghost has not answered his question.

Blessings and Curses:

Vivianne - Blessing of Temperance
Deep Pockets - All of Vivianne's weapons and armor are treated as masterwork (+1 to hit with weapons, -1 ACP for armor) until the end of the dungeon.
Price Isn't an Issue - You will gain more gold as a reward from completing this dungeon than you were previously going to get (the entire party, not just Vivianne)

Malleus - Curse of The Devil
Deceitful - Malleus cannot communicate normally. No matter what he intends to say, everything comes out as a direct and tangible lie. This can be reflected as either the direct opposite of whatever Malleus was going to say (if it was an observation of fact, ie "that is a slime" when he sees a dragon) or a completely made up statement if what he intends to say is not a direct observation ("We should split up" could become "Ice cream is for pigeons"). Stelios will be responsible for coming up with his character's dialogue and may not include OOC 'translations' for what he really intends to say.
Not Trustworthy - Malleus does not count as an ally for his companions' abilities that benefit allies, nor can he provide them with a flank.

Lexara - Curse of the Empress
Feminine Weakness - Lexara receives a -2 penalty on melee attack and damage rolls.
Feminine Wiles - Lexara becomes the main target of attack from any male enemy. They will prioritize harming her over closer targets or more obvious threats.

Lexara - Blessing of the Hierophant
Wisdom of the Elder - Lexara receives a +2 insight bonus on skill checks.
Experienced - Lexara receives a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls against an enemy she has already successfully hit once in an encounter.

2019-04-27, 08:08 AM
Lexara is confused. She did consider amulate maybe magical, but fate changing powers? And it was just given to her. Seeing the ghosts confusion she decides to ones again fakes confidance. "I'm saving the princess, you hear me fate!
" Then she turns to the rest of the group."let's keep going, I got a feeling this is a traile of some sorts, and I intend on passing.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-27, 09:36 AM
Malleus rolled his eyes as the cards came up before him.

"Thank you for answering my question!" he said angrily to the ghost as he gestured toward Scalvo. A confused expression crossed his face shortly thereafter.

"Look, if we throw some dirt on it, it won't have any blue! ... We should split up, quickly, that way pelicans will make pennies. Drowning in sauce!"

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-27, 01:55 PM
Lady Vivviane eyes Malleus with concern, "Are you well, Goodman Malleus? Your words wander most uncharacteristically."

Apacen eyes the specter with both smugness and affront at being passed over.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-27, 02:17 PM
"Of course" Malleus replied. "The lava in this breeze is really quite exfoliating!"

"I think we should stand around here for a few hours."

2019-04-27, 06:01 PM
The silver-eyed man who had been moving along behind the group - close enough to be seen as part of the group by onlookers yet far enough away that the others didn't notice him until now - finally steps forward to the cave entrance.

"Finish your divinations of our fate, spirit, and then be out of our way unless you have more to tell us. Whether for good or ill, I am ready to face my fate!"

2019-04-27, 06:12 PM
The ghost laughs. "That eager, huh? Well then...sink into despair!"

The deck glows and reveals a single card. "The black rose of fate has blossomed, and now you are cursed!"

"The Hanged Man, in the Reverse Position!"

The silver-eyed man grips his chest as he feels the cursed strings of fate grip his body.

Sir Sclavo frowns and turns to face Lexara. "Well then. It would seem we are not meant to help you."

"What about me?" Kara Lighthallow asks with a confused look on her face.

The ghost shakes his head. "Sorry, little miss. Your fate is the same as his, to stay out here."

A strange glowing barrier lingers over the front door, barring entry to those outside the group.

Sir Sclavo frowns. "Well then. There is little we can do to move this spirit. I wish you the best of luck."

"Please, bring our princess back to us!" Kara Lighthallow adds desperately. They walk away for now.

The group gathers together at the entrance. The cavern is slick with water and not very deep. After only thirty feet or so, they seem to be approaching some sort of room, and one can hear the sound of hoofbeats against the ground inside.

Stelio Kontos
2019-04-27, 09:41 PM
"Dusty in here" Malleus remarked with a bit of disgust on his face, taking a moment to roll up his pantlegs, just in case. He extended a hand to the newcomer. "My juniper trees! We've met."

He took a further moment to deftly retrieve a small vial from his pouch, tossing its contents down his throat without even moving the cigarette from the other side of his mouth. "Bees up ahead" he explained helpfully, as a puff of smoke emerged from his mouth. "You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat." Pressing himself against one of the side walls of the passage, he prepared to slink forward.

I'll use my Heightened Awareness potion (for +2 to perception for a while). Can't hurt.

Also, Stealth in case it matters: [roll0]

2019-04-28, 08:20 AM
Vincent staggers a step backward as he suddenly struggles to breathe, a tightness forming in his neck as well as his throat as visions dance before his eyes. But then he focuses and pushes them aside, steadying his feet as the constricting sensation fades into the background. But it wasn't gone, and Vincent knew this . . . curse he was under would return in force when he least expected it.

"Is that . . . the worst fate has in store for me? I won't be stopped so easily."

Vincent vows when he can finally catch his breath again, stepping forward only to stop short of the cave mouth when Malleus offers his hand. His words made absolutely no sense, causing him to give the other man a raised eyebrow, but he takes the offered hand into his own and shakes it.

"Vincent D'artello. I have some experience with scouting, so if no one minds, I would prefer to be in the lead."

Vincent takes another step towards the cave mouth, and favoring it with a wary glance decides to stow the bow that he had been cradling, and draw the long hammer he had slung across his back, the well-forged spike at the end of the weapon glittering in the light. Once inside the cave, he carefully moves up with Malleus toward the sound of the hoofbeats - a unit of cavalry inside of a cave? Well, it was being guarded by a fortune-telling ghost, so things sorts of things should be expected.

Going to try stealthing in as well. [roll0]

Mithric Gunn
2019-04-29, 10:04 AM
As Apacen trots forward into the cave, eyeing Vincent menacingly, the blind young horsewoman greets the newcomer. "Well met, Vincent D'artello. I am the Lady Vivviane Pelleas, and this noble beast," she pats her mount's neck with fondness, "Is Apacen."

"By all means, scout ahead. I will follow along behind. If you need my aid, just call out."

With banner in one hand, and lance couched under her other arm, she rides forward a slow walk behind the scouts.

2019-04-29, 10:45 AM
"Alright, welcome to the team Vincent". Lexara shakes hand without leaving the saddle as even on her goat she is below eye level of the new guy.

"Very well, I shall be just behind you Lady Vivviane" She follows closely behind, weapon in hand.

2019-04-30, 06:52 PM
They continue on into the next room, where they spy a powerful looking monster. A creature with the torso of a human male, shirtless and muscular, but the lower body of a horse. He beats his hooves aggressively as he sees the group enter. "Halt! None shall enter the Temple of Fortune at this time!"

He reaches for his back, where a deadly-looking bow is stored. "I do not wish to harm anyone. However, if you insist on trespassing here, as this temple's guardian, I will be forced to strike each of you down!"

You don't get an action yet, but each of you can react, make checks, etc

2019-05-01, 05:29 AM
Vincent had been all determination and bluster at the entrance, convinced that Princess Maria lay within, but now things didn't seem so simple as the horse man (man horse?) certainly didn't appear to be involved with the kidnappers.
And so Vincent's more gregarious nature came forward as he forced a smile onto his face, and slung the heavy pole-hammer back across his shoulders.
With the guardian having a bow, it seemed unlikely to be useful against a charge anyway.

"Our apologies for trespassing, Mister . . . Mister . . . Guardian."

Vincent says, holding up his hands. For a moment, he kneels down in the dirt and looks at the entrance to this chamber, hoping that perhaps he would be able to find signs that other people besides themselves and the guardian had came in here recently.

"We are looking for someone who has been kidnapped and may be in further danger. We were told by a . . . reputable source that she might be in here somewhere. I can understand that you can't let us through, but could you at least tell us whether anyone else has come this way recently?"

Stow Bec-de-corbin
Search for tracks - Survival: [roll0]
Diplomacy to convince the creature to help us/not kill us: [roll1]
Sense Motive to see if the creature is being honest: [roll2]

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-02, 08:03 PM
"A bullywug! Must say I've never seen your kind in a volcano of pastries before" Malleus replied with a smile, loosening the grip on his sword and taking a moment to clean off his glasses on his shirtsleeve. Someone that would listen, most likely.

"We've already ejected our limbs, and besides it sparkles that you're quite badly under-lettered. We don't want to make mutton stew, but we simply must defenestrate your ample bosom and scatter the leaves. So what say you murder our family, hmm?"

2019-05-02, 08:19 PM
The centaur stares blankly at Malleus.

"My...ample bosom...is none of your concern, thank you!" he replies with a heavy blush. "I-In any case! I will defeat you all here and now, to protect this place and Her Highness, the princess!"

The centaur sweeps one hand out and just like with the ghost before, a deck of cards appears over his head. "I am blessed by the Tarot! My victory is preordained! Now, cards, show my fate!"

The cards shuffle wildly, before a single card emerges over him. "The Chariot, in the Upright Position! You cannot fight against destiny!"

A blue aura gathers around him and he pulls back an arrow, looking angry. "Come!"

Malleus's rambling gives the centaur a -4 penalty to his initiative check.

The Blessing of the Chariot:
Competitive: If the centaur misses an attack, he gets a +2 bonus to all attack rolls next round.
Sore Loser: Any natural 1 the centaur rolls on an attack roll is treated as a natural 20 instead.

2019-05-03, 12:12 AM
Lexara folds her muilty weapon to be a shield and hides behind, secretly places bags and flaks in the automatic louder. "In this case, I do not have see a reason to fight. Our concern is princesses well being and if she is in fact save, I recen we could join foces"

I'm going to ready a suppressing fire bliz. First tanglefoot bag and then fire oil if he fails a save.

Going to preroll it to save time.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Now to next attacks can be avoided but should he not:

Attack 2: [roll1] and dmg if applicable [roll2]
Attack 3: [roll3] and dmg if applicable [roll4]

2019-05-03, 05:28 AM
Vincent's throat suddenly constricts as hostilities begin. It feels as if there is a noose around his neck as the visions which had assaulted him at the entrance of the cavern return in force.

I could have been garroted instead of merely knocked out that night by one of Vilas's men. Hung by Lord Vor'stila instead of imprisoned. I could have even surrendered to despair and hung myself during those long years in that cell. Why didn't that happen? Why this fate and not one of those?

Dimly, Vincent is aware that the centaur has nocked an arrow to his bow, and reflexively his hands move in a blur, unslinging the bow off of his own back, nocking an arrow to it, and firing in one smooth motion.

Reduced to Standard action only in Round One, due to Staggered. Can still take Free actions though!

Free Action (Quick Draw) - Draw bow
Free Action - Nock Arrow
Standard - Fire at the centaur
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-03, 08:01 PM
"Pelleas! For the Princess!" cries Lady Vivianne, as she and Apacen charge the centaur, her lance lowering at the last moment.

Declaring Challenge on Centaur.
Ride check for mounted combat: [roll0]
Charge! +2 hit, -2 ac
Vivviane's Lance: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] x2 from charging with lance.
Apacen unarmed attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Ride by attack: keep going past him on the charge if possible.

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-03, 08:39 PM
With a sad nod, Malleus advanced on the centaur. "Very well, fair maiden, we surrender!" he cried out, thrusting his rapier at the creature's midsection.

Move to centaur (assuming it's within 30'?) whilst drawing rapier
Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]

2019-05-03, 08:49 PM
The centaur is entangled and then stabbed.

He gasps in pain. "Argh! W-why are you doing this?"

Anyone who succeeds the check realizes that he is speaking with a different inflection and tone, somewhat pained, dazed and confused. He is likely not of sound mind at the moment.

The centaur straightens up and pulls his longbow back, firing three shots at Lexara.

He provokes an attack of opportunity from Vivianne, Apacen, and Malleus.




2019-05-05, 01:55 PM
Lexara gets back into the saddle. "You are attacking only one who wanted to talk, guess you really just want to die". Lexara fire 2 prices shoot, this time not giving him a chance to dodge.

Yet another bliz, this time without suppressing fire: (and of course I forgot +2 fate bonus)
Attack 1: [roll0][roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2][roll3]
Also he got hit with alchemist fire befoure here is afterburn: [roll4]+[roll5]

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-05, 10:09 PM
Having charged past the monster, Lady Vivianne and Apacen wheel around, and charge again.

Challenge on Centaur.
DC10 Ride check for mounted combat: [roll0]
Charge! +2 hit, -2 ac
Vivviane's Lance: [roll1] (forgot to add the +1 from the blessing last time)
Damage: [roll2] x2 from charging with lance.
Apacen unarmed attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-06, 10:39 AM
Malleus, his rapier tip tinged with blood, hesitated for a moment as he stared the centaur down, almost waiting expectantly for something. As the lady and her horse charged, he bowed his head, shook it slightly and thrust again.

Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2019-05-06, 11:27 AM
Seeing his Target now surrounded by the others, Vincent tosses his bow aside. He shakes his head to clear away the visions of Doom as he draws his long-handled hammer, moving in and swing high, aiming over malleus's head for the centaur's own.

Free action - Drop longbow
Free action (quick draw) - Draw bec-de-corbin
Move action - Move up directly behind malleus
Standard - Attack guardian with reach

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-05-06, 03:23 PM
The centaur has taken some hits. He growls and switches tactics, deciding to try and barrel down Malleus instead.

[roll0] Hoof

[roll2] Hoof

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-06, 05:21 PM
The first hoof cracked Malleus square in the face, staggering him backward and sending his glasses on a short airborne trip before they settled (somewhat askew) back on his face. A thin stream of blood ran down from his lower lip. Miraculously, or perhaps by design, that damnable cigarette remained in place. It was good that he'd been knocked back, because the second hoof was poised to do much worse, but managed to just land a glancing blow to his thigh, which still nearly sent him to his knees.

"Applesauce!" was his only reply as he took one more poke at the centaur, a thrust designed as much to distract as to damage, before heading for safer ground.


Attack, fighting defensively: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage (includes fighting defensively penalty) AC is now 18 until my next turn.
Move: backwards, 30' distant from the centaur. This does provoke an AOO. Do your worst. (Don't do your worst.)

2019-05-06, 06:26 PM
Vincent winces as Malleus is all but mule kicked by the guardian. Again, visions flashed in front of his eyes as a thought occurred to him - he was the last one left.
The last time he had tried to rescue someone, his brother had gotten himself and everyone else with him killed or worse, lost forever in some damnable fey grove.
What hope did Vincent have of expecting any different of a result this time?
While King Caineghis I seemed like a reasonable man, so too had Lord Vor'stila when he first hired the D'artello brothers to find his own daughter.
Would the king order his execution after Vincent returned to him empty-handed and the lone survivor of this fight?


Vincent couldn't believe that, couldn't accept that lightning would strike him down twice.
That refusal to believe was the only thing keeping him going, as he gripped his bec de corbin firmly and thrusts its spiked tip at the guardian's chest, trying to cover Malleus's retreat.

Standard - Melee vs. Guardian (-2 from Curse)
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-07, 10:36 AM
At a slight nudge from Vivianne's knee, Apacen dances back a few feet. Vivianne thrusts the point of her lance at the creature. "Stop where you are and surrender, creature!"

5 ft step back. No charge. Continuing Challenge.
Vivianne's lance attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-05-07, 10:38 AM
Lexara keeps loading firing as fast as she can. She keeps her teeth pressed together as she focuses solely on hitting.

Afterburn: +[roll1]
Attack#1: [roll]1dd20+11 DMG:
Attack#2: [roll]1dd20+11 DMG: [roll3]

2019-05-07, 10:39 AM
making rolls right:
Attacks: [roll0]
Attacks: [roll1]

2019-05-07, 02:19 PM
The group's attacks leave the centaur harried, and he pulls back, looking frustrated. "Tch...I will need to regroup with the princess and decide how to deal with you fools...Do not test fate any more than you already have!"

He withdraws, heading deeper into the cavern.

The group is left somewhat battered but mostly okay. However, there are likely more threats between them and the princess.

2019-05-07, 02:37 PM
Lexara turns to the group, somewhat angry. "Did you hear that? He is working for the Princess, you guys shouldn't be so eager to attack, we could have talked this out"

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-08, 10:35 AM
"When someone moves to attack you, you do not wait for the blow to land. You strike."
Vivianne takes out a cloth and begins cleaning off her lance.
"I truly wish the creature had been willing to talk, perhaps this could have been handled without bloodshed."

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-08, 11:04 AM
”Turquoise melons” Malleus nodded in agreement, though it wasn’t clear with whom he was agreeing. He took the cigarette out of his mouth; the butt-end was drenched in red. He wrinkled his nose, dropped the offending item, and carefully extinguished it as he spat out a rather disgusting looking globule of reddish gunk— three may have been a small piece of tooth in there, or perhaps a strand of cigarette wrappings — it was hard to tell which.

“Give me a couple hours? I desperately need a suppository.”

As it appears we aren’t going to rush off after this thing, thank goodness, I will take 1 minute to prepare an extract of Cure Light Wounds for myself from an unused slot, and drink it, to heal [roll0] of that 11 damage I took.

2019-05-08, 07:03 PM
Vincent stares at the guardian's retreating back incredulously, more over what he just said than his sudden withdrawal.
He shares that same expression with Lexara and Malleus over their comments, particularly Malleus because at this point he had no idea what the guy's deal was.

"I tried to calm things down but he wasn't exactly eager to listen to reason!"

Vincent exclaims, shooting a grateful nod at the lady knight for her support.
His frown deepens and turns pensive as he considers the implications of the guardian's parting statement.

"So . . . does anyone know what's going on here? I thought the princess had been kidnapped, but that guy just said he was going to go consult with her. You usually don't ask your prisoners for advice, so what exactly *is* going on here!?"

Vincent shook his head as he slung the polearm back over his shoulder, and then walked back to retrieve his longbow where he had dropped it near the entrance to the chamber.

"I guess we need to follow him to find out, huh?"

(Happy to give Malleus however much time he needs to make the CLW extract!)

2019-05-08, 11:22 PM
"We could stay there by the doors. If he thinks we are here to attack the princess it might throw him of just enough to listen to us"

2019-05-10, 02:01 PM
They wait for a bit, discussing possible solutions, before pressing onward slightly.

In the next room, they see a statue that depicts a large ring slowly turning on its own.

Standing in front of the statue is a bald human male. He bows his head as the group approaches. "Good day to you all. My name is Hikari Sendoh. I am a priest of this temple."

He looks at the group with a frown. "Strange..you all appear to have been in a battle recently. Do you need any healing? I can prepare some rather tasty crackers if you like."

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-10, 03:58 PM
”James Dufrain. There was an effusive chrysanthemum in the adjacent ballroom Malleus replied to the man with a relieved smile, still rubbing his thigh.

Sense motive: [roll0]

If this guy happens to hand out crackers or potions or some such thing for which this applies, take 10 on craft (alchemy) to identify it (this results in a 22, I noticed my sheet forgot my competence bonus from my class).

2019-05-10, 04:00 PM
"That's really nice of you, I could use a bit of healing. Would you also mind answering a few questions about this place?" Lexara doesn't make a habit of just trusting random people inside caverns but this one seems to be very polite. Not sens any deception she decides it might be a good opportunity to learn a bit about that is going on.

2019-05-10, 06:04 PM
Master Hikari Sendoh bows politely. "I would be happy to answer a few questions for you, my dear. This is the Temple of Fortune, one of the Tarot. Each Tarot deity has one High Priest or High Priestess in the world. The Wheel of Fortune's High Priestess resides here, and so she built a temple into this cavern to serve the religious needs of the people of Jazi."

He hands Lexara a healing potion.


Malleus identifies it as a potion of cure light wounds.

2019-05-10, 11:52 PM
Her straight renewed Lexara thanks the priests and asks follow up questions. "So what whole cavern is a Template? And Princess Maria is her.. of her own acord? Out side would seems to think she was kidnapped but it doesn't add up with what is going on inside."

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-12, 01:51 PM
Malleus had taken the potion from the priest, sniffing at it and swirling it about in the light, before handing it to Lexara. "Poison!" was his pronouncement. "You'll have terrible leg pains and uncontrollable shivers." (Naturally, it had no such effect on the halfling.)

He nodded along with the priest's explanation of the temple. That made sense, it its own way, and more importantly might provide some advance notice of some of the hazards that might await. "Six twigs for a copper? I've got a hankering for some axehandles, if the moon sets through the sea. Wild worms in the rainbow?"

2019-05-12, 05:52 PM
Vincent is deeply disturbed by Lexara's theory that the princess was not, in fact, imprisoned here and remains silent throughout the exchange with Master Sendoh, although it is a relief that he at least isn't trying to kill them.
His curiosity over this being a religious temple, open to the people of Jazi, however, prompts him to eventually speak up.

"Excuse me, Master Sendoh, but I do have a question. I believe we met a being who claimed to be the guardian of this temple, a half-man, half-horse creature. He attacked us almost on sight, with little chance to negotiate.
Do you have any idea why he would do that?"

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-13, 04:56 PM
Lady Vivianne sits atop Apacen, and watches the priest as the others question him.

Sense Motive: [roll0] (+1 if opposing bluff)

2019-05-13, 08:07 PM
Master Hikari Sendoh looks confused. "You were attacked? By a half-horse creature?"

He shakes his head. "Surely, you must be mistaken? My young apprentice Ikaru is a proud man, to be sure, but he would not attack someone merely on sight."

His words are strange, almost...rehearsed. But it doesn't seem like he's lying. More like he's speaking without thinking.

2019-05-13, 11:21 PM
Lexara disregards Malleus warning a he was talking nonsens ever since entering the cavern. After drinking and feeling rejuvenated turn at her teammate. "Hey, drop this sarcasm. You aren't even doing it right.. Then she turns to the priest. "But what about the princess?

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-15, 08:17 AM
Malleus frowned at the halfling, but shook it off to converse with the priest some more. "Three feet tall, green skin, four scaly tentacles? Yeah, that was him."

2019-05-16, 07:20 PM
Master Hikari Sendoh looks at Lexara with a frown. "The princess? Which princess? ...Wait. Maria...she was...she came through...argh!"

He grabs at his temples as a blue aura surrounds him. "What are these...voices...thoughts? These are not...my own...no!"

Hikari opens his eyes and looks at them. "Run! Run away! I can't...control it...aaaaaaaaaargh!"

A deck of cards appears over his head. The man slackens, like a puppet that has had its strings cut, before he slowly straightens up, and swings one hand to the side forcefully. "Intruders! You would threaten the princess in a house of worship? You will feel the wrath of the gods!"

The man glares at them with focused resolve. "I will not stand by and allow trespassers to do as they please! I am blessed by The Tarot! Their words give me strength! Now, Cavern of Fate, reveal my destiny!"

With a snap of his fingers, the cards shuffle, and one of them appears over his head.

"Justice, in the Upright Position! My fate is to protect the princess from all those who would do her harm! You will not take another step!"

Initiative: [roll0]

The Blessing of Justice:
Savior: Hikari cannot take more than 5 damage from a single attack.
Martyr: Any damage Hikari would take in excess of 5 from a single attack is transferred to his next damage roll. (If Hikari would take 13 damage from a single attack, he takes 5 and his next attack deals +8 damage. This bonus does not stack with itself, whichever attack that dealt him the most damage is transferred to his next attack).

2019-05-17, 01:27 AM
This was a sock for Lexara. Unexpected but also a huge clue to that is going on. She will have to tell the rest of the group, but first, they need to deal with what is before her.

Initiative: [roll0]

2019-05-17, 05:08 AM
Vincent's incredulous stare as Master Sendoh protests his apprentice's innocence grows into a wide-eyed stare of shock as the Master himself falls under the sway of . . . whatever is going on in this place.
Given their meeting with the ghost just outside this cave, Vincent half wonders if maybe he was the one behind all of this.
Someone certainly seemed to be playing *all* of them as puppets.
Vincent's mind recoils from the myriad possibilities, and the countless images of himself as nothing but a puppet moving about at the end of strings guided by another's hand.

Initiative: [roll0]

Vincent will be Staggered on this first round due to his curse, as he considers the possible interference of fate in their mission.

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-17, 08:03 AM
Malleus sighed. "I love murdering people over simple misunderstandings."

Initiative [roll0]

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-20, 02:21 PM
"Master Malleus! There will be no murder! The priest is not in his right mind. Try not to kill him."

With that, Vivianne charges in, striking with the flat of her blade.

This is what happens when you play Good characters...
Mechanics be damned, altruism ahead!

Mounted combat DC10: [roll0]
Vivianne's charge attack: [roll1]
(to hit breakdown: base +4, nonlethal -4, charging +2, +1 height, +1 Flagbearer: total +4)

Nonlethal Damage: [roll2]

Unarmed strike, choosing to do nonlethal: [roll3]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll4]

Ride-by-attack past priest, set up for another charge.

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-20, 06:03 PM
"I'll spill his guts on the floor and dance on the entrails!" Malleus replied as he advanced (still limping slightly) on the poor sod, shifting his grip on the rapier and taking an awkward swing with the butt-end.

Move action to move up to the guy whilst drawing weapon
Attack, trying to do nonlethal because I'm a nice dude, at a -4 penalty
[roll0] attack, [roll1] damage

2019-05-20, 07:15 PM
Vincent can only shake his head at the murderous threats of Malleus. Combined with his previous speeches, the guy was some sort of psychopath, or suffering from some sort of brain damage.
Vincent wasn't sure which option was worse as his bow appeared in his hands and he loosed a blunt-tipped arrow at Master Sendoh.

Staggered due to 1st round of combat
Free Action - Quick Draw Longbow
Standard Action - Fire Blunt Arrow at Sendoh, -4 To-Hit for Non-Lethal, +1 To-Hit from Banner - Possibly an additional -4 if anyone is in melee with him at the time Vincent fires
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Non-Lethal)

2019-05-22, 07:28 PM
The man grimaces at the flurry of attacks, but then he takes aim and delivers a pounding blow directly to Vivianne's chest.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Vivianne is struck, she needs to make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be stunned for one round.

2019-05-23, 04:51 AM
Seeing her allies using the blunt side of their blades, Lexara also forgoes lethal force, loading tangle food bags into her crossbow and shooting them rapidly.

To hit #1 [roll0]
Appling Suppressing Fire
To hit #2 [roll1]
To hit #3 [roll2]

#2 and #3 may get +2 if previous attacks hit.

2019-05-23, 05:36 AM
Wincing at the impact of Sendoh's fist, Vincent fires another blunt arrow, his hands shaking.

Attack on Sendoh (-2 due to curse, -4 due to non-lethal, +1 Flagbearer?, Has Precise Shot so ignores penalty for firing into melee afterall)
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Non-Lethal)

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-23, 01:19 PM
Vivianne rocks back from the force of the blow, but keeps her seat in the saddle. The flat of her blade comes down once more as Apacen skips to the side at the slightest push of her knee.

Apacen is not very happy with the damage done to his mistress, and lashes out with teeth and hooves.

HP: 17/27

5ft step to set up the flank, which doesnt happen due to fate.

Vivianne's Attack:
Nonlethal, -4 to hit. [roll0] (forgot to include the fate bonus last round)
nonlethal dmg: [roll1]

Apacen, who is done with being nice.
Bite: [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

dmg: [roll5]
dmg: [roll7]

2019-05-23, 01:31 PM
The assault is too much, and the man collapses. He is unconscious, and in no threat of mortal injury.

2019-05-25, 11:47 AM
There is a path beyond, that leads further into the cavern. The group can search the man on the ground, provide aid, talk amongst themselves, or press on. There is no sign of the centaur here.

2019-05-25, 02:13 PM
Vincent stows his longbow across his back and grabs the silk rope hanging off the side of his pack.

"So, um . . . should we tie this guy up and see what happens when he wakes up? It seems like there's some sort of magic taking control of their minds in here. . . ."

Vincent trails off as he considers the possibility that perhaps their minds were being affected as well - it was possible at least that Malleus was not a psychopath.
Of course, that was a far cry from suddenly attacking people in the belief that they were protecting the princess - was it possible that at any moment one of them would suddenly go insane like that as well?
It was a grim thought, and one Vincent forced himself not to dwell on as he moved over to the unconscious Master Sendoh and started tying him up hand and foot, unless anyone moves to stop him.
Even if they didn't wait for him to wake up, at least they shouldn't have to worry about him coming to and then chasing after them.

2019-05-25, 03:42 PM
"Yes, it seems we should also avoid saying her name or title. " Lexara rides over to the corridor leading deeper into the cavern and places a tripwire trap right before the entrance.

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-25, 11:05 PM
Malleus nodded approvingly at Vincents handi (and footi) work, as he began to rifle through the priest's belongings. He gave Lexara a thoughtful look before shaking his head. "That's obviously correct." He took a quick glance up at Vivianne atop her horse. "Three sheets to the wind? Have a head of cabbage?"

2019-05-25, 11:10 PM
The group heads downstairs. The stairs lead to a small room, only about 60x60, and it is completely empty save torches, a pentagram drawn on the floor, and three creatures. They come to a horrible sight, with the centaur standing over a woman's body. The woman is wearing a thick metal collar and heavy armor. Her skin is pale from being kept down here for three days, and her chest, arm, and flank have arrows imbedded in them. She is bleeding heavily and panting hard. Standing above her is the centaur from before, quiver full of silver-tipped arrows and his bow drawn, ready to finish her off in a second.

The other person is a hooded figure, though at the appearance of the others, he throws his hood back, revealing his face. "Hmm..uninvited guests..."



2019-05-26, 12:43 PM
Vincent takes in the scene before them in a blink, and immediately realizes how dire the situation is.
There is only one goal here though, and that is to ensure Princess Maria's survival - which will immediately end in failure if the guardian puts that silver-tipped arrow through her head.
Stopping him from doing that though was going to be difficult from the far side of the room - Vincent needed to get closer.
A desperate plan popped into his mind, and even though he was no actor, all it would take is a few moments of confusion.

Without a further word, Vincent enacted his plan, crying out in fake pain as he held in his head in both hands, before straightening up to his full height and draw his bec de corbin off his back.
But he doesn't brandish the weapon at the centaur or the mage - instead he turns and brandishes it at Malleus, Vivianne, and Lexara.

"Filthy intruders! How dare you befoul this sacred place with your presence! The Tarot has shown me your treachery, and that only *I* can protect the princess!"

Vincent yells, taking wild swings at Malleus that fall far short of the mark, but are as much of a warning to keep his distance as Vincent slowly backs away from the group and towards the guardian - and Maria - as if aiming to take his place beside him against the party.

I just need to get a little closer!

Bluff Check to pretend to be under the same influence as the guardian! [roll0]

2019-05-27, 05:59 AM
Lexara is not a doctor, she probably can't even stop this bleeding, but she can absolutely distract the mage. "Somebody tend to the lady!".Not wanting to demage princess any more she loud tangle foot bags and fires them at the mage before instructing her goat to charge. She won't let them hurt the princess, it doesn't metter if she gets injured, number one parroting is saving the princess. If it means Vincent needs to die, be it. Princess is what matters.

Standard action - barrage:
To hit #1: [roll0]
Suppressing Fire:
mage suffers: reduced movement speed to half and a -3 penalty to Perception checks and to all attack rolls until the end of their next round or risks getting hit with 2 more bags

To hit #2: [roll1]
To hit #3: [roll2]
Move action: handling Mili to attack.
Ride check (DC 10) taking 1 for 13.
Charge to hit: [roll3]
Headbutt demage: [roll4]

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-27, 07:51 PM
Malleus's mind raced and his eyes darted about the room. It was clear that no physical act could be quick enough to beat the centaur's arrow. Clearly, diplomacy was called for. Hopefully they'd listen to clear reason.

"Please, we're here to murder her" he said, with complete sincerity. "There's no time to talk this through. You've got an excellent chance to escape with all of us here."

He pulled out his cigarette case, selecting the red-tinted one on the end for himself. "Candy?" he offered the mage.

I mean, obviously this has no chance in hell, but I don't know that:

[roll0] Diplomacy

Also getting my mutagen ready to use.

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-28, 12:47 PM
Lady Vivianne dismounts to go down the stairs, Apacen leading. The great horse snorts at the hard stone steps ahead.

"Kill her and you will die, creature." Her clouded gaze shifts in the vague direction of the mage. "In the name of House Pelleas I offer you safekeeping until judgement. Surrender or die."

Vivianne: Hold action to charge the centaur if he tries to fire, or combat starts..
dmg: [roll1]

Apacen: Hold action to charge Vivianne's target, so, same.

2019-05-28, 01:36 PM
As the group tries desperately to deal with the situation, a figure appears behind the table. She is a small woman, with ragged, blonde hair. She whispers a few words under her breath and puts a stone to Maria's head. A soft white glow emanates from the princess, and her wounds start to sew themselves together.

Both the mage and the centaur blink in surprise at the witch's rash actions. The centaur draws an arrow and mutter, "Who are you? You would dare interrupt the ritual here? Know your place!" He aims the arrow right for the young girl's throat, the silver tip almost touching her jugular even while it's notched on his bow, but before he can fire...


The centaur leaps back, his reflexes kicking in a second too late as he clutches his chest, pulling back a bloody hand and glaring at the samurai princess before him. Maria sheathes her wakizashi, holding her katana in both hands and glaring at him. "Amora...I have no idea why you're here, but thank you so much. Now, just leave the rest of this to your big sister!" the young woman exclaims.

The mage chuckles to himself. "Well now, everyone here seems so lively! It's too bad, really. Just a couple more hours and I would have taken that annoying chaos from your blood, allowing my spell to work on you just as it works on everyone else. Then I could have sent you back to the palace with a nice little story claiming you had been kidnapped but you escaped, leaving the mangled bodies of the monk and the centaur here to take the fall, while you brought your family down from within. But that's fine. One pawn is all I really need anyway."

He bows. "Allow me to introduce myself, as I'm sure this won't be the last time we meet. I am Orion. And though I was unsuccessful here, I'm sure that this will still work out better for me."

Maria narrows her eyes. "How do you figure?"

Orion chuckles. "Well, my servants will fight to the death in order to do my bidding. So, either the Cult of Tarot is blamed for the death of two princesses," he glances at the young woman knowingly, "or the High Priestess of Calistria will be accused of murdering Master Sendoh, well loved and respected in the community for being a peaceful, gentle soul who would never harm a fly. Either way, that's more than enough destruction and malice for the amount of effort I put forward here. And Kha'Rest isn't the only kingdom in the world, you know. I think I'll drop by Mullmoon. See how it's doing. It's a lovely time of year for a blood bath, wouldn't you agree?" He chuckles. "Ta ta for now, Princess Amora. The second I succeed in taking over Mullmoon, I'll send its entire army to come here with only one goal: to rip your pretty little brother's limbs off, one by one." He disappears.

He teleported.

The centaur warrior Ienzo draws an arrow and glares at the group. "Well then, it would seem I'm quite outnumbered. But that doesn't matter! I am blessed by the Will of the Tarot! Lord Chariot, guide my bow!"

Suddenly, there is a loud cracking sound, like thunder, and Zemma's aura begins to turn red. A booming male voice echoes through the cavern. "This...is NOT...MY WILL!"

The set of cards appears over Zemma's head again and this time after they shuffle they reveal the same card, but in the opposite position. Zemma gasps in pain as the blessing is ripped from his body and replaced with a curse instead. "Ah!...Lord Chariot, why have You forsaken me?..Grr...this changes NOTHING!"

Zemma hops backwards to give himself some extra space, glaring hatefully at Maria. "You all...aren't the only ones who can challenge your fate! HAH!" He raises his hand to the ceiling and the aura surrounding him turns an even darker, bloodier shade of red, flaring up to twice its size and thickness.

Miracle Surge:
The Cult of the Tarot have the ability to resist their fate when they don't like how The Tarot judge them. By sheer force of will and devotion to the power of Fate itself, the cultists can reverse their judgment, gaining a powerful Arcana-themed boost to their abilities for one round, even stronger than a typical blessing. However, after that one round, the curse comes back, with an additional two penalties as punishment for defying the Gods. This is called a Miracle Surge.

Zemma pulls a single arrow out of his quiver and knocks it, drawing it back as far as he can. Lexara can see the bow almost snapping under the strain. He launches the arrow directly at Maria, and it hits her with a force unlike anything a mundane warrior could deal.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Miracle Surge bonus: The attack is automatically treated as a critical threat and automatically confirmed. The critical multiplier for the weapon increases by 1. (x4 for a composite longbow)

Damage: [roll1]

Maria shrieks in pain as the deadly silver bolt erases all the healing Amora had given her. She drops back to her knees, clutching at the collar around her throat, unable to stop herself from crying due to sheer pain.

As soon as the arrow hits its mark, Ienzo's aura changes from blood red to dark black and the group sees a pair of ghostly shackles forming around his arms. It seems Lord Chariot intends to punish the arrogant archer quite severely.

Curse of The Chariot:
Skill at the Cost of Power: The centaur treats all weapon damage rolls as the minimum die roll.
Non-Competing: Zemma takes a -5 penalty to his CMD.

(Bonus Curse) Sadistic Frenzy: Zemma takes a -1 cumulative penalty each round that he doesn't deal damage to an enemy. This penalty does not reset on dealing damage, it just does not get worse for that round.
(Bonus Curse) Distracted Aiming: If Zemma misses a shot, he takes a -4 penalty to his attack rolls for the rest of the round.

Mithric Gunn
2019-05-29, 11:05 AM
Lady Vivianne leans her standard on the wall as she murmurs a prayer, casting a spell. Her hand begins to glow, fires of creation flickering over her hand as she rushes to the injured Princess.

CLW: heals [roll0]

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-29, 06:58 PM
Malleus took a long drag on his reddened cigarette, the smoke coming off the end of it in a crimson, foul-smelling plume. The man's normally pallid skin reddened and flushed considerably in response, and one could see the veins protruding from beneath, visibly pumping blood just beneath the skin's surface at an alarmingly fast rate. He let out a satisfied sigh.

Moving across the room and breathing quickly as he drew his rapier, he tried as best he could to place himself directly between the centaur's arrow and the princess, menacing the four-legged archer as his blade danced with supernatural quickness.

Standard action: consume mutagen. This gives me +4 Dex, +2 natural armor, and -2 Wisdom for the next half hour. My AC is now 20.

Move: to interpose between the centaur and Maria. I don't have an action left to use, but I am threatening the centaur at the moment if he tries to shoot that bow.

2019-05-30, 04:13 AM
Milly keeps up her offensive at the mage but seeing mages inhumane reflexes decides that's hopeless. Instead, taking a step back and firing at the centaur. Bigger target means more odd of hitting, right? Princess already attacked him so it must be alright to use lethal force, she things loading up the fire flasks. Besides, seem he too was too agile for tanglefoot bags, some to think of... did she even did anything? Seems she just followed everybody else with contributing anything, no matter, she will keep firing. Even if she doesn't hit, at least it may discrete centaur enough to help Maria fight.

Standard action to attack: [roll0], and dmg [roll1]
Not an acion: 5tf step

Standard action: barrage
attack#1:[roll2], and dmg [roll3]
Suppressing Fire:
Zemma suffers reduced movement speed to half and a -3 penalty to Perception checks and to all attack rolls until the end of their next round or risks getting hit with 2 more fire oil flakes:

attack#2:[roll4], and dmg [roll5]
attack#3:[roll6], and dmg [roll7]
(+2 if any previous attacked hits)

All attacks go against touch AC and are aimed at the back squares of Zemma so even when missing is out of slash range Maria

2019-05-30, 03:50 PM
With the group's aggressive tendencies, the mage teleports away.

The centaur attempts to call upon his god and fire, taking a punishing blow from Malleus for the trouble. His attack hits, and Maria is badly wounded.

Lexara's attack strikes the centaur and he staggers backwards once more. The curse has hurt him badly, and her attacks only make things worse.

Alright, now the IC catches up to you guys, so it's all of your turns again, once Vincent resolves his Bull Rush check.

2019-05-30, 05:47 PM
While Orion monologues the next phase in his evil plan and the three-way drama of Amora, Maria, and Zemma plays out behind him, Vincent continues his fooling-no-one-attempt at deception while continuing to back up closer and closer to his goal.

Almost there . . . just one more step . . . one more step . . . now!

Whirling about, Vincent charges forward at top speed towards his target, urging his feet to carry him there faster and faster.
Perhaps too late, he finally nears Princess Maria and pushes himself off the ground in a flying tackle toward the warrior-princess's back.

"Get down!"

He shouts a rather dramatic warning as the guardian of the shrine finally carries out his threat and fires one last arrow at Princess Maria.

Going to add the +2 Charge bonus to the CMB
CMB: [roll0]

2019-05-30, 06:07 PM
Vincent knocks Maria prone and she is now safely behind the altar that she was tied to. Ienzo no longer has a clear shot at her.

2019-05-30, 07:26 PM
Vincent winces as the princess goes tumbling end over end across the stone altar and down onto the floor on the other side, but at least she'd be out of the line of fire - for now.

I hope she can forgive me for that.

Vincent now turns to face the treacherous guardian of the shrine, whether by choice on magical compulsion, it didn't really matter.
He advances on Ienzo, struggling to focus as he tries to line up the perfect strike.

"You've *wheeze* failed! Give up!"

Assuming Vincent has a full set of actions here. If he's still staggered for this round, he'll just charge Ienzo - the to-hit will be the same, damage will be 2 less.
Swift Action: Activate ranger's focus, granting +2 to-hit & damage until Ienzo falls or surrenders
Move: Move within 10' of Ienzo
Standard: Attack! (+2 Focus)
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-30, 08:01 PM
Seeing the tackle, and the centaur's blood deep along the length of his blade, Malleus couldn't help himself: abandoned by the wizard (must keep an eye out, he could be lurking about still), and the object of their quest semi-safely tucked away, surely now the accursed creature might listen to reason... and if not, so what? He was nigh invincible!

"You can't lose! Persevere now, and we'll murder you in cold blood, hahaha!"

The light in the cavern fairly gleamed off his blade, which was swishing about at a remarkable pace, looking to make another rapier-sized hole in the centaur's stomach.

5' step to try to cut off the centaur's path toward being able to shoot the princess again
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
I, uh, don't really need my move action.

2019-05-31, 01:40 PM
The group's combined attacks bring the centaur crashing to the ground, though it seems that's likely because he hasn't fully recovered from their fight on the first floor.

The young girl rushes to the princess's side, and looks at Vivianne desperately. "Can you still heal her?"

Stelio Kontos
2019-05-31, 09:24 PM
Malleus's foot snapped out, giving the centaur a perfunctory kick to the head to make sure he was really out. That task done, he began removing items from his pack, tossing a glass flask well into the air to get it out of the way and catching it after having pulled out at least three other objects. His voice had an odd, quickened tempo that might have been mistaken for panic. Even ass he began preparing some odd mixture, his eyes (bloodshot and halfway bugged out of his head) darted around the room at every nook and crevice from which a sneaky mage might pop out.

"Elevateherhead, makesureherneckiskinkedasmuchaspossible, soshecan'tbreathe. Thiscouldtakeafewhours."

I've nothing better to do than use my last slot for the day to prepare another CLW potion, which will take a minute. If she ends up dead in the meanwhile, well, I can use it.

2019-05-31, 10:15 PM
As soon as Ienzo collapses Vincent hustles around to the back of the altar, afraid of just what he might find.
He throws his bec de corbin across his back and then kneels down besides the fallen body of the princess, feeling for a pulse as he runs a healer's eye over her injuries - of which there were several serious ones.
In particular, those arrows still in her were going to need to come out sooner rather than later.

"I need strips of cloth for bandages! If no one has a proper healer's kit, some strips off the inside of your cloak or bedroll will have to do!"

Vincent commands, following his own advice as he shrugs out of his cloak and does his best to use it to staunch the worst of Maria's bleeding wounds.

As a standard action, Vincent Takes 10 on a Heal check now that we're out of combat, for a total of 16 to provide First Aid to Princess Maria.
Assuming she's still alive, that should stabilize her and prevent her from bleeding out.
If Vincent cannot take 10 or there are other extenuating circumstances, here's a roll.

Heal - [roll0]

2019-06-01, 12:03 AM
Lexara don't have supplies either but she helps how she can.

I will be taking 10 on heal to aid Vincent healing,

2019-06-01, 09:31 AM
Everyone feels the magic of the temple leave them. They are freed from their curses and blessings!

Lexara and Vincent work together to tend to Maria. They carefully remove the arrows from her body. A few ointments and some bandages, and she's...well, not as good as new, but she's not dying. That's the important part.

The woman opens her eyes, after a time. "Huh? ...Who...are you?" she asks, looking around at everyone.

The younger girl sobs and throws her arms around her sister's neck. "Amora? Oh, by The Moon..." They hold each other for a soft, tender moment, before Maria pushes herself to her feet. She is clearly every bit as serious and capable as her elder brother.

"Thank you very much for rescuing me. My name is Maria Pardus Leonis. Some particularly brave individuals like to call me 'The Panther of Jazi' when they think I'm not listening."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-01, 11:11 PM
The centaur dispatched, Malleus let out a quick sigh as he surveyed the situation with those bulging eyes, his hands seeming to continue work on his alchemical mix almost of their own accord as he let out a torrent of words almost too fast for the listeners to comprehend.

"Excellentworkeveryone, reallytopstuff. MadamIthinkitwouldbebestifyoujustlaiddownandrelaxe dforamoment, I'mmakingsomethingthatwillhopefullyeasethepainalit tlebitit'snotmuchbutit'sthebestIcandoI'mafraid; itwon'ttasteverygoodbutitwilldothetricktrustme. Someoneoughttokeepaneyeoutforthatwizardhecouldbean ywhere, andcheckonthepriestintheotherroomweoughttobringhim withusmostprobably. Looksharp, wearen'toutofthewoodsyet, itwouldbsmarttofindsomewaytohidehersoasnottoattrac tunwantedattentiononthewaybacktothecastleifyouknow whatImean, therewillbeplentyoftimeforpleasantrieslater. I'mnotfeelingallthatgreatmyselfsoifwecangetsomewhe resafethatwouldbebest."

At the end of a minute, assuming we get that far, I'll have a CLW mixture for the princess: [roll0]

2019-06-02, 12:42 AM
Malleus rambling Lexara has time to collect her thought and avoid doing same thing. "I'm not quite a prince is a shinning armor and nor are you a damsel in distress, but allow me to take you back home. Let's thing we want is you getting hurt on your way back."

2019-06-02, 06:50 AM
Her Highness, Princess Maria Leonis looks worried. "I appreciate your offer, miss. But what about the denizens of the temple? I know these people, they were under some kind of mind control. They would never have hurt me if it wasn't for that strange wizard."

She looks down at Ienzo, unconscious on the ground. And they left Hikari unconscious on the floor above.

Mithric Gunn
2019-06-02, 01:26 PM
"Well met, Princess Leonis. I am The Lady Vivianne Pelleas. I have some small healing powers. You and the ensorcelled priests of this temple will be tended to."

At a gesture, Apacen moves over the fallen centaur, glaring down unforgivingly at the creature.
Lady Vivianne breathes a prayer to the empress, and reaches out a softly glowing hand.

CLW, [roll0]
PResuming the centaur isn't hostile still, will then heal the Princess as well.
CLW [roll1]

2019-06-02, 05:59 PM
Vincent simply stares at Princess Maria for several long moments, an expression of relief and disbelief mingling together on his face.

I . . . did it? I didn't fail this time?

Eventually, it enters into his head that he is staring at the princess, and someone might misinterpret his stare.
Vincent quickly turns his attention to Ienzo, staunching his wounds until Viviane comes over and heals him magically.
As the centaur comes to, Vincent steps back and draw his bec de corbin off of his back, brandishing it at Ienzo.

"Do you still wish to harm the princess?"

2019-06-03, 05:54 AM
Lexara looks down to the side. Remembering how little she actually achieved in this fight. "Of course a lowly trapper like myself wouldn't made a difference. Very well, it was pleasure meeting you princess."

Mithric Gunn
2019-06-03, 12:59 PM
Lady Vivianne turns to her halfling companion, "No, never think it, Lexara. The lancer is no more glorious than the archer. It's working together that makes us powerful."

"Though, as my father says, 'The war's not over 'til the treaty's signed.' Perhaps we should get headed back to your father, Princess. We're probably safe now, but perhaps it's best to assume otherwise until we're behind your walls."

2019-06-03, 01:55 PM
Lexara looks at Vivianne amazed at words of enlargement but then shakes head. "It's not that archers are weak, or that I can't do anything, but it seems everyone is way out of my league. For the first two fights, my bags were completely ineffective and in this one, I didn't even hit ones. Perhaps it's best I leave, it won't much difference if I stay." Lexara starts starting to rotate Milli, ready to leave, drained heroic optimism she started with, but then a something clicks in her mind. "Hold on, we were promised a reward, it would be foolish to leave now. How come another, more powerful, group who left before us didn't manage to do it. Was it the entrance of the cavern, but then why we were allowed in? [..]" Lexaras train of thought keeps going slowly devolving into thinking out loud and then incorporate mumble.

2019-06-03, 02:05 PM
The younger princess pipes up at that. "Ah! The Cavern of Fate was sealed by the Tarot to stop that strange man from gaining any new followers. The men who came here to rescue Maria were indeed powerful, but their loyalty made them easy to break."

Orion's enchantment magic, for whatever reason, works better on characters with a Lawful alignment. Therefore, guards, soldiers, and other typically law-abiding beings are nothing more than pawns to him. As you see here with the monk and the guardian.

Maria stands up. "Indeed, let's go and reclaim your reward. Please, everyone, follow me."

She leads them back to the palace for now.

When they arrive, King Caineghis I hugs both his little girls, looking like an absolute titan compared to them. The girls squeak in pain as they are embraced by their enormous father, but they hug back and everyone shares a tender moment.

Caineghis turns his attention back to the group. "Right! I promised I would reward you with your hearts' desires, and you shall have them. Whatever you request, please. If it is within my power to grant, I will give it to you."

2019-06-03, 02:39 PM
In the end, it wasn't fate or heroism that placed Lexara into her. It was her stubborn refusal to be conventional. It seems reality it's far more complex then fair tales make it out to be. This nudged Lexara to reflect on who she is, a trapper? Alchemist? Engineer? Hero? During the whole way back she was silent, sometimes looking at her own hand.

Then ones again, she was brought before the Kings, a most powerful person she could think of, or maybe this strangely agile mage was more powerful. Even so, the king is still a person of great power and somebody she thought to be far outside her reach. Not to mention an offer. What should she ask for, a hand of a princess, like a king in shining armour from a story? No this is not something to be awarded, it a choice she cannot take away from Maria. Perhaps be a royal alchemist, or make her father one? How could she be a royal alchemist after learning her most available asset is her individually. Perhaps gold, gold is always nice, but then there are other ways to earn gold and this is an opportunity to for something so much life-changing. Finally, she opens her mouth "I don't think I have an answer right now, a lot happened, I need time to think, find myself. Only then I will know what I desire"

Mithric Gunn
2019-06-04, 10:44 AM
Lady Vivianne gives a courtly bow to the monarch. "Your Highness, I have no desire for riches or titles; there is only my quest. I have been called, cursed, and blessed by the Empress to serve some purpose yet unknown to me. But when the evil I have been called to fight has been revealed, it might be that I will need allies to fight for the land, and it's people. That is my only request."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-04, 05:51 PM
As they left the Cavern of Fate, Malleus was obviously still in full drug-induced rampage, his lips racing to keep up with whatever was going on inside his head. If the princesses were expecting any genuflecting, or any particular recognition of titles, they were due to be sorely disappointed.


"Firstofalldoyouknowwhytheytookyouinthefirstplace? Therewasnoransomdemandoranythinglikethat.
"Second, whywouldtheybringyouhereofallplacessoclosetothecit y? Itseemslikeahorribleplacetokeepyouawayfromyourfath er, therewasawholearmyclosenearbyandtheyknewwhereyouwe re, plusyourbrothertoo?"
"Third, Amora, whatonearthareyoudoinghereandhowdidyougetininthefi rstplace?
"Fourth, ifthecavernoffatewassealed,howdidhegetinandarethep eopletherehisfollowers, ifsotheyseemlikequiteathreat...
"Ihavealotmorebutthatwouldbeagoodstart, there'ssomuchofthisthatdoesn'tmakesenseandIcan'tfa thommostofit...anythingyoucansayonthewaywouldbehel pful"

Fortunately for the ears of everyone involved, roughly a half hour or so after ingestion, the thin man's skin began to return to its normal color and texture, and his ragged breathing and the nearly-audible thumping of his heart began to return to normal. His eyes continued to flit about, looking behind every nook and cranny to anticipate any possible threat, his hand firmly on his rapier's handle and a slight limp revealing itself in his gait.

"That's very kind of you, King. I haven't given it a moment's thought though, don't know what's fair. For right now you'll have to owe me, if that's all right. I'm sure I'll think of something. You don't really need to know right now, do you?" he asked the man, with a raised eyebrow. "For now, I do have a few questions..."

At that he repeated, at a mercifully normal pace, anything from the above that the princesses had been unable to answer.

2019-06-05, 05:15 AM
His majesty's question penetrates through the glow of unexpected success that was still filling Vincent's mind, and after a moment's thought he was able to give a reply.
It was, perhaps, an unconventional request.

"I require nothing at this time, your Majesty. Although . . . if you would be willing to grant mercy to Master Sendoh and his apprentice Ienzo for their part in your daughter's kidnapping and attempted murder, as they seem to have not been in total control of their actions, I would ask for that."

Vincent thinks a moment more, and Orion's troubling words come back to him - this had all just been a *part* of his plans, it seemed.

"Furthermore, some sort of introduction to the rulers of the neighboring kingdom of Mullmoon, and enough gold to cover travel expenses would be very appreciated. The man behind your daughter's kidnapping, a mage who called himself Orion, mentioned that he was going to head to Mullmoon to cause trouble there before he escaped us."

2019-06-05, 01:52 PM
His Majesty, King Caineghis I, growls angrily in response to their indecision.

"If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a coward!" he roars. "I am grateful to you, but stand up straight! Do you think I have time to think or expect someone to come after me sometime in the future? What if I am no longer king, or what if my lands have weakened? What if my riches have waned? Do not stand there and demand an extension on your reward! I am offering you anything you wish right now, and right now only! So speak, with conviction! What kind of heroes are you?"

He looks at Vivianne with a nod. "That won't be a problem, little missy! In fact, as a sign of good faith, why don't I have one of my children accompany you for now? That can serve as both your ally and as Vincent's introduction to Mullmoon. You can ask for either Maria or Michael to go with you."

At Vincent's request for traveling expenses, Caineghis gives the entire party 5000 gold pieces. He turns his attention to Lexara and Malleus, clearly not intending to honor their request for time to think about what they would like.

2019-06-05, 03:49 PM
That's a rather rude response. He is losses power, it's her losses for course, ah very well, she won't hold back. Lexara stands on her goat, starting the kings light in the eyes. "Very well then, one thing I desire with all my heart is to marry your daughter."

2019-06-05, 03:54 PM
Her Highness, Princess Maria Leonis blinks. "Say what now?"

His Majesty, King Caineghis I laughs heartily. "Now that's someone with the heart of a lion! Very well, I will allow it!"

Maria turns to him. "What? But Father, she's a woman!"

"A woman who saved your life! She has earned the right to ask for your hand, and you will give it!" Caineghis insists, crossing his arms.

Maria sighs. "Well, okay then..." She nods. "Let's get along then, Lexara."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-05, 05:45 PM
Malleus pondered the king's demand for a moment, a definite frown on his face. When Lexara piped up with her request, he couldn't help himself -- he let out a huge belly laugh. "HAHA! That's a good..."

Then his eyes bounced erratically between the halfling, the king, and the princess. "Wait, you were serious? And you're serious? But that's ridic-- ... oh, never mind. It's none of my business." He concluded with a shake of the head and a somewhat muffled eye roll.

"You know what, king? Just forget the reward then. I don't care. Send my parents a nice fruit basket or something, or do something actually useful with the money. I don't really have anything I need right now, except answers... and I think Vincent probably has the right idea in that regard." He gave the man a nod. "You taking on help for your little trip?"

2019-06-05, 06:49 PM
His Majesty, King Caineghis I reaches into his pocket and pulls out a red ruby necklace. "Doubling down on indecision? Well then...here. Take this. It should give you plenty of answers, though perhaps not the ones you're looking for."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-05, 09:11 PM
”But I...” began Malleus’s protest, before he thought better of it.

”Very well, I accept. Thank you for your kindness. Care to give me a hint as to what it does?

2019-06-06, 12:06 AM
Lexara to Maria with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I would have hoped to win your heart regularly, but when push comes to shove, it's what I want. Yes, I am a woman don't think for a second that it would have stopped me from trying." Lexara isn't exactly proudest of forcing her will on Maria but at the same time, she did spoke from her heart. In on possibility, it wasn't best decision she could have made, but one ture to herself nonetheless.

2019-06-06, 05:00 PM
Maria Leonis bows her head. "I doubt it will ever be possible for me to love a woman, but I can do everything short of that for you." She smiles platonically.

His Majesty, King Caineghis I replies to Malleus. "It allows you to perceive the truth even when you might be deceived."

2019-06-06, 11:01 PM
Lexara bows back. Rather pleased with the arrangement. "Thank you. Naturally, I will try my best to actually win your love. Also, we probably shouldn't be so formal, you're mine fiancee after all"

Mithric Gunn
2019-06-07, 03:58 PM
Lady Vivianne turns towards her companion. "For all that we have met only recently, we have fought together, and I would very much like to think of you as a friend." She turns to include the rest of her companions as well, "All of you. As The Bearer of the Silver Rose, I, Lady Vivianne Pelleas, grant each of you land and title as is my right, and confirm you in my father's name."

She briefly chuckles. "I'm sure my father will love this. Our nobility have been getting soft. Whether you choose to pursue that life life after adventuring or not, it'll do the old warhorses some good to get used to things changing.
The Pagorek lands should do well for you, Lexara, I think. And father wanted me to hand off the split Gor Miasko estates. Those'll do nicely. No need to worry about managing them right now, they aren't currently producing."

2019-06-08, 03:21 PM
Vincent keeps his mouth shut after making his request, which seems just as well as a head-spinning number of surprises come about after that.
Vincent's not sure which announcement is more shocking - the king acceding to Lexara's request for Maria's hand or Vivianne suddenly making them all landed gentry.
He decides to answer Vivianne first, turning to the lady knight with a befuddled expression.

"Um that is . . . very generous of you. What will be required of me as one of your land-holders and bannermen? I am afraid that I will not be able to see to those duties just yet, as I wish to see what other plots this Orion fellow is going to set into motion. I'd rather not let him out there to try this sort of obscenity again, so I will be going on to Mullmoon. Certainly each of you is welcome to come along if that is your wish as well."

Vincent adds, nodding at Malleus in answer to his question. Finally he turned his attention back to the king.

"If Lexara will be coming with me and Malleus, at least, to Mullmoon, I think that Princess Maria should accompany us - that should give them a chance to . . . er, get better acquinted. And if Lexara plans on staying here, then I am sure that Michael will serve just as well in introducing us to Mullmoon's nobility."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-12, 08:19 AM
Malleus raised an eyebrow at the king's reply. That is useful.

That left only one eyebrow for Vivianne's pronouncement; it took him almost a fraction of a moment to compose himself.

"That's very generous of you... of both of you. Very kind gestures. Thank you." Totally unnecessary... but wouldn't be becoming to refuse...

"So, when do we leave? Morning?"

2019-06-12, 09:57 AM
"I must admit I'm not exactly sure how things will work. I surly don't mind going with you, at lest if I can send a letter to my dad before hand. When it comes to becoming nobility, dose this even help anything? Am I not a royalty now?". Lexara slowly grasps now unprepared she is.

2019-06-12, 02:54 PM
Maria Leonis frowns. "I don't think it's a good idea to just run off without understanding exactly what happened. We shouldn't just leave in the morning. Let us return to the Cavern of Fate and speak to the guardians there after they have had a chance to rest. They might know more about this Orion and what he intended to do."

2019-06-12, 03:24 PM
"Sounds good to me, I would still like to write that letter beforehand"

Mithric Gunn
2019-06-13, 10:14 AM
"Nothing is required unless you choose to commit yourself to those lands, or to avail yourself of my father's protection, of course. I will be going this Orion to Mullmoon as well.
A sorcerer meddling in the affairs of kingdoms is a threat to all."

Vivianne will be sending a sealed message back home as soon as she can, detailing the new nobles and land title, as well as appraising her father of the sorcerer Orion and events related.

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-13, 08:09 PM
"I do suppose it couldn't hurt to gather a bit more information though I do hope you all might listen a bit more closely to my advice next time" Malleus agreed, with a hint of disappointment in his voice, giving his leg a good stiff flex and sending a loud crack reverberating from his kneecap in the process. "Still, I think it would be of good practice for everyone to at least prepare to travel on short notice. I shall see what I can find out about the kingdom of Mullmoon in the meanwhile. Are there any libraries, maps, or perhaps a returned diplomat to whom we might speak?" he queried to the king and the princess - well, the princess that had been a princess for more than five minutes, at least.

I will prepare a new mutagen this evening.

Probably some sort of diplomacy and/or knowledge rolls in order for this, if it's possible; I'll let you roll it for me if that's okay.

2019-06-13, 08:54 PM
Vincent nods respectfully to the princess.

"Of course, that is a good idea. Is there anything that you can tell us about him? I assume he was the person who held you prisoner for the past several days? He seemed like a talker - did he do any more gloating over that time? What he was hoping to accomplish here beyond the chaos of your disappearance and death, at least?"

2019-06-14, 01:29 PM
Maria Leonis winces. "I..apologize, but I was unconscious for most of the time I was away. I suppose it was in preparation for whatever insane ritual he had hoped to perform." She bows her head in shame.

His Majesty, King Caineghis I shakes his head. "Mulmoon and Jazi are not allies. We are not on good terms. Furthermore, our locations are separated by the Forest of Despair. No one goes into the forest except during the zhe'tahl, and even then, only my kind are granted entry. We do not exit the forest, we have never been beyond it. You must understand, young ones. The fey are dangerous beings. They do not tolerate trespassing. And what's more...the forest itself seems to come alive and respond to whomever might enter."

2019-06-14, 02:17 PM
Vincent gives a knowing shudder at the mention of the enchanted forest.

Yeah not going that way then.

"Surely there is another way to get to Mulmoon that we could use, then. Perhaps a ship?"

Please don't say that's the only way there.

2019-06-14, 02:31 PM
Lexara looks at the king, and can't rest a smirk forming at her face. "Can't one become one of your kind by means of infection, at least a part of it"

2019-06-14, 02:48 PM
Maria Leonis's eyes widen and she quickly transforms into a panther, a big black feline with strong shoulder muscles, and leaps in front of Lexara. This is just in time to deflect an immense blow from the king, one that breaks the ground beneath Maria's feet even though she is holding the attack back.

Her Highness, Princess Amora Leonis steps forward. "You all should go," she says simply.

His Majesty, King Caineghis I roars angrily and pulls his other fist back for a second attack. "Infection?! Insolent child! The blood of my people trails back a thousand years! Our strength is unmatched! Our pride is unshakable! You dare suggest that we would transfer our glory to someone outside the family? Through violence? A trait that is passed on with love and trust, forced with teeth and claws? You shame everyone in this house, and you think yourself worthy of my daughter's hand? Let me go, Maria, I will kill her myself!"

The group is surrounded by guards, intending to escort them out of the throne room peacefully.

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-15, 06:53 PM
Malleus nodded at Vincent's comments. "There'd have to be another way" he agreed. "Stands to reason; can't have bad relations with someone if you haven't interacted somehow. Still, it occurs that this fellow isn't exactly on their side either... you know, this could be an excellent opportunity for a collaborative venture..."

Then the halfling put her foot firmly in her mouth. Malleus did his best to back away toward the door, nudging the little one firmly in the ribs as he went by. "Now, now, your majesty, I'm sure it was an innocent and uneducated slip of the lip. I'm sure that she's already very, VERY sorry for what she said. Aren't you, Lexara? It wouldn't be appropriate to take it out on all of us, and certainly not the newest member of your family -- who did just save your beautiful and intelligent and recently abducted daughter from an untimely death, I'd note -- besides, uh... Besides! If you splatter us now, someone else is going to have to handle this Mullmoon business, and that would just be a waste of resources, now wouldn't it? You really don't want to leave this matter unattended to, you want to know what this mage is up to as much as we do, and you can't send an official delegation, due to the poor relations... yes, that makes sense, right? You need an unofficial expedition, someone without significant direct ties to your rulership, and someone who you won't miss if something goes wrong. That's us. We're clearly capable, after all."

He put on his best "please don't murder me in the face" smile as he spoke.

Diplomacy, because why not; if this doesn't work, that door thing is right there, and I'll be using it. Heck, I'll even use a point of inspiration.


2019-06-15, 07:03 PM
Malleus's quick thinking does bring the king some pause.

"...I don't have time for this," he mutters, pulling his fist back. Maria sighs with relief as she reverts to her human self.

"Maria, you are to help Michael with the preparations for the festival. Amora, you can take these kind souls back to their inn and see to it that any of their other questions are answered properly."

"Yes, Father," the two girls reply, and go their separate ways.

Her Highness, Princess Amora Leonis escorts the group back to The Hierophant.

2019-06-16, 12:17 AM
Lexara was ready to accept being kicked out. Go back to her father and only mention a nice chunk of gold she got. Yet it seems somebody more squinted with hight class etiquette is able. For a second she is shocked.
Of course she didn't meant anything to be insult. She apologizes profusely, explaining that it was incompetence rather than malice. Regardless she stays mousyly silent afterwards going along with what other suggests.

2019-06-17, 10:42 AM
Vincent winces as the king reveals that he does, in fact, have a temper.

Seems my fear about coming back here without his daughter alive was justified after all. I'll need to keep that in mind.

"You are very kind your Majesty. We will do our best to ensure the man responsible for your daughter's kidnapping is brought to justice."

And that he doesn't cause any more heartbreak and chaos.

Vincent allows himself to be hurried out of the room by the guards, happy to be away from a royal who could easily kill him with his bare hands instead of merely ordering him killed instead.
Once they are out of the castle and back on the street heading back to the inn for the evening, Vincent speaks again.

"It appears that we need to find our own way to Mulmoon. Does anyone know some local traders or the like, who probably know of another way to get to Mulmoon from here, if anyone does?"

2019-06-17, 12:23 PM
"There few merchants I got to knew when running fathers shop, however contacting them may take a while"

2019-06-19, 02:36 PM
The group reconvenes at the Hierophant. Madame Volutia smiles warmly at Lexara. "Well now. It would seem you were successful! Thank you so much for all your hard work rescuing little Maria."

Her Highness, Princess Amora Leonis regards the group. "Right. Well, that was a bit of an abrupt ending to the conversation, but if you have any other questions for me, I'm willing to answer them."

2019-06-19, 11:27 PM
Lexara get on the stool same as before."You're welcome." turning to the princess. " Do you think I still got chance to marry Maria"

2019-06-20, 12:30 PM
Amora smiles. "Of course you do! Nothing you did was wrong. You just upset Father, that's all. He'll get over it."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-21, 10:16 PM
"If you don't mind my asking, I found it quite curious that you'd shown up in the room at the exact moment that we did. Were you following us? Or were we following you? It seems a rather remarkable coincidence otherwise, were one to believe in those things" Malleus queried.

2019-06-22, 06:37 AM
Amora smiles. "I followed you. Once I saw you were entering the Cavern of Fate, I used my magic to turn invisible and crept along. I wasn't sure if I could trust you, and the behavior of the assistants was strange, so I stayed hidden until we found Maria."

2019-06-22, 12:55 PM
"Oh, lady Volutia, I must thank you for the amulet. It turned a cure into a blessing. I can't help but wonder, are they magical?" Lexara turns to the innkeeper with a friendly smile, remembering their initial conversion.

2019-06-23, 07:50 AM
Madame Volutia smiles widely. "It is indeed magical. And what's this I hear about marriage? It would seem you earned a lot more than just a night with one of my girls from this adventure! Good for you!" She seems genuinely happy, and scoops the shorter girl up into her cleavage for a hug.

2019-06-23, 11:16 AM
"That was clever of you, Princess Amora. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it was very good you were with us, as your aid was invaluable in keeping Princess Maria alive."

Vincent says, nodding in gratitude at the princess as he thinks back to the several times the princess nearly got an arrow through her heart. It all was still a little bit of a dream to him . . . he had actually saved someone this time!
The memory sours a bit as he also recalls the boasts made by the mage Orion before he disappeared.

"I don't suppose you know of a good cartographer we could speak to who would have maps of the region? If we're going to navigate a course to Mullmoon I imagine having an accurate map to do so would be a great boon.
I . . . would prefer to avoid having to go through the enchanted forest that no one except your family ever goes into - rarely - and comes back out of."

2019-06-23, 11:32 AM
"I'm afraid, if you all intend to go to Mulmoon, the only way there is through the forest," Amora replies with a firm sense of finality.

2019-06-23, 11:10 PM
Lexara gets a little embarrassed when her brief encounter with house if ill repute in mentioned. "Well yeah, Kings offered us a single wish and I cared not for gold, tiles, fancy weapon or simular, so I went with my heart. About the amulet tho, you really just gift strangers with magical items? I thought those were very expensive."

2019-06-24, 03:26 PM
Madame Volutia smiles. "When those strangers happen to be going to rescue my nation's princess, I do. Hello, little Amora. You're cute today, as always."

She waves happily at the princess and Amora blushes and pulls her hood over her head to hide herself.

2019-06-24, 11:35 PM
"You two seem to be acquainted". Lexara smiles just imagining.

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-25, 08:38 PM
"At the risk of so rudely interrupting a spontaneous orgy," Malleus remarked with a wry smile "I might suggest that if we're going to do something as demented as to do what I believe we are about to consider, it would behoove us to get a proper full night's sleep. It would also behoove us, if you might be so kind Princess Princess Amora, to gather as much information as possible about the journey we are about to undertake. My dear lady, anything you might provide, as one whose family has ventured into the forests? Any maps, knows trails, potential allies that sort of thing? And what can you tell us about the inhabitants of the forests as well? Tendencies, favorite objects, particular strengths and vulnerabilities in case it should come to arms as these things so often do?"

2019-06-26, 03:52 AM
"Oh, come on. I need to commit to my fiance, do you really think this little of me?" Lexara doesn't seem to be exactly offended, more of playful.

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-26, 08:13 AM
Malleus paused, took out one of his cigarettes, lit it, and took in a deep breath. "You really haven't thought this through, have you?"

2019-06-26, 05:43 PM
Her Highness, Princess Amora Leonis looks distraught, before shaking her head. "I am sorry. I wish I could tell you something about the forest, but only the men in my family ever go there, and only during the zhe'tahl. It is not a pleasant time for them. I do not believe most of them would remember such an event. However, if anyone could, it would be my older brother. You might try asking him about this."

Stelio Kontos
2019-06-27, 09:26 PM
"All right" Malleus replied, taking another deep pull on his cigarette, pondering the matter a bit further. "That's a good idea, yes. We'll do that."

zhe'tahl... zhe'tahl ... feels like that should mean something...

Knowledge (nobility) (?) roll to see if I know anything about this zhe'tahl thing:
[roll0] + [roll1] free inspiration

2019-07-03, 04:11 PM
In the morning, the group heads back to the Cavern of Fate to find out more about what happened.

There, they meet with both of the individuals who attacked them the previous day.

Master Hikari Sendoh bows his head apologetically. "It would seem that we have caused you a great deal of trouble. We do apologize for any physical harm we may have dealt to you. I am ashamed to have used the power of Justice against civilians like that."

When pressed, he tells them everything that happened.

"Last week, this man showed up at the temple. He had a letter signed by our High Priestess, saying that she was permitting him to stay here for the time being and that we should make him comfortable. After he arrived, though, we were starting to feel a bit strange. Thoughts entered our minds. Words and phrases we didn't think of. Until he arrived back with the princess, and we knew we had to secure her and protect her from outside forces."

Stelio Kontos
2019-07-04, 05:35 PM
Malleus chuckled a bit behind the thick haze emanating from his mouth. "Hey, you know, it happens. If it's any consolation we didn't especially enjoy kicking your teeth in either. We owe you anything for the healing potion?"

He turned a bit more serious as the priest continued. "A forgery, perhaps. Are you certain you'd know her signature precisely? Mind if we take a look? Because otherwise..."

That thought was too dark to say out loud, at least for the moment.

2019-07-04, 05:43 PM
Ienzo bows his head. "You can ask her yourself. The High Priestess is due to return today. We will answer your questions in the mean time, if you have any."

2019-07-06, 11:17 AM
Vincent remains silent during the rest of the group's meeting, Princess Amora's words leaving him speechless with anxiety.
His sleep that night is filled with nightmares of a similar theme, of running through an endless forest, hunted by the ghost of his brother, while invisible voices laughed and taunted him from the trees.
When they finally reconvened the next morning and went to talk to Master Hikari Sendo & Ienzo, Vincent manages to rouse himself somewhat from his nervous stupor.

"Did he speak of his plans to either of you? About why he had kidnapped the princess? I assume his intent was to cause chaos of some sort, but if he boasted of his plans to you perhaps we can get a better sense of his methods."

(OOC: Apologies for the long unannounced absence!)

2019-07-06, 11:54 AM
"he did talk about causing chaos right inform of us."