View Full Version : Master Artisans of Vaeldor - IC

2019-07-29, 12:11 AM
Welcome to Vaeldor.

You have traveled as far west as civilization can carry you and you now find yourself at the gates of the outpost city of Vaeldor. It seems the stories hold true, this is no mere outpost. The streets are bustling with life with the constant din of voices echoing throughout the walls. You spot adventurers vying for the attention of the handful of merchant stalls near the entrance. It would seem this city is in high demand for craft goods... which is why you are here. Not too long ago the stuffy guilds of the central lands had stifled your art, but you are now embraced by the unfettered freedom of Vaeldor.

It is here you will continue to hone your craft and, hopefully, make a name for yourself.


As you enter the main gates, you see two small gates ahead. From the looks of it, the one on the right is for almost all of the individuals entering and leaving the city. The gate to the left, however, looks to be for those new to the city. It is a smaller line, but you assume there is more paperwork to fill out at that one.

After you complete your entrance into the city, you are given a small map and directions to your new home. Stepping past the gate, you see a chaotic scene of bartering and commerce. A few well-equipped adventurers eye you as you enter and attempt to discern your craft from your physical appearance and what supplies they can see in your wagon. But for the most part, you seem to be ignored as individuals shout out their tradable items to those who wish to barter. Some even shout what they are in need of, hoping to find someone willing to trade away their commodities. It is obvious that this city has much demand and little supply.

Eventually you make your way through the city streets to a mostly empty market section. A few of the buildings look to have just recently gained occupants. You look over your new home. It is simple, but given that it was provided freely by the council of Vaeldor, you have little to complain about. Thankfully, the lot of land it sits upon is larger than the building itself, which will be helpful when you decide to expand your work.

Without any fanfare, you begin to settle in to your new life.

Feel free to add any details to your first day in Vaeldor.

2019-07-29, 12:26 AM
Donovan groans internally at the paperwork for admittance to the city, but it's not much worse than even the best of the grant proposals he had to deal with back at the university.

When he approaches and examines his new home, Janet gives him a worried look. "It should work fine, Janet. Yes, it's a tad run-down, but that's perfect for a us trying to emulate the historical artifacts of ages past. And it should give a certain mysterious feel that may attract more to sample our wares."

The two of them work to clear out most of the dust and cobwebs, and Donovan leaves clearing the rats out of the basement to his apprentice as he carves a sign to hang. Soon, Donovon's Curios and Esoteric Wares is open for business. Well, nominally so. He should build something worth selling first.

However, the itch to explore this new land calls to him. Both he and Janet are more inclined to real historical exploration than the mercantile trade. This is more a means to an end than an end in itself, though they both hope to make a name for themselves.

Looking over the map, Donovan talks of a deep exploration to the sea or the snowy regions far from the city. Janet, more reasonably, comments on the funds they currently have and the cost of continuing to operate their shop. Begrudgingly, Donovan agrees that even here research is hindered by more mundane difficulties, and they plot a route for each of them to explore and map...


After about a week's exploration, the two return and share their findings. Quite exciting and exhilarating!

Donovan then gets to more mundane tasks, working on crafting some things for sell. Money is needed for funding, and he is his own patron now, for more good than ill. He sends Janet out to the markets to observe others gathering supplies and selling their goods to improve her sense for such, as well as showing her how to craft the curios he is working on.

I rolled this in the old recruitment thread, but figured would paste it here.

Master Crafter Actions
Craft (-1 resource) (1d100+60)[133]
Craft (-1 resource) (1d100+60)[84]
Explore: Mapping a nearby area (-2 wealth) (1d100+81)[174]

monthly expenses (-2 wealth)

Action: Explore: Mapping a nearby area (-2 wealth) (1d100+32)[108]
Practice: Craft, Sell, Gather

Sell 1 item by default

2019-07-29, 08:30 AM
Conrad groaned, setting his wagon of supplies down in the fattest and plainest of the four rooms. The empty space choked his poor collection of lumber and iron, which seemed to shrink underneath the weight. Unperturbed, the smithy raised his arms in a flowing motion that would encompass the entire room. His mouth widened into a merchant's smile, directed at the boy.

"The stock room."

Kalakelinirus tilted his head to the side and shrugged.

"Right, well you wouldn't know, you're new to the trades."

There wasn't a lot to discuss when lodging with an Elf boy. Conrad went back to that damned wagon, with all his mighty fortune laid to rest in it, and he withdrew from his satchel a hunk of cheese. Finding the room in his shop that he took to be the quarters, he gave the treat to the child and sent him in to have a rest. He had not made it a full turn-around when he felt the boy's prodding on his leg.

"What's your business, lad?" He whipped around. The strange one he'd picked up was staring at the dairy as if he had never seen something like it before.

"Ahh. It's cheese."

Kal's bewildered eyes went from the snack up to Conrad.


"Aye, from goat."

The burly smith went to retreat again, and this time he went unperturbed, making it all the way back to the merchanting room without disturbance. They'd not left him much, but he did have a stack of parchment, and he retrieved his own ink quill to draw up the beginning of a projections sheet.


"Not bad, boy. Don't forget to - oh. You...right, go on."

Teaching a Wood Elf boy how to make a bow was really more a matter of watching him than teaching. Clearly Kalakelinirus been taught a lot about bowmaking and fletching. Of course, there were times when he'd do something that Conrad didn't agree with. But who could say what the bloody Elves knew about these weapons? In all likelihood it seemed that some of the boy's knowledge would be useful insight and some would be primitive hindrance, but Kal wasn't able to disseminate the logic behind his techniques, so there was no way to confirm the validity of any of it. But forget it all - he seemed more pleased than he'd been for all their time together when he was crafting his bow. And handiwork like his could be sold for coin.

"I'll have to find something for you." Conrad said this while pacing across the room, talking over his shoulder to a child that had no ability to understand him. "There's tomes they make for learning Common. But...I think most of the time they make these for savage-speakers or whathaveyou. Not many tomes for Elves out there. Not sure if you can even read your own dialect."


When he saw what was left of the corpses, Conrad said nothing. Just gritted his teeth and clenched his fingers around the axe he'd brought for the trip.

This was the rest of them, he supposed. The members of the boy's tribe that survived slaver exploitation long enough to be brought down by wolves. He was glad to find this spot, for if he ever brought the boy with him on his excursion, he'd know to stay clear of it. For now there was no reason for Kal to know that he had returned to the Woodland territory, let alone to be brought along to face it again.

Even so, there were no prizes here. Or if there were, he'd rather miss them than disrespect these dead by clawing through their torn cloths to get to them. He continued through the woods unfazed. Vaeldor was an explorer's land. He didn't know much about this land, but he knew where the Elves had roamed. Perhaps there was something here. And...well, he supposed perhaps there was a survivor who'd be a better fit for the boy, but the odds of such fortune were not pleasing.

Apprentice Action: Craft Product [roll0]. 1 Premium Longbow. Good on you, kid.
Practise Skills: He learns from watching. In Vaeldor he learns Sell, Research, and Explore.

Master Crafter Actions: I'm going to be rolling Explore checks in area 24. However, if I get a 100+ result, the following checks are instead going to be Hunt checks in area 8. If I get a 100+ Explore and a 100+ Hunt, my third check will be a Research check to work with the exotic resource I found.

[roll1]. Explore 138 - location discovered in area 24.

[roll3]. Hunt 135 - exotic resource discovered in area 8.

[roll5]. Research 63 - +15% Recipe.
I assume a Level 1 Workshop counts for adding 5% to the progress? If not, just 10% then.

-1 Basic for Crafting, -3 Wealth for Exploring. -2 Wealth for Hunting. -2 Wealth for monthly costs. The boy's Bow is sold for 3 Wealth.

New Assets: 6 Wealth, 4 Basic Resources.

2019-07-31, 07:29 PM
A key turns in the locked door of an abandoned warehouse. A moment later, the door swings open, revealing a figure silhouetted in the doorway in front of the evening sunlight. A cloud of dust billows up as he steps inside. He surveys the interior for a few moments, before suddenly spinning back round and looking back out into the street.
"Kate! Where have you wandered off to now?"

A teenage girl, obviously related to the man, emerges from the streets and steps inside the building. "I was only going to look round the area, Tom," she says, slightly reproachfully.

"Time enough for that later. In daylight." Tom runs his hands through his hair, leaving a faint smudge against the yellow. "For now, we're going to be looking around the workshop and," he coughs, "clearing away some of this dust. And then get some rest; it's been a long trip. I'm sure we'll be able to get everything arranged tidily in no time." The girl merely snorts at this last claim.

Over the next couple of days, the warehouse is transformed, as is the small suite of rooms above it. Hammers and tongs, and several more exotic tools, are ordered in. Tom makes several trips out with a wheelbarrow, returning with it full of metal ingots, bits of wood and - on one occasion - a barrel of oil. Things are carefully arranged around the walls of the workshop, and a small display area is set up in the front. Finally, a sign is hammered up above the entrance:

Inventions & Contraptions

1) Mentor (Train) [roll0] (Improving Kate's Craft) Kate's Craft +5 (20->25), -1 basic resource (Mentor 54->58)
2) Craft Product (1d100+81)[90] -1 basic resource, +1 premium product
3) Craft Product [roll2] -1 basic resource, +1 Masterwork product (skill at max)

1) Hunt (area 1) (1d100+40)[63] -2 wealth, +3 rare resources, hunt 40->50
1) Craft 25->28
2) Sell 33->36
3) Explore 26->29

Sold Premium product (+3 wealth)
Paid upkeep on workshop (-2 wealth)

Xantin Rahl
2019-08-01, 11:23 AM
"Now Velery here we are the glorious city of Vaeldor, we finally did it, new opportunities and new dangers but let's get to business

First wee need to hire some more workers if we are to keep the cash coming in, fortunatly i was lucky enoth to sacure one, i thinmk he was thrilled by the idea of working with you
Then ill show you how to male a hat and you can show off the boots you have preparing, you said you had some new tricks
Then run along and watch some usefull stuff like hunting or gathering, wouldent you sweety"

"Hm this hat is not the best of my work lets call it "Wolfhide hat of protection) its good enoth to strike fear in the harts of any animal which sees it, and should let an adventurer have an oportunity to strike first

But that pair of boots you made is trully exquisit, how do you want to call them
"Valeries boots of swiftness you say?" hjm a fitting name if you consider they can dubble the speed movments, thery thery nice job, we should celebrate other a privete dinner once i return form exploring that forest hm??"

Copied from ooc:
Master crafter:
Hire crafter: no exp/ no roll + 2 upkeep, + 1 Normal Product, - 1 base resporce (per week)
Craft a leather hat: 77 (+1 Premium Product), + 2 craft exp, - 1 base resporce
Explore Area 8: Mapping 101 5d10 [10][7][7][10][1](35), - 2 wealth, discovered locatrion + extra

practice skills: Mentor, hunt; gather (+3 exp each)
Craft leather boots: 117 - 1 base resporce, +1 Masterwork Product, +5 craft exp

Misc: Sell base product (from crafter (+ 2 wealth), paid upkeep(- 4 wealt)

2019-08-05, 06:03 PM
Month 1

It's been a little over a month since you first moved to Vaeldor. In that time, the merchant district has become a much more lively space. And though the bartering market near the entrance gates is still bustling, word is starting to spread about the new shops. Little by little, people are starting to recognize your work.

Exploration results that discover a location are private for a player until they make them public. Please do not read exploration results in spoilers that are not for your characters, thank you.

Eventually found locations will become public, so please be patient.

Donovon Fornsworth

Donovon passed through the expanse of fields until he could spot the tree line. While the view from the mountain ridge was exhilarating, the sheer immensity of the forest could only be appreciated from ground level. But such thoughts would have to be explored at another time, Donovon only had enough supplies for a short jaunt into these wilds.

The density of trees was sporadic around here. Sometimes he would spot a solitary tree and other times he would spot a dense copse that he could not see into. Regardless, he felt compelled to continue toward the edge of the forest. And it is here he stumbled upon something truly magnificent.

https://i.ibb.co/dPmfNcd/Tree-Temple.jpg (https://ibb.co/QPDJWc2)

It seems an entire temple complex has been built into a single large tree. The architecture is unlike anything you have seen before and it fascinates in its intricacy. As you approach the site, it is apparent that it has been abandoned long ago. Despite this, it stands in relative peace, perhaps unchanged since it was first built.

Donovon's curiosity grows as he approaches and enters the temple. There must be untold stories and hidden knowledge throughout this entire complex. Without much forethought, he picks a random direction to begin examining and soon finds himself lost within its walls. After a couple days he stumbles upon a throne room. Or, at least, it looks to be as such. Luckily, from here he is able to make out a viable exit. So he takes what loose items he can carry and finds his way back to Vaeldor.

Janet was unsure how much of this land could truly be unknown to Vaeldor. But her master had given her instructions to see what she could find, focusing on what was not yet found. Easier said than done.

But she knew a bit about geology and was acutely aware of the how the river carved a rather deep gorge from the mountains to Vaeldor. And while the road paralleled it, there was much that could be hidden by such a geological process. So she stuck relatively close to the river's edge, even as the elevation began to rise and seemed to sink further and further down below. Until a nearly imperceptible image caught her eye.

Was that hewn stone?

She looked again, but what little she could see from this vantage point made a full analysis difficult. She would have to climb down the gorge to get a better look. She spent the next day making the trek down to get a closer to look at what she may have seen. Her biggest concern was that this effort would all be for naught if the discovery turned out to be mundane.

Eventually, she safely made it to the bottom and was greeted by an unbelievable find.

https://i.ibb.co/GVLMhPK/river-temple.jpg (https://ibb.co/RCm65Hx)

A ruined temple, built into the southern side of the river gorge, it would be completely unseen from the road. Janet examines her surroundings for a bit and cannot see an easy route from here up, perhaps such a path once existed but is no more. But she had little time left before her supplies ran out so she decided to check out what she could find within the structure.

Within the first few steps within the temple she comes across the skeleton of a long dead adventurer. Closely examining the body she sees that it has been impaled by spikes. Hidden spikes. Inside the walls and floor. Not willing to risk her life for the sake of her curiosity, she takes what little she can find of value on the dead body and makes her way back to Vaeldor.

I would like to point out that you posted your in character actions in a different order than the order of your rolls. Do keep in mind that the order of your actions is important. As such, I will take the order of your rolls as the order you took your actions.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 4 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 6 Wealth, 1 Masterwork, 1 Premium
Sales: 3 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: +3 Wealth, -2 Basic, +1 Masterwork, +Reputation

Donovon XP: +6 Craft
Janet XP: +5 Explore, +3 Craft, +3 Sell, +3 Gather

Conrad Mercer

It was a bit of a surprise, honestly, to find as many elves this far west. To survive the hike over the mountains without a trail to walk and then to navigate the forests to this point was almost miraculous. But something had to be driving them to charge this far west.

If Conrad hadn't been purposefully watching each little detail in the trees, he very well could've missed it. Not to far further west from the dead elves was a building seemingly built out of the trees themselves. He discovered it to be less a building and more of an entrance way leading to a massive door.

https://i.ibb.co/nmtPVjk/forest-door.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

It takes Conrad a few days of studying the door before he is finally able to get it to open. Within, it is dark and air smells of mold and wet wood. He walks cautiously with his light source as he attempts to note the use of the structure. He sees a few words written in elven that he cannot make out on the walls.

Perhaps the elves had hoped to make it here to find refuge. But then, how would they know of this place?

Questions pile up in is mind as he searches just beyond the door. But is soon stopped by the fact that he can find no further way to explore. Beyond the door he entered, there seems to be no other way in or out. With his supplies dwindling, he is forced to head back to Vaeldor with many questions in mind. As he leaves he spots a gem on the floor near one of the walls. Noting its finding, he pockets the valuable and heads out of the forest.

Hunting in the Northern Plains
Unsure what can be found in these new lands, Conrad keeps a keen eye on anything that may seem out of the ordinary. Within a few days, he finds himself resting within a small group of unfamiliar trees when he notices one of them is producing a deep red sap. He is able to collect a small amount before the tree seemingly is empty of the material. Looking around, he notes that all the trees are of the same species and that the ground around them is slightly reddish in tint. Perhaps these trees produce a small amount and then release it? This ecosystem is truly alien to Conrad, but he is happy with his find.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 5 Wealth, 1 Basic, 1 Exotic (sap)
Gained: 1 Rare, 1 Exotic (sap), 1 Premium
Sales: 3 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: -4 Wealth, -1 Basic, +1 Rare, +15% Recipe (sap), + Reputation

Conrad has discovered a source of Exotic Material. He gets to name it. Also, feel free to add some extra detail to the material.

Conrad XP: Explore +4, Hunt +2, Research +1
Kalakelinirus XP: Craft +5, Sell +3, Research +3, Explore +3

Tom Dockson

Hunting around Vaeldor
Kate gets a few bewildering looks as she wanders around and within Vaeldor. Perhaps she is convinced that there is something to find, or maybe she just wants an excuse to explore all the nooks and crannies of the city. Regardless, her efforts are not in vain as she does find an abandoned crate of some stuff that she is sure her brother could make good use of.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 3 Basic
Gained: 2 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 3 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: -1 Wealth, -1 Basic, +2 Rare, +1 Masterwork

Tom XP: Mentor +4
Kate XP: Hunt +5, Craft +8, Sell +3, Explore +3

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Dhakos had spent a few days exploring the plains before he decided to check out some of the outcroppings of trees. As he approached it was obvious that this one, in particular, was very dense. Perhaps some hidden gem would be awaiting within. The going was difficult, but he eventually made it to what assumed was a central opening and was met with an odd surprise.

Before him was a large assortment of buildings built off the ground and around a large tree.

https://i.ibb.co/Tc3nLrR/tree-house.jpg (https://ibb.co/gyKXV6w)

Dhakos could see no reason why the structure was built as such, but that did little to deter him from approaching and entering it's main entrance. The room he walks into is obviously an entrance hall for guests. The art on the wall and the general decor would indicate as such, despite age taking its toll on both.

Behind this room looks to be some royal chamber. Housed within is what looks to appear royal jewelry stored within a glass like structure. Dhakos is able to make quick work of the lock and retrieves the valuables. And, despite wanting to explore further, he knows his supplies are limited. Perhaps he will return better prepared in the near future. For now, he heads back to Vaeldor.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 3 Basic
Gained: 4 Wealth, 1 Normal, 1 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 2 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: 0 Wealth, -3 Basic, +1 Premium, +1 Masterwork

Dhakos XP: Craft +2, Explore +1
Valeria XP: Craft +5, Mentor +3, Hunt +3, Gather +3

Xantin Rahl
2019-08-06, 12:47 AM
Hey Valeria, since your boots were so nice, let's see how you fare with a belt, shall we"?

"Hm, not so nice as the boots but still good. We should call this "the leather belt of holding" - It should allow the wearer to carry much more equipment - you should remember how you crafted thin and next time make a bag - would be more useful

"Letts see what that lovely forrest has to ofer, you can treat this as a date? No.??!, oh well then while I do that please go watch someone teaching how to hunt and explore"

Crafter employe Crafts Normal product. +1 normal product, - 1 basic resource
Valeria Crafts leather belt: 90 . + 1 premium product, - 1 basic resource, + 5 Craft exp (currently at 47) (basic resources are at 0)
Valeria trains Mentoring, Hunt and Explore: + 3 exp each: (42, 38, 16)
Dhakos Coriumfaber (action1): Gathers resources: 149, + 5 basic resources, + 4 Gather exp (64)
Dhakos Coriumfaber (action2): Goes to map area 8 again 98 and (5d10)[8][1][9][1][10](29) - 2 wealth
Dhakos Coriumfaber (action3): Sell 164. Sells masterwork product at +6 wealth and Premium product at +5 wealth

Misc, Auto sell base product at + 2 wealth
Pay upkeep at -4 wealth

2019-08-06, 06:08 AM
Conrad yawned, looking over at the drawn window shade. Curses...he'd been working for so long, sunlight was beginning to creep through. Now he had a drowsy morn ahead of him. Even so, he could not bring himself to retire from his work. Before him was an unusual set of apparatus. On his left was a piece sheet of parchment, with his favoured inkpen, scrawled with a table of times and weights. To his right, a set of scales. The first plate was empty - the second was weighed down by a small pouch of sand. In front of the blacksmith was the first thing he'd actually smithed since arriving in this land. An improvised steel plate on short legs. He was using it as a safe surface for a fire. A very small fire, at that - a pool of something no wider than a gold piece had been spilt out onto the steel, and was blazing bright enough to illuminate the room.

The blacksmith was becoming short of breath. "Right!" Retrieving a small bucket from the room's corner, he let forth a splash of cold water onto the flame. The fierce hissing sound and the plume of steam announced the conclusion of the fire, and now all that remained on his steel plate was a quickly-boiling puddle of water, and a lump of tree sap.

"Let's see..."

It was work that took great care. With trembling fingers, Mercer slowly scraped the extinguished northern sap into a waiting glass jar. Holding his breath, he gently placed the jar down on the scales, opposite his bag of sand. The plates shifted...to even. Equal weights. The blacksmith ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head as he did.


Tree sap is flammable. This is common knowledge for travellers - in a pinch, it can be used to make torchfire. However, the exotic resource Conrad found to the north is a special kind. It burns for a very long time when ignited, but far more importantly, it burns very efficiently. A hunk of the sap can be used to light a fire for an hour or so without losing enough mass to make an impact on the scales. While being rather expensive for common folk, it could easily make an elite light source for adventurers who are in the habit delving into Mad Lich Tombs and Ancient Dread Pirate Catacombs for days at a time.

This exotic resource is now called Dragon Sap.

The smithy rushed to his feet, then stopped himself, and turned around to quickly make the recording on his paper.


Dashing to another work station, he returned to his business on what looked like some sort of alchemical project. The sap could be distilled, thinned, turned into a...

He heard something.


Turning around, Conrad saw Kalakelinirus. He was caught off-guard, but not surprised - the child would wake up every day at dawn without fail, and his footfalls seemed totally silent. What surprised him was that Kal was leaning over the steel cook-plate, his face resting on the scales, his nostrils hovering just over the opening of the sap jar. The elf was sniffing it, taking in delicate whisks of the smoky aroma, and smiling to himself.

"Careful, the steel's hot!" Conrad made some very unhelpful hand gestures and then went to grab some cheese, but before he could open the buckle on his pack, Kal was knocking on a wall for his attention. The smith wheeled around yet again - his companion was drawing his attention to the Vaeldorian map that was hung upon the wall. Kalakelinirus pointed at the Dragon Sap, and then at Conrad, and then at a north-eastern point on the map. Conrad nodded. "Yes, found it there in the trees."

There was a pause as Kal stopped to recall something. Then he smiled, took the map down from its place, and unceremoniously laid it along the floor. With Conrad's favoured pen (when had he taken that?) he carefully started to make small marks upon the parchment. Miniature drawings of trees. Conrad approached in disbelief.

"You know where the trees are?!"

Kal silently looked up, performed his adorable dimple smile yet again, and then continued to work the map.

Kalakelinirus will spend this month Hunting Area 8 for more Dragon Sap. Hunt [roll0]. +2 Basic, +2 Rare, -2 Wealth.
Practice Skills: From watching this whole process unfold, he's probably learning Craft and Research. Add in Explore from the hunting experience.

Conrad will spend all three actions working on his Recipe. By distilling Dragon Sap at an extremely precise ratio, it can be turned into a glaze that is sufficiently thick to retain its adhesive and flammable properties, while being thin enough to coat the business end of a weapon without taking the sharpness from its strikes. The application has to be very thin because it is going to be applied between a wax layer (bonding it to the steel) and a varnish layer (aesthetic, but also stops the sap from rubbing off, sticking to things, or lighting too easily). This whole process is very elaborate and scientific, but the end result is a crimson red blade that, when struck properly against stone, or lit manually with flint, catches fire and remains alight until extinguished, even if used in combat. In other words, with some occasional required maintenance, Conrad can make nonmagical flaming swords.

Research [roll1].
Research [roll2].
Research [roll3].

Total Progress is now 60%.

-2 Wealth from Upkeep.

New Assets: 2 Wealth, 6 Basic, 3 Rare.

2019-08-06, 10:51 PM
Donovan and Janet were both excited about their finds. And, between the artifacts found at those locations and the mess kit being sold, they had plenty of funds to finance further explorations!

"I like the idea of exploring further abroad, but I'm rather interested in what you found, Janet. I think I'll go have a look there myself. Hmm... I do hear of exploration parties, but I'd like to keep this just to ourselves for now.

So, here's the plan. I'll go explore the ruins you found, and also spend some time looking for anything unusual in the nearby area. In the meantime, I'd like you to map some of the rest of that area, see if there's any other evidence of that civilization nearby. Or anything else interesting, of course."

Janet is smiling. This is way better than the boring lectures and note-taking of the university.


Janet returns first, but she was expecting that. Her master was planning to be gone for about two weeks. But she did worry, especially with the death-trap she had found. To pass the time, she tries her hand at crafting some of the curios she's seen him work on and then selling them to passer-bys. No big items or big funds that really amount to a lot, but she uses the spare change she makes to buy some nice bread from a nearby bakery.

But she is a trained academic, so she also passes the time reading through some of Donovan's library (scant though it is, as he was required to leave almost everything at the university, and he did leave most of what he was required to). She gets a few budding ideas of some knick-knacks they could make, though they're fuzzy at the moment.


When he returns, Donovan leads Janet into the locked basement to show what he has found, and to hear of her new findings.

Oh, indeed, this is a marvelous land! Dangerous in some ways, yes, and mercantile, but marvelous!

...but, the doldrums of necessity come. Knowing that his shield-ward will almost certainly sell this month, Donovan decides to spend some time gathering supplies lest he run out. One nice thing about the university was having student-staff to handle such trivial concerns.

Doing actions in Region 2, where Janet found her POI

Donovan Delve the ruins that Janet found, solo venture (1d100+81)[153]
Explore rolls: (5d10)[7][4][1][10][7](29)
Donovan Hunt near the ruins that Janet found for any rare resources (1d100+54)[97]
Donovan Gather supplies (1d100+56)[74]

Janet Map again, to find other stuff near the ruins she found before (1d100+37)[132]
Explore rolls: (5d10)[2][2][8][6][1](19)

Craft, Sell, Research

2019-08-09, 01:36 PM
Over the next month, Tom creates a handful of intriguing contraptions, many of which are quickly made and sold for little profit. Most impressive is a small glass dome with a model of a house inside. When a clockwork mechanism is wound up, a family of model figures emerges from the house and dances around before returning back inside.

Much more immediately eye-catching, however, is the machine taking form in the centre of the room. It consists of a large boiler of water with a fireplace beneath it, and a lot of pipes above it connecting to a piston and a wheel. With enough heat below the boiler, steam goes through the pipes and moves the piston. At present that's as far as the device goes, making it a little useless, but Tom has several different potential uses for it. Unfortunately, he can't seem to get the temperature high enough to provide the piston with enough force for any of them, without consuming large amounts of fuel. With nothing better to do with it, Tom absent-mindedly takes to using it as a way to boil his kettle.

Kate, meanwhile, continues her habit of disappearing to explore the local area without telling Tom where she's going. Soon into the second month of their time in Vaeldor, she vanishes for longer than usual - disappearing shortly after breakfast and not coming back until after tea-time. Tom, of course, is frantic by the time she bursts back in, and begins a furious "where have you been?" speech. Kate uncharacteristically interrupts him.

"Sorry, sorry, I know, I was gone far too long, but look what I found! I was tired of being in the city and I went out for a walk and it was getting chilly so I tried to make a fire and I found this bit of coal and look!" So saying, she grabs some tongs, and plunges the coal into the fireplace briefly before pulling it out and showing it to Tom. The coal is blazing merrily, but is not being consumed.

"Do you realise what that is?" Tom completely forgets about chastising Kate in his excitement at the discovery. "I've heard about it, but never even seen any before. This could be what we need to make the steam machine work. Where exactly did you say you found it? Could there be more there?"

For the rest of the month, Tom works exclusively on integrating the coal into his new device. There are a number of issues to be dealt with - most notably, that the heat from a single piece of burning coal, even evercoal, doesn't compare with the temperatures achieved in a conventional fireplace at any given moment. However, by the end of the month he feels he's made good progress and the engine is working as well as it was with its normal fuel source.

1) Hunt (area 4) (1d100+45)[141]
Practice: Gather, Explore, Craft

1) Research (Recipe) (1d100+67)[83]
2) Research (Recipe) (1d100+67)[164]
3) Research (Recipe) (1d100+67)[75]

Sell masterwork item (the glass dome toy)

2019-08-12, 01:51 AM
Month 2

Word has started to spread of a new material known as Dragon Sap that had been discovered in the surrounding area. Supposedly, it was found by one of the new merchants in town. Needless to say, others are now attempting to harvest the material as much as they can.

All POI are public knowledge upon discovery.

Donovon Fornsworth

Donovon moved cautiously through the ruins. Its purpose is not immediately clear, but he thinks it was a sight of worship. Though, he is unable to determine the nature of either the people who used it or the religion they followed.

But most surprising was the nature of the traps. Donovon realized that each trap had a bypass and by estimation, these were here even when the temple was in use. But why?

Through some trial and error, he is able to make it through a few corridors and eventually finds a room full of gold statues and other small treasures. Some of the statues here seem to depict a long reptilian. Perhaps it is a representation of the river or the visage of some dragon that had inhabited the area long ago. Regardless this is the first room that looked to both have information and anything worth taking back to Vaeldor.

Pleased with the find, he spends a few days here taking notes and collecting the valuables.

Hunting along the river to the East
With his findings in tow, Donovon was not able to examine the surrounding area in much detail. He did discover some detritus that had found its way, he suspects, downstream. Following the trail, he found a small cache of usable resources.

Exploring along the river to the East
Janet had felt quite please with her discover last month, but thought to look further up stream to see if there was anything of note. Much to her surprise she found a small stream that looked to feed into this river. Following this stream, she stumbled upon a small swampy area.

Located at the bottom right of area 2, north of the river.

She wondered how such a natural occurrence could be overlooked by the people of Vaeldor, but she figured most would've found such an area to be of no consequence. Luckily, she was not one of those people.

After mapping the swamp for a few days, she discovers that it probably once was fed water from the main river, but some geological process had cut it off from the source. It, now, is a repository for standing rainwater.

You have discovered a swamp near the river, name it.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 9 Wealth
Gained: 5 Wealth, 8 Basic, 2 Rare
Sales: 4 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: -2 Wealth, +8 Basic, +2 Rare, -1 Masterwork, +Reputation, Renown increases to 2

Donovon XP: +3 Explore, +2 Hunt, +1 Gather
Janet XP: +5 Explore, +3 Craft, +3 Sell, +3 Research

Conrad Mercer

Hunting in the Northern Plains
Kalakelinirus knew where to look, but found the ephemeral nature of the sap frustrating. He did find a small vein of exposed ore. Without the success of finding the sap, the elf decided to mine some of the ore to bring back to Vaeldor.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth
Gained: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Sales: -
Net Change: -4 Wealth, +2 Basic, +2 Rare, +45% Recipe (Dragon Sap),

Conrad XP: Research +7
Kalakelinirus XP: Hunt +5, Craft +3, Research +3, Explore +3

Dragon Sap (-) 60% Complete

Tom Dockson

Hunting south of Vaeldor
Kate was unsure exactly where she was, but with the waning light, she was forced to find material to make a campfire. By the time morning came, she noticed that some of the fire was still burning. This piqued her interest and she attempted to snuff the fire so she could see what was causing the fire to continue to burn. To her surprise she noticed a small piece of jet black coal.

In the time she spent looking for her way back to Vaeldor, she kept the stone with her to keep her campfires burning through the night.

When she finally found her way back to the city, her brother knew what she had found. It was Esperion. The material was known to many back in the central lands, but what created it was still a great mystery. Add to the fact that sources of the material were infrequent and of low quantity, it made for its mystery to only deepen.

Its name is named after the sun, Esperia. It is mythologized that it is a piece of the sun that has found its way to the ground and waits to burn again.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 1 Exotic (Esperion)
Gained: 1 Exotic (Esperion)
Sales: 4 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: -1 Masterwork, +60% Recipe (Esperion), +Reputation

Tom XP: Research +7
Kate XP: Hunt +5, Craft +3, Gather +3, Explore +3

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Exploring to the North
Dhakos uses his previous find as a central point to begin his search for other unique sites. After a couple days of exploring, he finds a small ruin about one days walk south of where he started.

Located near the center of area 8.
Most of the buildings have been weathered to nothing by the passage of time. Only one building still stands mostly intact. Dhakos thinks it had been a meeting hall or even a small church. Unfortunately, its purpose was equally washed away by time.

After a few days of mapping and examining the ruins. Dhakos is sure that there is nothing of note, but marks the spot on his map and heads back to Vaeldor.

You found some small ruins about a 1 day walk south of the location you found earlier, name them.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 5 Basic, 1 Normal, 1 Premium
Sales: 13 Wealth (1N, 1P+, 1M+)
Net Change: +7 Wealth, +3 Basic, -1 Masterwork, +Reputation, Renown increases to 2

Dhakos XP: Gather +4, Explore +2, Sell +1
Valeria XP: Craft +5, Mentor +3, Hunt +3, Explore+3

Xantin Rahl
2019-08-12, 01:56 PM
"We have a load of work this month Valeria, my love
I shall untrust you with the workshop, your task will be to craft some nice thing to sell as you continue your training
I will be out exploring

Please don't treat this task lightly I do plan to give the workshop to you as a wedding gift one day, so please don't be stunned
Also, we might have to cut back on the fancy dinners I've been taking you out to lately but hey, I now we will manage,

Don't fail me I trust you; oh and that place we found let's call it "Ecclesia Dhaskosi" - we will name the next one after you"

"Ecclesia Dhaskosi" - first some explanations Ecclesia is from Lain - Church; Dhascosi is a play of words on my character name and the word cascus - wich means "primitive, old"
Caucus went to Dhascus and that went to Dhaskosi

For the in-game stuff

Valeria Crafts a Cloak: (1d100+47)[104] Valeria is trying to craft a cloak that helps with hiding on a 100+ you are treated as having full cover and can cast invisibility once per week, on > 50 grants full cover on <50 grants partial cover, this is effective only against nonmagical attacks , - 1 resorce + 1 masterwork product
Valeria trains: Mentor, Resarch, Gather (+3 exp each)

Dhakos Delves 3 times solo at the first place he found (that treehouse looking one)
Delve 1:

Delve 2:
(5d10)[1][2][8][1][5](17)/ reroll if needed for duplicate result (5d10)[10][4][4][10][1](29)

Delve 3:

Wealth -10 + 7 exp (overal)

Crafter makes item which is sold

2019-08-13, 02:55 AM
"Right. Stop!"

At Conrad's command, Kalakelinirus sat back and removed the ladle from the cauldron. He went for a bucket of water to put out the fire. Conrad shook his head and looked around him - the storefront was a mess of pots, instruments, wax, varnish, and their last few drops of Dragon Sap.

"This was supposed to be a smithy's shop..."

Rolling his head to the right, his eyes fell on the longsword resting on the counter. It was the greatest he'd ever made - good shape, of course, but the boy's people apparently knew the sword as well. It had been a group effort. Better yet, all of this experimenting with the flammable sap had given it..."extra tempering". He lumbered up to his feet and grabbed it by the handle.

"If we're done for today, I suppose I better take it to market so I can afford to buy your dinner..."

Continued work on the recipe.

Research (1d100+52)[76].
Research (1d100+52)[74].
Craft an item. Craft (1d100+42)[113].

Kalakelinirus Research to get the last bit of progress. Research (1d100+28)[115].
Practice Skills: Craft, Explore, Hunt.

2019-08-13, 07:51 AM
Month 2 End

As Donovan returns home, he realizes why so many take teams on their delves. Yes, it was a fruitful experience, but how much more he could have done if he had a few wagons with him and extra hands. Definitely worth sharing his find. This wasn't academia where publishing a paper first mattered greatly, with the knowledge being secondary; it was a mercantile thing of finding knowledge and, well, wealth, too.

All in all, a good lesson for the ex-professor.

When Janet tells him of the swamp, he is beaming with pride.

"Well, Janet, as it is your find, I think it's proper that you come with the honor of naming it."

She muses for a few minutes, but then a wry smile comes to her face. "Facault Stillsprings." Donovan gives out a hearty laugh. Facault was the name of their old university. To name a swamp near this major mercantile and adventurer city after it... well, it was a touch complementary, but also a bit of a slap in the face to those who had scorned them both.

Month 3

The past month had been a good one. Between the bustling business, their finds, and selling one of those reptilian statues he brought home, he realized that more adventurers were starting to come by his shop. That shield-ward that sold probably helped a lot, too. When word spreads that you have real magic items for sell, it attracts good clientele.

He looks over his dingy shop, thinking about potential upgrades. And how his storeroom is full and could use expansion. And about hiring some help with the more mundane tasks. He had confirmed last month that hunting for supplies was not his idea of fun. But all that can wait.

As he and Janet look over their notes, books, and maps, Donovan decides that first-things-first for a shop should be making something to sell. For Donovan, it goes quite well. Drawing inspiration from the temple he found, he makes a small, onyx reptile with golden eyes and teeth (having saved some of the gold from the temple). Enough of the essence of the temple seems to reside in it that it gives a selective sense of reptilian awareness. After some testing, he realizes that it gives a small bonus to one's perception of traps and lizard-like animals. A strange mix, but handy nonetheless. (Fortunately, Janet had become friends with the trapsmith down the street, and that person was as willing to have someone test his traps as Donovan was willing to test his curio.)

Janet's progress is... less impressive. She was attempting to create another shield-ward, but the magical inlays were off and she chipped the edge of one of the Venetian circle-runes. The end result was something good for sell as a replica and a good luck charm (with the honest disclaimer that luck was not guaranteed), but not something Donovan in honesty could sell as any true magical artifact.
But it did sell at the end of the month. So that was something, and rose her spirits.

After their crafting is done, Donovan decides to set out on another adventure and exploration, leaving Janet to man the shop and study as she wishes. He'd heard rumors of some of the other finds folk had made, including that impressive Dragon Sap (not really his thing, but intriguing nonetheless; he wishes his old alchemy professor friend was nearby), so he decided to explore a bit further. Loading up a donkey-drawn wagon with supplies for a couple weeks, he heads to the coast.


First, some unadventure crafting: (1d100+66)[149]
Feeling adventuresome, so let's Map Region 19 (by the seashore) for 3 wealth total (2 base + 1 distance).
And Hunt while there: (1d100+56)[129]

Apprentice will Craft (taking place before Hunting)
Practice Sell, Hunt, Explore Research

Expenses: 3 explore + 2 Hunt + 2 monthly expenses
Use up 2 basic resources.
Sell Janet's normal product to make 2 wealth.

Note: I used +81 instead of +84 for Donovan's Explore roll. Either number gives well above 100, so I reckon it doesn't matter, but mentioning it in case some behind-the-scenes table makes it matter.
Question: So I found an exotic resource, right?

NOTES FROM OOC: doing Craft, then Hunt, then Explore.

2019-08-15, 05:49 AM
Over the next month, Tom works obsessively on the steam machine. The heat from the Esperion is constant but not very great given its size, so he incorporates several of flywheels into the engine, moving the boiler down into the old fireplace and making use of the space thus freed up. While not in use, the steam heated by the Esperion constantly winds up the wheels, which can then be triggered to unwind and activate...whatever Tom decides to put on the top of the machine. After some thought, he also incorporates a system to condense the steam and drop it back into the boiler, to make it require less frequent top-ups. With enough charging time, and a little tweaking, the engine can now release almost unlimited amounts of power for short periods.

Tom then begins to think about what the machine could actually do. Given the nature of his customers in Vaeldor, he creates a number of different designs for tools useful to adventurers. Then, disaster strikes.

Tom and Kate are their evening meal in the rooms above the workshop, when there comes an enormous "BANG" from downstairs. Rushing down, they find a gaping hole in the machine, where the boiler used to be. The boiler itself is now embedded in the walls and floor. Worse, a shard of metal has shattered the piece of Esperia, and despite Tom's and Kate's frantic efforts it remains refuse to relight. Tom's hair becomes a darker shade of grey as he runs Esperia-covered hands through it every few minutes.

Kate returns to where she found the Esperia, hoping to discover more. She returns carrying only some normal, albeit high quality, coal that she found in the same place. Tom, meanwhile, performs a post-mortem on the machine. It seems that the water in the boiler ran low despite his recycling system, and that as a consequence the balance of pressures failed causing the boiler to explode. He scribbles down a design to stop this from happening - putting out the coal and activating a warning if the water levels in the boiler runs low. He's confident the machine will not explode again, at least not for the same reason. If, that is, he can get another piece of Esperion to actually make the machine again.

In the last few days, with nothing better to do, Tom returns to making another small item - a robust clock for tracking time underground. Distracted by the recent disaster, though, he doesn't give it his full attention and the clock, though high quality, is not up to his usual standards. Unsatisfied with his work, Tom tries again, and produces a far better quality product. Ironically, the poorer one sells first, to a frugal group of adventurers attracted by the lower price.

1) Research recipe [roll0]
2) Research recipe [roll1] Reversing this planned action, as I'd forgotten about the workshop level bonus to recipe research and thus my first action should have completed the recipe already.
2) Craft: (1d100+81)[91]
3) Craft: (1d100+81)[163]

Explore: [roll2]

Edit: My bad, thought this was the dice thread. I'll edit this to be my IC post momentarily.

2019-08-19, 01:00 AM
Month 3

With word spreading throughout Vealdor of Dragon Sap, it wasn't long until merchants and adventures were able to find profit in the find.

However, word began to spread of another source of rare fuel. This one was not unknown to the world: Esperion. The material is jet black and looks like coal to the untrained eye. There are many legends surrounding Esperion, but little is known about how it is created or where to find it.

The adventurers of Vaeldor began to take heed of the new crafters in the city. Not just because of their wares, but because of their ability to find that which was overlooked. To that note, the ruins of Ecclesia Dhaskosi to the north and the swamps of Facault Stillsprings to the east were soon added to local maps.

As more and more exotic resources are discovered, their availability will fluctuate. Availability represents how much an individual player can purchase in a single turn.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 1

Most recipes cannot be shared between characters as how each artisan uses the exotic resource will be a bit different. There will be situations where this isn't the case and it will be noted up front.

Also, most exotic resources will have more advanced recipes that can be unlocked by further researching it. Any player that discovers a recipe will be told if more research will unlock a more advanced recipe.

Donovon Fornsworth

Hunting the river delta
In search of untapped resources, Donovon heads west to the nearest coastline. The trip is not too difficult as there is a small village nearby that provides resources to the inland Vaeldor. But his concern is not that which is known, but that which is unknown.

He spends a few days examining the beach and its natural elements. The wildlife here is not as foreign as he had hoped, but there were some sights of interesting note; from nesting habits of the seabirds to the small reptiles and insects in the sand.

Unsure what he was looking for, Donovon did his best not to overlook even the smallest detail of the area. It was during this effort he came across what he believed was just another nest of a seabird. As he approached he realized it was empty and felt he could examine the nest up close. When he finally reached the nest, he was surprised to see that there was a reflective material within the nest. Retrieving the material, he was even more astounded to find it was the inner lining of an eggshell.

Pleased with his find, Donovon began to examine the area as a whole. Natural formations were all well and good, but this land was ancient and, from the stories from the adventurers in Vaeldor, was likely inhabited in the past. However, the proximity to the coast meant any such ruins could be far more weathered than in other locations.

Having spent a few days looking for signs of older civilizations, Donovon decided to put some effort into examining some of the natural formations around him. When he spotted an odd rock formation off the coast, he thought nothing of it. But, the tide had receded and he decided to approach the formation to take a closer look.

Upon closer inspection, he realized he was looking at a structure built into the natural stone.https://i.ibb.co/Yf8JPjX/coastal-castle.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Donovon marveled at the ingenuity and the engineering. Entering the structure carefully, he found that some of the structure was difficult to navigate due to the weathering it had experienced. Eventually he did find himself in front of an open room with a large door laying on the ground in front of it. The spoils within included some amazingly ornate dinnerware and some loose gems.

Worried about the unknown shifting tides, Donovon took what he could carry and left the way he had entered.

You have discovered an exotic resource name it and some extra description to both the outside and inside appearance of the eggshell.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 6 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 6 Wealth, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic (eggshell), 1 Normal, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 2 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: +0 Wealth, -2 Basic, +2 Rare, +1 Exotic (eggshell), +1 Masterwork, +Reputation

Donovon XP: +4 Craft, +2 Hunt
Janet XP: +10 Craft, +3 Sell, +3 Hunt, +3 Research

Conrad Mercer

The secret of its application wasn't how to treat the sap, but how to treat the material to which it was to be applied. With that in mind, Conrad put to bear a new alloy that would allow the sap to seep into the material itself. This was truly a momentous discovery.

Greater still, was realizing that different alloys may change the properties of Dragon Sap. (Advanced recipe possible)

Trading in Dragon Sap (Event)

A voice calls out in the early morning. Conrad exits the backroom to see a young adventurer.

"I've heard tale that you are the one that discovered Dragon Sap. And, well, I would like to help you out in discovering how to use it."

They pause for a moment as Conrad looks them over.

"I'm looking to test my skills in other fields beyond adventuring. But before you give me your answer-"

The young adventurer reaches into their coat and pulls out a vial.

"I have my own sample to use."

1. Accept the adventurer's help and begin researching on an advanced recipe for Dragon Sap (+30%)
2. Convince the adventurer to sell the sample to you (-4 Wealth, +1 Dragon Sap)
3. Take them on as an apprentice (Kalakelinirus steals the sample after you dismiss him, Gain an Apprentice (5d10) very skilled in Hunting (60). Name and describe the adventurer.

This choice applies to the end of this month.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 1 Basic
Gained: 1 Masterwork, 1 Recipe
Sales: 4 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: +2 Wealth, -1 Basic, Unique Recipe (Dragon Sap), +Reputation, Renown increases to 2

Conrad XP: Research +6, Craft +1
Kalakelinirus XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Explore +3, Hunt +3

Dragon Sap (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete

Tom Dockson

It's not too hard to see why this material was mythologized. It is an amazing material, but the fact that it is easy to shatter (thus destroy), was always the sticking point. A special material would be needed to both protect the material and withstand the heat. But the only material that he could that would do both was a diamond. But he couldn't simply drill a hole and place the material in the center of one, because damaging a diamond was very difficult. In fact, the only way to do so was to use a tool coated in diamond dust.

That was it! An internal coating of diamond dust!

While creating with ways to make a diamond dust coating, Tom accidentally spilled some acid on a small piece of Esperion and it turned to liquid. Much to his surprised, this changed some of the core properties of the material. (Advanced recipe possible)

Hunting south of Vaeldor for Esperion
Kate tries her best to trace her steps to find the Esperion, but the pure happenstance nature of her original find made it nearly impossible to recreate. Luckily, she found an abandoned campsite with some usable materials within. She takes the find back to her brother rather than heading back empty handed.

I kept your original set of actions as you did need another action of research to get to 100%. Also, I believe you had a typo when you set Kate's action as Explore as you used her Hunt skill, so I am assuming that is supposed to be Hunt.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic
Gained: 2 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 4 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: +0 Wealth, +1 Basic, +2 Rare, Unique Recipe (Esperion), +Reputation, Renown increases to 2

Tom XP: Research +6, Craft +1
Kate XP: Hunt +5, Craft +3, Research +3, Explore +3, Increase to Rank 2

Esperion (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion) 100% Complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Dhakos leaves Valeria fully prepared to be gone nearly the full month. He treks the short distance to the site and makes camp.

The first few days, he spends his time mapping some of more easily reachable locations. Unfortunately, the flooring in some places looks to be unsafe so he notes these in his maps to ensure he does not fall and cause injury to himself.

At the end of the first week he finds a well built, locked door. He sets the next few days attempting to open the lock. When he eventually gets the door open, he is disappointed to find that the flooring here had given way and most of the rooms contents had weathered away far below on the ground. What he does find are some good quality textiles. Good enough to use despite their age. Also, he finds a very nice quality bolt of silk.

Despite the average find, Dhakos continues searching the ruins, but the faulty floors force him to keep his search limited. Eventually, he does find what he presumes is a blacksmith workshop. The floor here was well supported for the work and some of the items here look to be in usable condition. And even more surprising is the unattended diamond on the workbench. Perhaps one last task that never saw completion. Regardless, Dhakos would find a use for the material. As for everything else, he would probably be able to find a buyer or two for the items.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 11 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 5 Wealth, 6 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Normal, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 2 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -8 Wealth, +4 Basic, +2 Rare, +1 Masterwork

Dhakos XP: Explore +7
Valeria XP: Craft +5, Mentor +3, Research +3, Gather +3, Increase to Rank 2

2019-08-19, 08:40 AM
Month 3: Finding the Eggshells

The inside of the eggshell is lined with a pink, crystalline structure, similar to quartz. It captures the sunlight and shimmers back. Testing the shell, he learns that while the shell itself is no stronger than a normal egg, the inner lining is exceptionally strong.

Looking at the native sea-birds, Donovan hypothesizes that something the birds eat must have certain salts or minerals from the ocean in it, and that somehow those come to line the eggs. Getting a closer look at a sleeping bird, he notices it has a very long, fine beak, akin to a specialty chisel he's had to used to cut gemstones. This leads to a further conclusion that the chicks must use that beak to cut a break into the seam of the crystal, thereby allowing their exit.

Hmm... makes sense that the birds don't seem overly concerned about guarding their eggs. Most wildlife can't eat them!

While back at home, he does some tests on sections of the gem. It is 'pliable' in a sense, as chiseling along a seam in the crystalline structure makes an easy break. Moreso than most gems he's worked with. He runs a few magical resonance tests on it, and discerns that it does have an affinity for birds, flight, and salt. Not quite sure what to make of the last one, but maybe elements of purification or just water?
Regardless, he's pretty sure he can use this to make some curios that have useful magical properties. Maybe even one of the legendary items that grant levitation!

A good name escapes him for a while. Until he recalls the Venetian Empire's rumored crystal helms that enabled flight. He'd found records of them in his travels, but never any remains of one.
Thus, he decides to call it Venetian Seastone.
Hmm.. well, maybe a good name still escapes him, but this should work.

Month 4

Donovan looks over his workshop and his findings. Janet is doing well; he's proud of how she ran the shop while he was off by the coasts.
He decides this is the month to upgrade his shop. He's hoping he's not making a mistake. It's a risk, as the increased room means more rent and maintenance costs... but he's optimistic.

But first to get some capital for the renovations. He and Janet both set out to crafting. Donovan is anxious to try out his Venetian Seastone, but the vigor of the last few months has set him against the idea of spending months of research. Maybe later, but not for today. He doesn't dare waste the Seastone he had collected on this month's work, but he does incorporate some of the mundane eggshells. Perhaps to make a minor protective ward?
Urgh... not quite. The amulet, crafted of eggshell, isn't quite up to par at channeling the protective nurturing aspects of nature. He gets the sense that it will work, but only temporarily. Hmm... perhaps like how an egg will break, so maybe it's the material more than his imprecise methods? Or so his ego would like to think. Regardless, he has a ward that will protect the user for a few blows before shattering. The historian in him laments how many artifacts were lost due to lazy or incompetent craftsman who make non-permanent artifacts.

But Janet does remarkably well! Her previous month's work at the shield-ward seems to have given her the insights needed, and this time she perfectly matches the in-lays. And using red rubies instead of clear quartz! A slight metaphysical and aesthetic change, but it gives a prettier look and seems like it might channel the ward more efficiently. He praises her skill and research.

Then he sets off to start working on upgrading the shop. Expand the basement, certainly, as well as adding a secret room where he can do research on his Seastone. Build extra bedrooms for potential additional apprentices, and an extra workstation--he and Janet had felt cramped when working alongside each other that first week of crafting! He still kept a bit of the dingy and worn-down feel, but now it was more obviously an aesthetic choice instead of an economical necessity.

Physically exhausted and mentally worn from the work, Donovan decides to try again exploring the nearby region. It would be remarkable if, between he and Janet, they managed to map the entire thing. He asks Janet to practice her sales pitch, as they may need the additional revenue next month, but otherwise leaves her to her own initiative. Having seen the Seastone, she decides to focus on the skills needed to make such a find herself.

He finds his exploring tiring, but mentally quite invigorating!

I'm hoping to get region 2 fully mapped.
Janet's Craft roll was over 100, whether she's +35 or +40.

Master Crafter
Craft (1d100+70)[88]
Explore Region 2 (1d100+84)[148]
Upgrade Workshop

Craft (1d100)[76] +35 or +40. See question in OOC thread.
Practice Sell, Research, Hunt

-2 basic resources
-2 rare resources edit: I thought workshop upgrade was -2, but it's -1
-1 rare resources
-6 wealth (4 workshop upgrade, 2 explore)
Dice Results
Craft Masterwork and Premium.
Good exploration mapping (100+)
Auto-sell Premium for 3 wealth.

Xantin Rahl
2019-08-19, 02:26 PM
Valeria felt a sense of pride, her teacher entrusted her with more and more work as well as looking after her, he was always flirting with her but he treated her as an equal and not like some piece of meat, she was gradually growing on him, lets see what this new month brings, maybe they can find a new interesting place which they can explore together?

In the meantime Dhakos was thrilled with what he found altho he did think that the place would offer more if he hired a skilled group or even made the venture more public but funds were needed for that so he needed a bigger and better workshop

Suddenly he had an idea, other then upgrading the workshop, he should teach Valeria to teach others, if she is to become a master one day she would need to learn this important skill, other then that he should craft something, he decided to stick with a bag of holding as adventurers always need those

"Valerie my dear, I want to teach you a thing or too, so please let me explain you a few things after that I trust you so please do anything you please"

Dhakos is not too happy with his monthly creation, the bag did alow to hold a couple more items but it still did not lighten the burden
However, he did feel that his teachings were fruitfull

He took a long look at the now modified workshop, The banner was bigger and a better display of his works was also arranged. He even managed to improve some of the tools that he used in his day to day work, now he wondered what Valeria would be up to this month, he missed her already

1. Mentor Valeria in mentor (1d100+30)[100] Dhakos Mentor goes up to 34, and Valeria's to 53 (+8), - 1 Basic resource
2. Craft Leather Bag (1d100+51)[98] - 1 Base resource + 1 Premium Product
3. Upgrade workshop - 4 wealth - 2 rare resource

Hunt in region 7: (1d100+38)[112] Found exotic resource, - 2 wealth
Train (New values in brackets: Mentor (55), research(33), Craft (54)

2019-08-19, 08:24 PM
Conrad appraised the little vial, eyeing its whole form as if he were seeking imperfections.

"...You found this yourself?"

A quick glance over his shoulder, at the state of the shop. Shrugging his shoulders, he waved the youngster in.

"Come on, kid, I'll fix you breakfast. Have you read Thatcher's volume on metallurgy, perchance?" As he walked, he swiftly picked up a dulled blade of some strangely silverish metal. "This is our base alloy. We're going to be modifying the constituents to find alternatives."

He looked proudly at his work for a second, chuckling to himself.

"There's a lot of work to do in here. Sometimes we'll even smith things."

I'll take Option 1 for the 30% Recipe progress.

Research Advanced Dragon Sap [roll0]. +30%.
Research Advanced Dragon Sap [roll1]. +30%.
Research Advanced Dragon Sap [roll2]. +30%.

120% Total. Recipe done!

Kalakelinirus will Craft something this month. Craft [roll3]. -1 Basic. 1 Premium Product.
Practice Skills: Research, Hunt, Explore.

2019-08-22, 01:17 PM
The next morning, Tom finds a small queue of people outside the workshop, enquiring about what the noise last night was. Tom lets slip that he's been working with Esperion, and within days word seems to have spread around the craftsmen of the city. The Docksons find that their associates start viewing them with somewhat more respect, although that respect seems to decrease a little as time goes on and no Esperion is forthcoming. Tom decides that if he's going to continue working with such things in the future, he's going to need some finer tools, and so he goes out on a shopping spree. He also takes the opportunity to add an automatic shutter to the storefront, and earns himself a bit more space to work in by covering over part of a small yard outside the backdoor.

Kate, meanwhile, is still spending a lot of her time out hunting for more Esperion. Since she didn't have any luck retracing her steps on her previous expedition, she tries climbing a nearby hill, reasoning that perhaps the piece she found fell down from a small deposit on one of them. Besides, she wants to see what the view's like from the top, and didn't get a chance to on her previous trips.

It turns out that the view is very impressive. Looking back, she can see the city of Vaeldor with forest stretching away behind it. Ahead, the hills rise up and little is visible beyond. And to her right, she can just see the ocean, painted red by the setting sun. In fact, the view is so impressive that she almost misses what she came for. Embedded in the rock of a small cliff face is a single black rock. Excitedly, Kate strikes a match...and the coal ignites without burning up. She puts the Esperion out, gets out a small chisel, and with agonising care begins to cut the rock holding it away from the cliff-face. As it comes away - rock and all - another piece drops out of the cliff behind it. However, there seems to be no sign of any more, so Kate makes a mental note of the location, carefully hides the precious Esperion in her bag, and returns home.

Tom is delighted with the Esperion, and finally completes his device with the first piece of Esperion. With the addition of a little diamond dust, he protects the Esperion from shattering and somewhat amplifies the heat it produces. After some further effort, his steampowered machine is ready. After some thought, he decides the best way to interest adventurers would be to make it into a weapon. He'd have preferred something more peaceful and productive, but ironically that was what got his workshop burnt down last time and he's learnt his lesson. He attaches a head which is able to fire projectiles - either enormous numbers of crossbow bolts all at once, or up to three cannonballs. The engine itself gets wheels added, but Tom suspects that any adventurer interested in buying this will already have a means of transporting heavy items.

Once it's done, he spends the rest of the month poking at the other Esperion, trying to see if it holds any more secrets.

Tom's first action: Upgrade workshop to level 2
Kate's action: Hunt in the Esperion square: (1d100+55)[115] (2 Esperion)
Tom's second action: Craft Esperion recipe: (1d100+82)[106] (-1 rare, -2 basic, -1 esperion, 100% completed recipe)
Tom's third action: Research Esperion (-1 Esperion) (1d100+75)[142]
Kate's practices: Craft, Research, Explore

2019-08-26, 04:34 PM
Month 4

The construction guilds found a sudden surge in membership as new buildings were being built and old buildings were remodeled across Vaeldor. The market district was no exception. With each passing day, the amount of bartering occurring near the city gates was decreasing. But it would continue thrive even though much supply was added, as demand was still very high.

Greater still was the wealth of new and exotic resources being discovered.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 1
Esperion: 1

Sellers (employee) will now apply a +1 to the base price of an item if it is the only item available for sale.

These items will not sell until the Sell action is taken (either by master crafter or an apprentice). These are special products and require the right kind of buyer to appreciate the value in them. After all, it wouldn't help you get your name out into the public if some fool took your wonderfully crafted item and died in the first dungeon they climbed into.

Donovon Fornsworth

Exploring the river to the East
Donovon was sure he had seen the remnants of a trail somewhere down by the river bed. But the water was to deep to navigate up from Vaeldor, so he had to approach from the top of the ravine. It took him a couple days to find a viable spot to trek down toward the steep embankments, but eventually he found himself at the bottom.

Unsure how close he was to what he had seen previously, Donovon decided to first walk upstream; east, away from Vaeldor. He spent a couple days walking in this direction without finding what he had seen. Deciding that further search would need to be done at a later time, he turned to head back to Vaeldor.

After a day of walking back the way he had come, he spotted something he had missed while walking east. He had somehow walked passed an obscured opening in the northern edge of the ravine. And the opening became more obvious as he found evidence of a path the led in and out of it. Entering the opening, Donovon followed a small tunnel that eventually led to an opening. In the center of the opening was something he had never seen before.

It is hidden in the northern bank of the river's edge in the south eastern part of area 2.

For a moment, reverence washes over him as he stares at the phenomenon. But, before long, he is studying and closing examining the entire site.

You have discovered a magnificent phenomenon, name it and describe an aspect of it.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 6 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare
Gained: 1 Basic, 1 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 3 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: -5 Wealth, -1 Basic, -1 Rare, +1 Masterwork, Workshop Level 2, +Reputation

Donovon XP: +4 Craft
Janet XP: +5 Craft, +3 Sell, +3 Hunt, +3 Research

Conrad Mercer

It took some trial and error, but eventually Conrad would see that he needed to treat the sap itself as an additive to an alloy. This was a difficult process, but by mixing it with other oils and compounds, he could keep the sap from igniting while mixing it into an alloy of precious metals and iron.

As he recalled the manner in which he found the sap, this almost doesn't surprise Conrad. It seems the true power of this material lay in the way in which it is imbued into a material. As such, he ponders how those without his background may infuse this material into their own works.

Regardless, the metal allow he had just made was unlike anything he had made before. It was a deep crimson red and gave off a continuous heat from within that seemed to intensify the longer it was held. Whatever tool he turned this metal into, he would have to take this heat into account.

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 1 Basic
Gained: 1 Premium, 1 Recipe
Sales: 3 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: +1 Wealth, -1 Basic, Epic Recipe (Dragon Sap)

Conrad XP: Research +7
Kalakelinirus XP: Craft +5, Research +3, Explore +3, Hunt +3

Dragon Sap (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete
Dragon Sap (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete

Tom Dockson

Hunting south of Vaeldor for Esperion
Kate's hunting proved rather fruitful and with a successful find, she camped for the night. By morning, she awoke to discover that the very hill she had found the Esperion in was no longer next to her. In fact, it looked as though the hill had never even been there. Kate would note the location, but was unsure how a hill could vanish so suddenly or so quietly. Then again, this stuff is hard to find, maybe because moving hills are the source?

The value of Esperion
Near the end of the month, Dockson's got a visit from a short man. No. Scratch that, Dockson's was visited by a dwarf. Tom hadn't seen many let alone interacted with any. And he was even more perplexed by his demeanor. Mostly because the dwarf would walk around the room, look at the new device that Tom had created, stare at Tom for a bit, then leave without say a single word. Tom wasn't sure what to make of it as the dwarf would do this everyday, with each day taking longer to examine the device. Finally, just as Tom was going to close up the shop on the last day of the month he heard a gruff voice speak out from the doorway.

"You're not getting money until you give it a name. It just seems wrong that such a creation wouldn't have a name.

Well? What do you call it?"

Your unique creation deserves a name

Monthly Costs: 2 Wealth
Spent: 6 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare, 2 Esperion
Gained: 2 Esperion, 1 Unique
Sales: 0 Wealth (-)
Net Change: -8 Wealth, -2 Basic, -1 Rare, +1 Unique, +30% Recipe (Esperion), Workshop Level 2

Tom XP: Craft +2, Research +2
Kate XP: Hunt +4, Craft +2, Research +2, Explore +2

Esperion (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion) 100% Complete
Esperion (-) 30% Complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Hunting northwest of Vaeldor
Valeria had spent a few days looking for anything out of the ordinary, but everything here could be described as such. The vegetation was weird, the fauna was weird, even the air felt weird. Unsure what she was looking for, she decided to first become familiar with that which was normal here. First there where the trees, supposedly some could produce Dragon Sap, but most of the ones she found seemed normal and sapless. But, most had distinct leaf shapes, so this should help her identify anything out of the ordinary there. Next were the birds, they each sang a birdsong she had never heard before reaching Vaeldor, but these sounds weren't uncommon even in the city. Finally was the fauna. This land was made extra strange as all the beasts here seemed to be variations on creatures she knew back home. From tiny deer-like creatures, to small burrowing creatures that resembled rabbits except for the fact that it's face was bald and it had two long tails. They are called grageks and they are the most prevalent creature around, used in food and providing a constant source of leather and furs for her and Dhakos to work on.

And it was while she was watching a family of grageks leave their burrow that she saw one that looked unlike any she had seen before. The creature's fur had a deep purple hue to it and the skin on its face was a slightly lighter shade of purple. Confident that this was what she should be looking for, she carefully followed the creature until she was sure she had a good shot and took it down. When she got the creature, she was surprised to see that the fur had a slight shimmer to it. This was something that she was sure would get Dhakos' attention.

Too taut or to be taught? That is the question. (Event)
During Dhakos' mentoring of Valeria, he was surprised to be interrupted by an elderly woman.

"Not bad, but you could do better."

The woman takes a nearby seat and looks directly at Dhakos.

"I plan on creating a university here in Vaeldor and it will need knowledgeable and well-versed individuals to see it succeed. I have no doubts on your depth of knowledge, but your ability to share it seems to be lacking."

She pauses a moment as she ponders a thought.

"In that regard, I would like to offer my services. I am quite capable in tutoring you in the art of conversational teaching. Now, before you ask, this service will not be free, but know that the money will be going to fund the founding of the university."

1. Accept the tutelage (-1 Wealth, Dhakos +4 Mentor XP)
2. Offer to provide well-crafted outfits for future university staff (-2 Basic, +3 Weatlh)
3. Convince her to train your apprentice (+1 Monthly Upkeep, Each of your apprentices gains an extra practice (Mentor) every month)

Options 1 and 2 would apply this month. Option 3 would go into effect starting next month and can be cancelled any time as a free action.

You discovered an exotic resource, name it and describe it.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 6 Wealth, 3 Basic, 1 Rare
Gained: 1 Exotic, 1 Normal, 1 Premium
Sales: 2 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -8 Wealth, -3 Basic, -1 Rare, +1 Exotic, +1 Premium, Workshop Level 2, +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Mentor +4, Craft +2
Valeria XP: Mentor +8, Hunt +4, Mentor +2, Research +2, Craft +2

2019-08-26, 08:29 PM
Month 4 Findings

"What in the heavens is this!" exclaims Donovan as he sees the mysterious sphere. Something almost of pure water and light floating. Like something of myth or legend.

He carefully maps the location and does several sketches of it. He notices that water is materializing below it, flowing down to the pool below. Unfortatunately, the water doesn't seem to have any qualities other than being exceptionally pure and refreshing. Donovan camps there, and feels revitalized as he leaves after a quick rinse in the pool.

Watersoul Spring, he decides to call it.

However, as the realities face him, his spirits lower somewhat. His expedition was profound and revitalizing in multiple ways, but it did not pay the bills. And he learned in cold reality how much the bills mattered as his workshop space had increased.

In his nervousness, he did a poor job crafting the works he needed to sell to make up for the last month. He did manage to make a ring that makes one feel clean and refreshed, and repels from one's own senses any ill odor, bu the had hoped to emulate the qualities of Watersoul well enough to make a ring that truly kept one clean, not merely gave the personal illusion. No doubt those who travel with whatever adventurer ends up purchasing this ring will share a similar regret.

To raise his spirits, he and Janet look over the seastone, trying to divine some special qualities for it. He has heard of the findings of Dragon Sap and Esperion -- who hasn't? -- and some of the ills of academia surface in a professional jealousy. Perhaps that is why, though he makes some findings, they aren't as profound as he would like.

Fortunately, his lessons in teaching Janet the art of salesmanship pay off. Oddly, in a sense, since he isn't that great at it himself. (Part of the reason he got so few research grants.) But he had read in the theory, and Janet seems better at applying it than he ever was. By the end of his lessons, she shows more skill than he has.

And it does show! When she moves to sell their goods at the end of the month, she does a truly remarkable job. With a hint of sadness but a lot of pride, Donovan notes that his neonate apprentice is making a name and way for herself, too.

Craft (1d100+74)[92]
Research (1d100+60)[83], using up Venetian Seastone to start research on a recipe
Mentor (1d100+52)[112]

Apprentice Sells (end result over 100, since +48 bonus after applying Mentoring). This success should put her into a Rank 2 apprentice. EDIT: I mixed up her and Donovan's original Sell rating of 38. I think she's at +43 before her action, so just +48 after a success. So still rank 1, but really close to rank 2. At least, if I did the math right this time. Despite the mix-up, still over 100 so the Action's results don't change.
Practice: Research, Craft, Hunt

Xantin Rahl
2019-08-27, 01:15 AM
Month 4 results:

"Valeria, you brought me a gift?, This is stunningly beautiful, where did you find it. I love yo... I mean it" I promised you the right to name the next find. I'm sure with the proper research I can use this shimer to duplicate a mirror image effect on items, now how to make that work".

Valeria thinks for a moment she knows how much Dhakos like strange names so she decides to Call the material "Pellis Purpureus" so plain old Purple Pelt

"Ah Valeria, this is Helen she will be teaching you, and any future apprentices how to be a good teacher"
Turn 5 Actions:

Dhakos knew he needed funding, with the workshop growing bigger the costs kept piling up. But he also wanted to look into using the Pellis Purpureus, so much to do so little time. He finally decides to spend 2 weeks on research and 1 on selling items. He then asks Valeria to craft some products for future sales.
Valeria decides on speed boots

The boots Valeria made turn out to be fabulous, she is nearly hesitant to sell them they would look so nice on her
Dhakos is equally impressed with his results

Chooses option 3 and hire Helena
Research: Recipe: (1d100+47)[146] 35% completed research, Research goes to 51
Sell: Sell 2 products at + 2 (1d100+82)[111], if possible to sell Valeria's newly crafted boots (2 masterworks) if not 1 masterwork and 1 premium. Wealth +16/+14, Sell goes to 84
Research: Recipe: Research: Recipe: (1d100+47)[115] 35% completed research(70% total), Resarch goes to 52

Valeria crafts a masterwork speed boots: Craft: (1d100+54)[131], - 1 base, + 1 Materwork, craft goes to 58 (+4 as she is lvl 2)

Trains new values in brackets each at + 2: Mentor (from Helena 57), Research(35), explore(18), gather(35)

2019-08-28, 06:52 PM
A season after its first opening, the Traveller's Steel was finally starting to sound like a smithy. The dings and bangs of men at the forge could be heard all day long, offset by the sound of carts coming and going with crates full of construction material. Parchment was signed, steeds whinnied, a young sprooker paced the streets past noon to peddle wares.

Inside, Conrad and the boy looked up from their work only occasionally, to wipe the sweat from their brows and look back over their sketches. Five swords, of make and quality unlike anything they could ever have imagined, were drawn up in all their glory on a poster that was hidden behind a sliding cabinet. Nodding to one another, they returned to their torrid work by the forge, making ordinary (for now) swords and spears for the heroes of Vaeldor. It was rough, painful work - but they needed the money. Now that the plan was set, they would need a lot of money.

Conrad Action 1: Hire a Seller.
Conrad Action 2: Craft an item [roll0]. Premium.
Conrad Action 3: Upgrade the Workshop to Level 2.

Kalakelinirus Action: Craft an item [roll1]. Pfft, come on mate. Premium.
Practice Skills: Sell, Hunt, Explore.

2019-09-02, 06:30 PM
Tom pauses for a moment in response to the dwarf's question. In truth, he hadn't settled on a name, although he'd come up with a few possibilities. The dwarf is beginning to look impatient when Kate pipes up.

"SPERA. It's called SPERA. Steam-Powered Expulsion of Regular Ammunition. And the name of a mythical hero from our homeland, who rode around on a fire-breathing dragon. It seems appropriate."

Our of earshot of the dwarf, Tom remarks that it would be more accurate if the machine actually spewed out fire. "Hmm...that gives me an idea." He hurries off to make a few scribbles in a notebook, before returning to complete the transaction.

1) Continue research on Esperion [roll0]
2) Craft [roll1]
3) Craft [roll2] OR research [roll3] if he has at least 8 wealth by this stage of the turn (before monthly costs, etc, and before Kate's actions below) (I'm not sure when the sale of the SPERA kicks in, or how much I get for it)

1) Hunt for more Esperion [roll4] OR Sell [roll5] if we don't have at least 6 wealth by this stage of the turn and we have two crafted items
Practice: Sell/Hunt (whichever wasn't used), Research, Explore

2019-09-04, 01:40 AM
Month 5

The city is abuzz with talk of the Watersoul Spring. Within days, excursions to visit the site became a daily occurrence as people of all walks of life wanted to visit the magnificent site. Questions started to arise as well; who created it? Where are they? What is its purpose? Why are there so many forgotten ruins and dungeons throughout this area?

It isn't any surprise that people continue to move from the central lands to this distant land. Glory and riches are bountiful in Vaeldor.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 1
Esperion: 1
Venetian Seastone: 0

Donovon Fornsworth

With Donovon and Janet working within the walls of his workshop, their primary interaction is with the adventurers who are looking for unique items to aid in their excursions into the wild. Nothing particular of note occurs during the month, but Donovon notices more people entering his shop than before, perhaps his name is becoming better known within Vaeldor.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Venetian Seastone
Gained: 1 Premium
Sales: 20 Wealth (2M+2, 1P)
Net Change: +16 Wealth, -2 Basic, -1 Venetian Seastone, -2 Masterwork, +Reputation, Renown increases to 3

Donovon XP: Craft +4, Research +2, Mentor +1
Janet XP: Sell +15, Craft +3, Hunt +3, Research +3

Conrad Mercer

In a bid to capitalize on the information he has learned, Conrad focuses his time on core infrastructure of Traveller's Steel. Occasionally, he here's a muttered breath mentioning Dragon Sap, but no one questions him directly.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 4 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare
Gained: 2 Premium
Sales: 6 Wealth (2P)
Net Change: -2 Wealth, -2 Basic, -1 Rare

Conrad XP: Craft +2
Kalakelinirus XP: Craft +5, Sell +3, Explore +3, Hunt +3

Dragon Sap (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete
Dragon Sap (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete

Tom Dockson

Selling Spera
The dwarf is taken a little aback at Kate's sudden interjection. But after a moment, he continues to engage her on the mythical creature and before long the two are discussing mythology and its connection to modern technology. They spend a couple hours speaking before the conversation comes to a lull.

"I have to say, this has been a fantastic conversation."

He looks over at the spera then back at Kate.

"I'll buy it!"

You had a few instances where you made multiple rolls for differing options, so I just took the first roll each time. In the future just make a d100 roll unmodified if you are going to put conditional statements in you actions.

Also, income is only gained at the end of the month, so whatever you have at the start of the month is all you have for any given action during the month. Gather and Hunt are the only two exceptions to this.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 2 Basic
Gained: 2 Masterwork
Sales: 30 Wealth (1U+2, 1M+2, 1M)
Net Change: +26 Wealth, -2 Basic, -1 Spera, +35% Recipe (Esperion), +Reputation, Renown increases to 3

Tom XP: Research +4, Craft +3
Kate XP: Sell +4, Hunt +2, Research +2, Explore +2

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion) 100% Complete
Esperion (-) 65% Complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Dhakos puts his focus on the newly discovered hide that Valeria has dubbed Pellis Purpureus. As such, neither he nor Valeria spend much time away from Dhakoses Leathers.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 2 Basic, 1 Pellis Purpureus
Gained: 1 Masterwork, 1 Normal
Sales: 19 Wealth (2M+2, 1N)
Net Change: +12 Wealth, -2 Basic, -1 Pellis Purpureus, -1 Premium, -1 Masterwork, +70% Research (Pellis Purpereus), +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Research +5, Sell +2
Valeria XP: Craft +4, Gather +2, Mentor +2, Research +2, Explore +2

Pellis Purpereus (-) 70% Complete

Xantin Rahl
2019-09-04, 04:44 AM
With each passing day Dhakos works on unlocking the secrets of Pellis Purpureus, he feels it in his guts that a few more moments of work might alow him to unlock some of the secrets of this fascinating material. It was almost as beautiful as the one who found it, Valeria"

"Valeria my dear, I need to concentrate on providing us more materials to work this but this skin is so interesting.
As you will be taking over the workshop 1 day I will allow you to decide on your own time".

Valeria was more and more stunned with Dhakoses approach, at first she thought he was just leading her on promising the workshop, but the more time passed by the more she realized that he might not be joking, he was such a sweet and caring man, she slowly started looking at him differently, she decided to incorporate the advice Helena gave her on their last lesson, practice your weakest skills to be a jack of all trades

Research recipe: (1d100+52)[135] +35% - Recipe finished (105%), Research +4(56)
Craft boots of haste: (1d100+53)[119], +1 Masterwork, - 1 base (3) (see ooc), craft +2 (55)
Gather: (1d100+64)[115] + 5 base r (8), Gather+1 (65)

Valeria: Map ragion 8: (1d100+18)[68] (5d10)[7][9][7][8][10](41) 2 Wealth (11) (see ooc), Found Poi, +4Explore (22)

Train: Sell(31), Gather(37), Research(37), Mentor(59) (all gained +2, New values in brackets)

Other Stuff
Crafter crafts basic product, + 1 basic(1), - 1 material(7)
Auto sell of basic product, - 1 base (0), + 3 wealth (14)
Pay upkeep - 7 wealth (7)
Values in brackets show current value after change so wealth is -6 (7), + 1 masterwork (so I should have 1 masterwork and 1 premium), base resource is at + 3 (should be 7)

2019-09-04, 08:49 AM
After the previous month ends, Donovan realizes that this might be the very first month both he and Janet remained in the city the entire time. The effort shows -- especially in the influx of wealth at Janet's newfound talent -- but an itch for exploration gnaws at Donovan nonetheless. The two of them sit down to discuss future operations, though gladly interrupted by travelers and adventurers more than ever before.

"Well, boss, if we can make some rare item, like what the black- and steam-smiths are making, that'd be quite a credit to our name. I know I'm not as experienced examining the qualities of stuff like that as you, but I'd like to give it a whirl."

Donovan nods approvingly, not only because that frees him up a bit. "Excellent. I've been thinking of poking around Watersoul some more, see if there's anything else there. Y'know, if we can fully map that region, it might open up more avenues for easy access, maybe even someone will put in a road through the more mundane plains." Donovan shrugs. "That temple you found, with the death-traps. I've been thinking of revealing it to the world, leading some of the smaller expeditions." He gets a wry smile. "Maybe you can use some of our side money and spend some time in the taverns, talking to the adventurers. Get an idea of a group or two that'd be worth hiring as escorts and delvers."

Janet gives a smile. While she's been social with other shopkeeps and staff, she hasn't taken the time to enjoy some of the other amenities the city offers.


Other than his adventure, Donovan decides to focus on crafting. If they are to do a delve soon, he wants to keep his funds steady. Yeah, he could take a loan from the bank, but the country boy part of him balks at that. It's a small part of him, long smothered by the academic life at Facault, but a part of him that he realizes has been awakened by the adventures of late.

His first crafting, done before his travels, is rather remarkable. He manages to truly emulate the properties of Watersoul and make that Ring of Cleansing he desired to craft last week. With all the talk of Watersoul, he is rather sure it'll sell quickly.

After his travels, and one night 'exploring' the taverns with Janet, he has another idea as he is left with both very sore feet and rather distracting images of a dancing girl who performed as a wind spite, wearing dozens of flowing ribbons. He crafts a set of bracelets to be worn upon the ankles, with pretty silver entails and a small opening one could use to attach them securely to a bootstrap, pantstring, or (as is in his memory from the dancer) a flowing ribbon. However, perhaps because of the distraction, the small runes and inlays don't count mesh up with the right metaphysical properties, and the effect is limited. It does help strengthen the legs and relieve pressure on the feet, but it doesn't help alleviate any existent soreness and -- as Donovan tests by strolling through town a couple days to view the competition and enjoy the sights of such a varied populace -- the magic fails after about 3/4ths of a day.

Still, a pretty bauble and a respectable trait. It sells well, to a warrior who half-jokingly remarks that he'll use it during a night of dancing so that he's ready for the morning's hike.
Yet still, Donovan isn't quite happy with that work. He'll leave the carousing to Janet and other younger folk.

Also, it just hit me that a Brewmaster, making exotic beers to raise morale and work like magic potions, could have been a cool PC concept.

First action
Craft (1d100+78)[161]
Second action, Explore Region 2
Explore (1d100+84)[90] That's enough to find a POI, right?
Third action:
Craft (1d100+78)[94]

Janet Researches the Venetian Seastone (1d100+44)[66]
Train on Craft, Sell, Explore

Between last month and this month, pretty sure that puts me at 40% Recipe completion.

2019-09-05, 06:41 PM
Over the next month, things become relatively quiet at the Dockson workshop. Tom finally completes a further improvement upon his use of Esperion. Unfortunately, Kate fails to find any more for them to work with, despite wandering the area. Eventually, Tom declares that a more rigorous search is called for. Using some of the proceeds from selling the SPERA, the pair both set out, Tom carrying several pens and pieces of paper, to map out the area where they found the Esperion.

Kate: Hunt in area 4 (1d100+61)[86]
Practice: Explore, Research, Sell

Research the new Esperion recipe (1d100+81)[133] (I believe this is enough to complete the research? If not, consider the next action to be another research instead)
Explore area 4 [roll0]
Explore area 4 [roll1] (If the area is fully explored after the first action, instead make this a craft)

Dice rolls:



2019-09-05, 08:30 PM
Bang. Bang. Bang.

The process went on through the night with no sign of slowing. Steel was coming in and mighty weapons were going out to the adventurers of Kaeldor from Conrad's new, improved storefront.

Bows, too, and spears. The merchant had learned from the Elf as much as the Elf had learnt from the merchant, and so the craft of the Traveller's Steel became unique; not exactly the work of foreign men, but also too dissimilar from the human arts.

Buying 6 Basic for 3 Wealth.

Conrad Action: Craft Item [roll0].
Conrad Action: Craft Item [roll1].
Conrad Action: Craft Item [roll2].

Kalakelinirus Action: Craft Item [roll3].
Practice Skills: Sell, Hunt, Explore.

2019-09-11, 01:50 PM
Month 6

The city of Vaeldor continues to grow. New adventurers and merchants show up daily; some alone and some with families. By now, word of new sights and discoveries should be reaching the heart of the central lands and will probably convince even more to take on the journey west. And as those of you have become familiar with the vast city, you soon come to realize that the city has more than enough room to accommodate any and all who would take the journey.

But, why was it built so large? Did they anticipate such numbers?

These questions hang around unanswered as each day's activities vie for their measure of attention.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 1
Esperion: 1
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 0

Area 2 has been fully explored! Access to Hunt areas 10, 11, 12 has now been unlocked.

Donovon Fornsworth

Exploring East of Vaeldor
Donovon hoped to find more along the river, but suspected there was little left for him to personally discover. He turned to look at the rolling plains to the north. Something he had seen at the bottom of the gorge caused him to pause and think. Following the hunch north, he spent a few days searching for anything that may have been overlooked by the many who had presumably walked across this area. As he looked, he began to notice small sections where the grass thinned. Donovon began mapping these patches and realized an ancient road crossed the area. Based on his observations, he could tell that the road connected with Vaeldor, but was unsure where it could be leading. It was not long until he came across an intersection; it seemed the road continued north and east.

The intersection sits just north of the center of Area 2.

Pleased with the discovery, Donovon follows the road back to Vaeldor to ensure that it does so.

You have found a road with an intersect, give it a name.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: Wealth, 2 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 1 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 4 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: -2 Wealth, -2 Basic, +1 Masterwork, +Reputation

Donovon XP: Craft +5, Explore +2
Janet XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Sell +3, Explore +3, Increase to Rank 2

Venetian Seastone (-) 40% Complete

Conrad Mercer

Conrad focused his efforts on crafting goods for the many adventurers that now frequented his store. A few wondered if he was working on something special and yet unseen, but were pleased with the quality arms available to them regardless.

Monthly Costs: 6 Wealth
Spent: 3 Wealth, 4 Basic
Gained: 6 Basic, 4 Premium
Sales: 8 Wealth (2P)
Net Change: -1 Wealth, +2 Basic, +2 Premium

Conrad XP: Craft +7
Kalakelinirus XP: Craft +5, Sell +3, Explore +3, Hunt +3, Increase to Rank 2

Dragon Sap (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete
Dragon Sap (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap) 100% Complete

Tom Dockson

Tom had stumbled on the discovery earlier, but needed to carry the thought all the way through. It was possible to turn esperion into a liquid with the right application of acids. However, much of the trial and error came from the fact that the resulting liquid would evaporate too quickly.

His first step was finding the correct concentration of acid that would keep the viscosity of the liquid esperion uniform. The second was finding the correct compound to add to the liquid to keep it stable. Eventually, he succeeded in stabilizing the liquid.

And as he began to work with the liquid he was quite perplexed by its properties. At first he attempted to ignite it, only to find the flame would die upon contact with the material. Next he attempted to heat it, but found that would not increase in temperature at all. He had stumbled onto a very efficient heat-sink. It was a material that absorbed heat energy instead of producing it!

Tom also discovered that the only hard crystalline structures where necessary to keep the esperion from losing stability. So, whatever end product he created would need to house the esperion in a gem or a shaped glass container.

Tom, having set out to find what he could of the area south of Vaeldor, decided to head for the hills. It was unlikely that anything of note could be found in the flat plains and he figured the hills would have more to possibly find.

The hills here were disorienting, Tom would often find himself atop one that he believed he had already climbed. As such, he started marking the tops of the hills to mark which ones he had already surveyed. Eventually he discovered a magical force "convincing" him subconsciously to avoid certain hills. But once he realized this force, he was able to push his mind past the suggestion and move in a direct line toward what he believed to be the source.

As he crested a hill, he was surprised to see the next hill over covered in holes. Unsure what he was seeing, Tom approached the hill and stepped inside.


To his surprise, he found himself within a room with a seat, or perhaps throne, made of crystal. This was obviously some entrance hall that had long been abandoned. Not far into the structure he found stairs leading down. He followed this path to another large cavernous opening that could best be described as a large hallway. To either side were many pathways leading away from this central location.

Tom decided to pick a random pathway to explore and found himself within what he presumed was once a private residence. The place had long been uninhabited, so he began to log some information on what he found. Much to his surprise, a rather large collection of jewelry was untouched. Tom added these items to his pack before heading back up.

Exploring South of Vaeldor
Continuing his search for anything of the ordinary, Tom looked among the hills and soon stumbled on what he assumed was a forgotten tombstone.

This is to the bottom center of Area 4.

It sat in the middle of a valley between two plain hills; a placement that seemed to hold no discernible significance. Furthermore, any and all markings on the tombstone had faded and worn to the point that they are no longer decipherable. While Tom studied the statue, he found a couple of hewn gemstones that seem to have once been apart of the statue laying in the dirt nearby, which he pockets.

You have discovered a statue in the middle of some hills, give it a name.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 6 Wealth
Gained: 5 Wealth, 2 Basic, 5 Rare
Sales: 0 Wealth (-)
Net Change: -5 Wealth, +2 Basic, +5 Rare, Epic Recipe (Esperion), +Reputation

Tom XP: Research +4, Explore +3
Kate XP: Hunt +4, Sell +2, Research +2, Explore +2

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Esperion (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion) 100% Complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

The fur of this creature was truly magnificent. As far as he could tell, it had the ability to absorb or negate magical energies. Perhaps there was a reason the grageks needed magical protection, but he was not a biologist and the question was less important than the properties of the fur. The hardest part to work with was that protection was related to the defensive bristling of fur by a gragek. But such biological properties would have to be simulated in the hide.

Dhakos attempted many different approaches, from magnets to chemical additions. But it wasn't until he discovered that the fur had a very small natural vibration that he decided to test if any gemstones had a matching vibration. It turned out that the only gem that had a matching frequency was amethyst, perhaps the purple of both materials was a coincidence, but Dhakos doubted that. With the addition of amethyst gems to the hide, he could activate the protective nature of the fur.

Something did catch his attention as he worked to discover how to activate the fur's anti-magic properties, at one point he noticed that the hide stiffened, almost to the point of leather, when in contact with one of the chemicals he was using. But before he could examine it further, the hide had returned to its flexible state. (Advanced recipe possible)

Exploring North of Vaeldor
The forests seemed to call out to Dhakos, but he opted to focus on the plains between Vaeldor and the forests first. Not that there were no trees to be found even here in the plains. In fact, a fair number of dense copses dot the area and it is within these areas that dragon sap can be found. But Dhakos found it odd that there would be dense groupings of trees in an area like this. So he decided to start examining these copses for any possible answers as to why they seemed to group together. It was while exploring one such copse that he found a ruined object.

In a copse to the south east of Area 8

There were no other objects or statues around it to aid in discerning what its purpose was, but his curiosity was piqued and he spent the net few days noting anything he could about the object.

You have found a thing in the middle of some trees, name it.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 5 Basic, 1 Normal, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -6 Wealth, +3 Basic, +1 Masterwork, Unique Recipe (Pellis Purpereus), +Reputation, Renown increases to 3

Dhakos XP: Research +4, Craft +2, Gather +1
Valeria XP: Explore +4, Sell +2, Gather +2, Mentor +2, Research +2

Pellis Purpereus (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus) 100% Complete

2019-09-11, 09:11 PM
Finding the Road

The trek through the plains was long and tiring, but the road was an interesting find. Donovan had talked with Janet of if the city would build a road traveling this way once he had explored it, but it seemed one already existed.

His feet indeed were tired once he traversed it from the intersection back to town. As he walked, he pondered a name. Fornsworth Intersection had an appeal, but he was trying to eschew vanity (especially when it seemed tacky). Thinking back on some historical books on geography, he decided to see if The Eastern Road would fit. An unremarkable name, in a sense, but one that implied importance such that it needed no greater name. Perhaps, as a road leading to new discoveries, it would warrant such a name.

From a few days after he spread news of the road, it seems the name stuck, especially regarding the part around the intersection. He starts to ponder if he should be one of the first to traverse those routes, but the idea of saving up for an expedition draws his mind elsewhere.

Month 7

Donovan and Janet discussed their future plans. The past month was less lucrative than hoped for -- though reasonable, given their activities -- so they decide to try bolstering their funds a bit more before a delve. Donovan also considers hiring an employee to watch the shop, but so far he's been dissatisfied with those he's seen. Some have skill, yes, but don't seem to fit the atmosphere.

In the meantime, Janet's research is both interesting and frustrating. She makes progress this month. She's started to realize some tricks to isolating, or, rather, emphasizing the magical traits of the Seastone in order to focus on Protection, Flight, or Water, which is yielding hints at how to make an item focused primarily on one, such that it makes a truly remarkable item. But she hasn't quite figured it out yet.
Looking around the research area, she decides to propose to Donovan that they hold off on further research until they expand. She's pretty sure she could finish the project if the working space was more amiable to the process. Plus, interesting as this is, she's itching to spend more time in the fresh air.

Donovan decides to trek out along his newly discovered Road and search for any rarities in the region. Having mapped what else is there, he'd like any hidden discoveries to be to his name as well. He'd almost given up hope when he finally makes his find!

After securing it in his research room, he moves to crafting, and it is a beauty. Similar to his original masterpiece of a shield-ward, he has incorporated some of what he has learnt over the past months to expand upon what he had seen in the textbooks and already emulated. Instead of merely drawing arrows towards the shield, it generates a 'sympathy towards antipathy' that draws any aggressive force aimed at the barer towards the shield. Donovan feels rather proud and displays his Fornsworth Shield-Ward prominently among his wares.

But the idea of his delve is still in the back of his mind. Janet has found some adventurers who seem trustworthy and capable, so it's just a matter of finding the funding. Of course, a loan is an option (distasteful though it be), as is spending more time crafting and have Janet find good buyers. But most of Donovan's early wealth (and enjoyment) came from finding the ancient ruins nearby this city and the treasures therein. He hasn't heard of any finds in the nearby plains, so he decides to pack up his mapping tools, mule, and supplies and head out there.

Hunt Region 2 (1d100+58)[108]
Craft (1d100+83)[136]
Explore Region 3 (1d100+86)[168]

Apprentice Action: Research (1d100+49)[54]
Practice Sell, Explore, Hunt

NOTE: should be at 60% recipe completion after this month. If I go to shop level 3, then an 100+ Research roll will give +40% and let me complete the recipe in one turn instead of two. So probably hold on on completing the recipe until reach workshop 3.

Xantin Rahl
2019-09-12, 12:10 PM
Turn 6 sum up:

Late in the night Dhakos was still marvelling at the propertis of the Pellis Purpereus, he desperetly needed to get his hands on more of the material, hm maybe he would ask Valeria to find some, speaking of which where was that girl.
He decided to take another lock at his workshop, with more and more orders coming in it would need to be expanded again soon.
The smell of oiled up leather constantly filled the air, it was one Dhakos is acustomed to. Next to the wall on the right there is a simple sawing bench and a cutting one, where he Valeria or Max(theire hired crafter) ususaly work on whatever order comes in, he would need to get them moved to another room soon as it was getting harder and harder to jugle the workaround between the 3 of them. He took a look at the wall oposit the window with the more mundane and extraordinary pieces hanginng to tempt any paserbyes into coming to the shop and buying their wares. In the back was a storeroom, where he kept all the suplies; wax tabletes were lying on the floor; here Valeria was taking lessons with Helen. Hm this part would also need expanding soon.

As Dhakos is about to close up the workshop, Valerie rushes in and urges him to come with her, curious he follows. He tries to inquire her where she is leading him but the girl just loughs and makes him nearly run after her. Finally, after a stroll to the north, that is nearly a jog, she proudly presents her find.
It's a stone structure, nearly like a ring but standing upright. "Valerie my love, if you want a ring let me get one that fits your finger," says Dhakos while marveling at the exquisit crafstmanship of the stone monument, he does not notice Valeria blushing shyly at the comment. " Do you have a name for this yet?" "Valeria's Donum" answers the girl. Dhakos loves the name Donum means gift in one of the ancient toungs, also it sounds similary to doughnut which ia what the structure resembles. Was this a gift to him, did Valerie have feelings for him?

The morning sun catches the couple in an embrace, the night was cold and each of them provided warmth to the other, yet its time to start a new month of plans and ventures.

Turn 7
Week 1:
After giving it a thought Dhakos decides to try finding the Pellis Purpereus himself, this will allow him for a litle side venture of finding an apropriate engagment ring, he takes one of the jewls he found on the dwelves to have one made. At first Dhakos is unable to find any of the perple haired creature, but after eveinings of careful observations, he notices, that they have diferent drinking habits then their brown haired brethren, after seting up some traps he manages to catch a pair of the creatures, this should allow further studies.

In the mentimee Valerie can't realy concentrate on her lesons witrth Helen she does not think this havbe any efect on her this time, she excuses herself to wander the streats of Vaeldor, she mindlesly wonders from strore to store, not realy knowing what she is looking for, the venture is not totaly fruitles though, as she manages to pick up a few new bargining techniques from shopkeepers and customers alike.

Week 2:
Dhakos knows that more and more funds will be needed, he, fortunately, manages to sell both the products their shop has currently in store, with Max most likely selling of his simpler product this should earn them all quite an income.

Valerie spends as much time as posible trying to be as useful to Dhakos as possible, he spends some time whatvching Maxes techniques of crafting, the young lad does have some talent eith the knife so she picks up new ways of scraping of samll leather surplusses, non- the les her main focus is casualy asking Dhakos about his past, where he learnd his craft. She is very carful to "accidantly": put on mor clothes that expose hher "assets" and catches the fact that Dhakoses look often lingers longer then it should, she is more then happy by the outcome

Week 3:
This time its Dhakos who asks Valerie questions about her, she learns more and more about what music she likes, what flowers go well with her outfits, about her quircks, theyfind lots of similarities and some differences as between all people. All this questioning leads Dhakos to ask Valerie out to a perfect supper withher favroit dishes, all which ends with obne final question "Will you Marry me?", to his supprise, the answer is yes

Hunt in region 7 for Pellis Purpereus: (1d100+44)[136], - 2 wealth, + 2 exotic, Hunt +4(48)
Sell: (1d100+84)[105]- 1 masterwork, - 1 premium +12 wealth, Sell + 2 (86)
Mentor (learn about Valerie): (1d100+34)[57], mentor+1 (58), - 1 basic, +x (as im not training any skil of Valeria, feel free to add anything you see fit)

Mentor (learn about Dhakos):: (1d100+59)[122], - 1 basic, +x (as im not training any skill , feel free to add anything you see fit)
Train (+2): Craft(60), Sell(33), Research(39)

Other Notes:
Rare -1 wedding costs
Crafter crafts (and auto sell), - 1 base + 3 wealth
upkeep - 7 wealth (I'm assuming i still need to pay Helen despite losing her mentor this turn)

Sum up: - 3 base, - 1 rare, + 2 exotic(pellis purpurus), +6 wealth

2019-09-13, 08:58 AM
Revealing Region 19's Location

As the month nears its end, Donovan looks over their findings as well as the maps and notes he has in his secure room. In planning his delve to the temple, he's starting to get a bit worried about someone else finding it on the road.

As he ponders this, he comes to an idea. That building hidden in the rocks. It would be very expensive to bring a team out there, managing the tides and such. What if he started releasing the information about it? It'd not only draw adventurers in that direction, but also gain a bit more fame to his name. And maybe some pocket change for maps.

The next day, Donovan sets Janet to copying some of their maps. He goes to some of the local merchant guilds and taverns and gives some hints to the wondrous building he found, with special emphasis on the treasures he found therein and how many more likely were there. As well as the coastline on which the formation can be found. Not knowing much about the history of the people that lived there, he simply calls it Tidehome, as the existence of the building within the rock formation is mostly hidden during high tide.

The next day after that, Donovan and Janet make some spare coin selling maps (both to the exact formation on the coastline he'd already noted, as well as the part Donovan had explored) to those interested. He and Janet use it to have a nice meal that evening, inviting some of the nearby shopkeeps and their usual customers to celebrate.

2019-09-16, 05:04 PM
"Tom, I say we should call it the Tomb of the Fallen Angel".

"But we have no basis for that kind of claim! Even if the statue is over a grave, and even if the angel is buried there rather than being some symbolic guardian of the tomb, we have no idea if he's-"

"Oh, do stop worrying!" Kate turns back to Tom, and grins. "I'm going to call it that, anyway. And I'm going to tell everyone about it once we get back to the city, so the name will stick. We're nearly there. See you later!" She dashes off, in the direction of the city gate.

On his more sedate walk back, Tom finds himself continuing to wonder about the mysterious hall, with its glowing crystals. Could they hold some connection to the everburning Esperion that his sister found in the region? Perhaps they hold some secret into making the magical coal artificially? Or even if not, it seemed like there was a lot more to find in the complex. He and Kate are soon preparing for a longer expedition into the caverns - which they've both begun referring to as the Hollow Halls - in search of both Esperion and more mysterious things.

A couple of weeks later, the pair return exhausted but in fairly good spirits, to a bit of a surprise - a piece of Esperion on the open market. Apparently someone else has found its location too. Tom buys the Esperion, and - as there isn't enough to test his new invention, and he's feeling short of funds - begins to make another SPERA. Or perhaps something a little different: some other way to use the stored motion in the device underlying the SPERA. Perhaps a smaller model; something to sharpen weapons quickly and finely, letting adventurers keep their swords at an incredibly sharp hone even in the middle of battle?

Kate: Hunting in the usual area 4 (1d100+65)[89]. Fluffing this as looking in the Hollow Halls for stuff during the expedition, if that's OK?
Practicing: Explore, Craft, Gather. NOT contributing to the expedition mechanically.

Explore (Delving, the hall found last month) [roll0]
Explore [roll1]
Craft (SPERA) [roll2], buying the Esperion from the marketplace as a free action, UNLESS I just happen to find more Esperion during the delving, in which case I'll go ahead and make the new recipe instead. On the offchance that someone else buys the Esperion first, instead make this a basic crafting action.
Also, I'm hoping to make something slightly different to the SPERA from last time, though still with the same underlying mechanic. As I mentioned in the IC bit.


2019-09-24, 03:59 AM
Month 7

Word quickly spread of the unknown castle on the coast. Everyone wanted a piece of Tidehome and adventurers quickly set out in hopes to find riches to claim as their own within.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 1

Donovon Fornsworth

Hunting East of Vaeldor
Donovon hoped there was something more to find east of Vaeldor, but without a clear direction to head, he decided to start with the river. It had proved to be quite the source of inspiration for him and Janet and perhaps it would continue to be so. At first, he had planned on examining the area around the Watersoul Spring, but thought better of it. It would be quite unlikely that anything would be undiscovered there with the large numbers of people who have gone to visit the site. So he decided to start his search up river.

Without knowing exactly what to look for, Donovon spent a lot of time looking under the brush and between the rocks of the gorge. On a particularly hot day, he spent the day basically in the river to keep cool. It was here that he spotted a water-smoothed stone that looked be like jade. Unsure if he would find anything else of value, he reached into the water to pull the stone out. As he did so, he was taken aback at how cold the water was around it. The stone, itself, was equally as chilling to hold in his hand. The jade was a dull green but had wisps of white throughout. But as he continued to examine the stone, the white seemed to shift and move slowly within the jade. This is exactly what he had been looking for the whole time.

Exploring Southeast of Vaeldor
Pleased with his find, Donovon headed south to explore the "other side" of the river. This land was rather familiar as the road from the mountains to Vaeldor was on this side, so he pushed on further south. He did not know of many who willing traveled in this direction. It seemed to lack anything worthy of note for the many adventurers in Vaeldor. This inspired Donovon to prove them wrong.

After a couple days of travel, he could see why so many disliked travelling in this direction. The air became dry, but lacked the warmth of a desert. The vegetation thinned and the ground became craggier. But, Donovon pressed on, sure that he would find something of note. And when he did, he would be utterly surprised.

Located just east of the center of area 3.

It is the remains of a creature of immense size. Donovon's mind raced to wonder the circumstances of its life and ultimately began to wonder how it died. As he spent his time examining the remains, he came across a large satchel of goods. Inside were a few things that he knew would earn him some wealth and a few odd pieces that he thought he could incorporate in his craft. All things considered, this was probably a small bag of coin for the creature...

You found a stone of some weirdness, describe some attribute it has and give it a name.
You also found the remains of a giant, give a name to the poi.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 4 Wealth, 1 Basic
Gained: 7 Wealth, 1 Exotic (jade), 1 Masterwork
Sales: 6 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: +5 Wealth, -1 Basic, +1 Exotic (jade), +20% Recipe (Venetian Seastone), +Reputation

Donovon XP: Hunt +4, Craft +2, Explore +1
Janet XP: Research +4, Sell +2, Explore +2, Hunt +2

Venetian Seastone (-) 60% Complete

Conrad Mercer

You have one week to submit your turn 7 actions.

Tom Dockson

Hunting South of Vaeldor
Kate found the hunt for esperion to be incredibly frustrating. Little that she thought would work did. She could neither trace her steps nor could she methodically map her hunt as she often found herself lost in the scenery around her.

Even when looking in the place her brother tells her to look does nothing. She does find a few forgotten nick-knacks, but little else.

Tom was certain that there was much to find within the halls of crystal. But the sheer immensity of complex beneath proved to be too much for he and his sister to explore, even with two whole weeks of exploration.

It isn't that they could find nothing, but in comparison to its sheer size, Tom knew there had to be more. The two head back to Vaeldor with their small collection of treasures, but little else.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 15 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion
Gained: 6 Wealth, 6 Basic, 3 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 SPERA
Sales: 0 Wealth (-)
Net Change: -13 Wealth, +4 Basic, +2 Rare, +1 SPERA

Tom XP: Explore +6
Kate XP: Hunt +4, Gather +2, Craft +2, Explore +2, Increase to Rank 3

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Esperion (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion) 100% Complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Hunting for Pellis Purpereus
Dhakos knew what the creature looked like, but he had yet to see one in the wild. He knew that it was not shunned from the other grageks. According to Valeria, it lived within the burrows as much as the others. With this in mind, Dhakos began stalking for burrows and setting traps. He spent each day approaching a new burrow hoping to catch a glimpse of purple. It wasn't until mid-week that he came across a rather grizzly scene.

Outside of one of the burrows where the remains of an entire family of grageks. At first Dhakos thought it might be due to an overzealous hunter, but soon realized that it had to have been some creature. Carefully he examined the scene and much to his surprise, he found two dead purple grageks. Unlike the other grageks, these two had been left mostly untouched.

While he is unable to find any others in the remaining week, the site of the dead grageks weighs heavy on his mind.

A Wedding
The wedding is beautiful, if small. Seeing as neither Dhakos nor Valeria have family in the area, most of the attendees are the few friends they have been able to make in their short time in Vaeldor. Despite this, it is a joyous occasion for all involved.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 3 Basic, 1 Rare
Gained: 1 Normal, 2 Pellis Purpereus
Sales: 17 Wealth (1M+2,1P+2,1N)
Net Change: +8 Wealth, -3 Basic, -1 Rare, +2 Pellis Purpereus, -1 Premium, -1 Masterwork, +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Hunt +4, Sell +2, Mentor +1, (Craft +1 Wedding bonus)
Valeria XP: Mentor +4, Craft +2, Sell +2, Research +2, (Explore +2 Wedding bonus), Increase to Rank 3

Pellis Purpereus (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus) 100% Complete

2019-09-24, 10:15 AM
Results of Last Month (Month 7)

The jade is intriguing. Its beauty is one thing, of course, and would lead to much usefulness as ornamentation, but its intrinsic magical (or chemical?) properties are much more interesting to the craftsman-academic-explorer. It truly seems to generate coldness, much like most things generate heat. Or perhaps it was more mundane in that it absorbed heat – more testing would be needed – but he’s pretty sure it’s not working like the heatsinks he’d seen in some alchemists’ labs.

Sadly, naming things is not his strong point, so he goes for a straight-forward name that would be easy for alchemists and others to know what its purpose is: Ice Jade.

As he explores the dry lands south of Vaeldor, he almost regrets his decision. But then… what a find!

A True Giant skeleton and, based on the decay, a truly ancient one at that. Donovan had read about true giants, but had only seen their lesser brethren (which still tower over men, but usually at are at most 20 feet tall.) It is also interesting to see that the giant is wearing armor like a warrior. Did it fall here in combat? If yes, against what?

When back at town, he tells of the artifact of Giant’s War. Some of the warriors in the tavern seem quite intrigued to see it for themselves.

Month 8

“What do you mean I don’t get to go! I found that place, and I found Trevor and his group!”

“Janet, please… Of course I want you to go, and I know you discovered that temple. But we should avoid the moneylenders if we can, and we just have barely enough funds for me and the adventurers to go. I’m counting on you to run the shop while I’m out and make sure we have a place to bring our findings back to.”

Janet gives Donovan a frustrated look, but one that he recognizes as angry mostly at the sense of the current argument. They bicker a little bit more, but eventually she relents and says, “Fine. I… urgh, fine! I get it. But if we get enough money to do a bigger delve deeper into the ruins, or you wanna explore that treehouse you found, I get to go on that one. Deal?”

Donovan shakes her hand. “Deal.”


As they prepare to leave, he gives Janet a paternal hug before going to handle the last details of their excursion. He also notices her being very chatty and even blushing while talking to Trevor, the leader of the adventurers. Some paternal protectiveness comes to his mind, somewhat to his surprise. He guesses it shouldn’t surprise him. Janet is a young and pretty lady, and the adventurers are impressive fellows. She did find him in one of the taverns and vetted him as a good choice. Donovan shakes his head, dismissing any worries. She was an adult.


While exploring the ruins, they focus primarily on excavating what treasures they can. However, Donovan takes a couple days to explore the ciphers, hieroglyphs, and ornaments of the temple. It is slow going—the place is riddled with traps. But as Donovan explores, he gets a sense of the purpose of the traps. And, after finding a sealed room (and thus protected from most forms of decay), he finds some documents in an ancient tongue. But there are similarities between it and old Venetian. (But the Venetian Empire wasn’t near here? Why is there a linguistic similarity?) Despite the mystery, the similarity enables him to parse some of the meaning.

This was a temple to the god Sarrokh, a lizard-man who emphasized survival and enduring trials. The traps in the temple were not simply for protection, but rituals: to avoid the traps and survive the intricacies of the temple were religious acts. It’s not exactly clear to him, but it seems that the god was not just in the form of a lizardman, but that the worshippers may have been lizardmen as well. Of course, Donovan had heard of the lizardman tribes that lived in some of the wild lands, but he’d never heard of them here. And he’d never heard of them making such elaborate traps or artwork. Though it is hard to tell for sure; perhaps it is simply humans who worshipped the lizard-god with prayers for strength to endure the hardships of this land.

Regardless, he tells the adventurers this place should be called the Temple of Sarrokh when they get back to town. Though he does encourage them to keep it secret for as long as possible, in case he decides to lead another expedition next month.


In the meantime, Janet is bored. She does spend a week exploring the city and the nearby fields – happy to be out of the lab – but she’d much rather be in the ruins with Donovan, Trevor, and the rest.

After getting a bit wistful, she decides to hunker down and do some work. She starts working on an item outside the city, enjoying the fresh air more, and only moving back inside once she truly needs to.

Near the end of the week, she pokes around the Venetian Seastone research they’ve put on hold for now. Not really making any progress or significant work, but getting some ideas for how to expand the space in order to best facilitate future research. In a moment of playful spite, she thinks about using the Ice Jade to cool one of her drinks, but decides against it.

Donovan spends all 3 weeks doing a Delve. Should spend all 25 of his wealth (4 startup, +3*7), our entire stock.

Janet crafts, as she doesn’t have the money to do anything more interesting.
Train Sell, Research, Explore

Since it is a Group expedition, the Temple to Sarrokh stays secret for 1 additional month.

EDIT: ouch, those are lousy rolls. At least should be decent from the Delve.

Xantin Rahl
2019-09-24, 01:50 PM
Turn 8
Valeria decides to take on her Husbands name and changes her last name to Coriumfaber.
Both her and Dhakos are slowly building up a wealth for a long expedition, Valeria decides to spend 1 of the weeks further mapping the north of Vaeldor for the rest of the time she tries to stay as close to her husband as possible, they first venture to the market were he buys some basic skins that will allow them future crafting, Dhakos also buys a lion skin that somehow found its way to the market, neither of the Pair is too happy about the expense but gathering some would take to much of their precious time.

Later Valeria watches Dhakos work on a special cloke of antimagic - it should allow Dhakos to incorporate the properties of the Pellis Purpureus into a cloak to shield the wearer from any 3 harmful magic effects through the day, Dhakos, mostly because of Valeria presence (especially the very transparent and clingy piece of leather she sewed for herself) cannot concentrate on the job, it takes him much longer to finish than anticipated, however, in the end, he manages to finish not 1 but 2 cloaks through the month,

Valeria returns to town from her expedition just in time to pick up a few selling techniques from Max (their crafter), and to catch a lesson from Helen

Dhakos buys 4 base resources and 2 rares, - 8 wealth
Dhakos crafts 2 special items (cloke of antimagic)
(1d100+56)[75](1d100+56)[151](1d100+56)[88] - 4 base - 2 rare - 2 pellis purpureus, craft +7(63

Finally, Valeria explores region 8
This should find a Poi, - 2 wealth, explore goes to 27
Valeria trains all get (+1): Mentor(64), Craft(61), Sell(34), research(40)

Crafter crafts - 1 base, + 1 normal which is sold + 3 wealth

Overall (-1 base (bought 4 used 5), - 14 wealth (-8-2-7 +3), + 2 special products

2019-10-01, 11:59 AM
Returning from the previous month's rather unsuccessful expedition, Kate gets lucky and spots another couple of pieces of Esperion. Tom takes the opportunity to trial a new invention, using the new properties of Esperion he's discovered.

He takes one of the pieces of Esperion, and converts it to its liquid, heat-absorbing form. He carefully seals this liquid in ten separate specially-made gems. He then coats the other piece of Esperion in diamond dust to avoid shattering, and then very carefully breaks it into ten smaller pieces.

Taking one of the cold-gems and one of the Esperion shards, Tom then takes a thin, flexible sheet of heat-conducting metal from his stores, specially worked to allow it to bend like fabric without snapping or suffering significant fatigue. With the assistance of a couple of small gears and some fireproof leather for insulation, he assembles a fiddly-looking contraption that fits easily in the palm of his hand. It has a single lever which pulls the metal in one direction or the other, putting more of it in contact with the heat-producing Esperion or the heat-absorbing gem. He then goes on to make nine more of these devices; this taking the better part of the month.

Taking more of the metal, Tom forms it into a suit, shaped to cover the whole body. To protect the metal and reduce the possibility of injury, he sheathes most of it in leather on the outside, and thinner fabrics inside. He then attaches each of the devices he's made to strategic parts of the suit, as far apart as he can while not restricting mobility. (Remembering his previous customer's short stature, he also makes sure he'll be able to adjust the fit of the suit after he's finished if necessary). By adjusting the levers, the suit can either receive heat from the Esperion, thus warming the wearer in cold conditions, or vice versa cool the wearer if the levers are set the other way.

Finally, Tom removes the ten levers and connects all the devices up to one convenient lever in the arm. Over Kate's objections, he prosaically calls his invention the Environment Suit.

Kate: Hunt for Esperion, (1d100+69)[158]
Practice: Craft, Sell, Research

1) Craft the new Esperion recipe, (1d100+87)[90]
2) Continue the craft, [roll0]
3) Sell [roll1]

2019-10-07, 01:19 AM
Month 8

Despite the interest in Tidehome, only a few small groups attempted to delve the location without any success. It was very likely that at least one large expedition would be heading out within the next month or so.

There were also some unconfirmed rumors of another location not far from Vaeldor as well...

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 2
Pellis Purpereus: 1
Ice Jade: 0

Area 8 has been fully explored! Access to Hunt areas 22, 23, and 24 has now been unlocked.

During delving you may come across an advanced recipe for exotic resources called Attachment Recipes. These are roughly generic recipes that anyone can use to enhance any item. As such, these can be traded between players or shared to the city for reputation. These recipes can only be found in Locations and can never be researched. The product produced by this recipe is considered Epic.

Donovon Fornsworth

Exploring the Temple of Sarrokh with a small group of adventurers immediately yields positive results as a library is found by one of the adventurers on the first full day of exploration. Donovon spends a few days of the remaining week poring over the various surviving tomes, but finds a great bit of difficulty deciphering the language. Luckily, a few books look to be worth some amount by their ornate construction. Eventually, Donovon is able to decipher one of the scripts. To his surprise, he discovers that he has found a recipe for Ice Jade that looks generic enough that any could follow it. From what he can tell, it looks like the object can be attached to any completed object to enhance it...somehow.

Throughout the rest of the month, nothing as great as the library is found, but lots of treasure is discovered and retrieved (a large room full of gold and jewels, dubbed "the treasure room", was the adventurers' favorite find).

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 25 Wealth, 1 Basic
Gained: 29 Wealth, 4 Rare, 1 Premium, 1 Attachment Recipe
Sales: 4 Wealth (1P)
Net Change: +4 Wealth, -1 Basic, +4 Rare, +1 Attachment Recipe

Donovon XP: -
Janet XP: Craft +4, Gather +2, Research +2, Explore +2

Recipes:Ice Jade (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Venetian Seastone (-) 60% Complete

Tom Dockson

Hunting South of Vaeldor
Kate was rather positive she knew what to look for this time around. An out of place hill. It probably sounded crazy, which is why she didn't say it out loud to anyone, even Tom. And so, she searched for any such hills. After a couple days of hunting for "out of place hills", she eventually finds one. As she suspected, she is able to harvest some quality esperion for her brother. But she was determined to discover the secret of this hill. So she decided to fully map the hill and attempted to watch it through the night. Despite her best efforts to stay awake the entire night, she ended up waking up to find that the hill was gone. Examining the area carefully, she found some nearly imperceptible tracks. She attempted to follow them, but they seemed to disappear before her very eyes. With the esperion and her new found knowledge, she headed back to Vaeldor.

Epic Crafting and Selling
The suit brought with it a lot of attention from the many adventurers who frequented Dockson's. Tom knew that few could fully appreciate the purpose of such an item, let alone the quality of its construction. But when an individual he had never seen before began to ask about the upper and lower limits of its protection, he knew he had found the right person. Through conversation, he discovered that this was an individual who spent most of her time exploring the cold and desolate southern region. She seemed rather reserved in general, but with some negotiating, Tom was able to convince the woman to buy both the suit and the SPERA.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion
Gained: 2 Esperion, 1 Environment Suit
Sales: 30 Wealth (1U, 1E)
Net Change: +24 Wealth, -6 Basic, -3 Rare, -1 SPERA, +Reputation, Renown increases to 4

You now have enough renown to have a second apprentice.

Tom XP: Craft +3, Sell +1
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Sell +1, Research +1

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Exploring North of Vaeldor
Amazing. It's the only word Valeria can use to describe what she is seeing. And to think, she would not even be here had she not been up watching the closest moon pass through the night.

It was something the often did, but rarely did it ever lead to such a discovery. As the moon had passed close to the horizon, she noticed a glow coming from a nearby group of trees. The glow was faint, but was distinctly blue, unlike the white light from the moon. Compelled to check it out, she quickly packed up her camp and trekked toward the glow. The glow grew as she approached the trees, despite how dense they were. Carefully moving through the trees she eventually found herself in front the source of the glow.

Located at the central eastern side of area 8.

Seeing the moon cast its light from behind the glowing structure truly took Valeria's breath away.

Valeria has discovered a wonderous POI, describe it and name it.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 10 Wealth, 5 Basic, 2 Rare, 2 Pellis Purpereus
Gained: 4 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Normal, 2 Cloke of Antimagic
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -14 Wealth, -1 Basic, -2 Pellis Purpereus, +2 Cloke of Antimagic, +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Craft +7
Valeria XP: Explore +3, Craft +1, Sell +1, Mentor +1, Research +1

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)

Xantin Rahl
2019-10-07, 05:31 AM
Valeria decides to investigate her discovery as much as she can, she wonders around each luminous stone picking them up and wondering who build such an exquisite structure, as the moon moves into new positions the light creates spectacle upon spectacle, its like experiencing a never-ending orchestra of blue waves of light cascading on the ground. Valeria is truly mesmerized by this show, it calls to some inner sense of beauty. After the light comes up the show ends and the place resembles nothing more than an ordinary pile of unremarkable rocks stacked one upon the other, no one would ever believe the secrets it holds. Knowing it will always hold a special place in her hart Valeria names it names it “The Azure Moonshrine”

Turn 9
Dhakos deep dives into sewing, cutting, scraping, polishing and sewing some more, his work on the Cloke of Antimagic used up most of their shops resources, so he needs more products for sale. After hours and hours of work he manages to manufacture 2 quivers of holding, which both seem to hold an unlimited number of arrows (as a matter of fact this is closer to triple the amount but hey unlimited sounds better).
Dhakos later organizes a sale hoping for a good profit.
In the meantime, Valeria organizes a second sell. She accidently learns a few research techniques along with finding a few corners of the market she did not know before. Finally she has her lessons with Hellen and watches Dhakos with love

Dhakos does 2 crafts (1d100+63)[112](1d100+63)[141], +2 masterwork products craft up to 69, - 2 base
Dhakos does a sell: (1d100+86)[171], Hopfully selling 2 unique, - 2 unique, +2x wealth
Valeria sells (1d100+34)[74], (i rolled a 40 for the earlier research i kept the roll and added the swll bonus, should sell both masterworks + 12 wealth sell goes to 37
Trains Reserch(41), Hunt(43), Explore(28)

Max (the Crafter) crafts a base product which gets auto sold – 1 base + 3 wealth
Upkeep -7 wealth

Overall: +5 wealthj + 2x(sell price of 2 cloaks of antymagic, - 3 base)

2019-10-07, 08:08 AM
As they travel home, Donovan feels conflicted. He had promised Janet that they could investigate the ruins. And, fiscally, it made sense to do another delve before word spread too much about the temple. On the other hand, he rather wanted to try this new recipe and explore more of the nearby territories...

He decides to give Trevor and his team a slight break while he investigates the new recipe he found and sees what he can make of the Ice Jade. To his embarrassment, he has to run to the market to purchase some basic reagents and supplies. But to his relief, he is still able to enhance...

a glove he used while working with the Jade. It was actually part of a fortuitous accident, as he was planning to enhance a ring, but the magical reaction took place a bit sooner than he had hoped. A simple translation error, but it could have been catastrophic if he weren't wearing the glove. As is, the glove was enhanced with the emphasized cold-exuding properties of the jade, such that it would make any fisticuff attacks done with it cause significant freezing damage upon impact.

Hmm... It could probably also be a tool to make organic things brittle and fragile, if held long enough. That property was soon confirmed. Janet was sent to buy a replacement door.

I figure for epic gear, some more aesthetics should occur, too. When the reaction occurred that enhanced the glove, the jade was in a semi-liquid state. The substance liquidified more and imbued itself into the glove. The glove, while still as flexible and pliable as leather, now has the coloration of the jade and the moving wisps of white within it. It doesn't glow, but it does reflect light in a pretty pattern, and the air that is chilled around the glove causes small ice crystals that refract the light in a dazzling display. It certainly looks a lot more impressive than its original origins.

Now to keep his promise to Janet.
With Trevor's team rested, Janet now happy instead of antsy and annoyed, and a new door installed to keep their shop safe as they traveled, the entire group sets off for the Temple once more.

I'm really glad I made the epic item in one good. And I still have a Masterwork item to auto-sell, so yay.
Spend 2 wealth to buy 4 basic resources. Delve cost 27 wealth for delve (4+2 + 7*3). I now realize this also brings me to 0 wealth like last month, but here's hoping for good.
Let Temple become public at end of month.

Action 1: Craft Ice Jade recipe: (1d100+85)[144]
Action 2: Delve (1d100+87)[126]
Action 3: Delve (1d100+87)[175]
Apprentice: Delve (1d100+49)[142]


Janet trains Craft, Sell, Research

2019-10-09, 06:21 PM
With a large amount of cash-in-hand, and with word about his new invention spreading through the city, Tom decides the time has come to once again expand. Adjoining the back "garden" of the workshop is an old warehouse, which seems to be empty. After some discreet enquiries, Tom manages to get in contact with the owner of the building, and a sale is negotiated. Soon after, builders begin coming in. A door is inserted between the yard and the warehouse. The roof is extended over the rest of the yard. Kate declares that the building is becoming entirely too busy for her, and goes out hunting for more Esperion. The warehouse is partitioned into a several rooms, and workstations are installed in the largest. Tom also takes the opportunity to make himself a design he's been working on for some time - a steam-powered lathe. Prior to this, complex cylindrical objects have been time consuming and expensive to make, and the machine should make things enormously faster.

One evening, just as the building work is finishing up, there is a knock at the front door.

Kate: Hunt for Esperion (1d100+72)[132]
Practice: Craft, Research, Explore

Tom: Recruit apprentice (1d100+58)[64]
Upgrade workshop
Upgrade workshop again

Apprentice stats:
Craft: (5d10)[32]
Sell: (5d10)[34]
Gather: (5d10)[30]
Mentor: (5d10)[28]
Research: (5d10)[28]
Hunt: (5d10)[24]
Explore: (5d10)[25]

I'm postponing describing my new apprentice until I decide on something interesting, ie in next month's post.

2019-10-14, 04:33 AM
Month 9

News of a successful enterprise expedition to Tidehome came simultaneously as news of a successful expedition to another new location, Temple of Sarrokh. Word had spread that the same individual had discovered both locations.

But hidden temples were not the only buzzworthy news to reach the people of Vaeldor as people began discussing the discovery of a new creature that lived in the plains south of Vaeldor.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 2
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 1

Temple of Sarrokh (Area 2) is now publicly known.

Relics are unique powerful items that stay with the player (so they stay with the current Master Crafter). Their bonuses are hidden but can be somewhat inferred based on information provided with its details. They can only be found in Locations and cannot be traded in any way.

A mythic resource is a unique resource that can be used to create a truly amazing artifact level product. Researching a mythic resource does not consume the resource but also does not benefit from workshop level bonuses. Mythic Resources can be sold to the market for 10 wealth or traded to another character.

With the upgraded shop comes upgraded equipment. When taking the Gather action a player will gain +1 rare resource with an additional +1 rare resource with a success. Gatherer employees also gain +1 rare resource per month.

A bigger shop means a more productive workforce. Each crafter employee can now produce a premium product if one rare resource is spent in addition to the basic resource.

Players can now hunt for legendary creatures once they have been discovered. As such, Hunt now has two subactions: Exotic (this is the original version which will be unchanged) and Legendary. A Hunt:Legendary action costs 5 Wealth and has the following results:

Result<50 (Mediocre/Failure)
50<=Result<100 (Above Average/Partial Success)
Result>=100 (Success)

Hunt: Legendary
5 Wealth
Hunt a creature for new types of resources.
1+ Exotic Resources
Variable (roll 10d10 similarly to an Explore action)

Furthermore, Gather now has two subactions: Basic (this is the original version) and Tracking. A Gather:Tracking action costs 2 Wealth and has the following results:

Result<50 (Mediocre/Failure)
50<=Result<100 (Above Average/Partial Success)
Result>=100 (Success)

Gather: Tracking
2 Wealth
Increase the possible finds when taking a Hunt:Legendary action in the same area within the same month.
Very small bonus to Hunt:Legendary rewards
Small bonus to Hunt:Legendary rewards

As stated, the bonuses from Gather:Tracking only apply to a single area within the same month. This also implies that this action must be taken before the Hunt action within a turn. However, these actions can be split up between different multiple apprentices and the Master Crafter. Also, Gather:Tracking results stack.

Donovon Fornsworth

Epic Crafting
Donovon was surprised that in the short time he had, before leaving on his expedition, people were coming into the store to see and examine the glove he had made and enhanced with the ice jade. Everyone could see its beauty, but few could appreciate (or afford) its power. Though he and Janet were too busy to humor them, the most common question that was asked was what to call it.

Delving in the Temple of Sarrokh
Donovon, Janet, and the crew of hired adventurers set out east to visit the temple a second time in as many months. They were all unsure that they would find anything, but they were all confident that there was more to find. Upon arrival, the adventurers set-up camp and prepared to explore the temple with great vigor. But Donovon had another idea, not that he believed that a positive attitude was wrong; he decided to take his time early, meticulously examining the walls and murals for clues. This was his third visit and he hoped to leverage the knowledge he had gained up to this point. It was such an approach that led him to find a secret passage deep within the temple itself. No one was around when he discovered the passage, but he pressed forward cautiously. It soon became apparent that this passage was not trapped like the rest of the temple. In fact, this seemed to be a place that saw the least amount of traffic, by Donovon’s calculations. Eventually he found himself in a room with a leather chest piece on a stone altar with glowing runes in front of it and a small tome beside it. Donovon went to touch the leather chest but his hand went right through it. It was as if he had waved his hand through thin air. He looked down at the glowing runes, and noticed them to be a similar script to that which he found throughout the temple. The script was indecipherable to Donovon so he shifted his attention to the small tome on the altar. He picked it up and began to recognize some of the text within. After a moment he soon realized he had found a dictionary! Unfortunately, much of the translations where to rather ancient languages, but he was able to piece together enough to be able to speak the words that were depicted by the glowing runes. And with that, the glowing dissipated and the armor become corporeal. Excited by the opportunity, Donovon donned the armor and spoke the words again. Unsure if the effect had transferred to himself, he reached for the tome, but found his hand went through book! Speaking the words again made him once more able to interact with the world around him. With the find, he decided to read the tome some more and attempt to decipher some of the text on the walls around him, text had ignored until now. After a couple hours of reading he discovered that this armor was meant for the “Keeper of the Temple”. Someone dedicated to keeping the traps prepared and maintaining the temple’s purpose. Obviously, this armor was created to ensure the safety of this individual.

Donovon would spend the rest of the month reading from the dictionary, in an attempt to understand the temple better. Of course, he also kept the armor on, for safety reasons.

By speaking a keyword while wearing the armor, the wearer becomes incomporeal and is immune to physical damage. Owning this armor makes delving Locations safer and more likely to yield positive results (does not affect the Explore skill roll).

The expedition also yielded some valuable treasure including three well kept ice jades. But nothing was as momentous as finding the armor...

To Catch a Thief (Event)
Despite Donovon’s attention being fully absorbed by the dictionary, while at camp, he did spot something surprising in the corner of his eye. When he looked again, he couldn’t see anything that explained what had captured his attention. But as he casually surveyed the area, he noticed that the party rogue, Bielara, was suspiciously keeping one of her hands in her pocket. This was not something he had seen her do. She also seemed to walk with a bit more purpose than normal and looked to be heading to her tent. She was, by his accounts, the most laid-back of the group, so this made him wonder what could be different. But he also knew that she was a difficult individual to speak with. Understanding the power the armor gave him and the risk he could face in confrontation, he decided to see if he could discover what she was hiding while everyone was asleep.

In the dark of night, Donovon activated the armor and moved silently and undisturbed to her private tent. He carefully moved his head into her tent to see if he could spot anything amiss. Much to his surprise, he could see a faint glow coming from one of her leather packs. Unable to interact with corporeal objects he moved to get his eyes as close to the source as possible. Inside the pack he was amazed to see an egg sized stone that had bright beams of light coming from its center in a seemingly random, moving pattern. He then quietly and quickly walked back to his tent to contemplate what he should do next.

Publicly confront Bielara and demand that she return what is legally your find (+Mythic Resource, +1 to upfront and weekly costs for group expeditions as she will sully your name with other adventurers)
Privately speak to Bielara about the find and offer to make something for her with it (gain the ability to research and craft with the Mythic Resource, gaining XP and Reputation, but automatically sell it for 0 Wealth)
Passively express your knowledge of her find, but acknowledge that it is hers to keep as she found it (-1 to upfront and -2 to weekly costs for group expeditions as word will spread that you are a generous individual to work for)

If you choose the first or second option, name and describe other amazing attributes of the Mythic Resource.

You have found a Relic. Give it a name and describe how it looks.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 28 Wealth, 4 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Ice Jade
Gained: 6 Wealth, 7 Basic, 3 Rare, 1 Epic, 3 Ice Jade, 1 Relic
Sales: 6 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: -20 Wealth, +3 Basic, +1 Rare, +2 Ice Jade, -1 Masterwork, +1 Epic, +1 Relic, +Reputation, Renown increases to 4

You now have enough renown to have a second apprentice.

Donovon XP: Craft +4, Explore +3
Janet XP: Explore +4, Craft +2, Sell +2, Research +2

Ice Jade (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Venetian Seastone (-) 60% Complete

Tom Dockson

Hunting South of Vaeldor
Kate was certain that this time would be the one. She would finally find out what those damn moving hills were all about. She knew what to look for and she knew where to look. She was thoughtful in her preparation and patient in her execution. She set out for the week with a single goal in mind, figure out what was making the esperion.

It took her a couple of days, which she figured would be the case, before she found one of these awkward hills. She carefully surveyed it and extracted the valuable esperion from it before setting camp upon the hill. This time, she would not be caught off guard if… no when it decided to move. Her plan was to stay awake through the night, but in case she failed she would hopefully be shaken awake. The awkwardness of the hill actually made it a terrible place to make camp, so she wasn’t likely to get much sleep as it was.

The day soon turned to night and Kate was fully aware of her surroundings. In fact, she started to notice that the hill had a slight rising and lowering motion. At first she thought nothing of it, but as the silence of the night set in, she realized the hill was breathing. No wait...something under the hill was breathing and it was starting to wake up! Getting to her feet she braced for the change, but was still surprised the ground began to lower and the thing began to move away. The image was as if it warped the very ground like a blanket as it moved beneath it. She immediately set to chase the creature, unsure of where she may end up or how fast it would go. Luckily, it’s speed was relatively low, so keeping up wasn’t an issue. Until it stopped and she got the eerie feeling that it was paying attention to her. Without warning, a nearly pitch black claw ripped out from the earth and swiped at her. She reflexively dodged the attack and struck it with the spear she was carrying. The rest of the creature’s body escaped from the ground screeching at the pain in its claw and began sprinting away at a much faster speed. Kate wanted desperately to chase after it, but she was in a state of shock at what she had just seen. It took her some time to catch her breath, but eventually she headed back to her camp to attempt to sleep.

The following day she approached where the creature had attacked her during the night and found much more evidence of its tracks and even its very dark blood. And much to her surprise, she found what she assumed was a scale from the creature’s claw only to see that it was nearly identical to the esperion she had harvested the day before. She wondered how the news of such a creature would change Vaeldor as she headed back home.

You have discovered a Legendary Creature, describe it and name it.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 29 Wealth, 6 Rare
Gained: 3 Esperion, 1 Apprentice
Sales: - Wealth ()
Net Change: -33 Wealth, -6 Rare, +3 Esperion, +1 Apprentice, +Reputation, Workshop increases to 4

Tom XP: Mentor +4
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Explore +1, Research +1

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Working Hard
The month was mostly uneventful, but Dhakos did have to ensure that any interest in a Cloke of Antimagic was genuine. As such, he spent a fair bit of time speaking with local adventurers, more so than usual. However, many lacked the ability to prove worthy of his creations. Eventually he would meet a pair of women who claimed to be sisters. Though they lacked any resemblance genetically, he could see that they communicated on an unseen level. He questioned whether they would be interested in some armor that would aid them in their journeys. Dhakos had a strong sense that these two would not squander their lives which would do well to keep his legacy alive with them wearing his creations.

Once the two realized what they had in their hands, they attempted to use their unseen communication to convince Dhakos to sell the equipment at a bargain. But he was aware of this and instead used it to his advantage, ensuring that he got the better deal in the end.

You sold each Cloke of Antimagic for 16 Wealth.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 3 Basic
Gained: 1 Normal, 2 Masterwork
Sales: 47 Wealth (2U+2, 2M, 1N)
Net Change: +40 Wealth, -3 Basic, -2 Cloke of Antimagic, +Reputation, Renown increases to 4

You now have enough renown to have a second apprentice.

Dhakos XP: Craft +6, Sell +1
Valeria XP: Sell +3, Mentor +1, Research +1, Hunt +1, Explore +1

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)

2019-10-14, 11:42 AM
Month 9

His time in the temple is amply rewarded. Donovan almost feels sorry that he did not find as much gold or jewels as the previous time, but the ice jade should lead to similar profit, and this armor should make his future ventures far more profitable. Although he calls it the Armor of the Keeper to himself and in his journal, he decides (with Janet's advice) to go for a more adventuresome and esoteric name when he shows it off later. Thus, the Trapmage's Intrangabilities is named.

To Catch a Thief
Though he is saddened about one of the first uses of his armor. Bielara had seemed reliable enough, but he knew well how often greed could make one take ill actions. Part of the reason he decided to leave Facault was that one weaselly professor had stolen his research and gotten sponsorship that he rightly deserved.

As he contemplates his choice, he at first wants to confront her. He would not be bullied in his new circumstances like he was at the university. Yet, as awesome as the object was, did he want to spend months examining it when he could be delving ancient ruins or exploring the wilderness? Could he work this to his advantage, by gaining favor with adventurers like Trevor and others?

So, instead of accusation, he 'confronts' Bielara by letting her know he knows, but that she may keep the object. But that he hopes she will make his generosity known.

Month 10

As Janet and Donovan settle in, he is greeted by a pleasant surprise. He gets a knock from his door, and standing there is a tall, austere man with a frown. But below him is a 4 foot greenish fellow with the head about the size of a watermelon, grinning with sharp fangs, and wearing one of the academic robes of Facault University. Behind them both is a cart loaded with various books.

"Professor Hobnob, my dear friend! Welcome! What brings you to Vaeldor? Don't tell me those stogies at Facault funded research here?"

"Nah, no. I got your letters, Donovan, and decided, with you gone, I was tired of that place. They called me the professor of goblin psychology, but you know most treated me like some pet or mascot. Not to mention the unfounded fears of goblin infestation. It's metaphysically impossible that I caused them in that old barn, and I helped them find and eliminate the tribe. But when it comes back -- like I told them it would! -- who do they blame but me. You gotta keep killing them until the Gob is gone, not just kill all the goblins currently extant. Elementary principles! But--"

At this point, the tall man coughs abruptly and interupts Hobnob's rant. "Payment."

"Oh, right, right. Y'see, it isn't easy for a goblin to travel, even a hob like me. So I got his fellow's traveling circus to take me on. Denegrating, but worth it. But it got more expensive than I had hoped, so it's either I perform here for a couple months to pay it off or... well, borrow the money. So, old friend, do you happen to have some spare change to pay for my travel fees?
To me honest, I was hoping I could join you in your trade. Not my specialty, but this place seems a good safe place for a hob. And I know you'd treat me with the respect of a friend."

Donovan gladly agrees and pays the man for expenses incurred. Yet he finds he doesn't have quite the funds to build the workshop up aftewards. With regret, he decides to visit the moneylenders.
However, as he is about to head out his workshop's front door, a person of some renown is about to enter. Donovan hadn't met the man before, but he had heard of Dhakos Coriumfaber. They talk some of Tidehome, and Donovan shares some of the notes he had been initially selling. The conversation also veers some on Ice Jade and Pellis Purpereus, and the two reach an amiable resolution to Donovan's money woes as he parts with one of his Jade samples for a quite reasonable sum of money.

With that, he then begins to expand the workshop to fit the professor as a new apprentice. This includes adding a library, in order to display the books both Donovan and Hobnob brought from Facault, as well as journal drawings and mappings from Tidehome and the Temple of Sarrokh. The work area is rennovated in order to better let people watch him work on his wares, and he builds additional work stations with the hopes of hiring some employees now that they really have the space.

The basement is changed from storage and research area to just storage, with extra locks and security to hold the Intrangabilities when Donovan isn't wearing them as well as any exotic resources. A second passage from the room is built to a new research facility that Janet designs, based on her difficulties from prior work. He finds some of the research area isn't quite ready, but lays the groundwork for future building once he gathers more funds.


With that underway, Donovan goes on to show Hobnob the principles of the crafting he's been doing, fashioning another Fornsworth Shield-ward.

In the meantime Janet works on selling the ice jade item they had made the prior month, naming it the Frost-Jewel Fist.

This is assuming I did the math right about costs. Have 9 wealth. Costs 9 to upgrade workshop and 2 to hire apprentice, so need a loan. Also assuming the mythic resource is used up once something crafted from it.

Free action: trade 1 Ice Jade to Dhakos for 4 wealth, as agreed on in Discord thread

First action: Hire Apprentice. Second action: upgrade workshop. Third action: Craft
For the apprentice, I'm fluffing the 2 cost as paying the travel expenses instead of cost of seeking and interviewing.
Craft (5d10)[26]
Sell (5d10)[36]
Gather (5d10)[22]
Mentor (5d10)[26]
Research (5d10)[29]
Hunt (5d10)[22]
Explore (5d10)[20]

Craft (1d100+89)[124]

Janet Sell Ice Jade Epic Product (1d100+57)[99]
Practice Craft, Research, Explore

Auto-sell the Masterwork Donovan makes
Commentary: so close to 100+ on 2 rolls.

Though he is saddened about one of the first uses of his armor. Bielara had seemed reliable enough, but he knew well how often greed could make one take ill actions. Part of the reason he decided to leave Facault was that one weaselly professor had stolen his research and gotten sponsorship that he rightly deserved.

Knowing it would tarnish his name, he nevertheless confronts Bielara. He would not be bullied in this new frontier like he had been back home. Besides, now that he was going to start selling things like his ice jade gauntlet, he could probably afford a full enterprise soon. The Eye of Sarrokh in hand, he prepares for the trip home.

To his chagrin, though, he notices some of Trevor's group already look at him a bit disgruntled. Though at least it seems not to have soured Trevor and Janet's budding relationship.

Xantin Rahl
2019-10-14, 12:40 PM
Dhakos is very happy with how the sells went he was finally able to go explore one of those locations he has heard so much about, he did not fancy sharing his with the world as of yet.
One evening he goes to the "Mary mermaid" a tavern by the river, he sits there for few hours casually talking how he would be more than willing to pay a few adventurers to assist him in exploring Tidhorn. He stops by the workshop of the man who discovered the place. After exchanging information he also buys i sample of an ICe jade from him Not a long time passes and they finally venture.

In the meantime, Valeria is tasked with finding an apprentice who will study under both her and her husband. At first she has no idea how to approach the topic, but in the end, she spreads some gossip paying a few merchants to have a lookout she also buys 2 basic skins. Not much after that a girl with long blond hair enters the shop.
She introduces herself Isgred Astriddottir, daughter of Astridmeavdottir, from the wolf clan, this leather I wear is the work of my hands I wanna work with da best and I hear da best is hear. I'm Isgred daughter of Astrid, daughter of Maev. I will work with you

Free action buy 2 base for 1 wealth, buy 1 ice jade for 4 wealth as agreed on Discord
Dhakos goes for 3 delves Dwelve goes up to 77 cost is 27 wealth
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Valeria practices Explore(28) gather(38) & research(42)
Valeria hires an apprentice (1d100+65)[76] (already added her to the excel), Valeria mentor goes up to 68(so close to Jurnyman - should be ther in 2 months), costs 2 wealth
(5d10)[21] Craft
(5d10)[35] Sell
(5d10)[24] Gather
(5d10)[34] Mentor
(5d10)[39] Research
(5d10)[27] Hunt
(5d10)[31] Explore

Max uses up 1 base and crafts a basic which is autosold for 3

Overal wealth (-27-2-7-1-4+3=-38) i should have 3 left + anything i find

2019-10-24, 05:50 PM
Tom opens the door. On the doorstep is a dwarf...young, as far as Tom can tell, though his long beard makes it hard to tell.

"Am I talking to Mr Dockson, the master craftsman?"
Tom preens slightly at the compliment. "Well...yes, I'm Tom Dockson. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"My uncle purchased a SPERA from you a few months ago." Tom's smile becomes a little nervous, but the dwarf continues. "It is a most impressive piece of work. I have come to ask you to take me on as an apprentice, to learn to make such things for myself. I can earn my keep - I've had a little practice, though only what I could do in my free time. The name's Glun."

Despite the dwarf's rather abrupt manner, Tom invites him in to discuss the matter in more detail. After a few days spent testing the dwarf's abilities and knowledge, and after a few discussions with Kate, Tom decides to take the dwarf on.

Glun isn't the only new addition to the workshop. Carefully ignoring his empty pocket-book and depleted stores, Tom takes out a loan and hires six new workers.

Kate, meanwhile, takes out her own loan to start another expedition, setting off to hunt down one of the creatures in the hills that surprised her before.

New apprentice! (From the end of last month, technically, but I've only just named him.)

Free actions: Take out two loans
Buy 2 basic resources

Hire Employees:
2 gatherers
2 crafters
1 seller
Craft Product (1d100+90)[174]
Craft Product (1d100+90)[158]

Sell Products (1d100+34)[104]
Practice Craft, Gather, Research

Kate: Legendary Hunt (1d100+75)[99] argh
Practice Craft, Research, Explore

As the Docksons will be learning over the month, dwarf society is highly caste based. A dwarf is given a job at birth, based on their parents' jobs and the divinations of dwarven priests. That is the job they will be trained for growing up, and the job they will do for the rest of their lives. Even their name is chosen to reflect that, with different names associated with different jobs. Glun's name marks him as a warrior, like his uncle - which is unfortunate, as he has absolutely no interest in fighting, and is more interested in the traditional dwarf skills of smithing and craftsmanship. Since no dwarf would take him on as an apprentice for such a role, he's been forced to seek elsewhere.

Things weren't always this way. Once, dwarves were free to choose what they wanted to do like any other race. But a few centuries ago, there was a series of plagues which devastated the dwarven race. Other races were affected too, of course, but for whatever reason dwarves proved particularly vulnerable. Lacking the manpower to keep their great fortresses running efficiently, and with enemies from the underdark eyeing up the nearby forces, many dwarvish cities adopted variants on the system we see today to ensure that the most important positions were filled. Those which did not adopt such measures were wiped out. Nowadays the dwarf population has more or less recovered and the system is unnecessary, but tradition dictates that it carries on.

(On a side note, dwarves don't have surnames - if you want to distinguish between two dwarves with the same name, you use their fathers' names, grandfathers' names, etc. So if you wanted to distinguish Glun from another dwarf with the same name, you'd call him Glun Glunson. Or if the other dwarf was also a Glun Glunson, Tom's apprentice would be called Glun Glunson Thurimson.)

2019-11-07, 04:42 PM
Month 10

Vaeldor continues to grow as individuals and families begin to flow into the city. With more and more successful trips across the mountains, more and more are willing to make the trip. This continues to open the doors for commerce. And at the center of all of this, the explorers and adventurers hoping to find lost secrets and hidden legends. But the land is vast and so few are truly skilled in the art of discovery.

News spreads of even more successful finds in nearby ruins. And some have even begun their focus to hunting a great creature that lives not far from the city, though with no success.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 2
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 1

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
??? (4)

Donovon Fornsworth

Growth and Change
Donovon set out to ensure that his business was running smoothly. The addition of a colleague turned apprentice was a positive wrinkle, but a wrinkle nonetheless. He took some time as well to brush up on his craft and was pleased to see that it was not lacking despite his focus on exploration. Janet put forth great effort in ensuring that a qualified buyer for the Frost-Jewel Fist could be found. And in so doing, was able to make an additional sale of the newly created curio. Donovon even found some time to meet one of the local leathersmiths interested in purchasing some Ice Jade.

Monthly Costs: 4 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic, 1 Ice Jade
Gained: 4 Wealth, 1 Masterwork, 1 Apprentice
Sales: 24 Wealth (1E, 1M)
Net Change: +22 Wealth, -1 Basic, -1 Ice Jade, -1 Epic, +1 Apprentice, +Reputation

Donovon XP: Mentor +4, Craft +1
Janet XP: Sell +4, Craft +2, Research +2, Explore +2, Increase to Rank 3

Ice Jade (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Venetian Seastone (-) 60% Complete

Special Traits:
Reduced cost for Group Expeditions (-1 upfront, -2 weekly)

Tom Dockson

Hunting A Legend to the South of Vaeldor
This was familiar territory to Kate by now. The many days and weeks she had spent in these fields was in direct effort to discover a resource. But now she knew the source of the resource and want to bring it back for her brother to examine (not to mention to get it back for striking at her).

But this was no ordinary thing to hunt. It seemed only to be approachable at night, when it was moving. And so Kate, fully equipped for a fight, set out in search of the creature. She spent the better part of the week looking for even a single trace of the creature, to no avail. It was during the final night of her weeklong search that she spotted in moving in the darkness. Unable to reach the creature in time, she launched a heavy spear at the creature, hoping it would make a solid strike. When she found the spear she was relieved to find some Esperion as she knew that it was a good throw considering how dark it was. And, also, that she did not have to go back home empty handed.

From Last Turn: You discovered a Legendary Creature, describe it and name it.

Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth
Spent: -2 Wealth (Interest), 4 Basic
Gained: 10 Wealth, 6 Basic, 2 Rare, 2 Esperion, 2 Masterwork
Sales: 39 Wealth (2M +2, N +1, N)
Net Change: +25 Wealth, +2 Basic, +2 Rare, +2 Esperion, +Reputation

Tom XP: Mentor +4
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Explore +1, Research +1
Glun XP: Sell +5, Craft +3, Gather +3, Research +3

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Delving at Tidehome
Dhakos was surprised at the many individuals making camp near the structure on the beach. It seemed that everyone in Vaeldor was looking for wealth and secrets that the castle held. His team immediately set to explore the interior, but Dhakos decided to examine the exterior as well as the immediate interior for any symbols or writing that may give any indication of what the building’s purpose was, or what could be found within. As such, the first week had little in return for their efforts, some minor baubles and trinkets that would sell well in the Vaeldorian market. The following week he discovered some more similar artifacts and concluded that this was indeed a stronghold for some noble family as many of the items had similar symbols: the silhouette of a bird above an ocean wave. He also found a few useful materials which he set aside to be stored in his warehouse when he returned home. By the third week, there was a palpable frustration emanating from all of the camps. It seemed that none of the expeditions had yet to find anything of note, unlike last month. However, Dhakos knew better than to give into despair and rallied the party behind him. He was able to piece together the importance of the building and those whom had once called it home. And he was extra careful to the symbolism around him. Eventually, he lead the team to a room that lacked in size and obvious opulence, but not in heraldry. He set the team to examine the room carefully, noting that there may be a hidden passageway nearby. Much to everyone’s surprise, the moving of a small symbol on the wall revealed a doorway into a small and unlit library. Dhakos approached the most central of shelves and discovered a large and heavily filigreed tome. What little he could decypher, lead him to believe that these people had mastered the craft of combining a nearby resource with other ingredients to make water based enhancing effects. Dhakos was thrilled at the find but was surprised that he had never seen one of these seashells available in the markets of Vaeldor. Perhaps no one had yet discovered the shell. But by his understanding, it was a nearby resource. As he flipped through the pages of the tome, a small monocle slipped out from between the pages and he caught it before it could hit the ground. It was a blue sapphire gem held in a golden circle with a golden chain with a small golden medallion of the heraldic symbol of the castle. Unsure why someone would make a sapphire monocle, he held the lens up to his eye to look through it. To his surprise, he was reading information on the pages themselves. What kind of paper it was and the composition of the ink where the only things he could quickly discern from what he saw. Whatever the monocle was doing, he was sure he would need to take some time to study it. So he pocketed monocle and carried the tome out with him and prepared to head back to Vaeldor.

The monocle provides information on any material it examines. This enhances the research bonus from Workshop level by 50%. This applies to ALL research.

You have found a Relic. Give it a name and add more detail to how it looks and works.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 34 Wealth, 1 Basic
Gained: 21 Wealth, 3 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade, 1 Normal, 1 Attachment Recipe, 1 Relic, 1 Apprentice
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -17 Wealth, +1 Basic, +1 Rare, +1 Ice Jade, +1 Attachment Recipe, +1 Relic, +1 Apprentice, +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Explore +7
Valeria XP: Mentor +3, Gather +1, Research +1, Explore +1

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)

Xantin Rahl
2019-11-09, 06:01 AM
Dhakos was thrilled with the Monocol he found. Tidehorn seemed to be a very popular location and he was sure its halls and corridors would soon be emptied of the treasures, that's why he was glad he managed to swoop it up despite the circumstances. He would still need to examine the exact effects of the possibilities it grants. But first, he needed to name it. Unfortunately, the family to which Tidehorn belonged seemed long forgotten and no literature he read through offered any insights to neither their names or whereabouts. How could have a civilisation that offered so many marvels could have had completely disappeared? After giving it some thought Dhakos decides to call the family House Searobin based on the silhouette of the bird that was present everywhere. And as for the Artifact "The Saffire Monocle of the Searobin House" or "SMOSH" in short

Dhakos decides to check the exact effects of the SMOSH straight away and spends all month researching the ice jade, thanks to the artefact his research seems to be going much smoother and at the month-end he is sure he had discovered at least a big portion of the secrets of the stone.
During the first week of research the monocle shows him info on the fact that the Ice can be cut to small pieces. Dhakos tries to make very thin plates out of it and make a kind of scale hide armor, unfortunately the weight of the product would be to big. In the later week he ties to create some kind of thread from the Jade but unfortunately the material seems to not withstand such amount of pressure and turns to dust.

Valeria, in turn, takes Isgerd om a girls week out - they try to map more of the region where the Pelis Purpurus was found. They do manage to add a few new interesting places to the map
Valeria is taking Isgred's apprenticeship very seriously
As such on their trip, they try to observe as much hunting, and gathering as possible and even manage to catch a glimpse of Dhakos research.

Location in region 8 becomes Public: Additionally Dhakos tells all shop visitors about a Location he found to the north of Vaeldor. The treelike structure. Which he calls “The Arbor Spelunca”

Sum up and rolls
Dhakos Coriumfaber
researches the ice Jade x 3 (resaerch goes up +7=63)
(1d100+56)[116]; -1 Ice Jade, +25% from roll + 10%from workshop +5% from SMOSH = 40%
(1d100+56)[123]; +25% from roll + 10%from workshop +5% from SMOSH = 40% Total 80%
(1d100+56)[60]; +10% from roll + 10% from workshop +5% from SMOSH = 20% Total 105%

Valeria Coriumfaber
Mapping of region 7; - 2 wealth + 3exp (explore 32)
(1d100+29)[58] Found Poi
Train (all gain+1 - new values in brackets) = Research(43); Gather (39); Hunt (44); Mentor(69)

Isgerd Asriddottir
Isgerd Mapping of region 7 - 2 wealth + 5exp (explore 36)
(1d100+31)[83] Found Poi (used valerias value in roll so just updated vallues here by Isgrid stat)
Train (all gain+3 - new values in brackets) = Research(42); Gather (27); Hunt (30); Mentor(37)

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 4 Wealth, 1 Basic
Gained: n/a
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -8 Wealth, -1 Basic .......

2019-11-09, 11:34 PM
The sale of the Frost-Jewel Fist gave more supplies than Donovan had anticipated, and, after consulting his apprentices and making up some business plans, he decides to finish the renovations and expansions he had begun last month. He also starts sending out feelers for some perspective employees.

In the meantime, he decides to test out his Intrangibilities. He first hires his now-friends to lead one final expedition to the Temple of Sarrokh. While others have started to delve it, and he reckons he has found the rarest finds already, he hopes the new armor plus his notes and insights could help him uncover some hidden treasures to fund future ventures.

As the group is heading back to the city along a relatively isolated part of the Eastern Road, a group of horsemen rush out from the nearby woods and block their path. One of them -- evidently the leader -- wears the insignia of some noble house. Donovan doesn't recognize the exact House, but it looks like one of the noble houses in the Vekhein Confederacy.

With a sneer, the noble commands, "Hand over your wagons, gear, and valuables, and you will be allowed to live."

Trevor and his group prepare to arms themselves for battle, Bielara shouting out, "You idiot! Don't you know the City Guard will hunt you down and kill all of you for this, and then we'll get our stuff back anyway."

The noble smirks, replying, "Foolish girl. We have no intention of staying in these boondocks. I've heard of the wealth of this land, and my House, though great, is lacking financially. Once we procure what you peasants have found, we'll be far away before you get back to that mediocre 'city', as you call it."

Battle ensues. The adventurers quickly show that they out-skill the nobleman's guard, but they are still outnumbered. Donovan mostly hides at first, but realizing the usefulness of his armor, he joins the fray as an incorporeal being and manages to distract and, well, freak out the horsemen enough that Trevor's group is able to defeat them. Most lay dead, but the nobleman and a few others are tied up. Of Trevor's group, there are no casualties, but Trevor has taken a nasty blow to the knee.

As they try to rush back to the city, the state of his injury becomes more apparent. An infection soon sets in, and his group's medic has to amputate the leg in order to save his life. (That night, Donovan looks the other way as the nobleman receives quite a beating from the adventurers.)

When they return to the city, the nobleman and his surviving men are handed over the City Guard. Trevor needs to rest and recuperate, and while the inn his team usually stays in has nice amenities, he finds Janet's presence and ministrations more comforting, and thus he stays in one of the new guestrooms at the workshop.

From a fiscal point-of-view, it is fortunate Janet had made such a masterful piece of work before her paramour's injury. She's certainly fairly distracted the rest of the month. Donovan suggests that Hobnob get familiar with the area surrounding the city by gathering for supplies, while he goes on to investigate the "Treehouse" he had discovered his first month in the city, mainly with the goal of mapping it out for a later group or enterprise delve.

All in all, it is pretty remarkable the finds and growth that had happened in just under one year. He has a feeling of pride at the full craftsman enterprise he will have operating next month.

Janet's item this month is the creation of something she read of in one of Donovan's old lectures on the Venetian Empire. Its warmages had crafted a defensive charm that looked like a normal Chess set (Chess being an old game meant to imitate war, strategy, and tactics.)

Carved from a single piece of material with special rune in-lays, it creates a defensive network in the mind of someone who plays "against themself" for at least an hour. The magic only works for one person per day, but it gives that person a boost to resisting magicks as the tactical insights fortify the mind. (Mechanically in D&D terms, a +1 bonus to saving throws against magic or magic-like effects.)

Of a plus is that, as made of one single piece, sympathetic magic helps it stay together. If a chess piece is lost, it tends to eventually gravitate back towards the chess board via random chance.

Action 1: Upgrade Workshop to Level 4
Action 2: Group Expedition to Temple of Sarrokh (cost at -3 due to trait), Region 2
Action 3: Solo Expedition to "Treehouse" (secret Location), Region 7

Janet Craft (1d100+59)[126]
Train Sell, Research, Explore
Hobnob Gather (1d100+22)[67]
Train Research, Hunt, Explore

If my math and reading of the Level 3 bonus is right, Janet's craft should cover monthly expenses, and Hobnob found at least 1 rare resource.

2019-11-25, 07:57 PM
The Dockson building is dark, except for a single window on the upper floor. The warm glow of firelight spills out of the Dockson sitting room window and into the cold night air. Inside, Kate is pacing back and forth in front of a thoroughly fed-up Tom and Glun. "I was so close! A moment faster, and I'd have reached it. I know I can do it this time. Well, I'm not going to stand here and let some overgrown molehill get the better of me. Let me try again, Tom. Please? It'll be worth it when I catch it, I promise."

"Fine! You can try again! Just stop talking about it for five minutes!"[/COLOR]

"Thank you! I'll start planning the trip first thing tomorrow. Obviously, I'll need bit more money for supplies."

Tom sighs, but agrees. After all, he reasons himself, he'd just spent a bunch of money on his own interests, so it wouldn't really be fair to deny Kate this. Speaking of which...

"On another topic, I spotted this in the market today." He removes a small pink gem from his pocket. "Venetian Seastone, the merchant called it. I believe it has some flight-related powers, and wondered if we could find out how to work them into our own designs. I've had an idea in mind for some time now which would involve both Esperion and something like this. Glun, maybe we could take a look at it together during Kate's trip?

Kate: Legendary Hunt (1d100+78)[86]
Practice: Mentor, Craft, Research

Free action: purchase a Venetian Seastone

Tom: Research Venetian Seastone *2
Craft SPERA: [roll1]

Glun: Research Venetian Seastone [roll2] I believe that should be enough to finish it regardless of the roll, with the workshop bonus
Practice: Craft, Sell, Explore

If my arithmetic is correct, after this is done, and the employee-actions-and-maintenance are taken into account, I'll have enough wealth to pay off one of my two loans, and I will do so this round.

Kate is putting off naming the hill-creature until she's actually caught one and got a proper look at it.

2019-12-06, 01:00 AM
Month 11

Temple of Sarrokh has been fully delved.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 2

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2) - Fully Delved
The Arbor Spelunca (8)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
??? (4)

Donovon Fornsworth

Found a collapsed room full of treasure! Even some odd materials that you have never seen before: a silvery metal, a red and gold gemstone, and a vial of some kind of powder. Perhaps this was once a storehouse attached to some type of market?

Found very little. The temple complex is massive! Walked away with a few baubles that will fetch a small amount when sold.

You have stumbled upon unknown exotic materials. If you wish to name them, discover a source for each one. (This is what Research:Area is designed to do).
However, you may add more details to each one, if you wish.

Monthly Costs: 8 Wealth
Spent: 29 Wealth, 1 Basic, 4 Rare
Gained: 16 Wealth, 3 Basic, 3 Rare, 3 Exotics, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 8 Wealth (1M)
Net Change: -13 Wealth, +2 Basic, -1 Rare, +1 Exotic (silvery mineral), +1 Exotic (red and gold gemstone), +1 Exotic (vial of powder), +Reputation

Donovon XP: -
Janet XP: Craft +3, Sell +1, Research +1, Explore +1
Hobnob XP: Gather +5, Research +3, Hunt +3, Explore +3

Ice Jade (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Venetian Seastone (-) 60% Complete

Special Traits:
Reduced cost for Group Expeditions (-1 upfront, -2 weekly)

Tom Dockson

Tom discovers that the primary attribute of the material is its hardness. In fact, he discovers that the hardness is maintained even when broken down into smaller segments. This will allow you to make something small and difficult to break.
After he was done with his discovery of its basic attribute, he was surprised to find that there was some type of natural oil that repelled water coming from the fragmented crystals…(advanced recipe available to discover)

Kate continues to have issues striking the creature true. She is able to remove a few more scales of esperion, but walks away without facing the creature face-to-face.

Based on your actions, you do not have enough to pay off your two loans from last month.

Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth
Spent: 2 Wealth (Interest), 10 Wealth, 4 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 Seastone
Gained: 4 Basic, 2 Rare, 3 Esperion, 1 Seastone, 2 Normal, 1 Spera
Sales: 10 Wealth (2N)
Net Change: -24 Wealth, +1 Rare, +2 Esperion, +1 Spera, Unique Seaston Recipe

Tom XP: Research +6
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Mentor +1, Research +1
Glun XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Sell +3, Explore +3

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Unique Seastone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)

Dhakos Coriumfaber

As much as he expected, the material gave off a slightly cold aura in its natural state which Dhakos learned he could direct with a proper elemental housing. He was also surprised to find that the stone’s aura cold aura could fill a larger area than its size would lead one to believe…(advanced recipe available to discover)

Located on the western edge of Area 7.
https://i.ibb.co/4pQBRvY/bridge-remains-7.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Located near the treeline on the northern end of Area 7.
https://i.ibb.co/m5H0Zsk/twisted-tree-7.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

You discovered two POI, name them and describe them.

Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Spent: 4 Wealth, 1 Basic, 1 Ice Jade
Gained: 1 Normal
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Net Change: -8 Wealth, -1 Basic, Unique Ice Jade Recipe, +Reputation

Dhakos XP: Research +7
Valeria XP: Explore +3, Gather +1, Mentor +1, Research +1, Hunt +1
Isgerd XP: Explore +5, Gather +3, Mentor +3, Research +3, Hunt +3

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Unique Ice Jade Recipe (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade)

2019-12-06, 02:27 PM
Discovery of Treasure

Donovan is pleasantly surprised at the findings in the Temple. And glad his armor protected him from harm from that fall. He carefully stores the three odd materials for transport home.

He is less pleased with his search of the "Treehouse", but at least his maps should make things more fruitful once he brings a bigger group.

Month 12

Looking at his workshop, as the first year of his work in Vaeldor draws near its end, Donovan Fornsworth is filled with pride. He looks over Janet and Hobnob working together, discussing the oddities of the region and the strange new materials they found. Looking at the vacant workstations, he decides to implement his plans to make this a true business (and research) enterprise.

First, to find some employees.
He interviews a handful of crafters, but most of them don't quite fit with him, or seem to lack the touch for delicate work of crafting curios. One of them makes a passing mention that he can do better than the youths Donovan already has selling his stuff.
What youths?

Donovan tracks it down to two teenagers -- a brother and sister pair he has recognized watching him and Janet work some months prior -- who are hawking 'good luck charms' with the claim they are Donovan's shop. One of the few illegal activities in Vaeldor.
At first they are scared when Donovan confronts them, but he sees their work. Through crude in some ways, it is remarkable in others. Instead of turning them into the authorities, Donovan recruits them and instructs them in how to incorporate some rare gems to make true good luck charms instead of mere replicas. Donovan also sees a bit of his own history in the youths, as he was shown kindness by a merchant as a child. When he hears they are orphans, their parents having died after moving to the city, he is very glad to offer them a living wage.

He also notices Trevor talking to some of his adventurer associates, and gets an idea. Trevor has been a bit depressed from his injuries, and he isn't one to like charity. Donovan offers him a job selling the good luck charms to adventurer associates. With Janet's encouragement, Trevor agrees.

And, then to his surprise, Bielara offers to temporarily work gathering supplies, along with some "friends" of hers who know how to find things others have missed. Donovan gives her a raised eyebrow of concern, but she quickly says it's all legal and up-and-up. With Trevor's verification, he agrees to hire her. Bielara admits she probably won't stay doing this for long, but just long enough to find someone else she likes working with half as much as she enjoyed working with Trevor. But her friends could use honest work in the city.

Crafters: Ted, Terra
Seller: Trevor
Gatherers: Bielara, Sasara, Erika

Now to decide how to spend the rest of this month. Donovan's coffers are pretty full, but his expenses are also much higher now. He is tempted to explore that ruin Dhakos revealed, but his funds are a bit too short to make a serious go of it this month.

Instead, he decides to focus on crafting the remains of his Ice Jade into more Frost-Jewel Fists. This time, instead of letting the accident imbue the magic into a glove, he dissolves the glove to gather his essence and instill it, along with the ice jade's power, into a ring.
Thus, he makes his original intention: a ring that, when activated with a mental command word, forms an ethereal 'Frost-Jewel Fist' around the user's hand. In all practical purposes, it is as the previous version, except it can be turned off.

Fortunately, Janet is able to find some good buyers. A duo of martial artists who had heard of the Frost-Jewel Fist stop by, and she is able to persuade them that each of them could benefit greatly from the magic rings. They almost decide to buy just one, but she offers a sparring match with Hobnob (much to his surprise.)
Despite his small frame, he is an old goblin, and goblins increase in strength with age. He loses to the monks fairly quickly (albeit after getting a couple vicious blows in), but they still see the benefit of the rings during the sparring match. Janet reluctantly pays for Hobnob to visit one of the local temples that offer medical care; Donovan insists it come from her monthly stipend, not the workshop's coffers.

Ted and Terra also successfully each make a small charm that increases the luck of the user. Nothing very substantial, but the gemstone in-lays turn a catastrophic failure into a minor one. (D&D Mechanics: Once per day, on the first critical failure, treat as a normal failure.) Trevor sells one to a member of his former adventuring party, the other selling to an adventurer who stops by one evening.

Hobnob spends this month mostly in the research area. Now fully furnished, it is a much better working space. He is able to finish researching the Venetian Seastone, as well as reviewing Donovan's notes on crafting curious and some of the strange wonders he and Janet have discovered nearby.

Spend 2 wealth to buy 4 basic resources, so as to have enough to make the epic gear.
Use up 8 basic resources, 4 rare resources, and the remaining 2 Ice Jade to make gear.

Janet sells "+2 items at base price", so sells both Frost-Jewel Fists. Right?
Hobnob finishes researching the Venetian Seastone recipe.

Employee Monthly Actions
Employees Cost: 12 wealth
Employees Use Up: 2 basic resources, 2 rare resources
Employees Generate: 9 basic resources, 3 rare resources, +1 sell item, 2 Premium Product
NET GAIN: 7 basic, 1 rare, 2 premium product, +1 sell

So Seller sell premium for 8 wealth & auto-sell sell premium for 8 wealth
since auto-sell after seller, no +1 bonus from level 2 workshop

Net Monthly Expenses
Total Expenses (Workshop + Employees): 24
Employee Revenue: 16 wealth
Remaining Balance: 8 wealth
So I need to make 8 wealth via other actions to break even. Well, 10 this month as I spent 2 on basic resources

Donovan Actions
Hire Employees
Craft Frost-Jewel Fist (1d100+90)[144]
Craft Frost-Jewel Fist (1d100+90)[175]

Janet Sell Epic Gear (1d100+62)[74]
Train Research, Hunt, Explore
Hobnob research Venetian Seastone (1d100+32)[109]
Train Craft, Hunt, Explore

Xantin Rahl
2019-12-08, 08:26 AM
Turn 11 Sum up
Althou Valeria & Isgerd did not manage to find any new dwelvable locations they still manged to find some interesting places, The first looked like a sort of ruined guardhouse or maybe a part of a bigger defense line of sorts, how a civilization which managed to built such places perished remained a mistery. Valeria having named a few of structures alredy insisted that the Norswoman named their newest discovery. Finaly they named the place Isguardium
The other place that was found was a tree twisted in a peculiar way. Based on the way Dhakos used to name his discoveries they name it Lignum Tortuosum
Turn 12
Isgerd decides to spend the month on hunting wolves in the nearby forest this should provide some base resources to use in any projects they need to work on as a team. She also spies on more experianced hunter, finaly she observes more on how the workshop oparates,
Valeria also hunts, but her pray is a bit different she will focuss her eforts on geting hold of more Pellis Purpureus,
Dhakos decides to Solo Dwelve The Arbor Spelunca

Isgerd Gather: (1d100+27)[48] (+10 exp) (37), + 2 base
Isgred trains Hunt (33), Craft (24), Explore (36) Mentor(40)
Valeria hunts region 7 for Pelis Purpurus: (1d100+44)[87],exp +3 (47), +2 base + 2 rare. Xost 2 wealth
Valeria trains Explore (33), sell(38), Gather (40), Mentor (70) - this shoulfd move her to Jurnyman
3 times solo Dwelve By Dhakos: Exp +7 (84) Costs 1 base, + 1 for distance. 3x3 weakly -8 total cost 11

The crafter aoutocrafts a product & sells it for 4

2019-12-10, 07:12 PM
This hunt will be different. This time, Kate is sure, she'll catch the...the...she still hasn't come up with a name...aha. "Aos Sidhe" Kate says aloud. Yes, the name was good. In the myths of a land across the sea from her own, it was the name for a kind of fae that lived in mounds...but it could also refer to the hills themselves. The dichotomy was fitting for the creature she's going to catch. Of course, the last two times she set out she was also confident of success and the Aos Sidhe escaped, but Kate isn't the sort of person to let a little thing like that discourage her.

Tom and Glun, meanwhile, work on using the Esperion to make duplicates of earlier artifacts and sell them. It's not perhaps the most interesting work, but Glun learns much about crafting and it reliably earns money. Which has been in rather short supply in the Dockson workshop lately, as Tom pointedly remarked to Kate at the start of her third hunt.

Free action to take out another loan ( :( )

Craft Environment Suit (1d100+90)[161]
Craft Environment Suit (1d100+90)[189]
Sell [roll0]

Glun: Sell (1d100+42)[74] Sell
Practice: Craft, Research, Explore

Kate: Legendary Hunt (1d100+81)[156]
Practice: Explore, Craft, Research

Note: I'm down as having 4 esperion on the google sheet. While I haven't been keeping track too carefully, I was only expecting to have 3, so maybe check that? If so, turn one of the environment suits into a SPERA.
Also, I currently only have 3 and 4 basic and rare resources respectively, and will need 12 and 6 for the two environment suits. My gatherers will bring in 6 and 2 more. My employees will be downgraded to crafting basic products for a turn, and I'll buy enough basic resources to complete my crafts and keep the crafter employees working. By my calculations, that works out as buying 5 (well, 6) more basic resources for 3 wealth, necessitating yet another loan.
At the end of the round, pay off as many loans as I can afford.

2019-12-26, 06:49 PM
Month 12

With the constant influx of individuals into Vaeldor, the demands on basic necessities has risen dramatically. Stories of the Aos Sidhe have circulated for much of the month, however, it seems it has gotten harder to find since a hunter recently fought it directly.

The cost of basic resources is now 1 Wealth for 1 Basic Resource

After a hunter has successfully fought a Legendary Creature, it will go into hiding for some time. This does not mean it cannot be found, but it will be harder to find until this is no longer the case. When a creature goes into hiding and when it is spotted again will be noted publicly.

Items dropped from Legendary creatures can be used to enhance any normal, premium, or mastwork product. By spending one of these enhancers when taking the Craft:Product action you increase the quality of the product by three - Normal to Unique, Premium to Epic, Masterwork to Legendary. Only the master crafter or an apprentice can accomplish this task.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 0
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 2

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2) - Fully Delved
The Arbor Spelunca (8)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
Aos Sidhe (4) - In Hiding

Donovon Fornsworth

Hobnob discovers that the primary attribute of the material is its ability to refactor light. This light had the added bonus of enhancing certain magical properties of those it touched.
After he was done with his discovery of its basic attribute, he was surprised to find that there was some type of natural oil that came out of the crystal when left in water…(advanced recipe available to discover)

Starting Resources: 18 Wealth, 4 Basic, 7 Rare, 2 Ice Jade, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder)
Gathered: -
Employees Gathered: 9 Basic 3 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 2 Wealth, 8 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Ice Jade
Gained: 4 Basic, 2 Frost-Jewel Fist, +40% Venetian Seastone Research
Total Sales: 60 Wealth (2E, 2P)
Monthly Costs: 24 Wealth
Net Change: +38 Wealth, +3 Basic, -3 Rare, -2 Ice Jade, Unique Venetian Seastone Recipe, +Reputation
Ending Resources: 56 Wealth, 7 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder)

Donovon XP: -
Janet XP: Sell +3, Research +1, Hunt +1, Explore +1
Hobnob XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Hunt +3, Explore +3

Frost-Jewel Fist (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) (attachment)
Unique Venetian Seastone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone) 100% Complete

Special Traits:
Reduced cost for Group Expeditions (-1 upfront, -2 weekly)

Tom Dockson

Kate finally met the creature face-to-face. The battle was mostly hers but the creature did get away, though not unscathed. She found a claw from one of its rear paws and a spine from its tail along with some esperion. It seems she made some powerful strikes to it as it attempted to flee the battle.

However, she heard from other people that someone else had attacked the creature that same night, though it escaped them as well.

Through delicate work and study, Tom has made a discovery! Choose one:

The process to make Environment suits has been inefficient. Tom sees this and has improved the recipe (Updated recipe: Environment Suit (3 Basic, 2 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Tom begins to understand some of the major aspects of the quality of the resources in this area. (All new recipe research starts with a bonus 30%)
In tinkering with Esperion and Venetian Seastone, Tom discovers an interesting interaction. (New Epic Recipe: 3 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone)

I’ve added another loan to afford the cost of the missing Basic Resources. You were short 5 Basic Resources, so that cost 3 Wealth to gain 6.

Starting Resources: 1 Wealth, 3 Basic, 4 Rare, 4 Esperion
Gathered: -
Employees Gathered: 6 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic
Employees Crafted: 2 Normal
Spent: 8 Wealth, 12 Basic, 6 Rare, 4 Esperion
Gained: 10 Wealth, 6 Basic, 2 Esperion, 2 Environment Suit, 1 Aos Sidhe Claw, 1 Aos Sidhe Spine
Sales: 99 Wealth (2E, 1U, 1N, 1N+1)
Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth, 4 Wealth (Interest)
Net Change: +76 Wealth, -2 Basic, -4 Rare, -2 Esperion, -1 Spera, +1 Aos Sidhe Claw, +1 Aos Sidhe Spine, +Reputation
Ending Resources: 77 Wealth, 1 Basic, 2 Esperion, 1 Aos Sidhe Claw, 1 Aos Sidhe Spine

Tom XP: Sell +4
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Research +1, Explore +1
Glun XP: Sell +5, Craft +3, Research +3, Explore +3

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Unique Venetian Seastone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone) 100% complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

After a very rough week in delving The Arbor Spelunca, Dhakos noticed that the others camped here were having just as difficult a time. Though, he noted was only one of a handful who had decided to try their hand with this ruin alone. But someone else noticed that he was having trouble and approached him privately. The man was a younger explorer and offered to join forces. Choose one:

Refuse the help, nothing changes.
Accept the help for an even split of the finds (+4 Wealth, +3 Rare, +2 Exotic), other people will notice you sharing the finds with him so Group Delves will be more expensive here (+2 Base cost, +2 Weekly)
Offer to partner with him (+2 Wealth, +1 Rare, +1 Exotic), Solo Delves at this location will be more expensive but also more rewarding (+1 Base and +1 Weekly, gain an additional find each delve)

Starting Resources: 16 Wealth, 1 Rare
Gathered: 2 Basic, 1 Rare
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 13 Wealth
Gained: 3 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Net Change: -14 Wealth, +3 Basic, +2 Rare
Ending Resources: 2 Wealth, 3 Basic, 3 Rare

Dhakos XP: Explore +7
Valeria XP: Hunt +3, Sell +1, Gather +1, Mentor +1, Explore +1
Isgerd XP: Explore +10, Craft +3, Mentor +3, Hunt +3, Explore +3

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100%complete

2019-12-27, 10:49 AM
Donovan is truly impressed by the wealth his recent sales had brought in. He'd never even seen this much gold and silver before. And it was only one year into this enterprise.

He is certain he wants to use his new funds to lead a thorough exploration of one of the ruins. The discovery of new points of interest near his 'treehouse' make him concerned about another finding and revealing it to the public, so he opts for it instead of the tempting Spelunca that Dhakos had found.

With his maps from his previous delve, a new group of adventurers recommended by Travis, and a good wagon of supplies, Donovan and Janet head off to the ruin.

In the meantime, Hobnob decides to hunt for more Venetian Seastone. Unfortunately, while is able to find the nesting grounds of some birds, he isn't able to find any that look like what Donovan had found previously. Saddened and grumpy, he returns home. On his way, he sees some Seastone for sale at the market and decides to buy it, his stubbornness saying that failure to find seastone is no excuse for not crafting something with it next month.

Employees make premium gear (net results +7 basic, +1 rare, +2 premium)
Free action: purchase Venetian Seastone

If I did the math right, my delve should cost 25 total. 2 Group Startup + 1 distance + 2 bring apprentice = 5. Then 4 delves at 5 each for 20. Total: 25 expense.
2 expense for Hunt + 5 expense for buy Seastone + 8 remaining monthly expenses after selling premiums = 15.
25+15 = 40 net wealth loss.

Group Delve to Region 7
Donovan's Explore Rolls
Janet Explore (1d100+57)[130] (trains Craft, Research, Hunt)

Hobnob Hunt Region 6 (1d100+28)[88]
Train Sell, Gather Explore

Xantin Rahl
2020-01-09, 03:38 PM
Dhakos is frustreted with how the dwelve of the Arbor Spelunca went, he gladly accepts the ofer of the young adventurer named Mistin.
He decides to spend 2 weeks crafting and 1 sellimg of his work
Valeria continues maping the north west of Vaeldor, while Isgerd continues trying to get more skins for the workshop

Spoiler (chose outcome 2 for event and already updated the excel with the changes)
Dhakos Crafts (exp + 6(75), - 2 base)
Dhakos sell (1d100+87)[113] (+1 exp (88))
Valeria mapping (36) - 2 wealth; Trains(mentor (71), Sell(39), Gather (41), Research (44) (goes to Jurneyman)

Isgerd gather (42) + 5 base, Trains (mentor(43), Craft (37), Research (45), Hunt (36)
Crafter crafts base which is aoutosold
Net change, base +2, wealth +8

2020-01-09, 06:20 PM
Tom scribbles down his idea on a scrap of parchment. The details aren't quite worked out yet, but if he can think of a way to solve a few technical hitches...

In the meantime, he decides to do some smaller pieces of work. Buying another piece of Seastone (and directing Glun to investigate where the Seastone can be found in the wild) he creates a hand-held steam-powered saw. It's not as impressive as the thing he has in mind, and requires normal fuel, but it should be useful in a dungeon. And the toughness of the seastone should prevent it being worn away.

The spine and claw of the Aos Sidhe are more interesting. At first, Tom is unsure what to do with them. He experiments with holding a flame up to the spine, and to his surprise the fire quickly spreads and in just a second the whole spike is alight. No...the spike itself transforms into intensely hot fire, while somehow still holding its shape and rigidity. With a yelp, Tom drops the spike and plunges his hand in a nearby bucket of water. Using tongs, he hastily drops the spine in, and to his relief the fire goes out and the spine returns to its previous form. To his shock, he finds the ends of the tongs have deformed and melted from the fire. The claw, when tested a little more carefully, turns out to have a similar effect.

After some thought, Tom attaches a heat-resistant hilt to each of the remains, making the claw into a decent-sized curved sword and the spine into a short dagger. To enable the weapons to be carried safely, he gives them a pair of specialised airtight sheaths, which also produce a spark when their blades are drawn quickly. The end result is two weapons which, when drawn, ignite into an intense flame.

The sword is sold by the end of the month, but Kate claims the dagger for her own.

Choosing option 3 for the event. Repaying all the loans I can, which I'm pretty sure is all of them this time. Buying 1 Venetian Seastone.

Tom: Craft Steampowered Saw (Seastone special item) [roll0]
Craft Fire scimitar [roll1]
Craft Firedagger [roll2]

Kate: Sell [roll3] (Kate refuses to sell the Firedagger!) Hunt for Seastone
Practice: Craft, Explore, Research

Glun: Research [roll4] Seastone location Sell items (but not the Firedagger)
Practice Craft, Explore, Research

Reminder: my craftsmen will be using the rare resources my gatherers produce.

2020-01-16, 02:23 AM
Month 13

Once an apprentice reaches Journeyman, they have one last month of work they can accomplish. They get one action and no lessons as they prepare for their new life, either as the new master of the workshop or to find their own legacy out in the world. In either case a player must choose which character will be their master crafter after that turn. Regardless of choice, all wealth, resources, recipes, relics, and bonuses stay with the workshop.

In general, if a player chooses the journeyman apprentice to be the new master, their highest skill jumps to the maximum level at that Renown and a skill that the old master crafter had at 80+ jumps to 80 for the new master crafter. Also, all other skills of the new master crafter increase by 5. If they choose to keep their current master crafter, one of the highest skills of the journeyman apprentice transfers to the master crafter.

To simplify this process, each player will be given a list of choices to choose from when an apprentice reaches Journeyman. This will work similarly to events.

As a side note: finding a new apprentice during this month would mean you would still have the same number of actions the following month. Keep this in mind when planning your turns.

One additional boon that will be gained when an apprentice turns into a Journeyman is a title. These will be given to the Master Crafter of the workshop. Titles provide a bonus to an action that only applies when that character takes that action. Titles, unlike all other bonuses, stay with the character that gains it. So, if that character ever retires, the title will go with them. Also, a character can only ever have one title (which can be replaced). However, the title can grow with a character if they continue to be the master of the workshop.

With the new format, I am now going to list purchases and Hunting:Exotic finds under the Gathered tag. Mostly due to the fact that these are resources that are immediately available to the player during the current turn.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 1
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 2

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2) - Fully Delved
The Arbor Spelunca (8)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
Aos Sidhe (4) - In Hiding

Donovon Fornsworth

The vastness of the temple proved to be equally daunting even with the extra help. However, the expedition proved to be quite productive if not particularly exciting. Of not was a store room that had a few precious items along with a small supply of Pellis Purpereus.

On the trip home, the hired help could not help but speak of the majesty and size of the temple in the forest, often asking if Donovan had seen anything special within its walls that would lend itself to a good name for the location.

Starting Resources: 56 Wealth, 7 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder)
Gathered: 2 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Venetian Seastone
Employees Gathered: 9 Basic 3 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 32 Wealth
Gained: 21 Wealth, 3 Basic, 4 Rare, 3 Pellis Purpereus
Total Sales: 16 Wealth (2P)
Monthly Costs: 24 Wealth
Net Change: -19 Wealth, +12 Basic, +7 Rare, +1 Venetian Seastone, +3 Pellis Purpereus
Ending Resources: 37 Wealth, 19 Basic, 11 Rare, 1 Venetian Seastone, 3 Pellis Purpereus, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder)

Donovon XP: -
Janet XP: Explore +3, Craft +1, Research +1, Hunt +1
Hobnob XP: Hunt +5, Sell +3, Gather +3, Explore +3

Frost-Jewel Fist (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) (attachment)
Unique Venetian Seastone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone) 100% Complete

Tom Dockson

You lacked the necessary amount of rares to make your saw, so I deducted the cost of buying one.

Starting Resources: 77 Wealth, 1 Basic, 2 Esperion, 1 Aos Sidhe Claw, 1 Aos Sidhe Spine
Gathered: 1 Rare, 3 Venetian Seastone
Employees Gathered: 6 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 30 Wealth, 4 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Venetian Seastone, 1 Aos Sidhe Claw, 1 Aos Sidhe Spine
Gained: 1 Steampowered Saw, 1 Fire Scimitar, 1 Firedagger (no-sell)
Sales: 93 Wealth (1L, 1U, 2P)
Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth
Net Change: +41 Wealth, +0 Basic, +0 Rare, +2 Venetian Seastone, -1 Aos Sidhe Claw, -1 Aos Sidhe Spine, +1 Firedagger (no-sell), +Reputation
Ending Resources: 118 Wealth, 1 Basic, 0 Rare, 2 Esperion, 2 Venetian Seastone

Tom XP: Sell +4
Kate XP: Hunt +3, Craft +1, Research +1, Explore +1
Glun XP: Sell +5, Craft +3, Research +3, Explore +3, Increases rank to 2

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Steampowered Saw (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)
Epic Recipe (3 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone) 100% complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Exploring Northwest of Vaeldor
Valeria finds a long overgrown pathway that goes east-west and passes through a copse of trees. This surprises her, because she thinks it would make more sense if the road went around the trees.

https://i.ibb.co/f05CbR7/forest-path.jpg (https://ibb.co/ys18DTJ)
It is located in the Northeast corner of Area 7.

Choose one:
Dhakos continues to be the Master Crafter - Mentor increases to 72, Gain title “Acquirer of Talent” (+5 when rolling skills for new apprentices)
Valeria becomes the new Master Crafter - Mentor increases to 90, Sell increases to 80, all other skills +5, Gain title “Insightful Presence” gain bonus to Selling (+1 Base Price, +1 Item sold)
Valeria becomes the new Master Crafter - Mentor increases to 90, Explore increases to 80, all other skills +5, Gain title “Teacher of the Hidden Ways” (when bringing an apprentice on a Explore:Delve, they will earn double xp and are more likely to find something special)

Valeria discovered a POI, give it a name.

Starting Resources: 6 Wealth, 3 Basic, 6 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap
Gathered: 5 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 2 Wealth, 2 Basic
Gained: 2 Masterwork
Sales: 19 Wealth (2M+2, 1N)
Monthly Costs: 7 Wealth
Net Change: +10 Wealth, +2 Basic, +2 Rare
Ending Resources: 16 Wealth, 5 Basic, 8 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap

Dhakos XP: Craft +6, Sell +1
Valeria XP: Explore +3, Sell +1, Gather +1, Mentor +1, Research +1, Increase rank to Journeyman
Isgerd XP: Gather +5, Craft +3, Mentor +3, Research +3, Hunt +3

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100%complete

2020-01-16, 02:50 PM
As Donovan looks over his findings from the temple, he is fairly pleased. He is glad for a sample of the mysterious Pellis Purpereus, and glad to have found some that had not felt the ill treatment of time. As he contemplates the mysterious temple, he decides to call it the Lovers' Labyrinth, to denote both its beautiful exterior and its interior convolutions, as well as based on the mythology he found within

As Donovan explores the hallways and chambers of the labyrinthine ruin, he notices several murals depicting a man and woman together. Eventually, he finds a large chamber, and while it is devoid of treasure, it contains a history of the myth of this couple, along with engravings similar to those he found in the temple of Sarrokh. Indeed, it seems this couple are deities within the same pantheon.

There was an evil goddess and evil god, demons, named Selena and Caul. Despite their cruelties to mankind, they were true friends and lovers to one another. Eventually, Selena found value in the kindness and affection of the mortal races. She, through much struggle, shed her demon essence and became a true goddess. Unsure of Caul's reaction, she secretly met him, pretending at first to still be a demon, then revealed her nature. He reluctantly decided to follow her, his love for her burning more brightly than the appeals of power he held or his selfish nature. It was an arduous struggle, but he eventually too became a true god.

The two had to do much to flee the other demonic deities, but eventually they were met by the rest of the gods. Unsure if they would be destroyed or accepted, they nonetheless approached the pantheon boldly, hands held tight. Sarrokh gave his approval, noting the struggles they had overcome to achieve their new nature. Relis gave her approval, noting the nobility with which they loved with another. Mikhen gave his approval, noting their ability to resist the dark powers and defeat their own dark natures. And, though Hoid said nothing, he smiled, which the others took as his approval. Thus, Selena and Caul were accepted, and named the Goddess and God of Love, as well as redemption and overcoming temptation.

But he is certain more treasures lay in wait for him. Although he is hesitant to spend as long as he did last month, he gathers the adventurers again for a two-week venture. In the meantime, Hobnob wants to see the skeleton of Giant's War and spends time exploring that region.

Returning home with his new treasures, he spends time reviewing the notes that Hobnob had left about the Seastone. Thinking back to his Venetian and Fornsworth Wards, he fashions the seastone into a similar item. The stone is fashioned such that it can placed upon most any magical item and, while exposed to light (natural or artificial), refracts the light into a rainbow pattern that enhances the item. For simple magical armor, it increases protective properties; for weapons, it increases damage; and, for more esoteric items, well, the effect varies but it usually has some positive effect. Donovan dubs it the Augmentation Stone.

Janet, energized by a month abroad but glad to be back with Travis, works with him on selling. She sells the Augmentation Stone to a former customer, and also convinces them to buy one of the wards the crafters make this month. Travis convinces an old buddy to buy the remaining ward, even convincing him to give a little extra for it.

As her skill at selling increases, she starts to contemplate her next moves. Both she and Donovan realize that she's nearing the rank of journeyman. She and Travis spend many nights discussing what the future might hold for them.

Workers make premium gear.
As Janet sells two items, there is only one item for sell when Travis sells it, so I get the +1 to sell value from the level 2 workshop bonus.
Group Delve (3 startup, 5 per week) = 13 for two weeks + 2 for Explore = 15 total cost, plus monthly rent

Donovan Actions
Group Delve to Region 7 for two weeks
Explore (1d100+90)[160]
Explore (1d100+90)[93]
Craft Venetian Seastone recipe (1d100+90)[171]

Janet Sell [roll0]
Sells Augmentation Stone and one of the workers' premiums.
Train Craft, Research, Explore
I had a typo in the Dice thread, so rolling this here
EDIT: oh, wow, a natural 100. I gather that doesn't mean anything mechanically, but cool

Hobnob explore Region 3 (1d100+29)[127]
Train Craft, Research, Hunt
Since my hidden Location becomes public this month, I don't know if his 100+ means I find a Location or a POI. I'm okay either way.

Xantin Rahl
2020-01-18, 10:12 AM
Dhakos love for Valeria grows with each passing day, as do her skills with running a workshop. they both soon realize that she is skilled enoth to become a Master Crafter herself, they spend many nights weighting their options. After a lot of discusions a conclusion is reached. Valeria will take over the workshop while Dhakos will take up the offer of teaching at the university, some time ago. This means both him and Helen will be leaving the workshop.
Valerias biggest preperation is to find a new apprentice, after weeks of looking she finaly decides to take in an orphan of 1 of the many adventureres that delved the saroundings of Vaeldor. Shee sees somthing in the boy that relates to a part of her she did not think she had ( description will come next post but ill roll his stats). She also Puts the road she found on the maps naming it the Arbor pathway
Dhakos on the other hand wants to leave Valeria a better workshop then the current one, they sell off the old one and invest the monney into a bigger propperty. This one has much more room to grow, for now it still remains a simple place but it has more places for manequines to hang the armors they make.

The first thing any potential customer will spot os a long counter, behind it on a wall are hangers where the simple bagpachs pauches and quivers can hang, and on the left wall buitifully iluminated by the sun coming from a window, will be rows of manequins which ytou can dress in any kinf of leather. The workszhop offers to other big rooms for now they only contain simple workbanches and a place alowwing to studdy any new and exotiv materials, but in time more equipment can be added. Both he And Isgred spend the rest of the time crafting. He tells her about how the monocol works as well as about the dwelve where he found it, also humoring trhe women with aneckdotes of his hunt for the Pelis purpureus. With Maxs Joining in with the craft, the workshop is buisier then Ever. Dhakos and Isgred manage to manufacture a set of lether armor, containing of a jacet helm, and trousers, while max makes the shoes, The helmet is the best of all of the pieces it allows 1 to gain a bless efect once per day - the others are still better then normal armour but not somthing Dhakos is to Praud of. Well maybe its because of all of the comotion

Sum up
Dhakos Craft 1: (1d100+75)[123]
Dhakos Craft 2: (1d100+75)[91]

Isgred Craft : (1d100+27)[62]
Valeria Hires: (1d100+71)[166]
(Stats below as per 2nd roll)

Starting Resources: 16 Wealth, 5 Basic, 8 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap
Gathered: -
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 11 Wealth (9 on upgrade 2 on hire), 3 basic, 4 rare
Gained: 2 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: +3W (1N)
Monthly Costs: 6 Wealth (I Let go of the additional training Perk i gained from an event)
Net Change: -14 Wealth; - 4 Basic; - 4 rare; Workshop becomes lvl 3
Ending Resources: 1 Wealth, 1 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap; 2 premium; 1 Masterwork

Dhakos XP: Craft +6 (81) (if it matters)
Valeria XP She Coses the Option of Gain title “Insightful Presence”: New stats below
Craft: 66
Sell: 80
Gather: 46
Mentor: 90
Research: 49
Hunt: 52
Explore: 41
Isgerd XP: Craft+5 (32); Research +3(48) Hunt +3(39) Explore+3(42)

New apprentice stats (will come up with a name soonish)

A1 Craft: (5d10+10)[35]
A1 Sell: (5d10+10)[43]
A1 Gather: (5d10+10)[23]
A1 Mentor: (5d10+10)[35]
A1 Research: (5d10+10)[40]
A1 Hunt: (5d10+10)[39]
A1 Explore: (5d10+10)[35]

2020-03-04, 08:59 AM
"So, Mr Dockson, how is your mysterious project going?" Glun enquires over a mug of ale. Tom's latest invention is still in the planning stages, and he's been unusually secretive about it, saying he doesn't want to spoil the surprise when it's completed. He'll only say that it will do something which has previously been impossible without the help of a wizard, and that he'll explain it all to the others when the time comes.

"I'm not sure. Theoretically it should work, but it feels like perhaps there's something missing still. Some...panache."

"Well, perhaps we could do something else for a bit? Take a break?" Kate asks. "I've been thinking about those Hollow Halls we discovered a few months ago. I want to explore them again, before someone else stumbles across them and takes all the credit. And I want to try out my new dagger. We could hire some people, lead a big expedition. We can afford it after the last few things we sold. And the ruins around the city do seem to contain useful materials. Maybe you'll find something to add to whatever it is you're making?"

"I hardly think hunting through a dungeon for loot qualifies as a break," Tom laughs. "But perhaps a change would be a good idea. And I'd like to know what's in those halls myself. What do you think, Glun?" Seeing the bewildered expression on Glun's face, Tom and Kate suddenly realise that the dwarf never actually heard about the Hollow Halls. After a brief explanation, Glun also agrees it's a good idea, and the matter is settled.

It takes some preparation. The three spend a bit of time hunting through markets, not just buying supplies but looking for adventurers and budding explorers willing to join their expedition. Eventually they set off, leaving careful instructions to their employees about what to do for the month they are away.

As usual, the crafters will be using rare resources to make higher quality products.

Everyone is doing an exploration of the Hollow Halls. Hopefully I've understood the rules right, here. If we happen to finish exploring them before everyone has finished their actions, then redirect the remaining ones to exploring the surface of area 4.

We're taking an enterprise, and doing it across 3 weeks of actions, plus apprentice actions. If I've understood correctly, we have to pay 45 wealth in weekly costs, which entitles us to 3 weeks of enterprise exploration with Tom and one with Kate, while Glun will have to explore solo? There's also an up-front cost of 11 (enterprise + 2 apprentices) plus a distance modifier which I'm guessing is 1 in this case, so my total expenditure is going to be 57. If I've understood correctly, that's the total cost of the expedition - if not then let me know so I can review my decisions.

Explore [roll0] (Enterprise)
Explore [roll1] (Enterprise)
Explore [roll2] (Enterprise)

Explore [roll3] (Enterprise)
Practice: Sell, Research, Mentor

Explore [roll4] (Solo)
Practice: Craft, Sell, Research

I'm not clear if I need five sets of 5d10 rolls, or just one. I'm rolling 5 just in case; ignore the latter 4 if they're not needed.


2020-03-10, 05:44 PM
Month 14

Two new locations become public knowledge, both with rather fantastical elements. The public fascination grows as more of these ancient locations are discovered.

On a more quiet note, the local university is steadily growing in both students and faculty.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 2
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 2
Ice Jade: 2

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2) - Fully Delved
Hallowed Halls (4)
Lover’s Labyrinth (7)
The Arbor Spelunca (8)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
Aos Sidhe (4) - In Hiding

Donovon Fornsworth

Donovon was once again surprised to find a store house for trade in yet another ruin. It would seem much trade occured during the time when these structures where being utitilized. The small cache of exotic materials included a plank of incredibly pliable and sturdy wood, a seemingly well cared for dried blue flower, and a vial of a sweetly fragrant oil. Unfortunately, his second week proved to be less fruitful than his first.

Hobnob hadn’t hoped to find much in these lands as this area had seen much traffic. But Janet assured him that she had found plenty that had surprisingly gone unnoticed. And it was in this vein that Hobnob happened upon yet another surprising find.

Located to the south eastern section of area 3.

Who had left such an expansive barrow here and how long ago where questions Hobnob would not find answers to in his short excursion, but he did not walk away with empty pockets from his cursory examinations of the outermost sections.

Starting Resources: 37 Wealth, 19 Basic, 11 Rare, 1 Venetian Seastone, 3 Pellis Purpereus, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder)
Employees Gathered: 9 Basic 3 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 15 Wealth, 2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Venetian Seastone
Gained: 19 Wealth, 1 Exotic (pliable wood), 1 Exotic (dried flower), 1 Exotic (perfume), 1 Augmentation Stone
Total Sales: 45 Wealth (1U+2, 1P+2, 1P+1)
Monthly Costs: 24 Wealth
Net Change: +25 Wealth, +5 Basic, +0 Rare, -1 Venetian Seastone, +1 Exotic (pliable wood), +1 Exotic (dried flower), +1 Exotic (perfume), +Reputation
Ending Resources: 62 Wealth, 24 Basic, 11 Rare, 3 Pellis Purpereus, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder), 1 Exotic (pliable wood), 1 Exotic (dried flower), 1 Exotic (perfume)

Donovon XP: -
Janet XP: Sell +3, Craft +1, Research +1, Explore +1
Hobnob XP: Explore +5, Craft +3, Research +3, Hunt +3

Frost-Jewel Fist (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) (attachment)
Augmentation Stone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)

Special Traits and Relics:
Reduced cost for Group Expeditions (-1 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R)Trapmages Intransabilities (Safer Delving???)

Tom Dockson

Sparing no expense, the Dockson’s put together a massive party of individuals and the needed resources for a month long expedition in the location Tom referred to as Hallowed Halls. Much treasure and valuables were found throughout the month but the most unique finds came in the middle of the month for Tom as he discovered a workshop devoted to Esperion. Not only did he find the necessary resources to work with Esperion, but he also found a recipe with a novel approach to using the material. The recipe allowed any metallic item to greatly increase in temperature or greatly decrease in temperature. This was much like his Environment Suit, but at a much more efficient level!

Kate also found success during her time in the ruins as she found a small supply of exotic resources: a cloudy blue gemstone that had been polished into a sphere, a spool of some kind of very strong rope, and a stone full of small holes that was lighter than it looked.

Choose one:

Tom continues to be the Master Crafter - Hunt increases to 87, Gain title “Monster Researcher” (gain the ability to use Research:Tracking, spending 1 exotic resource to gain triple the effects of Gather:Tracking)
Kate becomes Master Crafter - Hunt increases to 90, Craft increases to 80, all other skills +5, Gain title “Monster Crafter” (legendary creature drops can enhance two regular products instead of one)
Kate becomes Master Crafter - Hunt increases to 90, Research increases to 80, all other skills +5, gains title Huntress of The Plains (increase the success rate of legendary hunts after researching related exotic materials)

Starting Resources: 118 Wealth, 1 Basic, 0 Rare, 2 Esperion, 2 Venetian Seastone
Gathered: -
Employees Gathered: 6 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 72 Wealth
Gained: 30 Wealth, 22 Rare, 3 Esperion, 1 Exotic (crystal), 1 Exotic (vine), 1 Exotic (porous stone), 1 Attachment (Epic) Recipe
Sales: 16 Wealth (2P)
Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth
Net Change: -48 Wealth, +0 Basic, +22 Rare, +3 Esperion, +1 Exotic (marble), +1 Exotic (vine), +1 Exotic (porous stone), +1 Attachment (Epic) Recipe, +Reputation
Ending Resources: 70 Wealth, 1 Basic, 22 Rare, 5 Esperion, 2 Venetian Seastone, 1 Exotic (marble), 1 Exotic (vine), 1 Exotic (porous stone)

Tom XP: Explore +7
Kate XP: Explore +3, Sell +1, Mentor +1, Research +1
Glun XP: Explore +4, Craft +2, Sell +2, Research +2

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Attachment (Epic) Recipe (4 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Steampowered Saw (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)
Epic Recipe (3 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone) 100% complete

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Valeria discovered a POI, it still needs a name.

Starting Resources: 16 Wealth, 5 Basic, 8 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap
Gathered: 5 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 11 Wealth, 3 Basic, 4 Rare
Gained: 2 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 3 Wealth (1N)
Monthly Costs: 5 Wealth
Net Change: -14 Wealth, -4 Basic, -4 Rare, Workshop becomes lvl 3, +1 Apprentice, +Reputation, Renown increases to 5
Ending Resources: 3 Wealth, 1 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap, 2 Premium, 1 Masterwork

Dhakos XP: Retires
Valeria XP: Becomes Master Crafter - Craft (66), Sell (80), Gather (46), Mentor (92), Research (49), Hunt (52), Explore (41)
Isgerd XP: Crat +5, Research +3, Hunt +3, Explore +3
New Apprentice: Craft (35), Sell (43), Gather (23), Mentor (35), Research (40), Hunt (39), Explore (35)

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100%complete

Special Traits and Relics:
Increased cost for Group Expeditions at Arbor Spelunca (+2 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R) SMOSH (½ Workshop Bonus to all Research)
(T) Insightful Presence (+1 Base Price and +1 Item Sold when Valeria takes the Sell action)

2020-03-11, 11:22 AM
Hobnob, after finding the barrow, returns home. On the way, though, he runs into a small caravan guarded by some adventurers, some explorers returning from their own investigation of one of the ruins nearby. Recognizing Hobnob's robes as that of a merchant of Vaeldor, they invite him to join them.

Their invitation, however, turns sour once they see he is not a dwarf or other diminutive race, but a goblin. It is only by his strong protests, good mastery of the common tongue, and knowledge of Vaeldor that he avoids several arrows and blades in his gut. He half-travels, half-is-held-prisoner on the way back to the city, where the clerks affirm he is indeed a merchant of the city.

Still, Hobnob is excited to tell Donovan and Janet of his finds, but his interest starts to focus on staying safe in the city walls and researching some of the exotic items Donovan has discovered. Between the books the two scholars had obtained, and the translations made from the Temple of Sarrokh, he is able to make some good headway into divining the local of that beautiful blue flower.

Donovan, though excited about his finds, finds himself also a tad jealous when he hears of the large expedition to the Hallowed Halls. And there had been an earlier expedition to Tidehome, too. Part of him aches to lead another group to delve the temple of Selena and Caul, but part of him wants to hunker down and obtain the funding to lead a truly legendary delve first.

Towards that goal, he decides to first search for more Ice Jade, hoping to find the resources for his Frost-Jewel Fist rather than purchase them. Unfortunately, his search is unsuccessful, though he finds a few goods of merit of in what seems to be a backpack some trader had dropped. Upon returning to town, he purchases the required Ice Jade from the market. Fortunately, he is able to make two new Fists (though his attention is sometimes distracted by the mysterious purple felt and other oddities, a desire to work with something new.) With that thought, he returns to the market and purchases a fresh sample of the magical purple fur.

Janet, remarkably enough, manages to find buyers for both. One is a new professor at the local university who wants a copy for the university archives, the other a former apprentice of the previous buyers who seems to have some score to settle.

EDIT: added purchasing another Pellis Purpererus and changed up Janet's training

Workers make premium gear.
Free action: spend 15 wealth to buy 2 Frost-Jade Fist and 1 Pellis Purpereus

Hunt for Ice Jade (1d100+62)[90] <--2 cost, find 2 rare, 2 basic
Craft Ice-Jade Fist (1d100+90)[179]
Craft Ice-Jade Fist (1d100+90)[110]

Sell (2 Ice-Jade Fist) (1d100+68)[75]
Train Craft, Research, Mentor

Hobnob Research: Area dried blue flower <--1 cost
Train Craft, Gather, Explore

Xantin Rahl
2020-03-14, 06:16 AM
Turn 14 Some up:

Its been a busy month the with Dhakos retiring, Valeria felt both happy of finally becoming renowned as the master as a tribute to her Husband she decides to Rename the shop to "Dhakosium" its a good tribute and a new name seems to be fitting with a move to the larger place. While giving this name she remembers that she has forgotten to name one beautiful place she recently found and finally sets on an Easy name "The Arbor Path".
The new Girl that joined working in the shop and became Valeria's apprentice is strange. She seems obsessed with hats, she will be willing to work on other stuff, but hats are preferable. In general, all you can hear is hats Hats HATS. I mean Valeria would understand if it were shoes but Hats??^^ And if that wasn't enough she keeps claiming that all of this world is inside some rabbit hole and that she is way bigger, and only looks as she looks because of some cookie. Weirdo. Well, Valeria likes a challenge so moulding this girl into a functioning leatherworker will be interesting - to say the least.
Anyway, Valeria kindly asks Isgred to go further map the north-west of Vaeldor, should be something to find there still. She instructs the girl to watch the people there hunting and gathering.
As for Alice, after a lot of thinking the following conversation happens. "Hey girl I don't know why you like hats so much, but maybe that dragon sap can be used to discover some interesting properties?" With that Alice is more than willing to start researching the material. She will also watch Valeria at her tasks.
Valeria decides that more money is needed but not only that, she first gathers the basic resources needed for crafting, later decides to craft a quiver, and finally sells what she can.

Sum up & rolls:
Valeria: Gather: (1d100+46)[69] + 3 base Craft: (1d100+66)[145]-1 base; + 1 masterwork Sell: (1d100+80)[94] Sell+3 products at + 1 price (trait included)
Alice:Research: (1d100+40)[128] -1 dragon sap, progres 47,5% (5%x3 +2,5%x3+25%)
Isgred:Explore: (1d100+42)[76] - 2 Wealth, Found Poi Train: Hunting, Gathering , Sell

Starting Resources: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap
Gathered: 3 Basic
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic, 1 Dragon Sap
Gained: 1 Masterwork
Sales: Wealth(9+9+7+7+4=36) Valeria: 2 Masterwork , 2 Premium. Autosell of 1 Normal
Monthly Costs: 10 Wealth
Net Change: +24 Wealth, +1 Basic, - 1 masterwork, -2 premium, - 1 dragon sap
Ending Resources: 26 Wealth, 2 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap

Valeria XP: Gather +4 (50), Craft +2(68) Sell +1 (81)
Isgerd XP: Explore +5 (47), Hunt +3 (43), Gather +3(45), Sell +3(38)
Alice: Research+5 (45), Craft+3 (38), Sell +3 (46), Gather +3 (26)

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100%complete
Dragon Sap: 47,5% completed

Special Traits and Relics:
Increased cost for Group Expeditions at Arbor Spelunca (+2 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R) SMOSH (½ Workshop Bonus to all Research)
(T) Insightful Presence (+1 Base Price and +1 Item Sold when Valeria takes the Sell action)

2020-03-14, 08:10 PM
The three crafters are gathered around a table in the centre of the workshop. Everyone else has been given the day off and to leave. On the table lies a venetian seastone, and one of the esperion-based temperature regulators left over from an environment suit. Standing behind the group is Tom's secret project he's been working on for months. It's bigger than he is, and covered by a tarpaulin. Tom picks up the seastone, glancing round briefly to make sure they're alone.

"Do you remember how I mentioned that this stuff repels water? Well, I did some more experiments, and it turns out that it's not specifically water it repels. Not as such. It pushes away anything cold, the colder the better. The effect increases exponentially as the temperature drops. Water's just the easiest thing to see being repelled, because it's a liquid at room temperature. But look." Tom fiddles with the temperature regulator, setting it to its coldest setting, and carefully rests it on the table. Then he moves the seastone towards it. When it's a few inches away, the cooled regulator begins to push away, as if the two items were magnets.

"But the really interesting thing is that it doesn't work the other way round. If I move the esperion towards the seastone, then the seastone pushes back on the esperion, but the seastone doesn't move at all. Even though this piece is much lighter than the regulator was. You realise what this means?"

Kate and Glun nod. Normally, if you push on something and make it start moving, then whatever you were pushing with experiences an equivalent push in the opposite direction. It's a fundamental restriction, which only powerful magic can bypass normally. If they could find their way around that...

"The sky's the limit. Literally, in fact, as I've been working on using it for levitation. The trouble I was having was that I couldn't get things cold enough. Even at the coldest setting, even if I put the burning esperion out and just use some of the raw cold stuff, the seastone could barely lift the esperion itself, let alone anything I wanted to put on there. But then we found that recipe we found in the Hallowed Halls..."

"Hollow Halls, Tom. They're called the Hollow Halls, remember? I should know, I named them!"

"The expedition misheard you when you introduced the name, and now everyone's started calling them hallowed. Sorry, Kate, I don't think "hollow" is going to be the version people remember. Anyway, the recipe we found in the hallowed Halls" - Tom grins at his sister's infuriated expression - "lets me make the esperion far colder than my old version can. And it can make metal we attach it to colder, too. With this, we really can achieve that levitation. And I've done it. Well, that and a bit more. You can't just make a floating board and be done with it when you're doing something like this. No, you have to do things properly." Tom walks over and takes hold of the tarpaulin. "Kate, Glun, I present to you...the Steam Dragon!"

Tom whisks away the sheet, revealing what lies beneath. Gleaming in the sunlight, bulky wings neatly folded at its sides, easily bigger than the three of them combined, is a dragon. Its whole body is made of segmented steel plates, and its back rises in the shape of a saddle with a small control panel at the front. It's perfectly still. Tom lifts one of the wings as Glun wanders forward to inspect it.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3b4de1ca-cac6-41a6-bde0-352ea64c96b8/d26upei-4dd4fb32-f6e7-4e42-9a3b-c19df1234338.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_661,q_75,strp/metal_dragon_2_by_robot_drawing_club_d26upei-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjYxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2I0ZGUxY2 EtY2FjNi00MWE2LWJkZTAtMzUyZWE2NGM5NmI4XC9kMjZ1cGVp LTRkZDRmYjMyLWY2ZTctNGU0Mi05YTNiLWMxOWRmMTIzNDMzOC 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpz ZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.Jht6hPtz9-q7R4lkAr1ezdP5-gDcEWTu2MyOEJtzGbs

"The wings contain the levitation devices, of course. A piece of esperion with copper sheets and plates that connect to it, with pieces of seastone underneath. We use the esperion to make the copper cold, and the seastone pushes them up - and the body goes up with it. Then when the seastone hits the bottom of the wing, we switch off the cold, let the wings go down, push the seastone back up with little pistons, and start again. Of course, it's all automatic, powered by a boiler with some hot esperion in the main body of the dragon. And you can get the rest of the dragon to move, using these controls. And once I'd added all that, I realised there was something else that I could do with a boiler of hot steam in a dragon. Stand well behind us!" Tom moves a stick on the controls, and the dragon's head rotates until it's pointing towards the fireplace. Looking to make sure that the others are standing behind the dragon, he presses a large red button. The dragon's mouth opens, and a huge jet of steam shoots into the fireplace.

"Well?" Tom says to the shocked figures behind him. "How about a flight?"


A few days later:

Kate looks down at the newspaper article Glun silently offers her. It's about them again.

Inventor of the Steam Dragon May Never Recover
Healers are unsure whether Tom Dockson, the self-styled "Steam Tinkerer", will ever regain consciousness.

Mr Dockson is the owner of the Docksons steampower company, one of the best sources for automated technology in Vaeldor. He also invented many new machines, specialising in the use of esperion. His greatest masterpiece was the magnificent Steam Dragon which has recently been gracing our skies.

But in a tragic irony, it was the dragon itself that led to his downfall. A mob of panicked citizens besieged his workshop thinking he was bringing a real dragon to the city. The watch swiftly restored order, but not before Mr Dockson - who had placed himself in front of his apprentices and workers - was struck in the head by a thrown rock. He has been in a coma ever since.

Mr Dockson's sister Kate Dockson will take over running the workshop and business, in accordance with his instructions. The Steam Dragon is being offered for sale, and interested personages are invited to visit the Dockson workshop to inquire.

Kate sighs, and gets up from the table. It's another day, and they have a lot of work to do.

Mentor the apprentices in Research (1d100+62)[75]
Craft attachment recipe (1d100+90)[152]
Craft esperion/seastone recipe (Steam Dragon) (1d100+90)[106]

Kate: (Help with) selling the dragon (1d100+44)[69]
Graduate and take over from Tom, taking the monster crafter title.

Glun (Help with) selling the dragon (1d100+54)[140]
Practice Explore, Craft, Research

2020-03-26, 02:26 AM
Month 15

As those who knew Tom mourn the loss of a bright mind, word begins to spread that the Aos Sidhe has been spotted roaming the plains to the south.

Area 7 has been fully explored! Access to Hunt areas 20, 21, and 22 has been unlocked.

Vaeldorian Market
Dragon Sap: 2
Esperion: 2
Venetian Seastone: 1
Pellis Purpereus: 1
Ice Jade: 1

Public Locations
Temple of Sarrokh (2) - Fully Delved
Hallowed Halls (4)
Lover’s Labyrinth (7)
The Arbor Spelunca (8)
Tidehome (19)

Known Legendary Creatures
Aos Sidhe (4)

Donovon Fornsworth

Choose one:

Donovon continues to be the Master Crafter - Sell Increases to 71, Gain title “Efficient Crafter” (when selling an item that was crafted by this crafter in the same month, increase the sale price by an amount equivalent to the workshop level)
Janet becomes Master Crafter - Sell increases to 90, Craft increases to 80, all other skills +5, Gain title “Aesthetic Eye” (The base value of all goods crafted by this crafter increases by 1)
Janet becomes Master Crafter - Sell increases to 90, Explore increases to 80, all other skills +5, Gain title “Merchant Archaeologist” (Crafter gains the Sell:Antiques action, which provides wealth based on the success of the most recent delve)

The barrow discovered last turn needs a name.

Starting Resources: 62 Wealth, 24 Basic, 10 Rare, 3 Pellis Purpereus, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder), 1 Exotic (pliable wood), 1 Exotic (dried flower), 1 Exotic (perfume)
Gathered: 2 Basic, 2 Rare, 2 Ice Jade, 1 Pellis Purpereus
Employees Gathered: 9 Basic 3 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 17 Wealth, 8 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Ice Jade
Gained: 2 Frost-Jewel Fist
Total Sales: 83 Wealth (2E, 1P, 1P+1)
Monthly Costs: 24 Wealth
Net Change: +42 Wealth, -1 Basic, -1 Rare, +1 Pellis Purpereus, +70% Location of Exotic (dried flower), +Reputation
Ending Resources: 104 Wealth, 23 Basic, 8 Rare, 4 Pellis Purpereus, 1 Exotic (metal), 1 Exotic (gem), 1 Exotic (powder), 1 Exotic (pliable wood), 1 Exotic (dried flower), 1 Exotic (perfume)

Donovon XP: Hunt +4
Janet XP: Sell +3, Craft +1, Research +1, Explore +1
Hobnob XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Gather +3, Explore +3

Frost-Jewel Fist (4 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) (attachment)
Augmentation Stone (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)
Exotic (dried flower) (Area 70%)

Special Traits and Relics:
Reduced cost for Group Expeditions (-1 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R)Trapmages Intransabilities (Safer Delving???)

Tom Dockson

I have put the two recipes used to make the steam dragon in a spoiler below. However, you are still free to make each of the two recipes separately if you decide to do so later.
Also, you’ll want to introduce your new apprentice.
Also also, you were short 4 resources, so these were auto purchased from the market.

Starting Resources: 70 Wealth, 1 Basic, 22 Rare, 5 Esperion, 2 Venetian Seastone, 1 Exotic (marble), 1 Exotic (vine), 1 Exotic (porous stone)
Gathered: 4 Basic
Employees Gathered: 6 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Spent: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Crafted: 2 Premium
Spent: 6 Wealth, 9 Basic, 6 Rare, 2 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone
Gained: 1 Steam Dragon (2E)
Sales: 95 Wealth (2E+2, 1P, 1P+1)
Monthly Costs: 22 Wealth
Net Change: +67 Wealth, +0 Basic, -6 Rare, -2 Esperion, -1 Venetian Seastone, +1 Apprentice, +Reputation, Renown Increases to 5
Ending Resources: 137 Wealth, 0 Basic, 16 Rare, 3 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone, 1 Exotic (marble), 1 Exotic (vine), 1 Exotic (porous stone)

Tom XP: Retires
Kate XP: Becomes Master Crafter - Craft (80), Sell (49), Gather (34), Mentor (38), Research (46), Hunt (90), Explore (55)
Glun XP: Sell +4, Craft +2, Research +6, Explore +2
New Apprentice: Craft (40), Sell (36), Gather (25), Mentor (21), Research (26), Hunt (33), Explore (27)

Spera (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Esperion)
Environment Suit (6 Basic, 3 Rare, 2 Esperion)
Steampowered Saw (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Seastone)

Epic Recipe (3 Basic, 4 Rare, 1 Esperion, 1 Venetian Seastone)
Attachment (Epic) Recipe (4 Basic, 2 Rare, 1 Esperion)

Special Traits and Relics:
(T) Monster Crafter (Kate can enhance two products with each legendary drop)

Dhakos Coriumfaber

Exploring Northwest of Vaeldor
Isgerd still found these lands very foreign and different, but she knew that its mysteries could be found by those who were willing to look. Throughout the plains north of Vaeldor were pockets of groupings of trees that often had little to find. She had heard that others had found a few interesting finds within them, but most had been empty and boring. So, she set out to find one that had more to find within it. Eventually, she found herself in a rather large copse near the northern forest line. It was here that she saw a truly marvelous sight.

https://i.ibb.co/Cs104SX/crystal-tree-7.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
Located to the northwest corner of area 7.

You discovered an amazing phenomenon. Describe it and name it.

In your write-up, you had Valeria selling 4 products with a single action. She can only sell 3 products with a single action.

Starting Resources: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic, 4 Rare, 2 Dragon Sap, 2 Premium, 1 Masterwork
Gathered: 3 Basic, 1 Rare
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 2 Wealth, 1 Basic, 1 Dragon Sap
Gained: 1 Rare, 1 Masterwork
Sales: 29 Wealth (2M+1, P+1, N)
Monthly Costs: 10 Wealth
Net Change: +17 Wealth, +1 Basic, +1 Rare, -1 Dragon Sap, -1 Premium, -1 Masterwork, +Reputation
Ending Resources: 19 Wealth, 2 Basic, 5 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap, 1 Premium

Valeria XP: Gather +4, Craft +2, Sell +1
Isgerd XP: Explore +5, Sell +3, Gather +3, Hunt +3
Alice XP: Research +5, Craft +3, Sell +3, Gather +3

Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment from Tidehome)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100% Complete
Unique Dragon Sap 47.5% Complete

Special Traits and Relics:
Increased cost for Group Expeditions at Arbor Spelunca (+2 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R) SMOSH (½ Workshop Bonus to all Research)
(T) Insightful Presence (+1 Base Price and +1 Item Sold when Valeria takes the Sell action)

2020-03-26, 08:30 AM
Donovan looks at his secure storage room after this month's sells and smiles. He felt a couple months ago that he'd never seen such wealth before, but this was more phenonmenal. He wasn't a greedy man, at least much. Yes, the sight of all that money was something in itself, but what truly amazed him was how much he could do with it.

But his feelings are changed as Janet and Travis approach him. (Travis' life had been improved lately by Janet's purchasing of remarkable device called a 'wheelchair' from one of the local craftsmen.) Donovan knew something like this was coming soon; Janet was making her own way in the world, and it was time for her to move on from being an apprentice.

With a mix of sadness and confidence, Janet says that they plan to open their own shop in the city. With a mix of sadness and pride, Donovan gives Janet a hearty hug and Travis a firm handshake, wishing them well. But first he has something fun he thinks Janet would like, while she prepares for opening the new place.

The Aos Sidhe is back, and the idea of having part of it to examine is fascinating. But Donovan knows that the biggest import is -- gulp -- replacing Janet.

Donovan advertised that he was seeking a new apprentice, asking interested persons to come bringing some evidence of their skill. Most brought some item they had crafted or helped craft, others brought some rare item they had found or maps of their travels. There were several prospective applicants and, although many are talented, he doesn't feel a spark from any of them. Maybe it's just sentimentality, feeling that nobody can replace Janet, maybe that he's not as lenient now as he was when both he and Janet were fledgling craftsmen. Still, he asked five of them to stay. To them, he asked about their background and why they were interested in being his apprentice.

The first two were rather, to be blunt, boring. The third woman, Selenniah, at first seemed too shy to answer. But then she put on a brave face and said, "I never wanted to amount to a lot. I was happy just making enough money to put food on the table for me and my brother. He's a bit slow... a lot slow, really, and can't work, but he's a good person and I love him. I traveled here because I heard there was work, and I got a job gathering herbs and roots for a potionmaker-brewery. I was happy.

But then I heard about that temple you found, of Lady Selena and her consort Caul. Guess I was first interested 'cause her name was like mine, but... I... Y'know, I'm embarrassed to say this, and I don't know if it was real or just a dream, but Lady Selena visited me in a dream. I think it was a real vision. She told me to seek the one who found her temple, to study under him, and in that find a place and skill such that I could spread word of her. Worship of her. Like I said, I'm not certain, but... well, either your discovery resonated so much with me that I had a very real dream, or your discovery led to a long-forgotten goddess contacting me. Either way, I want to study under you."

Donovan went through the motions of interviewing the others, but this woman's story fascinated him. She didn't seem crazy--at least, she admitted her story sounded crazy, and her awareness of that made him trust her well enough. He talked with her current employer a bit -- a neat guy who ran a combination potion- and beer-brewing facility -- and he said she was a solid worker.

With Selenniah being shown the ropes by Hobnob and Travis, Donovan decides to try his hand at hunting. After all his delves, he's much more in shape than he was when he came here, and the magic armor helps, too. He first spends a week tracking the creature, making good headway (although, to his embarrassment, at least one sleeping on it and it got away), and then, one night, he sees it and strikes true.

Janet, meanwhile, is given leave to do as she wishes. She almost joins the hunt, but instead decides to explore one last time before she knows she'll spend several months getting her shop running. Thus, she decides to see the coast near Tidehome and see what she can find.

The month ends with another sweet sadness. Bielara notes that she found a new crew to work with, hoping Donovan will hire them in the future. As Donovan is puzzling about how to replace two employees instead of just one, Travis introduces Old Tom, a gray-haired adventurer who retired after taking an arrow to the knee a few months back, and who had about all the same connections Travis did. Selenniah also brings with her Jess, a friend who worked with her as a gatherer. Donovan chuckles and, half-seriously, thanks Lady Selena for looking out for him.

Crafters make premium gear.
Donovan remains master crafter and takes Efficient Craftsman title.

Donovan (costs 2+2+5)
Mentor: Apprentice (1d100+57)[149]
Region 4 Aos Sidhe
Gather: Tracking (1d100+57)[126]
Hunt: Legendary (1d100+67)[117]

Selenniah stats
Craft [roll1]
Sell [roll2]
Gather [roll3]
Mentor [roll4]
Research [roll5]
Hunt [roll6]
Explore [roll7]

Janet Explore Region 19 (costs 2+1)

Hobnob continue researching blue flower (not sure if 1 cost or not to continue research)
Train Craft, Gather Hunt, Explore
Status sheet says +40 (same as last month), but I'm pretty sure it's +45 now

Xantin Rahl
2020-03-27, 03:01 PM
Discovering the POI:
Isgerd traverses the plains north-west of Vealdor, the region is vaster than she first thought, and every step outside the city allows her to fully breath in the clear air - reminding her of the sights she left at her Northern home. The sun bathes her skin as she walks across the sea of grass, that reaches as far as her eye can reach. Soon she stops concentrating on her surroundings and enjoys the engaging yet tiring journey. Then, something changes. At first, Isgerd is unsure what. However, then she realizes the apparent answer; the sun is no longer unbearable. The hour is still early; as such, the sun still should be caressing her pale skin. She slowly raises her eyes, and there right before them, a majestic sight emerges. A tree. No, calling the large plant before her a tree is an understatement. Its vast, monstrous, no Isgred has no words to begin to describe its size. No wonder it blocked out the sun, Isgerd, wonders how she managed to notice it so late. Its trunk is so thick it could hold not only the workshop but the street it stands on along with its buildings, and its branches are so large they could be treated as big trees if planted in the ground. Speaking of which where one would expect the tree's roots, there is only a cluster of crystals. Isgerd tries approaching them; however, they seem to be emitting a vast amount of heat. She thinks she catches a glimpse of some strange creatures witch would explain the everpresent humming she hears. She takes in one last deep breath, of the air filled with the aroma of growing leaves, old bark, and a scent of something metallic. With a bit of nostalgia, she decides to end her trip and return to the crowded streets of Vaeldor to share the tales of the tree with her employer, Valeria. She wants everybody to be able to see the marvels of this newly discovered place, which seems to be a border between these planes and the forest outstretching to the north.
The tree resembles the Tree of Life from her ancestors' mythology, as such Ingrid decides to name it Tristalrót Yggrasil, the crystal root life tree.
Valeria hunts for Pellis Purpureus:
Valeria hearing the story of the Tristalrót Yggrasil seems strangely concentrated on the humming that Isgred described, she suspects it might connect to the purple furred gragecks, the source of Pellis Purpureus. With that in mind, she decides to hunt the surroundings of the tree. With a crossbow tacked to her back, and a few purchased traps, she is all set. She ventures out at first daylight and soon reaches her destination. At first, she watches the habits of the gragecks. They seem to burrow holes neer the tree, using the fact its roots are unconventional. To Veleria's disappointment, she is not able to spot any purple-hued creatures.
Nonetheless, she sets up her traps, and each morning lies in wait. On the last day, she decides its time to go back, not to waste the trip she shoots a few of the gragecks to take back to town. Checking her traps, she discovers that the skin of the caught pair seems a bit more sturdy, and will allow fashioning better equipment.

Valeria crafts a dress of charming & Alicia's Sell
Valeria crafts a dress of charming & Alicia's Sell

On the following week, a particular order arrives at the shop; a local courtesan Vixen wishes to purchase a leather suit that will make her clients more willing to spend more coin on her "assets."
Valeria at first is a bit reluctant, what kind of reputation, such a service will bring to the shop. She decides to consult her old mentor and husband, Dhakos. He says that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and seems to be very excited at the prospect, he even suggests in helping with taking the measures. To Valeria, the idea brings a strang twinkle of excitement, after consulting with the client final terms are reached, Dhakos takes a short hiatus from his academic life and joins the project. Vixen has very specified requirements in mind; the suit is to be made of black leather and fit her body like the glove fits a hand, It has to provide her cover while standing yet, allow her to decide it be reviling as she wishes, She shows off her dance routine to the couple. The dress should have a low cut back, and the front should allow potential clients good access once they pay the coin. Dhakos and Valeria both spend all the week, making sure that the suit is as fitting as humanly possible. They take very accurate measures of every inch of their model. Finally, they manage to add in a bit of spell weave which when using a command word makes strategic parts of the dress transparent. In the end, it is hard to tell who is happier with the outcome of the project. One thing is sure both the buyer and the crafters, had a lot of pleasure when engaging in it.

Alice, unaware of Valeria's deal with Vixen is delighted in how smooth the sell went this month, to make the trade more plausible previous agreement to also sell the shoes from last months crafting were made.

Valeria Upgrades Workshop:
The deal with Vixen brings in unexpected profits, a lot of people seem to gain a new interest in the workshop, Valeria expects that more trade may come in the incoming months, she sends a few rare skins to both the brothel, for spreading the news, and to the university for allowing Dhakos to assist
Isgerd continues research on the dragon sap:
Isgerd picks up the analysis of Dragon Sap where Alice left of, with distilling the material. Reaching high enough temperature while dealing with a highly flammable seed proves to be challenging. She is close to sure that after distilling when mixed with the oils be used to create an anti-cold ointment, that can be imbued into armours. However, the correct ratio still escapes her grasp,

Valeria hunts for Pellis Purpureus in region 7 (d100+52)[85]
Valeria Crafts a dress of charming(d100+68)[148]
Valeria Upgrades Workshop
Alice sells: (1d100+46)[83]
Isgerd continues research on the dragon sap (1d100+48)[77]
Alice: Research, Hunt, Explore
Isgerd: Explore, Gather, Hunt

Starting Resources: 19 Wealth, 2 Basic, 5 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap, 1 Premium
Gathered: 2 Basic, 2 Rare
Employees Gathered: -
Employees Spent: 1 Basic
Employees Crafted: 1 Normal
Spent: 18 Wealth, 4 Rare, 1 Basic
Gained: 1 Masterwork, + 1workshop LVL, Dragon Sap recipe (+32,5%)
Sales: 18 Wealth (M, P, N)
Monthly Costs: 10 Wealth
Net Change: -10 Wealth, -2 Rare, -1 Premium, -1 Masterwork
Ending Resources: 9 Wealth, 3 Rare, 1 Dragon Sap
Valeria XP: Hunt +4(56), Craft +2(70)
Isgerd XP: Research +5(53), Explore +3(50), Gather +3(48), Hunt +3(45)
Alice XP: Sell +5(51), Research+3(48), Hunt+3(42), Explore+3(38)
Cloke of Antimagic (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Pellis Purpereus)
??? (6 Basics, 2 Rare, 1 Exotic) 100% Complete (attachment from Tidehome)
Unique Ice Jade (2 Basic, 1 Rare, 1 Ice Jade) 100% Complete
Unique Dragon Sap 80% Complete

Special Traits and Relics:
Increased cost for Group Expeditions at Arbor Spelunca (+2 upfront, -2 weekly)
(R) SMOSH (½ Workshop Bonus to all research)
(T) Insightful Presence (+1 Base Price and +1 Item Sold when Valeria takes the Sell action)

2020-04-01, 07:23 PM
Kate has always been a little rash. Perhaps that's why she decides that the aftermath of a mob attacking is a good time to expand the workshop. Or perhaps she just wants to add some new workspaces of her own, which aren't haunted by memories. Whatever the reason, the purchase of a neighbouring building, the addition of some more specialised machinery (some of it taken from one of Tom's doodles) and the creation of some...creative defensive measures she hopes she'll never need to use, and Kate has expanded the Dockson holdings significantly.

Without Tom around, and with the expanded workshop, Kate decides another apprentice is needed to share the work. Her advertisements quickly bear fruit. A few candidates present themselves, but in the end Kate chooses a young girl named Ella, largely out of pity - she had grown up as an orphan, and Kate thinks she would probably have ended up on the street. Since the building work hasn't quite finished yet, Kate decides to send her out to explore the area around the Hollow Halls and make sure that no one else has been delving there. She seems to have a natural talent for it - rather better than Kate's natural talent for teaching, in fact!

Finally, Kate turns her attention to making a second Steam Dragon, with a few tweaks of her own.

1) Upgrade Workshop
2) Mentor [roll0] (Increasing Sell for Glun, and Explore for Ella) Edit: Change to crafting the Steam Dragon
3) Craft vine into Automatic Rope [roll1] Edit: Change to crafting the Steam Dragon

(Note: Treat upgrading as action 3 for XP purposes, if you aren't automatically doing that!)

Glun: 1) Sell [roll2] Edit: Change to crafting the Steam Dragon if it's not already completed, and change the craft training to sell.
Train: Explore, Research, Craft

Ella: Explore area 4 (1d100+27)[109]
Train: Research, Gather, Craft