View Full Version : Useless Blob's Paper Chase IC

2019-09-06, 12:45 PM
For reference this is taken from Paper Chase written by Keith Herber, Mark Morrison, John Sullivan, L.N. Isinwyll, with Mike Mason, Dan Kramer, and Chris Spivey, thank you!

Paper Chase?
“Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Picture in the House

Welcome to your second scenario of Call of Cthulhu, the Horror/Investigative roleplaying game of mystery wherein you, an ordinary person, shall encounter and confront the terrifying alien forces of the Cthulhu mythos. Now that you've gotten some experience under your belt concerning the rules and the way the game operates, we will enter into our first freeform scenario. This is still something intended for a beginner, so it's not going to be incredibly complex or puzzling, but nevertheless, it is time to begin... welcome, to Paper Chase.

Ossipee, 12:44 PM, September 4th, 1921.

You've done it... you've made it. You're... alive. After hours of following the trail you collapse as in front of the first signs of a civilization not trying to sacrifice you in some time.

The flames flicker over you, covering the grass, scorching your legs, and your face as you cannot scream, for your mouth has been utterly charred over. As you awaken in a grassy field, a butterfly resting on your head flits away into the cloudy blue sky above. You look around you. You are not in Emberhead anymore. You're somewhere else, somewhere... safe. As you rise to your feet and dust off your dirty clothes you realize... you're entirely without papers, you have barely anything except your wallet and a bit of cash (apparently the villagers who searched you did it incredibly poorly). But, surely St. Mary's will be fine with you arriving a couple days late, I mean, you were nearly sacrificed by an insane tiny village on the top of a cliff.

As you think that in full you realize just how crazy that really sounds. It would almost be a better excuse to say that your dog ate your ticket. Who would believe you?

You slowly trudge into the city, thick dark circles are under your eyes and your shoes are ruined at this point, and they were new as well. You wanted to give a good first impression to the higher-ups at St. Mary's, even if your first day was not even until the 2nd. People seem to give you a wide berth as you search for something, a telegraph, a phone booth, anything that would allow for you to contact the hospital and beg for them to excuse your absence. Eventually, you find one.

Outside Ossipee, 6:19 PM, September 4th, 1921.

A god-darned interview? They're revoking their previous offer? They have no right! You angrily slam your foot into the side of the motor-coach, you made sure to get onto one with plenty of other people this time. The haughty woman to the left of you gives you a stern glance as you do this and shifts away from you. This wasn't at all how everything was supposed to go, but eventually, the twisting and winding turns of the road begin to allow for you to drift off. At least this driver is better than Silas.

Rochester, 8:15 PM, September 4th, 1921.

It's pouring rain, but all you can think of are the faces, of May, Silas, Mr. Winters, even little Ruth, they were all, to some extent involved in... ritual sacrifice, and for what? The bus lets some passengers out and others on as it continues towards Arkham.

Portsmouth, 1:11 PM, September 5th, 1921.

As you board the train to Newburport and then to Arkham you happen to glance in a mirror. What happened? It's been nearly a couple days since that whole dream occured, but was it a dream? Some aspects are fading now, so could it be. Was it just a festival with some weird rural townsfolk. "Altitude sickness." You think to yourself, maybe. At least, that's the rational explanation for everything that happened, but sometimes Occam's razor must come into play.
A cart comes by offering snacks, you go to by some chocolate BB bars when the sudden lightness of your wallet hits you and you sit back down.

Newburyport, 4:27 PM, September 5th, 1921.

It's a small communal village, you do not wish to explore further.

Arkham, 7:30 PM, September 5th, 1921.

You've arrived. You're nearly 3 days late from whatever hallucination-induced nightmare you experienced combined with calling every transportation company known to man. As you finally step off of the train, with nothing on you but a couple scraps, you cannot help wonder. Why? Was it worth it? Why didn't you just go back. And, at the same time, you just cannot explain it.
As you're looking around, aiming to hopefully find a hostel, or at least a comfortable park bench, a man comes up to you. He's in his late fifties with several tufts of white hair, and has a scholarly look about him. As you approach you eye him curiously, "Hello there, my name is Mr. Rupert Merriweather. I was just walking by the station when I happened to notice a certain look in your eyes. I don't normally say this to people I just met, but, I feel a... kindred spirit with you, would you be willing to go to a cafe and talk with me for a moment?"

The man seems friendly enough, as you were hoping oh so long ago the citizenry of Arkham would be. And yet, part of you has been scarred by the events prior. Can you truly trust this man?

2019-09-06, 02:41 PM
Dr. Grant sighs. "I've been having a bad week, you couldn't possibly make it worse. Why not?" He follows the stranger.

2019-09-06, 02:55 PM
The looks concerned as you mention your week, "Hmmm..., there's a place just round the corner here. They have the most wonderful cookies. And don't you worry, I'm the one who's inviting you, no need for talk of bargains or bones or greed."

Rupert is right, it's merely a short walk as you find a wonderful little cafe with a couple lights on. At least here people actually go out after dark, like a normal town. "So, what brings you to Arkham, Mr...?" As you're seated a waiter comes by and hands you a small menu of food and drink associated with french cafes.

2019-09-06, 03:13 PM
"Grant. Dr. Grant. I was going to join the staff at St. Mary's hospital, but... certain circumstances led to me being late, and now they've retracted their offer. I've been attacked, robbed, lost my job before it even started!..." Dr. Grant realized he was almost yelling and took a second to calm down. "At this point, I'm in Arkham because there's nowhere else to go."

2019-09-06, 03:17 PM
Mr. Merriweather stares at you with a saddened look upon his face. "I'm... terribly sorry to hear that Doctor Grant. However, you should know that I happen to frequent St. Mary's hospital rather often, one of the perks about my age of course. I'm friends with some of the staff members there, and I think I might be of some assistance. What, perchance, is your medical specialty?" He then calls over the waiter and orders some of the aforementioned cookies (along with a glass of milk). The waiter then looks towards you.

2019-09-06, 03:30 PM
"I'll have a chocolate croissant and some apple juice, thanks." Dr. Grant says to the waiter. To Mr. Merriweather he answers "I'm a hematologist, which means I study peoples' blood and treat the various disorders of the circulatory system."

2019-09-06, 03:40 PM
Mr. Merriweather looks at you intently, "Hematology? Why, my boy, although I'm not truly knowledgable in that department, I'm friends with Dr. Windsor, the head of the department, and he's a most respectable man. I'm sure that if you contact him and explain what happened... speaking of which, if you do not mind me asking, what exactly did happen? You've mentioned being robbed and attacked, do you need medical assistance?" The man's face takes on an intently concerned look.

2019-09-06, 03:54 PM
"Oh, the attacking and robbing were actually two separate incidents. The latter was just some miscreants taking my papers while I had passed out from exhaustion. The former is a long story that you may not believe and I may not be remembering entirely accurately. It has also been a strange week."

2019-09-06, 04:07 PM
Your food and drink arrives, and Mr. Merriweather continues the conversation (albeit now dipping and eating his plate of cookies in milk). "Why that is absolutely terrible! I am dreadfully sorry to hear about all this, doctor. Although... concerning such a story, I am, or, I at least was an anthropologist of ancient cultures; you'd be surprised about what I believe."

He bites into a cookie as makes a *SNAP* noise (he decided not to dip this one in the milk). "Anyway, that's neither here nor there, but it is good to hear that you do not require any treatment. After all, we want you heading into St. Mary's as a doctor, not as a patient."

He gives a half-chuckle at his own joke. "So, do you have any contacts in Arkham, family perhaps?"

2019-09-06, 04:54 PM
"No, my family lives down in Rhode Island. I didn't expect to begin my career in Massachusetts at all, but that's how things happened."

2019-09-06, 05:14 PM
Mr. Merriweather nods, understanding (some of) your perdicament. "Well, if you don't anyone, and you've been robbed. I would assume that you do not have a place to stay either... I think I might be able to help you, Doctor Grant." He's finished with the cookies so he takes a sip from the milk. "I consider myself a good judge of character. I also value good-heartedness, and it seems quite clear from our conversation that you are just trying to make it in the world, while faced a bizarre series of unlucky coincidences. There's a hotel on the corner of High and Garrison. Tell the man there, Mr. Erving, that I requested personally for you to head there. We go back for quite some time, and I'm sure he'd be willing to offer you a place there until you can get back on your feet, which I am certain will happen in no time at all."

He then stands up from his chair and sticks out his hand, ready for a firm handshake. "Well, it has been excellent meeting you Dr. Grant. I have found this conversation rather interesting, and if you would indulge me, I would look forward to many more conversations with you!"

2019-09-06, 05:31 PM
"Likewise." says Dr. Grant. As he shakes the old man's hand he can't help but wonder, somewhere in the back of his mind, how this was going to come back to bite him.

2019-09-06, 05:35 PM
Mr. Merriweather chuckles. "Farewell, my good boy, I do happen to have a phone at my home." As he mentions this, part of you breathes at the prospect of telephones. "Crestwood 432 should be able to reach me. I wish you a good night, Doctor Grant." He gives a wink as he finishes his statement and walks off into the darkness.

2019-09-06, 05:48 PM
I guess I'll head off to Mr. Erving's hotel, meanwhile ignoring the fact that last time I did this I was nearly drugged and sacrificed.

2019-09-06, 06:19 PM
Ignoring the fact that last time I did this I was nearly drugged and sacrificed.

How paranoid you seem... Also, note that there's generally going to be a one-month or so time-skip between scenarios to allow for me to describe external events and how they pertain to the game at large. If there's anything at all that you'd like to change in these vinettes, just let me know.

Arkham, 9:18 PM, September 5th, 1921

You walk up and down the unfamiliar streets, searching for High and Garrison until you eventually find it: The Greatview Inn. Stepping inside feels like a literal breath of fresh (this place must be air-conditioned during the hot summer days), and as you meet with the receptionist, and subsequently mention Mr. Merriweather's name, she smiles and nods. "He's a rather kind man isn't he. He always helps out around town, of course, his son won't have any of that. Anyway, here's your room!"

Arkham, 10:58 AM, September 6th, 1921

You rush up the steps to the doors of the administrative building for St. Mary's Hospital. You cannot be late for this interview, especially after that... event led you to miss your first day. In fact, you wonder if they'll even let you on at all, after all, you had several patients scheduled which they most likely had to cover for you. Nevertheless, there must be something you could work out.

Arkham, 11:47 AM, September 6th, 1921

Well, that was it. It's strange. They asked questions, but while they did, your mind was on something else: Emberhead. In fact, you cannot seem to get it out of your mind. Eventually, you figured the Orne Library, one of the greatest in the country, would have some answers, and while it does, it's not enough to satiate you.

Arkham, 12:38 PM, September 10th, 1921

You're analyzing blood patterns of patient X021 concerning whether or not a certain transfusion will be optimal. You got the job. Apparently "Professor Merriweather," as he is called here, is indeed close friends with Dr. Windsor, the head of your department, and this cemented your position as a doctor here.
You realize that even though many of the people you're treating are younger than you (it is a college/university town after all), for some reason you feel nearly twice their age. Maybe it's because of what you experienced, or maybe it's just you, either way, you're unsure.

Arkham, 6:27 PM, September 14th, 1921

You've managed to find a nice home next to the university on Lich St.. It's somewhat small, being just for you, but nevertheless it's rather cozy, and it is not like you had too much to bring with you.
Every now and then, Mr. Merriweather (or Professor Merriweather apparently) calls you up and asks if you'd like to head to the cafe and chat about how things have been going. It's here where you realize that Mr. Merriweather, while not as knowledgable in the sciences as you, is most certainly learned in subjects of historical variety, especially those concerning ancient religions or mystic cults. Either way, the conversations surely serve to brighten your day and are intellectually stimulating, despite both of you not being entirely focused on the other's schools of study, you're both well-educated and curious men.

Arkham, 4:05 PM, September 25th, 1921

You're reading in Orne Library, when suddenly a *tap tap* grabs your attention. As you raise your gaze from "Fire Rituals: from the Wicker Man to the Fourth of July, Why We Love Them" you notice that Mr. Merriweather happened to stroll up to your table. You also notice he has a cane, and has used it to rap on your desk. "Why I hadn't expected for you to be reading such a book as that? What, are you planning on capturing me and burning me alive? Should I be worried?" Your chuckle sounds false in your mouth, but Mr. Merriweather continues. "You know, I used to be part of a club here, an extra-curricular society if you would."
He stares off in the distance towards the myriad of bookshelves in the Miskatonic Library. "We used to have such fun gallivanting around, ah vigor. To be young and spry again, eh Dr. Grant." He then looks back to you, "Anyway, us old fogies fizzled out and stopped coming, but the club we originated from, now that's still going." He then strokes his chin, "You know, I think they're having a meeting this Friday night. You should go! I'm sure you'll meet some new people that way."
He then looks at his watch and gasps. "Well, I'd best be headed off, Agnes will chew my ear out if I stay out to late, and Bertrand..." The man looks down then looks back with a bright smile. "Ah, I don't need to worry you with the details of my familial life, farewell Doctor Grant!"

Arkham, 3:15 PM, September 30th, 1921

You head towards Room U35. You're honestly quite unsure what you're doing. What even is this "Club" anyway? Either way, you stand here at a crossroads, shall you open it? Or depart and focus on living the rest of your life, you have a job, a home, some friends, it could most surely stay that way.
However, should you decide to open it, your life will surely be changed... forever.

Oh boy, that was long, but I hope you read all of it and enjoy. Again, I know it's very railroady, but that's kinda how I have to run the in-between segments, just to actually have everything make sense and ensure that the game does not drag on forever.

2019-09-06, 10:16 PM
It's fine. Open the door to the unknown!

2019-09-07, 01:41 AM
You open the door to see three people sitting in an cleared-out lecture hall, but with several chairs surrounding the table. "Well, I'm still not sure this is entirely our area of 'expertise', Lois. I'm a risk taker, fair and simple, but that doesn't mean I'm inclined to go rushing off after the first person who calls wolf!" A young african-american woman says to one of the other members. She wears fashionable clothing and seems to be filled with a sort of youthful vigor.
"Lois," apparently the other student, flares up for just a moment. "Well ex-cuse me for believing there could be things in the world that God made other than us humans. Why, imagine the possibilities!" She is an young Italian woman with an athletic build and a stylish bob of dark brown hair.
"Now now, settle down. While I'm unsure if this would truly be an exploration into the unexplained, the money would still go a long... oh! We have a visitor!" As the third member of the group you see a man in casual clothes, but with a rather sporting fedora. "Lois, Jessie, it appears we have a guest here. Please, stop the fighting, would you?" He then turns back towards you. "Is there something I can help you with sir?"

2019-09-07, 08:39 AM
Well doctors off duty usually don't wear the white coat or stethoscope, so no, they would just see a normally dressed gentleman carrying a bag full of library books (and a stethoscope, just in case.) "Uh, I believe this is the club Mr. Merriweather told me about. I'm afraid I don't know what exactly the club is for, just that it's something he believed I would be interested in."

2019-09-07, 11:05 AM
The man looks confused, "Professor Merriweather? I'm surprised he even knew about us." He strokes his chin for a moment as Jessie happens to notice you standing in the doorway.
"Come in! We're always accepting new members, isn't that right Professor Jones?"
"Hmm...? Oh yes, of course, forgive my absentmindness." Professor Jones tips his fedora in your direction.
"Anyway, I say we go for it, what's the harm? We investigate it over the weekend, see what we turn up, and if there's nothing... well. Then that's it, case closed!" Lois seems to be very focused on whatever this debate is.
"Sorry Mr..." All eyes look towards you.

2019-09-07, 11:27 AM
"Grant. Doctor Grant, actually." he replies. He's slightly surprised to see a black woman as a student here. It isn't illegal, but he knows that many colleges were prone to exclude coloreds and women from their ranks. "I work in St. Mary's Hospital. And you are?"

2019-09-07, 12:27 PM
The man with the fedora smiles, "Ah my apologies Dr., I'm Professor Jones, Nevada Jones. Professor of archeology at this famed school of ours."
The African-American girl then speaks up, "I'm Jessie, Jessie Williams. I'm studying history here, but I've always been interested in exploring God's mysteries."
Then the Italian girl makes her piece as well. "Meanwhile I'm Lois Russo. I'm taking engineering classes here. This seemed like an interesting way to investigate the supernatural."
After introductions have been made Professor Jones continues, "Sorry for suddenly involving you in this, but let me explain. We received word from a friend of mine, Mr. Kimball, that he had a rather unusual break-in. Normally he'd contact the police, but it's rather strange and all, and given the nature of this society, I thought I should broach the topic of sending one of our number out there to explore."
Jessie's eyes then dart back towards you, "Professor Jones, does Doctor Grant even know what this society is?"
Everyone then awaits your response.

2019-09-07, 01:11 PM
"Er, no, no I don't. I assumed it was a storytelling club of some sort."

2019-09-07, 01:23 PM
Lois laughs and then adds, "Well, sort of Doctor Grant, this a society of discovery. We explore the unexplained. I guess afterwards we might tell stories about it, but it's been here quite a long time, with different students and staff members leaving and joining."
Jessie nods in confirmation, "We deal with whatever strangeness lies upon God's great earth-"
As Professor Jones cuts her off "Now Jessie, we're getting ahead of ourselves." He then looks back to you, "Now, we certainly have a wide variety of mysterious things in this world. However, in the end, much of the strangeness is more mundane than we originally anticipated." He looks then back towards Jessie and Lois, "Hence why I do understand Jessie's-"
"But Professor, why not have a look, I'm sure that there's something there. I highly doubt an alumni of this university such as Mr. Kimball would deceive us in such a way. It doesn't make any sense." She then turns towards Jessie, "And Professor Jones said we could use the mone-"
"Wait a moment, you're busy this weekend with James, I have a paper to write on the Emancipation Proclamation, and Professor, you said you had a gosh-darned load of papers to grade!"
The professor then strokes his chin, "That is true, Jessie, maybe I can..." He then turns towards you. "You know, Doctor Grant, I know you just met this little... Society of ours, but how would you like to go on an expedition to explore the unexplained? I'm not sure what you're doing this weekend, but I'm certain you would be well-compensated for your efforts."

The two students also look towards you, Lois stares at you with pleading eyes while Jessie merely seems to be gauging your reaction. You do recall that you have nothing going on this weekend.

2019-09-07, 01:44 PM
"Compensated you say? Well, I suppose I have nothing to do this weekend. Sure, I'll go."

2019-09-07, 01:46 PM
Three smiles grow onto the faces of the club members. "Sounds mighty fine Doctor Grant! Anyway, about the case, Thomas Kimball, an alumni of Miskatonic has been burglarized."
Lois then chimes in "But this wasn't any ordinary burglary, no. The burglar only stole books. There were a variety of other valuables within the house, but the burglar only took a couple of his uncle's favorite books." Her voice then takes on a lower pitch, masked in mystery. "And the strange part is that his uncle, Douglas Kimball, vanished nearly a year ago without a trace."
Professor Jones then smiles as the two students retell the story, and cannot resist adding in a piece of his own. "Now Felix, Thomas has no idea if the two events are even related in the slightest, but apparently his uncle was a rather mundane fellow. Nothing ever happened to him, and the fact that these two strange events occured in the past couple of years and are associated with his uncle brought our attention." He then raises his hand to note, "We've helped people in the past, Felix. The Arkham Police Department sometimes calls on us, but Thomas lives in Arnoldsberg, a couple hours drive from here. I wouldn't expect any help, so I'm afraid you'll be on your own for this investigation. But it shouldn't be too bad right? Just try your best and see what you can find."
He then hands you a coach ticket towards Arnoldsberg, "This was included in the request, I hope you don't mind a motor-coach drive. It should leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully that'll offer you enough time to return on Monday." The Society smiles, happy to have a new member of their group.

2019-09-07, 02:18 PM
Dr. Grant smiled back and exchanged farewells with the odd trio, whilst inwardly vowing that if this motor coach broke down in the middle of nowhere, he'd start rethinking his Hippocratic Oath.

2019-09-07, 06:24 PM
Arkham, 10:15 AM, October 1st, 1921

(Quick Recap Boxed Text:) You have been contacted by Thomas Kimball of Michigan. It seems his house has been burglarized and some of his uncle's favorite books have been stolen. The mystery also has the added wrinkle in that his uncle inexplicably disappeared without a trace nearly a year ago. Mr. Kimball would like you to find out who stole the books, return them if possible, and, if somehow these two events are related, discover the whereabouts of his uncle and whether he is still alive.

You board the coach, and you can't help but be slightly trepidatious considering that the last one you went on led to... well... you're not really sure exactly what happened. You are grateful, however, to notice several passengers have gotten on in addition to you. Anyway, it's time for a new journey.

Just Past Ossipee, 12:18 PM, October 1st, 1921

The coach crests over a hill with some slight difficulty, but eventually manage to crest it and make it through what appears to be the charred ruins of a town. You identify it to have most likely burned down in some kind of forest fire several decades earlier. It is at this moment when you realize exactly where you are. You're in Emberhead.
However this doesn't make any sense. You remember being here a month ago. You're certain that you were definitely there. However, you have little time to ponder this utterly confusing turn of events, when suddenly, you're gone. You've headed down the hill. The charred ruins of what must have at one point been Emberhead stand alone, fading off into the distance.

Arnoldsberg, 2:39 PM, October 1st, 1921

You exit the coach, thank the driver, and begin to look around. You've been dropped off on what you presume to be the main thoroughfare of the town, which, while most certainly not that large, is still respectable. You happen to notice an actual police department (you silently thank whoever/whatever you would thank in this scenario), a real library (as opposed to one in the "village hall"), and even a newspaper, as a young boy eagerly runs up to you handing you a copy of the Arnoldsberg Advertiser for but a couple coins.
You pull out the rest of the letter, as you eventually find yourself wandering the streets of Arnoldsberg until the rural (if it could be called that) elements fade away, and as you reach 218, Aylesbury St., all that's there is one lonely house next to the graveyard. You don't see too many other houses except this one for a couple hundred feet or so, as you notice the most likely reason: it's right next to the graveyard.
As you knock on the door, you hear a voice from inside shout: "One moment please!"
Eventually, a young man opens the door, he looks around almost as if he expected several people but then extends his hand warily from the doorstep. "Hello there, I'm, well, I'm Thomas Kimball. Are you a member of... The Society?" He lowers his voice, as if it was some deep dark secret that the two of you were discussing in a crowd.

2019-09-07, 08:39 PM
"A prospective member. Everyone else was apparently busy with their college work. I'm Dr. Grant, by the way. You called about some books being stolen?"

2019-09-08, 02:03 AM
Thomas shifts slightly. "Well, uh, yes. I'd like for you to look into the theft, and if maybe you could shed any light at all on my uncle's disappearance." He then realizes that you're still standing outside on the porch. "Oh, come in, come in, I'm so sorry. The break-in just has me a bit flustered is all, and it's not like the police are going to pay any attention to some missing books. Can I get your bags?"

2019-09-08, 08:05 AM
Dr. Grant follows the nervous young man inside."No, I'm fine. How valuable were these books? There are collectors who would pay anything to get their hands on first editions or even some misprinted books."

2019-09-08, 04:41 PM
You see that the house is quite charming, it's rather large and spacious, with a wide variety of elegant furnishings. "This, well, this used to be my uncle's house you see, and to be honest." Thomas then shrugs. "I have no idea which of his titles we-were taken, although, I do most certainly notice their absence, of course."
He then gestures for you to follow him and leads you down a hall to a room that looks rather unlike much of the rest of the house. It's cluttered and piled high with books of all shapes and sizes, and on all subjects, their only common trait is that it appears that at some point, they all were well cared for. "This, well, this was my uncle's study, I-I couldn't really bear to clean anything up, so most of it has been left a-as is. However, if you notice..." He points up towards one of the bookshelves and you see six clear dust outlines where presumably several books were. "I j-just discovered these spots missing a couple of days ago." He looks at you utterly confused. "I-I have no idea what anyone would want with my uncle's books, but the burglar d-didn't even take any of our, well, our actually valuables. Maybe they w-were valuable to to others as you said, but I'm just unsure."

2019-09-08, 07:34 PM
Dr. Grant was a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes, so he couldn't help but get a little excited at the thought of solving an actual mystery (Emberhead didn't count, that was about survival). "I think we should start with finding out what exactly was taken. Hopefully we can deduce a motive from there. What can you tell me about your uncle's organization system?"

2019-09-08, 09:19 PM
Thomas looks into the study and you can see that it is basically one massive mess. From a basic cursory inspection, Thomas' uncle most likely put whatever book he finished somewhere in reach and subsequently grabbed for a new one, with little care or concern for organization. "I'm afraid he w-was rather... eccentric. He never really did like to organize. I-I'm sorry, I wish I could help you more. However, I don't even know where I'd begin." He looks, in all honesty, overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of volumes housed in his uncle's study.

2019-09-08, 09:50 PM
Dr. Grant sighs. "Of course. Alright, show me where your uncle kept important papers or correspondence. Maybe I can figure something out about who would know what your uncle had in his collection. Given that nothing else was taken, they would have to have known what it was they were looking for, and possibly where it was."

2019-09-08, 09:54 PM
Thomas opens his mouth, then closes it, and then opens it once more, looking back into the study. "Y-you're looking at it." He then clarifies, noting that "Anything and e-everything related to my uncle, Douglas, w-was his name, would be in this room. This i-is the only place he would go when he was home."

He then pauses as he mentions the name of his uncle, "You know, I don't th-think I ever got your name..."

2019-09-09, 07:49 AM
"Oh yes, I forgot, how rude of me. I'm Dr. Grant of St. Mary's Hospital. Now, I must ask you to tell me everything you can about your uncle. What he did for work, for example. All these books couldn't have been cheap."

2019-09-09, 11:33 AM
Thomas shakes your hand eagerly, "Well th-thank you again Doctor Grant." He then spends a couple moments thinking to himself. "Well, he was retired for quite some time, but I think he used to be a writer, harmless books really. P-plus my grandfather gave h-him a regular income. T-to be honest, when I saw him most he just h-had his head buried in a book." He then strokes his chin. "As for a-a physical description, he w-was balding, with white hair, average height, and wearing round spectacles."

As you're about to begin your investigations Thomas suddenly shouts from behind you. "Oh! I'm so s-sorry, I almost forgot. You can use this room here while you remain here." He leads you to a rather spacious but comfortable room decently furnished, and sets your bags down inside. "I'm also of course, willing to pay if you're able to find any information concerning either the br-break-in or my uncle. E-erm, before you leave would you like anything to drink, or eat? I don't know how long the drive is, but Mary just made s-some wonderful lemonade."

2019-09-09, 01:14 PM
"Oh, lemonade would be nice. And maybe a sandwich. I don't care what kind, as long as it has no mustard. Is Mary your wife?"

2019-09-09, 04:29 PM
Thomas at first looks confused, "I mean of course s-she's... oh, I didn't tell you that. Yes, Mary is my w-wife. She works at this time, but she might be home for dinner, she makes a marvelous meatloaf." He then smiles and heads back into the house, available with a call, but resumes his accounting work. Meanwhile, you drink the lemonade, which is, in fact, quite terrific. However, eventually, you decide you must return to your business here... you have a whole town with secrets to uncover, what would you like to investigate?

2019-09-09, 05:34 PM
I'll start with the study of course. Spot Hidden to search the room for clues.

2019-09-09, 05:43 PM
For reference, before we go ahead with the results of that roll, I should give you some text concerning the study.

Arnoldsberg, 3:02 PM, October 1st, 1921

You head into the study and immediately find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books. They are of all shapes and sizes and it could take a whole day to dig through the entire pile, and there is most certainly no record of his books, at least, one that you can obviously find. Instead it seems that many of them are simply piled haphazardly for Kimball the elder (whom Thomas informs you to be Douglas) to simply grab whatever book fit his fancy. Simply looking through a few books allows for you to realize that Douglas Kimball was quite a well-read man. There are books upon almost every single subject, from numerology to theses concerning the tenants of the Christian church.

You briefly look around through the piles of stacks. With the exception of the six aforementioned spots, you find nothing except a rather intriguing story concerning sea creatures deep below the ocean who could communicate with people. You expect you could spend a whole day rifling through these books and dig up absolutely nothing. On the other hand, you might be able to find something, but in all honesty, it probably would take the whole day.

2019-09-09, 06:08 PM
Yikes, that's a lot of junk. Does he not have a desk or something?

2019-09-09, 06:49 PM
Yikes, that's a lot of junk. Does he not have a desk or something?

You eventually find it, thinking it at first to even more piles of books... there's nothing obviously informative on it.

2019-09-09, 07:58 PM
I want to search the desk for anything interesting/suspicious.

2019-09-09, 07:59 PM
Sure, the desk appears to have roughly as much importance as the entire room, but go ahead, please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-09-09, 08:07 PM
You never know. The answer to everything can often be found in a desk.

2019-09-09, 09:58 PM
Arnoldsberg, 3:12 PM, October 1st, 1921

Dr. Grant spends a bit of time looking through the desk, but all he uncovers is more books. This has got to be one of the most unorgzanied men he's ever met before in his life. There's nothing that he discovers within the desk.

2019-09-10, 08:53 AM
Drat. The study is too disorganized to do a Library check, right? How about I go find Douglas' bedroom and do some more snooping (he didn't sleep in his study, did he?)

2019-09-10, 10:15 AM
Drat. The study is too disorganized to do a Library check, right? How about I go find Douglas' bedroom and do some more snooping (he didn't sleep in his study, did he?).

You probably could, but it would most certainly be a hard roll (and again take basically the rest of the day) due to the disorganized nature of the library. Although before you decide to do that, let me know.

You head out to ask Thomas about Douglas' room. He stops typing away at his typewriter and looks around. "Well, erm, you're looking at it. I'm unsure i-if you'll find anything though. M-Mary and I cleaned out the entire h-house with the exception of the study. Y-you're welcome to have a lo-look around though." He gestures out and resumes working.

To be honest, the room looks rather nice. It is well furnished and quite clean, it is drastically different from the monster of a study you were just poking through.

2019-09-10, 10:48 AM
I'll try looking around for hidden compartments or things that people who weren't looking specifically for them might miss.

2019-09-10, 11:13 AM
Sure, give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-09-10, 12:02 PM
I kind of doubt there'll be anything, but once again, fan of Sherlock Holmes here. Have to eliminate possibilities.

2019-09-10, 04:01 PM
Arnoldsberg, 3:29 PM, October 1st, 1921

Dr. Grant looks over the room, every now and then Thomas gives him a rather confused look but simply shrugs, correctly assuming that it's all part of your investigation. However, it seems that Thomas is correct, as the place is immpecably clean.

2019-09-10, 04:12 PM
Double drat. I don't know where else in the house to search (I'm not going to waste a day just to fail again) so I'll ask Thomas if he knows where Douglas got his books.

2019-09-10, 04:16 PM
Thomas thinks to himself, "I'm honestly n-not sure. But I-I think he'd get some from whenever the library s-sold off some of their books. Other than th-that I think he would ju-just grab them wherever he c-could."

2019-09-10, 04:25 PM
To the library then. Away!

2019-09-10, 04:29 PM
Arnoldsberg, 3:48 PM, October 1st, 1921

Dr. Grant heads out of the house and passes by the other couple of houses in the neighborhood. A couple people look at him strangely, as it is a small town and he's not exactly a resident, but there's no maliciousness behind their gaze. He soon passes by the graveyard and eventually makes it to the center of town with all of its trappings as a small village community (as I said before newspaper, cafe, general store, library, police department, etc...).

You head into the library, which, while rather small, is still sizable considering the size of this small town. Several townsfolk are milling around, reading books, piling them into a stack, checking some out, and so on and so forth.

2019-09-10, 04:31 PM
Time to find a librarian. Hopefully the head librarian, but I'll take what I can get.

2019-09-10, 04:32 PM
You head over to the front desk as a man with a rather large beard looks up from his book (The War to End All Wars: A History of the Great War) asks "How may I help you, sir? Is there a certain book that you're having trouble finding?"

2019-09-10, 04:40 PM
"I'm looking for a person. I was led to believe one Douglas Kimball was a regular patron of this library, and would sometimes buy your old books. Is that correct?

2019-09-10, 09:20 PM
The librarian nods, stroking his long beard as he does, "Yes, Douglas... he was a kind man, always with a new book in his hand, why he made up most of our customer base! Even though the books he bought from us were old and not really suited for the heavy exchange that library books undergo, he took them in and repaired them, caring for them." You figure that this explains why all of the books in the study looked in relatively good condition and well-cared for despite their number and age.

2019-09-11, 12:00 PM
"Some books of his were recently stolen, and I was wondering if you keep a record of books you have sold that I may refer to in identifying exactly which ones were taken. It would also be helpful to know if Douglas ever told you of any rare or unusual acquisitions he had made, especially ones within the last few years."

2019-09-11, 01:11 PM
The librarian looks a bit befuddled and notes, "Well, sir. We're a library, not really a bookstore. There was no... proof of sale, if you would. He just offered to take them off our hands after they became unused. As for rare or unusual acquisitions, I'm afraid I would not consider anything in this library to be rare or unusual. In fact, if anything it's quite the opposite. " He looks down, "I'm sorry if I'm not being of any help, but I hope that you find out what happened to the books!"

2019-09-11, 06:42 PM
Dr. Grant grunts with frustration at another dead end. "Well, can you tell me anywhere he might be able to find rare books? Local bookstores, flea markets, that sort of thing."

2019-09-11, 06:46 PM
Dr. Grant grunts

I don't know why, but I found this amusing.

The librarian looks apologetically towards you, "Um, I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid that if you want books, most of them are going to be from here. And, to be honest with you, most of the books Mr. Kimball read did not look rare at all." He then shrugs his shoulders. "Is there anything else I can help you with though?

Please give me an Idea roll (based on your Intelligence).

2019-09-11, 07:18 PM
That's a new one.

2019-09-11, 07:50 PM
Indeed, it's basically like remembering things, or coming up with a... well... idea

You recall that most of the books from just a quick skim in the library were common, and the others you would not even consider rare, just scientific (i.e. not in some random layman's library). You're beginning to become unsure if the burglary has anything to do with the actual rarity of the books.

2019-09-11, 08:04 PM
The only reason anyone steals books is for the value of their contents. If the ones that were stolen weren't expensive, maybe they were journals of some kind, containing something someone didn't want read. Well, I'm all out of ideas on the book part. I guess I'll start looking for clues pertaining to the disappearance. To the police, I guess.

2019-09-11, 08:18 PM
Arnoldsberg, 4:39 PM, October 1st, 1921

After talking with the Librarian and coming up with nothing Dr. Grant walks over towards the Police Station. It's not entirely full to the brim, but the occupants are nevertheless quite busy, filling out and reading over forms. As you enter the desk officer looks up for a moment from his work only to return to it, asking "I'm sorry sir, but I'm rather busy, can you please come again tomorrow?"

2019-09-11, 08:55 PM
I don't want to piss off the cops so quickly, so yeah, I'll come back later. Actually, I think I'll just spend the rest of the day going through the study some more. Not like I have any better leads at this point.

2019-09-11, 08:57 PM
Arnoldsberg, 4:52 PM, October 1st, 1921

You return to the home and begin to thoroughly search through the stacks upon stacks of books. You uncover some concerning cryptography and another about Freud's Dream Theory to name a few.

Please give me a Spot Hidden roll!

2019-09-11, 09:10 PM
Please don't suck this time!

2019-09-11, 09:53 PM
Arnoldsberg, 11:37 PM, October 1st, 1921

You've spent almost seven hours pouring over and cleaning up all of the books in Douglas Kimball's study. Mary Kimball eventually comes home and the two give you a rather tasty meatloaf while you continue your job. The sun sets and you're still loooking through. Thomas pokes his head in now and again to see how everything is going, but you feel like you're barely making any progress. Nothing here hints to what the burglar actually stole or Douglas Kimball's own whereabouts. Eventually, noticing your despair Thomas comes in as well. "You know, I just remembered! I think my uncle had a journal or something like that, here let me help you look." Even more time passes as you feel weariness wash over you as you're about to turn in and resume your search in the morning when you notice it.

It's not a distinguished book per se, but unlike literally every single other book in his study, this one does not have a title. It's rather small and appears to be... a journal. Realizing this could contain the answers you seek, you head back to your room to pour over its contents.

Arnoldsberg, 11:58 PM, October 1st, 1921

With a brief skim it seems quite clear that Douglas did not lead a very interesting life, and yet, every book that he read seemed to give him immense pleasure. It was as if he was living out a myriad of interesting lives all at the same time, or at least, that's how he describes it in his journal. Eventually, you reach the end wherein Douglas cryptically mentions "reaching a decision" and "joining with my friends below." You happen to ask Thomas for more information about Douglas' disappearance and you realize that this entry is dated the day before Douglas vanished. In addition, other earlier journal entries seem to hint at a network of tunnels beneath the cemetary, inhabited by mysterious "creatures" that Douglas happened to see moving about the cemetary at night. With this new information at hand, you decide to pursue some more leads further in the morning, but for now... you must rest.

Arnoldsberg, 8:37 AM, October 2nd, 1921

You have just finished a most marvelous breakfast of bacon, toast, and eggs, courtesy of Thomas (who appears to actually be a decent chef himself). As while you're eating, he happens to ask. "So, Dr. Grant, did you happen to find anything?" You notice he seems to be more at ease now that you're on the case. As they await your answer both husband and wife lean in closer.

2019-09-12, 10:05 AM
Dr. Grant is unsure how to go about telling Thomas that his uncle seemed to have utterly lost his marbles, so he doesn't. Instead he tells him and his wife that, according to the journal that Douglas had left behind, he may have disappeared willingly to be with these mysterious friends of his.

2019-09-12, 10:31 AM
Thomas and Mary look rather... confused, "Well where'd he leave off to? And why not bring his books."
Meanwhile Thomas brightens up saying "Well, then he's alive, at least, right?" He looks towards his wife, who looks uncertainly towards Thomas. "I'm just saying, it's possible, right?"
Mary then looks back towards you. "Thank you for all of your help so far Dr. Grant, but to put my husband's mind at ease, could you maybe look a bit more into this? I'm sure there must more information somewhere about these friends of his, maybe the Library, or somewhere else in town?"
Thomas glares at his wife playfully for a moment and then nods. "I know it wasn't exactly what we agreed upon, but it would be a great help if you could. I'm sure there are plenty of people who must have seen him with these so-called 'Mysterious Friends.'"
The two then look towards you hopefully.

2019-09-12, 01:21 PM
"I wouldn't feel right just leaving it at this. Of course I'll look further. Do either of you know of anywhere he liked to spend his time besides the library, or anyone in particular I could talk to?"

2019-09-12, 01:59 PM
They both shake their head.

2019-09-12, 03:19 PM
"As I thought. Why don't you go ask around about that? I have another lead to look into." The lead in particular is the cemetery tunnels from the journal. Dr. Grant doesn't want to get others involved in potential tomb disturbing unless there's actual proof.

2019-09-12, 04:16 PM
Both of them look rather confused at Dr. Grant's orders, but Mary looks towards you, "I guess I can ask around with the other call operators."
Thomas then adds on, "And when I finish my accounts, I could maybe have lunch at the cafe and ask around there."

So where exactly are you heading towards, the cemetary specifically? Or are you trying to gather more info about the cemetery tunnels?

2019-09-12, 04:34 PM
Yeah, I guess I should do some research at the library first, save some time.

2019-09-12, 04:39 PM
Arnoldsberg, 9:05 AM, October 2nd, 1921

You head into the library, which, while rather small, is still sizable considering the size of this small town. Soon you begin to look over periodicals and other books related to possible tunnels in the graveyard. However, there are quite a few books and newspapers to get through...

Please give me a Library Use roll as you spend even more time reading and researching!

2019-09-12, 05:05 PM
The most exciting part of any adventure: READING!!!!

2019-09-12, 05:07 PM
The most exciting part of any adventure: READING!!!!

You're not wrong! This is Call of Cthulhu after all, hahaha... You may check mark Library Use.

Arnoldsberg, 1:17 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You search and search for anything related to these tunnels underneath the cemetary, but to be honest, there's not too much there. Every now and then children or other adults come around your table to read but you are too focused on finding information. A couple of hours pass until eventually you find... something, you're not sure what. It's an snippet of an article from the Arnoldsberg Advertiser dated 1909, concerning the alleged sighting of a band of people, apparently unclothed, cavorting in the cemetary next to the Kimball house. The constable was summoned, and a report was filed at the Police Department, but no sign of the strangers was ever found, with the exception of several misshapen footprints that gave mute evidence of their presence.

2019-09-12, 05:26 PM
Dr. Grant is of two minds about this development. On one hand, finally a solid lead! On the other hand, this is going to be some weird cult crap again isn't it? Nevertheless, a promise had been made and a promise would be kept. He decided to head to the cemetery directly this time.

2019-09-12, 05:27 PM
Arnoldsberg, 1:32 AM, October 2nd, 1921

As you depart from the Library you notice that it the weather is actually quite nice, with clear skies and the sun passing overhead. Nevertheless, you press on towards the graveyard.

When you arrive you notice in the bright light that it is reasonably well-tended, although the vegetation is quite abundant. There are many tall bushes and ancient trees which dot the spaces between the gravestones and tombs. It's quite clear that the cemetary has been here for many years.

However, as you begin to explore you notice a gardener digging out weeds at the far side of the cemetary.

2019-09-12, 06:17 PM
Oh snap, I'm not great at talking or sneaking. Talking is less likely to get the cops called on me, so... Dr. Grant walks by, looking at the gravestones without acknowledging the gardener.

2019-09-12, 06:35 PM
As you pass him the gardener turns and waves a simple hello. As you press on you simply return back to your work. The graveyard surprisingly large and to be honest, you have no idea where to start. You see a myriad of gravestones, tombs, and whatnot poking through the verdant green. Any of these reported tunnels could be anywhere, and it's not like you even know this graveyard that well to begin with.

2019-09-12, 06:38 PM
You know what they say. When the going gets tough, wander blindly.

2019-09-12, 07:01 PM
Ok... I guess give me a Spot Hidden roll since you're looking for stuff? I have absolutely no idea if you'll find anything though (presumably Extreme difficulty even if there is something there).

The gardener looks up every now and then towards you, confused both in that he's never seen your face before and that you're simply aimlessly wandering around. Nevertheless, he has better things to worry about and moves on to a different group of plants.

2019-09-12, 07:31 PM
Nothing, huh? Then I'll stop wasting time and go to the police station instead.

2019-09-12, 07:33 PM
Nothing, huh? Then I'll stop wasting time and go to the police station instead.

You may give me a Spot Hidden roll, the issue is just that the difficulty is Extreme (1/5 chance).

2019-09-12, 07:47 PM
Okay. Then after I fail, I'll go to the police station.

2019-09-12, 07:51 PM
Arnoldsberg, 2:19 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You walk over towards the Police Station. At this point in the day, it's quite full, of many busy occupants filling out and reading over forms. As you enter the desk officer looks up at you, asking "Ah, hello again. I know that I said today, but is it possible that you come back tomorrow instead? Things are still pretty busy here."

2019-09-13, 02:42 PM
Dr. Grant is a bit miffed at being brushed off again, so he says, somewhat sarcastically, "Quite the crime wave you're having, isn't it?"

2019-09-13, 02:45 PM
He looks up towards him, obviously not taking the sarcasm too well (and already quite stressed to begin with). "No, we just have a massive backlog of paperwork that needs to be done. The county's asking for a truckload of new forms. And we don't exactly have a twenty-man operation, so excuse me for being busy."

2019-09-15, 11:17 AM
Seeing that he had set off the desk jockey, Dr. Grant backed off a little. "I'm sorry, I'm a doctor, I understand paperwork. I just wanted to see if there was anyone I could talk to about a strange incident reported here twenty years or so ago."

2019-09-15, 11:18 AM
Given that you're using Pathos, please give me a Charm roll. In addition, you gain the use of a Bonus Die given that you've already been here before.

2019-09-15, 06:48 PM
I've got a good feeling about this one.

2019-09-15, 06:53 PM
The officer looks at you, clearly at this point he wants to help, but he really is quite busy so he sighs his shoulders and notes, "Look, if you don't have a crime to report, I'm sure you can find a wide variety of information in the library, or check with the newspaper, they're generally pretty up to date." He scribbles something down, "If anyone has any qualms, tell them Ripley Dern sent you, my name might be of some help." The paper simply has "Ripley Dern" hastily written on it. He then shrugs his shoulders and notes "I wish you the best of luck sir, I really do." And returns to his work.

2019-09-15, 06:59 PM
(I just had to say it, didn't I?)

Dr. Grant took the paper and said farewell. He didn't know that there was a local newspaper, but that would definitely be a good place to look.

2019-09-15, 07:13 PM
Arnoldsberg, 3:01 PM, October 2nd, 1921

As you head into the Arnoldsberg Advertiser you find yourself immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity going on in the small building. It seems quite clear that things are rather chaotic in this place. However, as you enter, one of the workers, comes up to you and remarks in one long breath. "Why hello there, I'm Artie Mallory, and I'm afraid that we're a bit busy at the moment, but why don't you come back tomorrow, I'm sure that you'll be able to... ask any questions or do whatever it is you want to do when we're much less busy, thanks, bye!" She then starts to turn away from you in order to resume her work (but said action has not been completed).

2019-09-15, 07:23 PM
"Hold on a minute. First the police station, now here. Did something major happen when I had my back turned?"

2019-09-15, 07:25 PM
She turns back around and says, in the same hyperactive speech: "No, it's just that you've caught us at literally the worst time of the day, and then we're closing, and there's just..." Her trail-off is for but a moment, but compared to the rest of her speech it seems like forever. "Can you please come back tomorrow? Preferably before we're right about to print?"

2019-09-15, 07:29 PM
At this point Dr. Grant is just tired of dealing with all of this. With a defeated sigh and a "Sure." he leaves to go back to the house.

2019-09-15, 07:29 PM
Give me an Idea (Intelligence) roll please.

2019-09-15, 07:33 PM
Insert Jimmy Neutron reference here.

2019-09-15, 07:35 PM
You head back to the house, passing the library as you do. You're just about to reach the graveyard, when you happen to notice an elderly woman walking into town.

Please give me an Appearance or a Credit Rating roll.

2019-09-15, 07:37 PM
Come on, RNGesus!

2019-09-15, 07:40 PM
The old lady simply walks on by as you continue your journey back towards the Kimball residence. You pass by the graveyard and still see the gardener, hard at work. You enter Thomas' and Mary's home as you hear a voice call down to you. "How'd everything go? Were you able to find anything?"

2019-09-15, 07:51 PM
"No. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everywhere I went was either too busy or completely dead." Dr. Grant let out a bitter chuckle at his pun.

2019-09-15, 08:53 PM
Thomas comes down and looks shocked, "Really? Nothing? There was nothing at the advertiser or the police department? I would've thought they might have at least had some kind of update! Or what about the library? I'm sure that there are several periodicals among there shelves. Did you find anything about him there?"

2019-09-16, 02:27 PM
"I did find something in an old newspaper, but I don't know if it's actually relevant. I tried to find out more at the police station and the paper's headquarters, but like I said, they were swamped."

2019-09-16, 03:19 PM
Thomas thinks for a moment upon the stairs, and then notes, "Oh! Remember how you asked for me to poke around and see if I could find anything about where he spent his time? With the exception of the Study and the Library, it seemed as if he'd often visit the graveyard. I'd maybe talk to the gardener there, Melodias Jefferson." He grimaces. "The man's a bit rude, so you might have to be persistent, but he may have spoken with my uncle before his disappearance!"

2019-09-17, 06:24 PM
"Alright, I'll talk to him. Tomorrow. Right now all I can think about is food and a bath."

2019-09-17, 06:39 PM
"Alright, I'll talk to him. Tomorrow. Right now all I can think about is food and a bath."

Friendly reminder that your coach leaves tomorrow. You can choose not to take it, but the hospital might not take to kindly to you missing a day of work (it's also only like 3:30 PM). If this is what you want to do, that's fine, I'm just reiterating the consequences.

2019-09-17, 07:22 PM
Okay, fine. He hasn't eaten lunch though, I'm not changing that.

2019-09-17, 07:35 PM
For the record, I'm not forcing you to do anything. If you think that Dr. Grant would simply rest and be a day late, that's fine. I just need to know. Also, if you don't want to have lunch you don't have to have lunch... I don't think that I ever implied that...

Anyway, what would you like to do?

2019-09-17, 07:36 PM
I'm havin an effin sandwich!

2019-09-17, 07:39 PM
Oh, sorry I thought you meant that he hasn't eaten lunch. But ok, let's hold off on this. Is everything ok? I'm afraid I'm unsure if you're actually upset or Dr. Grant is. Sorry, sometimes text can be confusing with conveying emotion.

2019-09-17, 07:45 PM
I'm not mad. Well, maybe a little at my string of bad rolls, but Dr. Grant is definitely frustrated. His failure to find much hits him right in the insecurity, especially when there are people counting on him.

2019-09-17, 08:25 PM
Ok, I just wanted to make sure. And hey, it's good RPing if the DM can't tell the difference, right?

Thomas quickly comes down and offers you some lunch, making a nice baked bean sandwich with mayonnaise and sweet pickles.

Arnoldsberg, 4:15 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Eventually, you finish your meal, after engaging Thomas with as much or as little of the case as you'd like to inform him of. He soon bids you adieu and returns to his accounting, informing you that a deadline is coming up rather quickly. This leaves you alone, ready to go out once more into the small town of Arnoldsberg.

2019-09-17, 08:43 PM
To the cemetery, I guess.

2019-09-17, 09:43 PM
As you depart from the Library you notice that it the weather is still decently nice, albeit much hotter as the sun has already passed its apex. Nevertheless, you press on towards the graveyard.

When you arrive you see in the afternoon light that it is reasonably well-tended, although the vegetation is quite abundant. There are many tall bushes and ancient trees which dot the spaces between the gravestones and tombs. It's quite clear that the cemetary has been here for many years.

However, as you return you notice the gardener planting new flowers nearby.

2019-09-19, 06:43 PM
Dr. Grant is unsure how to go about approaching the gardener. He did kind of ignore him earlier. Quick thinking time! "Hi, I'm Evan Grant, and I'm looking for a missing person." Not great, but rolling with it.

2019-09-19, 06:45 PM
Please give me a Charm roll as you initially come up to this man to see how he initially reacts to you.

2019-09-19, 08:03 PM

2019-09-19, 11:27 PM
As you're walking around he turns around, waves a hello, only to resume with his work. As you then actually greet him he looks somewhat taken aback. "Hello..."


He then turns back to his work, "I'm kind of busy right now though, sorry. Don't know much 'bout missing people." He pulls out a weed and begins to move away towards the next site.

You may Push the roll, or try another conversational strategy. No matter what you decide to do though, please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-09-21, 09:23 AM
What's Pushing?

2019-09-21, 10:32 AM
If you Push a roll, you may roll again, but there are greater consequences if you fail. One must generally provide a reason for Pushing a roll though (spending more time trying to convince someone, offering a bribe, etc...).

As Dr. Grant is speaking with the gardener he happens to notice a flask within his jacket... interesting (also reminder that prohibition is in full effect, but it seems that even though that's the case, this man enjoys his alcohol).

Please give me a Know (Education) roll.

2019-09-22, 08:39 AM
words words

2019-09-22, 08:46 AM
You recall that there is actually a place to buy liquor in town, should you so choose to, albeit a rather... unsavory place, but a place nonetheless.

2019-09-23, 06:25 PM
Dr. Grant was certain the gardener knew something, although he wasn't sure what that would be. Thusly, he opted to leave the graveyard yet again, this time to find the speakeasy and get a bribe. There might even be information there! Unlikely, but it might happen.

2019-09-23, 06:31 PM
Traveling down below one of the cafes in town, Chase's Coffee, Dr. Grant recalls that this establishment is part of a small set of businesses run by a Mr. Orfan Chase. Normally, Orfan's businesses also do a little bit of side work underground, with a common password for all of them.
It's a couple words to the bouncer as he's soon let into the small but nevertheless cozy speakeasy under the cafe. A bartender glances towards the doctor as he enters, not recognizing him as one of the regulars he puts down what he's holding and reaches places a hand under the counter. "Whadda ya' want, mister?" The man says with a low growl.

2019-09-24, 10:38 AM
Dr. Grant maintains his composure, as is a must for any respectable doctor. "I'm here to see about a blind pig, if you know what I mean." It was an open secret that speakeasies would charge money to see an animal and offer "complimentary" drinks, something he found out from a classmate back in pre-med. While Grant disliked alcohol personally, he found the whole Prohibition business rather silly. Still, there was an undeniable thrill in flouting the law.

2019-09-24, 10:42 AM
The man looks you over, nods, slides his hand out from under the bar as you slide him a couple of dollar bills. From there, it doesn't take too long to get the alcohol you need (the entertainment is quite nice), and you soon head back towards the gardener, who now seems to be taking a short break, storing something in his coat pocket as he sees you approach (I'm sure you can guess what it is).

2019-09-26, 02:10 PM
"Why don't we try this again?" Dr. Grant shows the gardener the booze. "I'm looking for a man who had certain friends. Friends underground."

2019-09-26, 02:15 PM
The gardener looks up and starts off by saying, "Look, I already said I was bus-..." Only to eye the drink. "Hmmm... friends? Underground?" He motions for you to hand it over (presumably you do). "Don't know much about them." He takes a quick swig, and eyes the flask appreciatively. "Only odd things I've seen..." He then looks around, and doesn't see anyone else so he continues, "is Mister Kimball's ghost." He stores the flask inside of his coat, letting the impact of what he just said hang in the air. "Eeire thing it was, dark, spooky, late at night, near the same tombstone Mister Kimball always read at."
He points out towards a tombstone in the far back of the cemetery. "I haven't been near the place since, feel a cold comin' on every time I go towards it..."

2019-09-26, 03:51 PM
Imma look the hell out of it!

2019-09-26, 04:33 PM
You leave behind the gardener as you look towards the tombstone. It's rather unremarkable, having been worn smooth by age and weather. Yet you cannot help but think it would make an excellent spot where someone could sit and read. Nevertheless, it's impossible to determine who was buried under here.

However, as you're looking around, please give me a Spot Hidden or a Track roll.

2019-09-26, 05:46 PM
I don't know diddly about tracking so Spot it is!

2019-09-26, 05:53 PM
You rolled a 96-100, which would normally be a Fumble, but because your Spot Hidden skill is above a 50, you only get a Fumble on a 100, so instead it's just a failure.

Arnoldsberg, 7:29 PM, October 2nd, 1921

You've been searching for hours. Every now and then the gardener gives you strange looks as you comb up and down every single area of the god-forsaken cemetary. You curse under your breath, because still, after all of this time, you've found nothing... nothing at all. Not only that, but by this point it's getting dark, and even the gardener appears to be getting ready to head out.

Please give me an Intelligence (Idea) roll.

2019-09-26, 05:58 PM
I think I need a hug.

2019-09-26, 05:59 PM
Wow... jeez...

You figure there's nothing better to do than maybe head in for dinner with the Kimballs. You're not going to be able to search very well in this light.

2019-09-26, 06:00 PM
I've failed the mission, haven't I?

2019-09-26, 06:01 PM
Who said that? :smallwink:

2019-09-26, 06:06 PM
I have absolutely no idea what else I can do. Besides eat dinner and bang my head against a brick wall. I guess I'll save the latter for later then.

2019-09-26, 06:08 PM
As you enter, both Mary and Thomas are preparing for dinner: a nice meal of mutton, potatoes, beets, and a roll. Mary looks over and sees your face, "Is everything ok? Were you able to find anything about my uncle in-law?" Thomas also looks on in interest.

2019-09-26, 06:14 PM
"The only thing I found was a nutty old gardener claiming to have seen your uncle's ghost reading by a tombstone. Either he's delusional, ghosts are real, or your uncle has been hiding in a system of tunnels underneath the cemetery for years."

2019-09-26, 06:17 PM
Thomas then jumps in, trying to cheer up his "employee", "Well, Dr. Grant, you've turned up some things, this hasn't all been for naught." He then thinks for a moment and adds in, "Also, maybe, and should you wish not to do this, I understand, I can see the weariness in your eyes, but maybe with all of the strange talk of the graveyard, the thief could be hiding out there at night?" Mary continues to eat at her potatoes. "They might have been behind whatever weird stories have popped up over the last decade or two that you mentioned. Alternatively Mr. Jefferson may have thought that the thief was actually my uncle due to poor lighting or something or other."

2019-09-26, 06:26 PM
Dr. Grant lets out a stress-filled sigh and sits up straighter. "It's possible, but if you're right, I can't apprehend the thief on my own. I'm a doctor, I don't have the strength or skill necessary. I have to return to my regular duties tomorrow, so if you want me to help search a graveyard in the middle of the night, you'll need to start gathering up friends now."

2019-09-26, 06:30 PM
Mary finishes her meal, and begins to get up and begin doing the dishes. Thomas then raises his hands up, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested anything, and to be honest with you, I think everything shall be ok. You've done your best, and you've uncovered much about my uncle." He then gets up, "I think I should help out Mary, good night Dr. Grant, and thanks again for all that you've done."

He then gets up, puts his plate away, and assists his wife.

2019-09-26, 06:31 PM
Huh, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Then again, I am terribly socially incompetent.

2019-09-26, 06:32 PM
So, what is Evan going to do?

2019-09-26, 06:36 PM
Well, I've got one last shot at this, so I'll go back to the cemetery and stake it out. Who needs sleep anyway?

2019-09-26, 06:38 PM
Please give me a Luck roll.

2019-09-26, 06:41 PM
This is going to hurt.

2019-09-26, 06:43 PM
Dr. Grant is waiting in the graveyard, staring at the tombstone, everything around him, the home, when suddenly he dozes. Just for a single moment, but a moment is enough. Right as he stirs he sees... something coming out of Douglas' study. The figure has leapt out of the window, carrying a stack of books, dashing off back into the graveyard.


2019-09-26, 06:46 PM
Time for the out-of-shape nerd to give chase!

2019-09-26, 06:51 PM
Dr. Grant begins chasing the figure, whom he realizes is actually heading towards the gravestone you were staking out. However, despite the fact that it's carrying several books, it seems to be decently quick. It's already made it into the back part of the graveyard, and you're not fully sure if you're going to be able to catch up...

Are you just running as fast as you can? Are you doing anything else? Are you grabbing a knife (if you think you'd have one)? Are you pushing ahead with the intent to assault the figure? Are you calling out? What's going on exactly?

2019-09-26, 07:05 PM
Dr. Grant hasn't let his crappy old knife out of reach since the Emberhead incident, but he doesn't take it out just yet. He's hoping to see where the thief goes with the books first.

2019-09-26, 07:07 PM
The figure noticing its being chased, rushes towards one tomb next to the gravestone which Douglas always read at. At this point you might be able to conjure up a burst of speed to try and stab the figure, call out something, or do nothing before the figure slips inside.

2019-09-26, 07:13 PM
I want to to try yelling. "Stop, thief! Stop and tell me why you're only stealing books!"

2019-09-26, 07:16 PM
The figure pauses for just a moment, turning back towards you as you notice a glint bouncing off of its round spectacles. However, it then turns away and presses on towards the mausoleum, struggling to pull open a partially submerged door, presumably leading down below the cemetery.

It is at this point where there's no way that you can actually catch up to the figure before they're gone, but again, you might be able to call out something... who could this thief be?

2019-09-26, 07:19 PM
Spectacles? Why would... "Kimball! You're Douglas Kimball, aren't you?!

2019-09-26, 07:20 PM
Suddenly as the figure hears the full name, it stops for a brief moment. It then stops its attempts at opening the mausoleum door and heads back into the cemetary, as if it's expecting to be followed. As it eventually ends up sitting on a tombstone and pulls out one of the books, seemingly waiting for you. It is then when you realize, it's sitting on the same tombstone you were investigating earlier: the one Douglas Kimball sat on. As you approach, it comes fully into view.


As you then fully see it in its entirety, it sets down it's book and says simply: "Hello." It is at this moment that you are certain, this... creature, with its rubbery-skin, hoof-like feet, canine features, and terribly sharp claws, is (somehow) without a doubt, Douglas Kimball.

Please give me a Sanity roll.

2019-09-26, 07:28 PM
This is kind of a lame thing to lose sanity permanently over, but okay.

2019-09-26, 07:30 PM
This is not a permanent sanity loss, it's temporary. It can be recovered through a variety of means. A permanent sanity loss would be discovering some form of truth about the universe (i.e. increasing your Cthulhu Mythos skill). It's also more that a slight piece of your mind cracks, just a bit. Nevertheless, in a world without visual and special effects, insane makeup, and whatnot, it helps me understand it. After all, I think if you brought someone from the 1920s and sat them down in front of say an Avengers movie, they might think it all real and have a slight mind-break of their own.

That is sadly a failure, which means that Dr. Grant has lost 3 sanity, and because you failed the roll, I take an involuntary action for you.

Dr. Grant seizes up and lets out a sudden, ear-piercing scream as he sees the inhuman creature standing in front of him. This... creature is Douglas Kimball? The man who loved books? The uncle to someone whose house he's staying in, he had a family... how could it be...?

Eventually, Evan manages to calm himself down, while Douglas simply raises an eyebrow during his screams and mental exchange. He simply gives her a moment to gather herself and calm down, only to finish by plainly asking: "Are you done?"

2019-09-26, 07:48 PM
"Yes. Yes I'm done now. Although I was expecting to find you alive, I didn't expect... this." Evan waves his hand lamely in Douglas' direction.

2019-09-26, 07:49 PM
The thing that once was, or is Douglas Kimball, smiles a toothy smile, inside you see a row of horribly sharp teeth, and you cannot help but think of if a wolf's mouth was somehow transfused into a humans. The thought makes you nauseous. "Understandable, but have no fear. I am still me; although, speaking of which... who are you?"

2019-09-26, 07:59 PM
"I'm Dr. Grant, amateur detective. Your nephew hired me to find out what happened to his- I mean your, stolen books. Although I guess they weren't stolen, were they?"

2019-09-26, 08:05 PM
The creature makes a rather surprised expression. "Why Thomas noticed that? I had hoped that he would not notice my 'intrusion' into my own dwelling." He then sets down his book and extends a rubbery claw. "But it is splendid to make your acquaintance Doctor Grant." He then thinks for a moment. "You know, I've read several scintillating tales of mystery and intrigue. Your chosen pursuit is indeed quite fascinating!" He then realizes that you mentioned amateur, and that you also discussed being a doctor. "Ah... but this is probably more of a hobby then... what might you be a doctor of?"

You cannot help but get the feeling that Douglas is just as socially inept and awkward as Doctor Grant, despite whatever voluminous vocabulary he might use.

2019-09-26, 08:12 PM
Sensing a kindred spirit, Dr. Grant tells him "I'm a hematologist, or a blood doctor. You'd be surprised to know how many things your blood can tell you. One time... no, not the time for that. Now is the time for answers, the most pertinent being what exactly happened to you."

2019-09-26, 08:26 PM
The creature nods and notes, "Why indeed, I think I have read a book or two on that subject. I believe it covered how certain diseases can be impacted based on the traits of one's..." it then pauses, blinks and chuckles, a deep guttural noise, "but you would know such things. I am sorry, I tend to get ahead of myself. But yes, answers."
The creature that was at one point Douglas Kimball, but still might be, straightens its back and clears its throat. "I'm afraid, my good doctor that I was just too tired of my mundane existence among... well... all of you. The only thing which I desired was to be left alone and to read my books." It subsequently looks down at the pile of books which it "stole."
"I wished for this, and yet no matter what would happen, everyone would be constantly making demands on me, sending me mail, bills, and whatnot." He then looks towards the mausoleum he was heading towards. "So I delved below, and now life is splendid. I need not for money, suits are not required for a dinner, I don't have to meet people, although being around the others is fine at mealtimes, and most importantly... I may read whenever I want." The creature smiles as it makes that last declaration, and you get a feeling that if it wanted to, it could most likely bite a chunk of your head off.

2019-09-27, 09:18 AM
Dr. Grant smiles back, somewhat unnerved by those teeth but trying not to show it. "I understand the temptation. Sometimes I just want to give up all my responsibilities and live in a library. I can't though. I have family who would miss me if I left. Whether you realized it or not, you did too. I won't ask you to come back, not if you don't want to. I just want you to tell your nephew that you're okay. And maybe return the books when you're done with them."

2019-09-27, 09:59 AM
The creature turns its head and stares at you. "What would you have me do? Stroll up to him and break his already fragile mind? You yourself shrieked, and it seems quite apparent that while you're not used to such things as myself, you certainly do appear to have some experience with things that are... peculiar, but nevertheless..."


He turns towards the house, appearing to have almost a slight twinge of longing. "He cannot know, nothing can change my mind on this."

He then turns back towards you, "You know, I've just been weary. I've been... alive for more than half a century, and the only time I felt like I was living when I was reading. The mundane world which my nephew so dutifully lives in, was not intended for me."

He looks towards the tomb again, "I cannot visit this place anymore. This..." he holds up the books that he... "stole" from himself. "Was my final foray into my, no Thomas' home. It is not mine anymore. The others have said that we must move, too much commotion, too much fuss." Only to turn back towards you, "I am afraid I must now depart. There is much to see out there in the world below, and I think..." he chuckles as he begins to stand up and collect his books. "I believe that I shall author a novel; finally I feel that I have done something in this life worth writing about."

He then gets to his hooves "It was a pleasure speaking with you Doctor Grant, and although your devotion to humans, including my nephew is admirable. I'm afraid it is something that I was never able to muster." He slowly begins to walk off, before noting: "As much as you would like to, I beg of you, do not tell him that I am still alive. It is better if he thinks me dead and gone. If he is concerned about the books, simply say that there was a burglar who returned, but you scared him off, I doubt he'd notice the absence of these additional tomes." He shakes the books as evidence. "It is for the best, I assure you."

He then begins clopping off towards the tomb.

2019-09-28, 02:07 PM
Dr. Grant watches the beast that was once a sad, strange little man walk away. He stands there deep in thought. What will he tell Thomas? How exactly did Douglas turn into that? What should he eat for dinner tomorrow? Dr. Grant leaves, still pondering.

2019-09-28, 02:44 PM
As you begin to head back you take one last glance towards Douglas, or at least, what was Douglas, if it is not him anymore. He clops over towards the tomb, laden down by his books, and then creeps inside the mausoleum. A few brief moments of silence pass until you hear a heavy THOOM, the sound of rock falling on rock, from within. Neither Douglas, nor what he called "The Others" shall be returning anytime soon.

With an utterly confused mind, you mull over the events that just occurred as you walk towards the Kimball residence. A man, an absolutely normal man, has become a... creature, that lives below the surface of the earth and looks like... that? This alone should be impossible, but the facts are plain to see, and a conclusion must be made. There are other creatures on this earth... you are not alone.

With the truth of the situation, albeit, the unpleasant truth, Evan loses an additional 2 sanity points. However, this truth also gives you more insight to the world at large (as instead of reading an ancient grimoire about strange mythos creatures you’ve basically talked with one), granting you 3 points in the Cthulhu Mythos skill (this also decreases your feasible maximum sanity down to 92).

You arrive at the home, weary from the tumultuous experience your mind has just undergone... will you ever be the same again?

Arnoldsberg, 8:29 AM, October 3rd, 1921

You've awoken from your deep slumber, the words of Douglas, or whatever it was, playing in your head like a radio jingle. As you stumble into the dining room, you see Mary and Thomas look up with your arrival. Mary looks at your rather bedraggled condition and notes, "I see someone didn't sleep well last night." Meanwhile, Thomas looks at you.

His eyes implore you, with every ounce of his being, hoping that you've uncovered something, something that will put his mind at rest, to give him hope that his life is not as crazy as he thinks. Of course, will the truth give him that solace? Your reverie is abruptly halted as Thomas asks, simply, and quite plainly: "Well, did you find anything?"

2019-09-29, 02:08 PM
Evan Grant, who didn't feel particularly doctor-y at the moment, yawned. It was time to feed Thomas the unpleasant mix of half-truths he had spent the night mulling over. "I did. I came face-to-face with your burglar last night. Believe it or not, it was your uncle. I managed to talk to him, and he told me that he had simply grown tired of the obligations and responsibilities of normal life, and so had run away with some friends he had made. He just came back for some of his favorite books, not thinking you would even notice, and then he'd leave for good." He paused to take a breath and gather his thoughts and continued.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get him to tell you this himself, but for what it's worth, he seemed perfectly healthy and happy. Mentioned writing a novel himself. Oh, yes, he also told me to tell you that the house and everything in it is yours now." Grant stopped there and waited for Thomas' reply a bit anxiously. All he had to go on was his word, and that word had a few rather large omissions in it. What would he say?

2019-09-29, 02:17 PM
Thomas' face becomes one of confusion. He looks towards his wife, "He didn't... why?" He then looks back towards you. "We haven't heard from him in a year? What?" He then looks down, utterly confused with himself. Mary then grabs his shoulders.
"It's ok, I mean, it's a miracle, right? He's ok?" She looks at you, also confused, but more concerned for her husband's well-being. "Maybe we'll find his book, but in the meantime, here, just... " She holds his hand. And lifts his head back to face you. The man looks bewildered, confused, and a variety of other fitting adjectives to describe befuddlement.
"Yes, my wife is right... I guess, I guess I just... I don't know why he would vanish like that without a trace? It makes no sense, right?" He then looks around at both you and Mary, "And if he was stealing from me, why not just ask? I don't... I don't..."
Mary then holds Thomas' hand, only to stand up and walk towards you. "Thank you for all of your assistance. I guess it's a good thing that we won't be facing any more robberies..." She then says the next part towards her husband, "right Thomas?" The man solemnly nods. "I'll deal with him. You should go... you have a coach to catch." She takes some crumpled-up dollar bills from her pocket and hands them to you, as you look towards the couple, and then depart. You've been paid for your job (plus enough for the coach ride), but what will become of Thomas and Mary? Only time will tell...

2019-09-29, 05:28 PM
Well that was awkward.

2019-09-29, 05:29 PM
I presume you're departing?

2019-09-29, 05:47 PM
Totally. Time to go back to work.

2019-09-29, 05:47 PM
You depart from the Kimball house, boarding the motorcoach as you do. It's a bit of a drive back to Arkham, but nevertheless that gives you time to collect some of your thoughts. You faced a harrowing encounter yesterday, chilling you to your core, and yet, Douglas spoke of leaving humanity forever, and you cannot help but feel some solace in this simple truth. This is one monstrous being, at any rate, who is not planning on returning. Thus, Thomas Kimball can sleep soundly again, without fear of further burglaries. Whether or not his mind has been opened though, is unclear, but at the very least, he is safe.

This calm means that you may roll 1d6 and add it to your current sanity.

Time passes. The motorcoach drives over hills and bridges as you look out and see the wonderful landscape of New Hampshire. However, amongst the natural beuaty of the world, you cannot help but wonder... what else is out there?


Congratulations! You have survived this adventure as well. You may keep your investigator sheet and use it in the next Call of Cthulhu scenario. If I have noted that you have succeeded in any skills (I believe Spot Hidden and Library Use), you will have a chance to improve them through experience (just like last time, roll the d100 and try to fail). You also may have the opportunity to do additional things that we shall discuss in the Out-of-Character.
The End.

2019-09-29, 07:01 PM
Time to totally nail them because the universe thinks it's funny.
Library Use
Spot Hidden

2019-09-29, 07:12 PM
Time to totally nail them because the universe thinks it's funny.
Library Use
Spot Hidden

Well... apparently it does think itself funny... but hey, sanity back is good!