View Full Version : ACExtravaganza's Alone Against the Flames IC

2019-08-29, 01:14 AM
For reference this is taken from Alone Against the Flames written by Mike Mason, Paul Fricker, and Gavin Inglis, thank you!

Do You Hear the Call of Cthulhu?
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

Welcome to Call of Cthulhu, a Horror/Investigative roleplaying game of mystery wherein you, an ordinary person, shall encounter and confront the terrifying alien forces of the Cthulhu mythos. Now, to begin is quite simple, and this first introduction shall operate similar to a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story (this is done in order to help with an easy transition between the investigation-heavy Call of Cthulhu, and most other RPGs). Nevertheless, it is time to begin... welcome, to Alone Against the Flames.

Unknown New England Town, 2:44 PM, September 1st, 1921.

The sun is high in the sky, a merciless ball of heat. You feel scorched by the time you reach the bus halt in front of Osborn’s Drug Store. It’s a relief to put down your heavy cases and take off your hat for a moment. You fan your face. It has been a long summer here, in your hometown, and yet a curiously empty one.
You look across the street at the grubby butcher’s shop, the grocers with its faded awning, and the shabby tobacconist. Mistrustful faces glare at you as they pass, eyeing your clothes and luggage. It was your parents’ choice to live here, not yours. You were happy down south as a child, among Providence’s white-walled houses and leafy churchyards. Perhaps this new job in Arkham will supply the change you need.
Yet everybody you know in the world lives here. You know nobody in Arkham, not one soul. You ask yourself one last
time if you are doing the right thing.
The answer is here. None of your supposed friends have come to see you off. You are alone. Whatever challenges lie in Arkham, it will be a new life, and a brave one.
A small gray motor coach approaches and rattles to a stop. You put your hat back on and pick up your cases.

Two young men with sullen expressions alight from the coach. One looks you up and down before heading away. The driver also steps down, glancing at you before crossing the road to visit the tobacconist. When he returns, he is rolling a cigarette between his yellowed fingers. He gives it a final twist and examines you as he reaches for his matchbox. He is a thin man in his fifties, dressed in a stained shirt with the bus company emblem. Yet his eyes are sharp in their dark sockets.
“Where to?”
You show him your ticket for Ossipee. From there you will connect to Rochester and Portsmouth, before the coastal line to Newburyport and, finally, Arkham. You should be able to afford a rail ticket for at least some of the way; otherwise this will be the first of many long bus trips.
“Mmm-hm.” The driver scratches the match and lights his cigarette. The end flares as he takes a draw. Then he exhales and gestures to the back of the coach. “Luggage rack’s up there.”

In Call of Cthulhu (somewhat like most other RPGs) there are eight characteristics Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Appearance, Size, Power, Education, and Intelligence

Strength: This is a measure of the physical prowess of your investigator
Dexterity: This is a measure of the agility and speed of your investigator
Constitution: This is a measure of the physical toughness and stamina of your investigator
Appearance: This is a measure of the physical appeal of your investigator
Size: This is a combined measure of your investigator's height and weight, also used in determining their force behind their attacks and health
Power: This is a measure of your investigator's mental stability, force of will, or spirit
Intelligence: This is a measure of the logic and cunning of your investigator
Education: This is a measure of your investigator's tutelage, be it from formal education or the "school of hard knocks"

For the very early image you have of your character, please rank these characteristics in whatever order you choose. No need for anything else than this right now. Also, yes, I understand that this is not really your standard introduction to an In-Character Thread, but let's roll with it!

2019-08-29, 01:36 AM

2019-08-29, 02:12 AM
The driver smokes and watches as you drag your cases to the back of the motor coach. The rack is set inconveniently high on the vehicle. You get a grip on the heavier case.

The driver continues to enjoy his cigarette, watching with keen interest as you struggle with the cases. You grit your teeth and heave the second one into place. Perhaps the residents of Arkham will have better manners.

The driver flicks his cigarette into the gutter and steps into the motor coach. Its engine coughs into life. You board, grateful that you will be the only passenger for the initial part of your trip at least. With mixed emotions, you watch from the window as the tired avenues of your old home slip behind you, receding into the distance. For a few minutes, you can still see the church spire over the brow of a low hill. Then the road dips and it, too, is gone.
Arkham is your new home. You will travel there, and make a new start.

Note that you have a sanity score that is based on your power, throughout the game this sanity score will most likely fluctuate wildly. In addition, you have a number of Magic Points also based on said power. This will deplete and over time eventually return back to its original score. However, in all likelihood, magic points shall rarely be used by an investigator early on in their career, but it is important to note that they do exist.

The coach putters through the countryside. At first, the interior is stifling and your stomach lurches with every bend in the road. However, the driver opens his window, and by switching seats you find a spot where the breeze hits your face. You soon relax into the journey, observing the quaint little hamlets that the coach serves. A heavy-set woman boards at one settlement and gives you a polite nod. She gets off at the next one.

You have a certain amount of hit points based on both your Constitution and Size. Your current may drop, but it is unlikely to ever exceed its maximum.
You also have something called a "Luck score." This is used to represent when circumstances external to your investigator are in question, and also when determining the fickle hand of fate. Please give me 3d6 to assist in generating your beginning luck.

2019-08-29, 09:11 AM
C'mon, good luck at getting good luck!


2019-08-29, 09:17 AM
C'mon, good luck at getting good luck!


Wow, that is pretty lucky!

The road rises a little, passing cornfields and orchards. The leaves are turning and the trees are alive with glorious reds and golds. You have just begun to doze when the driver takes a tight bend at speed.

Please now give me a Dexterity roll. What this means is that you'll be rolling a d100 and comparing it to your Dexterity. For now, I hold your stats (mwahahahah), but eventually, I'll hand the character over to you once I feel like you've got a good handle on the mechanics (presumably at the end of the adventure)! So, just give me the d100 roll.

2019-08-29, 09:33 AM

and extra characters for the post

2019-08-29, 09:39 AM
You rolled below your dexterity, which means that you have succeeded on your role. Interestingly, in Call of Cthulhu, your stats are what actually determine the difficulty of your attempt as opposed to a set DC like in D&D.

A desperate yell awakens you. You feel yourself slide from the seat as the driver spins the wheel and the motor-coach plunges off the road. You grab hold of the seat in front, just in time to prevent a painful fall. The coach stops with a thump.
Now you see what has happened. A Fordson tractor has stopped in the road and your driver has had to swerve to avoid this steel obstacle. He leaps from his seat into the road, unleashing a string of curses at the farmer.
You take a moment to catch your breath. Perhaps you should offer assistance? But the driver has already returned. He backs the coach up a little and threads it around the tractor, glaring at the farmer.

You resume your journey. The driver takes the curves with more caution than before. He glances over his shoulder at you a couple of times.
“Sorry about before,” he says. “That fella was dumber than a hog. I’m Silas. What’s your name?”


The accident was at least as much Silas’s fault as the farmer’s. But it doesn’t seem shrewd to antagonize the man while he is driving you through the middle of nowhere.

Make up a name for your character and I'll mark it down. You may add your age; for the purposes of this adventure your character should probably be aged between 23 and 36.

2019-08-29, 10:00 AM
Felix Autumn, age 25

2019-08-29, 10:38 AM
The coach turns onto a narrower road, which weaves uphill through woodland. Silas becomes chatty.
“Going to Arkham, eh Felix? Can’t say I ever heard of the place. Went to Boston once. Didn’t like it. Too much hustle and bustle. You got family there? A special someone waiting?”
The afternoon is wearing on. You see no harm in confiding in Silas about your new life.
“A job, eh? What’s your line?”

Now it's time for your character to choose an occupation. In Call of Cthulhu an occupation provides you with several occupation skills. It's comparable to a class, but the main distinction is that it's not representative of all your characters abilities, and it does not really affect advancement.
Some common occupations for investigators include:

Doctor of Medicine
Private Investigator
Something Else... (we can discuss)?

2019-08-29, 10:51 AM
I believe I'll be going with professor. I am quite gifted despite my youth

2019-08-29, 12:39 PM
You explain you are joining the faculty at the renowned Miskatonic University (imagine Harvard but in a college town). It’s only a junior position, with teaching and tutoring duties, but the institution is well regarded. Who knows where the appointment might lead? A symposium, a visiting lectureship, even one of its world-spanning expeditions.
“Hmm.” Silas wrinkles his nose. “I had enough of book learning when I was a young ‘un. Still, I suppose it’s well enough for those who likes it.”

So, now what exactly are you a professor of? We'll have to see (in the next post)! You gain the following occupational skills: Library Use, Own Language, and Psychology. In addition, please choose a Language which you happened to study earlier on in your life. It can be anything, from German to Latin to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs!

2019-08-29, 12:55 PM
A nice simple Latin should suffice.

2019-08-29, 01:17 PM
Sounds good, and now for your actual academic area of expertise or personal specialties. You may choose four skills from the following list that you would perceive to be related to your Felix's professorship. I'll also provide a short sentence description or so for each.

Accounting - understanding of accountacy procedures; reveals the financial functioning of a business or a person.
Antropology - identify and understand an individual's or culture's way of life throuh observation
Appraise - estimate the value of a particular item, including the quality, material used, and workmanship.
Archeology - allows dating and idetifying artifacts from past cultures as well as detecting fakes
Arts/Crafts - allows the creation, making, or repair of an item which could be artistic (painting, singing, etc...) or craft-related (woodworking, cookery, etc...). Each one requires its own choice.
Charm - physical attraction, seduction, flattery, or simply warmth of personality.
Climb - climb trees, walls, and other vertical surfaces with or without ropes or climbing gear.
Disguise - used whenever you wish to appear to be someone other than whom you are.
Dodge - allows one to instinctively evade blows, thrown missiles, and so forth.
Drive Auto - drive a car or light truck, make ordinary maneuvers, and cope with ordinary vehicle problems.
Electrical Repair - repair or reconfigure electrical equipment, such as auto ignitions, electric motors, fuse boxes, and burglar alarms.
Fast Talk - specifically limited to verbal trickery, deception, and misdirection, such as bamboozling a bouncer to let you inside a club, getting someone to sign a form they haven't read, making a policeman look the other way, and so on.
Fighting - one's skill in melee combat. There are also different specializations such as Sword, Axe, Spear, or Whip, which each require their own choice.
Firearms - covers all manner of firearms, as well as bows and crossbows. There are different specializations including Handguns, Rifles/Shotguns, Bows, and Crossbows
First Aid - emergency medical care, not for diseases (see Medicine).
History - recall a historical detail or event, the significance of a country, city, region, or person, as pertinent.
Intimidate - browbeating or making verbal threats to get your way.
Other Language (you have this) - Knowledge (ability to understand, speak, read, and write) of a language that's not your own. Each language is its own choice.
Own Language (you have this) - Knowledge of your own language (presumably English)
Law - represents the chance of knowing pertinent law, precedent, legal maneuvers, or court procedure.
Library Use (you have this) - Find a piece of information, such as a certain book, newspaper, reference in a library, or a collection of documents (assuming there's information to be found).
Listen - interpret and understand sound, including overheard conversations, mutters behind a closed door, and whispered words in a cafe.
Locksmith - open car doors, hotwire autos, jimmy libtary windows, figure out Chinese puzzle boxes, and penetrate ordinary alarm systems.
Mechanical Repair - repair a broken machine or create a new one.
Medicine - diagnose and treat accidents, injuries, diseases, poisonings, etc...
Natural World - represents the traditional (unscientific) knowledge and personal observation of farmers, fishermen, inspired amateurs, and hobbyists.
Navigate - take the correct path to a destination, whether in a strange city or the wilderness.
Occult - recognize occult paraphernalia, words and concepts, as well as folk traditions; can also identify grimoires of magic and occult codes.
Operate Heavy Machinery - required to drive and operate a train, steam engine, bulldozer, or other large-scale land machine. Persuade - convince a person of a particular idea, concept, or belief through reasoned argument, debate, and discussion (although this does not necessarily have to employ the truth).
Pilot - allows the safe operation of a boat, aircraft, or dirigible. Each one is its own skill.
Psychoanalysis - refers to the range of emotional therapies.
Psychology (you have this) - perception, common to all humans, to form an idea of another person's motives and character, and detect if a person is lying.
Ride - applies to saddle horses, donkeys, and mules, granting knowledge of basic care of the riding anaimal, riding gear, and how to handle the steed at a gallop or on difficult terrain.
Science - practical and theoretical ability with a science specialty gained from some degree of formalized education and training, although a well-read amateur scientist may also be a possibility. These specializations include: Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Cryptography, Geology, Pharmacy, Physics, Zoology, etc... Each one is its own skill.
Sleight of Hand - allows the visual covering-up, secreting, or masking of an object or objects, perhaps with debris, cloth, or other illusion-promoting materials.
Spot Hidden - find a secret door or compartment, notice a hidden intruder, see an inconspicuous clude, recognize a repainted automobile, become aware of ambushers, etc. - an important skill in the armory of an investigator.
Stealth - when attempting to avoid detection, moving quietly, and hiding without alerting those who might hear or see.
Survival - expertise required to survive in extreme conditions, such as in desert or arctic conditions, as well as on the sea or in wilderness terrain. Each environment is its own skill.
Swim - ability to float and to move through water or other liquid in times of crisis or danger.
Throw - hit a target with an object.
Track - follow a person, vehicle, or animal over earth, and through plants.

Oh boy, that was long. I listed all of them for later reference, as well as to let you know that as long as it makes sense, any of these can be involved in your occupation. So, with all that out of the way, choose four!

2019-08-29, 01:42 PM
Persuade - Compel young minds to pay attention
Anthropology - A study of culture
Archaeology - And history
Occult - And the darker side of cultures, though my knowledge of the occult is purely academic at this point

I'm thinking a compelling speaker who specializes in the study of ancient and modern cultures, specifically their more mystic traditions

2019-08-29, 01:47 PM
Nice! I like it, now from those eight skills (Library Use, Other Language (Latin), Psychology, Own Language (English), Anthropology, Archeology, Occult and Persuade) could you rank them in the order of your character's expertise?

2019-08-29, 01:55 PM
Library Use
Own Language (English)
Other Language (Latin)

My Latin teacher would not be happy with my recollections. :P

2019-08-29, 02:05 PM
Quite the orator Felix is!

You realize Silas hasn’t made a stop since the incident with the tractor. The motor coach winds its way uphill. However, your thoughts are interrupted as the road crests a ridge and you are treated to a magnificent view of the vista below.
A creek snakes through the valley, breaking the rich autumn palette of the tree line. In the distance the White Mountains rise into hazy cloud. There is no settlement, not even a cabin, as far as the eye can see. Birds drift through the treetops, and you can just make out what might be two white-tailed deer lingering by the water.
Perhaps you are making a mistake by moving to the city. Could you survive on your own in this lush wilderness?

You have a base ability in most skills, which allows for you to attempt a roll even if you haven't chosen it as one of your occupational skills or personal interest. Speaking of personal interest skills, choose four skills which are not any of the ones you chose for your occupation which are your personal interest skills.

2019-08-29, 02:30 PM
Drive Auto

2019-08-29, 04:21 PM
The motor coach rattles on through the hills and Silas lapses into silence. The sky darkens behind you, pinks tinting the clouds as the sun descends. Finally a welcome sight comes into view: a settlement on the crest of a hill. This doesn’t look like the pictures you’ve seen of Ossipee. But perhaps you can persuade Silas to stop while you stretch your legs.
Minutes later, a harsh stuttering from the engine interrupts your reverie. Silas frowns and rattles the gear stick. The motor coach falters in its ascent. Silas utters a curse you don’t recognize and grinds his teeth, struggling at the wheel. You seem to inch up the hill until you reach the first buildings, low dwellings constructed from a rough red stone. Silas wrestles the coach into a small bay off the road. He scrambles from his seat and makes for the engine compartment.

Now it is time to make our first skill check! However, I'm going to offer you the choice between two, but you could arguably think of doing something else and I'll rule what it would be for now. Do you think your character would go out and check on the car, if so, please give me a Drive Auto roll (a d100 which I will compare to your drive auto skill [you consider yourself an amateur in this field]), or does this all seem strangely convenient - breaking down right as you enter a village - and you'd like to guage Silas's reactions, if so, please give me a hard Psychology roll (a d100 which I will compare to half your Psychology skill [you consider yourself a professional in this field]). Either way, roll a d100 and tell me which one you'd rather compare it to.

2019-08-29, 04:49 PM
I don't see why I can't do both, but I would definitely check the car first. Felix assumes the best of people until proven otherwise.


2019-08-29, 06:33 PM
My explanation would be that doing both would be multitasking. You may if you so wish, however you would need a hard success (half of your skill value) for Drive Auto and an extreme success (1/5 your skill value) for Psychology. If you would like to give me a psychology roll, you may, but note that as a result you might fail the Drive Auto. What'll it be?

2019-08-29, 06:43 PM
stick with just the drive for now, then.

2019-08-29, 06:50 PM
The grinding noises you heard could of course indicate engine trouble, but they also seem consistent with bad gear selection and incorrect declutching. It seems highly unlikely that an experienced coach driver would suddenly get this wrong, even after a long day’s drive. Either way, from the sound of it, the motor coach is in no condition to drive more tonight.
If this is a ruse to make you spend your time and money in a local shop, Silas will be sadly disappointed in your purchasing power.

It is important to note that you have succeeded in a skill check requested by me (aka, you didn't just randomly roll a skill check). Most of the times when you succeed on a skill check, one should record (for this adventure I'll mark it down) that you succeeded and at the end of the adventure, should Felix still be playable, you shall have the opportunity to learn from this experience concerning the motor coach.

Silas opens the engine compartment open and sticks his head inside. The hot metal pops and sizzles. He pokes at various components, then withdraws and wipes his brow, smearing it with dark grease.
“I ain’t sure what’s wrong. Might be the oil pressure. Might be something knocked off kilter when we took that spill. Can’t do much until the engine cools neither. And with the light failing… I reckon we’ll be here through the night.” He wipes his hands on a rag.
The shadows from your surroundings are already long, and the air is chilly. You feel stiff from the journey and a night in the rickety coach sounds unappealing. Silas sees your dismay.
“This here’s Emberhead. Miles from anyplace. I only come through twice a week. But the folks here are good people. May Ledbetter keeps a spare room. She’ll look after you. Up that alley, turn right, first house on the left.”
He scratches his cheek, looks again into the engine compartment, and spits on the ground.
“Meet me back here at eight in the morning and we’ll see how’s we stand.”

Now we're entering the more freeform part of the adventure. Nevertheless, given that this is still an introductory scenario. I'll be providing little prompts at the bottom of example things your character could attempt so that you can formulate a post in-line with general Call of Cthulhu ideas. In this instance, I have three possibilities.
1. Head out and look for this May Ledbetter's house
2. Ask Silas where he's going to stay the night
3. Challenge Silas about the breakdown

2019-08-29, 07:11 PM
Assuming I can only do one, I head to the house.

If I can ask where he'll be staying first, I do that.

I feel like confronting him about the car would just anger my only way out of this place, so we'll not be doing that.

2019-08-29, 07:16 PM
This is a roleplaying game (albeit, you are correct in noticing it is a bit more heavily-structured than most Call of Cthulhu games), but nevertheless, within the confines of... reality your limits, you can do whatever you would like, and I will arbitrate as appropriate.

You ask about Silas’ plans. He gives the engine a sour glance before answering.
“I’ve got acquaintances here in the village. Reckon one of ‘em owes me a favor. Enough for bed and breakfast, in any case.” He stares at his grubby hands. “Probably won’t stretch to a hot bath.”
You don’t seem to have a lot of options. You fetch your cases from the back of the motor coach. The last thing you need is for all your worldly possessions to disappear into some stranger’s hovel overnight.

You drag your cases between the sullen buildings. You feel surprisingly weary, considering you have spent all day sitting down. Silas’ directions lead you to a modest dwelling with a slate roof. A nameplate reads LEDBETTER, and underneath, a sign in neat copperplate reads, LODGING ROOM. The lane around you is gloomy, but a lamp flickers in the window.
A breeze chills your face. You’re not about to begin your new life by sleeping in the street. You rap on the weatherbeaten door.

After a moment, you hear footsteps inside the house. A bolt is drawn back and the wooden door swings open. A figure with loose curls and a rough-looking housedress peers at you. Her gaze takes in your traveling suit and your cases. Her voice has a slight Irish lilt.
“Hello. Should I take it as you’re looking for a room for the night?”
You enquire as to her rates, suppressing a grimace. As far as you’ve seen, the village does not offer you many alternatives.
“Oh, you’ll find them very reasonable,” she says. “You look tired. I’m May. Come inside and we’ll talk over a cup of tea.”
The Ledbetter house feels cramped, with a low ceiling and simple fittings. But it is well kept and a cheerful fire crackles in the grate. The aroma of the tea is soothing and the cup warms your fingers.
“Have you come to Emberhead for the festival?” asks May.

Again, just simple prompting, you do not have to follow these ideas at all.
1. Do you want to explain what happened with Silas and his coach?
2. Would you rather ask about what this festival is?

2019-08-29, 07:27 PM
... I'm gonna get sacrificed by cultists, aren't I?

I would ask about the festival, and the rate, trying to haggle her down via persuasion.

2019-08-29, 07:31 PM
... I'm gonna get sacrificed by cultists, aren't I?

Why would you think that? This is a normal small village, isolated on a mountain-top, who said anything about cultists?

Emberhead, 8:18 PM, September 1st, 1921

“Well now, I suppose the Festival is about the only reason folks come to Emberhead. I thought you had maybe come to study it or take photographs. Well, it’s not tomorrow night but the night after. I suppose it looks very strange to a passerby.”
May tops up your tea. The spout chinks against your cup.
“We’ve got the Beacon, you see. One night every year there’s a torch-lit procession and we light the Beacon on the cliffs. You’ve never seen the like of it. They say it keeps the spirit of the village alive for another year. It’s a celebration. A celebration...”
She tails off for a moment, and blinks.
“But you didn’t come here to listen to me blather, and you must be hungry. I can rustle you up a bit of stew. How would that be?”
You ask again about her rates, ready to begin haggling, but May names a price so low you accept it without hesitation. The room is small but comfortable, and the stew dark and hearty. After dinner, you have a couple of hours before your usual bedtime.

So, what to do before bedtime? May certainly hasn't gone to sleep yet, so maybe interacting with her? Although it's dark you could maybe ask May for a lantern of some kind to maybe investigate small village where you're sleeping for the night? Or has it just been an exhausting day?

2019-08-29, 07:43 PM
I would ask May more about the capital-B Beacon, try and get a read on the culture of the thing. It is my chosen field after all.

2019-08-29, 07:51 PM
You ask May about the beacon, as she begins to talk about life as a whole in Emberhead, acknowledging your question, but not really responding to it. “In her letters my sister always asks if I’m not bored, living in such a small place. She lives in New York. Then she writes about how frightened she is to walk home at night! I ask you.”
You mention your hopes for a new life in Arkham, while also trying to insert another query concerning the beacon. May doesn’t seem to hear you.
“It’s a small place here, yes, but that means we have real community. Everybody’s face is known. Everybody works together. Nobody is excluded. Except those who choose to exclude themselves, of course. I couldn’t live anywhere else now.”

Please give me a charm roll as you're talking to her. Now, Felix is not explicitly trained in putting on flattery and whatnot, but nevertheless he does know how to generally shift the conversation due to his skills as an orator, so his chances of success are not impossible.
In addition, concerning the culture and anthropology of the whole Beacon festival thing, it was not too uncommon for firey processions to exist due to the descendants of the Gauls from Europe coming over to America and bringing with them their culture's traditions. Although, give me an Anthropology roll nevertheless (so I guess that makes two rolls).

2019-08-29, 08:05 PM
first up is charm


and then anthropology


2019-08-29, 08:19 PM
As you're musing about rituals involving giant wicker-men, you do recall one piece of information concerning this area. You believe that before America was founded, the natives, you're forgetting the exact name, were rumored to conduct similar festivals involving the sun. However, you remember finding it interesting because no substantial record of such actions was ever discovered, being one of the many mysteries of anthropology and history.

As the hour wears on, you eventually give up your attempts to gather information about the beacon, presuming May is either too wrapped up in her own world, or just incredibly tired. Instead you simply listen along and you are amused to hear May transform into a sort of tired tourist guide.
“Of course the views from here are spectacular on a good day. A clear view all the way round. If you’re a painter you’ll be right at home. If your tastes run more to the artisan, there are workshops on Silbury Street. Just at the end here and turn right. They’re not set up for visitors, you understand? But you’ll see the real craftsmen at work. The genuine article. Now, if you’re looking for freshly baked bread...”
It seems a shame to point out that you intend to be on the road again shortly. You let May continue until she begins to yawn.
“Would you listen to me yapping? Time to turn in. When would you like your breakfast?”


You recall that Silas mentioned you would be out of here at eight, so it should be a pretty simple calculus to determine when to wake up.

2019-08-29, 08:27 PM
I guess I would want breakfast at 6 am, to get up a little earlier and have some time before 8.

2019-08-29, 08:47 PM
May nods and gets up, beginning to tidy away the table as she does. As May stands, you hear a clunk behind you. You look over your shoulder, but all you can see is a wooden door, securely closed.
May tuts. “The young lady of the house. She’ll have been listening to us. Ruth! Come and greet our guest.”
There is a short pause, then the door creaks open. Two wide eyes peer at you from the gap, between tousled hair and a rough nightgown.
“What do you say?”
The eyes blink. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Now get back to bed.”
The door closes again.
“My daughter Ruth. Ten years this summer. She’s a delight and a torment all in one. Don’t worry, she sleeps in with me. She’ll not disturb you. Good night now.”
You retire to your room. It is a little chilly, but you are too tired to worry about lighting the fire. The sheets are clean and the bed soon warms up. The silence outside is strange after living in a town for so long, but you soon drop off.

You dream of fire in the grate; coruscating colors shimmering through the dancing tongues of flame. At first they are tiny, almost microscopic, but they grow, and grow, until a kaleidoscopic inferno spills from the fireplace, spreading across the floor, up the sheets…
You wake with a start. Daylight glints through the curtains. You get up and examine the grate, blinking the sleep from your eyes. It is quite cold. If you have taken any damage, you may heal 1 hit point back for your night’s sleep.

Yes, that's right, Long Rests heal 1 hit point. Let's just say that taking damage is of much more consequence in this game than most.

May seems to have no running water, but has supplied some in a ceramic jug. You freshen up at the washstand and go in. She cooks a hearty breakfast and leaves you in peace to eat. At about seven-thirty, you are paid up, packed, and ready to go. You bid May goodbye and she wishes you the best for your new career in Arkham.

You are already tired of your heavy bags. Hopefully, Silas has repaired the motor coach and you can resume your long journey. A sourpuss he might be, but the old driver seemed to understand his vehicle well enough. You pause to check your watch—still twenty minutes early—and round the final corner.
The motor coach is gone.
You put your bags down and search the area, trekking up and down slopes and around corners. At the edge of the village, you trace the long road back as it winds across the hills. Eight o’clock comes and goes. There is no coach to be seen.
A passing villager notices your bags.
“Looking for the bus? I heard him take off at first light. He’s due back in three or four days. If you need a place to stay, May Ledbetter rents a room.” The man raises his hat to you and strolls on into the village.
You curse Silas under your breath. Perhaps he went for parts. But you wonder if the old goat has stranded you here on purpose.

May is doing laundry, and looks surprised to see you again. “Forgot something?” When you explain the situation, she offers to store your bags while you try to arrange alternative transport. You are grateful to relinquish the load.
“Nobody here has anything like a car.” She strokes her chin and narrows her eyes. “Maybe you could find somebody with a horse and a cart for your bags. I could ask around later. Try Mr. Winters at the village hall, he’ll know if anyone will. Or ask among the artisans. Their workshops are first left on Silbury Street.” She reaches over and squeezes your wrist. “Don’t worry, I won’t see you sleeping in the street, money or no money.”
You thank May, and turn to face the village.

You wander the streets of Emberhead without any particular destination in mind. The village is built on a relatively flat upland with splendid views. To the north, the hazy tips of the White Mountains reach for the heavens; to the south, the sparkling waters of Lake Winnipesaukee touch the horizon.
The village itself takes less than five minutes to cross from edge to edge. However, it is literally edge to edge, as with the exception of the two roads out of town, all that's there is a massive drop-off. You arrived on the winding road to the west. The only other road leaves to the south, following a lower ridge of land as it turns east. In the northernmost part of town, you see the courtyard mentioned by May home to several artisans. Next to that is the town's largest building (which isn't saying too much) - presumably the village hall. Meanwhile, in the southwest of the village, an open grassy space borders a ruined church, its graveyard cresting the cliffs. To the northeast, the three main thoroughfares, with a general store being one of the only real businesses open, meet at a raised black metal structure. It looms, stark against the blue sky.


Oh boy, that was long, I hope you got all of that, but basically... where do you want to head now to find transport out of here? Some places of interest that I listed were: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-08-29, 09:04 PM
What kind of a scholar would I be if I DIDN'T examine the strange metal structure first. Its still early, the artisans probably aren't going anywhere.

2019-08-29, 09:12 PM
Speaking of timing

Emberhead, 8:16 AM, September 2nd, 1921

You walk up The Approach, the most central of the village’s major streets. It points directly at the odd metal structure. As you emerge from the shade of the nearby buildings, you are greeted by a magnificent panorama spread from the north to the southeast. The last colors of fall tint the hills in a sleepy gold.
The structure, by contrast, is made from uncompromising iron, singed black. It supports an immense curved platform at the level of your head. Further struts snake up to a central point. It looks like they may have been some kind of sculpture at one time, but are now twisted and melted beyond recognition.
An older gentleman passes, looking up at you with rheumy eyes. “Are you here for the Festival?” he asks. “That’s the Beacon. When they light it, night after next, you’ll be able to see it ten miles away.” He gives a little nod of satisfaction, then moves on, leaning on his walking stick.
Now you notice bundles of wood, tied and stacked against the buildings nearby. Perhaps this Festival would be an interesting diversion. But you really must head to Arkham as soon as possible.

As you begin to look this structure over, please give me a Spot Hidden roll (you consider yourself an amateur).

2019-08-29, 09:20 PM
spot hidden roll, hoping it doesn't drive me mad...


2019-08-29, 09:50 PM
Emberhead, 8:57 AM, September 2nd, 1921

There is honestly very little in this area, although you can't help but wonder it would be used for. Eventually, you return back to the center of town, and you realize that you are beginning to get your bearings in Emberhead. Would you like to explore some more?

To repeat some places of interest that I listed were: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-08-29, 09:51 PM
Artisan's courtyard

2019-08-29, 09:53 PM
Not far from the Ledbetter house, on the north side of Silbury Street, there is an open courtyard. The rhythmic tattoo of a hammer seems to announce your approach.
The courtyard is the busiest location you have yet seen in Emberhead. It is bordered by a ring of workshops. Some are brick buildings, some only rough huts. A blacksmith ceases to hammer, thrusting something red and glowing into a bucket of cold water. A weaver looks up from his loom, blinking at you for a moment before returning to his shuttle. A potter, engraver, and carpenter each work in their own space, exchanging friendly banter.
You move among the artisans, chatting about their work. Eventually you bring up the question of export. Some of them send occasional packages with Silas. Some restrict their custom entirely to villagers. You receive no suggestions about alternative transport.

As you're walking amongst these people, please give me a Psychology roll (you consider yourself a professional) to get the general feel of the populous.

2019-08-29, 10:14 PM
C'mon low numbers...


2019-08-29, 10:20 PM
Emberhead, 10:23 AM, September 2nd, 1921

The people around Emberhead, especially in the Artisan's Courtyard seem to be rather friendly and understanding (although similarly unsure) of your plight. However, eventually you feel as if you've talked to almost everyone in the local area, and thus you return, right back where you started. Nevertheless, you are quite confident that you've identified most of the local areas of import by now. Would you like to explore some more?

To repeat some places of interest that I listed were: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-08-29, 10:31 PM
Last-ditch effort of trying Mr. Winters at the village hall, then back to May's.

2019-08-29, 10:47 PM
Emberhead, 10:47 AM, September 2nd, 1921

The village hall backs against a cliff at the east end of Silbury Street. It’s the largest building you’ve seen so far in Emberhead. It is, however, locked and shuttered. You walk around it, peering through gaps in the shutters. There seems to be one large room, presumably for community meetings, and a smaller annex that serves as an office and archive. One of the windows is bricked up. Back at the main door, you can see no posted opening hours.
“Mr. Winters doesn’t open up mornings, this time of year,” says a gray-garbed woman passing by. “Best come back this afternoon.”
You ask whether the office has a telegraph. “Don’t know.” She shrugs. “Who would we call?”
You will have to try again later.

You soon return back to the town square after hitting yet another dead end.

So just to be clear you'd like to head back now and not explore another locale?

2019-08-29, 10:52 PM
yep, don't have much money for the general store.

2019-08-29, 10:57 PM
Emberhead, 11:05 AM, September 2nd, 1921

Your morning exertions have left you hungry. You roam the streets of Emberhead looking for sustenance. There is nothing resembling the busy cafés of your hometown, or anything that might be called a restaurant.
It is beginning to look like you will have to get supplies from the general store when May Ledbetter comes down the street with a girl trailing in her wake. This must be Ruth. As she notices you, she races past her mother and approaches you with a smile. This is a different Ruth from the shy creature of last night.
As she reaches you, she stops and stretches her arms up in celebration. She looks up into your eyes. Abruptly the smile drops from her face and she looks several years older.
“Get out before the festival,” she hisses. “Get out!” She blinks hard, then scuttles back towards her mother.
May approaches, wrapping an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. She smiles. “How are you getting on? Have you found transport?”
Startled, you explain the frustrations of the situation.
“I’d try Mr. Winters in the village hall. He’s always in of an afternoon. You’ll be hungry by now? Help yourself to any food in the house. The door’s not locked.”
You glance at Ruth where she has squirreled herself behind her mother’s leg. Her eyes implore you to silence.

Well, that was certainly strange. Although, to figure things out further would you like to ask Ruth or her mother about what she said? Or are you complying with Ruth's desire?

2019-08-29, 11:05 PM
Me, the player, wants to march my butt out of town even if it means walking to Arkham. Felix, the character, wants to know more. Probably try to get Ruth alone somehow? Also, when exactly is the festival?

2019-08-29, 11:09 PM
You recall that the May mentioned the festival would be the day after tomorrow last night.

You momentarily ask May if you can talk to her daughter, she shrugs, letting Ruth run out from her mother's legs. Soon you crouch down and ask her what she meant. “It’s scary at the festival,” Ruth says, you can't help but feal that she is purposefully being loud enough for May to hear. “It’s bright and hot and the flames go all over!” Her face and voice are both childlike.
This abrupt shift is disturbing. You suppose all children do unfathomable things.
May rolls her eyes and tousles her daughter’s hair as she runs back to her. Ruth soon looks at the ground.

You take your leave of the Ledbetters and head towards their house. The door opens easily. In the low kitchen you make a meal from stodgy bread and leftover stew. A little window offers a view to the mountains.
If you learned one thing this morning, it was that Emberhead’s streets hold little to occupy the visitor from out of town. But there are still about five hours of daylight remaining. You could take some provisions and the bare essentials from your luggage, and set out in the hope of reaching another settlement before dark. Or you could ask advice from this Mr. Winters.

2019-08-29, 11:21 PM
Felix wouldn't suspect a thing, just a kid being a kid. I'll head to the general store if Mr. Winters isn't there yet.

2019-08-29, 11:33 PM
Emberhead, 1:14 PM, September 2nd, 1921

Luckily for Felix, as he checks the village hall one more time, he sees that now the doors are actually open, allowing him to head inside. As you enter, you cannot help but feel conscious of the oppressive black metal structure framed at the end of the road. The shutters of the hall are open and some windows left ajar. There is no knocker, but a little bell over the entrance tinkles as you push the front door.
Inside, a sturdy door to your right is marked PRIVATE. To your left, an opening leads through to a bright room. You take a few steps inside. Benches line the walls and there are two noticeboards mounted between the windows.

Those noticeboards look interesting, of course, someone also might be in the room, or does it seem like nobody is really here and you'd like to prepare to walk out of town?

2019-08-29, 11:38 PM
I knock on the door labeled private, if no response then read the notice boards.

2019-08-29, 11:41 PM
You raise your hand to knock on the door, but it opens before you can complete the movement. The middle-aged gentleman behind it takes an involuntary step back, adjusting his spectacles. You hasten to apologize and introduce yourself. He steadies himself and peers at you.
“I see. I’m Clyde Winters. Just visiting, you say? And you’ve come to see me? Hmm! Care for some coffee? I usually take a cup around this time of the afternoon.”
His invitation seems genuine enough and a good opportunity to ask any questions that are on your mind.

You step through the door marked PRIVATE. The other side of the village hall is in marked contrast to the public space. The room is compact, lined with shelves of books and file alcoves. One corner is reserved for a tiny pantry and what is presumably a water closet.
You study Mr. Winters as he fills the percolator. Although thin on top, his hair is oiled and neatly swept back. His suit is a sober affair, and well-tailored even if the cut is a little old-fashioned. A lesser man working alone might have loosened his bow tie for comfort.
On the desk against the opposite wall, you notice what looks like a telegraph set.

Something to consider: Are you planning on making small talk with him first, or simply just jumping right into the conversation?

2019-08-29, 11:48 PM
strait to the point, starting with the telegraph. There is time for conversation after he tells me its broken and there is no way out of the village but walking into the wilderness (something I am not built to survive).

2019-08-29, 11:52 PM
“The telegraph? Mmm. Much as we value our isolation, we do need the link sometimes… you were hoping to send a message weren't you? I must apologize. The line has been down for two weeks. I reported the fault, but of course, they’re not so speedy when the problem lies in a rural area. I’m expecting a repair the day after next. I do appreciate how frustrating this must be. The coach is due, in what, three days? But I think he’s going west. Perhaps you might engage a wagon? One of the farmers might...”
You explain that you have asked a few of the residents already, but to no avail.
“I tell you what.” Winters pours you a steaming cup of coffee. The dark liquid smells rich and strong. “When the repair crew arrive I’ll ask them to take you back with them. How would that be? They might want a dollar or two to grease the wheels...”
The day after tomorrow? It’s less than ideal. But it’s the first real opportunity you’ve had.

Anyway, would you like to stay around for more small talk, or are you done with Mr. Winters?

2019-08-30, 01:20 PM
Its only polite that we have some small talk.

2019-08-30, 01:27 PM
Emberhead, 2:22 PM, September 2nd, 1921

The pot continues to gurgle as you exchange pleasantries with Winters.
“Living here? It’s a trade-off, like so much in life.” He looks past you at a high shelf somewhat full of books. “I could wish for access to a proper library, of course. But I know myself well enough. I’m strictly a dabbler. And the cities...” His face wrinkles in distaste. “Too many people. Everybody rushing and shouting. We have a special place here in Emberhead. And someone must accept responsibility for keeping it so. That was my father before me. And now the duty falls to me.” He lifts his chin and straightens up.
“This evening, as the sun sets, look out at the landscape around the village. We have peace up here, halfway to the stars. Are we not privileged? Is this not worth the hardships we must accept?”

The library is rather interesting of course, maybe you could ask him about it? Or have you had enough of all of this and you're ready to head back to May's home.

2019-08-30, 01:35 PM
I planned to ask him about the library and examine it if able.

2019-08-30, 03:35 PM
You make a small but flattering remark about a couple of the volumes on his shelves. Winters blushes with pleasure.
“Well, of course they’re not my personal collection. They belong to the village,” he says. “But I did select most of the recent items. This is the community’s library, you see. I put up the PRIVATE sign to stop people just wandering in from meetings in the other room. But this is really a public space.”
You scan the shelves. There is a sparse but respectable collection on mathematics and the sciences, passable sections on history and arts, and a shelf of literature. He has a few lowbrow novels tucked away in a corner, with tatty copies of Bizarre Tales magazine.
“Quality does not always equate to popularity, I’m afraid.” Winters gives you an apologetic smile.

Would you like to see if you can check out some of his books?

2019-08-30, 03:44 PM
I would very much like that

2019-08-30, 06:12 PM
Winters is happy for you to spend the rest of the afternoon in study and offers you an upright but comfortable chair. You have enough time to pursue one line of research in depth.

You recognize the historical books he mentioned so you could look into the history of the area. There's also the sparse books on the sciences and mathematics, and the weird fiction novels. Of course, you could also try and research the festival.

2019-08-30, 06:18 PM
Of course I try and research the festival.

2019-08-30, 06:21 PM
By this point you are not surprised to find there is no published work on Emberhead’s Festival. Winters pokes around and finds a cased monograph, handwritten on yellowing paper by a Dr. Aniolowski. “An acquaintance of my father’s, I believe,” Winters says.
The manuscript is somewhat difficult to read and you make slow progress. Aniolowski speculates that the Festival has its origin in Pagan rites brought over by Celtic settlers, which celebrate the ancient festivals of Beltane, Samhuinn, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh. There is some discussion of the struggle between the seasons and a couple of oblique references to “the alignment” in Emberhead. Aniolowski suggests that the meaning of the Festival slowly changed around the turn of the century.
The monograph terminates mid-sentence at the end of page 28, just as it begins to discuss the modern practices. You ask Winters if he has the remaining pages.
“No. I’m afraid those have been misplaced,” he says. “Perhaps they are still in the library somewhere, but...” He shrugs. “I must make the time for a thorough stock take.”

The afternoon wears on. You have not quite finished your reading when Winters glances out of the window and stands up. He clears his throat.

Please give me a credit rating roll (1d100) to see if Winters approves of leaving you on your lonesome within the library/records office.

2019-08-30, 07:53 PM
First roll is the one you asked for


Second roll is for Library Use


2019-08-30, 09:38 PM
“I’m happy to leave you in charge for a half-hour or so.” He smiles. “Please don’t issue any books without a valid library card.” He subsequently winks.
You thank Winters for his trust and continue with your reading for a time. As the light dims, you find yourself yawning in the closeness of the room. Perhaps it is time for a change of material.

As Felix looks around, please give me a Spot Hidden roll (you consider yourself an amateur in this field).

2019-08-30, 10:08 PM

for length

2019-08-30, 10:18 PM
Emberhead, 6:36 PM, September 2nd, 1921

As you scan the shelves you try to move aside one of the three volumes of Walpole’s A Comprehensive Grammar of the Andean Peoples. It will not shift, and upon further inspection, you find the three volumes are actually glued together and attached to the wall. Is this some kind of unobtrusive way to reinforce the shelves?
You hear footsteps in the hall and, on instinct, move away from this curious discovery.

You have succeeded in a Spot Hidden roll, and thus your skill might improve by the end of the adventure.

The door opens and Winters re-enters the library. He wears a small, satisfied smile. His gaze shifts to you where you stand at the shelves. “Exhausted our stock already? Of course we accept donations.” He chuckles. “I’m afraid it’s closing time.”
You leave the building with Winters and wait as he locks up. You thank him for the coffee and the access to the library. He strolls away down Silbury Street.

Emberhead, 7:49 PM, September 2nd, 1921

As the light fades, you return to the Ledbetter house and eat a light supper. May is unusually taciturn. Ruth’s eyes flick to yours several times during the meal. There is an urgency there you cannot quite interpret. Afterwards, May ushers the girl into their room.
You have been in Emberhead for barely one whole day and you already feel confined by it, both geographically and socially. The evening seems to offer little.

What would you like to do tonight? Maybe ask Ruth about what happened, or, the night is looking quite clear, would you like to go stargazing?

2019-08-30, 10:26 PM
Contrive for some way to get alone with Ruth so her mother doesn't know what she's saying. not sure what skill that would be, maybe persuade?

2019-08-30, 10:30 PM
In time, May returns to the kitchen and busies herself clearing up. To speak to Ruth, as you've mentioned you will need to get May to leave for a short while. You help with the dishes and try to think of some ruse. In time, an idea comes and you ask about Silas and his friends in the village.
May narrows her eyes. “He knows Troy on the other side of town,” she says. “Not sure I’d call them friends. More like an old feuding couple. But he probably spent last night at Troy’s place.”
You ask May if she could visit Troy and ask if Silas mentioned any plans to return. May looks dubious. “Right now?” she asks.

Please provide to me dialogue of what your character is saying. Is Felix appealing to her emotions? Is he using rationality -- explaining how a further delay threatens your new career at Miskatonic? Or is he simply trying to rush her into compliance?

2019-08-30, 10:38 PM
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I really do wish I'd thought of it earlier, but it would be very helpful for me. You have such a lovely tight-nit community here, I'm sure he wouldn't mind this late of an intrusion, but I really must get to Miskatonic on time, you see I have a lecture comming up and if I were to miss my first lecture I fear the school might think I don't really care about my responsibilities or worse, may not keep me on at all.

2019-08-30, 10:39 PM
Give me a Persuade roll (you are a professional in this field) please.

2019-08-30, 10:41 PM
Luck, don't fail me now! [roll0]

2019-08-30, 10:44 PM
Luck, don't fail me now! [roll0]

Apparently luck didn't fail you!

“Well… I suppose it will only take a few minutes.” May fetches a coat and heads out into the night. You give her time to get clear, then rap on the bedroom door. Nothing comes but silence. Then feet pad across the floor and the door opens a few inches. Ruth’s eyes stare through the gap, glancing from left to right. You explain her mother has left the house and ask what has been bothering her. Those eyes flick up to stare at you.
“It’s tomorrow,” she whispers. “Same as every year. They took my da. They’ll take you, if you let them.”
The conviction in her eyes is chilling. You press her. Who is she talking about?
“All of them. Every one. They’ve been watching since you got here. You’re marked.” Her voice is hollow. “One year, when I’m older… they’ll take me.”
You hear footsteps approaching from outside. Ruth’s eyes flash and the bedroom door slams. You turn back to drying the dishes. May enters and removes her coat.
“That man is a waste of time,” she hisses, and heads through to the bedroom.

You have succeeded in a Persuade roll, you may be given the opportunity to improve it after this adventure!

The familiar surroundings of your guest room are becoming constrictive. The neat bed, small wardrobe, and dressing mirror have the feel of a prison cell about them. What are you still doing here in Emberhead? Your new life is elsewhere.
You lie on the bed and stare at a small crack in the ceiling. You turn over the day’s events, thinking through the little details you spotted. You are certainly weary from the elevation and the fresh air. But do you still feel safe here?

Are you going to fall asleep?

2019-08-30, 10:50 PM
I think I'm going to head out. You said it was a clear night, so it shouldn't be too dark. I'm going to take my things and walk in the direction the next town should be in, the opposite road out of the way I came.

2019-08-30, 11:02 PM
I think I'm going to head out. You said it was a clear night, so it shouldn't be too dark. I'm going to take my things and walk in the direction the next town should be in, the opposite road out of the way I came.

Emberhead, 10:17 PM, September 2nd, 1921

You take money, water, and some sandwiches. It seems polite to leave May Ledbetter a note explaining the situation and that you will return for your bags as soon as possible... but in all honesty, this place just gives you the shivers. The sky is by now flecked with a couple clouds, but the sky is clear and the stars shine down upon the road. At this point the sky shows no sign of imminent rain.
As you descend on the southern road and follow it around to the east. The black metal structure looms on the promontory above. You shiver as you pass the lower huts and head out of Emberhead.
After the miserable, enclosed streets of Emberhead, you are refreshed by the open air and sense of progress. An hour later, however, the empty road ceases to be a novelty. You have just entered the first patch of woodland when you hear an eerie, lilting howl from the north.

Please give me a Spot Hidden (you are a Amateur in this field) roll and a Natural World (you are a Neophyte in this field) roll.

2019-08-30, 11:07 PM
spot hidden


and natural world


2019-08-30, 11:08 PM
You hesitate at the howl. You have grown up in the familiar landscape of the town among books of anthropology and archeology. Wild animals are a little outside your experience. Is it unwise to head on into the unknown by yourself, during the night no less?

2019-08-30, 11:13 PM
How far out am I? I might try climbing a tree for the night...

2019-08-30, 11:18 PM
You're maybe one hour or so out, you don't feel too tired just yet, but then again... it is getting late. Alternatively, you might be able to return to the village.

The Woods Outside Emberhead, 11:04 PM, September 2nd, 1921

As you look around considering trees to climb for a rest, a second call answers the first, but it sounds further away. You've been following the road through woodland.
Branches lean over the road. The foliage is quite beautiful, from gold to russet and a deep, rich red. Fallen leaves crunch beneath your feet.

So are you planning on climbing a tree and resting now or pushing on for a bit longer?

2019-08-30, 11:19 PM
I'm going to climb the tree.

2019-08-30, 11:21 PM
You begin to search for a climbable tree as another cry splits the gloom. It is the same unearthly call you heard when you entered the first patch of woodland, but this time with a grating undertone that makes you shiver. It seems closer.

You select a tree with obvious footholds and a thick branch at about twice your height. You haul yourself up. You are not dressed for this.
The echoing call comes again, and this time it is answered by something closer to you. This seems a good time to get off the ground.

Please give me an Easy Climb (you consider yourself an amateur in this field) roll (easy means that you only fail on a 96-100).

2019-08-30, 11:23 PM

2019-08-30, 11:26 PM
You ease yourself onto the widest branch you can see. It is less than comfortable, but you do at least feel safer in this elevated position.
Night settles slowly around you. The woods come alive with small noises: scratching nearby, distant bird calls, and the gentle rustle of leaves. Although you're a bit afraid from the sounds you hear, you quickly find yourself yawning. You loop your belt around the branch and your clothing, to hold yourself in place as best you can. Then you close your eyes.

In your dreams, the trees change position, lifting their roots from the ground, and shuffling to another spot before planting themselves again. This seems perfectly normal, companionable even. They start to glow, a greenish-yellow as the flames lick—
The trees begin to scream.
Tongues of flickering fire snake up the tree towards you. You scrabble at the belt which binds you to this pyre, coughing as the vapors fill your throat, choking—

Please give me a Sanity roll.

Oh boy, our first one of these...

2019-08-30, 11:36 PM
Lets see how sane I am...

2019-08-30, 11:51 PM
Something is not right here. Even as your fingers find the clasp of the belt and open it, some rational part of your mind recognizes that this fire does not look natural. And trees neither scream nor move by themselves.
The belt releases and you drop through air. Can you see figures there? Coming out of the dark—

You have lost 1 hit point as you fall through the air.

The skin of your face feels warm. There is a mattress beneath you. You blink against the sunlight. A blurred figure swims in your vision.
“You’re awake. It’s May. May Ledbetter.”
You shift and pain wracks your body. You feel bruised, and your head throbs. May comes into focus.
“You’re lucky to be alive. A farmer found you in the small hours, lying by the road. Patched you up and brought you back on his cart. Said you were in the middle of the woods somewhere? Best take it easy today. I’ll look in on you later.”
The farmer and his cart are long gone, of course. You snooze for just a little longer, you can barely move and your bones ache, but eventually... you get up.

Luckily for you, during your recovery you received First Aid which healed 1 hit point of damage.

Emberhead, 9:29 AM, September 3rd, 1921

By the time you get up the Ledbetter kitchen is empty, although bread and eggs have been laid out for your breakfast. There is a note from May explaining that she has taken Ruth out for a few hours.

You make a quiet circuit of the village, pausing in unobtrusive places to watch the villagers. It is rather busy for this time in the morning. Yawning locals stream back and forward along the roads, carrying bundles of split logs to the site of what you’ve heard referred to as the Beacon. You see two figures already up in its superstructure, arranging the wood. The Festival bonfire will be most impressive. But do you intend to stay to see it? You are pretty sure by now that something is amiss here.
While the villagers are distracted, you may do some illicit investigation. Or you may simply leave town without looking back.

Would you like to, search May's room while she's not there? Take a look at the strange bookshelf in the Village Hall? Head to the artisan's courtyard and investigate? Spy on activity at the beacon? Or just try and slip down the east road to flee for good?

2019-08-30, 11:55 PM
investigate first. Dam Felix's curiosity...

2019-08-30, 11:56 PM
investigate first. Dam Felix's curiosity...

Erm... investigate what exactly? There are a lot of things to investigate here.

2019-08-30, 11:59 PM
Sorry, probably try to get someone alone and persuade them to tell me details about the festival.

2019-08-31, 12:00 AM
Give me an Intelligence (Idea) roll please.

2019-08-31, 12:01 AM
No, this isn't ominous at all...

2019-08-31, 12:02 AM
Based on the interactions he's had previously with the villagers, it seems most of them are pretty intent on having whatever this festival is. For the time being, he's able to simply walk around unnoticed, but talking to someone might attract unwanted attention, after all, it seems that many forces are conniving to keep him stuck in this town.

2019-08-31, 12:05 AM
Start walking out of town again.

2019-08-31, 12:08 AM
As you approach the southern road that descends to the lower ridge, you see four villagers blocking the route, with farm tools and clubs. You veer off and head towards the west road. Your heart sinks as you see exactly the same scene at the other exit from the village. You are trapped.

You think you might be able to try and quickly talk your way past one set of guards (staying for thirtyish minutes [persuade] might be a bit challenging to pull off), or maybe disguise yourself as just a standard passer-by, but either method would be quite complex. Do you want to persist, or head back to the center of town and try something else?

2019-08-31, 12:50 AM
Try and persuade the guards...

2019-08-31, 12:51 AM
(staying for thirtyish minutes [persuade] might be a bit challenging to pull off)

You're specifically trying for Persuade?

2019-08-31, 12:56 AM
Yes, Felix would focus on his strengths even if it isn't prudent.

2019-08-31, 08:45 AM
Ok... well go ahead, if Felix I guess is going to take at least thirty minutes to persuade them, tell me what he's arguing!

2019-08-31, 08:56 AM
A synopsis of what Felix would say. I know this festival is important to you, but my life and livelihood are important to me. You all have agreed to stay here and practice it. I have not. Please, all I ask is you let me go on my way in peace.

Probably mention the Miskatonic university as well.

2019-08-31, 08:57 AM
Hmmm... bordering charm, but no I'll let you have it. You must now attempt an extreme success (rolling 1/5 of your skill level) of Persuade (you consider yourself a professional).

2019-08-31, 09:03 AM
Luck! [roll0]


2019-08-31, 09:20 AM
The southern group appears less sharp than the western group. You stride up to them and begin a long heated debate, prepared to give some witty academic retort. However, they do not respond in kind, and they look dubious.
“Nah. You come with us,” says the first one. His ape-like brow bends into a frown.

These locals are not as stupid as you think. They grab you and march you back into the center of the village.

Emberhead, 4:47 PM, September 3rd, 1921

The fading light from a narrow window tells you afternoon is giving way to evening. Your hands are shackled behind your back so you cannot even lie down on the rough bed. A woman you have not seen before comes in. Her face is wrinkled and her eyes dull. They do not meet yours, but she puts a cup to your lips.

2019-08-31, 12:38 PM
I do not drink.

2019-09-02, 01:06 PM
You turn your face away, and when she tries again, you dash the cup from her hands using the side of your head. The clear liquid spills across the floor.
The woman gives a half-shrug and turns to leave the room. You shout after her, but she gives no reaction.
You soon become thirsty.

As the light fades outside, your little prison becomes dark. You can hear much activity around the building. Occasionally an orange glow passes the window. The only comfortable position in the shackles seems to be to sit against the end of the bed with your arms hanging behind you.
You need to concentrate and come up with a plan. There is clearly no escape from your bonds. You do not know exactly what your captors want from you, but you cannot ignore the fact that they have spent the entire day constructing a massive bonfire.

The door scrapes, wrenching you back into the moment. Orange light spills into the house from blazing torches held at the threshold. Two large villagers step in and grab you. At least, you assume they are villagers. They wear heavy black cloaks, and their faces and hands are painted entirely black, save only for a red triangle centered on their left eye.
You try to drag your legs, but they reach under your arms and lift you bodily from the bed. Outside, it seems that the whole village has congregated to see you. Every single one has a blackened face with the red triangle motif. Torches sputter and spill fire.
You struggle, but you can see physical resistance is hopeless. You are marched to the central street and turned to face the Beacon.


The procession down The Approach is slow and formal, save when you sense weakness and yank at your captors. A chill touches you when you see three human shapes carried ahead of you, draped in red cloth. The Beacon looms larger and larger, its dreadful silhouette a black triangle pointing to the stars. A low drone begins among the cloaked figures—unbidden, the word mourners comes to mind. Smoke from their torches makes you cough. You feel heat on your face.
As you reach the cleared area around the Beacon, three dancers break from the pack: young girls swinging balls of fire in spectacular arcs, drawing circles in the night air. One by one, they draw close to you and touch your forehead with sooty fingers. Each kisses you three times: on the left cheek, right cheek, then forehead. Then they whisper in your ear. The smell of kerosene fills your nostrils.

Please give me an Appearance roll!

2019-09-02, 03:12 PM
I am very confused by this roll...


2019-09-02, 03:16 PM
“Through your sacrifice the village will be reborn,” says the first dancer.
“You pass from earth to air for all our sakes,” says the second.
“I’ve weakened the chains,” says the third. “Don’t try to escape until the flames are high enough to hide you.”
You stare at the third dancer. In that inky visage you clearly discern the frightened features of Ruth Ledbetter.
Their dance weaves off and disappears behind the buildings.

As you arrive beneath the beacon, ten villagers close in on you. Working with surprising coordination, they immobilize you and lift you up the blackened iron stairs to the raised platform. You cannot help but shiver at the sight of the central framework, twisted from past blazes, and what you can now clearly see to be fastening points for chain. None of the eyes meet yours as they lash you to the metal.
The village sings now, something rhythmic and ancient, carved from odd syllables. A second group ascends to the Beacon, carrying the three red-draped bodies. With reverence, they arrange their burdens in a triangle around your feet. Then they withdraw, leaving you alone with the dead, shin-deep in a sea of kindling.

It seems the entire village is gathered around the Beacon to watch you burn. Behind the face paint, you recognize May Ledbetter, and—yes, that is Silas the coach driver standing at her side. The audacity and scale of the deception staggers you. A man steps up on a dais and raises his hands with quiet authority. The frame of his spectacles obscures the red triangle on his face.
“So we draw here together again on this night, as we do each year, and we give thanks to the one who will preserve the village against the fire of the void. You will be taken by the Ones From Above in our stead. Your death will bring life to our streets and bounty to our fields. It will safeguard our children and our elders alike for another year. We salute you.” He bows his head.
All around the Beacon, bearers step forward and lift their torches to the edge of the raised platform. A ring of tiny flames flicker up around the perimeter. As they wink, the singing of the villagers drops into an unearthly rhythm. They stare at you, and you stare back, watching as you are held clearly in their vision.

Would you like to throw all of your remaining strength against the bonds right now or wait for a moment and see what happens?

2019-09-02, 03:26 PM
I wait till I think the flames are high enough to hide me.

2019-09-02, 03:29 PM
The flames snake across the kindling, catching and rising. Smoke rises and it becomes difficult to see the villagers. The three bodies surrounding you catch fire, blazing with sooty red flames. You begin to cough as the smoke enters your lungs, and fight down the urge to panic.

Flames lick at your legs. Your eyes water. You are shrouded in smoke. It might be your imagination, but you think you can feel a slight give in the chains. You throw yourself against them, giving no thought to how they bite into your wrists.

You take 3 damage from the flames, and please give me a Strength roll with a bonus dice because you held your strength back. A bonus dice means that you roll a d10 and if it is lower than the tens place of your d100 roll you can replace it with that lower digit.

2019-09-02, 03:37 PM


2019-09-02, 03:41 PM
The fire creeps up your body, as every fiber of your being screams at you to keep going. However, the flames reach higher and higher...

You take 3 more fire damage from the flames, you may give me yet another Strength roll, albeit this one is done normally, without the bonus die.

2019-09-02, 03:44 PM
please don't die...


2019-09-02, 03:55 PM
You're weary now... everything around you is burning. The chains give a little more. You feel that you could overcome them, if you only had a little more time—
But as you feel the flesh of your legs char, the fire spreads up your jacket and licks at your face. And you know you have run out of time.

You have taken 6 more damage and burned to death in the beacon... or have you?

Emberhead, 9:30 AM, September 3rd, 1921

It is then when you wake up with a hot sweat. You leap out of bed. Was it just a dream? You're confused. You see around you is your luggage, your room, your bed. You're in May's house. You run outside into the main part of the house. The Ledbetter kitchen is empty, although bread and eggs have been laid out for your breakfast. There is a note from May explaining that she has taken Ruth out for a few hours. You feel an incredibly odd sense of deja vu.

You make a quiet circuit of the village, pausing in unobtrusive places to watch the villagers. It is rather busy for this time in the morning. Yawning locals stream back and forward along the roads, carrying bundles of split logs to the site of what you’ve heard referred to as the Beacon. You see two figures already up in its superstructure, arranging the wood. The Festival bonfire will be most impressive. But do you intend to stay to see it? You are pretty sure by now that something is amiss here.
While the villagers are distracted, you may do some illicit investigation. Or you may simply leave town without looking back.

Would you like to, search May's room while she's not there? Take a look at the strange bookshelf in the Village Hall? Head to the artisan's courtyard and investigate? Spy on activity at the beacon? Or just try and slip down the east road to flee for good?

2019-09-02, 04:35 PM
Curiosity is all well and good, but I just burned to death, I'm headed out.

2019-09-02, 05:11 PM
As you approach the southern road that descends to the lower ridge, you see four villagers blocking the route, with farm tools and clubs. You veer off and head towards the west road. Your heart sinks as you see exactly the same scene at the other exit from the village. You are trapped...

2019-09-02, 05:38 PM
Try and talk my way past them quickly, not a full persuasion like last time.

2019-09-02, 05:43 PM
The southern group appears less sharp than the western group. You stride up to them and explain they are needed at the Beacon. They look dubious. You offer to watch the road for them and hold out your hand for a pitchfork.

Give me a Fast Talk roll (you consider yourself a novice in this field).

2019-09-02, 05:47 PM


2019-09-02, 05:56 PM
Well then... that's the equivalent of rolling a 20! Nice!

Your impatience is convincing and one villager hands you his pitchfork. You move to the center of the road and hold the fork in a sentinel’s pose. The villagers shuffle off towards the Beacon, looking back a couple of times.
Once they are out of sight, you ditch the bulky fork and sprint down the eastern road.

The sun is low in the sky as you head east from the village, making for the safety of the woods. The Beacon breaks the horizon, imposing in silhouette. You maintain as fast a pace as you can until you reach the refuge of the tree line. Then you allow yourself to step off the road and take a breather.
Almost two hours later, the sun sets. The darkness of the woods might be frightening, but your escape from Emberhead has given you new resolve. You strike on into the night.
Not long afterwards, you hear hooves, approaching fast. Two sets. Your heart lifts—but they are coming from behind you.

Please give me a stealth roll (you consider yourself an amateur in this field).

2019-09-02, 05:59 PM
C'mon luck!


2019-09-02, 06:00 PM

You press yourself against the biggest trunk you can find. Two horses draw near, their riders holding up lanterns. Branches cast a maze of shifting shadows across you as they pass. To your dismay, one rider pulls his horse up short.
“Look! There!” He stabs a finger towards you.

Fight... or Flight...

2019-09-02, 06:02 PM
I try running off into the woods.

2019-09-02, 06:09 PM
Leaves slap at your face as you flee through the murk. The lanterns come after you, swinging between the trunks. But you are unencumbered and desperate, and you outdistance them with no trouble. Eventually, you watch them disappear into another section of the woods. You hear faint curses on the air, and then they are gone for good.

You emerge onto a hilltop and take a moment to check your bearings. The sun will set in the west behind Emberhead, so you need to head—
As you look at the village, several miles away now, you see the Beacon ablaze, an orange glow that lights up the sky and the surrounding woodland. Smoke billows towards the heavens, where the stars form a twinkling canopy against the midnight blue of eternity.
You watch the scene for a few minutes, then turn away to continue your journey. For a moment, you are left with a strange impression. You thought that as you turned, one of the stars above the village moved.
But that would be madness.

Congratulations! You have survived this adventure. You may keep your investigator sheet and use it in another Call of Cthulhu scenario. If I have noted that you have succeeded in any skills, you will have a chance to improve them through experience.
The End.