View Full Version : Strange Aeons 2: The Thrushmoor Terror [IC]

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2020-03-30, 04:23 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/ddtqznb-529de271-b029-4dbc-978a-d7ec13669aac.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_762,q_80,strp/the_thrushmoor_terror__banner_2_by_lostsole31_ddtq znb-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzYyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZHRxem5i LTUyOWRlMjcxLWIwMjktNGRiYy05NzhhLWQ3ZWMxMzY2OWFhYy 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.U3bODZ_56uc1P BOZfzZMuPQLc65zbThVfpMnAGJDKl0

While the defeat of the oneirogens caused much of the mist covering the grounds to begin dissipating, the fog's grip on Briarstone didn't loosen until Zandalus' defeat. Once it’s clear that the mist is gone, though, the Apostles in Orpiment almost immediately fell apart. Many of the former patients raced onto the grounds, reveling in the return of a familiar sky and dawning sun. Some attempted to flee the island, but most had no place to go. Fortunately, Winter and her survivors, as well as Elbourne, quickly rise to lead the refugees and provide critical medical attention.

If the PCs haven’t already drawn the links between themselves and the amnesiacs described in Administrator Losandro’s notes, Winter engages them in a discussion of where they’ll head next. She draws attention to any mention in the notes of mysterious patients and that the PCs and the amnesiacs are obviously the same. In any case, now that the PCs have escaped Briarstone, they can follow the clues of their missing memories to Thrushmoor, home of the obsessive Count Haserton Lowls.

Free of the asylum, the PCs and other survivors can follow the road in front of the asylum to a dock on the southern end of the island. A boat remains tied to the pier, though it’s too small for everyone to board at the same time. One of the other survivors, Captain York, offers to go along on the first trip to Thrushmoor, and then row the boat back to Briarstone Isle to ferry the remaining survivors off the island in as many trips as are needed.

Welcome to ....

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Strange Aeons 2:The Terror of Thrushmoor






Side #1

Side #2

Brother Jaume
Dark Orange
Cleric 4
Monk 4
[Drunken Master]

Dorn Krolaeg
(St. Dorn the Protector)
[NPC, Tribute to PSinger]


Holy Human
Paladin 3
[Soul Sentinel]/
LA 1
Saint 4


Golden Rod

Investigator 1 [Empiricist]/
LA 3
Pactmaker 4
[Occult Scholar]

Jens Ronnie Turnbull
Geokineticist 4
Vitalist 4
[Life Leech, Sadist]

Krisztina Boyka Marquering ("Kris")






Sorcerer 4




2020-04-01, 09:42 AM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/ddtr04u-4faa0058-59b7-48db-8768-c9d780c0fa21.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGR0cjA0dS00ZmFhMDA1OC01OWI3 LTQ4ZGItODc2OC1jOWQ3ODBjMGZhMjEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.8rnCcDCj LCx3O5hLn4QuJOxa7bc98bqORSzG_-91rPM

At the end of the previous adventure, the PCs freed themselves (along with other survivors) from the crumbling and nightmare-besieged Briarstone Asylum. They learned that they had been committed to the asylum under the care of Administrator Losandro by Count Haserton Lowls IV. With no recollection of who he is—or even who they themselves are—the PCs head to Thrushmoor, the closest town to Briarstone Isle and the seat of Versex County, to find clues of their uncertain past.

Though they have escaped the strange mists of Briarstone Isle, the poor weather hasn’t changed. Deep gray clouds loom like a low ceiling in a dark room, and driving rain soaks them through. The wind and rain make for choppy conditions on the water and limit visibility even during the day. As the small boat draws near Thrushmoor, one of the survivors points to the shore, calling out that they see lights glowing in the town’s windows. Other survivors issue sighs of relief, hoping that their ordeal is over.

But the PCs’ journey isn’t so nicely wrapped up—they have only just begun to figure out who they are and what happened to them. The PCs left Briarstone Asylum knowing that Count Haserton Lowls IV brought them there, that he was causing enough trouble to warrant a visit by a Royal Accuser, and that they used to work for him in some capacity. Now they must explore Thrushmoor and unravel more of the mystery surrounding their bizarre condition.
As the PCs and the rest of the survivors arrive in Thrushmoor, you may choose where you want to go first. Of course, as you have no memory of this town, that is a strange allowance. Winter and Wren discuss things, having somewhat of an argument. In the end, there isn't any reason that both cannot be accommodated.

And with that, Winter's temporary rule over her patch of survivors (sans the PCs) is relinquished to Dr. Elbourne and Captain York. These two, whose primary duty was the protection and caretaking of the patients, will head over to the New Chapel. Meanwhile, Winter asks the PCs to come along to the Sleepless Building where she was supposed to rendezvous with Accuser Omari. The one difference to those admitted 24 Arodus (the PCs) is Krisztina, who has been noticeably delirious since the battle with the Tatterman. She asks Krisztina to go with Dr. Elbourne to the New Chapel. Krisztina is very amenable to that suggestion. Corbin, interestingly enough, wants to go with them to the Chapel for now, promising to catch up in time; he wants to make sure Captain York and his few men and Elbourne and the few staff aren't overwhelmed with the patients.

So, do the PCs want to go with Winter or not?

2020-04-01, 01:08 PM
It still kind of felt unreal; as if he was going to be shifted back into the asylum. But such a thing had not occurred. Near as he could figure, whatever had caused the shifts were limited to the asylum itself, no doubt as a side effect of being overlaid with the Dimension of Dreams. Things often changed in dreams, so the people moving around made a sick kind of sense. Had they been figments the whole time? Or did something horrible happen to them and they are either dead or stuck in the Dimension of Dreams? He may never know.

Still, they were free from that awful place and here in the town of Thrushmoor. He was feeling kind of anxious, all things considered. Wanting to prove to Winter that he was still capable of holding the party together now that his original assignment was over. Intellectually, he knew this was likely the influence of one of the spirits he was housing, but the emotion felt the same regardless. Either way, he had no problem accompanying her to the Sleepless building.

2020-04-01, 05:53 PM
Brother Jaume practically vaults off the boat.
“Does anyone know the way to the tavern?! By Erastil’s hairy sack, I need a drink!”


2020-04-02, 02:17 AM

On the boat ride over to Thrushmoor, Jens contemplates what happened and what the future might hold. They traded certain death or madness for an uncertain future. A trade Jens personally would take any day of the week, but still one that leaves much to be desired. They head to a town now with people, law, and civilization, but without the necessary capital to enjoy such things. They are poor, without identity or status, and what they do know about themselves would make any lawkeeper wary at best. It's as if we are no better than a band of murderous vagabonds. Jens thinks darkly to himself as most of their recent issues were solved with swift acts of violence followed by finding safe patches of floor to sleep on.

But what are a group of amnesiacs with great physical or supernatural power to do? Therein lies their problem and their goal. This Count, despite the illicite rumors about him, seems to have employed or associated with them in the past. Whatever the purpose, he could link them to reclaim their place in society. Whether through reestablishing family ties, connecting with friends or mentors, or even as simply as reclaiming their former assets they could once again hold their head up high amongst society.

Which is why Jens finds it to be a slightly idiotic question when Winter asks whether or not they wish to begin pursuing that lead. But instead he says, "Lead on Winter."

2020-04-02, 02:51 AM
The odd woman called Maeni looks somewhat dazzled as she steps outside, even after she slightly cloaked herself in shadows. She also seems rather depressed. After all, even as she steps outside of the asylum, she is not free.

"Yes, let's go."

2020-04-02, 03:53 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/ddtvgk9-1ff0cc33-fde6-4d3b-ae33-8961a5771fb1.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_630,q_80,strp/thrushmoor_banner_by_lostsole31_ddtvgk9-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjMwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZHR2Z2s5 LTFmZjBjYzMzLWZkZTYtNGQzYi1hZTMzLTg5NjFhNTc3MWZiMS 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.R9ga0cyTAqMVB GG9-woN-TnusMgQdy3etWczDZxZBLo

As it is nearing nightfall, there are few people moving about. The ones that do spy the group look shocked to see a large, armed band (of asylum patients) moving about the street. Either they turn tail and go the other way, or looking out of buildings of seeming propriety they shutter their doors. There is a definite aura of gloom and fear in town, a pall that seems to have existed before the arrival of the PCs.

The boats had been brought to the mainland between two smaller islands that are very close to the mainland, the strong of fish and dead things - as befits a fishing town close to a shoreline - looming thick in the cloying fog. Winter ignores Brother Jaume's gregarious blasphemy (or what she perceives as blasphemy), and the entire group moves forward past some houses to a town side road. Taking to the east, it meets up in no time with a main thoroughfare, right in front of the Sleepless Building. It is here that Dr. Elbourne, Capt. York, guide Corbin, Krisztina, and the rest of the remains of the Briarstone staff and patients to the east, presumably towards what they called "New Chapel."

The large, two-story building is dark and quiet, and it takes more than one knock upon the door to receive an answer. A woman answers the door, and she is happily surprised to see Winter there. She extends a warm greeting, "Winter? Oh, thanks to the Lady you're well," though her demeanor quickly sours when she notices the PCs.

Winter introduces the woman to the PCs. "This is Meg Thalen, she works for Cesadia Wrentz, and a frightfully efficient servant if ever there was."

That does enough to lower Meg's initial defensiveness, and she invites the group in and directs the party to a comfortable lobby to wait for Cesadia.

After several minutes pass, several minutes which include a tea service and biscuits served to Winter and the PCs, a woman enters the lobby. The founder of the Sleepless Agency, Cesadia Wrentz is a tall, fit woman approaching middle age. She has reddish-brown hair that she keeps trimmed short. Her eyes are big and inquisitive, and her pale skin is scattered with freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.


She seems to know Winter, and Winter in turn introduces each of the PCs as she calls them out. "This is Jens Ronnie Turnbull, or Jens; when I was overseeing the survivors' encampment - I will get to that - Jens was probably the coolest head amongst these heroes. Next, we have Gherardo Flavio Pervasi, whom we call Flair; a brilliant scholar whose understanding of forbidden witchcrafts have proved invaluable in understanding the cultists that took over. Next we have Brother Jaume, who I have been pleased to see go from barely understanding Erastil's gifts, to being a cleric who exceeds my own skill at magic .... oh, and keep your wine bottles hidden from this one. We have Saint Dorn the Protector, who had the dubious honor of being the oldest man in the survivor's encampment; but he has lived up to his name, for Torag has blessed him with wisdom and powers to protect and guide those under his care. Finally, there is Maeni Llioredn .... forgive me, Maeni, but we never were able to determine what you are, as you are clearly not human. Maeni has a keen sense of arcane traditions and strange powers that have been of great service and no less than the others in saving the lives of all at the Briarstone Asylum."

She then looks to the PCs, "This is Miss Cesadia Wrentz, leader and founder of the world-famous Sleepless Detective Agency."

She removes her topcoat, as she had just come in after the PCs, revealing an extremely proper full-length dress underneath. She serves herself some tea, and makes sure everyone has had a chance to have some. Looking to the PCs once everyone is attended to. "Winter, if you will withhold answering, please. Lady and gentlemen, please tell me .... what happened on Briarstone Isle, especially regarding supernatural events and their effects on those there."

2020-04-02, 06:52 PM

Taking a moment to speak to Flair telepathically, Jens is slightly shocked to realize he doesn't have his collective active. Between the bustle of moving out of the asylum and his introspection on the way over, everyone must have exceeded the maximum range and he forgot to reestablish contact. Jens quickly works to bring the network online, sending invites to Flair, Dorn, and Maeni since Jaume still hasn't retracted his desire to be free of Jens' 'infernal power.'

Sorry for letting the collective lapse for so long everyone. Flair, I assume you wish to take point in the discussion? We can use this to add any details that you may forget without interrupting.

While the others discuss with Cresadia, Jens tries to get a feel for the woman. Her servant seemed to have instant distaste for the party, but was that because they are unwashed asylum patients or perhaps a deeper enmity they cannot recall?

Jens will use his Empath feat (taking the -4 penalty to saves) to read Cresadia's Emotion Aura. Trying to find out how she feels about the PCs.

2020-04-02, 08:11 PM
Flair inwardly fumed as he drank his tea. He really wished that Winter hadn't mentioned up-front about his abilities like that. Judging from her earlier statements in the Asylum, people being made aware of his abilities could be quite dangerous for him, as they seemed to share the same sort of close-mindedness that got him kicked out of his order in his previous life. If nothing else, it had been told in confidence, and disclosing that felt like a betrayal.

The planned talking-to would have to wait, however. After quickly accepting Jens' mental invitation, he put his tea down and spoke in as professional a manner as he could. "The entire isle had been the trapped in a planar overlay. Through some mystic means, Ulver Zandalus had managed to pull the entire island into the Dimension of Dreams. I don't know how much you know of your planar lore, but the Dimension of Dreams can be shaped by the unconscious minds of mortals, and needless to say an asylum was not the most pleasant place to have be shaped by such thoughts."

As for the effects, it had knocked many into a fugue state. The few of us that were lucky and/or of strong enough mental fortitude to not be were able to keep the worst of it at bay, but sleeping there was a major risk. Thankfully, the chapel held enough divine grace to keep the sleepers there safe, but sleeping anywhere else in the Asylum brought strange dreams that may or may not have being mentally scarring. They were just cryptic enough as to imply that they had a bigger meaning, though thankfully such dreams were rare, as we had the chapel as a redoubt."

He did not mention the shifts. At best, it'd just be another strange aspect of the Dimension of Dreams that wouldn't add much. At worst, it'd make him seem (more?) like a madman. Until and unless another shift happens, he decided to write it off as more strangeness the dimension held. He also refrained from mentioning that there was a very real possibility that he wasn't native to the world, as languages he knew by the names of nations who spoke them were instead the tongues of dragons and angels, among others. It's not as if he had much to go back to if he could anyway. Still, he put those thoughts out of his mind, lest he tip off his no doubt highly perceptive host.

2020-04-02, 09:42 PM
Brother Jaume, Maeni .... do you add anything?

2020-04-03, 10:51 PM
Brother Jaume paces the room, clearly agitated about something. At Cressida’s question he stops his fevered pacing and stomps up to her.
“What happened!? Who knows, really! Cultist, cannibals, Tatterman, Grey Men, haunts, and nightmares! Some of us have lost our memories and know only torture and loss during our time in the asylum. Tell me, do you know who I am!?”
He seems to lose his steam after the outburst and he flops into a chair.
“...I need a drink.”

2020-04-05, 05:38 AM
Maeni simply adds :

"Yes, if you know anything about us before we were sent there, we will gladly hear those."

2020-04-05, 08:27 AM
Dorn rises and nods speaking, "Thank you kind Lady for your hospitality. My thoughts echo those of my companions. We are all tired, unclean... In some ways more than just physically... and hungry. We are glad of your offer of food but are also starved of information. If you have any concerning our method of coming here, or in some cases, who we are, we would be most indebted to you." He then resumes his seat and watches her closely for her response.

Hi guys! Sorry for the late arrival.

2020-04-05, 05:50 PM
Cesadia listens very intently to Flair's account of the events. She seems much less focused on everyone else who speaks without offering anything factual. All emotional appeals seem to be alien to her. When Brother Jaume verbalizes his need for a drink, she very pointedly points to his tea. A quick look around the parlor she guided you into doesn't reveal anything that looks like a sidebar or brandy service. You get the feeling that the tea you are drinking - which is quite stimulating - is the strongest drink the severe woman allows in her home (and place of business).

Winter then begins to tell the tale, from her perspective, and with help from Flair to fill in the holes, when needed, of the overall ordeal. After Brother Jaume's outburst, a lot needs to be parsed that might have been unnecessary, but is included. It takes Winter about two hours to tell the story (with the PCs' additions as requested). The tale begins in the parlor, but then is continued in the large dining room where dinner is served for all, and then in the parlor again for dessert.

During Winter's tale (ha! for the dramatists among us), and the follow-on open discussion she has with Ms. Wrentz and Flair (for they seem to dominate conversation), it becomes obvious that she is concerned about the things going on in town, and frustrated that she seems to be the only person in a position to address them. However, since any sense of leadership in town has collapsed, the responsibility has fallen to her, though it is too much for her to manage with only her skeleton crew of agents in the Sleepless Building.

Her biggest concern is the rash of kidnappings that have taken place in recent days. While many insist the Briarstone Witch is snatching up townsfolk, Cesadia knows there must be a more reasonable explanation. She has noticed there have been a number of newcomers to town and suspects cult activity is to blame for the missing persons, but she has no hard evidence. She’s smart enough to know that the shuttering of Fort Hailcourse is highly irregular, even with the magistrate missing. Cesadia is convinced that Count Lowls’s departure somehow ties into the town’s misfortunes. She wonders why the count fired his servants and replaced them with peculiar foreigners brought to Thrushmoor by ship—one she suspects was a slave ship.

Cesadia is further frustrated by the constant requests from Dena Gallegos at the Silver Wagon and Emman Gulston at the Stain, both proprietors asking her to convince Elgrior to stop scaring their clientele. And reports that people in town have spotted the apparition of Thrushmoor’s previous countess are growing more frequent.

Cesadia is eager to address the town’s problems, but knows she needs help. And now to this she answers some of what the PCs had asked. She knows that the PCs were in the employ of Count Lowls' previously. She was able to determine within minutes of meeting you all that you had worked in the employ of Count Lowls' previously. There are some oddities.

The one person who seemed to have come late to his employ was Dorn Blackminer. "St. Dorn the Protector" is the name of a doomed adventurer to the north, who was killed in Harrowstone a few years ago.
There were two others she remembered in the Counts' employ as well that went around with you: one was a Varisian woman named Marquering, and a Tian man named Satou.
A Varisian woman sharing Maeni's name was in the group, and the Maeni of now reminds her of that Maeni, but the "new" Maeni is not human. At this time, nobody still seems to know what race Maeni Llioredn presents as (least of all herself).

"Brother" Jaume, when drunk, had tried to force his way with Meg Thalen, but the latter got the upper hand before Cesadia had come to her employee's aid and tossed the fat man into the street.

Cesadia claims that you, or those like you sharing your name, were as disreputable a bunch of brigands under the aegis of the local noble before all of you disappeared and Count Lowls had departed County Versex (presumably). She realizes that none of you have your memories - she figured that out within minutes, and that it wasn't a ruse. This means that you are blank slates to her, but she needs to know that your current personae are as trustworthy as presented in the heroic re-telling of the events of Briarstone Asylum, or if it was merely a tale of survival given a rosy hue.

So, if the PCs are willing to help the town in its troubles - it is late now, by the way - she recommends that you get rooms at the Silver Wagon. As long as you are working towards helping the town in its troubles, and therefore assisting the Sleepless Detective Agency as "outside contractors," she will provide two rooms (total) and a normal allotment of meals for the group. However, Dena Gallegos - the proprieter of the Silver Wagon - will have strict rules that absolutely no alcohol will be served to any of you. That doesn't mean that you are responsible for your own alcohol purchases .... it means, and Cesadia makes sure that each of you understands .... that if you are to serve in any capacity that is welcome in this town, you will not imbibe any alcohol whatsoever while (nominally) representing the Sleepless Detective Agency.

The accommodations does not include Winter Klasczka, who is given a guest room here at the Sleepless Building until the Church of Pharasma can be contacted and her status determined. Winter thanks Cesadia, and takes her up on the offer of a bed away from a noisy tavern. That said, her original missive was to assist Royal Accuser Omari in investigating Count Lowls. If the PCs need or help, she is wiling to help as well, even if it is to help give her a purpose in town (which includes checking on the former asylum patients at the New Chapel).

Okay, PCs, what do you say to the offer?

2020-04-06, 01:15 AM
Flair nods. While he wasn't a teetotaler by any extent, he wasn't much of a drinker either as far as he could tell. "Very well. Is there any chance that we could delay accepting your offer for a few hours? It seems that it's our best bet to understand what's been going down around here, but it comes with a notable clause. It is clear that you dislike alcohol and don't want your employees using it, but my associate here has spent the last few weeks here confronting incredible horror in the process of escaping the Asylum. One of the things that kept him going was wanting to get back to civilization and get a cup of ale. I have little need for the stuff, personally, but I would be doing him a disservice not to at least attempt to get him one last drink while he still has the option."

2020-04-06, 04:11 AM
Cesadia shakes her head. "It is already past nine, and I know that Ms. Gallegos will stop taking new customers so she can go to bed soon enough. If your associate is unable to cope with the horrors of the past, then I recommend he instead be escorted to New Chapel to be cared for by Winter and this Dr. Elbourne instead of delving into new problems and acting as a liability. Either he bucks up and muddles through, or you leave him with the other patients.

"No alcohol."

2020-04-06, 06:13 AM
Brother Jaume clasps Flair warmly by the shoulders and smiling says, “Thank you for the support, my friend! Although the postponement of my date with a bottle of red pains me dearly, the thought of a safe bed and some answers to what is going on trumps my needs. We monks of the Green Abby know self sacrifice for the sake of the community. I will be fine.”
To Cescadia, he says “It seems that we both have questions to answer and helping each other is the fastest way to those answers. I agree to your terms.”

2020-04-06, 11:03 AM
Dorn will nod in agreement and rise. "Again, thank you for your hospitality. We will be glad, I think, of the opportunity to help others rather than constantly fighting for our own survival for the time being."

2020-04-06, 03:49 PM
Flair simply nodded "I suspected as much. A lady of your stature would no doubt hold their personal moral code steadfastly. Still, I hope we can work together to get to the bottom of this. I'm sure you'll find that I can get the job done."

There's a tone of Flair's voice as if he wants to say more, but is holding his tongue. If you want, roll me a Bluff and she can oppose it with a sense motive. If you do so and I fail, Flair will say what's on his mind.

2020-04-06, 07:21 PM
"Then altogether, hopefully we will get things in Thrushmoor sorted. Thank you," says Cesadia.

She takes the time to write up something and gives it to Winter, who knows how to get to the Silver Wagon and will hand the writ to Dena Gallegos. The whole party gets out of the Sleepless Building, and it is solidly dark now. You head east, and on the grounds of the Sleepless Agency there is a fountain. Nothing truly decorative, but simple. You then take an intersection to the north. About 300' to the north, you will pass a sturdy and elegant two-story edifice that Winter says is Builder's Hall.

About 200' or less earlier, you get to a building with a faded picture of a mine cart with loads of silver ingots on it - the Silver Wagon, Thrushmoor's only inn, and as a result, one of the town's most prosperous businesses. It offers comfortable beds in secure rooms, and the taproom downstairs often features life music. The innkeeper, Dena Gallegos (female human), is a boisterous and brash woman who is just as prone to knock you off your stool for telling a bawdy joke as she is to tell one herself.

The party moves into the taproom to get to Dena, following Winter. Unfortunately for the PCs, regardless of Cesadia's writ, the PCs were banned from the establishment after one of them - Ronnie Turnbull (you call him Jens) ran up a large, unpaid bar tab. Normally that wouldn't be enough to ban someone from staying, but "Ronnie" was also responsible for starting a bar fight, earning him an arrest and a night's stay in the holding cell in Fort Hailcourse.

2020-04-07, 02:39 AM
Flair pinched his brow. Of course things had to be difficult. After taking a deep breath, he addresses the proprietor "Ms Gallegos, you of course need to protect your business, but I assure you that my associate is in a very real sense not the same man he was when you last saw him. Is there anything we could do to convince you to convince you to allow us to stay? I cannot begin to tell you how much I was looking forward to a hot bath and an actual bed."

If a Diplo check is appropriate, use an inspiration. Also, if she's taken at least a minute to explain Jens' misconduct, I would have been studying her for that additional +1

2020-04-07, 11:09 AM

Hearing that he ran up a tab before losing his memory was... possible, but the bar fight gave Jens pause as he thought of his chances in a bar fight, and concluded that his previous self must have been very drunk to start swinging. Mentally sighing, Jen's decides to try and make amends for his past self, "Ma'am I can't say what was going on with me that night, but I would like to apologize for my inappropriate behavior. If you would tell me the bill I have left outstanding I will work on paying off the debt, and if you would be so kind and reconsider allowing us to stay, I swear that I will not let any alcohol pass my lips and effect my better judgement. However, if my presence is untenable, at least allow my companions the chance to stay at your fine establishment and I will go elsewhere for the night."

Diplomacy (or aid another on Flair's)

2020-04-07, 07:20 PM
Dena doesn't acknowledge "Ronnie," but focuses on Flair. She thumbs at "Ronnie." "The tab comes to 39 gold, 6 silver. Now, you pay that, I will let everyone except him stay. But nobody's gonna want him around here for his brawling, least of all me, unless he can show my patrons he got himself a change of heart.

"So, I got this problem. Actually, the whole town does. He's a damned Doomsayer named Elgrior Nasmeth. Maybe you saw him on your way here. Crazy old bastard wears a signboard and rails about the Briarstone Witch and the doom of the town. So, you convince him to chill out with his ranting and to not scare my patrons .... make sure Ronnie is head of the pack on doing this .... and you'll convince me and mine that you got yerself a change of heart."
This is as good as it gets, and assumes all interaction rolls. This is the end result. There is no further negotiation from here.

2020-04-07, 07:34 PM
Flair nods. "Okay. I think we can help with that. As for the tab, is there a pawn shop or general store in town? We have goods that would cover that, but not coinage and I would rather get the funds to give you rather than either overpay or force you to play the middleman and sell the stuff yourself."

2020-04-07, 07:41 PM
"It's between nine and ten right now, sport," she says. "So, unless you wanna be homeless tonight, let's see what you have."

2020-04-07, 07:50 PM
Flair sighed, but looked through the party's gear until he found a silver necklace "Here we go. It's a holy symbol of Shelyn, made out of wrought silver. What do you think?"

2020-04-07, 08:32 PM
Dena studies the locket, admiring its beauty. Holding it up and giving a sharp nod and greedy smile, she says. "This will do nicely for the bar tab. But if you don't want your friend sleeping in the street tonight and without a nice meal, you better go find Nasmeth and take care-a' him. Trust me, even this late, he is still out causing trouble. He left the spot outside my door not too long ago, because not enough people come in this time of night to get people'll listen to him. But the streets are quiet, you can probably hear him howling somewhere. Or smell 'im."

2020-04-07, 08:37 PM
Flair drops his arms; he'd really been hoping to just get some rest, but things just aren't that simple anymore. A half second later, he brought them back up. "Very well. Come on Jens. Let's earn our keep and prove that you're on the up and up."

2020-04-07, 09:06 PM
What's the plan?

2020-04-07, 09:23 PM
"Okay, Jens." Flair says as they go out looking for the street prophet. "I think I have a plan on how to get this guy to stop, but it'll depend on how well we can sell it. We convince him that talking about the Witch gives her power, so his attempts to warn people have been accidentally helping her this whole time. Thoughts?"

2020-04-07, 09:28 PM

”Worth a try I suppose.” Jens says before adding, “Now what is plan B should this Nasmeth guy be completely off his rocker such that nothing we say is going to help? I could always sleep at the chapel and meet you all in the morning. Should worst come to worst.”

2020-04-08, 01:18 AM
"Then we return and tell Ms Gallegos that he refused to listen to reason and the only way left to deal with him is with violence. And all resulting to violence would do was prove her right that you hadn't changed."

2020-04-08, 02:44 PM
"I am very much in favour of keeping it violence free. If it becomes necessary we can convince him to at least go home."

2020-04-08, 03:08 PM
Since "the Doomsayer" isn't outside her establishment right now, and it is too late for him to bother folks at the market (another common place for him to cause trouble), she recommends trying a place called "The Stain." She gives you directions, but basically it is near the waterfront, and the westernmost-building in town down that way.

The party heads the way recommended, each member thinking about what they need to do to get a good meal and a warm bed. Finally, they reach The Stain, the oldest tap house in Thrushmoor. This is a place that has catered to local and foreign customers for longer than anyone in town can remember.

Standing in front of The Stain is a man clad in shoddy clothes and wearing a signboard across his shoulders. He shouts, "Doom is coming! The second vanishing is upon us! Pray for your salvation that the Briarstone Witch doesn't take you!"

2020-04-08, 03:13 PM
Flair walks briskly to the man. "Sir, please, for sake of all that's holy, you've got to stop. Don't you realize what you're doing?"

2020-04-08, 04:22 PM
Dörn Dorn (sorry force of habit...) will take up station behind Flair and observe for now, but prepared to step in should he be needed...

2020-04-08, 05:37 PM
BJ scowls at the mad prophet and grasps his holy symbol before loudly praying for guidance.

Cast detect evil

2020-04-08, 05:41 PM

Jens will attempt to get a read on the Doomsayers emotions.

Using Empath feat to Read Emotion Aura as a FRA, taking a -4 to saves as per normal for the feat.

2020-04-08, 06:11 PM
Maeni waits to see the doomsayer's answers before stepping in.

2020-04-08, 06:23 PM
"Yes, yes, I know! Warning you that a new vanishing is upon us!" shouts the doomsayer. "The Briarstone Witch is coming back to Thrushmoor at any minute. She'll take us all away into the depths of Lake Encarthan."

He continues to babble some more. His rambling, conspiratorial screed is difficult to follow, and his logic is as threadbare shirt. Elgrior claims the missing authorities are the real ones responsible for this second vanishing and that they called to the Briarstone Witch before departing the town. He says they plan to come back after the deed is done so they can have full run of Thrushmoor and take all the spoils left behind. Elgrior seems especially concerned that they want to steal the collection of beetles he keeps in his small shack in the eastern end of the town.

2020-04-08, 07:29 PM
"No, not that." Flair says annoyedly. "We know about her. Everyone knows about her. That's not the problem. The problem is that you're helping her out without even realizing it!" He gesticulates wildly. "Don't you know that Names have power? By broadcasting her Name all over town, you're just making her stronger!"
Roll me Bluff. I'm assuming he's been yammering for a minute, so gimme that +1 on it, and I will use inspiration on it.

2020-04-08, 10:14 PM
"She has no power if everyone leaves Thrushmoor before she gets here!" he calls out, falling back into his normal, unintelligible yammering.

2020-04-09, 01:46 AM

Jen's looks at this man, this confused gibbering idiot of a man, and wonders if he even left the asylum to once again be dealing with a madman. Shaking off the negativity, Jens steps forwards and addresses the man, "Sir, I am curious as to what your goals are by shouting your warning day after day, night after night. Is it truely out of a desire to help the people of Thrushmoor? Their lives are not any of your concern are they? Even if you wished to help them out of the goodness of your heart, if they truly wish to stay despite the danger that is their choice to make and no amount of haranguing on your part will change that. You have delivered your warning of doom on the horizon and the people have heard and either left at this point, or made the choice to tough it out until the bitter end. So what choice will you make? Will you take your own advice and leave this doomed place? Stay and fight the witch until the bitter end? Or will you continue to insult those who have made their choice with your shouting in order to gain a twisted sense of self satisfaction?"

Use which ever social skill you believe best fits the above text. +2 bonus for successful Read Emotion.

2020-04-09, 04:34 AM
If, in the annals of history, Jens' words were simply to have been recorded without any description as to how he said them (much, in fact, as was above), one would think Jens was reasonable throughout, and attempted - possibly through slow, constant speech and eye contact - to have calmed the man in a manner that might make an ambassador envious.

And, as it is, it starts out that way, but the longer Jens goes, the more he takes on a wicked hard edge. Behind his words, almost in-between the lines and the way he says them once he really builds steam, is a sense of "or else." It is so perfectly delivered, reeling all of you in at first into his soft, calm voice, that when he is through, there is only one among you that does not feel fear .... and even Dorn might feel some concern for whatever road Jens is traveling down. Or, in light of today's revelations, what road he is returning to?

Either way, it is so impressive a feat, that Elgrior's ranting stops. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm done. I'll go." And with that he races from the party, tossing his signboard off as he goes as it was slowing his movement.

Now what?

2020-04-09, 05:50 AM
Dorn looks at Jens with a look of concern and makes a mental note to have a word with him discretely later... For the time being, however, he will just keep a close watch on him for his and the safety of others.

"I suggest we head back to and get some well deserved rest."

2020-04-09, 08:20 AM
Feel free to banter on the way, but .... you get back to the Silver Wagon. What do you say to Dena?

Oh, and when you went off to find the doomsayer, Winter had stayed behind to cement the arrangements (assuming you would be successful). When you return to the Silver Wagon, she had long gone to the Sleepless Building .... ostensibly to sleep.

2020-04-09, 10:23 AM
Flair was thoughtful on the way back to the inn. The main emotion Jens' speech had evoked from him was concern, though it'd be a lie to say it didn't also elicit a healthy amount of fear. He'd seen shades of this before from him when he'd gotten power from those in his collective dying, but never to such a pointed degree before. He remembered his conversation about this darkness he'd detected earlier, and Jens' request that if he go to far for him to end it. There was a chunk of worry in his guy that the possibility of such an outcome seemed to be slowly expanding to inevitability, but he hoped that it could still be avoided.

Still, that was a matter for another day. By the time they got back to the Silver Wagon, he had pushed that aside to deal with the situation at hand. "Ms Gallegos, we have returned. The Doomsayer shouldn't be a problem for you anymore. My associate" he motioned to Jens "gave him a stern talking to and got him to back off." There had been an ever-so-slight pause before the word 'stern', but while that may have been underselling what Jens had did, it was accurate enough.

2020-04-09, 03:42 PM
With that, Dena is all smiles and good service. You are shown to your two rooms.

So, who is going to room with whom with this two-room setup? There is one female, and four males in your party.

2020-04-09, 04:40 PM
Dorn will suggest that the 4 men find a way to share accommodations so the lady has the room to herself.

2020-04-09, 04:45 PM
Flair turns to Maeni. "Okay, we've only got two rooms. Maeni, pick someone you trust to bunk with you and the rest of us will pile in the other room." Looking to the rest, he finishes with "In the three person room: if you want the bed, draw straws and the loser gets it tomorrow. Any other questions?"

2020-04-09, 04:55 PM
Maeni doesn't seem to think a lot before answering.

"Flair, given the situation, I'll prefer if we were to share a room."

2020-04-09, 05:38 PM
Dorn will find 3 bits of straw or grass, make them 3 different sizes, mix them in his hand and hold them out for the others to choose. "Who is first?"

2020-04-09, 08:45 PM

"I will draw first I suppose," Jens says as he steps towards Dorn. Thinking a moment, he reaches out and grabs a piece of straw.

Straw roll. 1 is the short one. Any other result gets a bed and the person that draws after rolls 1d2. [roll0]

2020-04-09, 10:22 PM
BJ claps Jens on the shoulder.
“Ha! Better luck next time, my friend. You can have my bed tomorrow.”
BJ picks a bed and flops down and is soon snoring loudly.

2020-04-10, 04:56 AM
Dorn nods to Jens and crosses to lie down and sleep... As he begins to lie down, he sighs and stands...

Turning back to Jens, he says "Sleep. I'll take the first night."
and he stands and leaves the room, heading down to the main area. If it is unoccupied, he will sit quietly in prayer. If it is occupied, he will sit for a suitable amount of time before returning to the room, and trying to find items to sleep on, create a makeshift bed and rest as best he can.

2020-04-10, 12:10 PM
The doors to both rooms get pummeled loudly in the morning. "Wake up! It's time for me to serve you breakfast, lazybones!" calls a woman's voice.

2020-04-10, 12:19 PM
Dorn will stiffly rise, stretch and see to waking the others before heading down.

2020-04-10, 12:23 PM
Flair snaps awake, and for a few seconds he just blinks, making sure the room is real. It took a few seconds, as part of him was afraid that he'd be shifted back to the Asylum. Once he was certain that he was actually free of that mess, he laid back down for a few moments; enjoying the comfort of the bed and bed sheets. If he was being objective, he'd be forced to admit that the bed was of only decent quality and the sheets weren't exactly luxury themselves, but being an actual bed was amazing enough for the time being.

But all good things must end, so in a minute or so, he finally got up and began dressing and preparing himself for the day.

2020-04-10, 12:39 PM

Thanking Dorn for his generosity, Jens falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Only to awaken what feels like seconds later to pounding on the door. Jens pulls himself out of bed with effort.

2020-04-10, 01:14 PM
Stretching and seemingly forgetting something, Maeni quickly cover herself up.

"Oops. Well, best night I've had in a while, it'll be hard to top that."

She quickly dresses up after Flair's departure and go join the others.

2020-04-11, 01:47 PM
Brother Jaume yawns and stretches before searching about for somewhere to pray, exercise and then wash up before breakfast. A open area will suffice preferably close to nature or tilled earth.

2020-04-13, 03:12 PM

Once he is presentable, Jens will leave the room and invite Flair and Maeni to the collective when he sees them. Jens plans on eating first before meditation since it seems their proprietress is impatient to serve breakfast.

When Jens gets a moment to meditate, he will swap Detect Compulsion for Collapse.

2020-04-13, 03:12 PM
Flair comes down to the bottom floor, ready to get the promised food. Turning to his host, he asks "This looks lovely. I have two questions though. First, would it be possible to get a bath up in my room? Hot if possible, but just getting clean would be amazing." He paused for a bit to eat some of his breakfast, savoring the taste. "Ah. And secondly, do you know where I could get my hands on a brazier?"

2020-04-13, 04:26 PM
Brother Jaume, the stables are the best place, actually, and while a little "mungy," the barrel of water nearby is a great place to do a head-dunk kind of "bath." Your morning prayers, meditation, and kata will, as usual, take you two hours.

Dena looks to Flair (who is seated eating with the rest of the party, sans ^). "Yeah, honey, but it ain't gonna be hot, and it's not included on Ms. Wrentz' bill, neither." She scratches the faint wisp of micro-peachfuzz-beard she has. "Hmm, a brazier? That's like a fancing standing room torch or something, ain't it? I don't know if the town has anything like that, but you can probably check at Binter's Smithy. Far side of town."

She starts to walk away, but turns around. "Oh, and your hempen homespun homeboy with a sow's belly and a bald pate is in the stable. Breakfast has been served. It won't be served again. So, you might want to let him know."

2020-04-13, 04:58 PM
Flair nodded. "No problem. Yeah, I've got the coin for that, so set me up for one as soon as you can. I'll go wake our friend and let him get some food." And with that, Flair grabbed a chunk of bread and went out to the stables. "Jaume, you up? If you want breakfast, you'd best come now. With every one already digging in, there's no guarantee there'll be any left if you tally."

2020-04-13, 05:19 PM
Once at the table, Maeni looses no time and happily starts eating, only stopping from time to time to turn a page of her spellbook.

"Have you all slept well ? Hasn't been the case since... well, as far as I can remember."

Remember that Maeni eats a *lot* (basically, more or less 6 times as anyone else (she starts starving after 12 hours instead of 3 days) so after a night she's basically as the other would be after 2 days without eating)

2020-04-13, 05:22 PM
Dorn looks up from his meal and just shakes his head...

2020-04-13, 05:32 PM
Bj stops his routine and speaks to Flair.
“Good Morn to you Flair. Thank you for the concern but I cannot break fast until my morning rituals are complete. If you can save me a hunk of bread, I would very much appreciate it!”
The large man has his hairy torso bare and is working up a good sweat going through an intricate martial art kata.

2020-04-13, 05:40 PM
"Figured that might be the case, so I saved you something" He gestures with the bit of bread he'd nabbed earlier. "I'll just leave this for you, then" he then turned back to the inn, checking to see if that bath was ready yet.

2020-04-13, 06:12 PM
Flair comes back into the inn to find that his bath has not been set up yet. No doubt he seeks out the management.

"You're here on the good graces of Ms. Wentz, who is paying the coin," says Dena, "and we aren't having no fripperous baths until the lot of you see her first thing."

2020-04-13, 06:28 PM
Flair sighed. "Very well, Ms Gallegos. You run a tight ship and I'll have to follow your lead. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll head back to my room to do my best to get ready to see her." And with that, he went back to his room and began his binding rituals, the thin walls all the privacy he was likely to get.

2020-04-13, 08:11 PM
Everyone completing their morning tasks and rituals, they head off to the Sleepless Building. Meg Thalen greets them warily and lets them in, and shows you to the parlor where Ms. Wrentz will greet you. (Normally, business is conducted in an office, but there are so many of you that the parlor is used.) Winter is not there.

Once Ms. Wrentz comes to greet you, you are served tea (if you take it) and she gets right to business.

"You failed," she says, letting each of you wrestle with what she means. "Early in the morning, Elgrior Nasmeth was back up to his own fear-sowing mischief at the farmer's market. I ask that you look back into that.

"But it isn't just the health of the town - disturbing the peace, as it were - as his ravings are really making everyone nervous now. There's a fisherman I want you to talk to. His name is Toli Remsatter. He claims to have seen a glowing light in a small cave along th shore a mile out of town. Now, I am guessing he is caught up in Elgrior's nonsense, because the angler began to suspect that the light he saw means the Briarstone Witch has returned to once again take everyone in Thrushmoor into the bay. We have this report, because later, Toli recounted his theory over drinks and cards at the Stain, spreading the fear to other patrons and thus throughout the town.

"Get Elgrior to stop raving, and then follow up on Toli's rumors. If you can do that, you've earned my trust."

2020-04-13, 08:27 PM
Flair sighed. Of course it couldn't be that easy. "Looks like our stern talking to wasn't enough to convince him. Since we are under your employ, I ask as to not sully your good name: What tools do we have at our disposal to deal with Mr. Nasmeth?" He would go on to ask for directions to the Mr Remsatter's house as to look him up, as well as asking if she had a brazier he could borrow.

2020-04-13, 08:31 PM

Jens belateddly realizes he forgot to invite Dorn to the Collective and does so.

2020-04-13, 08:32 PM
"Don't assault him, if you can help it," she says, surprised. "Definitely don't kill him. You have your own tools. Check the wharf to find Toli, follow your nose if you have trouble finding the Danver."

No, she does not have a brazier. She finds it a strange request, as usually braziers are something more for castles and large, old rooms (at least, in her mind).

2020-04-13, 08:50 PM

Hearing that Elgrior was back to his old shtick, Jens sighs and is glad he got at least one night at the Inn. "If only there was a secure facility that treats mental health we could send the madman to. Unfortunately the last one in town seems to have closed recently." Jens says dryly, "Maybe we can convince him to be quiet if we agree to investigate about the witch. Of course, recent experience tells me that reasoning with madmen seldom works."

2020-04-14, 10:16 AM
"Then I will convince him that we will inquiry there, and that any words he adds about it will risk endangering our inquiry. I hope he won't react to bad to my oddities, but he probably remembers me from earlier I suppose ?"

It seems to be more said as an evidence, who would forget having met her ?

2020-04-14, 11:27 AM
Dorn nods to Jens and acknowledges the invite. "We will do our utmost to resolve this in a peaceful manner. I know that may have not been our previous modus operandi but we will try our best."

2020-04-14, 01:02 PM
Flair nodded. "I expected as much, but I felt it was best to get that out in the open." He goes to stand "If there's nothing else, we'd best get started."

2020-04-14, 02:28 PM
“I think a good pummeling would help his decision making process but it doesn’t hurt anyone to try a more diplomatic tact. I will glower and look menacing.”
BJ smiles and cracks his knuckles.

2020-04-15, 09:34 PM
Okay. What now?

2020-04-16, 10:21 AM
Now that they have their objectives, Flair bids their host goodbye before heading out to find the Doomsayer once more. "Dorn, you've got a way with words; do you think you can try and talk some sense into this fool? I really don't want to have to inflict violence on this guy, as I get the feeling that Ms. Wrentz already doesn't really like me."

2020-04-16, 01:18 PM
Dorn nods to Flair, replying "I will give it my best attempt. I do not wish violence to become a standard answer for us. We've had far too much of it of late."

2020-04-16, 03:55 PM
The party leaves the Sleepless Building, following Cesadia's directions. To the party's left (north), up the hill and behind the trees, the party will glimpse some type of plinth or obelisk, but they don't have time to investigate that now.

They soon pass Binter's Smithy, so Flair knows where to go on the way back. Finally, the group gets to the Farmer's Market. This series of buildings in eastern Thrushmoor houses a granary, a bakery, and an ox mill run by the community as a whole. The few halfling citizens of Thrushmoor reside here, as well as the town’s freeholders. Most of the residents of Farmer’s Square are rarely seen in town during the day, as their farmlands lie beyond the town’s edge, sometimes as far as an hour’s ride away.

And there is your quarry, terrorizing market patrons.

What do you do?

2020-04-16, 04:06 PM
Flair motions to the man "Dorn, if you would..." He then took up a position behind him, doing his best to offer support.
I don't know if I can Aid Other Dorn here, but I am going to if I can. I'd also do the Moment of Greatness SLA from Gaston, but I don't think it'd affect anything, so I won't.

2020-04-16, 05:55 PM
Dorn nods and slowly approaches Elgrior... Pausing from a distance, he will speak a prayer and then concentrate on the man.

He casts Detect Chaos focusing on the man.

2020-04-16, 06:33 PM
Reading nothing from the man, he slowly approaches him, smiling.

"Friend Elgrior, might I have a word?"

If the man is willing to step off to the side, Dorn converse with him there.

"It has been brought to our attention that our conversation of last night perhaps did not have the intended impact so I have been asked to speak with you again. We want to help you. The commotion and disruption you are causing is not having the effect that you want, is it? There once was a wise man in my homeland who said, 'The height of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'. So, since your approach is having little to no effect, might I suggest that you try something different. Allow us to help. We want to investigate this creature that you're warning everyone about and try to protect people from it. We have the backing of several important figures here in town, whereas you're having to work alone. Let us take up the mantel on your behalf. Give us a chance to deal with this while you rest. You've been working so hard at this, you must be exhausted. Take a break and let someone with more official backing take care of this. What say you, Friend?"

2020-04-17, 02:47 AM
[Note that I am dovetailing events, because he is not just standing waiting to be talked to.]

Reading nothing from the man, Dorn slowly approaches him, smiling, with Flair behind him. "Friend Elgrior, might I have a word?"

"There they are!" screams Elgrior with renewed vigor, pointing at the PCs. "They are agents of the witch, come to mark people for the second vanishing!"

Elgrior does not go to the side, continuing to rant. However, Dorn has the training of an emissary ... to go into the lion's den with words of peace (or threats), to brave down infidels and naysayers, and to get his message across.

Dorn gives a consistently interrupted version of the above, all while Elgrior screams at him.

Perhaps it would have worked, had Elgrior not been terrified last night, and so he continues to rant and rave.

2020-04-17, 04:05 AM
Dorn turns to look briefly at Flair and nods to indicate he should take up a sort of flanking position, then turns back to the man. Knowing that the best way to deal with someone being loud and out of control is to remain calm and speak quietly and firmly, he adopts a more stern demeanour and all the while slowly aproaching him attempting to back him into Flair, says, "Friend Elgrior, your vociferous protestations are causing quite a bit of stress and upset to the people here in the Market. I STRONGLY suggest that you calm down and come with us to a quiet place to sit and discuss the best way with which to deal with the witch. We are keen to know your insights so that we may employ the best tactics when we confront her. I simply must insist."

2020-04-17, 05:59 AM
Elgrior only shouts louder, totally raving now.

2020-04-17, 06:14 AM
“Dorn, I will try to restrain him without harming him.”
BJ begins to pray a spell, keeping clear of the madman.

cast hold person

2020-04-17, 07:22 AM
Dorn sighs inwardly and casts a glance at Flair then back at the raving man... He softly speaks the words of a prayer and makes a few gestures with his hands before speaking to the man again.

"Elgrior, you are helping no one with your raving. Please consider coming with us?"

Charm Person

2020-04-17, 03:11 PM
To Brother Jaume's surprise, the doomsayer (barely) resists the paralyzing spell. Elgrior focuses on Brother Jaume, "Help, help! They are trying to silence me with fell magics!"

Then Dorn casts his spell, says the above, and Elgrior becomes much more tractable. He doesn't follow Dorn's commands directly, but after another minute or two of soothing speech and attempting to calm the man, Elgrior agrees to tone down his speeches and not loiter outside of businesses.

What now?

2020-04-17, 04:00 PM
Flair decides to give the man a bit of a wide berth; just because Dorn's magic made the man more friendly to him doesn't mean that he'd be any more likely to accept him. Still, once he had left, he turned to the rest of the party. "Well, here's hoping that that one sticks more than the last one. Let's hit the second stop now and be done with it. If we have time, I'd like to make a quick run back to the Asylum afterwards; there are some books there that I need for research that wouldn't fit on the ride over."

2020-04-17, 04:09 PM
So, that is the spoken, what is the action? And anyone else's input?

2020-04-17, 04:10 PM
Dorn turns to the others... "That will only last for a few hours. We need to find a more permanent solution."

2020-04-17, 05:26 PM
“Perhaps we can as Winter to look into his diagnosis and treatment and keep him detained at the new chapel for a time?”

2020-04-17, 06:08 PM
"I think that would be a good solution. Temporary but good. Let's put that plan in action."

2020-04-17, 06:18 PM
Seemingly reluctant to reach this conclusion, Maeni says :

"I don't like it, but that looks like the best solution, yes. Even if his ideas are probably based on true facts."

2020-04-17, 07:33 PM
Dorn has to "push" on his charm to command him to come with the group to the New Chapel. Then again, they don't know where that is.

2020-04-17, 08:09 PM
"Small problem with this plan" Flair pointed out. "We don't know where Winter and this 'New Chapel' is." He then tasked himself to see if he could get directions to said chapel.
Roll me a Diplo to gather info

2020-04-17, 08:09 PM
BJ flags down a random citizen.
”Excuse me. Which way to the new chapel?”

2020-04-17, 08:42 PM
So, Flair and Dorn together attempt to get an idea of what happened. Unfortunately, while everything was going on, as soon as a member of the bunch of people identified as thugs of Lowls begin casting magic, people started to clear out. It still takes the two of them an hour before they are able to wave down someone who - with news spreading of their casting spells on citizens - a terrified citizen tells the pair and you can start heading off to New Chapel.

The party continues heading along the eastern road, which actually is south, across a wooden bridge and onto an islet with many buildings on it. They head west now, and just before getting to another bridge connecting to another islet, they will see the New Chapel.

A relatively recent addition to Thrushmoor’s landscape, New Chapel is the center of Pharasma’s worship in the town. The two-story wooden building features a sanctuary, an infirmary providing healing, palliative care, and other services. Newly commissioned frescoes adorn its interior. These works by artist-in-residence Lelwyn Hasok were inspired by Pharasma’s holy book, The Bones Land in a Spiral, and depict the Lady of Graves pronouncing prophecies, judging the dead in the Boneyard, and overseeing births like a divine midwife.

Though only one priestess is assigned for staff, temporarily, there are several more staff members - Winter, Wren, and the few Briarstone staff members that were in Winter's camp that survived. The infirmary is overflowing, however, and the church itself has pews pushed to the sides and bedrolls and cots half-filling the sanctuary itself as well. Of note, two people that are in the infirmary in beds of their own are Corbin and Krisztina.

Winter introduces you to Priestess Trillis Mavaine, who was the driving force behind the temple's recent revitalization.

2020-04-18, 05:18 AM
Dorn will nod to the Priestess and introduce himself. He will then gesture to Elgrior and explain the circumstances of his presence. "Is it possible that he could remain here for the time being until we have had the opportunity to investigate and resolve the witch issue? Just a warning though, he may become quite agitated once my influence wears off."

2020-04-18, 04:59 PM
She seems really resistant, but Dorn is amazingly persuasive. "I can give him a bedroll here, but I cannot force him to stay here. So, when he wants to leave," says Mother Travaine.

For now, though, Elgrior seems only to happy to please Dorn by being here.

2020-04-18, 05:25 PM
Turning to the others Dorn says, "This will give us a very short window of opportunity to solve this issue. Let us make the best use of it that we can."

2020-04-18, 05:41 PM
Flair walked up to Winter. "Can I talk to you? In private, preferably."

2020-04-18, 07:13 PM
Winter thinks for a second. "Sure, but we will have to go out back if you want private."

Winter and Flair leave.

Flair, post IC, but spoilered.

Everyone else, do you do or say anything, or plan anything while in the New Chapel?

2020-04-18, 07:18 PM
Flair is clearly frustrated, but does his best to keep his cool "I don't want to sound ungrateful for your help, but why, in the name of all that is holy, did you describe my skill set as "forbidden witchcrafts"? Are you trying to get me lynched?"

2020-04-18, 07:26 PM
Winter rolls her eyes, something you don't think you've ever seen her do. "Cesadia does not share the superstitions of her fellow townsfolk. She takes a much more pragmatic view to each person's capabilities, and that was a tongue-in-cheek joke with you and she that she laughed about later, but seemed to have been lost on you. Though I should have expected as much. You used to be really good with people, but were kind of thick sometimes. Now, you still are decent, but a bit unfocused. Like your confidence has gone from 'adamantine' to merely 'unflappable.' This immediate occasion, of course, being an aberrancy.

"Which reminds me, I've been meaning to ask you ..... what's with the, erm, eye makeup? Seems permanent."

2020-04-18, 07:36 PM
Flair dragged his fingers through his hair, slightly deflated from where he was a few seconds ago. "Okay, fine. If you say so, I guess." You get the feeling that he's not entirely convinced by her words, but he decided to move forward anyway. "More than the risk towards myself, I guess I'm more angry that you said anything. I told you than in confidence so being so blase about it just felt like a betrayal."

He then blinked, taking a bit to recognize what she said. "What do you mean 'eye makeup'?"

2020-04-18, 07:39 PM
"You started out that way - in confidence - about your abilities," she says, grabbing something from her pouch, "but after awhile, everyone ended up knowing, so the particulars are still unknown, but not the general knowledge she could get from asking any one of the former patients."

The something she grabs from her pouch is a small, silver mirror and she holds it up to Flair's face.

2020-04-18, 07:45 PM
Flair starts to get angry again. "No, there are a ton of esoteric magicks in the world, so as far as they know, it's just a lesser known way of using magic. 'Forbidden Witchcraft' implies something evil and dangerous, which my skills are not. No more than any other form of magic with combat utility."

He then cools off when he sees the mirror. "Oh yeah. That. Are you talking about the eye itself, or the stuff coming off it?"

2020-04-18, 07:55 PM
Flair, you don't get to the second paragraph. Once you lose your cool, she just walks off.

2020-04-18, 07:57 PM
Flair sighs in frustration, but rejoins the party.

2020-04-19, 02:14 PM

Jens keeps silent as the group subdues Elgrior, in his opinion, the fool deserves worse. He follows along to the New Chapel and takes a look around while Flair and Winter have their meeting in private. As he looks at the art around the chapel, he finds it odd that a group whose religion centers around prophecy and death would offer medical services, but as an outsider to their religion he is likely vastly oversimplifying their worship. Though it does make him wonder if they offer a discount on funeral services should they be unable to save a patient in treatment.

2020-04-20, 04:05 AM
As Flair quickly came back, Maeni seems relieved.

"So, where are we starting that inquiry ? Thecave where he's saying he saw the witch ?"

2020-04-20, 04:22 AM
"That seems the logical choice. I suggest we begin there."

2020-04-20, 06:33 AM
“Aye, We are goin’ to need a boat.”

2020-04-21, 10:41 PM
As the party leaves New Chapel, though still not quite sure exactly what or how they intend to move forward (despite bandying about the idea of having a boat), upon stepping outside (or stepping back outside in the case of Flair), they find a raucous scene in the street nearby.

Across the street to the north, standing on the porch of a small building, there is a singular man - a tall, thin, half-elf with dark hair and deep gray eyes. In the street, facing him, is a congregation of townsfolk. They are shouting, calling for him to come out and fess up to the vandalism that has shown up on buildings throughout Thrushmoor.

What do you (the PCs, singular or plural) do?

2020-04-22, 01:18 AM
Flair steps between the gathering crowd and their target "Whoawhoawhoa. Everyone back et irrumabo off." He said, angrily swearing in Draconic. "Now does someone want to explain what the hell's going on here?"

the f*ck. (Though you probably guessed that)

2020-04-22, 01:58 AM
As Flair steps in front of the crowd to ask of them their purpose, his head is flushed, as if someone poured a mass of wadding in his skull. Knowledge of vast amounts, but also threatening to overwhelm him. He depends on his ability to speak confidently, rather than passionately, in addressing the crowd.

A middle-aged man with a lazy eye replies, "He's the only artist in town, and that vandaism didn't start showing up on our walls until he arrived. And now a priestess is gone! some folks keep talking about how the Briarstone Witch is coming back for Thrushmoor, but I know he's behind the troubles."

The mob rallies to the old man, nodding in assent.

What now?

2020-04-22, 02:28 AM
Flair takes a calming breath. He'd been letting his frustration with Winter get to him. "Okay, first things first, vandalism is really minor as far as crimes go, so it doesn't really deserve the angry mob treatment, does it? Secondly, how would vandalism lead to a priestess going missing? The only way that makes sense is if there was a highly magical effect linked to it, and he's an artist, not a wizard." He turns to the artist in question "So let me ask you directly: are you responsible for this graffiti they're going on about? And do you have any idea what is behind these troubles they're mentioning?"
Use Diplo on the crowd (Take 10), and use Milo's Truthtelling on the artist to get an honest answer out of him.

2020-04-22, 02:53 AM
"Of course not!" he huffs. "I work with an entirely different medium, in a vastly different - and superior - style."
He seems to be telling the truth.

2020-04-22, 06:50 AM
BJ steps up to the crowd. “Where is this “art” you’re on about.”

2020-04-22, 07:06 AM
Whatever Brother Jaume's intentions were, are immaterial to what happens next. The crowd does not react well to the large burly monk. Not at all. Voices raise again, and a scruffy young man in the crowd picks a stone off the road and throws it at the artist, striking him in the head.

Flair, you are standing right by the artist, and you see the play of emotions going across his face. Just by the nature of your being and reading the situation, you say something to try and steady him, and it is enough to keep him from foolishly attacking the mob.

Anybody, what now? Brother Jaume, seem to have enough insight to realize that there is nothing you can say or do to assuage this group. Actually, Brother Jaume, your insight is enough for you to realize that the crowd is not into having a dialogue or discussion. It is either going to ramp up, with more violence; or, it is best to ramp it down, through getting them to disperse. Trying to chat and hold an info-gathering session won't serve any purpose.

2020-04-22, 07:38 AM
Stepping up to place himself in front of the elf, Dorn will say "Good people! There is no need to resort to violence! This can be handled in a civilised manner! Appoint a representative amongst yourselves to air your grievances and allow us to handle this and come to a conclusion that all will be happy with!"

2020-04-22, 09:03 AM
Well, not the effect Dorn was going for, but not a bad effect ... Dorn makes them think and talk amongst themselves, and they basically peter out. Dorn has broken up the mob. After the crowd veers off, the half-elf looks to Dorn, then Flair. "Thank you. Thank you, both. Name's Lelwyn Hasok. Would you like to come inside my studio? I would like to give you something by way of thanks."

The two of you (Flair, Dorn) get the sense he is talking to the two of you ... not "the PCs" (Jens and Maeni are still standing on the chapel stairs, and Brother Jaume made things worse). What do you do (Flair, Dorn)?

What about the rest of you (Brother Jaume, Jens, Maeni)?

2020-04-22, 09:13 AM
Dorn will nod his acceptance and look to Flair.

2020-04-22, 11:02 AM
Flair simply nods. "Lead the way" He then turns to the rest of the party. "It might be a good idea for you guys to investigate the vandalism that has everyone riled up and meet back up with us."

2020-04-22, 12:13 PM
BJ will lead the others in search of the graffiti.

2020-04-22, 09:33 PM
Dorn & Flair

As peculiar charcoal murals of an abandoned city appeared overnight on the town’s buildings, the people of Thrushmoor began to suspect a relative newcomer to town was to blame. Hired to paint a mural in New Chapel by the church’s priestess, Lelwyn Hasok comes from a wealthy family in Caliphas, and is educated and well spoken, if somewhat saturnine and unceremonious. Due to his job at New Chapel, the Pharasmin congregation knows him, but he is not much liked by others in Thrushmoor, whom he tends to shun. He considers the settlement a superstitious backwater, while many people in Thrushmoor find him aloof and overly critical of small-town life.

Lelwyn takes a sack from a table and hands it to Dorn. "This is a bag of holding .... base model .... and inside are 500 gold coins. Thank you very much. This backwater has gone to pot, and I appreciate two well-spoken gentlemen coming to my aid as you have. Come, let me show you around."

Lelwyn’s studio is a small, two-room building cluttered with canvases, supplies, and partially completed paintings. When he is not busy painting in New Chapel, Lelwyn takes advantage of the rare moments of good weather to set up his easel on the shore and paints views of the bay. He has also painted portraits of some of Thrushmoor’s wealthiest citizens, and was even scheduled to do a painting for Administrator Losandro at Briarstone Asylum once he completed the mural at New Chapel.

Lelwyn also paints his own dreams and fantasies, which are inevitably disquieting and lean toward the macabre. One of these works is a triptych prominently displayed on an easel in the middle of his studio. Lelwyn has been working on these paintings, still in their sketch phase, of several people in full figure, though their faces are incomplete. In the background, three different cities flow seamlessly into one another under a yellowish sky.

The figures depicted in the painting are uncanny renditions of Dorn, Flair, Maeni, Jens, Brother Jaume, Corbin, and Krisztina. :confused:

Caught up in the stress of having been in front of an angry mob, Lelwyn doesn’t immediately realize that two of the figures he has been sketching are standing right in
front of him. And another three were outside as well! After talking to the painter for a minute, Lelwyn gasps, realizing he is looking into the faces he has had such a hard time getting just right.

Lelwyn claims to have never met the PCs, which is true. If questioned, he says he saw each of them in his dreams over the last few nights, and was immediately inspired to put brush to canvas. The painter says his visions (which he can’t quite remember all of the details of) gave him the sensation that “Thrushmoor’s destiny somehow depends on them.” Lelwyn ecstatically offers the all of the PCs 10 gp apiece if they agree to return and sit for his unfinished triptych.

Brother Jaume (et. al.) ...

It might take a little bit, and the party will see some house walls that have been recently scrubbed with remains of something dark, but they will finally see a charcoal sketch mural on a house. It is charcoal, mind you, but it seems to be a strange type of city scape that is unrecognizable.

2020-04-22, 11:44 PM
Flair did his best to appreciate the man's art. The talent was clearly there, and when he was focused on actual things and people you could see his style shine through, but when it got to the more grotesque and macabre art, he found it too off-putting to appreciate. Admittedly that was mostly on him; he'd just been through some crap being stuck in that Asylum, so the darker subject matter didn't do much for him.

He was honestly slightly disturbed by the triptych. Not because of his and his allies' likeness upon it, but oddly because it showed three cities. If it was two, he'd be able to justify it by saying it was representative of the Asylum being brought into the Dimension of Dreams. The presence of a third city somehow implied that there was another place trapped in the dimension. Or that there was a second overlay, perhaps? He didn't know, but the implication nagged at him. The fact that he said that "Thrushmoor's destiny depended on them" also didn't do much to put him at ease.

Aloud, he said. "I admit, I personally prefer your portraiture and landscape pieces; your more macabre works set me ill at ease. However, I must assume that is the intention; to provoke a response from the viewer. As for the three-in-one piece, the yellow sky is very evocative. The three cities flowing into each other is an interesting touch as well. How much time do you think it'd take to have one of us to sit in for you to capture their likeness for your work? I think most of us would be willing, but the timing of it might prove difficult as we're currently on assignment with the Sleepless Detective Agency, and Ms. Wentz probably wouldn't want us to take too much time off to get a painting done of us."

2020-04-23, 08:09 AM
Taking out sheet of parchment, Maeni takes note of the charcoal sketch as best as she can.

"They call that vandalism ? Wouldn't it be simply removed with some water ?"

2020-04-23, 02:12 PM
Flair & Dorn

"It would take no more than a full afternoon with all of you," says Lelwyn.

Silphael (et. al.)

It was perhaps poorly described on my part, but the descriptions of other house facings in the last post were meant to show the effects of houses that were washed. It isn't perfect, and makes dark smears, but is still-time consuming. And it doesn't stop the shock of the disturbing, semi-abstract cityscapes to superstitious townsfolk.

2020-04-23, 02:39 PM
"And if you could only get us piecemeal? We'd be more likely to spare one or two of us at a time than all of us be free for an afternoon."

2020-04-23, 02:57 PM
"Each person has an energy that is different," Lelwyn says, "from when they stand alone and when they are with others. I would like to capture that synergy."

2020-04-23, 03:57 PM
Flair shrugged. "I make no promises, but I'll see what I can do."

2020-04-23, 05:01 PM
Dorn, anything to add?

2020-04-23, 06:03 PM
Dorn, feeling that sitting for this portrait would be a massive waste of the groups time, is nevertheless polite...

"It would be an interesting project, but perhaps for a future date... After we have resolved some of the issues at hand."

2020-04-23, 08:42 PM
He accepts that answer. Anything else with this guy?

2020-04-24, 03:35 AM
"A few questions, Sir. Having not seen the graffiti that everyone seems up in arms about, have you any theories as to where the scrawls might be originating?"

2020-04-24, 04:42 AM
Lelwyn shakes his head. "No, sorry."

2020-04-24, 05:13 AM
That being said, Dorn will nod to the man and turn to examine the drawings of him and his companions while waiting for Flair to complete his business.

2020-04-25, 11:06 AM
His business with the artist done for now, Flair nods to Dorn and goes to regroup with the party.

2020-04-26, 05:23 AM
Dorn will accompany Flair and try to regroup with the others.

2020-04-26, 09:01 AM
The party will regroup.

Now what? What will you be doing with the bag of holding and 500 gold?

2020-04-26, 11:37 AM
Once they rejoin the party, Flair will heft the bag. "Well, our good deed was rewarded. The artist was kind enough to give us this bag of holding, and it contains a not-insignificant sum of gold as well." He then saw the graffiti on the wall. "You know, now that I see it, I see why they thought it was him. He also had a twisted cityscape in his art. He said he saw it in a dream."

He smiled "That reminds me. You know what else was in that art? Us. As in, it depicted seven figures that were clearly us, though the faces weren't finished. He's offered us 10 gold apiece if we will sit in for us to model for him so he can finish the piece."

2020-04-26, 12:23 PM
Brother Jaume gives a hearty belly laugh.
“Someone has finally recognized the value of my masculine good looks! This town is definitely an improvement over the asylum! But there will time for posing for portraits after we solve this town’s woes ...and get a drink!”

2020-04-26, 01:15 PM
Slightly readjusting her stance, Maeni answers :

"If we have some time once this inquiry is done, why not ? Or in our scarce spare time, too."

2020-04-26, 03:45 PM
Flair shrugs "He says that he wants the 'synergy' of us all together to do it, so it'll have to wait until we are all available." He shook his head. "Still, that'll be a matter for a different day. We should probably speak to Mr. Remsetter to investigate that cave he was talking about."

2020-04-27, 07:09 AM
​“Aye. Where’s he about then?”

2020-04-27, 09:48 AM
So, what is the plan to look for Mr. Remsetter?

2020-04-28, 06:17 PM
“Mr. Remsetter is a fisherman, so we should look at the docks or if latter in the day, at the Stain.”

2020-04-29, 02:01 PM
"Excellent suggestion. Might I suggest we split up, gang? Since Flair and I have already been visiting the artist, I suggest that we go to the docks and the others go to the Stain. If we find nothing, meet back at the Inn."

2020-04-29, 03:13 PM
"I see one possible problem with that." Flair said. "If we do find him, that leaves half the party on the other side of town. How will the group that finds him contact the other one?"

2020-04-29, 07:20 PM
"Well, we are all able to hold a conversation, aren't we all ?"

2020-04-29, 08:49 PM
Flair shook his head. "Yeah, now. But we never really had the opportunity to test the maximum range of the link before. It was too dangerous to send one or two of the party one way and the rest the other to check. What if it's only 10 yards or so?"

2020-05-03, 09:33 PM
Okay, what does the party do?

2020-05-04, 06:05 AM
“We check the docks first, yes? It is also the logical place to hire a boat.”

2020-05-04, 01:45 PM

"Yes the Wharf would likely have boats. That is also the location we were given to find Toli. The fisherman who spotted the oddities in a nearby cave. We should speak with him and we will likely need to investigate the cave. Do we have the supplies we need for that?" Jens ask as they begin walking to the Wharf.

2020-05-04, 03:19 PM
Flair nodded. "Sounds like a plan"

2020-05-04, 05:34 PM
Dorn agrees and follows along deep in thought.

2020-05-04, 11:00 PM
With Dorn deep in thought, it is up to Maeni to find out exactly where the "docks" are. It doesn't take long, and she is laughed at ... Thrushmoor is built longitudinally along the Danver River, with lots of little islets connected by walking bridges. There are docks and wharves the whole length of Thrushmoor! She refines her search in looking specifically for where Toli tends to berth his boat, and within an hour of asking around finds out that Toli normally berths on the westernmost of the three main islets connected to the mainland.

They pass the Smokehouse (behind which is the footbridge leading to the central islet), continuing west. Past the Sleepless Building. Just before the Fish Market is the longest of the three footbridges and they cross over. The footbridge heads to the southwest, but immediately off the bridge the main path goes to the northwest (where the party saw a sagging wharf from a middle distance), while a secondary path goes to the southeast.

Which way do you go?

2020-05-05, 03:26 AM
Dorn looks up from thinking and suggests they head towards the wharf they can see.

2020-05-05, 07:47 AM
With Dorn's suggestion, the party continues towards the older-looking wharf. When they are halfway there, the party notes a boarded up shop with the faded insignia of a bricklayer constructing a wall of books. They continue to the far western tip of the islet to find a broken, half-rotten pier. There is a single, ruined boat that is moored there.

The driving rain pounds onto the decrepit dock’s boards, with a sound like a score of out-of-sync drummers. Gentle waves lap against the barnacle-studded posts that hold up the sagging dock. A metal pail sits rusting at the end of the pier.

A gravel path leads from the road to the pier. A nearly collapsed shack sits at the edge of the water near the pier, a former bait house that has been abandoned. The pier stands 5' above the water and stretches 60' out into the channel.

What now?

2020-05-05, 11:36 AM
If a hail doesn’t raise any response from the shack, BJ suggests heading back and taking the SE path.

2020-05-05, 12:28 PM
There is no answer from the allegedly abandoned shack.

What does the rest of the group do?

2020-05-05, 01:10 PM
Flair decides to give it another go and knocks on the door.

2020-05-05, 04:21 PM
There is no reply.

2020-05-05, 05:34 PM
After some time, Maeni checks if the door happens to be open.

2020-05-05, 06:48 PM
No. On further inspection, it appears to have been nailed shut.

2020-05-06, 05:58 AM
Are there any other openings? Windows?

2020-05-06, 06:29 AM
Sure, several grime-colored windows, but looking in you see that they are mostly boarded. Not union-carpenter job with tight seals, but dark beyond.

2020-05-06, 06:39 AM
"This building is pretty clearly not what we are looking for. I suggest we head back and follow the other route."

2020-05-06, 01:16 PM
Flair nods. "Let's go"

2020-05-07, 07:40 PM
“Aye. Let us head back to the last junction and take the other path.” rumbles Brother Jaume.

2020-05-07, 07:54 PM
When the party leaves where they are near Pier 19, there are a few ways you can go...
1) There's a little footpath that leaves towards the NW spur of the island, in an area that isn't habitated.
2) You take the main route back only a little bit, and a small path splits off to the south behind some houses, up towards a hill on the southern part of the island. There seems to be an obelisk or something on the top of the hill.
3) Stay on the main route just a little bit more and follow the eastern road all the way along the houses on this islet heading to the eastern spur.
4) Take the main road over the footbridge back into town.

2020-05-07, 09:27 PM
The obelisk grabs Flair's attention, and barring a more pressing concern will suggest checking that out next.

2020-05-08, 04:54 AM
Dorn sighs but is in agreement about checking the obelisk...

2020-05-08, 06:47 AM
“Why look at the obelisk when we are looking for a fisherman?”

2020-05-08, 11:22 AM
"I'll agree it seems like a distraction, but it may have some bearing on the witch sitch... Ahem... Situation."

2020-05-08, 10:22 PM

Jens will follow along as well, but also ask Maeni, "You asked around earlier correct? Any specifics as to where this fisherman can be found?" He will also check to make sure the collective didn't get overextended in their travels, and rejoin anyone who is supposed to be in the collective that may have moved out of range.

A lot of movement happened so Jens will try to reconnect anyone who is supposed to be in the collective who isn't. This may be a needless worry but Flair and Dorn may have been taken out of range during the stint with the artist so making sure they have active connections.

2020-05-09, 09:06 AM
Flair and Dorn are back in the collective, but not Brother Jaume. I will assume that you check out the thingy on the hill. The party goes along the footpath behind some of the houses to the base of the hill, and up.

On top of the hill, you see a 12-foot-tall lith with stranged, weathered runes that seem to face the center of town. The object is mostly cylindrical, but the side of the stone facing the center of town has been ground down into a flat surface carved with enigmatic symbols.

2020-05-09, 10:20 AM
Flair looks at the symbols, trying to determine their meaning and significance.
Lemme know if my Knowledges pan out.

2020-05-09, 04:38 PM
Dorn will also lok closely at the runes and examine the item over all.

2020-05-10, 12:02 PM
Thinking back a little, Maeni answers :

"They were talking about the westernmost islet. We went to the southwestern one, so... maybe the northwestern ?"

2020-05-10, 12:26 PM
Flair and Dorn (and Maeni) look over the lith, but can gain no insight.

From this hill, Maeni muses out loud, but soon realizes this is the westernmost of the three islets paralleling the shore of Thrushmoor.

2020-05-10, 01:46 PM
"Okay, this is getting us nowhere." Flair said exasperatedly. "Maybe we should wait until later in the day and check the bar for this fellow. We'll at least know where he'll be."

2020-05-15, 05:26 PM
"Wouldn't that mean that our doomsayer might not be so entranced anymore ?"

2020-05-15, 06:24 PM

"If we are so close we can start asking the local passers-by. Eventually we should get an idea as to where are lost fisherman is." Jens says aloud to the others before looking pensive, "Though searching a nearby bar or tavern wouldn't be the worst idea. Perhaps whatever he saw spooked him badly enough to drive him to drink."

2020-05-15, 07:29 PM
Flair nodded. "True enough, I suppose, but the people here are on edge. Finding him without spooking the general populous might be tricky."

2020-05-18, 11:24 PM
"So," says Dorn, "we don't ask around for him, we simply ask for how to find The Stain."

Are we done here?

2020-05-18, 11:34 PM

”Onward to find The Stain then.” Jens says while moving away from the monolith and gestures for the others to join him.

2020-05-18, 11:38 PM
It will take a half-hour of asking around and just walking to find the Stain on the western side of town.

The oldest tap house in Thrushmoor, the Stain has catered to local and foreign customers for longer than anyone in town can remember. The proprieter, Emman Gulston (male human), an ex-merchant marine captain and a man true to his word, has become something of an emotional anchor to his fellow citizens in the current crisis.

What now, as you stand outside The Stain? If you go in, what is the plan? Go in en masse?

2020-05-19, 12:22 PM
A bead of sweat runs down the cheek of the portly friar. His hands are gripping his staff tightly, knuckles white.
“...I think...maybe I should wait outside.”

2020-05-19, 01:52 PM
Flair nods. "Good idea. We don't want to irritate our employer any more than we already have." He turned to the party "I'll head in and see what I can find. We should probably keep the number of us in there to a minimum as to not to draw too much attention. Or at least stagger the rate at which we enter to not scare any potential informants away. Any objections?"

2020-05-19, 02:37 PM

"I will also wait out here. Hopefully my previous self only had one altercation in a liquor selling establishment, but a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Jens says before continuing, "Besides, if I stay with Jaume and you don't wander too far, I can keep us all in contact with the collective."

2020-05-19, 03:11 PM
Flair nodded. "Sounds good. How about you Maeni? Do you want to come in and help try and find out what's what?" After getting a response, he would similarly ask Dorn on if he'd want to head in or not.

2020-05-19, 09:22 PM
Dorn, Maeni, and Flair go into The Stain. There will be several folk scattered about in quiet twos and threes. There is almost a physical aura of reproach as these little clusters hunker closer together, worried about being contaminated by the outsiders.

At the bar, is a broad, ebulliant, well-whiskered man of later middle years.

What do you do?

2020-05-20, 11:25 AM
"The bartender seems like the obvious first option, right ?"

She takes the direction of the bar.

2020-05-20, 12:50 PM
Flair walks up to the bartender. "Hello, my good man. What do you have on tap?" If Flair sees any sort of kitchen area, he'll also ask about what is on the menu,

2020-05-22, 07:16 PM
"For you? Water. 'Course, I ain't had a priest bless it or nothing, so who knows if it has cholera," says the barkeep.

Dorn will join his three fellows at the bar.

2020-05-22, 10:31 PM
Aldo nodded. This wasn't a big town, so the barkeep knowing his employer and her no alcohol policy wasn't surprising. "In that case, do you know where we could find one Toli Remsatter? We've heard that he saw something outside of town and we want to investigate the matter."

2020-05-23, 03:13 PM
Emman looks at Flair, then looks up and to the side as if to think, then back to the three in front of him. "Have you ever seen a candle on a table, and find your eye drawn to it? If find I am likewise focused when I see something shiny in front of me."

2020-05-24, 04:26 PM
Flair rolled his eyes and put 3 gold pieces on the table. "Now that your jackdaw tendencies have been sated, can you help us find Mr. Remsatter?"

2020-05-25, 12:00 AM
Flair rolled his eyes and put the few coins in his pouch on the table. "Now that your jackdaw tendencies have been sated, can you help us find Mr. Remsatter?"(emphasis mine)
On the table now is a single platinum and 7 silver. Emman takes the platinum, but leaves the silver to Flair. He points to a couple of fishermen hunkered together, but one in particular ...

What now?

2020-05-25, 02:57 AM
Looking at the table, Maeni turns back to the barman :

"Could we have the same that he's drinking ? For him, of course."

2020-05-25, 02:59 AM
Emman shakes his head.

2020-05-25, 11:02 AM
Flair nods and walks over to the indicated crowd. He grabs a chair and sits in it backwards "So" he says, his hands on the chair's back. "I hear you saw something. Mr Remsetter", he asks jovially.

2020-05-27, 03:34 PM
Maeni keeps close to Flair, who kinda went too fast as she was planning to go in ready.

2020-05-27, 04:49 PM
Toli makes a motion with his head, and his drinking partner collects the cards they were playing and his drink and clears out.

He makes a motion for Maeni, Dorn, and Flair to sit. Dorn obliges.

2020-05-31, 04:11 AM
She sits and ask in a low voice, mostly to avoid potential panic moves in nearby drinkers.

"Sorry to interrupt your game, but we are investigating that situation. Could you describe what you saw ? Anything could help."

2020-05-31, 02:59 PM
"Just before the kidnappin's started," begins Toli in a hushed whisper, "I noticed a glowin' light from a small cave along the shore about a mile outta' town. Now, say what you want about that crazy codger Nasmeth, but that doomsayer might be onta' somethin'. I'mma thinkin' that light I saw is the Briarstone Witch returned to once again take Thrushmoor inta' the bay. I keep tellin' folks this over cards and drinks, but people ain' takin' my warnin's ser'ously."

Dorn looks at his friends then to Toli. "We take you seriously, Toli ... at least that the light means no good. We're willing to look into it. Can you take us there?"

Toli thinks about it then nods. "For two silver shields a passenger, I will bring you right to the cave."

2020-05-31, 03:14 PM
Flair nods and gives the man most of his remaining silver. "Deal. There will be five of us altogether, but this will pay for us three. When will you be able to take us?"

2020-05-31, 03:28 PM
Flair hands the man six silver. He nods his head and if you are ready, you leave the Stain and join the others outside.

2020-06-03, 10:50 PM
BJ will pay when asked. “Do you have change?” ​the burly monk asks the fisherman. He will hand over a gold piece.

2020-06-03, 11:00 PM
"Recently acquired," says Toli, looking to Flair and then handing Brother Jaume eight silver shields.

Jens, do you pay Toli?

2020-06-03, 11:06 PM

Jens searches his money pouch and seems disappointed before pulling out a gold piece and asking, ”I don’t suppose you have more change by chance?”

2020-06-03, 11:07 PM
Toli takes the gold piece, goes into the Stain, and comes out a minute later to give Jens change of six silver.

Does Jens complain or take that loss stoically?

2020-06-03, 11:13 PM

Jens takes his change without a care. It was almost worth the price not to need to enter the establishment. Besides with Jen’s luck he would charge them for the trip back and he can bring this up then.

2020-06-03, 11:26 PM
Toli takes the lot of you down to the pier, and his fishing boat is enough to take the lot of you.

As he takes you out along the water with lots of islets and the like, he will mention that this grotto he is taking you to has been used by all manner of smugglers, hunters, and addicts over the years, and most of Thrushmoor's citizens don't even know about them. Since they tend to be used only by those with shady behaviors, most who know of its location remain tight-lipped about it.

It is a mile away from town, and it takes about 45 minutes to get to it due to navigating obstacles and dealing with current.

When you step out of the boat onto the tiny beach leading to a cave mouth, I need to know what each of you have readied/ prepared/ in hand. I know that Jens' collective is running with all members of the group (sans Brother Jaume).

Brother Jaume? Flair? Jens? Maeni?

2020-06-03, 11:32 PM

Jens will prepare his defense. Letting his skin take on the appearance of stone as the stand on the beach.

2020-06-04, 04:34 AM
Maeni consults her spellbook, casts a spell, surrounding herself in a sheath of shimmering force, then consults her spellbook again.

I forgot to change Maeni base spells to include Mage armor, so... 1 arcane pool to quick study to get Mage armor, cast mage armor, then 1 arcane pool to regrab summon monster 1.

2020-06-04, 06:40 AM
Brother Jaume hops out of the fishing boat onto the shore. He stretches, belches and scratches himself before readying his staff. He calls out a prayer to Erastus, asking him to light their way.

cast light on staff

2020-06-04, 02:17 PM
Flair makes a note to himself that he really ought to get a alchemy crafting kit, but it's on an ever-growing list of things he needs to pick up. He otherwise spends the first half of the trip over trying to meditate, though as they being to approach,he does his best to limber himself up.
Until I get said kit, all Alchemist is giving me is Inspiration, and since I bound my spirits already, there is nothing else for me to ready or prepare.

2020-06-04, 07:11 PM
A small strip of muddy sand choked with reeds sits at the entrance of a low cave just at the lip of the bay. Scraggly vines drape over the top of the cave and hang like tangled hair over its mouth.

Obscured from casual observation by vegetation, this small cave mouth opens in the limestone face of the water’s edge. This part of the shore is approximately 8
feet above the water level, so if the PCs approach this area from the shore, they have to descend to what serves as a beach in front of the cave.

Okay, so how do you get down? what precautions do you take, etc.?
Climbing down the damp limestone face of the shore may make for a very challenging climb.

Another way for some to go ... a pair of large rocks offers an easier path for more nimble characters: a PC can step or hop from rock to rock and hopefully end up safely in front of the cave.
Dorn doesn't wait. He simply springs from rock to rock and is down below. He takes out his hammer in a guarding position.

2020-06-04, 07:57 PM

Jens makes his way to the wall and begins to climb down. He relies upon his connection to the earth and, in spite of the slipperiness, he almost feels as though the stone was latching onto him to keep him secure in his climb as he descends.

So take 10 for 22 to climb down the surface at base land speed? If I am reading my ability correctly.

2020-06-04, 11:14 PM
Bj shrugs, tosses his quarterstaff onto the beach and attempts to hop down the rocks.


2020-06-05, 12:38 AM
Flair likewise attempts to clamber from rock to rock to get down.

2020-06-05, 04:56 AM
Maeni, what do you do?

2020-06-05, 05:39 AM
Looking kinda horrified as they start climbing without even ensuring everyone can and without belaying each other, Maeni still goes nearby the edge and start climbing down.

"Wouldn't it have been easier with a rope ?"

Well, let's go for the best of both ! Which is climbing. (edited for wrong color)


2020-06-05, 08:56 AM
Maeni is having a hard time. She is up at the top. She doesn't fall, but doesn't quite get anywhere, either.

Maeni, either try again to climb, or give up climbing and try Acrobatics instead.

2020-06-05, 09:00 AM
Given how slippery her first tries were, Maeni tries to get some momentum before jumping from stone to stone.

Let's try the acrobatic path !


2020-06-05, 09:24 AM
It is just. not. Maeni's. day. She tumbles and falls to the ground, taking 4, which has the added effect of muddying up her fashionable clothes.

It is at this point that every single one of our sharp-eyed heroes realizes that something is not quite right with those thick vines at the cave mouth. As Maeni gets to her feet, the very large plants come to life!

Round One ...

R1T20: Dorn casts expeditious retreat on himself and takes out his dagger, the quality silver glinting in the afternoon light.Because it was a masterwork silver dagger, Dorn had used his attunement (see Weapon Attunement) on his dagger on the boat ride here.
R1T19: Maeni, you see two Large creatures made of fibrous plant material. Other than that, you have no idea what these things are, but you have a feeling they are not looking for friendly hugs. What do you do?

2020-06-05, 09:30 AM
Trying to get the perfect shooting range for her flames, Maeni unleashes one more stream of fire.

Let's go to the square left of Dorn, and flame arc on the diagonal, as it should hit both. Reflex save DC 15 for half damage.


2020-06-05, 09:54 AM
R1T19: Wiping some mud off of herself and capitalizing on the fact that the plants are only now situating themselves, Maeni rushes past all of her friends to the other side and lets loose with a stream of fire, catching both slow-moving plants fully for 12 fire each.

R1T17: Flair, what do you do? You need to prompt me if you want a Knowledge check.

2020-06-05, 01:51 PM
Flair tries to identify the strange plant as he punches it, his skin glowing as he does so.
I attempt to ID it.
5 foot step as to be flanking with Maeni. Not included in the roll.
SA: Attack! [roll0] + [roll1] (using Inspiration). If the inspiration roll is a 1 or 2, I will reroll it via Daring Exploit [roll2]
[roll3] + [roll4]. Using Gaston's capstone whose name I refuse to look up.
Nothing as of yet requires a Performance Combat Roll.

2020-06-05, 03:17 PM
R1T17: Flair tries to identify the strange plant as he punches it for 11.

R1T15: Brother Jaume, what do you do?

2020-06-05, 04:46 PM
“Guess we need to do some pruning!”
BJ will draw his sliver dagger and take a powerful swipe at the plant creature in front of him.

draw masterwork silver dagger. Attack with power attack.
if he can, he will try to see if he can identity the large overgrown plant. Strangely he feel a certain admiration for the creatures.

2020-06-06, 06:26 PM
R1T15: “Guess we need to do some pruning!” BJ draws his silver dagger and takes a powerful swipe at the plant creature in front of him. Brother Jaume, despite being a proponent of Erastil's power over (usually cultivated) flora, doesn't have any actual knowledge of horticulture. However, as a vintner he can safely say that while this is some sort of gonzo animated vine, at least it isn't an animated grapevine. He is also sure that this vine, though active, does not possess a root-imentary intelligence! :smallsmile:

R1T12: AV1 lashes out at Dorn, who in turn jumps over the whipping vine.

R1T6: Jens, what do you do?

AV2 on deck, Dorn in the hole ...

2020-06-06, 07:19 PM

Being cornered by a... plant(?) Jens doubts his mental abilities will be of much help. Thus, he gathers energy from the surrounding sand and earth. He forms the surrounding material into a blade and makes his own attempt at gardening.

Move Action: Gather power to reduce burn by 1
Standard Action: Attack with kinetic blade vs AV1 (burn reduced to 0 by gather power above)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (I believe the mod should be +6 since base kinetic blast damage is 2d6+2 at level 3-4 +4 for wis mod but 4 is what is on the sheet) Slashing Damage

2020-06-06, 11:32 PM
R1T6: Being cornered by a... plant(?) Jens doubts his mental abilities will be of much help. Thus, he gathers energy from the surrounding sand and earth. He forms the surrounding material into a blade and makes his own attempt at gardening. The sand and mud circles about him, and the rocks of the very grotto wall shake. He attacks with a blade temporary formed of hardened sand, but the vine deftly moves out of the way, as it sensed the danger the blade represented.

Meanwhile, the second vine in the back is unable to move anywhere.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ....

R2T20: Dorn cuts a gory wound in the vine with a crit for 9. He then takes out his warhammer.

R2T19: Maeni, what do you do?

Flair on deck, Brother Jaume in the hole ...

2020-06-07, 06:30 AM
Not willing to take too much risks that early, Maeni keeps throwing fire at the plants.

One more flame arc, on the same path. (DC 15)


2020-06-07, 01:53 PM
"It's an Assassin Vine!" Flair yells as he tries to distract it, once again lamenting that he never got his crossbow back from Corbin.
So my 1d3 isn't gonna do much, so I have a different plan.
5 foot step north to provide a possible flank for someone
Aid Another to help Jaume hit this thing [roll0]. If the result is less than 10, I will use Inspiration [roll1]. If that's still not enough to get a 10, I will do one of my 2/day rerolls. [roll2]

2020-06-07, 06:26 PM
R2T19: Not willing to take too much risks that early, Maeni keeps throwing fire at the plants. The first time she did this, both plants took the full brunt. This time, however, they must've sensed something building to the hurtful flames as before as they both use their surprisingly small profile to minimize damage, each only taking 7 fire.

R2T17: "It's an Assassin Vine!" Flair yells as he tries to distract it, once again lamenting that he never got his crossbow back from Corbin. Even as he searched his mind for a host of information he doesn't normally seek (natural lore, biology, plant identification, etc.), he feels his mind expanding.

R2T15: Brother Jaume, Flair didn't "distract" the plant, but his mentioning that it is an "assassin" vine seems like a very affront to the very type of plants you would otherwise help grow, and it incenses you. What do you do?

AV1 on deck, Jens in the hole ...

2020-06-07, 10:00 PM
BJ scowls at the offensive vegetation.“You shall spread your vile tendrils no more!”
The big man swipes at the plant again with the dagger before following up with a pair of spinning kicks.

power attack with all three attacks. Flurry of blows. Spend a ki point for extra attack. Kicks are ki strikes.

roll=to hit]1d20+6
roll=to hit]1d20+6

2020-06-07, 10:02 PM

2020-06-08, 12:09 AM
R2T15: BJ scowls at the offensive vegetation.“You shall spread your vile tendrils no more!” The big man swipes at the plant again with the dagger buoyed by Flair's intellectual aid. It seems that without what Flair provided, the monk would not have cut into the thick stalk of the vine with his dagger for 11. The vine looks well and truly battered and cut and burned, but is still aggressive.The dagger is not a monk weapon. You cannot conduct a flurry of blows while using a weapon that is not a monk weapon. You may not try to use a non-monk weapon as a "primary" weapon and unarmed attacks as "off-hand attacks." Because the dagger was the first thing in the fluff and the sequence, that is all that happened.
R2T12-11: The assassin vine slaps at Dorn again, hitting him in his left knee for 9 mod. As Dorn buckles from the impact, the vine then wraps about him, holding him. Meanwhile, all of the creepers on the grotto and the small scrub and shoots on the grotto floor seem to come alive! Dorn, Flair, Jens, and Maeni are simply impeded in movement, though the plants are still grasping at them. Brother Jaume, however, is entangled by the vegetation.Entangled
The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Charge), and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Dexterity-Dex-). An entangled (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/Conditions/#TOC-Entangled) character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Concentration) check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.
R2T6: Jens, what do you do?

Dorn on deck, Maeni in the hole ...

2020-06-08, 02:54 PM

Jens once more calls on the element of earth trying to actually hit the assassin vine right before him.

Move action: Gather power
Standard: Kinetic Blade attack vs AV1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] slashing