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2021-02-03, 05:11 PM
There is neither sight nor sound apart from the rustling of some remnants of the Children of Thyestes in the grass. The soldier is unconscious and in bad shape, having suffered an arrow through the back of his right knee and the loss of his left foot which had been clawed off to join the Children.

There are similar marks at his wrists and other ankle where the monstrosity was trying to detach his hands and other foot and he also has a bunch of shallow scratches all over his exposed skin and face from where he was in the swarm.

He bears no footwear on his intact foot and the sole is cracked and bloody - indicating that he has walked a long distance barefoot when he is not used to doing so and maybe over rough ground.

Berenice plucks the bandage from her ears and tries to staunch his knee, The goddess's power stopped the bleeding from the wounds he already suffered, but the arrow is a new threat

She does speak the truth, the other wounds are nasty but not bleeding and Philistion is able to stabilise him. That doesn't mean he's going to be able to walk though and he is not even conscious right now.

That his remaining foot is so badly damaged is another indication that he's high status. A peasant might go barefoot and not be worse for it if he avoids thorns, but this young man is well-born cavalry

He's at about -6 hp and not dying. However the rest of those injuries need dressing at some point and whether in the long term he'll be able to use either leg is up in the air right now

2021-02-03, 06:06 PM
Utterly unable to provide assistance in the healing department, Agoros offers to help carry the wounded soldier. He asks the stronger members of the squad for a hand. (members...hand...got it??)
"Aegea, Mihail, Kleandrikas? One of you to bear him with me, two others to patrol while we make our way back?"

2021-02-03, 07:17 PM
Talk of wounded shakes Peridokles free of the maze of thought he was lost in, and he rushes to help Philistion.

Hmm? Yes, sorry, let me wrap his feet so he can at least travel.

It's obvious that Peridokles is nowhere near the doctor that Philistion is, but he's certainly tended to soldiers in the field before. He wraps and folds bandages around the soldiers feet and ankles, prepping him for transport, and perhaps for more dedicated medical attention than a hillside at night can provide.

Those creatures had... bows. Can anyone identify where they might have been made?

(Healing hands skill trick) Peridokles' first aid heals [roll0] damage on a heal check to stabalise of DC 15. Heal [roll1] for [roll2]

2021-02-03, 08:21 PM
Under Peridokles ministrations the soldier jerks awake as if waking from a nightmare then settles down when realises he is amongst friendly faces, gripping Philistion's robe with possibly all the strength he has.

You have to go. Get out of here. Before they come for you. They're all gone,

He also upon a closer examination seems to have some resin or wax stuck in his ears that seems easy enough to remove

2021-02-04, 01:41 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas looks up as Agoros calls his name. He nods in the affirmative, "I'll keep watch, and scout ahead. We can take him back to the village and allow him to be tended." He stows the shield and spear on his back and draws the long recurved bow holding an arrow nocked and ready.

Looking at Mikhail and Aegea he nods to the sky, "Keep an eye out for singing birds eh?"

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
+4 vs humans, +2 vs magical beasts


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-04, 05:10 AM
While gently easing the soldier upright, Agoros frowns and answers.

"We have dispatched two singing bird-creatures, and one carpet of hands and feet. Are there more we should be aware of? What attacked you, exactly?"

2021-02-04, 08:08 AM
Talk of wounded shakes Peridokles free of the maze of thought he was lost in, and he rushes to help Philistion.

Hmm? Yes, sorry, let me wrap his feet so he can at least travel.

It's obvious that Peridokles is nowhere near the doctor that Philistion is, but he's certainly tended to soldiers in the field before. He wraps and folds bandages around the soldiers feet and ankles, prepping him for transport, and perhaps for more dedicated medical attention than a hillside at night can provide.

Those creatures had... bows. Can anyone identify where they might have been made?

(Healing hands skill trick) Peridokles' first aid heals [roll0] damage on a heal check to stabalise of DC 15. Heal [roll1] for [roll2]

”Where? They were likely strung by the harpies themselves,” Aegea says. “Not everything in the world comes from the market.”

She, with permission, picks the wax from the man’s ear and helps him onto her back for carrying.

2021-02-04, 03:00 PM

The young doctor nods aprovingly as Peridokles works swiftly to staunch the bleeding. With a sudden motion, he manages to withdraw the harpy's arrow and staunch the bleeding. He then uses a mixture of science and magic to speed the body's natural rebalancing, and the bleeding begins to reverse itself.

"I'm afraid that there's nothing I can do for the lost foot, but the other wounds seem likely to heal with rest. We'll need to carry him back to to the village. We should bring those bows - the type and age of the wood may tell us something about whether those creatures were local."

Cure Mpoderate Wounds: [roll0], and then a healing check to bind the wounds and begin the healing process of the stump where his foot had been. [roll1]

2021-02-05, 01:36 PM
Harpies. We're lucky they were stupid enough to be close to the ground, or this could have been a much harder fight. Filthy creatures. Obviously their most dangerous feature is their voice - it can draw the attention of people and sap their will to fight. Luckily there were enough of us here that they couldn't wear us down.

Mihail will continue keeping an eye out while he moves back to join everyone else.

Does anyone see anything else out there? We've already been burned once, so I don't want to drop my guard until we're sure. But once we're ready to go, I can certainly carry the poor guard back to the village. I'm sure Aegea could do it as well, but I'd rather have her watching and ready to use her bow. They might come back smarter.

2021-02-05, 04:03 PM
"We have dispatched two singing bird-creatures, and one carpet of hands and feet. Are there more we should be aware of? What attacked you, exactly?"

So many of them, they came in the night, we tried to fight them, but too many. Everyone just followed their song and left.

They separated out my comrades and I - I don't know what happened to the villagers. I stuffed my ears and was able to escape, they tried to sing but my ears were blocked. Then I ran into that - thing

His wounds have healed over to mere scar tissue from Philistion's spell but he is still missing his foot

At full hit points

2021-02-05, 04:38 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas walks up to the soldier, "You said there were many. Do you know from which direction they attacked from? He glances around the others "If there is a nest we should seek them out and destroy them all." Motioning to the bows and the bodies he speaks to the casters. "Can you do some praying and seek guidance from their bows or their bowels and divine as to where their nest is."

Still clutching the bow he keeps his good eye out on the horizon.


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-06, 12:30 AM

Once his patient has been taken care of, Philistion's scientific curiosity took hold. He rushed over and took up one of the harpies' bows for future examination, then went to look at one of the harpies' bodies.

"I was at a presentation on the operation of the vocal apparatus back at the academy. .

He pulls out a small knife and begins carefully, methodically cutting the throat out of the harpy.

"The mechanisms are actually quite remarkable. I'd always assumed that the voice operated on principles similar to that of a lyre, and so would have strings across the voice box, but the structures are quite different

"My assumption is that these harpies, because they have such extraordinary vocal capabilities, would have commensurately enhanced physical manifestations."

He pulls a small bag out of his belt and slides the throat in, and tucks it away again. He pulls out a strip of cloth and wipes the blood from his hands.


Making use of his Craft (vivisection) skill: [roll0]

2021-02-06, 09:23 AM
”That’s not where my skills lie, sadly.

Which direction did they flee to?”

2021-02-08, 04:08 AM
Agoros ponders. To do or not do it?
If assisting in this mission to the best of my ability is thy will, O Kronos...I shall have to display thy blessing.

"It seems you are able to stand upright. Good, that will be easier than carrying you fully. Do you know how to ride? And can you answer Aegea's question?"

2021-02-08, 06:28 AM
The trip back to the village is suspenseful but uneventful, Bellos welcomes you back apparently surprised but glad that you are still alive, and promptly adds some bandages and earplugs to the ready equipment. The village comes awake to hear what happened and then settles down as they agree to leave for Argos come dawn.

The escaped soldier, whose name is Nestor is greeted by Jaraxes and his comrades with considerable relief but concern for the other 3 of them. Nestor drinks deeply before he is able to say more.

They kept the three of us alive and well, I don't know about the villagers though so I fear what may have happened to them.

I saw no more than half a dozen harpies at one time, but I cannot tell them apart so there may be more. I heard other voices as well - not human nor harpy - but sounded big.

They are lairing in an old temple in the hills above the pass, a hard climb to get there but should be an easy enough trail to follow

2021-02-08, 04:54 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

The spartan nods. "A half dozen, well, 2 less now." he says with a grin, nodding to Mikhail. "Can you draw the path to their nest?" He scans about looking for the bard. "My friend, what do you know of these harpies. Are these winged spawns of the hel's nocturnal or would they sleep at night? I would rather catch them unawares if I could."


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-09, 05:53 AM
Not yet.

Back at the village, Agoros comes back to examine the mysterious foot/handprints near the rock, and convinces himself they match the creature they have faced. He then supports Kleandrikas in his effort.
"Aye, I don't know about their ways, but it would make the task easier for us. Besides, now that we know what we are facing, maybe Aegea's singing can protect us from their voice?"

2021-02-09, 12:14 PM
Philistion listens with interest.

"Also, the singing was blocked by ear plugs, which would make it difficult for us to coordinate our actions but keep us safe.

Also, we've already seen that the harpies spotted us at night well before we saw them. I'd suggest that we travel to this temple during the day."

2021-02-12, 05:17 AM
That being said, Agoros find someplace not too rocky to lay down, and falls asleep, snoring quite loudly in the process.

2021-02-16, 03:53 AM
Peridokles prepares to sleep.

First he finds a suitable spot, flat, slightly sloping ground. Then he cuts some leafy branches and grasses and lays them down on the spot. His satchel, suitably bullied into shape, becomes a pillow, although he inserts two smooth stones into it to make it firmer. He rams a few hastily cut sticks into the ground at the foot end to act as a foot board, and stop him sliding down hill. Then he settles down to sleep, head propped firmly between the stones, wrapped in that same large red cloth that was used to earlier to display his wares.

2021-02-16, 09:44 AM
The tracks match, but there are some odd body parts making their way back individually and this is not a place to hang out at night

Jaraxes nods at your plan, Very well, this is clearly too much for my unit to handle. However we would like to cover you as far as where the trail leaves the road - I doubt the horses could make it up there.

Berenice and Alkimos have a quiet but heated discussion after which she reluctantly agrees to stay with him back with Jaraxes until it is safe enough to come up.

2021-02-16, 09:51 AM
There is time for little more than a few hours sleep and when the group leaves Mycenae it is still well before dawn (0400) or so, after a few hours you reach the abandoned and deserted hamlet of Rhamnomnos at the entry to the pass just as some pre-dawn glow appears in the east. From here it should be another few hours by Nestor's description, not so far distance but a lot of hard climbing.

Awareness checks and next plans?

2021-02-16, 10:40 AM

After completing his dawn prayers to Apollo and his blessed chariot, Philistion turns to the others.

"When we get closer to the temple, I can offer a few of us protection from the harpies' song, but it will only last a few minutes. Do we want to rely on music to counter music, or plugging our ears?"

2021-02-16, 01:07 PM
Aegea trances as well as she can during the time time they have to rest, keeping an ear out for danger.

"If I provide a countersong, I cannot give you the ice blessing to your weapons. Though I suppose with your ears plugged, I can't do that either. Countersong would be better, I guess. It makes it possible to communicate more easily."

2021-02-17, 01:53 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

A few hours in a trance, staring out at the mountains silhouetted in the starlight leaves him refreshed. While the others sleep he stretches and runs through some basic spear drills to limber up. Then with a handful of dried fruit and a water skin he sits and resharpens the spear.

Ready he is happy to follow the others, a nod to Aegea and a "I would think stopping the song from deadening our senses would help Aegea."

Heading into the mountain he holds his bow handy, an arrow ready if the harpies attack

Survival for route finding [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Stealth [roll2]


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-17, 03:49 PM
Mihail pokes his head out of his tent shortly before dawn, ready to go. He packs it up and hefts his great slab of a shield.

Jaraxes, we'd appreciate the escort as far as your unit is willing to go. Let's make sure we put these things down, before they leave and find someone else to terrorize.

2021-02-18, 06:16 PM
Agoros wakes up, and after a brief meditation, scraps off the dirt from his clothes and readies himself to go. He munches a little from a trail ration, gulps at his waterskin, and approaches near Mihail and Kleandrikas.

2021-02-19, 01:59 PM
When passing the scene of your earlier fighter Agoros notices that the two dead harpies are missing their hands and feet.

Rhamnomnos itself is as Jaraxes described, deserted as if everyone and everything got up and left down the merest chicken. The trail left by men, women, children and beasts is obvious even to nontrackers and leads up the pass.

Jaraxes, his men, Berenice, Breetha and Alkimos take you leave here, with both Berenice and Breetha looking like they'd rather not be staying there but in completely opposite ways.

Pushing on up the pass it is not hard to follow Nestor's directions and find where the path to the Old Temple diverges - it would be small and obscure but the trail from the village has greatly widened it and pushed aside and trampled the vegetation.

The pre-dawn glow is peeping over the mountains, but the valley is deep in shadow

You can hear the sound of fighting further up the road in the direction of CORINTH

2021-02-19, 08:06 PM
"Uh oh." says Agoros inspecting the bodies of yesterday's harpies.

"Look! Their hands and feet have been detached. That means the carpet thing is still roaming...let us be careful." That being said, he readies his spear and his shield, and moves about behind Aegea carefully.

2021-02-20, 10:40 AM
Aegea draws her bow and bushes the group. ”There’s fighting up ahead. Be cautious, I can’t tell if it’s only humanoids.”

2021-02-21, 11:54 AM
Sound of fighting is ahead if you stay on the road to Corinith, but you'll avoid it if you take the trail up to the Temple

So you have a choice

2021-02-22, 03:02 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

At the sounds of fighting Kleandridas grinned inside the bronze helm. "Ltes investigate, the harpies can wait an hour, Apollo has not reached his height yet." Nodding to the others scouts he scurries forward, eyes and ears alert and hugging the ground with an arrow nocked and ready to fly if he spies some enemies.

Stealth [roll0]][roll1] (hide/M.silent)
Spot [roll2] Listen [roll3] +4 vs humans, +2 vs magical beasts


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-22, 05:57 AM
"And we don't want to be taken from behind by these fighters if we pass by without investigating." approves Agoros. He hustles along Kleandrikas.

2021-02-23, 02:45 PM
Heading towards the sound of the combat you crest a small rise and turn a corner by a small waterfall, the sounds of fighting and screaming becoming louder.

There are 8 or 9 large brutish humanoids clad in furs and wielding rocks and clubs, they have penned in 4 or 5 hobgoblin hoplites who have formed a defensive circle with two fierce looking gnolls - one of whom has blood dripping from their mouth. Another half-dozen or so dead hogboblins litter the road - they have given some accounting of themselves as two of the enemy lie dead.

Hobgoblin shields are orange and bear the pegasus (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ravel_1008.2.jpg#/media/File:Ravel_1008.2.jpg)and Koppa (Koppa (letter)) symbol of Corinth

You've never seen one before, but these look like Ogres

These are ogres, which are reputedly are what happens to people who enjoy eating the flesh of sentients

Corinth employs a lot of mercenaries, many of them non-humanThe Orange shields are characteristic of Ondrek's Legion - a hoboblin mercenary force that has been in long term service to Corinth for several decades. Ondrek himself is long gone, but every year a few make the trek from their lands in the Northwest to join up

Gnolls aren't seen in large numbers or organised units but tend to see service as hunters, trackers and scouts

2021-02-25, 07:45 AM
”Assisting in killing the ogres would probably ingratiate us to Corinth,” Aegea notes. “Can anyone offer a reason to bypass this?”

2021-02-25, 07:56 AM
"I see it as follows: simple mercenary utilitarian reasoning.", explains Agoros. "The ogres are winning. Either we pass by and run the risk of being outflanked by the surviving ogres later on our way. Or we intervene. Then, either we side with the ogres, and there's no guarantee they won't just turn on us too as soon as we're done. Or we side with the Corinthians, in which case they are indebted to us and might help us later on. I'm with Aegea on this one."

The Macedonian readies his spear and his shield, and mentally plots out the path to charge at the nearest ogres.

2021-02-25, 02:07 PM
Mihail will stow his shield on his back and ready his bow. That will take two move actions, so this entire round.

Agreed. We help. They're far enough away that charging will take too long. Let's fire at range and see if the Corinthians will fall back toward us.

2021-02-25, 06:03 PM
Seeing a tendency of agreement among the group, Aegea begins to speak, that strange magic infusing her words. As she does so, she also gestures and speaks an arcane word. "Three, unless the rest are all in disagreement. Remember that whatever differences may be between you and your fellow man, we are kin to each other before we are kin to the beasts, and kin to the beasts before we are kin to monsters. Knock your arrows and ready your slings, for these are far more dangerous monsters than those who we fought before." Aegea pulls out her own bow and reaches for an arrow as the icy dragonfire begins to glow around her companions' weapons, not to mention her own. The collar around her neck gives a brief glow as well.
Activating Badge of Valor (Immediate Action).
Casting Inspiration Boost (Swift Action).
Activating Dragonfire Inspiration (Standard Action)
Draw longbow (Move Action)

Everyone gains 3d6 Cold Damage to all weapon attacks.

And since we will need initiative eventually: [roll0]

2021-02-26, 05:14 AM
Being devoid of any ranged implements, Agoros nods at Aegea after constating his spear rimming with icy energy. He then prepares to run towards the combat.

2021-02-27, 05:29 AM
[roll0] Ogre Spot checks at -30

Initative in pairs
[roll8] -1
[roll9] -1
[roll10] -1
[roll11] -1

2021-02-27, 05:37 AM
[roll0] Spot -16
[roll1] Spot-25
[roll2] Spot-25
[roll3] Spot-25
[roll4] Spot-17
[roll5] Spot-17

2021-02-27, 05:41 AM
It appears that all the combatants are too distracted to notice the party approaching them, so you all have one free round of action.

Meanwhile the ogres have broken off from melee, half of them are keeping their clubs ready whilst two more look for rocks and the two furthest have trotted away from you to go pick up a fallen tree branch

2021-02-27, 08:14 AM

Hoping at least that if they enter the fight now, some of the Corinthians might be saved, Philistion pulls out his bow and murmurs a rather perfunctory prayer to Apollo to shine into the eyes of the ogres as they approach. He simply nods his readiness.

2021-02-27, 10:55 AM
Aegea runs closer and looses her arrow at the nearest ogre, still speaking words of encouragement to her allies.
Move: 40ft closer
Standard: Arrow
Attack: [roll0] Crit 20, x3
If Crit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] Piercing
Bonus: [roll3] Cold

2021-02-28, 01:57 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Skidding to a halt he pauses i wonder as from Aegea's words ice crystals coalesce around the arrow heads. Following Aegea he whoops with excitement and joins with her bounding 40ft closer to them closing to some 210 ft and loosing a single arrow on the move.

Move 40ft
Fire an arrow [roll0] Dam [roll1] + [roll2] cold


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, Cold dragon fire +3d6

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-02-28, 06:18 PM
Agoros runs at top speed towards the ogres while they are not focused on him yet.

Run action: move at x4 land speed, so 120ft towards the battle.

2021-03-01, 01:39 AM

As the others dash forward, Philistion also finds his arrows icing over as he sets the first to his bow. Powerful magic indeed, to bring the ice of the mountains to bear with just a few words. Stepping forward, he sends a pair of arrows winging toward one of the ogres engaged with the hobgoblins.

Round 1:
Knowledge Devotion for where to aim at on an ogre: [roll0] for a +1 to all of the attack and damage rolls below.
5' step forward
Full round action - Rapid shot
Arrow 1 Attack: [roll1] plus knowledge deviotion, for [roll2] plus knowledge devotion damage, plus [roll3] cold damage
Arrow 2 Attack: [roll4] plus knowledge deviotion, for [roll5] plus knowledge devotion damage, plus [roll6] cold damage

2021-03-01, 03:43 PM
Mihail will move forward 20 feet and fire at the nearest ogre.

Knowledge Devotion roll: [roll0]

Attack roll: [roll1]
Confirmation roll: [roll2]

Damage roll: [roll3] + [roll4] Cold damage
Confirmation roll: [roll5]

+2 to attacks and damage for knowledge devotion

2021-03-01, 08:16 PM
Peridokles lacks the war weapons of his companions, but he follows them as they run forward, his leather sling whirling around his head as he sends a sends a river-smoothed rock flying at the enemy.

Move forward 30ft
Sling [roll0] for [roll1] damage plus [roll2] cold damage
I'm not quite sure what range that puts me at, but I suspect it would be -2 to hit.

2021-03-04, 03:58 PM
Archery barrage begins proceedings, with Aegea and Kleandridas moving abreast, their shots crashing into the two nearest ogres that scream with pain and rage. Mihail following behind him as his arrow also hits home as does Peridokle's stone from slightly further back. Agoros runs past them and covers half the distance. Philistion's two shots don't quite adjust for distance properly going over the heads of the ogres

2021-03-04, 03:59 PM
Aegea 16
Ogre 16
Ogre 16
Ogre 11
Ogre 11
Mihail 9
Ogre 7
Ogre 7
Agoros 3
Ogre 2
Ogre 2
Philidokles -
Philistion -
Kleandridas -

So Aegea is up, then 4 of the ogres then Mihail

2021-03-04, 04:04 PM
0 Philistion
20 Mihail
30 Peridokles
40 Aegea Kleandridas
120 Agoros
250 Corinth Ogres

This all on a 2D plane thank the gods

4 of the enemy were wounded in the opening barrage

2021-03-04, 06:09 PM
Aegea continues her deadly advance, calmly releasing another arrow at her prior target. She begins to recount a legendary tale of a hunt, against a great beast of legend that could only have been felled by the nimbleness and teamwork of the elves and fey.
Move 40ft

AC: [roll0] 20, x3
If Crit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] Piercing
+[roll3] Cold

2021-03-04, 07:38 PM
Aegea's arrow finds it's mark and the ogre drops, 3 of the others that were all wounded in the first volley run up in front of Agoros. It's too far for them to make an effective charge but they've closed the distance, the two ogres that were gathering stones have yet to react and the two who were getting the branch lob it towards the Corithians - apparently trying to force them to break ranks

Ogres A1 dead

A2, B1 and B2 move 130 feet to melee with Agoros

Will now be a -4 to target them without precise shot

D1 and D2 who were getting the branch use it as a caber

[roll0] +3

2021-03-04, 07:43 PM
[roll0] +3 HG Mar
[roll1] +2 Hg Ftr 1
[roll2] +2 Hg Ftr 2
[roll3] +2 Hg Ftr 3
[roll4] +3 Gnoll 1
[roll5] +3 Gnoll 2

2021-03-04, 07:45 PM
[roll0] +5
[roll1] +5
[roll2] +5
[roll3] +5

2021-03-04, 07:50 PM
The branch smashes down into the midst of the Corinthians - with their backs up against a drop off they have nowhere to evade to and they take a nasty hit forcing them to break ranks

0 Philistion
20 Mihail
30 Peridokles
40 Aegea Kleandridas
80 Aegea
120 Agoros Ogres A2, B1, B2
250 Corinth Ogres C1 C2 D1 D2

Mihail and Agoros to move, then C1 and C2

2021-03-05, 04:27 AM
Agoros, seeing the ogres rushing towards his position, steels himself for what is incoming. His mind is filled with the towering presence of the Old One, and his demeanor turns imposing and assertive, like that of the King of Titans. He firmly sticks his soles in the soft ground, and raises his arm above his head, looking all the ogres in the eyes in quick succession. A booming voic echoes through the plain.

"Kneel, pathetic creatures! Kneel, despicable flesh-eaters! You hapless brutes, beyond the gaze of the gods for such is your mind-numbness ! You only know feeding and praying, and are unworthy of being called sentient creatures, let alone citizen of Greece and Macedonia! Even Tartarus would be a punishment above your station - you only deserve to be put to the sword like a rabid dog is. Kneel before your betters, as is your rightful place! BY KRONOS I THUS ORDER YOU!"

Standard action: Using the Demoralize action. Using the Never Outnumbered skill trick so that it affects all ogres within 10ft, rather than a single one. Using the Imperious Command feat so that each ogre that fails its modified level check first cowers for 1 round, then is shaken the round after.
Intimidate check: [roll0] (including a -4 size penalty)
Move action: move away from contact 30ft, using Tumble to avoid any AoOs (roll in OOC thread)

2021-03-05, 02:22 PM
Mihail will fire at one of the ogres assaulting Agoros. Now that they're closer, he can aim more accurately despite them being engaged with his ally.

I'll not bother with a 5' step since that will make wilphe's diagram more complicated.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirmation roll: [roll1]

Damage roll: [roll2] + [roll3] cold damage
Confirmation damage: [roll4]

Second attack: [roll5]
Confirmation roll: [roll6]

Damage roll: [roll7] + [roll8] cold damage
Confirmation damage: [roll9]

2021-03-06, 04:37 PM
Peridokles rushes forward, and, judging that he is now close enough to use words as weapons, lets his sling drop as he reachs for his precious skin of wine. He dribbles a few drops onto his palm, and drawns sigils frantically as he speaks.

To me! Gift of Promentheus! Breath of Hephaustus! That which lies beneath our actions, our world, the bringer of life and the thread that binds the bones! I call upon the servants of the lioness, She Who is Mighty, whom I name now as Nesert, the Flame! And as that goddess was bound so too I bind those who heed my call. Bound in the manner of the goddess, to go so far and no further, bound by Herocletus's logus, for what is fire can not consume itself, and thus what is part of the world can not the world burn. And bound by simple promise.

At that last he shakes the wine skin. Fire bursts forth from his palm, held there, within a circle drawn of wine.

Move 30 feet forward. Cast spell.

Peridokles has cast Produce Flame

Prometheus is the titan who stole fire from the (Greek) gods and gave it to mankind.
Hephaustus is the Greek god of the forge, and of metalworking, and thus of fire.
She Who is Mighty is the Eygptian Sekhmet, wife of the Sun god Ra, and goddess of fire. She is often represented as a lioness

Nesert literally means Flame, and is the name of Sekhmet in her rather more violent aspect, as the goddess of setting fire to stuff and burning people to death.

In Eygptian myth, Sekhmet once got a bit carried away and started to kill everyone in the entire world. She was put off from buring the entire world to the ground by Ra spilling red ale in front of her, which she mistook for blood, and which caused her to come to her senses and turn back.
It appears Peridokles is using this to try and limit and control the fire he is summoning with a circle of red wine.

Herocletus is a famous philosopher who argued that the entire world was made up of one element - fire.

Herocletus also believed that words, which includes meaning and logic, were also made of fire. This is sometimes referred to as his logos. Fire thus became, in his world-view, an element that was tightly controlled most of the time and on which the structure of the world depends.
Peridokles appears to be invoking that aspect of Herocletus's teachings to contain the fire spirits within his palm, and not them spread at random

Nature spirits are very fond of alcohol. If Peridokles is, as he seems to be, offering free wine to any fire spirit who joins in, he probably didnt need to say anything else.

Herocletus is more commonly spelt with an i instead of an e, but the forum spellchecker objects to that...

2021-03-11, 05:16 PM
[roll0]+4 A1
[roll1]+4 A1
[roll2]+4 A1

2021-03-11, 05:24 PM
[roll0] +8 [roll1]+7
[roll2] +8 [roll3]+7
[roll4] +8 -2 Shaken [roll5]+7

2021-03-11, 05:37 PM
Mihail can't manage to get a clear shot past Agoros and both attacks go wide, the two that were casting around for stones abandon that effort and chase after Agoros hefting their clubs but cannot get close enough to join the melee just yet.

C1 and C2 run 130 feet and finish adjacent to Agoros

One of the ogres next to Agoros cowers at his display, the other 2 of the Ogres next to him swing at him as he tries to slip out of range, one is just rattled enough by his display to hesitate in its swing which goes wide. The other two connect driving the breath from his lungs and giving him some nasty bruises but no serious damage 15 and 13 for 28 total.

The two new ones are also temporarily dumbfounded by his display of power.

2021-03-11, 05:43 PM
[roll0] +4
[roll1] +4

2021-03-11, 06:09 PM
The Corinthians move as one in a smooth well drilled movement, the two unwounded members drawing the ogres attention as they fan out and surround them. Concentrating their attacks with uncanny precision they pierce one of the ogres with 3 of their spears. It gives a last bellow and slumps to the ground thick gore oozing from its wounds. The remaining ogre swings at their leader but it glances off their shield

2021-03-11, 06:44 PM
Philistion followed well behind. Seeking out one of the ogres that were menacing Agoros, the doctor attempted to make one a cyclops, through the expedient of putting an ice-covered arrow in one of its eyes.

5' step forward, Rapid shot on the one of the ogres still swinging at Agoros.

Attack 1: [roll0] Piercing damage: [roll1] Cold Damage: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] Piercing damage: [roll4] Cold Damage: [roll5]

2021-03-12, 01:44 PM
The Ogre falls, his last breath also his mintiest

2021-03-12, 03:07 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Klenadridas see's Agoros surrounded and knows he cannot leave his beloved brother in arms to such a fate, throwing his bow aside he bounds forward, leaping rocks and shrubs and he pulls forth his shield and spear, second later he leaps into position beside his brother, shields clashing loudly. "For SParta" he mutters as he spins the spear facing the ogres

Double move the 80ft to close to Agoros drawing spear and shield


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC
Dragon song +3d6 cold damage

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP / , DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-03-13, 10:46 AM
Kleandridas moves up next to his brother in arms

Only 50' move to get next to him as he moved back 30

0 Philistion
20 Mihail
40 Kleandridas
60 Peridokles
80 Aegea
90 Agoros Kleandridas
120 Ogres B1, B2 C1 C2
250 Corinth D2

Aegea and Kleandridas again up

B1 is wounded
B2 is wounded and cowering
C1 and C2 are unwounded and cowering
D2 is unwounded but surrounded

Kleandridas 17
Aegea 16
B1 11
B2 11
Peridokles 10
Mihail 9
C1 7
C2 7
Agoros 3
Corinth 3
D2 2

2021-03-14, 05:12 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

As he reaches Agoros the elf taps him on the shoulder, "Lets show him how men of Sparta fight!" he cries as he bounds forward 20dft striking with his spear at the nearest ogre before bounding back and locking shields with Agoros.

Spring attack!
Bound 20ft forward (to be 10ft from an ogre usig spear's reach) then bound 20ft back to Agoros
Power attack for 2 [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] ice + [roll3] skirmish


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC
Dragon song +3d6 cold damage
Dodge +1 AC vs nearest ogre

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-03-14, 06:59 PM
Kleandridas spears the one ogre that is not cowering and it drops to the ground without even making a sound beyond a dull thud. The other three ogres are cowed by Agoros's display and will stay that way until Agoros's action (if they live that long)


2021-03-14, 07:11 PM
Aegea runs forward. ”And with a smile, Otrera raised her bow,” she continues, pausing her story to take a deep breath. When she’s around 20ft from the lot, she halts, lowers her bow, and lets forth a wave of icy breath.
Breath Weapon, 30ft Cone, should hit all of them
DC 14 Reflex Save for Half
Damage: [roll0] Cold Damage

“And slew them where they stood.”

2021-03-15, 07:53 AM

2021-03-15, 08:00 AM
One of the foes falls, one staggers back slightly and slumps against a low tree dropping its club as it does so, one remains facing you - though not in good shape and still cowed.


2021-03-15, 12:21 PM
Peridokles looks at the last remaining ogre.

I don't not know if it is right, to offer you to the spirits. He says softly. But I made them a promise. Am I less bound?

He lobs a blazing ball of flame at the surviving ogre, the flames becoming rimmed with hoarfrost as they sail through the air, only for a fresh fire to surge up from his palm.

Throwing produce flame as a ranged touch attack range increment 120'

[roll0] ranged touch for [roll1] fire damage.

This is technically a 'weapon-like spell', so should also do [roll2] cold damage as well.

2021-03-15, 02:57 PM
The Ogre screams in pain as fire and frost sear it's flesh but remains on it's feet


2021-03-15, 11:10 PM
This battle is nearly over. Let's see if I can finish it!

Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirmation roll: [roll1]

Damage roll: [roll2] + [roll3] Cold Damage
Confirmation damage: [roll4]

Second attack: [roll5]
Confirmation roll: [roll6]

Damage roll: [roll7] + [roll8] Cold Damage
Confirmation damage: [roll9]

With Knowledge Devotion, he'd normally be at +8 here, so this is still taking into account his lack of precise shot.

2021-03-16, 11:00 AM
Mihail's target falls, all that is left is the one slumped against the tree and the one surrounded by the Corinthians that is rapidly speared and brought down.

The Ogre sits, shivering with a bluish tinge to his skin and rime encrusting his face and body, muttering only a few words over and over, Overlin, Kalt. Zutund. Wyrmalvjarla

He is on 0 hitpoints so disabled

Defeat. Cold. Help. DragonElf Lady

He's got no fight left in him
He is trying to surrender, apparently specifically to Aegea

Ogres have a poor grasp of the concept of mercy, they do have a strong concept of submitting to people who are more powerful than them

2021-03-16, 11:15 AM
The Corinthians meanwhile spread out and check the condition of their casualties and the fallen Ogres nearby. One of the Gnolls gets out what appears to be a wand of some kind and starts healing his comrade.

The leading hobgoblin, followed by her unit approaches you, not with any hostile intent but ready in case things turn badly with one gnoll on either flank

She carries the long straight slashing sword of the Barbarians from the great steppe around the Euxine and speaks in the clipped direct tone typical of her people

I am Rigalia, Arpadska of Ondrek's Legion in the service of the great city of Cornith. Your assistance is appreciated. she bows and clutchs a fist over her heart Who are you and what brings you here?

Rigali is the Hobgoblin wargod

Arpadska is a leadership title, roughly equivalent to captain

You notice that her and her other Hogoblins are actually in mithril thorax armour.

2021-03-16, 05:51 PM
Aegea lowers her bow as the ogre appears to give in. ”Eskerrik asko amore emateagatik. Lehenago egin izan bazenu, baliteke zure lagunak bizirik jarraitzea,” she says with a glare and toothy grin to the survivor.
Thank you for giving up. If you had done so sooner, your friends might have survived.
“The beast knows its place. If one of you speaks its language, we might get some information out before deciding whether to kill it or not.”

The half dragon looks between the the ogre and the hobgoblin. “Not often I see another woman who takes up arms as a trade. I am Aegea. We were heading toward the temple when we came across you.”

2021-03-16, 11:06 PM
The andropagi, she gestures at the Gnolls, They claim to be Oripata so they will only take orders from women. Not many of my colleagues want to wear a dress. both of the Gnolls have the biggest smirks on their faces and aren't even bothering to try and hide it.

So why were you heading towards to the Temple? It's been abandoned for years and you don't look like pilgrims

Maneaters. This is both just and unjust, Gnolls do eat people but they are no more likely to eat humans than they are to eat anyone else and the ones found in Greece very rarely do and usually wait until the person is already dead or so they claim. I think I mentioned in the recruitment thread that Gnoll culture is possibly an elaborate practical joke at everyone else's expense

Amazons.(lit., "man-killers" or "man-beaters"). Gnolls being matriarchal, claim to be the inspiration for Amazons. There's no account of them making this claim until a gnoll sage at a symposia encountered some wine cups decorated with highly sexualised amazons so it's highly likely this is another example of Gnoll humour

2021-03-17, 03:41 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

As the ogres are slain he pauses with surprise as Aegea lets out a great blast of cold fire, a glance at the Agoros. "I've met strong women who can breathe fire when angry, never one that can turn me to ice." he jokes to his brother Spartan, approaching the ogres he looks at the one he felled. "Poor showing brute, you are too weak."

As the Corinthian mercenaries approach he watches them carefully, not really dropping his guard lest they prove false. He offers a raised spear by way of greeting to the hobgoblin war leader. Adding after Aegea finishes, "You fight well Andropagi. Your troops held themselves adequately. What brings you to the the mountains? You are far from home."

Spot [roll0]


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC
Dragon song +3d6 cold damage
Dodge +1 AC vs nearest ogre

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-03-17, 06:09 AM
Agoros sticks his spear in the ground and lets out a big sigh. His right arm looks like it's about to pivot in a very wrong direction, and his linothorax bears a huge red spot from the blood flowing from the club hit he received in the ribs. He find the force to smile at Kleandrikas' banter, though he is a little bit too dizzy to specifiy he's a mercenary working for Sparta, not a Spartan himself.

"It is always good manner to help out friendly Corinthians in need of assistance." he mutters to Rigalia with a small bow.That said, he painfully turns around and looks for his favorite physician for help. Let Aegea do the talking, I am in no shape to get involved in diplomacy...
"Uh, Philistion, can you take a look?"

2021-03-17, 06:56 AM
"You fight well Andropagi. Your troops held themselves adequately. What brings you to the the mountains? You are far from home."

Travelers have been disappearing on the road to Argos. We were sent to investigate the threat.

2021-03-17, 10:30 AM
Mihail will put away his bow and grab his shield again, then walk up to where everyone else is.

I'm glad this conflict is over. Philistion, I believe our friend Agoros could use some tending again. Perhaps it would be better if you don't charge directly into everything? It may prove better for your health long term.

He chuckles to hopefully demonstrate that he's more than half joking.

An entire village of people has disappeared. We're trying to figure out what happened to them, save any survivors, and stop whatever's making them disappear. We've already slain a few harpies, and found a cursed swarm of hands and feet. We have heard there are more of them in the Temple.

2021-03-17, 07:06 PM

Still clutching his bow, Philistion heads towards the Corinthians, giving the ogre a wide berth.

"I am a physician. May I be of assistance?"

So many checks!

Sense Motive [roll0]
Knowledge Religion [roll1]
Knowledge Local [roll2]
Spot [roll3]

2021-03-18, 08:52 AM
The andropagi, she gestures at the Gnolls, They claim to be Oripata so they will only take orders from women. Not many of my colleagues want to wear a dress. both of the Gnolls have the biggest smirks on their faces and aren't even bothering to try and hide it.

So why were you heading towards to the Temple? It's been abandoned for years and you don't look like pilgrims

”The Amazon’s were women, after all. It makes sense that only those who could strike fear in the hearts of the settled cities could command such proud and noble people,” she says with a grin to match that of the gnolls.

“Yes, we are investigating disappearances. We suspect a nest of harpies may partially be to blame.”

2021-03-18, 03:50 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas grins, "We are here for the same reason, as my friends say we hunt some of the winged fiends. A flagon of ale to who gets he most?" he offers, a jest in good nature. Watching the gnolls he sizes them up then nods happily as he finds them wanting.

Seeing Agoros holding the ribs he nods, "Aye, a painful blow. Would have fellled a bullock. Good that you are a stubborn old goat"


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-03-18, 06:29 PM
Peridokles gets out his wineskin, and pours a cautious dribble over his flaming hand. The flame flare up and then die away.

He wanders over to join the conversation, prodding experimentally at his palm while doing so.

2021-03-18, 11:11 PM

While waiting for the Corinthians to respond, Philistion retraces his steps in order to assist Agoros. He prods the warrior's ribs gently and grimaces.

"There is a great deal of movement there. Hmm. Let me see if I can help."

Offering a prayer to Apollo, and seeking to adjust the ribs back into place, Philistion lays both hands on Agoros' side.

Sorry for missing the request earlier.

Phil burns Status to cast Cure Serious Wounds, healing [roll0].

2021-03-22, 07:00 AM
Agoros sighs in relief as he feels his organ shifting back to the proper place. Only a few scraps and bruises remain now. He smiles widely at Philistion.
"By Kronos, I admire your devotion to Appolo. He certainly appreciates your prayers and answers back in kind." That being said, he more nimbly approaches the ongoing conversation. To answer Kleandrikas:
"Well, more of a stubborn horse, actually. Anyway, I feel back on track to resume that temple investigation."

2021-03-22, 03:24 PM
Rigalia nods Then we both have the same mission. No villages have been taken here but if this allowed to continue they shall become bolder. Let us attack them together

She bows at Philistion, Thank you, but our healers have the matter in hand. Unless your powers are sufficient to bring back the dead.

Her attention turns to the surrendered Ogre, who cowers at her attention and looks at Aegea submissively He surrendered to you so he is yours to deal with. Either heal him and take him with you as your responsibility or slit his throat. But I will not permit him to be turned loose in Corinthian territory

2021-03-22, 04:11 PM

Phiistion smiles initially at Rigalia's response.

"I'm afraid that bargaining with Hades is beyond my simple talents. If you'll be all right, I'll save my prayers."

When Rigalia brings up the prospect of simply slaughtering the ogre, Philistion speaks softly but firmly to his companions.

"Killing when needed, in battle, is one thing. But this is not an animal."

The doctor walks over to the ogre. He doesn't speak the language, so instead uses gesture to convey "bandage", "better", "safe", and waits to see if the ogre will accept his touch.

2021-03-22, 04:41 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

The elf grins at Agoros and gently punches him in the now healed ribs. "Good as new are they?" he grins. Clapping him on the shoulder he glances at the mountains, "Aye, lets head up and get those harpies."

He looks at the ogre and Philiston, "If you want me to finish it then let me know. If not let the good lady hobgoblin take the beast as a slave, we have harpies to hunt."


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-03-22, 10:11 PM
"I'm not familiar with their nature. Are they a people proper, or just monsters that happen to have our shape?" The elf looks at the ogre with a frown. It speaks, but so can harpies, and she was not as gentle hearted as the healer.

2021-03-24, 04:49 PM
Agoros smiles back. He then walks up to the defeated ogre. "Definitely good as new. As to this ogre...well, he certainly has deserved to be punished somehow for cannibalism, but more importantly he needs to be removed as a hindrance. I'll leave it to you whether that's a death penalty or something kinder, as long as he does not end up hampering us in any way."

2021-03-24, 07:04 PM
"Cannibalism? So they were people once? And this... is a curse for their folly?" she asks, clawed hand gently but firmly pulling the creature's face down to her eye level. "Though I am inclined to slit your throat and be done with someone so unnatural, it seems that this was the punishment set by the gods. It is not my place to argue for more or less. You live - for now."

2021-03-30, 08:20 AM
Agoros addresses Rigalia. "So I suppose we will leave him to your hands to deal with, then. Shall we proceed towards the temple?"

2021-04-02, 04:35 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas races looks to Agoros, "Aye, leave it with the Corinthians or kill it, I care not, its weak kind will be eradicated one kind. We should continue our hunt and not tarry longer.". He pauses to clean his spear on one of the dead, looks at the body with satisfaction and nods in a happy manner. "Are we ready to continue, we can leave Rigalia and her men to clean up his mess"


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-04-02, 07:02 AM
”What? No, I believe he will be useful with us.”

2021-04-02, 05:42 PM
Philistion looks at the ogre.

"Do you know the tongue of men, ogre? What is your name?"

Sense motive to see if the creature seems likely to lash out: 1d20+10z

2021-04-08, 02:36 PM
The ogre kneels in front of the group, of course this still makes him eye level to Aegea and taller than everyone else save Mihail. However his eyes are lowered, Umbru-Katu. he thumps his chest, Umbru-Katu serve milady Dragon Elf well. Much danger here. But she is most dangerous. Umbru-Katu follow.

The stretcher subduer bad lord. No feed Umbru-Katu. Send Umbru-Katu and others out while he sit in cave. Umbru-Katu hate stretcher subduer.

Stretcher Subduer could refer to


And Xanthia did mention

I have seen a blindman, a mad man and a man without hands or feet terrorize the Peloponnese

2021-04-08, 02:39 PM
"Are we ready to continue, we can leave Rigalia and her men to clean up his mess"

Rigalia looks squarely at Kleandridas hands on hips, Really Lacedemonian? Do not think that we are ungrateful for your assistance. But please do not also think that you may reap all the glory for yourself whilst leaving us to stack your sheeves. We shall be pressing on.

2021-04-09, 04:17 AM
Agoros raises an eyebrow at the exchange taking place. He addresses the ogre.
"So you were working for...the stretcher lord? Was that a person forcing his captives to fit a one-sized bed? We've heard some tales when crossing the Attic during the war...at any rate, welcome to our party, as long as you don't betray us, obey us, and don't eat anything else than what we allow you to."

He then moves up to Rigalia.
"Ah, well, we would be glad to join forces for the incoming exploration - but I can't be bothered anymore than Kleandrikas to stop any longer than what is necessary for cleaning this battlefield. We can do that on our way back, when time is less pressing - or send some of these villagers we have protected to do that for us. If all is said and done, then let us proceed."

2021-04-09, 04:56 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

The elf glances at the hobgoblin warleader with a wry grin. "Well then Rigalla, let's see who Ares favours eh.." he clashes his spear tip with Agoror's with a knowing smile knowing that it will be them not the Corinithians. "Aye Agoros, we'll be off. To much of precious Apollo's light has been wasted already." As the ogre quivers and bows he shakes his head at the abject display of cowardice, and calls across to Aegea, "Come, we must move on, bring your pet if you must."


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-04-09, 06:51 AM
”Umbru-Katu... A good name. So long as you serve me well, I shall do as I can to treat you in kind.” Aegea turns a harsh eye to the Spartan. “And you all will treat him with equal dignity. If the gods saw fit for him to serve a penance rather than death, then there is still something in him that is worthwhile. He is not a pet.”

As the group moves, Aegea turns to her new follower. “So, tell me about this ‘stretcher subduer,’ Umbru-Katu. Who was he? What cave did he hide in while sending you to do his bidding?”

2021-04-10, 08:16 AM
Agoros is still doubtful about Aegea's new acquaintance. He shrugs. "We'll see. As long as he proves to be more of an asset than a hindrance, I don't particularly care one way or another. Though I have to admit, knowing more about that stretcher lord is interesting...."

Clanging at Kleandrikas' shield with his spear in return, he answers."True, we have dwelt here too long already. Let's carry on."

2021-04-10, 08:28 AM

The doctor smiled faintly as Aegea claims 'her' prize.

"Please be still for a moment, Umbru-Katu. I'll see if I can ease your pain a bit there."

Reaching into his bag, Philistion pulls out a brownish ointment which he sets at the edges of the ogre's wounds. He chants to Apollo, and the cuts begin to knit together.

Burning a Protection from Evil to cast Cure Light Wounds [roll0] on the ogre.

2021-04-10, 11:23 AM
Agreed. We should continue on. While I'm glad we were able to help these people, the longer we take to get to the temple, the longer they'll have to react to the casualties we inflicted last night.

To Rigalia: You can clearly fight. I'd be happy to lend my shield to yours. But we should get moving. We inflicted several casualties on the harpies last night, as well as an undead carpet of hands and feet. You can tell us what you know as we travel.

Mihail will sling his bow and pick up his slab of a shield again and prepare to continue.

2021-04-10, 02:30 PM
Rigalia motions to her command, the hobgoblins falling in and two gnolls adopting a more fluid position and they set off towards the Temple at a fast march.

Last one to the Temple is a Mede.

Umbru-Katu sticks close behind Aegea, Umbru-Katu and packmates sleep. Stretcher Subduer fly in and kill Lord. Say he Lord now. Take females. Tell us attack humans. Umbru-Katu no want kill no want die afraid sharps but more afraid Stretcher Subduer.

Stretcher Subduer in cave by god house. Flying ladies talk to him and other bad things Umbru-Katu no know.

Umbru-Katu does not understand most of what people are saying because he is just not that smart and his grasp of Greek is weak

He also is likely to interpret kindness as weakness so may view Philistion healing him in that light (unless it is pitched as "I shall patch your worthless hide so you may better serve your mistress"

2021-04-10, 03:34 PM
"Fly... Stretcher Subduer same as flying ladies?" Aegea asks, simplifying her speech to match the ogre's.

2021-04-10, 04:55 PM
No. Like Umbru-Katu but Red.

2021-04-11, 01:11 PM
Agoros walks alongwith Aegea, paying attention to the discussion. "Cave by god house? Seems to me that's the temple we're heading to. Tell us, what is in that cave? More of your kind? Traps, guards to protect the Stretcher Subduer? We might have to see what's it about there too."

2021-04-11, 03:16 PM
Stretcher Subduer there with females. No more like Umbru-Katu, Umbru Katu last. he sounds sort of sad, but hard to tell, Stretcher Subduer no let females out no let Umbru-Katu in. My female try to leave Stretcher Subduer. My female hurt bad. he definitely sounds angry but not sure where it lands on the affection-someone stole thing I value spectrum

2021-04-11, 05:09 PM
”Hm...” Aegea thinks a bit. Would it be possible for them to assist their charge with this? What would be the consequences? “If this Stretcher Subduer were to be killed, what do you think you would do? Leave us for your female? How would the rest of you respond to the people who killed them?”

2021-04-12, 04:47 AM
Agoros' mind is set on the incoming encounter with harpies."Hmm. If he remains in his cave to prevent the females from fleeing, then he can't assist the harpies at the temple." He adds a question to Aegea's. "Say, what's the relationship between the Stretcher-Subduer and the bird women? Are they friends, allies, foes? Will he come to help them if they ask him to?"

2021-04-14, 08:08 PM
Umbru-Katu serve Dragon Elf Lady. If Stretcher Subduer killed females serve Dragon Elf Lady also.

He seems to struggle to understand Agoros question,

Flying ladies and Stretcher Subduer talk. Flying ladies give Stretcher Subduer food. Stretcher Subduer send Umbru-Katu and tribemates to get food for Flying Ladies. One time Stretcher Subduer tell tribe obey Flying Ladies for few days.

As the conversation happens the group leaves the pass and begins the hike up the trail, the sun is nowhere near its zenith and the shadows it casts are deep and dark in the valley. The terrain is think rocky soil covered in low scrub and bushes and it is hard for more than two to walk abreast for any length of time.

After an hour or so those in front spy the ruined temple over the slight ridge in front of you

2021-04-14, 10:52 PM
Aegea smiles a grin that doesn’t hide her sharp teeth. ”Hm. I will do what I can to take lead of your people from Stretcher Subduer. And do not call me Dragon Elf Lady. Call me...” Ooh, she could title herself to Umbru-Katu if she wanted... but no. Titles are earned, and bequeathed by others. If she wrote her own, it would be like creating her own epithet. It was not Ares who claimed the title of ‘he who is feasted by women,’ but those who saw said feasting. “...just Aegea for now. Less of a mouthful, yes?” The power that might come to her people if ogres were able to exist alongside them was too tempting to pass up.


Aegea pauses as they reach the temple. ”From here, where does your tribe reside?”

2021-04-16, 04:18 AM
"Alright , so we mustn't exclude facing both harpies and Stretcher Subduer at the same time then..."

2021-04-16, 09:44 PM
Not far that way Umbru-Katu gestures westwards in front of you past the Temple.

The sanctuary itself is dusty and overgrown, situated in a small shallow hollow about 50 meters below the summit. It doesn't look like it was ever very big, just an altar in the open air and a wooden pergola around it that seems a little worse the wear.

It would be about half a kilometer away at this point, with the approach through the same low scrub you have been walking upwards in. However it's a little bit more open and there a few strands of trees that you could use as cover if you wanted to try creeping up rather than go straight up the path

There is no apparent watch set and the only sign of life is a few hobbled goats snacking on bushes.

2021-04-17, 01:09 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas looks up the scree slope mentally tracing a route before he looks at his comrades. “A foreboding slope and high vantage point. Who will scout ahead with me?”

Whilst waiting for a volunteer he nods to Agoros, “Watch the beast in case it betrays us” then after the warning he begins jogging up the slope, keeping low as he scurries from scrub to scrub, spear ready

Stealth [roll0]
Spot [roll1]


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-04-17, 06:51 AM
Aegea scoffs as the Spartan insults her follower. ”He has a name, Spartan. Learn it.

I’ll stay back this time, since I should be the one keeping track of Umbru-Katu. If you’re attacked, make sure to shout loudly so we can have a laugh before coming to rescue you.” She pauses. “Unless the proud child of cities is too noble to accept help from us lowly beasts.”

2021-04-17, 03:32 PM

The doctor considers coming with Kleandridos, but steps back, realizing that his talents did not include stealth.

2021-04-17, 10:41 PM
Peridokles, would you mind going with Kleandridas? If you need to fall back, I'll gladly stand as a bulwark. Unfortunately, my size and bulk keep me from being particularly sneaky.

2021-04-18, 06:32 AM
Peridokles looks a little surprised, but bobs his head.

Yes, of course, if the great warrior will undertake to protect me? Maybe he can give me some tips on remaining unseen?

He's carefully ties down his satchel and draws his dusty cloak around himself before following Kleandridas. The staff he was carrying earlier seems to have gone.

Spot 1d20+4/[/roll]

2021-04-18, 06:11 PM
Rigalia gestures at the smaller of the two gnolls, who gives a grin and bundles over to Kleandridas and Peridokles. Show me what you learned in the Krypteia Spartan.

The other drops to rearguard out of view of the Temple with the Hobgoblins.

2021-04-19, 03:46 AM
Agoros, being the almost blind and deaf warrior he is, remains where he stands and tries his best to remain alert.

2021-04-30, 03:49 PM
Kleandridas darts from cover to cover up the hill side, the gnoll moving in his footsteps behind each dash and Peridokles behind. Without incident the three of you arrive at a small clump of trees about 150m from the ruins. There appears to be a spring of some kind here, albeit not a big or well flowing one and stagnant with algae, but there appears to be enough water here to support plenty of vegetation as the trees are cloaked with thorny brambles and untamed wild vines.

As you watch a cloaked figure appears in the ruins and seems to be collecting twigs and wood at the alter perhaps for a burnt offering

Spot, Listen and K/Nature please

Everyone else:

Rigalia and her hobgoblins are waiting in well-disciplined silence with no apparent sign of restlessness or fidgeting - you can see why they were assigned this task.

There is some sort of movement in the ruins, but it doesn't look like a Harpy.

It is otherwise really quiet without even any wind to rustle the leaves and a low baa of one of the goats cuts through the near silence

Spot please

2021-05-04, 05:32 PM
You watch as the cloaked figure continues to gather its fuel, it's odd that the vines around you are moving like that when there is so little wind.


Whatever malign intelligence - if any - is directing the vegetation seems to realise you've noticed something odd about it and there is a loud rustling of leaves, tendrils and soil as the surronding vegetation whips out towards and around you

No suprise round because you made the spot checks, but need initative, action and two reflex saves please

2021-05-04, 05:48 PM
Everyone else:

You do notice some non-plantlike movement from the plants where the three scouts have gone.

You feel briefly a bit colder the sun gets interupted by a shadow - at least you hope that's why you get colder

As you react to this you hear a warning hiss from Rigalia, Don't move

2021-05-05, 04:17 PM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas grumbles, "Spawn of hades" as he then looks at the plants writhing towards him. "Flee, move," he barks at his fellow scout. "Get back, warn the others" he orders as he lunges with his spear at the mass of plants

Initiative [roll0]
Reflex saves [roll1] and [roll2]
Stab the plants (PA2) [roll3] dam [roll4]


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-05-05, 05:55 PM
Aegea freezes. ”What is- and he’s attacking,” the elf sighs. ”I thought you Spartans were good at following orders.”

2021-05-05, 07:03 PM
Mihail freezes, followed by cursing as he sees Kleandridas strike.

What are we facing here, Rigalia?

I'm presuming that plants can be covered by Knowledge: Nature.
Knowledge: Nature roll [roll0]

I'll also assume that the rest of us need to roll initiative since we can see a little bit of what's happening.
Initiative: [roll1]

I'll wait to do more until after I have a better idea of what's going on since the Knowledge check is reflexive.

2021-05-05, 08:30 PM
Don't move. Stay quiet.

In the air, not seen us yet

Two harpies, one carrying a limp body its claws are high up between you and the scouts, facing away from you apparently having flown over you without noticing

2021-05-05, 08:44 PM
Kleandridas deftly avoids the worst of the entangling vegetation, however it gets a good grasp on your gnoll companion and tendrils lash out at each of you, missing Kleandridas but hitting the scholar across the face and trying to wrap around his neck

[roll0] +12 v Periodokles
[roll1] +9

[roll2] +12 v Kleandridas
[roll3] +9

Gnoll is entangled once
Kleandridas is at half speed
Periodokles is at half speed if he beats two DC13 reflex saves, otherwise entangled and is facing a grapple check

2021-05-06, 05:55 AM
Agoro freezes too, trusting the eyes and ears of his comrades. "How are our scouts doing?" he whispers to Rigalia.

2021-05-06, 03:22 PM
Philistion resists the urge to snatch his bow up and train an arrow on the passing harpies, but he holds as still as his tight chest allows.

2021-05-09, 06:45 PM
Kleandridas strikes into the soft stem of one of the vines, it shudders but seems not overly troubled even if the wound begins to leak a bluish sap.

Peridokles is grasped firmly by the vines that begin to wrap around him even as the apparently less deliberate vegetation wraps around his feet.

Your companion makes no attempt to escape the grasp of the foliage instead attacking the vines that have grasped Peridokles giving a blow that would be more telling if it wasn't at a plant

[roll0] +9 Constrict Damage on Peridokles

[roll1] +8
[roll2] +4

2021-05-09, 07:10 PM
Everyone else:

"How are our scouts doing?"

What are we facing here, Rigalia?

Not well and I don't know. You want to attack or wait for them to come down further?

You are a way off, but it looks like what has been called the Manslayer Vine, sometimes seen around Temples of Dionysius and occasionally employed against those who have seriously upset him when "drive them insane and/or have them torn apart by frenzied cultists" hasn't worked or isn't appropriate

You just don't think they got that big

Advanced Assassin Vine

You are all about 250 yards from Kleandridas and Peridokles, the two harpies are moving slowly away from you towards them about 500 feet up and 100 yards in front of you (Range 580 feet)

2021-05-09, 09:58 PM
Our scouts are under attack by giant Manslayer vines! Ignore the harpies for now, but I think we need to beat feet to help our friends!

Mihail will put action to his words, and take off toward Kleandridas and Peridokles.

Speak a word to cast Swift Expeditious Retreat
Then he'll run toward Kleandridas and Peridokles.

With 50 foot speed, he should be able to close to 50 feet away.

2021-05-09, 10:40 PM

Resigned, the young doctor takes his bow in hand and begins jogging up after Mihail.

2021-05-10, 02:43 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Pinning tharashing vines with his shield and deftly avoiding some of the others the elf bobs backwards and sideways as he springs in to stab the heart of the plant before darting some 10ft back to avoid the worst of its reach. "Cut your way free" he barks to Peridokles and the gnoll as he spins spear and shield to warn off the constricting vines

Spring attack - 10ft in and then 10ft out
[roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish if appropriate


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-05-10, 05:46 PM
Aegea nods, jogging along. As she runs, she draws her bow and takes a potshot at one of the harpies.
Movement: 40ft
Attack: Range increment of 110ft, so -10 to her attack roll (applied)

Attack: [roll0]
If Crit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2021-05-12, 03:51 AM
Peridokles struggles, trying to break free. But the size and strength of the creature is far greater than his own.

Grapple 1s20+3

2021-05-12, 05:08 AM
Rigalia barks an order at her troops, Advance, those around her feel a warm sense of confidence and security at having her around, and she leads her hobgoblins up the hill, the gnoll on the right flank.

Umbru-Katu follows in Aegea's footsteps, apparently eager to prove himself to his new mistess.

The harpies notice as the group breaks cover and one gives a piercing scream of rage as Aegea's arrow shoots past it. The other drops it's load and they both descend a little and ready their bows

Minor Aura: Force of Will +3 to all will saves for anyone within 60'/20m

2021-05-12, 07:10 AM
”Have any of you heard the story of the huntress Philadea?” Aegea asks as she knocks another arrow. As she pulls back, she begins setting the scene: a village high in the mountains, ages ago, before the cities of Athens and Sparta were but gleams in the eyes of the gods.
Countersong: [roll0]

Arrow (don’t know distance now)
Attack: [roll1] 20/x3
If Crit: [roll2]
Ignore this, I am made of silly.

Damage: [roll3]

2021-05-12, 08:41 AM

The young elf watches glumly as Aegea's arrow arcs past the harpies. Well, here they go. Pausing in his run, Philistion sends a pair of arrows in long, graceful and, he hoped, accurate parabolas toward the nearer harpy.

5' step forward, rapid shot on the nearest harpy:
Knowledge devotion: [roll0] for a bonus of +2

Arrow 1 attack: [roll1] plus knowledge devotion bonus
Arrow 1 damage: [roll2] plus knowledge devotion bonus
Arrow 2 attack: [roll3] plus knowledge devotion bonus
Arrow 2 damage: [roll4] plus knowledge devotion bonus

2021-05-13, 10:42 AM
Agoros can understand the battlecry of Kleandrikas through the distance, and seeing how far from their scout his group currently is, understands the situation is dire. It will take them almost a minute to reach them...unless...
O Old One, thy humble servant does thy will. Allow him to take the form of thy messenger, to better help his comrades...

Agoros leaps upward...and upward...and upward...and does not fall down. Where a human was standing, a small, winged porcupine-like creature now bolts ahead at full speed, hoping to reach the scouts before it is too late.


Thanks to the Divine Minion template, Agoros is of Outsider type.
Standard action: Agoros expends one daily use (7 remaining) of his Infernal Patron Mountebank class feature to cast Alter Self on himself, CL 6. Since he's an outsider, he chooses the form of a Spinagon (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Spinagon), a 3HD small Baatezu with a 120ft fly speed.
Move action: Move 120ft (so, 36 yards) upwards, remaining at ground height.

2021-05-25, 07:33 PM
[spoiler=Out of Character][
With 50 foot speed, he should be able to close to 50 feet away.

250m = 750ft, so he will cover just over 1/4 the distance

2021-05-25, 07:55 PM
Agoros transforms into his swiftly flying form and begins to overhaul Mihail who has covered just over a quarter of the distance.

Rigalia barks another order and her squad conform to Aegea's movement, wanting to stay within the effective range of her music.

The harpies descend further and begin to direct fire at Aegea - apparently hoping to shut down her singing. One of Philistion's arrows finds it's mark tearing at a wing and causing the harpy to wobble slightly

The load the second harpy dropped crashes to the ground just in front of Mihail - it is the mutilated hand and foot-less corpse of the harpy you killed last night.

harpies moving down and closer to Aegea and co 500' total range now

[roll0] +7-10 = -3

[roll2] +7-10 = -3

2021-05-25, 07:55 PM
Harpy shots go so miserably wide you might not even be sure what they are shooting at

2021-05-25, 08:01 PM
Kleandridas stabs at the vine a second time, slashing droplets of bluish sap over the nearby leaves.

The hooded figure from the ruins steps in your direction and gestures at the vegetation, it stops attacking but does not release it's grip on Peridokles or the Gnoll.

What do you seek here? asks a hollow empty voice

2021-05-25, 10:19 PM
250m = 750ft, so he will cover just over 1/4 the distance

Oops, I misread that. I thought it said 250 feet. Okay.

2021-05-27, 04:16 AM
From a distance, Agoros sees Kleandrikas and Peridokles struggling against some kind of entangling plants. He presses on, happy not to have been chased off by the harpies.

Full-round action: take the Run action to move at x4 speed, so 480ft - 144 yards. 70 yards remaining before reaching the scouts.

2021-05-27, 02:32 PM
Drifting along well behind the others, Philistion arcs another pair of arrows toward the wounded harpy.

Phil takes a 5' step forward, then rapid shots the wounded harpy:
Arrow 1 attack [roll0] minus range penalties
Arrow 1 damage [roll1]
Arrow 2 attack [roll2] minus range penalties
Arrow 2 damage [roll3]

2021-05-30, 09:54 AM
Aegea continues her story of the huntress as she moves forward, carefully aims her bow, and releases the arrow.
Countersong: [roll0]

Move 40ft closer, no idea how close I am now
Attack: [roll1] 20/x3
If Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

2021-05-31, 03:19 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas stumbles and almost falls as he sees Agoros changing form into that fo some kind of winged beast of the underworld, he barely pulls his focus back to the battle in time to leap over the lashing vines. Before he can strike back at the plant he spies a figure in the nearby ruins (how far away?). Skidding he approaches cautiously and answers truthfully. "We had heard tell of Monsters and beasts, harpies that would attack the villages. We came to end that threat and slay all of the wild beasts of the mountains that carry the curses of the Gods"

Spring attack - 10ft in and then 10ft out
[roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish if appropriate


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-06-08, 04:24 AM
Peridokles struggles, trying to break free. But the size and strength of the creature is far greater than his own.

Grapple [roll0]

2021-06-08, 09:02 AM
Kleandridas and Peridokles

"We had heard tell of Monsters and beasts, harpies that would attack the villages. We came to end that threat and slay all of the wild beasts of the mountains that carry the curses of the Gods"

The hooded figure is two spear lengths from Kleandridas, it's highly unlikely he got that close via conventional movement but being distracted by the plants you didn't see it happen

I am neither Monster nor Wild Beast, he walks over towards where the plants have Peridokles and the Gnoll held fast, I do however carry the curse of a God he looks back over his shoulder at Kleandridas, How do you feel about that?

2021-06-08, 12:03 PM
One of Philistion's arrows finds its mark and there is a harsh yelp of pain as it hits its foot.

The two of them seem unbothered by the odds against them and in fact rather angry, dropping lower to press their attack on Aegea

[roll0] +7-8 = -1

[roll2] +7-8 = -1

2021-06-08, 12:05 PM
[roll0] +7-8 = -1

[roll2] +7-8 = -1

Crit confirmation...

[roll0] -1
[roll1] -1

2021-06-08, 12:17 PM
Both the harpies arrows hit Aegea, one in the arm and the other making its way between her neck and the top of the breastplate and ripping a long and bloody tear in her skin as it gives up its energy.

Rigalia seems slightly put off her stride by coming under accurate fire from such range but recovers fast

Is it bad?

That's either 10 or 20 damage depending on if that crit confirms. If it didn't confirm than it has made a long but superficial cut that will look a lot worse than it is and bleed profusely. if it did, less blood but it has gone deeper

Range penalty is down to -8

2021-06-09, 01:53 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas blinks as the creature appears closer and approaches his friends. He holds the spear out warily to bar its path. "Do not try your tricks with me cursed one," he growls. "It would depend on which of the Gods has cursed you and what your crime was." Hearing the screams and shouts of battle he looks down the dusty slope to see his allies battling the harpies, and looks back to the cloaked figure "Are these beasts yours to command. Call them off before we slaughter them all if they are...." he suggests.

Ready a spring attack if the hooded figure seems offensive
PA2 [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2]


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-06-09, 07:07 AM
Aegea pauses briefly, grunting in pain. ”Not every hunt by Philadea was a success,” she continues in her story, “and indeed some ended in vicious injuries. But it took more than a few cuts and scrapes to fell that huntress.” She presses forward more, firing another arrow at the harpy that had struck her. Continue bardic music, continue moving 40ft forward

Attack: [roll0] 20/x3
Crit confirm:[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2021-06-10, 04:25 PM
"It would depend on which of the Gods has cursed you and what your crime was."

And who are you to judge whom the gods have already judged? If mighty Dionysus of the Figs wanted me dead it is within his power to do so. He does not need such as you to do his bidding.

As for them, he looks at the harpies, They are most assuredly no friends of mine, but if you came here to hunt harpies you will need to lengthen your spear by more than just a step

Sykites - that's an epithet of his in Laconia

A Spartan women, in answer to her son who said that the sword which he carried was short, said, ‘Add a step to it.’

http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0204%3Achapter%3 D6%3Asection%3D18

2021-06-12, 10:09 AM

Seeing the Harpy's arrows strike Aegea, Philistion abandons his archery to focus on his profession. He sets off at a run, coming up alongside Aegea, panting a bit.

"Here...let me...take a...look."

Philistion will spend a round running to catch up with wherever Aegea ends this round, so that he can heal her next round.

2021-06-12, 10:03 PM
Mihail continues running towards the vines. He exhorts Hermes for greater speed to help his allies.

Casts Swift Expeditious Retreat
Runs toward the vines, covers another 200 feet.

2021-06-21, 04:46 PM
Kleandridas and Peridokles

The Gnoll speaks up, If he is not already our enemy Spartan do not try so hard to make him one.

He calls at the figure, I am Samahae, in service to the Great City of Corinth. We seek only those who have been raiding our villages.

Those whom the Gods chose to curse is a matter for the Gods

Waiting on you two to say something

2021-06-21, 05:12 PM
Everyone else:

Harpies drop a bit further and continue firing on Aegea, but they are back to going miserably wide

[roll0] +7-8 = -1

[roll2] +7-8 = -1

2021-06-21, 05:16 PM
Mihail and Agoros will arrive in the vicinity of the vines and the discussion going on if they move again this turn.

Aegea, Kleandridas, Peridokles to act

Riglia will conform to Aegea's movement and Umbru-Katu will stay by her side

2021-06-22, 09:19 AM
Still barging onward, Agoros arrives at the level of Kleandrikas and Peridokles. Aware that his companions will not recognize an ally in his current guise, he bellows to his comrades. A rasping, otherwordly cackling voice echoes above them, sthough oddly stutteting due to the oingoing effort:
"Kleandrikas, Peridokles...this is Agoros, and... I'm coming to help!"

Agoros has just enough time to seize the current situation of his allies, with the new figure standing at the entrance of the temple, before their conversation resumes.

2021-06-23, 03:20 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Sneering at the gnoll and grimacing at Agoros's appearance Kelandridas nods to the strange figure. "As you way, but we will speak further." Turning as he speaks he drops the shield and spear at his feet and draws the bow fletching an arrow in one smooth motion before launching a shaft at the flapping harpies harrying the rest of the party.

Attack [roll0] -2 at per range increment (110ft) Damage [roll1] +4 if harpy is a magical beast


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-06-25, 02:52 PM
Peridokles wrestles desperately with the enormous vine.

You may have been after raiders, but what you have <cough> caught is a perfume-seller!

Grapple [roll0]

2021-06-25, 10:38 PM
”As Philadea burst from the brush, startling her prey, the fowl tried to take wing, but it was too late,” she continues. Much like the protagonist in her story, she draws back and fires again.Still using countersong: [roll0]

Move another 40’ forward

Composite Longbow

AC: [roll1] 20/x3
If Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

2021-06-25, 11:10 PM
Spartan with his own perfumer.

What would Lycurgus make of that.

He waves his hand dismissively and the vegetation releases Peridokles and Samahae,

Go then and do what you came here for.

I shall be in my Temple waiting if you survive

If not you are not worth my time beyond a brief distraction in my endless existence.

2021-06-25, 11:19 PM
Both Aegea's and Kleandridas's shots go wide.

Situation at start of new round:

750 Kleandridas, Mihail, Peridokles, (range 665 to harpies) Agoros -120 high (605 to harpies)

220 Harpies at 370 high

170 Rigalia and troop

110 Aegea and Philistion (range 390 to harpies)

2021-07-05, 08:33 AM
"What was that? Who is this?" croaks Agoros with his unearthly voice. But he sees Kleandrikas attacking the harpies instead of the hooded figure, so he devises the Spartan has deemed that one to be a less immediate threat. Also, Peridokles is now freed.

The porcupine-like winged creature turns around and darts back to fight the harpies in an airborne attack.

Move action: spend 20ft of movement to make a u-turn (due to average maneuverability) and then 100ft towards the harpies.
Standard action: turn it into a move action for 120ft more towards the harpies.

2021-07-05, 04:00 PM

Having finally caught up with Aegea, the slightly-winded elf launches into the casting of a spell, yanks the arrow free of her flesh and fills the hole with a mixture of science and healing magic.

Phil burns Lesser Restoration to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Aegea: [roll0]

2021-07-06, 07:28 AM
Aegea nods a thanks to the healer before moving forward, drawing another arrow and releasing as she continues her story.
Countersong: [roll0]

Move 40ft

Attack: [roll1] 20/x3
If Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

2021-07-08, 12:08 PM
Mihail will slow down and drop his sword and sling his shield, then draw his bow instead.

If the vines are no longer a problem, then the harpies become the greatest target.

2021-07-12, 09:30 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

Kleandridas watches as the dd figure just walks away, "You, wait befo..." he begins to shout before realising his fellows have been released. Looking up at the harpies he squints at the long range and just waits, looking to the others, "A strange figure, to the Temple after these flying vermin are dealt with?" he suggests to the nearby Mihail, Peridokles and the flying Agoros. Wtaching the harpies he waits for them to close

Toal Defence, +4 AC waiting for them to close


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-07-13, 11:23 PM
Aegea's shot goes wide, Rigalia's squad was almost be directly underneath the enemy but the Harpies are backing up at the same speed. Harpies shoot at Aegea again but they start to drop down faster as their shots are still going wide

Move 40, Drop 80

[roll0] +9 -8

[roll2] +9 -8

Realised I was not including their DEX mod before oops

2021-07-13, 11:24 PM
750 Kleandridas Mihail


530 Agoros -120 high



260 Harpies 290high

210 Rigalia
150 Aegea Umbru Katu

So Agoros is 270 away and 170 below

2021-07-16, 03:50 PM
Peridokles picks himself up, wincing slightly at the all-body bruising, before lumbering back towards the others. He gives the strange being who freed him a halfhearted wave as he goes.

Stand up, move 30' towards the main party

2021-07-18, 10:18 PM
Peridokles has a bunch of bruises and also notices a slight smell of wine, and is that blood?

2021-07-22, 06:36 PM
Agoros warily closes the distance, slowing down so as to remain a distance from the harpies. He is, after all, alone against the two of them in an airborne fight.

Standard action: take a move action to move 120ft.
Move action: move 100ft.

2021-07-24, 12:07 AM
Aegea frowns as the arrows continue to miss, but does not give up on her story. Close combat was her specialty anyway - there was not shame in keeping the harpies on their toes with potshots.
Countersong: [roll0]

Move 40ft

Attack: [roll1] 20/x3
If Crit: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

2021-07-27, 12:47 PM
One of the harpies gives a most earsplitting screech as Aegeas arrow buries itself in its side, it initially stops flapping and begins falling for a bit then sort of recovers and begins erractically gliding towards the temple.

The other drops a little bit after it and slings its bow apparently intent on Agoros

560 Kleandridas Mihail Peridokles
120 Agoros -120 high
110 Harpy 1 250 high
70 Harpy 2 210 high
60 Rigalia
0 Aegea Umbru Katu Pilistion

2021-07-27, 10:39 PM
Let's see... 450 squared + 250 squared...
Harpy #1 is about 515 feet from Mihail.

Mihail will begin firing at the harpies, trying to keep them from returning to the temple. Stealth may be lost at this point, but we can at least try to reduce their numerical advantages!

Fourth range increment means these are basically potshots and half prayer, but might as well take the shots.
Full Attack at Harpy #1:
Attack 1: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation (ha, I'm funny): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 1: [roll3]
Critical Confirmation: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2021-08-01, 03:17 AM
Kleandridas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)

With the weird figure vanishing the elf see's the battle closing and shakes his head, "Ares pisses in my ale once more..." he curses under his breath and turns bounding don the hill closing the distance towards the harpies.

Full run action -160ft to close the distance to the harpies


Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC

Kleandridas of Sparta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2294956)
M N Blooded One - Wood Elf Ranger 2 / Scout 4, Level 6, Init 6, HP 50/50, DR 1/ S/P, Speed
AC 25, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 5
MW Adamantine Longsword +11 (1d8+5, 19-20)
MW Bludgeoning Shield +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Reach Longspear +1 (-) +11 (1d8+6, x3)
Mithral Breastplate , Heavy Shield (MW) (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +5 Dex, +1 Deflect, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9
--- Trackless Step
--- Favoured enemy +4 Human/+2 magical beast [Tracking, spotting, damage]

2021-08-01, 10:33 PM

Regretfully, Philistion returns to his usual occupation when faced with harpies - firing two arrows at the nearest bobbing, flying form.

5' step forward, full attack with rapid shot on the closer of the two harpies:
Arrow 1: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Arrow 2: Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]