View Full Version : Iron Chef Optimization Challenge: E6 Appetizer Edition (Round XXIII)

2020-04-26, 08:17 PM
Welcome back to the Iron Chef Optimization Challenge E6 Appetizer Edition! Man, it's been a while, hasn't it? Let's have something simple, accessible, and furiously aggravating to make stand out.

The form of this challenge is to take a particular D&D 3.5 game element (our "secret ingredient," or SI) and turn it into a functional E6 (https://esix.pbworks.com/f/E6v041.pdf) build, which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level—where applicable—in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take as many levels as possible in said SI or that otherwise use it as heavily as possible.) Your final build submission should consist of your 6 regular levels and your first 10 epic bonus feats, though providing a snapshot at earlier points through the progression is heartily encouraged. Entries are to be PM'd to the Chair (that would be me!), and they will be posted anonymously; our volunteer judges will then grade each build on a 1-5 point scale in four categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Use of the Secret Ingredient. The builds with the highest three scores will be awarded medals, with the Honorable Mention award going to the non-medaling build that the Chair likes best and/or that receives the most votes for HM in this thread. (HM may not always be awarded, particularly if the number of builds is very small.) And then we all have cake!*

*Note: You must provide your own cake.

This is basically like the regular Iron Chef, and let's be brutally honest with ourselves here: this isn't a gargantuan community, and we basically all know what we're talking about at this point. Make the builds, send 'em in, post some scores, and have fun. If you've got questions, lemme know. Still, let's lay out a few rules!

Cooking Time: Builds must be submitted via PM to the Chair by 4:59 PM GMT - 9 on Monday, May 11, 2020 (1:59 AM GMT on Tuesday, May 12). The reveal shall be on the first evening the Chair has free following the cooking deadline, which is hoped to be that evening or the immediately subsequent one—I'll do my best, anyway. Judging is then encouraged to go as quickly as possible; if multiple judges volunteer, we'll set about a two-week window, but if we only get one judge, we'll try to wrap up as soon as possible after that judge presents scores. (I will admit that the deadline time may not be an exact science, but don't hide from me and we'll probably be cool.)
Kitchen: Let's break this one down a bit.

ALLOWED: Almost all D&D 3.5 material published by WotC: Core, Completes, monster books, Races Of books, alternate power source books (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, etc.), Spell Compendium, Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, Eberron material, Forgotten Realms material, and other WotC-published 3.5 material. (This list is NOT exhaustive and there are many other legal books that I did not mention by name!)
ALLOWED: Material from the 3.5 archives of the Wizards of the Coast website (including, but not limited to, the Mind's Eye articles). If you use it, link it.
ALLOWED: Official errata from WotC. If you're relying on this in a material fashion, it's a good idea to link it and to discuss it.
NOT ALLOWED: Unofficial errata, including "class fixes" (regardless of the source, including from the original author if not published in a WotC book) or fan-created content.
ALLOWED: Unupdated WotC-published 3.0 material (e.g., Sword and Fist, Masters of the Wild, etc.) except for 3.0 psionics. No 3.0 psionics allowed. If you are using 3.0 material, use the general-purpose skill updates (Wilderness Lore becomes Survival, Innuendo becomes Bluff, etc.) and the general-purpose rules updates (spells with a casting time of "1 action" become "1 standard action," etc.) when appropriate.
NOT ALLOWED: 3.0 material for which a direct 3.5 update exists. Use the updated material instead.
ALLOWED: Dragon Compendium and its errata (http://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.pdf).
NOT ALLOWED: Content from Dragon Magazine and/or Dungeon Magazine unless said content appears in an otherwise allowed source.
ALLOWED: Oriental Adventures, including the 3.5 update to Oriental Adventures from Dragon Magazine #318. This is a specific exception to the "no Dragon" rule!
NOT ALLOWED: Pathfinder content, regardless of whether it is "D&D 3.5 OGL" or not. If it didn't come from WotC, we don't want it.
ALLOWED: From Unearthed Arcana: racial paragon classes, alternate class features/variant classes, spelltouched feats, and variant races. (Traits and flaws are technically legal, but traits warrant a -0.5 point penalty in Elegance, and flaws warrant a -1 penalty in Elegance.)
NOT ALLOWED: Other Unearthed Arcana content, including (but not limited to) bloodlines, LA buyoff, fractional BAB/saves, alternate casting systems, alternate skill systems, item familiars, prestigious character classes, generic classes, gestalt, etc. When you're wondering if UA content is allowed, err on the side of caution and don't mess around with it.
NOT ALLOWED: Leadership, regardless of source. Game elements functionally equivalent to Leadership (including, but not limited to, Dragon Cohort, Undead Leadership, and Thrallherd) are similarly banned. (Familiars, Improved Familiar, animal companions, Wild Cohort, psicrystals, elemental envoys, and similar game elements are allowed, and they are not considered to be "Leadership." If the difference isn't obvious, feel free to contact the Chair with specific questions.)
NOT ALLOWED: Third-party content, homebrew, or other non-WotC content.
NOT ALLOWED: Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook. Just because you're "epic" in E6 after 6th level doesn't mean that you're that kind of epic.
NOT ALLOWED: Any race or template with a level adjustment other than +0. (Or any other source of LA other than a race or template, if any such things exist.)
NOT ALLOWED: For our judges: penalizing solely based on legal sources used, regardless of whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between. If the material is legal, then it doesn't matter how many or how few books it came out of.
ALLOWED: Also for our judges: penalizing for using a source (other than material in Core; don't be vindictive about genuinely obvious stuff) that isn't listed in the build writeup. The chef may choose to present the sources in-line with the text, in a consolidated source list, or somewhere else, but if the source is listed (and is otherwise legal), it counts. If the source is not listed, you may choose to penalize for that.

If you have questions about anything in this section (or hell, in this ruleset), feel free to ask the Chair.

Character Creation: 32 point buy is assumed. For the purposes of this contest, Level Adjustment greater than +0 is banned. (This may be revised at a later point, but I don't feel that the E6 LA rules are conducive to fun in the context of this contest.) No more than two entries per chef per contest, please; if you submit two builds and somehow are so overcome with inspiration for a third that you can't help yourself, PM me and tell me which two you care about the most.
Highlighted because of past issues: It is not enough for your build to end with a level adjustment of +0. You must be +0 from start to finish. No using ANY build elements with a level adjustment above +0, even if they then get mitigated or reduced somehow.
Speculation: Please do not post any form of speculation before the reveal. Just don't do it, guys. It's not cool. This means NOT posting any of the following or anything substantially similar: what you think is going to be common, significant elements of your planned build or of other potential builds, or anything else that could directly influence someone else's build choices for good or for ill. (It's acceptable to ask for rules clarifications as appropriate, but try to avoid tipping your hand too much.) Speculation is bad because it can discourage people from posting builds and can also "taint the judging pool" when it comes to Originality, so please just try to be aware of how other people might react to your speculation.
E6: Here's how E6 works for the purposes of this contest. Build your character normally for the first six levels. After you reach level 6, you stop gaining levels and start gaining bonus feats every time you would gain 5,000 XP. Since we aren't actually tracking XP, you'll basically list your first ten epic bonus feats in the order that you take them, and we think of them as being kind of like levels. We will not use the LA-equals-reduced-point-buy rules, instead preferring to just ban races with LA, at least for now. We will not use the "capstone feats"; all feats that you take must be normal legal 3.5 feats, not homebrew E6 ones. You may not use the Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook, though if for some reason there are non-Epic feats from the ELH that you qualify for, you may take those. (I don't think there are any, but I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) It is up to the discretion of each judge whether this is a "hard E6" (magic above 3rd level spells is simply beyond mortal reach, items that have a listed CL above 6th are just plain not available, etc.) or a "soft E6" (if you can somehow get the magic on your character, it's yours, regardless of level), though I honestly don't expect it to come up. Don't go crazy with making assumptions about items and we probably won't have to find out.
Presentation: Please use the table found below in the spoiler. List your epic bonus feats (in clear order) after the table. If you find a clever way of formatting that that isn't annoying and that doesn't break anything, have fun; if it's portable, I may steal it for the next round. When sending your build or any disputes to the Chair, clearly include your build's name in the subject of the PM, and please present your build exactly as you want the Chair to copy and paste it into the thread.
If you're using a picture, cite the source and follow any relevant citation rules. Because we have had issues with this in the past, when listing your skills, please make it very clear how many ranks you have at each level. There are multiple ways to do this and we do not wish to cramp anyone's individual style by dictating exactly how this must look, but make sure that somewhere in your entry there's an explanation of how many actual skill ranks you have. It's still fine to list total skill bonuses, if that's your style, but don't only list bonuses; make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Contest houserules: Nearly the same as the main contest's rules here: all creatures are proficient with natural weapons they have or may acquire, bonus feats that are explicitly granted without meeting prereqs are usable even without those prereqs, and feats that affect which skills are class skills for you and/or how you spend your skill points (Able Learner, Martial Study, Truename Training, Apprentice, etc.) apply immediately at the level at which you take them (even though you normally spend skill points before taking a feat). When taking Open Minded as an epic feat, any skill that has ever been a class skill for you (including through your class, your race, your feats, or similar game elements, though please don't muck around with retroactively making something stop being a class skill for some stupid reason) is a class skill when determining how the 5 granted skill points may be spent. All usual rules about HD-related skill caps apply. When taking Open Minded as a non-epic feat, treat it as normal; the class skills of the class you took at the level you gained Open Minded (plus race, feats, etc.) are your class skills for those skill points, similar to if Open Minded's skill points came straight from your class.
Judging guidelines: The minimum score in a category is 1, and the maximum is 5. Judges are expected to be fair, consistent, and open-minded, and they are expected to make a good-faith effort to engage with any reasonable disputes that arise, especially when RAW is in question. That said, contestants are asked to not dispute more than necessary; let's do everything in good faith and really only dispute when a judge is being inconsistent, being unfair, or is otherwise grossly misinterpreting a build.
Judges may not penalize Originality solely because a build is a tribute or homage to an existing creative work (in or out of D&D canon; note that this is not the same thing as penalizing Originality for using well-known optimization tactics), nor may judges penalize based solely on sources used (whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between, you should judge the build elements and how they work together rather than what book or what books they came out of, as long as those books are legal for this contest and are cited in the entry).
As with the main contest, we will follow the "One Mistake, One Penalty" guideline, and it is very important that the judges adhere to it. I'm going to directly copy and paste this from the main thread, and hopefully the original author won't mind too much:
Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:


Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation


Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.
Dispute guidelines (NEW, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION): Disputing is long, annoying, and emotional. It's also sometimes necessary, but it's often not actually something that makes everyone have more fun. Let's go into a little more detail here.
Do NOT dispute to make an argument that goes fundamentally beyond what's in your write-up. It is the responsibility of the chef to make sure that the write-up is complete and contains their best arguments for what the build does and why it's awesome. If you didn't explain your tactics well or didn't spell out something that a judge misses, just do better next time. Don't drag it out after the fact.
Do NOT dispute just to be clever or witty or cheeky. Please. We're all adults here and so I assume you know what that means. Don't treat the build as a setup and your oh-so-clever dispute as the punchline. It's not as funny as it is in your head. Trust me. I've been down that road.
Do NOT dispute just to say "oh yeah, my bad, I missed that" or some equivalent. If you're not directly challenging the judge, save the commentary until after the reveal. I 100% get that the urge to respond to commentary is very strong, but type it out and sit on it for a while if you've gotta.
Do NOT dispute just to try to wheedle more points out of the judge. Note that this is different from saying that the judge is being truly unfair or is being truly wrong by black-and-white RAW. A dispute is NOT the place to try to scrape together a few last quarter-points. If you didn't put it in your write-up, that's on you. This also means that a dispute is really not the place to have long back-and-forth tit-for-tat arguments. That's a surefire way to get people grumpy. It's a contest on a D&D board, guys, not the results of a federal election.
Do NOT dispute to tear down another build. That's just plain not cool. If you entered the contest, it's not on you to judge the other builds.
DO dispute if the judge is being blatantly biased by giving you a substantially different ruling on a build element compared to another chef who used the same build element in nearly the same way. (Note that position in a build may affect if you're using that element in "nearly the same way" or not.) Please reserve this for the truly blatant examples. I mean it. Remember, it's the contestant's responsibility to make their best argument in the original write-up.
DO dispute if the judge is actively going against the contest rules. Note that there are relatively few ways in which a judge can go against contest rules (we intentionally give very wide discretion to our judges), but examples include truly breaking One Mistake One Penalty, penalizing just because of number of sources of (legal) material, and so on.
DO dispute if the judge is clearly ignoring unambiguous RAW. Note that this is for unambiguous RAW; if the RAW is shady and you're making an argument that isn't completely clear and that it wouldn't be strange for a GM to frown on, the judge has every right to frown on it as well. (You generally know when you're indulging in shady RAW. Be mature about this.) But if the judge is saying you didn't hit a prereq that you clearly did hit (and included in your write-up!), saying you can't do something that the plain text of the ability says you can do, or anything like that, by all means, call 'em out.
Do NOT dispute if the judge doesn't agree with your interpretation of ambiguous RAW. Yes, this is a retread of the previous bullet point; this is that important. If you're relying on ambiguous RAW, it's on you to lay out clearly why it should work the way you want it to work. Again, be mature and act in good faith: you really know when you're pushing things like this. If they don't like it, they don't like it. Move on.

Disputing is a privilege, not a right. In the Chair's sole discretion, disputes that do not meet these guidelines and/or that do not seem to be offered in good faith may be suppressed. The Chair reserves the right to choose to post all, some, or none of a dispute if appropriate.

Other bits and bobs: If there's something major and relevant I haven't mentioned, assume that the way I handle it will probably be the same as the main contest unless stated otherwise or unless doing so would be an obviously absurd result. If you've got questions, I'll give you answers.

This round's secret ingredient:
The FIGHTER, from the Player's Handbook and the SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/fighter.htm)!
Allez Optimizer!

The Builds:
Coming soon!

Round 4: Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542333-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(IV))
Round 5: Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548763-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-V))
Round 6: Racial Paragon Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551174-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VI))
Round 7: Hexblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553767-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VII))
Round 8: Shugenja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555626-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VIII))
Round 9: Swashbuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?559135-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-IX)")
Round 10: Crusader (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562183-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-X))
Round 11: Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?565669-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XI))
Round 12: Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?569723-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XII))
Round 13: Prestige Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572441-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIII))
Round 14: Mountebank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576318-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIV))
Round 15: Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?582751-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XV))
Round 16: Dragon Shaman (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?585121-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVI))
Round 17: Lurk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?588149-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVII))
Round 18: Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?591516-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVIII))
Round 19: Scout (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?595369-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIX))
Round 20: Incarnate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?599279-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XX))
Round 21: Shadowcaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?602325-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXI))
Round 22: Dragonmarks (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?606051-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXII))

Round 1: Divine Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?197000-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6))
Round 2: Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201548-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6)-II)
Round 3: Marshal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235221-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition-(E6)-III)

2020-04-26, 08:21 PM
Here's a few gentle recommendations that are intended to improve scores and make things easier for the judges. As always, THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS POST ARE NOT RULES. Judges and contestants are free to honor them or ignore them; my intent here is only to help, and NONE of what I'm saying here is required. (That said, did you see the new dispute guidelines? Those ARE rules, so please go read them. And I'm even going to be better about enforcing them this time.)

Double-check ALL of your prereqs. Every. Single. One. Feats, PrCs, whatever. You might even go so far as to spell out when you meet each one, but again, that's not a requirement. But one of the single biggest causes of point loss is failure to meet prereqs.
Tell the judges what's cool about your build! You spent hours or days on this (y'know, probably) and know it inside and out, but the judges are getting a whole bunch of these dishes all at once and don't know the build history of each one. You're significantly more likely to score well if you spell out exactly what makes you awesome than if you try to just let it stand on its own.
Make it easy to read! Skill tables are awful, though they're an incredibly necessary evil. Full Monster Manual-style statblocks are occasionally useful but are also insanely dense if not formatted well. Judges are very likely to miss something if you aren't careful with how you present your info. Remember that judging takes a lot of time, energy, and focus, so don't rely on the judge being willing/able to decode something in order to see what makes you interesting!
Be memorable. Remember that we're all using the same ingredient here. What makes you different?

Oh, and another thing: CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT THING YOU'RE TAKING IS A FIGHTER BONUS FEAT. You're sure? You're sure? Check it again. There's a lot of feats that you'd think are FBFs that aren't FBFs. I don't want anyone losing points because of that!

Anyway! As always, your goal is to stand out from the crowd. Fighter is hard to use in E6 because their main advantage (lots of feats) is duplicated by literally every other class! But, on the other hand, in E6 the fighter still doesn't get completely scaled out of relevance just because of the existence of magic. Sure, more magic is generally better than less magic, but it's way less of a problem in E6 than in E20, so here's your chance to shine as a big burly muggle!

On a personal note, I picked fighter this time because there's a parallel to my personal life that makes me giggle. See, the due date is on my graduation date from grad school; I'll FINALLY be done with my stupid MBA. Just like a fighter, right? Well, kinda.

It's a ridiculously general degree that doesn't specialize in anything to differentiate itself. Sounds familiar.
I feel like I brute-forced my way through with entirely cross-class ranks. Sounds familiar.
Fighters make a lot of basic attacks with nothing special about them. In 4e, "melee basic attack" is usually abbreviated as "MBA." Snicker.
Wasn't there a gag in OotS that Roy has an MBA? Whatever, it's canon in my head at least.

So there ya have it! Get burly! Get fightin'! Make me proud like you always do!

Vrock Bait
2020-04-26, 08:36 PM
Hi everybody!

Remember me? I’m that idiot who said he was going to post a build, didn’t, said he was going to judge, didn’t, and then mysteriously disappeared. Also probably the only independent new 3.5 player since the dawn of 5th Edition.

I’m gonna try and post a build this time, sorry for my blundering n00b garbage during my first competition. Maybe I’ll even judge otherwise, though only if I get all of it down before any promises.

2020-04-26, 08:48 PM
Huh, I've actually got two ideas for this one right out the gate. Time will tell whether I'll be able to make, well, time for them with finals coming up... and my procrastination of a couple things coming home to roost...

2020-04-26, 09:09 PM
Oh, man. I'm going to try and come up with something, but...yikes.

2020-04-26, 09:19 PM
Oooh Fighter... but I can't use Dragon Mag...


Vrock Bait
2020-04-26, 09:38 PM
Oooh Fighter... but I can't use Dragon Mag...


I assume we’re both thinking of the same thing.

Troll-blooded pugilist.

2020-04-27, 01:22 AM
A deceptively simple SI. This will be interesting

2020-04-27, 02:53 AM
Yikes and this would be a simple? It will be a problem to put in the spotlight the class abilities of this SI

2020-04-27, 03:47 PM
I assume we’re both thinking of the same thing.

Troll-blooded pugilist.

Nope, I was thinking something with Kensai Fighter

2020-04-27, 03:49 PM
I don't know what are you thinking but i'm discovering many things about the figther and some obscure feats that i never used...i already have two ideas and half but the half one could not work

2020-04-27, 08:59 PM
I would like to try to get a build in, but will need to come up with an idea that hasn't been beaten to death through normal optimization paths, usually with only two fighter levels. We Shall See!

Vrock Bait
2020-04-27, 09:15 PM
I would like to try to get a build in, but will need to come up with an idea that hasn't been beaten to death through normal optimization paths, usually with only two fighter levels. We Shall See!

That’s exactly what’s so difficult, isn’t it? You have to do something new and innovative with the class that only exists to dispense something that’s been studied since Dictum Mortuum began drafting his first handbook.

2020-04-28, 02:33 AM
I actually found something (somewhat) cool, and started to get excited...only to find WotC's complete lack of editing has rendered it almost useless.

2020-04-28, 06:34 AM
Sorry, this is my first time, and i have some minor questions:

- If you take all levels in Fighter, did you get some benefit like being able to pick 8th level fighter feats? or are those the capstone feats that are not allowed?
- Are you allowed to take alternate class features?

2020-04-28, 06:41 AM
Sorry, this is my first time, and i have some minor questions:

- If you take all levels in Fighter, did you get some benefit like being able to pick 8th level fighter feats? or are those the capstone feats that are not allowed?

First of all, welcome to the competition. It's always nice to see new people. I'm not Zaq, but I'm fairly certain I know the answer to these. You do not get that benefit, as those are the aforementioned capstone feats

- Are you allowed to take alternate class features?

If you qualify for those features and the ACF's are in allowed sources then yes, you are allowed to take them.

2020-04-29, 07:11 AM
I just finished my build, but i am not sure if i did the parsing right, if i watch the preview none of my styling is correct (just plain text). Does this mean i am doing it all wrong?
What i did was copy a post from someone else and use their HTML-codes...
If i add the HTML-code i created to this webpage (manually, through F12) it shows exactly how i wanted it.

Also i cannot find in the rules where to send the build.

2020-04-29, 07:28 AM
I just finished my build, but i am not sure if i did the parsing right, if i watch the preview none of my styling is correct (just plain text). Does this mean i am doing it all wrong?
What i did was copy a post from someone else and use their HTML-codes...

Also i cannot find in the rules where to send the build.

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Just fill in the right spots.

2020-04-29, 07:34 AM
Yes, i have that.
But i have a whole <DIV> and <TABLE> and <SPAN> structure, that simply does not show correctly if i watch the preview. But like i said, i just tested the parsing by adding the HTML to this page manually, and then it's fine. I guess it will work out, do i send it to Zaq? if it's wrong i can always correct it afterwards i guess.

2020-04-29, 08:43 AM
Yes you have to sendo to Zaq , and to see the post you can try to copy here, and then use preview post, without posting it, I do that each time when I can the only thing if you are using links in that case you could have a problem with the links but because Zaq will post it will be not a problem

2020-04-29, 11:23 AM
Ive never participated in one of these and have a fairly basic question. fighter is the secret ingredient so are we supposed to build all 6 levels as fighter or 5 fighter and prestige class. If no, how much fighter must be used?

2020-04-29, 11:27 AM
Ive never participated in one of these and have a fairly basic question. fighter is the secret ingredient so are we supposed to build all 6 levels as fighter or 5 fighter and prestige class. If no, how much fighter must be used?

Use as much fighter as you need. I haven't seen a judge penalize a straight build into a non paragon prestige class. But if you use less than the allotment, the judge is likely to knock your build for points in either the elegance or use of si categories. My rule of thumb as a contestant is to use 4 levels minimum

2020-04-29, 11:29 AM
From the initial post is that the only hard rule about that question is that you need to take at least one level, but from what i have seen in the judgments more level you take , better is , but for example in the paladin one a partecipant took a feat to combine wizard and was not penalized. The problem with figther is that I think no one will do the normal 2 level dip in this case , I'm trying to make a build with 6 levels of fighter, maybe i'm mad but is funny

2020-04-29, 11:29 AM
Ive never participated in one of these and have a fairly basic question. fighter is the secret ingredient so are we supposed to build all 6 levels as fighter or 5 fighter and prestige class. If no, how much fighter must be used?

The absolute minimum to avoid disqualification is 1 level of the secret ingredient. Everything beyond that is up to the judges individual preference. 5 levels of fighter and a fitting prc is unlikely to be penalized though.

2020-04-29, 11:32 AM
Ive never participated in one of these and have a fairly basic question. fighter is the secret ingredient so are we supposed to build all 6 levels as fighter or 5 fighter and prestige class. If no, how much fighter must be used?

...which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level—where applicable—in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take as many levels as possible in said SI or that otherwise use it as heavily as possible.)

And apparently post minimums don't include quoted material, so since I have to add to the length in order to post, I'm going to get a plug in for Junkyard Wars. ;) Come join us there, too! Links available in my sig. (Probably, though time may wear that truth away eventually.)

Piggy Knowles
2020-04-29, 11:45 AM
I’m not feeling any grand inspiration to enter this one in particular (though as with all of the iron chef contests I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with), but congrats on the pending graduation and MBA, Zaq!

2020-04-29, 12:09 PM
I like the thought of a 6 level fighter challenge. Will do at least 4 levels tho.

2020-04-29, 12:26 PM
got another question. Ive never actually played an e6 game. how do you handle wealth by level?

2020-04-29, 12:50 PM
got another question. Ive never actually played an e6 game. how do you handle wealth by level?

WBL is usually completely ignored in these competitions. You generally present your character with nonmagical armor, and whatever weapon they need to function, and any other basic gear they might use. You're not forbidden from providing a magical gear list, but if your character needs a specific magic item to function, judges will generally penalize you for it.

Vrock Bait
2020-04-29, 01:40 PM
WBL is usually completely ignored in these competitions. You generally present your character with nonmagical armor, and whatever weapon they need to function, and any other basic gear they might use. You're not forbidden from providing a magical gear list, but if your character needs a specific magic item to function, judges will generally penalize you for it.

Of course, one can enhance their basic, working, effective build with magic items, yes?

2020-04-29, 01:53 PM
Of course, one can enhance their basic, working, effective build with magic items, yes?

Of course. In my experience, most players don't include magic items in their build though, so including it in yours if it isn't a fundamental part of your character probably won't actually change the scoring you get.

That's my experience at any rate. I'm not Zaq, and I probably won't be judging this round either, so please don't take anything I say as objective fact!

2020-04-29, 07:44 PM
Regarding WBL, DeTess has the right answer! You are allowed to mention magical gear if you so choose, but historically, those that choose not to (or that talk about it in a sidebar rather than as a core part of the build's abilities) do better than those that go all-in on the gear. This is not universal! It's just a matter of judicial preference. Sometimes you have something really hilarious that just plain needs gear, and if you can convince a judge that your gear is sufficiently clever that it's worth it, then great, go for it! But most of the time if you need magic items to do your job, you might not do so hot.

Anyway, folks, kind of a serious topic I need to bring up: it has been brought to my attention that there are people who are posting elsewhere soliciting build help for this contest. I do not know who this is, and I do not know where it is, but I received a tip that it is happening.

Please don't do that.

I can't directly stop you from doing this. I won't disqualify you. I won't tell judges to directly penalize you (after all, there is no way in hell I'm opening that hornet's nest of proving that it was done). But I can ask you nicely, and that's what I'm doing. Please don't ask other people to build something for you and then pass it off as your own (even with a tweak or two). That just isn't fun and it isn't fair, and this is all just a game online.

I'm not saying that you have to excise any and all content related to the contest from your online habits! Ask about individual build elements (e.g., "anyone know an easy way to get XYZ as a bonus feat?" "Anyone know how to qualify as XYZ race while still being something else?" etc.), ask about general tactics, whatever. But please don't solicit someone else to make the whole build for you if you're planning on entering that build.

Please. Just keep making me proud, folks. You're all the best.

Vrock Bait
2020-04-29, 08:08 PM
Regarding WBL, DeTess has the right answer! You are allowed to mention magical gear if you so choose, but historically, those that choose not to (or that talk about it in a sidebar rather than as a core part of the build's abilities) do better than those that go all-in on the gear. This is not universal! It's just a matter of judicial preference. Sometimes you have something really hilarious that just plain needs gear, and if you can convince a judge that your gear is sufficiently clever that it's worth it, then great, go for it! But most of the time if you need magic items to do your job, you might not do so hot.

Anyway, folks, kind of a serious topic I need to bring up: it has been brought to my attention that there are people who are posting elsewhere soliciting build help for this contest. I do not know who this is, and I do not know where it is, but I received a tip that it is happening.

Please don't do that.

I can't directly stop you from doing this. I won't disqualify you. I won't tell judges to directly penalize you (after all, there is no way in hell I'm opening that hornet's nest of proving that it was done). But I can ask you nicely, and that's what I'm doing. Please don't ask other people to build something for you and then pass it off as your own (even with a tweak or two). That just isn't fun and it isn't fair, and this is all just a game online.

I'm not saying that you have to excise any and all content related to the contest from your online habits! Ask about individual build elements (e.g., "anyone know an easy way to get XYZ as a bonus feat?" "Anyone know how to qualify as XYZ race while still being something else?" etc.), ask about general tactics, whatever. But please don't solicit someone else to make the whole build for you if you're planning on entering that build.

Please. Just keep making me proud, folks. You're all the best.

....I think I know what you mean, and I apologize, I thought I was just asking for the way to gain a certain immunity and the way to enhance a certain trait, which I thought of optimizing myself. I promise, every other aspect of my build I thought of myself.

Edit: if someone answered one of my questions with a full build, I haven’t seen it, so I can at least promise not to go back to my questions until we finish this contest. I’ve thought of solutions to the problems I posed independently anyway.

2020-04-30, 02:27 AM
....I think I know what you mean, and I apologize, I thought I was just asking for the way to gain a certain immunity and the way to enhance a certain trait, which I thought of optimizing myself. I promise, every other aspect of my build I thought of myself.

Edit: if someone answered one of my questions with a full build, I haven’t seen it, so I can at least promise not to go back to my questions until we finish this contest. I’ve thought of solutions to the problems I posed independently anyway.

For what it's worth, I've done much the same for several competitions, asking for help with specific parts of whatever build I'm working on. (For example, in a Villainous Competition I wanted overlap between the reach of Eldritch Glaive and my unarmed strikes, and it was crowd-sourcing that turned up Shorten Grip.) So it might have been me that was the problem. I think it's all fallen within Zaq's guidelines for acceptable, but if not I'll definitely stop. (And I haven't asked such a question for this round, anyway.)

Vrock Bait
2020-04-30, 09:57 AM
For what it's worth, I've done much the same for several competitions, asking for help with specific parts of whatever build I'm working on. (For example, in a Villainous Competition I wanted overlap between the reach of Eldritch Glaive and my unarmed strikes, and it was crowd-sourcing that turned up Shorten Grip.) So it might have been me that was the problem. I think it's all fallen within Zaq's guidelines for acceptable, but if not I'll definitely stop. (And I haven't asked such a question for this round, anyway.)
Here (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/148968/how-can-i-increase-the-reach-of-unarmed-strikes-and-only-unarmed-strikes) I assume? I guess RPG.SE is pretty popular for these things...

2020-04-30, 12:40 PM
See, I have a build idea but it's really dumb, [REDACTED] would do it better so it's not like I'm going "Ooh, look at all the cool stuff that the fighter can do!", I run out of feats I want to actually take before I even take my extra feats, and it's so clearly not RAI that I can't really claim that a DM would okay it.

...I might still submit it, though, for amusement value.

2020-04-30, 05:22 PM
Well I'm doing a thing... It's just not working as cleanly as I hoped.

2020-04-30, 05:30 PM
Here (https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/148968/how-can-i-increase-the-reach-of-unarmed-strikes-and-only-unarmed-strikes) I assume? I guess RPG.SE is pretty popular for these things...

That's the one. RPG.SE is my go to for advice on a specific point, partially because I don't want to 'poison the well' with speculation on GitPG, partially because I like seeing my points go up on that site.

2020-05-01, 09:54 AM
To be clear, I was responding to a tip wherein the site and the person posting on the site were both unknown to me. I stand by what I said: it IS true that you shouldn't just ask someone to build for you, but it IS true that it's 100% cool to talk about and ask for help with things that will end up in your build! Hell, I do that second part all the time! Talk about feats and clever combos and unusual entry tricks and whether your super-clever RAW-parsing is actually RAW! That's fine! Just don't ask someone to do all your work for you.

However, please know that I was responding to the tip and to the tip's description of what's going on, not to anything I've actually seen. I was not and AM not calling out anything that I have personally observed, and I am not making any personal judgments about individual cases. The tipster has since reached out and expressed remorse for potentially overselling the severity of what's going on. This is understandable!

I'm not mad at anyone and I don't want a single one of you to feel chastised or guilty. Not the tipster, not the person or people the tipster was referring to (as long as no one is actually just submitting a build someone else did the bulk of the work on).

Remember, this is all for fun. And that's true no matter what angle you're coming from. Don't feel ashamed if you couldn't/didn't/don't want to put together your build in a sealed cone of silence and you need to get a little outside input on the details! Don't feel ashamed if you worry about the integrity of the contest! We're all in this together and I truly love the community we have become and are always becoming (it's never, ever a finished process).

I mean it. You're all the best. Please don't feel bad! Keep building and having fun!

2020-05-01, 09:59 AM
I'm not going to submit a build for this one, but if folks don't mind the fact that I'm a little rusty I'd be willing to give judging a whirl.

2020-05-01, 04:09 PM
I'm not going to submit a build for this one, but if folks don't mind the fact that I'm a little rusty I'd be willing to give judging a whirl.

Do it! No other way to shake off that rust!

2020-05-03, 05:44 PM
How's everyone doing?

2020-05-03, 05:51 PM
How's everyone doing?

Mine's pretty much all worked out; I'm still waffling on a couple of build points, and I need to type it all up, but I should have plenty of time for that once I'm done with the oodles of assignments and long-term stuff I have due on the 6th.

2020-05-03, 06:46 PM
How's everyone doing?

I'd be done by now, except I stumbled across A Thing, and I'm having trouble deciding whether to include it in the build I have, or make a second build showcasing it specifically.

2020-05-03, 07:52 PM
How's everyone doing?

Still trying to work out some bits. Nothing unusual there.

Vrock Bait
2020-05-03, 10:12 PM
How's everyone doing?

An unexpected rules snafu turned up, but I’ve been unable to sort it out. Oh well, there’s still a week.

2020-05-04, 01:29 AM
The table for mine is all done, barring skills. I need to turn it over a few more times in my head to check if I'm happy enough with it to submit it though.

2020-05-08, 08:26 AM
Just a few days left. Can't wait to see what's been created

2020-05-10, 12:54 AM
Keep 'em coming!

2020-05-10, 05:48 AM
Keep 'em coming!

Hey, can I ask what the numbers are like? I'm still tossing up doing a second build, and low or high numbers would definitely help me decide.

Vrock Bait
2020-05-10, 06:41 AM
I think I’m going to drop out of the running for this. One, my build isn’t complete, and I don’t have enough time left over to finish it, two, I’m still a bit uncomfortable with the outside forum thing. If anyone wants to pick up my build stub, PM me.

2020-05-10, 11:29 PM
Hey, can I ask what the numbers are like? I'm still tossing up doing a second build, and low or high numbers would definitely help me decide.

We're sitting at around 6-7 so far, I think?

I think I’m going to drop out of the running for this. One, my build isn’t complete, and I don’t have enough time left over to finish it, two, I’m still a bit uncomfortable with the outside forum thing. If anyone wants to pick up my build stub, PM me.

Hey man, don't worry about the outside forum thing. Again, I was responding to a description of what was happening, not what you were doing. We're cool.

Totally understand if you don't have the build done, of course! That's a separate matter. But we're cool.

2020-05-11, 04:58 PM
I've got ten builds ready, so I'm not going to be offering any extensions. You've got about two hours if you're still cooking!

2020-05-11, 06:28 PM
Not getting mine done, no way no how. I'll post what I have/had when done with finals.

2020-05-11, 07:18 PM
Pencils down! Here come the builds!

2020-05-11, 07:20 PM
You know what? I respect a dude who knows what he wants out of life.

Arctic Orc CE Fighter 6

There are many tribes of orcs scattered through the icy mountains of the Spine of the World. One such tribe is led by Arog, ever since he murdered the previous chieftain and threatened to kill any orc who didn't fall into line.

Final Score

+4 (orc)
22 (+6)

+1 (Level 4)
17 (+3)

14 (+2)

-2 (orc)
6 (-2)

-2 (orc)
6 (-2)

-2 (orc)
6 (-2)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Fighter 1
Intimidate +4
Weapon Focus (morningstar), Two-Weapon Fighting
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting

Fighter 2
Intimidate +5
Power Attack

Fighter 3
Intimidate +6

Fighter 4
Intimidate +7
Weapon Specialization (morningstar)

Fighter 5
Intimidate +8

Fighter 6
Intimidate +9
Skewer Foe
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

E6 Feats:

Pulverise Foe
Improved Bullrush
Three Mountains
Steadfast Determination
Menacing Demeanor
Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Great Fortitude

Arog fights with two morningstars, and to do that, he needs to cancel out those attack penalties. As a side note, arctic orcs are my favourite kind of orc, because they don't suffer sunlight sensitivity. And yes, sunglasses are a thing they published in a few places, but on top of item dependence, an orc in sunglasses is a little ridiculous for many campaigns.

When it's 1:1, Power Attack isn't a great trade, but it will sometimes be useful, and we need it for better things down the line.

Cleave is really just a pre-req feat, but a free attack is nice when it comes up.

Weapon Specialization gets a bad rap, but the more attacks you make, the better it is.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, because the more attacks the better, and Pulverise Foe, for +1d6 on each hit after the first, to make the most of those attacks.

The morningstar is both a bludgeoning and piercing weapon, which qualifies it for both Pulverise Foe and Skewer Foe. This means +2d6 damage on each hit after the first.

Another pre-req feat.

It took a few bad pre-reqs to get here, but the payoff is well worth it. Any enemy Arog hits twice in a round has to make a pretty difficult DC 19 Fort save or suffer the extremely nasty nauseated condition, basically making them useless for a round.

One last pre-req feat.

A nice big boost to Arog's (absurdly terrible) Will save.

Intimidate isn't the most useful skill, but it's the only one Arog has, so he might as well be good at it.

They're never the most exciting feats, but saving throws are pretty important.

HP: 5d10+22 (49.5 hp)
AC: 10 + 5 (breastplate) + 3 (Dex) = 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15
Full attack: 6 (BAB) + 6 (Str) + 1 (Weapon Focus) - 2 (Two-Weapon Fighting) = +11/+11/+6/+6. The first attack that hits in a round does 1d8 (morningstar) + 6 (Str) + 2 (Weapon Specialization) = 1d8 + 8, subsequent attacks deal 1d8 + 2d6 (Pulverise Foe + Skewer Foe) +8.
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6

Education: Player's Guide to Faerun
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting: Complete Adventurer
Pulverise Foe, Skewer Foe: Champions of Ruin
Three Mountains: Complete Warrior
Steadfast Determination: PHB II
Everything else: SRD content

2020-05-11, 07:21 PM
This, my friends, is what we refer to as a "load-bearing backstory."

The Demon Leg of Martok


”After much consternation, my underlings, we have opened the portal to the prime material! May all of the powers of the abyss assembled here follow me in!” bellowed Martok, ArchFiend of the 327th layer of the Abyss. Today is the culmination of decades of intelligent and ruthless efforts. The plan to invade and subjugate hell through the prime was finally at hand.

Meanwhile, on the prime...

“Pick up the pace, mendicant! I don’t care if your feet are weighed down by your iron vest! This is how you push your body to the limit!” asserted Chief acolyte Sasuke. The straggling orphan monk in training strained against the uphill climb.

Martok went through the scintillating portal, his bulging muscles wreathed in flames as he stepped through. His army of demon lieutenants and underlings waiting to follow.

He looked around at the sheer immensity of this world. Boulders lay strewn about, and blades of plant life strained towards the heavens. Just then he saw it. “Is this a storm giant’s god?” Martok thought to himself. As what seemed like a meteor attached to a giant’s ankle descended down upon him, he tried to scramble away. It smashed him into the rocky ground and constricted every ounce of life energy out of him.

“OWWW. #@$%ing fire ants!” The struggling monk in training hobbled the rest of the way up to the temple, oblivious to the destruction of one of the most powerful demons in existence wrought by that fateful step of his right foot.

Everyone was oblivious to the size morphing qualities of the 327th layer of the Abyss, even the most powerful arch-fiends of the plane, all of which were negated the moment that Martok stepped through the portal to the prime material.


That night the orphan had a dream, in which a powerful figure from another realm offered him stability, power, and a way to control an infection that was making his right leg inoperative.

It was the least that Asmodeus could do for removing the unexpectedly diminutive tiny shaped archfiend whose legacy of blood had threatened to tip the balance of the Blood War over the last 200 years.

Within a fortnight, Chief acolyte Sasuke expressed to the young orphan that the efforts of the Overwhelming attack decisive strike monks were not a good fit and that he had spoken to a friend in the local mercenary guild to take him in.

And so, the legend of demon leg of martok (DLoM) began.

Lawful Evil Human
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 15 (+1 at level 4 to bring it to 16)
INT 10
CHA 10

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Overwhelming attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#monkVariantFightingSty les) decisive strike (PHB 2 p.51) monk 1
Balance 4, climb 2, Hide 4, move silently 4, spot 4, swim 2
Brand of the Nine Hells: (Fiendish Codex II p. 81), Mark of Nessus (Fiendish Codex II p. 84), Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike
Unarmed Strike, Decisive Strike, Bonus Feat

Fighter 1
jump 2, craft (blacksmithing) 1
Weapon Focus (Kick)
Armor & weapon proficiencies, bonus feat

Fighter 2
jump 4, ride 1
Roundabout Kick (Complete Warrior p. 105), Combat Reflexes
Bonus feat

Applied Force (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a) Fighter 3
jump 6, craft (blacksmithing) 2

+1 to str checks to break inanimate objects

Fighter 4
Jump 8, ride 2
Circle kick (Sword and Fist p. 5)
New Class Abilities

Applied Force (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a) Fighter 5
jump 9, extreme leap skill trick (complete scoundrel p. 86)
Weapon Specialization (kick)
+1 to str checks to break inanimate objects

epic feats
Craft wondrous item
Craft magic arms and armor & bonus Least Legacy (weapons of legacy p.14)
Quicken Legacy (Weapons of Legacy p.15)
martial study (sudden leap) (ToB p.31)
martial stance (blood in the water) (ToB p.31)
Superior unarmed strike (ToB p.33)
Improved natural attack (Monster Manual 5 p.204)
Vile natural attack (Elder Evils p.14)
great cleave

1st level: Overwhelming attack decisive strike monk
Feats: Brand of the Nine Hells, Mark of Nessus, Improved unarmed strike, Power Attack

Brand of the nine hells offers a sweet command spell like ability 3 times a day with caster level equal to HD. Mark of Nessus will allows movement of some attacks away from Martok’s squishy self. Martok should use armor and load up on some hand axes as a ranged weapon.

2nd Level: Fighter
Feat: Weapon focus (kick)

After some short tutelage under the Mercenaries outfit, DLOM continued toughening his body, and his entire right leg, particularly his right foot, which was always in searing pain with no identifiable cause. The dreams of his benefactor continued to follow him, and during those dreams were the only time where some part of his mind was not grappling with the constant flow of pain. That, and when he used that foot to destroy things.

I know that you can choose weapon focus unarmed strike, but we are just choosing it for DLOM’s right kicking leg. Put some heavy armor on this guy! A breastplate is a good place to start (+5 AC, allows for full +3 dex bonus) Swap out the tower shield proficiency for exotic shield proficiency (variant rule found in Races of Stone p.139) and get yourself an extreme shield (races of stone p.157) to bring your AC up to 21. Get a composite bow for ranged plinking.

3rd level: Fighter
Feats: roundabout kick, combat reflexes

Now we’re cooking with fire. Green hellfire. If people provoke AoOs you have up to 3 extra attacks, which is nice if you activated a decisive strike this round, making them all double damage. Roundabout kick gives you an extra attack when you make a critical hit. We’ll be playing with this later.

4th level: Fighter

Add +1 to your constitution.

5th level: Fighter
Feat: Circle Kick

Now, if you hit with a decisive strike kick, you can kick someone else.

6th level Fighter
Feats: Weapon specialization (kick)
With decisive strike, this is +4 damage. The extreme leap skill trick grants 10 more feet of movement when you jump horizontally. Might be useful.

The dreams and pain are getting worse. DLOM entreats his benefactor in prayer, and is left with this message: “I cannot end your pain, but i can allow you to redirect it to others. Your leg is Martok and the longer you keep him trapped, the safer the world is. This is your burden. Make this sacrifice to crack open and deplete martok’s power! You must make this necklace and perform this ritual to reach your goal.

Epic feats 1-3:
Craft wondrous item, craft magic arms and armor, least legacy (bonus!), Quicken legacy

This build was originally made for kensai entry, but i figured out how to cram it down to E6. Your command ability from your 1st level mark of the nine hells feat gives DLOM a caster level to fulfill the prereqs. After gaining both crafting feats, DLOM can make a necklace of natural weapons (Savage Species p.58). This is the magic item that allows you to put enhancement bonuses on your natural attacks, as well as weapon magical enhancements. Make one.

Necklace of Natural Weapons: The enhancement bonuses on this necklace are applied to attack and damage rolls involving one or more of the wearer's natural weapons. In addition, any weapon special quality may be applied to this necklace, and the quality then applies to those natural weapons as well. For instance, a +1 throwing returning necklace of natural weapons would apply its enhancement bonus and the throwing and returning special abilities to one or more of the wearer's natural weapons.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Market Price: 600 gp, plus the cost of the enhancement bonuses, multiplied by the number of
natural weapons affected.

Least legacy (Weapons of legacy p.14) allows you to found a legacy item after doing some sort of ritual. Asmodeus will tell you what to do. DLOMs foot contains a demon prince after all. Since, you’re level 6, you have the choice of 2 level A abilities, or a single level B ability. Get the level B ability and apply it to your necklace of natural attacks:

: The effective enhancement bonus of a weapon increases by 1,to a maximum of +2. You can instead choose any special ability whose market price is equivalent to a +1 bonus, such as flaming. This ability can be placed only on a weapon.

And the weapon special quality that we are adding to our leg is:


- BOOK OF VILE DARKNESS p.112 Masterslaying: This melee weapon comes with a scabbard, belt hook, or other holder that is keyed to it in a special
way. At the command of the character wearing the scabbard, the weapon attacks its current wielder with the scabbard wearer’s attack bonus, and the wielder is considered flatfooted
(no sneak attack is possible, even if the scabbard wearer is a rogue). If it hits, the masterslaying weapon deals critical hit damage. This weapon is useful against rogues, foes that enjoy disarming and grabbing weapons, and in conjunction with the fleshgrinding ability.

Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects;
Market Price: +1 bonus.

We were building to this point this whole time!

But first, some rules text!

VOLUNTARILY FAILING A creature can voluntarily forego a saving throw and willingly accept a consequence.

Whenever a creature would attack you, target you with a spell, or use spell-like or supernatural ability against you, it must first succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier). If it fails, it must select another target or take some other action. Once an opponent succeeds on the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by your Mark of Nessus for 24 hours.


Which is the command word to unleash a critical hit not on yourself, because you failed your save from the mark of nessus, you instead hit someone else. And if you’re using decisive strike (from a haste spell or something) that means that you do triple damage? Quadruple damage? I’m not sure, but it’s a lot. (decisive strike doubles the damage of all of your attacks in the round, critical hits double your damage with a hit, so do we use wonky D&D critical hit math?) Especially with weapon specialization in there, You’re set up to do a lot of damage.

But wait, didn’t we take roundabout kick? That means we get to kick them again! And with Circle kick, we get to kick someone else too, and if we have a crit? Well then we get more roundabout kicks. With quicken legacy, you can make the demon leg of martok activate 3 times a day with your decisive strike. You could even use a standard action to command your leg to attack, trigger roundabout kick, and then use a swift action master slaying for your circle kick to trigger another roundabout kick.

Some quick math
Attack 5+3 (str) -2 decisive +1 focus +1 necklace = +8
Damage: 1d6+3 (Str) +2(specialization) +1 necklace x2 decisive x2 critical= minimum of 21 to 28 depending on if you triple or quadruple, and that’s before adding in power attack or roundabout & circle kicks.

Before we move on, if DLoM is friends with casters, he can craft wondrous items and arms and armor in his off time. This is useful. Especially if he needs ranged weapons. If retraining epic feats is an option at your table, feel free to swap these out and move up your epic feat progression. Stories this is justifiable with the knowledge being imparted by Asmodeus' direction. My suggestion is to do range extending feats or partying shield as you're flatfooted when you're using the masterslaying attack.

Epic feats 4-7: Cleave, martial study (sudden leap), martial stance (blood in the water), superior unarmed strike.
Swift action jumps are way cool, and might put you into position to use combat reflexes. Cleave keeps the demon leg flying at enemies if you wollop one to death and can reach another. Blood in the water gives you cumulative stacking +1 attack and damage bonuses per critical hit. These bonuses dissipate after 1 minute of not getting a critical hit, but, if you wanted to cheese it up, bring some animals around with you and use non-lethal crits on them in between what you think will be closely spaced battles, or hang out with trolls. Whatever it is, DLoM is in pain in his right leg during anytime he isn't using it destroy things due to the demonprince particles inextricably up in there.

Superior unarmed strike lifts your leg damage up to 1d8.

Epic feats 8-10improved natural attack, vile natural attack, great cleave
Deal 2d6 damage per kick! Throw some unhealable vile damage on top! Im not sure if the vile damage is added at the end of damage multipliers or multiplied with them, if it's the former, consider a different feat as having feats that add piddly damage isn't optimal. There's a feat that allows coup de grace as a standard action, Death blow, if you make an item that grants improved initiative like the
Silverhelm of the Guardian. (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mc/mc20020130a)

And also now you can cleave all day. But if you don't have reach extension abilities, you may want to swap this feat with

Some quick math
Attack 5+3 (str) -2 decisive +1 focus +1 necklace = +8
Damage: 2d6+3 (Str) +2(specialization) +1 necklace +1 vile x2 decisive x2 critical= minimum of 27 to 36 depending on if you triple or quadruple, and that’s before adding in power attack or roundabout & circle kicks.

2020-05-11, 07:23 PM
Sorry, road's closed, we're investigating a hit-and-run incident…

Halvena Ironhide, Wheels of Steel

https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/queen-boadicea-andrew-howat.jpg Pic by Andrew Howat

Halvena felt the wind blow through her hair as her chariot bore down on the goblin menace that had decided to attack the village. The pounding of her horses hooves on hard ground, the clatter of the iron shod wheels, and the war screams of the goblins sounded like a beautiful symphony to her.

Especially when the war cries turned to screams of terror as she rode the creatures down, crushing them beneath her unforgiving wheels.

LG, Silverbrow Human
Str: 16 (+1 at level 4)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Craft (Taxodermy) 2,Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 4, Knowledge (Geography) 4, Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4
Chariot Combat, Wild Cohort
Track, Spiritual Connection, Arcane Hunter

Craft (Taxidermy) 3,Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 5, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (Geography), Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4
Chariot Trample
Dragonscale Husk (lose all Armor Proficiencies)

Craft (Taxidermy) 4,Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 6, Intimidate 2, Knowledge (Geography), , Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4
Skill Focus (Handle Animal)

Craft (Taxidermy) 5,Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 7, Intimidate 3, Knowledge (Geography) 4, Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4

Craft (Taxidermy) 6, Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 8, Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Geography) 4, Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4

Align Weapon

Craft (Taxidermy) 6,Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 9, Intimidate 5, Knowledge (Geography) 4, Listen 5, Spot 6, Survival 5
Weapon Focus (Lance)
Animal Companion, Wild Empathy

Final Post 6 Skill Ranks: Craft (Taxidermy) 6, Craft (Wagonmaking) 2, Handle Animal 9, Intimidate 9, Knowledge (Geography) 4, Listen 5, Spot 7, Survival 5

Post 6: Natural Bond, Chariot Charge, Chariot Sideswipe, Weapon Supremacy, Open Minded (4 Ranks into Intimidate, 1 into Spot), Trophy Maker, Protection Devotion, Martial Study (Crusader's Strike), Martial Stance (Martial Spirit), Martial Stance (Iron Guards Glare)

HD: 7d8+21 (45)
Init: +2
AC: 18 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 Natural)
BaB/Grapple: +5/+13
Attack: Hoof +9 (1d6+4) (+3d6 on a charge)
Full attack: 2 Hoofs +9 (1d6+4), 1 Bite +4 (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10/5
Special Qualities: Low Light Vision, Scent, Evasion
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3 (+4 vs Mind Affecting Abilities)
Stats: Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Scorpion's Resolve, Powerful Charge, Greater Powerful Charge.

Tricks: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Stay, Work

HD: 8d8+24 (52)
Init: +2
AC: 19 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural)
BaB/Grapple: +6/+15
Attack: Hoof +11 (1d6+4) (+3d6 on a charge)
Full attack: 2 Hoofs +11 (1d6+4), 1 Bite +6 (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10/5
Special Qualities: Low Light Vision, Scent, Evasion, Devotion, Link
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3 (+4 vs Mind Affecting Abilities)
Stats: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +6
Feats: Scorpion's Resolve, Powerful Charge, Greater Powerful Charge.

Tricks: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Stay, Work

Level 1 is rather boring for Halvena as she is a pretty bog standard mounted character, except she has a higher AC than most, as Chariots give cover, netting her a grand total of 18 with a Heavy Shield, Cover and her Dex alone. SHe could wear armor at this point or just ignore it and wait till level 2 when she gets her Dragonscale Husk ability which jacks her AC up to 24. Level 2 is also when the build takes off and the primary form of combat begins.

Running everyone and everything over.

Halvena, using her Powerful Charge equipped horse, simply rides around the battlefield crushing opponents who can't resist a charging Overrun from a horse at +12. If they fail they will eat a 1d6+4 +2d6 Hoof attack, 2d6 from the wheels, 2d4 + 1 per 10 feet traveled if Scythes are equipped on the wheels, and a Lance hit for 2d8+4.

Needless to say, not much is living through that.

While the primary tactic has come online, levels 3-4 are incredibly boring. Resolute is gained which is a nice, if boring, boost to Will saves and Skill Focus Handle animal is grabbed as a pre req. Not much changes except incremental boosts.

Just as the normal Heavy Warhorse she's been using is getting too long into the tooth, she gets a boosted one to replace it giving her two rather impressive steeds with which to run over a multitude of targets. The strategy hasn't changed, she's just got a second, much improved, mount to do it with.

Align Weapon lets her overcome some DR without having to spend money on upgrading her lance to do that and she can use that money for other things. Weapon Focus is boring and it's just here as a pre Req for Weapon Spec, which will net us more damage down the line.

The Post 6 feats are spent on grabbing the last of the Chariot feats so that we can now use the Scythe Blades for more damage and free attacks, boosting our Lance multiplier to x3 and just boosting our durability and survivability of her and her mounts.

Weapon Supremacy nets us a +6 to damage, Protection Devotion gives a +3 Sacred bonus to her and her horses, the two Stances either heal the horses or herself or gives them an effective +4 AC.

Trophy Maker is, obviously, a rather strange feat to be in here and its mostly there for flavor. Well, that and boosting Intimidate is generally helpful as is boosting Will saves on the cheap. Plus having a chariot festooned with trophies looks cool.

Animal Companion feats are always limited and choosing a first level one is often annoying, what with the lack of BaB and all. So Scorpions Resolve was chosen to boost the horses Flagging Will save for everything that matters (mind affecting) and Power Charge is chosen as a quick and dirty way to boost damage as this build just charges around the battle field all day anyway.

Horses are chosen because Chariot Trample specifically calls out Hoof attacks, and while all of us would probably agree that that simply means a basic natural attack, RAW is as RAW is. Plus RAW also says Chariots are pulled by horses, so here we are. Thankfully they are perfectly decent mounts, particularly when some barding is tossed on them, making hitting them a fairly intimidating prospect.

Heavy Wooden Shield
Chariot (clearly)
Scythe Blades for chariot
Horse Barding (Breastplate is ideal unless you can afford Mithral FullPlate)
A magic Standard (your team will appreciate you)
Anything that gives fixed bonuses to damage

Enclosed spaces.

Like all mounted builds that don't use a small character, she has issues with tight spaces, just even more so. Unlike a normal mounted rider, she can't just turn around, she has to actually have sufficient room to pull a U-turn and maneuver. This, of course, means that she is locked into functioning outdoors and if she isn't on her chariot she isn't all that useful. Though she can at least just ride one of her horses normally and use a lance, though she will be lacking a number of bonuses that make the chariot work as well as it does.

Player's Handbook
Complete Champion
Sword and Fist (all the Chariot Feats)
Complete Adventurer
Dragon Magic
Miniatures Handbook
WotC Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a)

Also, kudos to this chef for providing credit to the artist who made their image! That's a good thing! Everyone keep doing that!

2020-05-11, 07:24 PM
Per the author, it seems the character's name is Stephan but the build's name is "I knew he was worthy!"

…Yeah, I got nothing.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Luck of Heroes(PG pg40, Shield Specialization(PHB2 pg82), shape soulmeld:Incarnate weapon(good)(MoI pg72)
bonus feat

Improved shield bash(PHB pg96)
bonus feat

Throw anything(CW pg105)

Agile shield fighter(PHB2 pg74)
bonus feat


Point Blank Shot(PHB pg98), Bonus Essentia(MoI pg35)
bonus feat

Epic feats: Improved Initiative(PHB pg96),Ancestral Relic(Adamantine Razored shield)(BOED pg39),shapesoulmeld:Lightning Gauntlets(MoI pg76), Open least chakra:hands(MoI pg39), Bonus essentia(MoI pg35), Far shot(PHB pg94), Brutal throw(CAd pg106), Iron will(PHB pg97), lightning reflexes(PHB pg97), endurance(PHB pg93).

The ancestral relic feat is just to ensure a +1bashing returning heavy shield could be available. Lesser Crystal of return would be beneficial but not necessary.
shapesoulmeld feat is found in MoI pg40. The pg numbers listed above refer to the specific soulmeld acquired with the feat.

Stephan is a NG Human Fighter
Stats: Str-16, Dex-15, Con-16, Int-10, Wis-10, Cha-10 (4th level stat bump used on Str)
Initiative +6, Spd 30, Saves: fort-9, ref-7, will-5 , HP 5d10+28
I would plan on using chain shirt, dastana(OA pg76), chahar-aina(OA pg76), Heavy shield combo to maximize ac while maintaining full mobility. Assuming Masterwork armor and +1Shield AC should be 23 with an acp of -2.
The Shapesoulmeld feats will provide a warhammer with +2 enhancement from the bonus essentia(that feats provides two essentia if able to shape melds), This hammer will reappear in wielders hand on the next turn so use as a thrown weapon is very convenient(unlike returning property it doesn't care if you have moved)
The Lightning Gauntlets are a 1d6 lightning touch attack, investing the essentia from the second bonus essentia feat raises that to 3d6, the chakra bind allows it to be channeled into one of your melee attacks every round.
This fighter works best in melee(+9/+8/+4 hammer/shield/hammer,for d8+5 hammer, 2d6+2 shield, +3d6 lightning) but is fairly capable at range with hammer and shield. Would also carry a secondary melee weapon in case of anti magic/ dead magic zones.

Raised By the church of Torm in Raven's Bluff Stephan had a firm sense of right and wrong and a strong desire to serve the community. He was trained from a young age to be part of a small order of fighters that used incarnum powered weapons. This led to his first problem with the church. All the other young men and women in training formed Longswords when they meditated on their power. Try as he might Stephan formed a warhammer every time, this troubled his instructors.
Over the next few years stephan was arrested several times. Each time he was doing what was right but it was not lawful. Eventually he was expelled from the order and excommunicated from the church. It was then he began wandering the countryside helping those in need. During this time he was drawn to the church of Lathander. After performing many great deeds in aid of the church and its patrons he was presented with a relic of the church that had been wielded by champions of the faith for many centuries, an unbreakable shield. He Now travels with a group of like-minded adventurers destroying evil wherever they find it and serving the people of Faerun.

2020-05-11, 07:25 PM
This might be the most flamboyant whisper gnome I've seen recently.

First i would like to note that English is not my native language, i apologise for any grammatical mistakes. The objective is to make the “Fighter” part of the build, but there is not much the Fighter is unique at. So the Fighter itself is quite bland, adding another class would most likely result in the other class being the important characteristic of the build, yet just working with six levels of Fighter would not easily result in something unique as well. I had several builds in my mind, which i would like to play in an E6 game. But all of them could be recreated with a different class, using the extra feats past level 6 or their own class feats. I wanted to create something that could only be done using the Fighter class, no other class would be able to get the same result, so this is what i came up with.
Irkle is not a sneaky character by any means, he is quite a loud-mouth actually, and not the nice kind. He does have a knack of finding the right spot to bring the hurt. He is always in the frontline of a battle, furiously fighting, not backing down, not letting his size get in the way, not letting any of the big folk steal his kills, never! That said, he does like having them big folk around, they form a good distraction that Irkle can work with to find the sweet spot, and once he does, the battle is half over
Whisper gnome (RoS 96)
+2 DEX/CON, -2 STR/CHA, Small (+1 AC/Attack, +4 Hide) Speed 30
Lowlight and Darkvision 60ft, Weapon Familiarity, +1 attacks vs kobold/goblinoids, +4 dodge to AC vs giants, +4 Hide/Move Silent, +2 Listen/Spot. SLA’s: 1/day Silence, Ghost sound, Mage Hand, Message
4d6+2d4+12 HP
Point Buy:
STR 12 DEX 17 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 12
Adding racial-abilities and a level 4 boost to DEX results in:
STR 10 DEX 20 CON 16 INT 13 WIS 8 CHA 10

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Swashbuckler 1
Tumble +4, Sense Motive +4, Balance +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4
Two-weapon fighting
Weapon Finesse

Fighter* 1
Tumble +4, Sense Motive +4, Balance +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Bluff +2, Intimidate +3
Sneak Attack +1d6

Fighter* 2
Tumble +4, Sense Motive +4, Balance +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Bluff +5, Intimidate +5

Fighter* 3
Tumble +4, Sense Motive +4, Balance +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Bluff +7, Intimidate +7, Handle Animal +1
Sneak Attack +2d6

Swashbuckler 2
Tumble +5, Sense Motive +5, Balance +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Bluff +7, Intimidate +7, Handle Animal +1
Grace +1

Swashbuckler 3
Tumble +9, Sense Motive +6, Balance +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Bluff +7, Intimidate +7, Handle Animal +1
Daring Outlaw
Insightful Strike

* The Fighter uses three Alternate class features: Thug, Sneak Attack Fighter, Hit-and-Run tactics.

1- Martial Study (Cloak of Deception)
2- Martial Stance (Island of Blades)
3- Shadowblade
4- Improved two weapon Fighting
5- Staggering Strike
6- Improved Initiative
7- Martial Study (Shadow Jaunt)>
8- Martial Study (Burning Blade)>
9- Combat reflexes
10- Vexing Flanker

This build uses the Sneak Attack and Thug alternate class abilities (SRD) to get a full BAB character with 4d6 sneak attack. Obviously full BAB is important to a melee character to get that second attack. Added to it is Swashbuckler, not just for Weapon Finesse and INT to melee damage, but also to get Daring Outlaw. We meet the prerequisites of the feat, but have no Rogue levels. Due to the wording of Daring Outlaw, we add the Swashbuckler levels (3) to the Rogue levels (0) to determine the Sneak Attack damage, which means you add +2d6 Sneak Attack (for a total of +4d6 Sneak Attack).
Truth be told, as a DM, i would only allow this character to have +3d6 Sneak Attack, and it would still be fine. I also wouldn’t allow Hit-and-Run tactics, believing that it was intended with a Drow prerequisite. Finally i wouldn’t allow Craven, because i believe it is too strong. That said, i assume we build by RAW here, and that is what i did.

1st level: You start out as a dex-based Two-Weapon Fighting Swashbuckler, mostly so you can add skill points to more useful skills.
2nd level: You now get +1d6 Sneak Attack, so flanking in combat becomes a priority.
3rd level: You now get +1d6+3 Sneak Attack.
4th level: Sneak Attack becomes +2d6+3
5th level: This is a boring level for us
6th level: This is what we were waiting for. With Daring Outlaw our Sneak Attack has become +4d6+6 and our BAB is now 6 for the extra attack.
1st epic bonus feat: This provides us with a way to get a reliable full attack Sneak Attack.
2nd epic bonus feat: And now we can get Flanking much more easily.
3th epic bonus feat: We get (at least) +5 damage to every attack (we need to use Short Swords and Daggers now).
4th epic bonus feat: An extra attack, we now get +11/+11/+6/+6 (1d4 + 6 + Sneak Attack 4d6+6).
This assumes Masterwork Shortswords and does not include any other bonuses, penalties or items.
Other epic bonus feats: The last 6 feats seemed like the most useful to me, but are by no means necessary for the build.
SRD: Thug, Sneak Attack Fighter
Champions of Ruin: Craven
Complete Adventurer: Staggering Strike
Complete Scoundrel: Daring Outlaw
Complete Warrior: Swashbuckler
Drow of the Underdark: Hit-and-run tactics
PHB 2: Vexing Flanker
Races of Stone: Whisper Gnome
Tome of Battle: Martial Study, Martial Stance, Shadowblade, Cloak of Deception, Island of Blades

2020-05-11, 07:27 PM
Knock me over with a feather! Er, wait, not a feather, a big slab o' wood. Got it. Carry on.

I made a very last minute decision to participate, so here's my barebones build:

Azurin Fighter 6

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save

Fighter 1
Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Climb 4
JotunbrudHuman, Combat ExpertiseB, Improved Trip

Fighter 2
Intimidate 5, Jump 5, Climb 3, Skill Trick: Extreme Leap
Improved Shield BashB

Fighter 3
Intimidate 6, Jump 6, Climb 4
Cobalt Expertise

Fighter 4
Intimidate 7, Jump 7, Climb 5
Shield ChargeB

Fighter 5
Intimidate 8, Jump 7, Climb 5, Skill Trick: Never Outnumbered

Fighter 6B
Intimidate 9, Jump 9, Climb 5
Shield Slam, Riposte

Epic Feats: 1. Shield Specialization (Heavy), 2. Agile Shield Fighter, 3. Shape Soulmeld (Spellward Shirt), 4. Bonus Essentia, 5. Allied Defense, 6. Dodge, 7. Mobility, 8. Elusive Target, 9. Shield Ward, 10. Improved Disarm

Hold a big shield, hit people with it, protect your allies. All for profit.

This is a build centered around Combat Expertise and to an extent the combination of Improved Trip with Shield Charge allowing you to apply devastating crowd control when you succesfully charge. The idea is that on a charge, you Bash, dealing damage and Trip your opponent, gaining an additional attack from Improved Trip which you can use to either attack again, or attempt a disarm. Since you're always using Combat Expertise you don't care too much about the attack of opportunity (Your AC should be in the mid-20s with Combat Expertise combined with Cobalt Expertise for the bonuses to both AC and trip and disarm attempts.

Later on, we also grab Shield Slam, which gives us a chance too daze our opponent on the charge. And Riposte, which allows us to bait our opponents into attacking us, hopefully missing and granting an additional attack, something that can happen on our own turn as well, if we intentionally provoke, say with a disarm attempt against a prone opponent.

Going into the epic feats, initially we grab Agile Shield Fighter in order to increase full attack damage output, then we can follow up with a number of different approaches:

Shape Soulmeld (Spellward Shirt) + Bonus Essentia gives us SR 18 which in Epic 6 is not bad at all and should grant some much-needed magical defense.

Allied Defense allows us to share the Combat Expertise goodness with allies if we have more melee people in our party.

Dodge, Mobility and Elusive Target both negate Power Attack and grant the cause overreach maneuver, which should be very useful in our high-defense build.

Finally, Shield Ward increases our maneuver defenses and touch AC while Improved Disarm can keep our Disarming competent against tougher opponents.

Player's Handbook: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Disarm, Improved Shield Bash
Magic of Incarnum: Azurin, Cobalt Expertise, Shape Soulmeld, Bonus Essentia
Complete Warrior: Shield Charge, Shield Slam, Elusive Target
Player's Handbook 2: Shield Specialization, Shield Ward, Agile Shield Fighter
Dragon Compendium: Riposte
Shining South: Allied Defense
Races of Faerun: Jotunbrud

2020-05-11, 07:28 PM
Look, I know a guy who knows a guy, okay? Relax. It'll get done.

Pauli T'Chan

Look kid, I'm a fighter. But let's talk about what this is really about.


And I might be able to hit you till you die. That's one kind of power.

But there's another kind of power. The kind that protect everyone from the guy who can hit you till you die. And that's what I want. That's what we all need.

And you don't get that from learning how to kill everyone by yourself. You get that by loving people enough that they become powerful enough to hit their threats until they die.

And then you aim them at the forces of evil in the most efficient and warriorlike way possible.

You create something with that amount of power. You create safety. You create strength.

Eradicating real threats with flawed resources. That's about as fighter-y as you can get. And I can make not just one fighter, but an entire army, fight anything.

NG Human Noble 1/fighter 5

Str 13
Con 10
Dex 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 17

Add +1 to charisma at level 4.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

(4+int+1)×4 +2: diplomacy 4, perform (weapon drill) 1, perform (acting) 4, gather information 4, UMD 4, k. (Local) 4, intimidate 4, bluff 3, martial lore 1
Apprentice (Entertainer), Favored (Performers Guild)
Favor +1, bonus class skill

Skilled city dweller Fighter
5: gather information 5, diplomacy 5, UMD 5, ride 1
Combat expertise
weapon armor and shield proficiencies, bonus feat, trade handle animal for gather information

Gather info 6, diplomacy 6, umd 6, ride 2
Quickdraw, favored in house (eberron campaign setting)
bonus feat

Gather info 7, diplomacy 7, umd 7, K. Local 4.5

Gather info 8, diplomacy 8, umd 8, K. Local 5
weapon focus, Mentor (dmg2)
bonus feat

gather info 9, diplomacy 10, and 9, ride 3

Level 1: Noble (Dragonlance campaign setting p.50)
Feats: Apprentice (entertainer)(DMG2 p.176), favored (performers guild)(cityscape p.61)

Look, at level 1, you gotta look big picture. If you want to win, you need a force multiplier. And yeah, you could be a barbarian with power attack, or you could rent one and still get to do what you want with the rest of your time, like fiddle with magic contraptions.

I can get a quest going. I can call in a favor, I can get my mentor to help. I can scrounge for information. I got friends in the entertainment guild. I can get us fed. And if necessary, I got back up. We're destined for greatness.

Level 2 fighter
Feats; Weapon expertise

Playboy dilletente no more, I learned how to use every single weapon, armor, and shield there is. So yeah, I can fight. I have COMBAT EXPERTISE.

I perform weapon drills to train the populace and to attract allies, on a single unitary skill rank of 1 in weapon drill performance. Thanks to my fantastic prowess and feats acquired by being a real fighter, I'll be able to use the thin fighter skill set to expand my network of control over the course of this places future. And I have friends in high places in addition to oodles of other friends willing to help me do it.

Level 3 Fighter
Feats: Quick draw, favored in house(eberron campaign setting)

I have more than a hand full of contacts, a mentor, a rotating cast of admirers and three favors from government per week. I can perform weapon drills to gather information, 4 hours tops, to find what I need to know. And with my quickdraw routine, on top of being endowed with combat expertise, I'm projecting an image of strength. Hell, I bet I can use my fighter skills in a weapon drill to act as a diplomatic mission. One that people will follow. My weapon drills are at 1d20 + 10 (+4 weapon feats +3 cha +1 (Bab) +2 comp).

I got my genealogy back, well it looks like I got even more family that loves me! I wonder if the bonus on my favor roll for being a noble works on favors from being favored in house. Or vice versa.

Level 4 Fighter
+1 charisma

Weapon drills at 1d20 + 12.

Level 5 Fighter
Feat: weapon focus, mentor(DMG2 p.176)

Weapon drills at 1d20 +14. At this level, we graduate our apprenticeship and now get apprentices! Plus we keep all of the benefits of the apprenticeship. The dm must prep 3-6 elite array candidates to choose from. They must have the apprentice feat, but the mentor gets to choose the rest of the options. Every time we level up, the apprentice levels up. At epic feat 4, the apprentice becomes a cohort who may have an apprentice of their own.

Level 6 Fighter
Feat: Favored

Choose an organization to be favored by that has a cool contact and diplomacy as an associated skill (adventurer, government). Primary contact doubles his frequency of help.

Epic feats
1: Primary contact
2: Extra contacts (Cityscape p.61)
3: Extra contacts
4: Extra contacts
5: Extra contacts
6: Extra contacts
7: Extra contacts
8: Extra contacts
9: Extra contacts
10: Extra contacts

In an urban campaign, the DM might allow the PCs to begin with one contact each at character creation, unless the concept of the campaign indicates otherwise. Beyond these potential starting contacts, however, a PC wishing to gain a contact must first find and select an NPC. If this individual’s attitude toward the character is worse than helpful, the PC must adjust his attitude to helpful either with a successful Diplomacy check, or through roleplaying various favors done for the NPC. Once the NPC’s attitude is helpful, the player need only declare that he wishes to continue his character’s relationship with the NPC as a contact. In most campaigns, a PC can have a number of contacts equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). In particularly social or political campaigns, the DM might consider increasing this number by up to three. Additionally, a character who joins a guild, organization, or priesthood, or who gains the patronage of a noble house, gains one extra contact that does not count against his Charisma-based maximum.

Upper-class PCs might belong to a local noble or merchant house, either through blood or marriage. In such cases, consider allowing them an extra contact before the start of play. Such a contact must be a member of the house to which the character belongs.

This contact shall be: Sir Benedict de Langahas (fighter 7). Sir Benedict will provide a small mercenary company consisting of six warriors, each of one-half the PCs’ average level (maximum 6th), to aid the group in one specific battle. Once per year. (Cityscape p.78)

Every guild member gains a contact specific to his or her guild.

Gerdi Tindertwig (halfling bard 3/expert 3). Gerdi will provide performers and entertainment for a special occasion. Once per year. (Cityscape p.90)

Apprentices are expected to learn and grow, and mentors are loath to step in and provide physical support or financial aid, or to pull strings for an apprentice. Convincing the mentor to aid in this way requires a successful level check (d20 + character level), the DC of which is set by the DM and varies from 10 for simple favors to as high as 25 for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. A successful check means the mentor helps in some way (lends a magic item, accompanies the character on a short mission, pulls strings to get an appointment with the mayor, and so on) but demands double the normal tithe the next time the character gains a level. Once the character asks for aid, no further requests for aid will be honored until she gains at least one experience level.

The mentor starts at 5th level, modified by level 1 charisma bonus (8th) and adds 1 per aspect of shared alignment (10th) and adds 1 if two Guild skills are maxed out at level 1 (11th). A good aligned bard or initiator (ideally one with scribe martial script!) Makes the most sense for a weapon drill entertainer. We'll get a martial script scriber as an apprentice if we don't get one as a mentor. A bard is helpful too (free access to bardic lore checks, suggestion performances, etc)

Because our mentor is an entertainer we can also attract an admirer. As per the description in the feat. We can use our guild contact girdi to help place us close to persons of power to try to get them as admirers. But for every Brock Samson who likes your weapon drills there is a chance of instead getting a Grandma. So roll with the punches here. Grandma's have soft power and relatives who might become future contacts. Treat everyone right and demand consent before placing them in danger.

So those are the free contacts and contact type persons available at level 1. Wait, we still get one to start with that is pulled from our charisma modifier pool. Pick any from the samples, provided below, they're almost all great. And we can develop 2 more as the adventures continue, as well as a fourth when our charisma increases and then, with pur apprentices, admirers, mentors, and 36 other contacts, whom I can trade favors between. Between that friend network and 3 favors a week, it's easy to make optimal other contacts using the tables below as a guide. More examples are in the guild descriptions in cityscape. (1/year are best, but some abilities will be useful depending on campaign)




I may not be the best fighter to win the battle, but I am the best one to get the battle won.

2020-05-11, 07:29 PM
No, you're humming One Winged Angel. Estuans interius / Ira vehementi / Estuans interius / Ira vehementi / Se-ve-ras!

Severas, Talon of the Cult of the Dragon
Human (Waterdeep) LE Fighter 6

A hooded figure stepped out of the mouth of the alley - clearly her route had been anticipated, which could mean only one of two possibilities. Hoping for the first, she shaped the Harpers' recognition-sign with her hands.
He shook his head and said "Guess again."
The second, then. Sweet Mystra, grant her time... Long training held her voice steady as she responded, "Ah. I hope the Cult of the Dragon pays you what you're worth, assassin." It was an offer if he cared to take it, but she very much doubted he would; she was already freeing her rapier from its sheath.
Two strangely-curved blades appeared almost instantly in his hands, and he bowed slightly. "If I may correct a misconception, I am no assassin. We are meeting openly, and Selune casts few shadows tonight; I would have called to you if you had not noticed me. Of course I will kill you, but I want to see how you defend yourself."
With her blade readied for the onslaught of the twin blades, her hidden hand shaped the Weave to imbue her with haste. Still reaching for those few moments more she needed, she asked the final question of a career spent searching for answers. "I do appreciate the courtesy, but...why?"
For the first time, his voice lifted beyond distant formality, and into a need she knew all too well. "To learn."

Final Score

16 (+3)

+1 (Level 4)
17 (+3)

14 (+2)

14 (+2)

9 (-1)

8 (-1)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Fighter 1
Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Knowledge (the planes) +2
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (eagle's claw), Education (arcana, the planes)
Two-Weapon Fighting

Fighter 2
Collector of Stories, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Knowledge (the planes) +3
Combat Expertise

Fighter 3
Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +4
Eagle's fury

Fighter 4
Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Knowledge (the planes) +4
Weapon Focus (eagle's claw)

Fighter 5
Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +5

Fighter 6
Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (religion) +8, Knowledge (the planes) +6
Knowledge Devotion
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

E6 Feats:

Deadly Defense
Skewer Foe
Weapon Specialization (eagle's claw)
Improved Critical (eagle's claw)
Reckless Offense
Combat Reflexes
Double Hit
Karmic Strike
Two-Weapon Pounce

In general, the order of feats for Severas is pretty flexible (except for Education), but I always try to establish build identity as early as possible. Severas's concept can essentially be boiled down to 3 facets: He's a specialist with the eagle's claw weapon, he's a dual wielder, and he's a seriously smart fighter. So he starts with a feat for each of those. Education into Knowledge Devotion is a classic, but it gives him something to do with his skill points and a niche that's occasionally useful outside of combat.

Combat Expertise is a defining characteristic of the build. Not as a pre-req feat, but in and of itself - Severas will almost invariably be trading -2 to hit for +2 AC, for reasons that will become obvious later. Collector of Stories is here for the same reason it's in every Knowledge Devotion build; that bonus is just too big to ignore, especially considering how easy it is to get.

Eagle's Fury is the big reason to specialise in the eagle's claw, essentially giving Flurry of Blows without losing BAB.

Ah, Weapon Focus. It's often derided, but within E6, and on a build that's making a lot of attacks, the bonus is actually reasonably significant. And Severas is going to need every bit of to-hit bonus he can get.

This one's pretty much a dead level, unfortunately. Knowledge skills keep going up, and that's really all there is to it.

At last, Knowledge Devotion. Severas should always get +2-4 on attack and damage from this, unless the check is Knowledge (nature) and he rolls a 1. (Just one skill point short...gah.) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting is yet another attack, bringing him to 5 attacks on a full attack.

This is the main reason why Severas uses Combat Expertise: +1d6 on all those attacks is pretty nice.

Skewer Foe is perfect for a character making a bunch of attacks in a round, giving +1d6 on every hit after the first.

Just like Weapon Focus, this bonus is a lot more relevant in E6 and when making lots of attacks every round.

The eagle's claw has a nice 18-20 crit range, so this brings us to 15-20, and with 5 attacks per round that's going to pay off pretty often.

This isn't always going to be a good trade, but Severas almost always trades -2 to hit for +2 to AC. This lets him cancel out that to-hit penalty while still benefiting from Deadly Defense.

Severas likes making lots of attacks per round, and all those bonuses apply to attacks of opportunity, too.

And the same reasoning applies here. If your enemies are dumb enough, that's up to 6 attacks per round from attacks of opportunity.

How about, instead of relying on enemies being dumb, we just hit them (twice) whenever they hit us?

One more feat that only works when using Combat Expertise. Karmic Strike only triggers an AoO if the enemy actually hits you, whereas Riposte triggers one when they attack you and miss. With both of them, it's like having Robilar's Gambit, except the enemies don't get bonuses to hit you.

Severas really wants to be making full attacks, but when he has to move in order to hit an enemy, this is the next best thing.

HP: 5d10+22 (49.5 hp)
AC: 10 + 4 (chain shirt) + 3 (Dex) + 2 (Combat Expertise) = 19 (15 if using Reckless Offense), touch 15, flat-footed 14
Full attack: 6 (BAB) + 3 (Str) + 1 (Weapon Focus) + 2 (Knowledge Devotion) - 2 (Two-Weapon Fighting) - 2 (Combat Expertise) - 2 (Eagle's Fury) = +6/+6/+6/+1/+1, up to +10/+10/+10/+5/+5 with Reckless Offense and a good Knowledge Devotion roll. The first attack that hits in a round does 1d6 (Eagle's claw) + 3 (Str) + 2 (Weapon Specialization) + 2 (Knowledge Devotion) + 1d6 (Deadly Defense) = 2d6 + 8 (or 2d6 + 10 with a good Knowledge Devotion roll), subsequent attacks deal 3d6 + 8 (Skewer Foe).
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +1

Education: Player's Guide to Faerun
Eagle's claw, Eagle's Fury: Sandstorm
Collector of Stories, Deadly Defense: Complete Scoundrel
Knowledge Devotion: Complete Champion
Skewer Foe: Champions of Ruin
Double Hit: Miniatures Handbook
Karmic Strike: Complete Warrior
Riposte: Dragon Compendium
Two-Weapon Pounce: PHB II
Everything else: SRD content

2020-05-11, 07:31 PM
~Don't shoot me, I'm dancin' / don't shoot me, I'm dancin' / can't shoot me when I'm dancin' / can't stop the top!~

No, I will never apologize for dragging The Megas (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EdEryFQy6k) into something.

CG Staffilius Kalashtar darksong knight fighter 6
I don’t remember so much of my birthplace, I was kidnapped by these strange elves with black skin as a slave in their caves. Then one day some other elves with the strange skin saved me from the slavery they were elf with dark skin good, of a deity they called Eilistraee , so I helped them to gain my freedom. When we arrived in surface they said I was a kalashtar, and that among them there were someone who used a style similar to the one of some kalashtar, a form of dancing. I tried to dance and it was funny but I wanted to help them against my ex slayer, so I mixed the way of a fighter with the way of a dancer! I’m a fighter that do fighting thing dancing and using the weak quarterstaff!
*Some months later *
Two knigths of Eilistrae are talking ”Damn he beat me again!” .
”Of which are you talking?” “Of Staffilius, I can’t hit him , and if I miss he attacks me ”
”Yeah I know and if you hit him he attacks again”
” I would like to know how he trained for a so particular style… his weapon is not good , we are fighter we use swords axes and something similar, not a quarterstaff!”
”It seems that he trained in the dance to use that style… is a dancing fighter! Even if dancing is not in our skills generally”

[Point buy

Strength 14 6

Dexterity 16 10

Constitution 14 6

Intelligence 14 6

Wisdom 12 4

Charisma 8 0

4th level point to dexterity

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Drow Figther
Perform (dance) 2, Knowledge (religion ) 1, Knowledge (the planes) 1, Spot 2, Listen 2, Climb 4
Guerrila scout, Weapon finesse
Bonus feat , hit and run tactics

Darsksong knight figther
Perform dance 5, Knowledge religion 1, Knowledge the planes 1, Spot 2, Listen 2, Climb 5
Combat Expertise
Bonus feat, dancing feint

Perfom dance 6 , Knowledge religion 1, Knowledge the planes 1, Spot 3, Listen 2, Climb 6
Path of Shadow

Perform dance 6, Knowledge religion 1, Knowledge the planes 2, Spot 3 Listen 3, Climb 7
Bonus feat

Perform dance 6, Knowledge religion 1, Knowledge the planes 2, Spot 4, Listen 3, Climb 8 , Trick learned (Corner perch)

Darksong Knigth figther
Perform dance 8, Knowledge religion 1, Knowledge the planes 1, Listen 4 ,Spot 4, Climb 9
Dancing with shadows
Resolute ACF, Favored enemy (yochols)

Cross class skill for this level (only when I put ranks in that skill it will be bold)

1° Weapon focus (quarterstaff)
2°Two weapon fighting
3° Quick staff
4° Combat reflexes
5° Riposte
6° Karmic strike
7° Expert tactician
8° Sense weakness
9° Improved two weapon fighting
10° Double hit
We don’t have so much of strength so the best way to do damage at this level is using hit and run tactics, it will mainly work when we start of initiative or using a greatsword two handed , because we can do this and hoping to strike . The first feat is quite useful guerrilla scout, because it permits us to put ranks in spot and listen as if they were class skills, excepts that the limit remains (3+ level)/2 as a cross class skill. It boost initiative and is good because it has a synergy with hit and run tactics. The second feat is useful in the next level because we will use a quarterstaff and we have more dexterity than strength. The skills are a bit strange but we need for the future especially perform dance
In these level we enter in the darksong knight order , and while perform dance is a class skill we put many ranks as we can, because is useful for us. The first feat that we take that require perform dance is path of shadow, but let’s talk about the other feat instead of a feat tax. Combat expertise is essential for this build, and for now it give us a boost to our AC (remember we doesn’t have heavy armor so with this we can still have a good AC) We are more a meat shield than other for now in the party using our constitution and our 3d10 of hitpoints is not bad
Until this level we doesn’t gain anything extraordinary , because dodge is useful but is another feat tax , and corner perch is taken because we could use this when we had to climb or when there are buildings somewhat common in d&d, especially in cities or even in naturals caves We gain even a favored enemy , and for that we have knowledge planes, because we should know something about yochols to fight them, but the most important thing about this substitution level is… Having again perform dance as a class skill! This permit us to take a feat that is quite useful dancing with shadows that has three functions . First if we use combat expertise we gain a bonus to the will saves that is not bad considering our low saves , second if we used combat expertise one time we gain a bonus to attack roll that permit us to attack in a normal way without any penalties but still gaining the combat expertise bonus and third if we used combat expertise two consecutive times we gain a bonus to our AC that can be added to combat expertise and if we combine all of these we have a good bastion that gain combat expertise bonus two time, without even losing a point in the attack roll (after two turns where we used combat expertise) so this is quite good but is not all. This feat is so much useful that is why we have taken the darksong knight levels , as we could not have taken it without these figther levels (at least not combining it with a full BAB class). We are using even the resolute ACF that is useful because as figther we don’t have a so good will saves , so in this way we can gain a +3 bonus to will reducing our bonus to hit with flowing motion (from dancing with shadows) that gives us a boost of +2 to will saves in addition
Now we take the second essential feat to this build quick staff , and this is a good boost but let’s explain. The maneuver graceful lunge give us the dodge bonus that we gained with combat expertise at the attack roll . But quick staff boost the bonus of combat expertise of 2 if we are using a quarterstaff as we are doing so now if we use combat expertise with a penalty of -5 we gain a +7 to attack rolls of the turn , so is a neat +2 bonus to attack rolls, if we use the same penalty each time, but we could even do something lower as penalty in the first turn to strike in a better way to use hit and run tactics, or something lower in the second turn to strike in a better way with the full attack. The bonus of quick staff would negate the -2 of two weapon figthing if we are using each time the same penalty with combat expertise and even in this case is quite good.
As we are using so much dexterity is a good idea even to use the AOO so we take combat reflexes to make more AOO , but in which way we can do AOO against our enemies? There are two ways, the first is good because we have a high AC and is riposte, when they miss us we make an AOO against them so is good, but is only one AOO and for this we use karmic strike, because if they strike us (and luckily our good constitution will help us if they hit) we make another AOO so other damage but not only that because as the next feats we take
Expert tactician! This feat is so useful , for each hit we make during an attack of opportunity we give to our allies and to us a bonus against that enemy and is good, more damage and more bonus to attack roll, and is based on the hits not on the number of AOO(this is for later). But we still have a problem called damage reduction, as there are many types, and even if our equipment could help us the damage reduction from material for example is still a nasty thing with a low damage weapon as the quarterstaff, so we take Sense weakness, that should block the more common DR 5 as we can ignore these. We could even attack some objects and ignore 5 point of hardness but that is somewhat more rare than ignore a DR
Now expert tactician give a boost based on the hit during an attack of opportunity , so to be more useful we should make more hits during an AoO and this is why we take double hit, because in this way we can do more attacks so more bonus to each one, but to take that feat we need a useful feat that will help us during the full attacks doing more attacks , improved two weapon fighting and we qualify for this feat with the boost of the 4th level to dexterity and because we have full bab
Hit points 10 + 5d10+12=49.5
Initiative 3 +1 (guerrilla scout)+2 (hit and run tactics)=6
Attack rolls (without combat expertise)= 6+3 (dexterity)+1(weapon focus)=10
Attack roll mininum (generally 1° round of combat)= 10 – 5 (combat expertise)= 5
Attack roll maximum (counting combat expertise -2 and graceful lunge + 7)=10 +5=15
Ac without anything =10+5 (plate mail)+3 (dexterity)=18
AC counting karmic strike , dodge, and combat expertise (-5) and karmic strike =18+1+7(5+2 from quick staff)-4 (karmic strike)=23
Maximum AC with karmic strike (using lingering defense)=18+1 +7+7-4 =29 (the two 7s are from combat expertise with quick staff and lingering defense)
These numbers are without counting expert tactician that would give even a bigger boost for each hit during an attack of opportunity( and I make two attacks for AoO because double hit)
fortitude 7 (5 base+2 constitution)
reflex 5 (2 base+3 dexterity)
will (with resolute and flowing motion) 9 (2 base +2 wisdom +3 resolute ACF +2 flowing motion)

From SRD
Figther, Combat expertise, dodge, two weapon fighting, improved two weapon fighting, combat reflexes, Weapon finesse, weapon focus
From Dragon magazine compendium
From Champions of valor
Darksong knight alternative levels
From Races of Eberron
Kalashtar, Path of Shadow, Dancing with shadows
From Drow of the Underdark
Hit and run tactics ACF
From Complete Warrior
Karmic strike, Quick staff
From Heroes of battle
Guerrilla scout
From Complete adventurer
Expert tactician
From Miniatures handbook
Double hit
From complete scoundrel
Corner Pench
From Draconomicon
Sense weakness
From Complete Champion
Resolute ACF

2020-05-11, 07:32 PM
Master of weapons! Your weapons, specifically.

The Wanderer

Do not fear the one relying on his fists because he has no other choice. Fear the one relying on their fists despite having every other choice in the world.
-someone wise, probably

Isumi hurried to the edge of her village, where a large crowd was already gathering. Word had come that the Wanderer had returned to the village. Her parents had told her stories o f the mysterious traveller's last visit, and how it had humbled their lord. Now the Lord had died, and his son had refused to learn his father's lesson. A she approached the crowd the people parted to let the young lord through, and Isumi made use of the temporary opening to make her way to the front of the crowd.

"You will return what you stole, thief!" The young lord stood in front of the robed and veiled stranger, rage lit up in his eyes.

"I have done no such thing." the Wanderer responded, their androgynous voice providing no more clues to their nature. "But if you desire to win back the blade of your father, I would be happy to face you in a duel."

"A duel it is!" The young lord snarled as his hand settled on his katana. "But make no mistake. I see you for what you are, vagabond, and mercy will not slow me down like it did my father."

The wanderer's head dipped in acknowledgement, and the figure took on a ready stance.

"You're a fool if you think you can beat me bare-handed." The young lord was practically fuming. His opponent gave no further response, however. And so the young man struck.

It was over in the blink of an eye. The young lord staggered backwards, a hand clenched to his cheek as a thin rivulet of blood appeared between his fingers. His katana now rested in the hands of the wanderer.

The wanderer observed the stunned lord for a moment more, then turned around and walked over to a large bundle of weapons deposited at the edge of the circle of gawking villagers. They slid the katana into the bundle with practiced ease, and then slung it onto their shoulders. "I will return in five years. Maybe you'll give me a better fight then." They said without turning back, as they started walking away from the village.

stub: LN silverbrow human fighter 6
Ability scores
str 16 (includes +1 at level 4)
dex 15
con 14
int 14
wis 10
cha 10

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

fighter 1
disguise 4, intimidate 4, climb 4, jump 4
improved unarmed strike, improved disarm, combat expertise
bonus feat, acf: dragonscale husk

fighter 2
disguise 5, intimidate 5, climb 5, jump 5
combat reflexes
bonus feat

fighter 3
disguise 6, intimidate 6, climb 6, jump 6
superior unarmed strike

fighter 4
disguise 7, intimidate 7, climb 7, jump 7
deflect arrows
bonus feat

fighter 5
disguise 8, intimidate 8, climb 8, jump 8

fighter 6
disguise 9, intimidate 9, climb 9, jump 9
grappling block, two-weapon fighting
bonus feat

snatch weapon
snap kick
improved trip
defensive throw
evasive reflexes
elusive target
weapon focus(unarmed strike)
weapon specialization(unarmed strike)

Level 1-2
At level 1 the wanderer gets a lot of stuff. Improved unarmed strike and improved disarm are cornerstones of the build, while the dragonscale Husk gives the Wanderer a scaling suit of armor which also gives us some energy resistance against common energy types, which is always nice. Level 2 gains us combat reflexes, which will likewise see a lot of use later on in the build.

Despite having improved uanrmed strike, it is wiser to sue an actual weapon in the early levels. There is no good reason to fight completely bare-handed yet, and the unarmed strike damage is pretty low.

level 3-4
At level 3 the wanderer gains superior unarmed strike, which increases the damage from their unarmed strikes to a more reasonable level. Deflect arrows is a situational defensive trick, but it's mostly here as a prerequisite for later feat.

level 5-6
At level 6 we gain one of the build's main party tricks. Grappling block allows the wanderer to instead disarm an opponent when they would have hit them. It can only be doen once per round, and counts against the available AoO, but we've got a couple to spare thanks to combat reflexes.

Two-weapon fighting probably does not work with unarmed strikes (but it's nice if the DM rules that it does). It is mostly included because it makes the first epic feat work.

epic feats
snatch weapon
This allows us to attack an opponent with their own weapon after we disarmed them, though it counts an off-hand attack, which is why we took two-weapon fighting. This synergizes really nice with grappling block as it means we get a riposte out of disarming our opponent.

Snap kick
A more accepted way to get the benefits of two-weapon fighting with unarmed strikes. If the DM rules you can two-weapon-fight with unarmed strikes, you can pick something else in this slot.

improved trip
Bonuses to tripping, and you get a free attack whenever you successfully trip someone. This doesn't do much right now, but will become more useful as it synergizes with several upcoming feats.

Not very useful, but it's a prerequisite for nice stuff.

Defensive throw
If the target of our dodge feat attacks us and misses, we can use an AoO to try to trip them. If that succeeds, we can then make a free attack against them thanks to improved trip.

evasive reflexes
If someone tries to disengage from us, we can follow them, or otherwise reposition. As the dragonscale husk does reduce our speed somewhat this is a useful tool for keeping peopelw ithin reach.

like dodge, this isn't a great feat, but it does allows us to get the next one.

Elusive target
This is a really nice feat. It has three modes. The first mode prevents the target of your dodge feat from power-attacking you, which is situational, but nice.

The second mode allows you to turn being flanked into an advantage by forcing an auto-miss on our dodged enemy that can hit another enemy. The miss should also trigger defensive throw.

The last mode is great with improved trip. If your movement provokes an AoO and your foe misses, you can then trip them, and if that works you get the free attack from improved trip. Between your high AC from dragonscale husk and the extra AC against these AoO's from mobility, this could be a valid tactic for hitting a lot of weaker enemies in the same round, all for the cost of a move action. Even if the enemy wises up to your trick, it just means that you can move around the battlefield with impunity, which is nice too.

Weapon focus and specialization
these are just some extra numbers on the unarmed strike, but we've got the space and the fighter levels to take them, so why not?

On the use of fighter
So, this being an unarmed strike specialist focusing on battlefield control tricks, I'm certain people are wondering why I'm not just playing an unarmed swordsage instead. However, within the contraints of E6, this build needs to be a fighter for two main reasons. First is the speed at which this build's main trick gets online. The build has it's main trick functioning at level 6, and doing well after the first epic feat. In a build without those four bonus feats, it would take significantly longer. Secondly, the build requires a full BaB class to get access to elusive target and make optimal use of disarming.

HP: 22+5d10(49 average)
AC: 20
energy resistance 5 against fire, ice, lightning and acid
attack bonus: +10/+5 (including weapon focus)

phb fighter, improved unarmed strike, improved disarm, combat expertise, combat reflexes, deflect arrows, improved trip, dodge, mobility, weapon focus, weapon specialization, two-weapon fighting
Oriental adventures grappling block,
Song and silence snatch weapon
Tome of battle superior unarmed strike, snap kick, evasive reflexes
complete warrior defensive throw, elusive target
dragon magic dragonscale husk

2020-05-11, 07:33 PM
There we go! Ten fighters fighting! Pretty sure that's part of the twelve days of Christmas.

Also, unless I missed something, did we seriously not get one single Dungeoncrasher? Not one? I'm tempted to just award Honorable Mention to Vizzini right now. Like, it's not a problem, but I absolutely did not expect it.

On your marks, get set, judge!

Vrock Bait
2020-05-11, 07:34 PM
Looks like very nice batch of builds! My original idea was to use an anthropomorphic baleen whale(LA +0), then min/max their Jump and carrying capacity because falling object damage is based on weight on distance, and bypasses damage reduction and ignores armor class.

TLDR: Bouncing baleen that sits on people until they die.

2020-05-11, 07:36 PM
Also, unless I missed something, did we seriously not get one single Dungeoncrasher? Not one? I'm tempted to just award Honorable Mention to Vizzini right now. Like, it's not a problem, but I absolutely did not expect it.

Ten builds, no dungeoncrashers, no zhentarim soldiers. Did not see that coming.

2020-05-11, 07:45 PM
Ten builds, no dungeoncrashers, no zhentarim soldiers. Did not see that coming.

Zhentarim is much less exciting before you can get the swift demoralise going.

I was tempted to do either/both Imperious Command and Dungeoncrusher but ended up choosing a more streamlined option instead.

Imperious Command is great in the Epic 6 setting, but that 15 CHA requirement hurts quite a bit.

2020-05-11, 08:56 PM
A lot more combat expertise feats than I was anticipating

2020-05-12, 02:25 AM
So many humans... and think that my another stub (not finished) was using a raptoran and i was trying to make a ranged build with the fighter...but was too much "ranger" in the style

2020-05-12, 04:22 AM
My vague build started like this, with Zhentarim stuck in as well:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Fighter 1


Intimidate 4

New Class Abilities

Fighter 2


Intimidate 5

New Class Abilities

Fighter 3


Intimidate 6

Scourge of the Seas [Stormwrack], Skill Focus: Intimidate

Applied Force +1, Bonus Feat (Skill Focus: Intimidate)

Fighter 4


Intimidate 7

New Class Abilities

Fighter 5


Intimidate 8, Never Outnumbered [Complete Scoundrel]

Applied Force +2

New Class Level
Intimidate 9

Imperious Command [Drow of the Underdark]

New Class Abilities

Planning to use Zhentarim to change the duration on Imperious Command and Scourge of the Seas was a thing, but I had real work to do and never got around to it.

2020-05-12, 07:20 AM
So many humans... and think that my another stub (not finished) was using a raptoran and i was trying to make a ranged build with the fighter...but was too much "ranger" in the style

That extra fear and Skill is so helpful

Ten builds, no dungeoncrashers, no zhentarim soldiers. Did not see that coming.

I'm not. Zhentarim didn't bring much, though it was a freebie, and Dungeoncrasher is incredibly well known

2020-05-12, 09:27 AM
I sat this one out. Too much going on.

I expected more Martial Training feats.

But I was *tempted* to submit my versatility fighter. Because EWP Bastard Sword, Einhander, a variety of cloak feats, and the ability to fence with a bastard sword makes me giggle, every time.

2020-05-12, 11:28 AM
There we go! Ten fighters fighting! Pretty sure that's part of the twelve days of Christmas.

Also, unless I missed something, did we seriously not get one single Dungeoncrasher? Not one? I'm tempted to just award Honorable Mention to Vizzini right now. Like, it's not a problem, but I absolutely did not expect it.

On your marks, get set, judge!

Was that an inconceivable joke?:smallbiggrin:

2020-05-12, 02:16 PM
Was that an inconceivable joke?:smallbiggrin:

No, it's a Wine in Front of Me joke. The idea is that Vizzini-ing is thinking along the lines "It's obvious, so everyone will submit it, but everyone else knows that, so they won't submit it, but everyone knows that, so they'll submit it..."

2020-05-12, 03:11 PM
That joke is only mostly dead

2020-05-12, 03:40 PM
Well it's new to me.:smile:

2020-05-14, 09:58 PM
Lapak, are you still willing to judge?

We're also always in need of other volunteers as well!

2020-05-14, 10:25 PM
Lapak, are you still willing to judge?

We're also always in need of other volunteers as well!

I am! Weekdays these days are slammed end-to-end for me, so I will be turning my attention to scoring as we go into the weekend.

2020-05-17, 09:36 PM
Not there yet, but working away, just to keep y'all up to date.

2020-05-18, 05:56 PM
While we wait, anyone want to pitch some ideas for future ingredients?

I'd like to see the jester or generic classes see a round. Or a racial round like shifters could be neat

2020-05-18, 07:32 PM
I have the immediate next round all planned, but I am absolutely down for brainstorming. Keep 'em coming.

2020-05-18, 08:10 PM
While we wait, anyone want to pitch some ideas for future ingredients?

I'd like to see the jester or generic classes see a round. Or a racial round like shifters could be neat

The Generics would be pretty good for just getting plain old creative

2020-05-22, 10:25 AM
Should have my judging wrapped up today, thanks for the patience!

2020-05-22, 02:11 PM
While we wait, anyone want to pitch some ideas for future ingredients?

I'd like to see the jester or generic classes see a round. Or a racial round like shifters could be neat

I feel like Jester is a super narrow ingredient. It's a Bard with no support. I'd be down for a Generics round, but I honestly think they need to be done separately. There's little chance Expert or Warrior will rate higher than Spellcaster in terms of Power.

2020-05-22, 07:57 PM
I feel like Jester is a super narrow ingredient. It's a Bard with no support.

They can take feats with the tag [bardic feats] thanks to the blurb under that feat type description.

I'd be down for a Generics round, but I honestly think they need to be done separately. There's little chance Expert or Warrior will rate higher than Spellcaster in terms of Power.

The mix and match combos though will lead to a big variety in what people pursue

2020-05-22, 08:14 PM
They can take feats with the tag [bardic feats] thanks to the blurb under that feat type description.

The mix and match combos though will lead to a big variety in what people pursue

Might be a little better then. I eventually want all the base classes to be touched on, but glancing again at the class left me wondering what you could do with it.

As far as Generic Classes go, I just feel unless other combos get heavily weighted vs straight Spellcaster in other categories (which has its own problem of bias against single classed submissions, particularly Spellcaster) then you get a heavy boost going 6 levels in Spellcaster. I'd be alright with the round, but I'd still have my worries about points.

2020-05-22, 09:43 PM
I would second going with just one of the Generics. Each one does something kinda neat and it'd be nice to see what everyone comes up with.

2020-05-23, 08:45 PM
Tbh it’s been so long since I’ve even LOOKED at the genetics that I’ve forgotten all but the most rudimentary details of how they work. Not that it would be impossible to relearn.

We’d have to discuss if we want to allow multiclassing into non-generic classes? From memory, I seem to recall that such things are... contentious. Thoughts on that from folks who are more familiar with such things?

I will say that the next round’s ingredient has already been chosen. It is not a class. It is inspired by recent events. Feel free to speculate away; I ain’t changing it.

2020-05-24, 01:51 AM
I will say that the next round’s ingredient has already been chosen. It is not a class. It is inspired by recent events. Feel free to speculate away; I ain’t changing it.

So, we're optimizing staying at least 5 feet away from everything all the time?

2020-05-24, 07:19 AM
The generic class description states that other base classes should be disallowed. But prestige classes are ok

2020-05-24, 09:34 AM
So, we're optimizing staying at least 5 feet away from everything all the time?
No, it's obviously something to do with The Mandalorian.

Or possibly the new Muppets show that will be coming to Disney+ soon.

2020-05-26, 10:56 AM
Just curious if the judging is near to done

2020-05-29, 02:28 PM
Just peeking in her after the holiday weekend

2020-05-31, 03:02 PM
Gang, so sorry for the delay; had a major issue crop up and didn't get back here. I'll get judgments posted before the end of the day.

2020-05-31, 03:06 PM
Gang, so sorry for the delay; had a major issue crop up and didn't get back here. I'll get judgments posted before the end of the day.

Thanks for judging lapak. No worries.

2020-06-08, 11:30 AM
So is this thing just dead?

2020-06-08, 12:02 PM
So is this thing just dead?

Nah, judging just takes time. If we don't hear something soon Zaq will probably do some asking around, but right now it isn't even taking an unusually long amount of time to get judgings in.

2020-06-08, 12:14 PM
Oh. It's been a month since the turn in so I figured it had been forgotten.

2020-06-08, 03:42 PM
Oh. It's been a month since the turn in so I figured it had been forgotten.

When I judged I think it was a roughly equal length of time, so ya. Life happens and judging requires a fair amount of time to get done.

2020-06-08, 03:47 PM
Adding onto that: these builds are kinda wild. There's a lot of content tucked away in them, so that slows you way down. And all of them are some nitty gritty specialists.

2020-06-12, 03:00 PM
Quick Friday bump! Hope everyone's doing okay despite the coronavirus and despite everything else going on in the world right now.

Also, happy Pride Month to my fellow queer Playgrounders (and allies)! We might not be celebrating in the same way as usual, but it still feels good to be proud regardless.

2020-06-15, 02:51 PM
Is there a judging update?

2020-06-16, 12:16 PM
Definitely ready this evening

2020-06-18, 12:43 PM
Definitely ready this evening

Ah so you are judging? Any update?

2020-06-18, 03:10 PM
Ah so you are judging? Any update?

Sorry, no, it was just a bad joke.

2020-06-21, 06:34 PM
How's it going, judges/contestants/spectators?

2020-06-21, 07:26 PM
If is necessary i can judge, and obviously the build i submitted would be invalidated (for the contest) but i can do it. If anyone would like to judge only my build it would be nice, to see other opinions on that not for medals

2020-06-22, 02:14 AM
If is necessary i can judge, and obviously the build i submitted would be invalidated (for the contest) but i can do it. If anyone would like to judge only my build it would be nice, to see other opinions on that not for medals

If that becomes necessary I'll certainly take a look over yours once judgings are up.

2020-06-27, 08:23 PM
Is anyone still judging?

2020-06-28, 07:13 PM
I don't think so. Last post from the only person I think was judging was 5 weeks ago. Seeing as how its been 2 months since this thing started maybe someone else should pick up the judging.

2020-06-28, 08:48 PM
I might be able to judge. I did however just get a very time consuming job, and I'm still job-hunting for better ones, but I'll start whittling away at it and see how it goes.

2020-07-03, 10:47 AM
Uh... team? Anyone?

2020-07-03, 12:04 PM
Uh... team? Anyone?

Quentinas said that they would take a look, but they've been very quiet since then, so who knows. I could take a look over the weekend, but if there's no judging on sunday from me don't expect one from me anytime soon either.

2020-07-03, 03:42 PM
Alright, seems I had nothing better to do this evening. This has been a fairly quick judge, which increases the likelihood that I missed things.

It's also been a long week for me, so my tone will be fairly snarky. Please don't take that personally.

Anyway, a quick guideline for how I judge:

Originality: Default score is 3/5. If you show me something I've rarely seen before, you get a bonus. If you do something I've seen a lot, you get a penalty. I also give bonus points here for things like an interesting backstory or some other thing I believe was funny about your presentation.

Power: Default score is 3/5. I look at both in combat and out of combat performance, and neither can give a bonus or penalty more than 2 points. I'll be fairly lenient on out of combat performance here as it's the fighter.

Elegance: Default score is 4/5, because There's generally a lot more to penalize than to award here. I penalize all building mistakes here, and award points if you do something in a pretty elegant way that I wasn't familiar with. I will also penalize rules interpretation mistakes here that are key to the build. If I do, I'll treat the power rating as if the trick does work. If I mark an interpretation mistake here but don't penalize, it means it's fairly minor and I'll have taken it into account for power.

Use of SI: Default is 3/5. Judging this is a bit tricky because fighter doesn't bring much. Generally, I'll be looking at how many levels you took and whether you managed to get full BaB on the entire class. stylish use of ACF's and substitiuion levels can get you bonus points, especially fi you didn't go full fighter.

You’re an orc, but not a water orc! (+0.5)

You absolutely wreck stuff in combat, your AC and H is decent enough and your saves (after investing a whole stack of feats) are not completely terrible(+2). Out of combat you’re really not going to be much use at all though(-0.5).

All your stuff is legal, and making use of the morningstar’s combined damage-type like you did is a nice trick (+0.5).

Use of SI
You have 6 levels in fighter(+1), and make good use of both the +6 BaB and the bonus feats it gives you(+1). And there really isn’t that much more to a fighter (I mean, you even took weapon specialization!)

That backstory got a chuckle out of me. (+1)

You’ve got a very good damage output, and decent HP, but your AC will be nothing impressive and your will save is very bad. (+1.5)
Out of combat, you’ve got some skill bonuses to contribute in a variety of situations, but your only ‘good’ skill is jump, while everything else will only get you some very small bonuses. Being able to craft custom gear if you have a caster to help you by providing the spells is somewhat useful though (net+0 on out-of-combat stuff).

From the description from the ‘brand of the nine hells’ feat: “Nondevils can gain this feat, and the feats that require it as a prerequisite, by performing a particularly useful act for an archduke of Hell. This option is unavailable to player characters (unless a DM rules otherwise).” I like that you did actually do something to earn the feat in your backstory, but taking something that is explicitly by DM permission only will still give you an elegance penalty (-0.5).
The trick trying to redirect the attack on yourself to someone else is interesting, but I don’t think it works, as the masterslaying property does not allow you to target anyone else. Since there is no legal target, it just does nothing. (-1)
I don’t see why you’d get the ‘least legacy’ feat for free (-0.5).
Circle kick can only be used when you’re using a full-round action to activate it. (no penalty, just pointing that out).

Use of SI
You’ve got 5/6 levels in fighter (+0.5). You make decent enough use of the extra feats you get, but missing out on that point of BaB you could have had is a shame. (+0.5)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone make a chariot-rider. Like ever. I had to actually go and do some research to figure out how chariot combat was even supposed to work in DnD. (+1).

You (literally) hit like a truck, between your own boosted attacks and your horse’s contribution. You’ve got solid AC and HP (+2), but your Reflex save is nothing to write home about, and your will save is abysmal. You’re also severely limited with regards to the situations in which you can fight, and you’re bait for area attacks.(-1)
Outside of combat you’ve actually got a fairly decent skill spread, and the fact that your chariot will have some extra space can come in handy in a lot of situations, though the vehicle will be a liability in some others (crossing rivers or steep mountains comes to mind).

Quick note here about sources: please list what you’re getting from each book. If I need to look up where the spiritual connection ranger ACF comes from, I don’t want to have to guess which of your listed sources it is from. (no penalty, but only because I’m feeling generous).
I cannot find where the fighter acf ‘align weapon’ is from. I assume you meant aligned strike from complete champion? (still no penalty, but if I encounter more things like this you’ll start accruing a ‘half-assed your sources’ tax).
You don’t qualify for weapon supremacy... at all... (-0.5).

Use of SI
You have 4 levels in fighter (+0.5). You’ve made some decent use of fighter ACF’s, with dragonscale husk in particular providing a nice AC boost. Aligned strike however is going to be useful a lot less often. Despite dipping twice you managed to keep full BaB, however (you know a class lacks in things to do when having full BaB is considered a use of that classes features). (+0.5)

Would you believe that it took me till almost the end of your build before I got the reference? My first instinct when seeing all the shield stuff was ‘Captain america?’ But then there was all the incarnum weapon stuff that threw me off track, and I only placed the quote once I saw the lightning stuff you were getting. (+0.5 for sneaky references)

You’ve got good damage with a ranged component (meaning something flying won’t completely neuter your contribution), good AC, good HP and decent saves (+1.5)
Your spread of skill is nice, but your lack of full investment in anything does hurt your out-of-combat utility. (-0.5).

You didn’t specify what shield-type you used for shield specialization. (no penalty, as you’re clearly committed to one particular shield)
Bonus essentia doesn’t have any text suggesting you can take it more than once (-0.5)

Use of SI
6 levels in fighter, you do fighter stuff using things that fighter give you. You make decent use of your feats and you git things so full BaB is helpful.

Nothing really to comment on here, for good or ill.

You hit fairly hard and have some nice riders and you’re fairly hard to hit. Your hp is also decent(all d10’s, unlike what you list in your write-up). Your will save is pretty horrible though. (+1.5)
You’ve got a wide selection of feats and a bunch of them at close to max ranks at well. Your racial abilities and shadow jaunt also give you some decent extra utility out of combat (+1).

You’re trading the same features away twice with your fighter ACF’s, as both thug and hit-and-run fighter trade away armor and shield features. This is not allowed. (-0.5).
…I was initially going to point out that daring outlaw wouldn’t get you any bonus sneak attack dice, but on a closer reading it just makes it so that your swashbuckler levels count as rogue levels, which means you actually get more sneak attack then if they had stacked on top of your fighter levels. This is a pretty elegant trick in my book (+0.5).

Use of SI
You only have 3 levels of fighter, but interestingly enough, this build wouldn’t actually be possible without it. You need both full BaB and sneak attack to do what you do here, so you need that sneak attack fighter in there, and there’s no other class that could take its place. So despite only taking 3 levels in fighter, you get full marks from me.

Nothing much to comment on here, for good or ill.

You’re a defensive powerhouse, but at the cost of significantly reducing your offensive power, as the investment from combat expertise will hurt your ability to bring the damage. Your saves aren’t great, but that’s at least somewhat improved by the spellward shirt (+0.5)
Outside of combat you’re really not bringing all that much to the table (-0.5)

You don’t list your stats anywhere (-1)

Use of SI
6 levels of fighter, lots of fightery feats, including some that require full BaB. (+2)

I really like how you wrote most of your write-up in a consistent voice and…
*spots ‘epic feats’ table*
What the **** is that?!
…yeah, I got nothing (+2)

Also, that pun in your name is horrible and took em way too long to spot.

So, you’ve got friends to help you in combat, and friends to help you out of combat. Frankly, this character is a perfect example of maxim 63 of the seventy maxims of highly effective mercenaries*: “The brass knows how to do it by knowing who can do it.” Full marks here.

*and also of why ‘leadership’ is banned in this competition.

The contacts system does require a cooperative DM (and the specific NPC’s you want existing), so you’re taking a small penalty for that here(-0.5). This goes double for the fairly optimized mentor and apprentice you describe (-0.5).

Use of SI
On the one hand, you have five levels in fighter. On the other hand, you lose full Bab, which is like half the fighter’s class features right there. Also, this build in no way requires fighter to function. You could safely loose three feats without losing effectiveness, and something like Bard or even Marshal would have done your archetype far, far better.

I enjoyed reading that introduction. (+1)

You can do a lot of damage when you actually hit. However, your combo of two-weapon fighting and eagle’s fury give you a -4 to your attacks, which hurts your chances of actually landing all your attacks, though knowledge devotion helps alleviate that somewhat at least. Defensively your AC will be horribad if you’re using all your feats and your will save is terrible. (+1)
Out of combat you’ve got a niche as knowledge skill specialist, which is nice, but still fairly limited.

Nothing to comment on, for good or ill.

Use of SI
6 levels of fighter, all your feats have their place in the build, and a number require that full BaB.

I’ve never seen darksong knight or the dancing with shadows feat before, so kudos for showing me something new (+1).

You’ve got solid AC, but your offences aren’t all that impressive. Your saves aren’t all that great either (+0.5).
You’ve got some skills, but only perform and climb can really be relied upon as the bonus from everything else is just very small. Overall, you just won’t do much out of combat (-0.5)

You seem to think you can use weapon finesse with the quarterstaff. As far as I know, you can’t. (no penalty).
You also can’t stack the bonuses from expert tactician, as they’d all be from the same source: “Circumstance bonuses stack with all other bonuses, including other circumstance bonuses, unless they arise from essentially the same source.” (no penalty)

Use of SI
6 levels of fighter, some interesting use of ACF’s and substitution levels.

link in case image doesn't show: http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/ggmain/strips/ggmain20070625.jpg

(just in case the score and webcomic page instead of review didn't make it clear, The Wanderer was my own build, and should therefore be disqualified for prizes this round)

2020-07-03, 04:03 PM
Thanks for judging, i would like to point out that the one who looks like he got the highest score, actually scored one point less.

2020-07-03, 04:13 PM
Thanks for judging, i would like to point out that the one who looks like he got the highest score, actually scored one point less.

Yeah, you're right. Corrected it.

2020-07-03, 05:16 PM
Thanks for judging. No disputes here

2020-07-03, 06:09 PM
Mother of- I swore I had deleted Weapon Supremacy off my list of feats when I actually looked it up but apparently not. So that one is entirely my fault.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out layout tips and I have no disputes

2020-07-03, 06:29 PM
DeTess, you're a monarch among commoners, and you win Honorable Mention this round. You have my sincere thanks! I'd like to post the next round before this weekend is out, so let's try not to have unnecessary disputes.

Here's a bit of goodwill feedback on The Wanderer! No score, but commentary. It's way, way quicker and less intricate than I usually do, sorry.

Originality: Legit love the use of the 3.0 feats from OA and S&S. I had to look those up. Really don't see a disarm-user every day, but at the same time, if it's gonna work anywhere, E6 is the place.

Power: You take a while before you've got anything spicier than a basic attack, especially since disarming comes at the expense of attacking (unlike Improved Trip, there's no damage on a disarm attack until Snatch Weapon comes online). While it's less crippling in E6 than in non-E6, relying primarily on unarmed strikes without a way to make them count as magical is a bit risky; that said, you're quite competent with manufactured weapons, so that's not an insurmountable weak point.

When the main combo of Grappling Block + Snatch Weapon comes online, the build feels quite coherent. Snap Kick then lets you get an extra swing after using the aforementioned two feats, and that's smooth as butter. Love it.

It would have been nice if you didn't have to wait until 3rd epic feat to get something that allows for decent offense against enemies who don't care about using manufactured weapons, but better late than never.

Your tactical feats make sense and feel like a natural progression.

Overall, the build feels solid when it's in its element. It would have been better to see a little bit of extra attention paid to either forcing your element or to dealing with situations other than your preferred one, but at the same time, you're a dang fighter; there's only so much you can reasonably do.

Elegance: The progression is logical; there's no confusing swerves or other head-scratching moments. I didn't check all your prereqs, but at least your skills seem nice and smooth. I love the core combo, and I love the way it plays nicely with your tactical feats. Thumbs up.

UoSI: The core combo requires so many feats to come online that even a full-blooded fighter (with a human bonus feat!) couldn't fit in the whole thing in E6 before the epic feats start popping up, so yeah, I don't think it's fair to say that this build could fundamentally afford to be anything but a fighter. Good show.

2020-07-03, 06:45 PM
Thanks for judging DeTess, no disputes from me. I was thinking of trying to put together a judgement for you, but Zaq did it better than I would've, so I'll just say that I really like your build.

2020-07-04, 02:16 PM
That's a wrap, everyone! Let's move on to the new round.


Arog (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503257&postcount=56)
CE arctic orc fighter 6
17.5, GOLD

Demon Leg of Martok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503262&postcount=57)
LE human monk 1 / fighter 5

Halvena Ironhide (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503266&postcount=58)
LG silverbrow human ranger 1 / fighter 4 / beastmaster 1

Steve ("I Knew He Was Worthy!") (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503270&postcount=59)
NG human fighter 6

Irkle (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503273&postcount=60)
?? whisper gnome swashbuckler 3 / sneak attack thug fighter 3

Orthos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503278&postcount=61)
?? azurin fighter 6

Pauli T'Chan (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503279&postcount=62)
NG human noble 1 / fighter 5

Severas (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503284&postcount=63)
LE human fighter 6

Staffilius (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503289&postcount=64)
CG kalashtar darksong knight fighter 6

The Wanderer (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24503294&postcount=65)
LN silverbrow human fighter 6
unjudged, HON. MENTION

Thanks as always to everyone for being patient while the gears grind slowly! Congrats to MinimanMidget for a double podium place and congrats to MicHag for a strong showing as well! Honestly, these were all awesome. Extra special thanks to DeTess for not only putting in the work to make a build but then for selflessly withdrawing and judging to the show could go on! Brava, brava!

Still can't believe we had no dungeoncrashers. Was everyone scared that it would be too common, or is there another problem with it I didn't see?

New thread here! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?615226-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXIV))

2020-07-04, 02:55 PM
My bet was that Dungeoncrasher is way to obvious

2020-07-04, 04:27 PM
Dungeoncrasher is good, but shoehorns you into a pretty specific and well-worn path.

My idea was another grappler, using SA Fighter, Greater Multigrab, and the fact that holding an enemy with just one limb means they lose their dexterity bonus versus your attacks. Throw in Staggering Strike, some extra limbs, some aquatic stuff, and Martial Throw to move around the battlefield and drag/throw people into the water with you. Set the whole thing to Aurelio Voltaire's "Don't Go By The River" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bvgyMHStlE). I probably would have gone Zhentarim as well, and angled it as the whole thing being also part of a protection racket, with the character acting as the threat that the Zhentarim 'protect' people from and also headhunting heroes that are threatening to meddle. I was pretty pleased with the whole thing, though I wasn't sure whether to go Aventi or Aquatic Human (either way I was taking Jotunbrud)... but finals meant I had no time to actually put it all together.

2020-07-04, 06:21 PM
This one was fun. I was expecting demon leg to do better than paulie.