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2021-01-25, 04:33 PM
Q 130

If I'm caught in the area of a Grease spell (lets assume I made my Reflex save, and aren't prone), do I have the option of not trying to move, which forces a Balance check? If I'm not attempting to move at all, am I considered to be "balancing"?

Maat Mons
2021-01-25, 04:51 PM
Q 131

For a Haunting Presence, does the CR-based restriction apply only to the part of the Poltergeist ability it gets at 10 HD? Or does it also apply to the baseline part of the ability?

Q 132

Does a familiar have the same challenge rating as a normal creature of its type? Or is its challenge rating modified somehow when it becomes a familiar?

Q 133

Can I use the Stitched Flesh Familiar feat to gain an undead version of any basic familiar? Like, say, an octopus? Or does it literally have to be one of the ones listed in the Player's Handbook?

2021-01-26, 04:33 PM
Q 134

Can monsters chose to deal nonlethal damage with their natural attacks, specifically in a grapple? Does the type of natural weapon (claw, bite, tentacle, slam etc.) make a difference?

If no, is there a feat or similar that allows this?

2021-01-26, 05:23 PM
Q 134

Can monsters chose to deal nonlethal damage with their natural attacks, specifically in a grapple? Does the type of natural weapon (claw, bite, tentacle, slam etc.) make a difference?

If no, is there a feat or similar that allows this?
Yes. They take a -4 penalty as normal, unless otherwise stated.

2021-01-27, 01:13 AM
Q 135

Take these 2 abilities:

Apparent Defense (Ex): The arcane duelist adds her Charisma bonus to her Armor Class, in addition to her Dexterity bonus.

Unearthly Grace: A gloura gains a bonus to Armor Class that is equal to its Charisma modifier.

These are two untyped bonuses from different sources, which implies they stack, but is their effect of adding Cha to AC redundant?

2021-01-27, 02:48 AM
Q 135

Take these 2 abilities:

These are two untyped bonuses from different sources, which implies they stack, but is their effect of adding Cha to AC redundant?
They stack.

2021-01-27, 04:10 AM
A 135 Contention - it's open to debate, but Troacctid's response is a good one to go with.

Troacctid's response is the obvious one, neither ability lists a bonus type therefore they are untyped and stack - and most DM's will agree with this which is fine (and I suspect it's the author's intention); however they don't need to list a bonus type because they already have one!

Modifier Types
Ability Modifier: The bonus or penalty associated with a particular ability score. Ability modifiers apply to die rolls for character actions involving the corresponding abilities.
The type "Ability Modifier" is literally the first entry in the modifiers section.

So, am I saying 'They are both "[Ability=Charisma] Modifiers" and thus don't stack?' Well it's still debatable so I am not saying that either!

Firstly the type is "Ability" not "Strength", "Dexterity", … or "Charisma" which suggests you cannot stack modifiers from different characteristics to the same result and no one plays that (I think).

Secondly the SRD states "Ability modifiers apply to die rolls for character actions" and Armor Class is not a die roll, which strongly implies that "Ability Modifier" is not a valid modifier type for armor class (which has horrible implications for the Dexterity bonus to AC which is explicitly allowed).

Thirdly, untyped bonuses only stack if they are from different sources, so is the source the special ability (Apparent Defense / Unearthly Grace) or the characteristic ability (Charisma)?

So, it comes down to what the DM and table are happy with. Allowing them to stack is fine, but it is not unreasonable to say no, they don't stack because they are both Charisma.
The rules are ambiguous on this (English being ambiguous even when you try to be precise).

2021-01-27, 04:20 AM
Q 135 continued
If being rules lawyery, it strikes me that Unearthly Grace grants "a bonus to Armor Class that is equal to its Charisma modifier", in other words it's granting its own bonus that just happens to have the same value as the char's Cha mod. But I'm still interested in what the answer would be if that were not the case (if it just said "Cha to AC").

St Fan
2021-01-27, 05:57 AM
Q 136

Does the fabricate spell allows you to make masterwork items?

I'm asking because the crafting rules for masterwork items are slightly different than for other goods. You have to craft first the basic item (DC variable) and then the masterwork part separately (DC 20).

Can you roll both craft checks with a single casting of fabricate?

2021-01-27, 09:39 AM
Q 137

Glouras (monster from Underdark) have the same Unearthly Grace SQ as nymphs. Nymphs gain the AC bonus from this ability as a deflection bonus. The gloura statblock also lists it as a deflection bonus, but the text of their SQ doesn't specify it as such. Is it deflection or untyped?

2021-01-27, 11:32 AM
Q 135 continued
If being rules lawyery, it strikes me that Unearthly Grace grants "a bonus to Armor Class that is equal to its Charisma modifier", in other words it's granting its own bonus that just happens to have the same value as the char's Cha mod. But I'm still interested in what the answer would be if that were not the case (if it just said "Cha to AC").
You are correct on this point and Khedrac is incorrect. It's not even a little bit ambiguous, for the reason you stated.

As for your hypothetical, there will be some variation depending on the wording, but if we turn it into a non-hypothetical, say, combining a monk's belt with the moon-warded ranger substitution levels, then yes, it would work, as they are both untyped bonuses from different sources.

Q 136

Does the fabricate spell allows you to make masterwork items?

I'm asking because the crafting rules for masterwork items are slightly different than for other goods. You have to craft first the basic item (DC variable) and then the masterwork part separately (DC 20).

Can you roll both craft checks with a single casting of fabricate?

Q 137

Glouras (monster from Underdark) have the same Unearthly Grace SQ as nymphs. Nymphs gain the AC bonus from this ability as a deflection bonus. The gloura statblock also lists it as a deflection bonus, but the text of their SQ doesn't specify it as such. Is it deflection or untyped?

2021-01-27, 12:14 PM
Q 138 A
Type of damage is dealt by a sneak attack or favored enemy attack deal? Is the bonus damage untyped, or does it deal damage typed as appropriate for the weapon used for the attack?

Q 138 B
The description of weaponlike spells says you can apply sneak attack or favored enemy bonuses to attacks with a weaponlike spell. It also says that a weaponlike spell can deal damage in forms other than regular hit point damage. When used with a weaponlike spell, how does sneak attack interact with a spell that deals ability damage or energy drain?

2021-01-27, 01:01 PM
A 138 A

The same type(s) as whatever dealt the sneak attack.

A 138 B

For negative levels or ability damage, a sneak attack deals negative energy damage instead of extra negative levels or ability damage.

Note that for critical hits with weaponlike spells, you do deal extra negative levels/ability damage.

2021-01-28, 04:35 AM
A 137 dispute

Q 137

Glouras (monster from Underdark) have the same Unearthly Grace SQ as nymphs. Nymphs gain the AC bonus from this ability as a deflection bonus. The gloura statblock also lists it as a deflection bonus, but the text of their SQ doesn't specify it as such. Is it deflection or untyped?
Underdark is a 3.0 book and monsters from 3.0 "may need some updating by the DM for their conversion to 3.5"
As such this remains DM's call and, as the same ability seems to now be a Deflection bonus for other monsters that is what my call would be.
Edit: Oops - thank-you Thurbane

2021-01-28, 05:09 AM
A 137 dispute

Underdark is a 3.0 book and monsters from 3.0 "may need some updating by the DM for their conversion to 3.5"
As such this remains DM's call and, as the same ability seems to now be a Deflection bonus for other monsters that is what my call would be.

Correction: Underdark was released in October 2003, and is most definitely a 3.5 book.

St Fan
2021-01-29, 08:17 AM
Q 139

A question about the magic items body slots; how does that work exactly?

The rule stats:

Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those listed above have no effect.

So, is this a matter of order in which magic items are put on? Does the first item worn work normally, and any further put on the same slot inactive (for example, putting on a magic hat when you're already wearing a magic headband)?

And if so, if you remove the primary item, does the secondary one still in the slot immediately begins to give its benefit?

2021-01-29, 10:16 PM
Q 139

A question about the magic items body slots; how does that work exactly?

The rule stats:

So, is this a matter of order in which magic items are put on? Does the first item worn work normally, and any further put on the same slot inactive (for example, putting on a magic hat when you're already wearing a magic headband)?

And if so, if you remove the primary item, does the secondary one still in the slot immediately begins to give its benefit?
Only the first item donned in each slot will be active. If you doff it, the next one in line will become active.

2021-01-30, 07:39 AM

when taking a readied action:

"You can take a 5-foot step as part of your readied action, but only if you don’t otherwise move any distance during the round."

when charging:

"[...] you must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent. (If this space is occupied or otherwise blocked, you can’t charge.) Second, if any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement (such as a wall), slows movement (such as difficult terrain), or contains a creature (even an ally), you can’t charge."

when Good Moves Go Bad:

"Accidentally Ending Movement in an Illegal Space: Sometimes a character ends its movement while moving through a space where it’s not allowed to stop [...] When that happens, put your miniature in the last legal position you occupied, or the closest legal position, if there’s a legal position that’s closer."

...but also:

" [...] any time before your next action, you may take the readied action in response to that condition. The action occurs just before the action that triggers it. If the triggered action is part of another character’s activities, you interrupt the other character. Assuming he is still capable of doing so, he continues his actions once you complete your readied action."
emphasis mine

Ok so. The question(s) regard movement during readied actions during partially resolved charges, and completing previous actions which are no longer valid.

For instance. Suppose an action-readier is charged, and the charge triggers the readied action late in its movement (ie "enemy within 5'"). The readied action (which could include a 5 foot step) could then be used both to attack the charger, and to... well, make it pretty unclear how to proceed exactly. Say the 5-foot step caused the charger's new "closest square" to be blocked/difficult terrain.

Q140.0 In such a case, is there, in fact, a new closest square? If so, closest from where?

Note that all this would have to have "occur[s] just before the action that triggered it". I'm not sure if "the action that triggered it" means the declared action in the strict sense (charge), or the ready trigger (halfway through), also.

Q140.1 You do attempt to complete the charge, right? Just stepping at all doesn't prevent the charge from completing, if the original path/destination is no longer a valid charge?

Q140.2 In the case that you don't or can't, then where does the charger end up? Is the "last legal position you occupied, or the closest legal position, if there’s a legal position that’s closer" a new different legal charge destination (based from where)? A position from the legal part of the partial charge path? Any space legal to occupy? What's "closer" here, exactly?

And a related thought:

Q141.0 Can you deliberately stack an AoO and a readied action trigger? For instance, if I ready an action for "enemy leaves a threatened square", then someone obliges (perhaps due to reach), do the two triggers interfere? What order would they happen in?

Q141.1 What about if the first of the two triggers is successfully used to trip?

this may not be framed the most clearly, sorry

2021-01-31, 05:12 PM
Q142 (I think?): Are there any feats to boost eldritch blast by gaining extra blast shapes, etc if you only have access to a plain eldritch blast? I potentially have access to it without taking warlock, and I'd like to see what I can do with it.

2021-01-31, 05:28 PM
Q141 (I think?): Are there any feats to boost eldritch blast by gaining extra blast shapes, etc if you only have access to a plain eldritch blast? I potentially have access to it without taking warlock, and I'd like to see what I can do with it.
There aren't any feats that can give you blast shapes or essences if you don't already have lesser invocations or better. However, there are prestige classes (enlightened spirit) and magic items (rod of eldritch power) that can do so.

2021-01-31, 05:35 PM
There aren't any feats that can give you blast shapes or essences if you don't already have lesser invocations or better. However, there are prestige classes (enlightened spirit) and magic items (rod of eldritch power) that can do so.Thanks. So, except (I assume) for feats like Sudden Quicken and such, Supernatural Transformation (since it's a racial ability, and those are widely considered innate) and Ability Focus, there aren't many options for optimization. That's disappointing. Oh well. At least I get an at-will touch-attack.

2021-01-31, 08:33 PM
Thanks. So, except (I assume) for feats like Sudden Quicken and such, Supernatural Transformation (since it's a racial ability, and those are widely considered innate) and Ability Focus, there aren't many options for optimization. That's disappointing. Oh well. At least I get an at-will touch-attack.
There are certainly options. Just not ones that give blast shapes or essences.

St Fan
2021-02-01, 06:13 PM
Q 143

A Wizard also has two levels of Chameleon. Thanks to selecting Arcane Focus as an aptitude focus, she can cast arcane spells from any arcane caster class list as Chameleon spells, and not just Wizard spells (and thus has started an additional spellbook with a few of these).

A) If she casts a mnemonic enhancer spell (as a Wizard spell) and choose the "prepare" option, can the three levels of spell prepared be non-wizard arcane spells she knows (and usually prepare in the Chameleon spell slots)?

B) If the answer to A) is yes, can the spell prepared with mnemonic enhancer be a third-level arcane spell not on the Wizard spell list, despite not yet being high-level enough to cast it as a Chameleon (because no third-level spell slot)?

C) Is the above option lost if she picks a different aptitude focus than Arcane Focus for the day?

2021-02-02, 04:22 AM
Q 144

Does anybody have a list, or can anybody point me to a list, of the undead that one can create with a create undead or create greater undead spell?

i.e. The PHB only covers four types of undead for each spell, but various monster profiles (such as Bone Creature from the BoVD) include the detail that they can be created via the use of a create (greater) undead spell.

2021-02-02, 02:13 PM
Q 145

How does the spell Bone Chill work? It is neither harmless nor does it work on objects, but undead are immune to effects that require a fortitude save.
Do undead just apply their crappy base fort save with - con score?

2021-02-02, 02:21 PM
Q 145

How does the spell Bone Chill work? It is neither harmless nor does it work on objects, but undead are immune to effects that require a fortitude save.
Do undead just apply their crappy base fort save with - con score?
Yes. It's an exception to the general rule, since it specifically calls out that undead are affected.

2021-02-02, 08:24 PM
A 143a Yes.
A 143b No.
A 143c No.

2021-02-03, 08:10 AM
Q 146 If you're using a light shield, can you load a crossbow while the shield is strapped on?

Duke of Urrel
2021-02-03, 10:45 AM
Q 146 If you're using a light shield, can you load a crossbow while the shield is strapped on?

A 146 Ask your dungeon master.

This is the rule that appears in the SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/armor.htm#shieldLightWoodenorSteel).

Shield, Light, Wooden or Steel
You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A light shield’s weight lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it.

The question is what it means to say that you "cannot use" a weapon. Surely it means that you cannot attack with the weapon, but does it also mean that you cannot load a crossbow? I think this is a question for a dungeon master to answer.

Suppose the dungeon master allows you to load a crossbow while you have a light shield strapped to your arm. Doing so provokes attacks of opportunity. If an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against you, does your shield bonus count, or are you unable to use your shield arm to defend yourself while you're using your shield hand to load a crossbow? I would judge that you can't apply your shield bonus while you're loading the crossbow. Another dungeon master either might allow you to apply your shield bonus or might forbid you to do anything with your crossbow while you have a light shield strapped on except hold it in your free hand.

Ask your dungeon master.

2021-02-05, 02:27 AM
Q 147

Could this Tainted Scholar class feature affect eldritch blast (which "counts as a 1st level spell")? Note that it's not metamagic.

Bloodseeking spell: This secret grants you the ability to imbue your spells with the ability to draw blood from their targets [...] To use this ability, you must inflict a minor wound on yourself; this is a free action that deals 3 points of damage to you and becomes a normal part of casting the spell. A bloodseeking spell deals an extra 1d6 points of damage to each target that takes damage from the spell.

If no please cite why.

2021-02-05, 02:05 PM
Q 147

Could this Tainted Scholar class feature affect eldritch blast (which "counts as a 1st level spell")? Note that it's not metamagic.

If no please cite why.
No, because it's not a spell.

2021-02-05, 02:26 PM
No, because it's not a spell.

What confuses me -- "not a spell" seems to contradict "counts as a spell". For PRC entry requirements the rule is spelled out, but it seems unclear in other areas.

Which line is your answer based on?

2021-02-05, 02:33 PM
A 147

Eldritch blast, like all invocations, is a spell-like ability. It is not a spell and does not "count as a spell" for the purpose of applying any kind of effect like you're suggesting.

2021-02-05, 02:37 PM
What confuses me -- "not a spell" seems to contradict "counts as a spell". For PRC entry requirements the rule is spelled out, but it seems unclear in other areas.

Which line is your answer based on?
Spell-like abilities are like spells, but they're not spells. Unless otherwise noted, you can't use them with abilities that only work on spells.

I don't know where you found that second quote, by the way.

St Fan
2021-02-06, 04:42 AM
Q 148

Does the Extra Spell feat (Complete Arcane) allows a wizard to learn and cast a new spell that isn't on the wizard spell list?

2021-02-06, 02:15 PM
Q 148

Does the Extra Spell feat (Complete Arcane) allows a wizard to learn and cast a new spell that isn't on the wizard spell list?
No, nothing in the feat overrides the normal restrictions on the types of spells you can learn. It merely gives you an additional one.

St Fan
2021-02-07, 05:46 PM
Q 149

Some clerical spells have effects depending on the alignment of the caster (such as mark of judgement) or the actual faith of the caster (such as mark of the unfaithful).

If such a spell is cast through a magic item, like a scroll or wand, which alignment or faith are taken into account? Those of the user, or those of the item's creator?

2021-02-08, 06:40 AM
Q 149

Some clerical spells have effects depending on the alignment of the caster (such as mark of judgement) or the actual faith of the caster (such as mark of the unfaithful).

If such a spell is cast through a magic item, like a scroll or wand, which alignment or faith are taken into account? Those of the user, or those of the item's creator?

A 149

It depends on the type of magic item. In most cases, the alignment effect would be determined by the item creator, who is the one who casts the spell in the first place. This is because other effects (caster level, DC, and even access to the spell) are keyed off the creator's attributes, not those of the user. A cleric could use items to cast cleric spells that they can't access themselves due to not having the right caster level or Wisdom score, and those spells would be keyed off the Wisdom score and caster level of the item creator. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the alignment and faith of the creator would determine the effects of a scroll or wand, not those of the user.

One likely exception to this is spells cast from staffs. page 214 of the DMG specifically states:

Staffs are an exception to the rule. Treat the saving throw as if the wielder cast the spell, including caster level and all modifiers to save DC.

From this we can ascertain that the attributes of the wielder normally don't contribute to the nature of the spell, but that they do so in the case of staffs. This is not just the saving throw, because the text also mentions caster level - which does not modify the save DC. Thus if your cleric was casting a spell with alignment-based effect from a staff, it would use the cleric's alignment to determine the effects of the spell.

Doctor Despair
2021-02-08, 09:02 AM

I seem to recall there was a standardized expectation that PCs pass X% of their saves with a good save, break enemy AC X% of the time with full bab, etc, but I can't recall where I saw that discussed. Is there a text or resource around that would help reflect this sort of information:

Easy/Medium/Hard skill DC for PC with class skill
Easy/Medium/Hard save DC for PC with good save
Easy/Medium/Hard AC for PC with full BAB

2021-02-08, 02:19 PM

I seem to recall there was a standardized expectation that PCs pass X% of their saves with a good save, break enemy AC X% of the time with full bab, etc, but I can't recall where I saw that discussed. Is there a text or resource around that would help reflect this sort of information:

Easy/Medium/Hard skill DC for PC with class skill
Easy/Medium/Hard save DC for PC with good save
Easy/Medium/Hard AC for PC with full BAB

In the community, maybe, I'm not sure. In RAW, no. This wasn't properly codified in the rules until 4th Edition.

2021-02-08, 03:37 PM

If you milk yourself for venom with a poison that has a save DC based on your statistics (For example, the Fangs graft in Serpent Kingdoms), what is the save DC if you used a stat buffing ability at the time of milking? Would it be based on your Constitution at the time of milking, or your constitution at the time of use? The latter doesn't make much sense to me as it's no longer part of your body.

and related:


How long does it take for you to milk your own venom? It's one minute to milk a willing or incapacitated animal as far as I know, but you're totally in control of your own venom.

Clarification: The Bestow Venom trick here:

Bestow Venom (DC 15):
By succeeding on a DC 15 Handle Animal check to handle a vermin that has a poison special attack, you can compel the vermin to give up some of its venom. The creature deposits its poison into a container you indicate, providing a single dose. A Handle Animal check to extract venom takes 1 minute. You can then attempt a DC 15 Craft (poisonmaking) check to refine this venom into a poison you can use.

2021-02-08, 03:44 PM

If you milk yourself for venom with a poison that has a save DC based on your statistics (For example, the Fangs graft in Serpent Kingdoms), what is the save DC if you used a stat buffing ability at the time of milking? Would it be based on your Constitution at the time of milking, or your constitution at the time of use? The latter doesn't make much sense to me as it's no longer part of your body.

and related:


How long does it take for you to milk your own venom? It's one minute to milk a willing or incapacitated animal as far as I know, but you're totally in control of your own venom.

A 151 A & B

Since, AFAIK, there are no rules for milking venom in 3.5, there is no RAW answer for this. Ask your DM for a ruling.

Blue Jay
2021-02-08, 09:33 PM

If you milk yourself for venom with a poison that has a save DC based on your statistics (For example, the Fangs graft in Serpent Kingdoms), what is the save DC if you used a stat buffing ability at the time of milking? Would it be based on your Constitution at the time of milking, or your constitution at the time of use? The latter doesn't make much sense to me as it's no longer part of your body.[QUOTE]

A 151a

I think you'd only apply your Constitution buff to the poison DC if the venom was extracted while your Constitution was buffed and only if you use it before the buff expires. But, that may not be strictly RAW: I may be using my own reasoning a bit too much there.


How long does it take for you to milk your own venom? It's one minute to milk a willing or incapacitated animal as far as I know, but you're totally in control of your own venom.

Clarification: The Bestow Venom trick here:

A 151b

In the absence of a more specific rule on this, you'd probably just need to apply the existing rule, even if it seems a little silly to you. But keep in mind that the rule you've quoted isn't necessarily universal: as written, it's specific to vermin that have been trained with drow-specific Handle Animal rules, so it may not apply outside that context by RAW.

Dragon #349 has a "poisonmaker's guide" article with some more rules about harvesting and processing venom, but if I recall, those are presented as "optional rules," and I don't know what they say about the time required. It's also not a WotC source, technically.

Also, if it helps, in Oriental Adventures the shinomen naga race has rules for applying their own venom to a weapon (basically, it's a full-round action). Extrapolating that to your specific situation is not technically RAW, but it does set another precedent, so it might be just as appropriate as the Bestow Venom rules you quoted.

2021-02-09, 03:35 PM
Q 152

Does Fist of the Forest AC bonus stack with monk AC bonus?

2021-02-09, 06:21 PM
Q 153

Weird one, but here goes: say I'm a Bugbear PC with 3 RHD and class levels. I'm progressing in Shaper of Form, and use the Modify Self / Renaissance ability to permanently change myself into an Elf. What happens to my RHD? Do I retain the 3RHD because I started as a Bugbear, or do I lose them because Elves have no RHD?

2021-02-10, 07:21 AM
Q 152

Does Fist of the Forest AC bonus stack with monk AC bonus?

Tentative A 152
I believe it does, because it's an untyped bonus and doesn't explicitly say otherwise. But, I may have forgotten a specific rule from somewhere that contradicts this reading . . .

2021-02-10, 07:43 AM
Q 154

Can I make an attack of opportunity while casting a full-round spell?

2021-02-10, 09:05 AM
A 154 Yes, but you would have to abort the spell-casting to do so.

St Fan
2021-02-10, 11:28 AM
Q 152

Does Fist of the Forest AC bonus stack with monk AC bonus?

Tentative A 152
I believe it does, because it's an untyped bonus and doesn't explicitly say otherwise. But, I may have forgotten a specific rule from somewhere that contradicts this reading . . .

A 152
The rule in question is that class features sporting the same name don't stack with each other unless specifically described as such. The "AC Bonus" from Fist of the Forest and Monk are the same ability, just one being linking to CON and the other to WIS, and thus don't stack. Having both only mean you can use the higher stat (and can switch between the two at will, which can be handy in case of ability damage).

2021-02-10, 12:02 PM

One character starts to cast a full-round spell without casting defensively. One opponent moves in and attacks him while is casting the spell and hit him. The character pass the Concentration check and continue casting. Does the attacker get an attack of opportunity?

2021-02-10, 01:48 PM
A 153

- Glossary says RHD are "Hit Dice a monster has by virtue of what type of creature it is", ie your RHD are "by virtue of" being a bugbear.
- Of all racial traits, that class feature only calls out type and stat mods as exceptions.
- But bugbear says you "begin" with three levels of humanoid, which could be construed alternately.

From these, weight of evidence is on losing your RHD, but there might be more info elsewhere.
Neither ruling is degenerative since same type clause prevents having RHD of a type other than your own.

A 155
No: "You only provoke attacks of opportunity when you begin casting a spell, even though you might continue casting for at least one full round."

Q 152 cont

A 152
The rule in question is that class features sporting the same name don't stack with each other unless specifically described as such. The "AC Bonus" from Fist of the Forest and Monk are the same ability, just one being linking to CON and the other to WIS, and thus don't stack. Having both only mean you can use the higher stat (and can switch between the two at will, which can be handy in case of ability damage).
Do you have a source for this?

2021-02-10, 01:52 PM
A155 Unclear, probably "No".

The Attack of Opportunity is is listed for when you take the action, and in this case the spellcaster has already taken the action which stronly implies that the provoking has happened.

2021-02-10, 02:33 PM
Q 156a
I've been told time and again that unarmed strike qualifies for Improved Natural Attack. Is this correct?
Q 156b
If above is correct, how would Improved Natural Attack interact with someone who has Monk's Belt, whether they have Improved Unarmed Strike feat, levels in monk, or neither.
In other words, would they benefit from a larger unarmed strike damage die?

2021-02-10, 02:45 PM
Q 156a
I've been told time and again that unarmed strike qualifies for Improved Natural Attack. Is this correct?
Q 156b
If above is correct, how would Improved Natural Attack interact with someone who has Monk's Belt, whether they have Improved Unarmed Strike feat, levels in monk, or neither.
In other words, would they benefit from a larger unarmed strike damage die?
a. Yes.
b. It would improve from 1d8 to 2d6.

2021-02-11, 07:36 AM
Q 156 Clarification Request

Where exactly is it stated that an unarmed strike counts as a natural weapon?

2021-02-11, 09:36 AM
Q 156 Clarification Request

Where exactly is it stated that an unarmed strike counts as a natural weapon?
The best place to look is the 3 "Rules of the Game" articles by Skip Williams (which I believe unlike the FAQ do count as RAW).

The full list of articles is here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/rg) of which the one you want is Unarmed Attacks (Part 1) (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20070327a) and right at the bottom of the article is the definitive statement:

For purposes of weapon enhancements, an unarmed strike is considered a natural weapon.

Edit: Looking at what you are asking for a clarification for, it's worth reading part 2:

Before we move on, it's worth pointing out that a character making an unarmed attack, even with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, does not have natural weapons. Nor is a natural weapon a substitute for the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.

Which then goes on to discuss that monk unarmed strikes are an exception to this rule:

A monk's unarmed strikes can be treated as either manufactured or natural weapons when applying spells or effects that enhance either manufactured or natural weapons. For example, either a magic weapon spell or a magic fang spell can enhance a monk's unarmed attacks.

2021-02-11, 09:41 AM
The best place to look is the 3 "Rules of the Game" articles by Skip Williams (which I believe unlike the FAQ do count as RAW).

The full list of articles is here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/rg) of which the one you want is Unarmed Attacks (Part 1) (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20070327a) and right at the bottom of the article is the definitive statement:

And to follow up on this, in plain english the reading of the term enhancement does not exclude non-magical ways to enhance a weapon, such as feats.

2021-02-11, 09:46 AM
It's worth noting that some things hint that the monk may not be an exception and that an unarmed strike is a natural weapon - just one that follows its own set of rules.


Magic fang gives one natural weapon of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or other natural weapon.


You can’t cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see magic fang).

In other words, you do not need to be a monk to use Magic Fang on your unarmed strike. You do, however, need to be a monk to use Magic Weapon on your unarmed strike.

Perhaps they are "Sorta-pseudo" natural weapons, counting as them for some things but not others.

2021-02-11, 06:41 PM
Q 157
How do the same aura effect produced by different creatures affect enemies? Specifically, how do the overlapping Cold Auras created by conjured ice beasts work? The wording is that the damage is done as a free action on the ice beast's turn, so I'm inclined to think that 4 ice beasts with the ability would each deal the cold damage on their turn. Just wanted to make sure.

2021-02-11, 08:17 PM
A 157 You are correct.

2021-02-12, 10:00 AM
Q 158

With psychic reformation or feat retraining, can a PRC fulfill its own entry requirement under CWar's PRC disqualification rule? It looks like the entry requirement only checks for itself, not for whether you have it without the benefit of the PRC.

Say a class requires 1 rank in a skill. You enter the class with 1 rank and take 1 more rank in it at that level. Then you use psychic reformation to retrain the rank in it you took previously. At no point do you cease to fulfill the requirement so you should retain the class's features.

This unambiguously works for skill ranks which are retained even under the CWar disqualification rule. But seems like it should work for other things too.

Say a PRC required 2 tactical feats to enter and granted a bonus tactical feat at 1st level. You enter the class and then use psychic reformation to alter one of the feats you entered the class with. The impulse might be to say that at this point, you no longer meet the entry requirement. But the requirement is only checking for itself, not for itself independently of anything else, and it continues to be true that you meet the requirement.

Is my logic right?

Doctor Despair
2021-02-12, 10:02 AM
Q 158

With psychic reformation or feat retraining, can a PRC fulfill its own entry requirement under CWar's PRC disqualification rule? It looks like the entry requirement only checks for itself, not for whether you have it without the benefit of the PRC.

Say a class requires 1 rank in a skill. You enter the class with 1 rank and take 1 more rank in it at that level. Then you use psychic reformation to retrain the rank in it you took previously. At no point do you cease to fulfill the requirement so you should retain the class's features.

This unambiguously works for skill ranks which are retained even under the CWar disqualification rule. But seems like it should work for other things too.

Say a PRC required 2 tactical feats to enter and granted a bonus tactical feat at 1st level. You enter the class and then use psychic reformation to alter one of the feats you entered the class with. The impulse might be to say that at this point, you no longer meet the entry requirement. But the requirement is only checking for itself, not for itself independently of the class, and it continues to be true that you meet the requirement.

Is my logic right?


Both CWar and CArc both specify that you lose your abilities from their prestige classes if you no longer meet their requirements. Neither specifies that you must continuously meet the requirements by the same methods. There is no mechanism from these books that would cause you to lose your class abilities in this situation.

Psychic Reformation includes no requirement that you need to maintain prerequisites at all, so it has no mechanism that would preclude you from doing this.

In short, there should be no barrier to entering a prestige class with a temporary qualification, then using the benefits of the prestige class to self-qualify.

2021-02-12, 11:02 PM
Q 159
Do you have to make a thrown weapon attack for a returning weapon to return to your hand? What if you just throw it to the ground, will it still return?

2021-02-13, 02:35 AM
A159: The Returning property does not say "made a ranged attack with it"


This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature’s next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn).

Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can’t catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.

As such, if you throw it for any reason, even if "just to discard it" without making a ranged attack, it will fly back to you, and if you refuse to catch it, drop to the ground in your square (I treat "won't catch it" as similar to "can't catch it" in this case).

If you "discard it and then move out of your original square in the same turn" it will come back to the square you threw it from, not the square you are currently in. Which means Returning weapons do not work well with Shot on the Run.

St Fan
2021-02-13, 04:58 AM
Q 152 cont

Do you have a source for this?

Lucky you, I knew I've heard about it but thought it would be very hard to find, however this old thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?521695-has-anyone-ever-tried-monk-swordsage) discusses it, along with this quote from the 3.5 Main FAQ:

Q: Does the Armor Class bonus ability from the monk, swordsage, and ninja stack?

A: No, each of these abilities provides the same bonus. You are not able to benefit from multiple sources that have the same name more than once.

Fist of the Forest falls into the same category.

Now, I'm not saying the matter isn't argued over.

Q 160

The spell imbue with spell ability specifies that "Only cleric spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, and conjuration (healing) can be transferred."

Does that include Domain spells, even those that are otherwise not on the Cleric's spell list?

2021-02-13, 05:29 AM
A 160 Domains only give the cleric access to their spells. Those spells are not explicitly considered cleric spells (except for the ones that already are, independent of being domain spells).

2021-02-13, 07:35 AM
Q 161

Are there any printed items equivalent to the gloves of endless javelins but for melee weapons? IE, providing infinite stream of +1 or greater melee weapons.

2021-02-13, 08:34 AM
There's the Gauntlet of Infinite Blades in Magic Item Compendium - it's more limited though - if you want it magic, you must spend charges, and you only get 5 charges per day. They also fade away after 3 rounds. On the bright side, one charge gives you a +3 dagger, and the 3 charge and 5 charge options are better still.

2021-02-15, 05:48 AM
Q 162

Is there any way to change the special material of a weapon or suit of armor after it's created that is not a magic enhancement property? What about making something masterwork after it's made?

St Fan
2021-02-15, 08:38 AM
Q 162

Is there any way to change the special material of a weapon or suit of armor after it's created that is not a magic enhancement property? What about making something masterwork after it's made?

A 162
I seriously doubt there is any way beyond at least a wish or miracle, and trying to convince the DM it can work.

Even a powerful spell that would potentially do it, polymorph any object, is specifically barred from creating "material of great intrinsic value, such as copper, silver, gems, silk, gold, platinum, mithral, or adamantine." Also, it cannot affect already magic items.

Generally, transmutation of matter, especially to more expensive material, is one thing strictly regimented by the rules.

2021-02-15, 01:05 PM
Q 162

Is there any way to change the special material of a weapon or suit of armor after it's created that is not a magic enhancement property? What about making something masterwork after it's made?
Ironwood or transmute metal to wood will do it.

St Fan
2021-02-15, 04:38 PM
Q 163

Does the Luminous Sigils, Power Sigils and Illumian Words powers of an Illumian count as one supernatural ability or several?

Meaning, if a Illumian is targeted by the Steal Supernatural Ability power of a Hellbreaker or spells such as spurn the supernatural / expunge the supernatural, does she lose only one of them, or all the abilities linked to the sigils?

2021-02-15, 05:59 PM
Q 164

Does the spell Celestial brilliance trigger the Daylight Powerlessness of creatures like the wraiths?

2021-02-15, 06:40 PM
A 163

Power Sigils (plural) and Luminous Sigils are separate su abilities and must be Xed out separately, but illumian words are formatted as a subset of power sigils not a separate ability.

A 164

No, it's magical rather than natural light.

2021-02-16, 01:56 AM
Q 165

If I apply the Twin Spell (https://dndtools.net/feats/complete-arcane--55/twin-spell--2989/) metamagic feat to the spell Snake's Swiftness (https://dndtools.net/spells/spell-compendium--86/snakes-swiftness--4182/), does it get around the limitation built into the spell, for the target (IE the target can make two attacks instead of just one normally)?

2021-02-16, 03:09 AM
A 165

No. That the two effects happen simultaneously doesn't bear on the spell's absolute limit of once per round. You aren't supposed to link those sites here btw.

2021-02-16, 06:14 AM
Q 166

About DR: I understand how it works, it's a flat numerical value which decreases damage taken by X if an Y condition is not met, as in the formula DR X/Y

The questions are:
A) Does DR reduce damage even from other physical forms of damage other then attacks, like falling or crushing damage? And in this case, if it is a DR X/Bludgeoning, is it negated?

B)Does DR X/Slashing (or any form of dmg, or a material like Adamantine) negate damage from magic spells? Are spells treated differently if they are energy, no-roll damaging spells like Fireball, or rays/similar spells like Scorching Ray, Disintegrate, or an Orb which have an attack roll and are treated like attacks? (I think energy damage is never negated by DR, but I'm asking anyway)

C)What if a spell does physical damage like Ice Storm (which does bludgeoning damage)? Or a physical consequence like being thrown into a wall by Gust of Wind? Or untyped damage like Disintegrate?

D)What means RD X/Magic? Is negated by magic weapons (making it the worse type in my opinon), or is negated by spells, perhaps the ones falling in the categories of the previous question (making it one of the best ones)?

E)Does RD X/- like the barbarian RD, negate everything even from spells and energy damage?

F)A successful poisoned attack (like a spider's bite) which damage if fully negated by DR, still forces a Fortitude save vs poison, or is it negated?

G)Multiple sources of DR stack? Or as i think only the highest not negated one is applied?

2021-02-16, 07:20 AM
A 166 A) Does DR reduce damage even from other physical forms of damage other then attacks, like falling or crushing damage? And in this case, if it is a DR X/Bludgeoning, is it negated?
Not certain on this one, I think the answer is "no".

B)Does DR X/Slashing (or any form of dmg, or a material like Adamantine) negate damage from magic spells? Are spells treated differently if they are energy, no-roll damaging spells like Fireball, or rays/similar spells like Scorching Ray, Disintegrate, or an Orb which have an attack roll and are treated like attacks? (I think energy damage is never negated by DR, but I'm asking anyway) By RAW Spells are completely unaffected by DR (even the ones that state that they count as "X" for the purposes of DR)

C)What if a spell does physical damage like Ice Storm (which does bludgeoning damage)? Or a physical consequence like being thrown into a wall by Gust of Wind? Or untyped damage like Disintegrate? See B, by RAW the spell is unaffected, RAI is obviously different but RAW is clear.

D)What means RD X/Magic? Is negated by magic weapons (making it the worse type in my opinon), or is negated by spells, perhaps the ones falling in the categories of the previous question (making it one of the best ones)? Weapons with at least a +1 enhancement bonus through magic (so non-magic enhancement bonuses don't count). Spells other than magic weapon and magic fang are not relevant to this.

E)Does RD X/- like the barbarian RD, negate everything even from spells and energy damage? Again no, only weapon attacks.,

F)A successful poisoned attack (like a spider's bite) which damage if fully negated by DR, still forces a Fortitude save vs poison, or is it negated? Unless specified otherwise rider effects are ignored if DR is not penetrated. So poison can be ignored unless specifically a contact poison, but a weapon that does extra energy damage has the energy damage bypass the DR and apply normally.

G)Multiple sources of DR stack? Or as i think only the highest not negated one is applied?This one is complex, they apply in parallel.
Some examples:
i) DR5/silver and DR10/magic hit for 15 damage by a non-magic cold iron weapon - 5 gets through (the largest DR applies).
ii) DR5/silver and DR10/magic hit for 15 damage by a magic cold iron weapon - 10 gets through (only the DR silver applies).
iii) DR5/good and DR10/evil hit for 15 damage by an evil weapon - 10 gets through
iv) DR10/magic and silver hit for 15 damage by a magic cold iron weapon - 5 gets through - it's one DR that requires multiple types to overcome.

St Fan
2021-02-16, 07:35 AM
Q 166

The questions are:
A) Does DR reduce damage even from other physical forms of damage other then attacks, like falling or crushing damage? And in this case, if it is a DR X/Bludgeoning, is it negated?

A 166 complement

The rules aren't very consistent about this, but falling or crushing damage isn't quite considered bludgeoning damage, but a category of its own, sometimes called "impact" damage, for example in this armor property. (https://realmshelps.net/magic/armor/Anti-Impact)

And no, damage resistance usually doesn't reduce it.

2021-02-16, 11:41 AM
Q 167
Are there any magic items that grant additional daily uses of bardic music to a character who already has bardic music? If so, what are they?

2021-02-16, 11:46 AM
A 166 complement

falling or crushing damage isn't quite considered bludgeoning damage, but a category of its own, sometimes called "impact" damage, for example in this armor property. (https://realmshelps.net/magic/armor/Anti-Impact)

That's not the way the armour property phrases it. From the phrasing, crushing damage and falling damage are bludgeoning damage - just not weapon bludgeoning damage.

2021-02-16, 05:28 PM
Q 168
If a character's ability scores are permanently reduced in a way that prevents them from qualifying for a feat that they already have, would a temporary bonus to that ability score allow that character to continue benefiting from that feat?
For example, a half-orc barbarian is reincarnated as a halfling, causing his strength score to be reduced to 12. He no longer meets the 13 strength prerequisite for his power attack feat. When he rages his strength is increased to 16. Would he regain the use of power attack for the duration of the rage?

2021-02-16, 05:33 PM
Q 168
If a character's ability scores are permanently reduced in a way that prevents them from qualifying for a feat that they already have, would a temporary bonus to that ability score allow that character to continue benefiting from that feat?
For example, a half-orc barbarian is reincarnated as a halfling, causing his strength score to be reduced to 12. He no longer meets the 13 strength prerequisite for his power attack feat. When he rages his strength is increased to 16. Would he regain the use of power attack for the duration of the rage?

A 168

Yes - the feat doesn't care how you meet the reqs, or if it's only temporarily; as long as you meet the reqs, you can use the feat.

2021-02-17, 12:28 AM
A 168

Yes - the feat doesn't care how you meet the reqs, or if it's only temporarily; as long as you meet the reqs, you can use the feat.

Q 168 Continued

Would an access to such a temporary ability qualify you for taking a feat in the first place?
Such as having a class feature or a spell in your class list of spells, like Bull's Strength (for Power Attack, Knock-Down, etc.) or Cat's Grace (for Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, etc.)?

2021-02-17, 01:36 AM
Q 168 Continued

Would an access to such a temporary ability qualify you for taking a feat in the first place?
Such as having a class feature or a spell in your class list of spells, like Bull's Strength (for Power Attack, Knock-Down, etc.) or Cat's Grace (for Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, etc.)?

Re: 168

This is a slightly more difficult topic, because the process of leveling up is not really given a strict timeframe. It's hard to say whether or not a temporary buff would be in effect at the time of leveling up.

2021-02-17, 02:15 AM
Re: 168

This is a slightly more difficult topic, because the process of leveling up is not really given a strict timeframe. It's hard to say whether or not a temporary buff would be in effect at the time of leveling up.

Re: 168
For comparison, druids are able to choose feats that they can only use when in wild shape, and likewise it's debatable whether wild shape is in effect at the time of leveling up. I'm aware that this is technically a specific over generic rule, that is stated by the description, so it may be slightly different, but the situation is similar, so in my opinion I think the question is justified.

Essentially every spell you know are your class features as much as they are spells, and I do believe that this is part of the reason why (especially) sorcerers, as well as clerics or wizards, don't gain (m)any other class features beyond 1st level.

2021-02-17, 04:18 AM
Q 169

How exactly do natural attacks interact with full attacks made with a manufactured weapon?

If you make a full iterative attack with a manufactured weapon, can you also make secondary and/or primary natural weapon attacks on top of that?

Please give source.

2021-02-17, 09:06 AM
A 169

https://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#manufacturedWeapons (or page 311, Monster Manual)

Some creatures combine attacks with natural and manufactured weapons when they make a full attack. When they do so, the manufactured weapon attack is considered the primary attack unless the creature’s description indicates otherwise and any natural weapons the creature also uses are considered secondary natural attacks. These secondary attacks do not interfere with the primary attack as attacking with an off-hand weapon does, but they take the usual -5 penalty (or -2 with the Multiattack feat) for such attacks, even if the natural weapon used is normally the creature’s primary natural weapon.

In other words, yes, you can make natural attacks in addition to your weapon's attacks, but they are automatically considered secondary, even if under normal circumstances they would be primary.

2021-02-17, 10:46 AM
Reposting from the bottom of last page.

Q 167
Are there any magic items that grant additional daily uses of bardic music to a character who already has bardic music? If so, what are they?

2021-02-17, 11:11 AM
Re: 168
For comparison, druids are able to choose feats that they can only use when in wild shape, and likewise it's debatable whether wild shape is in effect at the time of leveling up. I'm aware that this is technically a specific over generic rule, that is stated by the description, so it may be slightly different, but the situation is similar, so in my opinion I think the question is justified.

Essentially every spell you know are your class features as much as they are spells, and I do believe that this is part of the reason why (especially) sorcerers, as well as clerics or wizards, don't gain (m)any other class features beyond 1st level.

That's a bad example because the prerequisite isn't to be using Wild Shape, it's to have the ability to Wild Shape. It's totally different from a prerequisite to have a certain feat or ability score.

St Fan
2021-02-17, 11:21 AM
Q 170

A Wizard/Chameleon picks up a metamagic feat as the Chameleon temporary bonus feat, and prepare a few wizard spells with this feat.

After 24 hours, she hasn't cast all of these spells and hasn't prepared new spells over those. If the Chameleon feat picked this day is different, can she still cast those specific spells prepared with a metamagic feat, despite no longer having the feat?

2021-02-17, 01:29 PM
Q 171

When applying multiple effects that replace half of a spell's existing damage with some other kind of damage (examples include, but are not limited to, Consecrate Spell, City Magic, the planar sorcerer's Force-Charged Energy, and the daggerspell mage's Invocation of the Knife), how is that handled? Let's say, for example, that you had two such "replace half" effects on the same spell. Would you simply end up with the spell doing 25% original energy damage, 25% first replacement type, and 50% second replacement type, presumably chosen by the caster?

2021-02-17, 01:58 PM
Q 171

When applying multiple effects that replace half of a spell's existing damage with some other kind of damage (examples include, but are not limited to, Consecrate Spell, City Magic, the planar sorcerer's Force-Charged Energy, and the daggerspell mage's Invocation of the Knife), how is that handled? Let's say, for example, that you had two such "replace half" effects on the same spell. Would you simply end up with the spell doing 25% original energy damage, 25% first replacement type, and 50% second replacement type, presumably chosen by the caster?
Not all of these effects have the same wording. For example, City Magic says half the damage comes from energy, and the remainder is city damage, whereas Consecrate Spell says that half the damage is divine damage, and Lord of the Uttercold says that half is cold and half is negative energy. So, how they determine the percentages and damage types varies.

That said, the caster makes all decisions required by the spell unless otherwise stated. So if we use the example of Consecrate Spell + City Magic, you could choose to apply City Magic first, changing it to half city and half energy damage, and then Consecrate Spell, changing half of that to divine damage. Which half? You would choose that too, the same way a warmage casting ice storm chooses whether they want to apply their edge to the cold damage or the bludgeoning damage. The likely end result in this specific combination is that half would be city damage, and the other half would be divine damage.

2021-02-17, 03:34 PM
Q 172

Does an ongoing spell effect end if the subject ceases to fulfill the target category, or is the target category on-application only?

Ex: A spell with "Target: One living creature" cast on a subject, and during the duration the target becomes undead.

2021-02-17, 04:05 PM
Reposting from the bottom of last page.


Joyous Star Song (Magic of Faerun, p.161). One extra use of bardic music per day with a +5 sacred bonus on Perform check.

Also, I believe there is Harpy's Cap (Dragon 340), which is an expendable item that gives a total of 6 extra uses of bardic music.

St Fan
2021-02-18, 08:00 AM
Q 172

Does an ongoing spell effect end if the subject ceases to fulfill the target category, or is the target category on-application only?

Ex: A spell with "Target: One living creature" cast on a subject, and during the duration the target becomes undead.

A 172
Second option. The validity of a target for a spell is determined when the effect hits. The target changing creature type, whether temporary or permanently, doesn't affect ongoing spell effects.

Some effects may be suppressed, if by the rules they can't apply to non-living creatures (say, for example, regeneration), but the spell isn't ended and will resume if the subject returns among the living (not hypothetical, there are spells that do precisely that, like kiss of the vampire).

2021-02-20, 03:05 AM
Q 173

Earth Elemental's Earth Mastery: Does floor count? Let's assume that it's a stone floor. Or a wooden floor.

2021-02-20, 03:26 AM
A 173

All it says is "the ground", any solid ground counts.

2021-02-20, 04:19 AM
Is there a minimum damage?
If I have a character that rolls DMG: 1d3-1STR and I roll a 1 =0 dmg.
Would that be just that, 0? Or is there a rule that I do at least 1 point of dmg on a hit?

2021-02-20, 04:51 AM
Is there a minimum damage?
If I have a character that rolls DMG: 1d3-1STR and I roll a 1 =0 dmg.
Would that be just that, 0? Or is there a rule that I do at least 1 point of dmg on a hit?



Minimum Damage: If penalties reduce the damage result to less than 1, a hit still deals 1 point of damage.

Blue Jay
2021-02-20, 03:21 PM
A174 Addendum

To be clear, the minimum damage rule only applies to penalties on the damage roll. Downstream effects like Damage Reduction and Energy Resistance can reduce your damage to 0, and the minimum damage rule will not apply in that case.

2021-02-21, 04:37 AM
Q 175

Does planar touchstone (catalogues of enlightenment) or similar effects count as "access to X domain" for prerequisites?

2021-02-21, 04:46 AM
Q 175

Does planar touchstone (catalogues of enlightenment) or similar effects count as "access to X domain" for prerequisites?
No. A domain is defined as a granted power and a set of nine divine spells, per the glossary. The granted power alone is not a domain.

2021-02-21, 04:46 AM
A 175

Yes, because Catalogues of Enlightenment's greater (refreshable) power does allow you to access the domain's spells.

2021-02-21, 07:00 AM
Q 176

Does it require an action to switch a weapon from one hand to another, or is it a "free action" by RAW?

For example, if I am using a weapon in one hand with a light shield in the other, and I want to throw another weapon without dropping my weapon, can I hold the weapon in my shield hand while drawing and throwing another weapon? Assume I have the Quick Draw feat.

2021-02-21, 01:24 PM
Q 167
Are there any magic items that grant additional daily uses of bardic music to a character who already has bardic music? If so, what are they?
Songblade (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/items.php?ID=1691) is a +1 rapier that grants one additional daily use of Bardic Music and a +2 enhancement bonus on perform checks.
Joyous Star Song (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/items.php?ID=4060) grants an extra use of Bardic Music with a +5 sacred bonus on your perform check once per day when used.
Those are the only two I could dig up.

St Fan
2021-02-21, 04:10 PM
A 175

Yes, because Catalogues of Enlightenment's greater (refreshable) power does allow you to access the domain's spells.

The greater power is nothing like "granting access to spells", it's just a temporary (3 uses) capacity. That's still nowhere close to equate to having a domain for prerequisite purposes. Especially since switching to another touchstone or domain would negate it immediately.

2021-02-21, 05:19 PM
The greater power is nothing like "granting access to spells", it's just a temporary (3 uses) capacity.
Are you not counted as having smite evil just because you've used up all your daily uses? The benefit is part of the feat.

In part it depends on the requirement of the wording. For "access to the domain", this feat certainly does grant you access to the domain's spells in addition to its granted power. If the prereq is just "x domain", it's more questionable.

Especially since switching to another touchstone or domain would negate it immediately.
In which case you cease to fulfill any prerequisites it hinged off of, which might result in losing feat and/or (depending on table ruling) PRC benefits.

2021-02-22, 01:24 AM
Q 178

"If you attack a flat-footed opponent immediately after drawing a melee weapon, you can deal extra damage, based on the result of an Iaijutsu Focus check."

Technically, it never says the attack actually has to be with the melee weapon you drew, right?

2021-02-22, 03:06 AM
You are correct, it does not state you must strike with melee.

2021-02-22, 04:53 AM
A175 Continued This should really now be moved to its own thread.

Are you not counted as having smite evil just because you've used up all your daily uses? The benefit is part of the feat.
That's a good example of why not - when you have used up your daily uses of an ability you posses you still possess the ability - you just cannot use it.
When you use up the uses of something granted to you temporarily you definitely don't have the ability.

2021-02-22, 05:12 AM
A175 Continued This should really now be moved to its own thread.

That's a good example of why not - when you have used up your daily uses of an ability you posses you still possess the ability - you just cannot use it.
When you use up the uses of something granted to you temporarily you definitely don't have the ability.

175 continued

Moving it now.

2021-02-22, 12:06 PM
Q 179 part 1

From PHB pg. 157 (mounted combat section): "If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge, page 154)."

Does this mean that the mount is the one taking the charge action rather than the rider? Accordingly, when the mount charges, can both mount and rider make an attack at the end? (My interpretation is yes, but the rider must spend a standard action to attack as usual.)

Admittedly, the "when charging on horseback" line makes this a little muddy. Seems that the intent is that the rider is considered to be "charging" as well, but I'm mostly interested in the actions spent and on whether both mount and rider (rather than just rider) can attack.

Q 179 part 2

If indeed both mount and rider can attack, pg. 154 (charge section) says "First, you must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent." If the mount and the rider have different reaches, is the "closest space" considered the one from which the MOUNT can reach, the RIDER can reach, or BOTH can reach?

2021-02-23, 06:40 PM
Q 180
A javelin is marked as a ranged weapon on the weapon table but can be used in melee. When used in melee is it a light, one-handed or two-handed weapon for the purpose of feats, damage etc?

2021-02-23, 06:57 PM
A 180

I don't think this is specified in RAW (I'd be happy to be proven wrong).

My 2 coppers: it has fairly similar stats to a shortspear, so I'd treat is as one handed. Also, referring to the Improvised Weapon rules: "To determine the size category and appropriate damage for an improvised weapon, compare its relative size and damage potential to the weapon list to find a reasonable match."

2021-02-23, 07:29 PM
Q 181 A
Something that's on fire takes 1d6 points of fire damage per round. Fire damage dealt to an object is halved before hardness is applied. Wood is listed as having 5 points of hardness. It is not possible for a mundane fire to actually harm wood, right? I can't find any specific rule that makes an exception to fire damage piercing the hardness of wood or other flammable materials.

Q 181 B
If wood is flammable but the fire is incapable of damaging the wood to the point that it is effectively destroyed, should wooden objects burn indefinitely until extinguished?

2021-02-23, 07:41 PM
Q 181 A
Something that's on fire takes 1d6 points of fire damage per round. Fire damage dealt to an object is halved before hardness is applied. Wood is listed as having 5 points of hardness. It is not possible for a mundane fire to actually harm wood, right? I can't find any specific rule that makes an exception to fire damage piercing the hardness of wood or other flammable materials.

Q 181 B
If wood is flammable but the fire is incapable of damaging the wood to the point that it is effectively destroyed, should wooden objects burn indefinitely until extinguished?
Page 165 of the PHB:

The DM may rule that certain attacks are especially successful against some objects. For example, it’s easy to light a curtain on fire, chop down a tree with an ax, or rip up a scroll. In such cases, attacks deal double their normal damage and may (at the DM’s discretion) ignore the object’s hardness.

2021-02-23, 07:57 PM
Page 165 of the PHB:
Aww, I must have missed that bit xD
Although, as far as that suggestion goes... such a ruling may be considered - strictly speaking - a common house rule and not purely RAW? :P

2021-02-23, 08:05 PM
Aww, I must have missed that bit xD
Although, as far as that suggestion goes... such a ruling may be considered - strictly speaking - a common house rule and not purely RAW? :P
No. It's right there, in the rules. That's RAW.

2021-02-25, 07:36 AM
Q 182

Domain Focus cleric ACF:

You gain double the benefit from your remaining domain's granted power, if applicable. If your remaining domain granted power has a limited number of uses per day, you may use the domain granted power twice as many times per day; if your remaining domain granted power offers a bonus, the bonus is doubled.
Is there any reason this would not apply to feats that are granted powers? For example, if you took the Improved Initiative domain (edit: Time) does this mean you gain double the feat's bonus?

2021-02-25, 01:02 PM
Q 182

Domain Focus cleric ACF:

Is there any reason this would not apply to feats that are granted powers? For example, if you took the Improved Initiative domain does this mean you gain double the feat's bonus?
The potential reason would be that the granted power isn't giving you a bonus, it's giving you a feat which in turn gives you a bonus. It's up to the DM to adjudicate whether this distinction is meaningful or not.

2021-02-25, 03:15 PM
Q 176

Does it require an action to switch a weapon from one hand to another, or is it a "free action" by RAW?

For example, if I am using a weapon in one hand with a light shield in the other, and I want to throw another weapon without dropping my weapon, can I hold the weapon in my shield hand while drawing and throwing another weapon? Assume I have the Quick Draw feat.

Am I being ignored? Given how stupid questions I have most of the time, I wouldn't be surprised, but honestly, I'd like to know the answer to this one :smallbiggrin:

2021-02-25, 07:46 PM
Q 183

Can a monster with innate spellcasting take a prc which advances casting without belonging to a "previous class"? For example, if a monster casts like a 14th level sorcerer, and this stacks with actual sorc levels, can they just go straight to archmage?

2021-02-25, 09:16 PM
Q 183

Can a monster with innate spellcasting take a prc which advances casting without belonging to a "previous class"? For example, if a monster casts like a 14th level sorcerer, and this stacks with actual sorc levels, can they just go straight to archmage?

A 183

Can't find a citation right now, but a monster must take at least 1 actual base class level for a PrC to be able advance it's casting.

For instance, a Rakshasa Sorcerer 1 that takes 3 levels in Eldritch Knight would have the casting ability of a 10th level Sorcerer. A Rakshasa could not take Eldritch Knight to advance it's casting without at least 1 actual class level.

2021-02-25, 09:16 PM
A 183

Yes. The question is if you can apply casting advancement from a PRC to innate casting. I'd argue that you should be able to since RHD type functions as a class. This quote from Savage Species supports that ruling.

Hit Dice: A monster’s “kind” is, in many ways, its character class (see Chapter 3: Classes for more on this concept); in this sense, its Hit Dice are equivalent to its monster class levels

Some monsters with innate casting say it can be advanced by levels in that class, in which case you could avoid any ambiguity by taking a level in the class then entering the PRC.

2021-02-26, 04:53 PM
Q 176

Does it require an action to switch a weapon from one hand to another, or is it a "free action" by RAW?

For example, if I am using a weapon in one hand with a light shield in the other, and I want to throw another weapon without dropping my weapon, can I hold the weapon in my shield hand while drawing and throwing another weapon? Assume I have the Quick Draw feat.

A 176

Per page 8 of the Rules Compendium, "switch hands with an item" is a move action that does not provoke. (I wasn't able to find a direct reference for this in the PHB, so I believe it to be derived indirectly from PHB pg. 143, which states that "manipulating an item" is a move action.) I can't find any text indicating that Quick Draw changes this.

2021-02-27, 05:11 AM
A 176

Per page 8 of the Rules Compendium, "switch hands with an item" is a move action that does not provoke. (I wasn't able to find a direct reference for this in the PHB, so I believe it to be derived indirectly from PHB pg. 143, which states that "manipulating an item" is a move action.) I can't find any text indicating that Quick Draw changes this.

So, I could use a move action to switch (manipulate) my weapon from main hand to hold it with my off-hand (light shield still strapped on so no problem), and with quick draw I could still draw and throw another. This is all I needed to know. Thanks!

St Fan
2021-02-27, 06:17 AM
So, I could use a move action to switch (manipulate) my weapon from main hand to hold it with my off-hand (light shield still strapped on so no problem), and with quick draw I could still draw and throw another. This is all I needed to know. Thanks!

Also note, the Einhander tactical feat (Player's Handbook II) allows a maneuver that includes switching hand with your weapon as part of a free action.

Q 184

A) The Complete Warrior adds Perform [weapon drill] as a category of the Perform skill. Its description does specify that a Bard cannot use it for his bardic music abilities, but no other limitation. Thus, if a prestige class asks for some ranks in Perform (like Duelist) as a prerequisite without specifying the category, are ranks in Perform [weapon drill] enough to qualify?

B) Similarly, the third-party Book of Erotic Fantasy adds Perform [sexual techniques] as a new Perform category. If used, can you qualify as a Duelist solely with ranks in Perform [sexual techniques]?

2021-02-27, 10:47 AM
A 184 A) Yes One of the points people miss is that bardic "music" must be primarily sound-based - perform "mime" does not qualify.

B) Not a 3.5 RAW question as that is 3rd party material.

2021-03-01, 09:32 AM
Q185. If a prestige class requires a certain BAB does that need to happen prior to taking the class or could that class add to it. Ex. If one wanted to be a dervish from CW which requires a BAB of +5. Could one take 4 levels of fighter and then dervish at 5 (both classes having a full BAB progression) Or would they have to take 5 of fighter and dervish at 6? Thanks.

2021-03-01, 10:21 AM
A 185


That's why it's called a "pre"-requisite.

2021-03-01, 03:13 PM
A 184b

Most do. (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/30/e4/5030e4afe1c0febf37059e611982c48d.jpg)

Q 186

Rules Compendium says a teleported creature must teleport into an "open" space. Would this or would this not include a space occupied by a creature, but which you are able to enter because the creature is larger than you?

2021-03-01, 03:18 PM
A 186 No. You cannot teleport into a square occupied by another creature, regardless of size. Those squares are occupied.

2021-03-01, 03:27 PM
Can you please give a rules cite, or explain why you're drawing that conclusion?

2021-03-01, 07:13 PM
Can you please give a rules cite, or explain why you're drawing that conclusion?

The rules for what is or is not an "open" square are not the same as the rules for which squares you're allowed to move through. They often go hand-in-hand, but they are not technically the same thing. A square that is occupied is not open even if you would be able to move through it for some reason.

2021-03-01, 09:01 PM
Q 187
Should the d2 Crusader shenanigan really work as it is assumed to work?

Aura of Chaos reads:

When one or more of your damage dice show a maximum possible result, reroll each such die and add its result to the original damage total. You can continue to reroll as long as a die shows its maximum possible result, adding each new number to the damage total until each die has shown less than a maximum result.

Imbued Healing reads:

When rolling for damage, treat any die roll result of 1 as 2, unless 1 is the maximum result possible.

Rolling a 1 on a d2 results in that roll being treated as a 2, but the die still shows a 1. Aura of Chaos appears to only care about the number shown on the die, not what the actual result of that roll is.

2021-03-02, 01:44 AM
A 187
No hard RAW answer to this as the rules never define this distinction (though you can point to examples of places where the distinction is drawn).

That doesn't necessarily mean the permissive reading is correct (the "if there's no rule against it it's legal" fallacy), since there are ways to read the text otherwise, but it means it's an issue of ruling not rules.

Q 186 cont

The rules for what is or is not an "open" square are not the same as the rules for which squares you're allowed to move through.
But where is the definition of "open" coming from. On the face of it, it could just as well mean either "a space not occupied by any creature" or "a space you are eligible to occupy". My question is whether there's text evidence for one over the other.

2021-03-02, 05:20 AM
Q188- "Underfoot combat" allows you to move into a larger opponents space.
Aside from the feat itself are there any rules on what that means? The larger enemy isnt flat footed and not grappled either, so are we just standing in the same field and everything else works as normal?

2021-03-02, 09:46 AM
A188 Probably
The intent is clear that with this feat you can occupy the space of an opponent two sizes larger than you without any penalties (on either side) just as if they were three or more sizes larger (except you also gain soft cover). However the rules don't actually say that, so there's a strong RAW argument to say that the squeezing rules apply to both you and the larger opponent.

St Fan
2021-03-02, 05:40 PM
Q 189

About the Wilder (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/wilder.htm) class: am I reading correctly the rules for a Wild Surge by concluding this class ability is not limited to Wilder powers? A multiclassed Wilder/Psion, for example, could use a Wild Surge with Psion psychic powers?

2021-03-02, 07:08 PM
Q 189

About the Wilder (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/wilder.htm) class: am I reading correctly the rules for a Wild Surge by concluding this class ability is not limited to Wilder powers? A multiclassed Wilder/Psion, for example, could use a Wild Surge with Psion psychic powers?

A 189

Yes, that is correct.

2021-03-03, 02:10 AM
Q 190

Assuming aptitude can trigger lightning maces, if you put aptitude on 2 claws via necklace of natural weapons, would that count as "using a [claw] in each hand" for the purpose of lightning maces? What does "using" in this context mean? Seems to offer potential that this works since doesn't say "wielding".

2021-03-03, 03:23 AM
Q 190

Assuming aptitude can trigger lightning maces, if you put aptitude on 2 claws via necklace of natural weapons, would that count as "using a [claw] in each hand" for the purpose of lightning maces? What does "using" in this context mean? Seems to offer potential that this works since doesn't say "wielding".
It means two-weapon fighting with maces.

2021-03-03, 04:14 AM
It means two-weapon fighting with maces.
Two-weapon fighting isn't an action though. An off-hand attack is an action, but outside of taking that action there is no way to quantify two-weapon fighting beyond "wielding". So you're interpreting "use" as "wield"?

Under that reading is there a formal definition of "wield" that would settle whether you are or aren't wielding natural weapons? I don't see in gloss.

2021-03-03, 04:29 AM
Two-weapon fighting isn't an action though. An off-hand attack is an action, but outside of taking that action there is no way to quantify two-weapon fighting beyond "wielding". So you're interpreting "use" as "wield"?

Under that reading is there a formal definition of "wield" that would settle whether you are or aren't wielding natural weapons? I don't see in gloss.
Of course you can quantify it. It's listed as a special attack in the PHB. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you suffer penalties on your attack rolls in exchange for an extra attack.

2021-03-03, 04:56 AM
Looking at the SRD I'm confused then: at what point do you make the decision to TWF? You would think it's a decision you make when you full attack but it doesn't specify.

At what point must you be "wielding" the offhand weapon in order to make this choice?

And again is there a formal definition of wield given anywhere?

2021-03-03, 05:58 AM
Two-weapon fighting is done as part of a full attack. The penalty applies to all your attacks for the round, so you must decide before making your first attack whether you want to use TWF that turn. Obviously you must have at least two weapons (or a double weapon) in order to do this.

2021-03-03, 07:17 AM
And again is there a formal definition of wield given anywhere?

Given that armour spikes can be used as part of a two-weapon fighting attack, we know that the weapon doesn't need to be "in hand" to be wielded.

2021-03-04, 07:42 AM
Q 192

Would energize/enervate spell, or similar effects, work on ability damage? Would the spell deal 50% less/more ability damage to the relevant targets? Alternatively, would purify spell achieve its effect on ability damage?

2021-03-04, 10:26 AM
A: 192

I'd read it as "since ability Damage is technically Damage" it applies just fine. But feel free to dismiss this answear, if someone has a more specific answear.

Q: 193

One of my players mentioned that Wall of Force has a Break DC and an amount of HP, just very high. I was about to dismiss it, but this clicked something in my memory, and I've been browsing through my Collection, and have yet to find anything. Does anyone know the stats and if so, can referance them with their book and page?

2021-03-04, 10:37 AM
Not going by the stats for Epic Obstacles:


Wall Type Typical Thickness Break DC Hardness Hit Points
Wall of force 1in. n/a n/a n/a

2021-03-04, 02:07 PM
Q 194:

Does the Marshal's Motivate Charisma apply on Voice of the City (Cs Web Enhancement) ACF checks assuming you have keyed it off Cha?

St Fan
2021-03-04, 04:44 PM
Q 192

Would energize/enervate spell, or similar effects, work on ability damage? Would the spell deal 50% less/more ability damage to the relevant targets? Alternatively, would purify spell achieve its effect on ability damage?

A 192
That's kinda a moot point with Energize spell, since undead are immune to ability damage anyway.

Otherwise, ability damage tends to be considered like other damages (notably with the weaponlike spells rules from Complete Arcane), so indeed it should work. Although there might be exceptions on a case-by-case basis depending on the specific spell.

2021-03-04, 05:37 PM
Q 194:

Does the Marshal's Motivate Charisma apply on Voice of the City (Cs Web Enhancement) ACF checks assuming you have keyed it off Cha?

Yes, because it's a Charisma check.

2021-03-04, 07:44 PM
A 194

Are we sure it's a Charisma check?

Sometimes a character tries to do something to which no specific skill really applies. In these cases, you make an ability check. An ability check is a roll of 1d20 plus the appropriate ability modifier. Essentially, you’re making an untrained skill check.

More complex concepts require her to make a roll: d20 + her class level + either her Wisdom modifier (if trying to understand someone else) or Charisma modifier (if trying to make someone else understand her).

Voice of the city check is 1d20 + class level + ability mod. This is not, by definition, an ability check, since you are adding your level as well.

It's more like, say, a Binder's Binding Check, where another variable is added to the roll and ability modifier.

IMHO, no, you wouldn't add your Motivate Charisma bonus.

2021-03-04, 08:17 PM
If I have a medium +1 force splitting Elvencraft longbow that functions in melee as a +3 defending/mw quarterstaff, would it have 15 HP (as a +1 projectile weapon), 40 HP (as a +3 2H hafted weapon), or 35 HP (as a +3 projectile weapon)?

2021-03-04, 11:08 PM
A 194

Are we sure it's a Charisma check?
IMHO, no, you wouldn't add your Motivate Charisma bonus.

The comparison to an untrained skill check convinces me. A194 conceded.

2021-03-05, 01:33 AM
If I have a medium +1 force splitting Elvencraft longbow that functions in melee as a +3 defending/mw quarterstaff, would it have 15 HP (as a +1 projectile weapon), 40 HP (as a +3 2H hafted weapon), or 35 HP (as a +3 projectile weapon)?

I'd go with 15HP. Just because it functions in melee as a staff, doesn't mean that it is a staff - if the base weapon is a longbow, it should have longbow hit points. And if the base enhancement bonus is +1, it gets the +1 only.

Other properties besides enhancement bonus don't count towards hit points:


Hardness and Hit Points
Each +1 of enhancement bonus adds 2 to a weapon’s or shield’s hardness and +10 to its hit points.

2021-03-05, 08:45 AM
Q 196

Flying: A flying weapon can fly at speed 30 feet and is treated as an animated object with hardness and hit points equal to a typical weapon of its kind. A flying weapon follows orders subject to the limits of its ability (it has no Intelligence) but can be ordered to guard a location just as an animated skeleton can. Only melee weapons can have the flying ability.
Statistics of Animated Object (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm) are depend on the size of object in question
So, what would be statistics of Flying Poison Ring (Dragon Compendium)?
Would it fluctuate depending on the user's size?

2021-03-05, 11:31 AM
Q 197

Is there any rules text forbidding a standard druid from wild shaping into a swarm (of animals), assuming that they are capable of wild shaping into an animal of the correct size/HD for the swarm? If so, where can that rules text be found? Neither the text of wild shape or the text of alternate form seem to have any prohibition on it, and neither does polymorph, which alternate form references. I have a gut-level feeling that there's something preventing it, but I can't find anything to back that up, so I want to know if I was just making an unfounded assumption.

St Fan
2021-03-05, 03:17 PM
Q 197

Is there any rules text forbidding a standard druid from wild shaping into a swarm (of animals), assuming that they are capable of wild shaping into an animal of the correct size/HD for the swarm? If so, where can that rules text be found? Neither the text of wild shape or the text of alternate form seem to have any prohibition on it, and neither does polymorph, which alternate form references. I have a gut-level feeling that there's something preventing it, but I can't find anything to back that up, so I want to know if I was just making an unfounded assumption.

A 197
A text having "no prohibition" against doing something is never synonymous with said something being possible.

And you don't have to go any further than the normal rules for the ability anyway:

At 5th level, a druid gains the ability to turn herself into any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day.

Note that "animal" here is singular. A swarm is constituted of many animals.

There exist at least one alternate class feature allowing a druid to turn into a swarm (City-Shape, I believe), but it isn't part of the standard Wild Shape class feature.

2021-03-05, 09:46 PM
Q 196
Statistics of Animated Object (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm) are depend on the size of object in question
So, what would be statistics of Flying Poison Ring (Dragon Compendium)?
Would it fluctuate depending on the user's size?


According to the SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm#weaponSize),

A weapon’s size category isn’t the same as its size as an object. Instead, a weapon’s size category is keyed to the size of the intended wielder. In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder[…]
so one could argue that a poison ring, being a light weapon, is two sizes smaller than the wielder (so if the wielder is medium, it would be tiny), but this is a general rule.

A creature's size category is determined by its length or height, as seen on this chart: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm#bigandLittleCreatu resInCombat

A poison ring, specifically, is a weapon worn on the wielder's finger, so unless you have fingers wider than 6 inches across (or 19 inches in circumference), the ring should be Fine.

This is assuming, of course, that the use of the word "tiny" to describe the poison-dispensing needle is flavor text -- if that's taken to be rules text, then a poison ring should, by RAW, always be at least Tiny. (The needle can be "flipped" and manipulated with one hand, which doesn't sound like 1-2ft long, but YMMV.)

2021-03-06, 01:13 AM
Q 198

What book is the amulet of natural attacks in?

2021-03-06, 05:11 AM
A poison ring, specifically, is a weapon worn on the wielder's finger, so unless you have fingers wider than 6 inches across (or 19 inches in circumference), the ring should be Fine.

By my calculations, finger of Elder Titan (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/titanElder.htm) is over 2' in circumference - way more than 19"

2021-03-06, 07:22 AM
A198 (clarification) Do you mean an "amulet of mighty fists," which is on the srd, a "necklace of natural weapons" from savage species, or a third, discrete item called the "amulet of natural attacks?" If the latter, would you please be so kind as to tell us what kinds of special powers it gives you to the best of your recollection?

2021-03-06, 07:22 AM
By my calculations, finger of Elder Titan (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/titanElder.htm) is over 2' in circumference - way more than 19"
Sounds about right. Even if you're using the little finger - a half-inch diameter Medium being's ring becomes a 1 inch diameter Large ring, a 2 inch diameter huge ring, a 4 inch diameter Gargantuan ring, or an 8 inch diameter Colossal being's ring. Which would be a bit over 24 inches in circumference, yes.

2021-03-06, 11:22 AM
Q 199
The Mind Mage is a arcane/psionic theurge prestige class from Dragon Magazine #313. Its capstone ability reads:

[...]the character may add his full mind mage class level to both his magical and his psionic class levels for the purpose of determining caster or manifester level. Furthermore, evoking this ability enables him to add together the key ability modifier for his psionic powers and the ability modifier that controls his spellcasting when using any psi-spell ability.
How would this behave if the character had more than one magical or psionic class?

2021-03-06, 03:49 PM
Q 200
Are there any +0 or +1 templates that provide Large size other than Half-Ogre/Half-Minotaur? Savage species stuff may also be acceptable, but Large would need to happen at 1st level (which I'm pretty sure doesn't happen).

2021-03-06, 04:09 PM
Q 200
Are there any +0 or +1 templates that provide Large size other than Half-Ogre/Half-Minotaur? Savage species stuff may also be acceptable, but Large would need to happen at 1st level (which I'm pretty sure doesn't happen).
The closest is Mulhorandi divine minion, which allows you to do it by transforming into a cow (Hathor) or lion (Anhur). If you want your natural form to be Large, it will cost you at least a +2.

2021-03-06, 05:15 PM
If Pathfinder content is allowed, then there is the simple template "Giant" which is +1. However that's +1 to CR, and doesn't have a listed LA, because Pathfinder works slightly differently.

Blue Jay
2021-03-07, 12:07 PM

A creature's size category is determined by its length or height, as seen on this chart: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm#bigandLittleCreatu resInCombat

A196 Addendum

To be clear, size category isn't strictly determined by length or weight: the chart really just shows general patterns. There are plenty of outliers. A few examples from the MM:

Long, snakelike creatures, like the nagas, frost worm and purple worm, frequently exceed the listed length limits for their size category.
Magmins are Small creatures that weigh 400 lbs.
The four standard elementals are almost always too heavy or too light for the size category (depending on element), and the greater and elder versions are too tall.
Mimics count as Large, but their length is in the Medium range, and their weight is in the Huge range.
And course, incorporeal creatures are all weightless entirely.

Basically, there isn't a solid, RAW method for back-converting a length or weight into a size category: it will often have to be left to a judgment call.

For ShurikVch (the original asker), the PHB only has stats for animated objects down to Tiny size, but Dragon Magazine #341 has stats for a Fine animated object (p. 65), for things like an ink pen, vial, coin or key. I think an animated ring sized for a Medium creature would fit in that size category (but that's still a judgment call). And yes, size as an animated object would depend on the size of the intended wielder/wearer.

St Fan
2021-03-07, 12:12 PM
Q 201

The rules for weaponlike spells, fully developed on the Complete Arcane, cover what happen with spells inflicting ability damage or energy drain in case of critical hits. However, what about special attacks doing such without being spells?

A) For example, a high-level rogue with the crippling strike special ability inflicts 2 points of Strength damage in addition to sneak attack damage. If the attack is also a successful critical hit, does it double the Strength damage?

B) Likewise, Disemboweling Strike is an Ambush feat that exchanges some sneak attack damage for 1d4 points of Constitution Damage. If it's a critical hit, does it inflict 2d4 Constitution Damage?

C) If it is the case but the weapon has a higher crit multiplier than x2, is the ability damage also multiplied by x3 or x4?

2021-03-09, 12:45 PM

A player retrains the only level of Druid in their build. Can they still speak Druidic or do they lose that too?

St Fan
2021-03-09, 05:22 PM

A player retrains the only level of Druid in their build. Can they still speak Druidic or do they lose that too?

A 202

First off, you can't "retrain" a class level (unlike feats, class features, skills, etc.). You need the character rebuilding rules.

Second... it's unclear. Languages are considered part of a character's skills, and those are not usually retroactively affected by such changes to a character. However, druidic might be a special case as it is more of a class feature than a mere language. Can depend on the DM.

2021-03-10, 04:43 PM
Q 203

In the Dragonlance books is a feat that gives you +1 dmg per size difference
How would that interact with a crit multiplier? Does that get multiplied or only the pure dmg from the weapon itself?

2021-03-10, 05:05 PM
Q 203

In the Dragonlance books is a feat that gives you +1 dmg per size difference
How would that interact with a crit multiplier? Does that get multiplied or only the pure dmg from the weapon itself?

A 203

Without being familiar with the specific feat, the general rule about criticals is you multiply all additional damage that isn't expressed as dice. So if the feat gives you a +1, +2 etc. bonus, that should be multiplied on a critical, same way Weapon Specialization bonus damage would be.

2021-03-10, 05:26 PM
A 202Second... it's unclear. Languages are considered part of a character's skills, and those are not usually retroactively affected by such changes to a character. However, druidic might be a special case as it is more of a class feature than a mere language. Can depend on the DM.

Languages can be learned through the Speak Language skill, but in this case the language is granted as a class feature so would not carry over.

2021-03-10, 08:26 PM
A 201 The rules for weaponlike spells cited apply in the same way to similar non-spell special abilities. For example, when critting on an attack which drains energy, you drain twice as many levels as normal and replenish twice the hp.

a Yes.

b Yes.

c Yes.

2021-03-10, 08:56 PM
A 201 b contested

"Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage is not multiplied when you score a critical hit."

Crippling strike would be multiplied but disemboweling strike wouldn't. (Which makes sense since disemboweling strike is a stand in for SA which also isn't multiplied.)

2021-03-10, 11:37 PM
Q 204

The DMG states that cold iron weapons cost twice as much to make and that magical enhancements cost an extra 2000gp. The MIC, on the table on page 27, reverses those: magical enhancements cost double, and the material itself costs an extra 2000gp. Which is correct? -- or are both wrong?

2021-03-10, 11:46 PM
A 204

MIC says "see Special Materials, DMG 283, for more details." so it's acknowledging DMG as primary source. The error is on a table so text would take precedence anyway.

2021-03-11, 03:26 AM
It's worth noting that the cost of the masterwork component is not covered by "costs twice as much to make".

The market price of longsword is 15 gp, the market price of a masterwork cold iron longsword is 330 gp, not 630 gp as would be the case if the cost of the masterwork component was doubled as well:


2021-03-11, 01:22 PM
Q 205
Can I use a ToB strike (like Lead the Attack for instance) as part of a charge, +2 to attack included?

2021-03-11, 01:29 PM
Q206 True strike: "Your next single attack roll" - What does that mean when I use a full attack action?
I would assume the first attack gets the +20 and the rest is resolved normally.

2021-03-11, 01:30 PM
A 205: Not normally (a charge is a special attack, like bull rush or sunder, and those are specifically disallowed under most circumstances) but, some strikes specifically say "As part of this manuever, you make a charge" - and those work.

2021-03-11, 01:37 PM
A 206

That's correct. True strike only applies to the first attack roll you make after casting it (within the limits of its duration), regardless of how many other attack rolls you might make afterward.

2021-03-11, 08:15 PM
Q 207

"Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are not multiplied when you score a critical hit."

is there a generalization of this for non-critical damage multipliers like spirited charge and leap attack?

2021-03-12, 06:07 AM
Q 208
Is there a method to change or add a single spell to a domain?

2021-03-12, 01:20 PM
Q 208
Is there a method to change or add a single spell to a domain?

208 Clarification

Can you please be more specific about what you mean? Are you talking about a permanent substitution, a way to cast a different spell out of a domain slot, or something else? (I'm not aware of a way to make a permanent substitution except by asking the GM nicely, but there might be a way to accomplish something else if we know what you're after in particular.)

2021-03-12, 01:32 PM
208 Clarification

Can you please be more specific about what you mean? Are you talking about a permanent substitution, a way to cast a different spell out of a domain slot, or something else? (I'm not aware of a way to make a permanent substitution except by asking the GM nicely, but there might be a way to accomplish something else if we know what you're after in particular.)
Permanent Substitution is what I'd look for.
I'd need to be able to cast Battering Ram, Bigby's Striking Fist or a similar bull rush spell of low level as a divine crusader.

2021-03-12, 01:58 PM
Q 208
Is there a method to change or add a single spell to a domain?
Customize Domain, Dragon #325.

2021-03-12, 02:06 PM
A 208 If you need a domain with a spell which allows bull rushing as a divine crusader:
blast of force (force 3)

and though I know you said low level, for completeness's sake:
obedient avalanche (cold 9)
mastery of the sky (sky 8)
bigby's clenched fist (strength 8)
bigby's grasping hand (strength 7, tyranny 7)
bigby's crushing hand (strength 9, force 9)

While it's not strict RAW and I couldn't find any spells that fit these parameters, if you could locate an abj, div, or necro "bull rush spell" on the sor/wiz list, you might ask your gm to create a custom domain a la divine magician, since spells inside these bounds are rules to be equivalent in power to a clerical domain.

What is it exactly you're trying to do? As Zaq said, I know of no way to accomplish what you've described specifically.

2021-03-12, 04:31 PM
Q 209
What happens when a character under the effects of reduce person or a similar effect puts on a suit of armor made for a creature of his reduced size returns to his original size?
For example, a reduced human puts on a breastplate sized for a halfling while he is small, and then returns to his original medium size while wearing the armor. What happens to him and the armor?

2021-03-12, 05:53 PM
A 209
I would look to the text of Enlarge Person

If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it

If applying this rule, the creature would be "constrained without harm" by its armor. Whether it can then take its armor off normally, or whether the armor must be destroyed, would be up to the DM in absence of a rule for it.

This is the closest rule I know to what you're asking, if there's something more specific elsewhere please contradict me.

2021-03-12, 07:31 PM
Q 210
Can a convert spell to power erudite benefit from anything that takes effect on casting a spell?

For example, would an erudite manifesting web have their save DC increased by the feat Spell Focus (conjuration)? Sorry, I know this is an incredibly awful and badly-written class feature.

2021-03-12, 11:45 PM
Q 211

Can a player who is stunned activate a Third Eye Clarity item after the stun condition is in place?

The item has two activation clauses that seem to conflict:

You can activate this crystal to negate any one of the following conditions affecting you: confused, dazed, fascinated, or

You can activate the eye in response to an effect that would impose one of these conditions (for instance, after failing your save against a monk’s Stunning Fist attack but before the stun takes effect).

This ability functions once per day.

Situation is a enemy caster stunned a player character. The player character has an immediate action available. A couple of turns/actions later in the same round the enemy caster's mooks attack the stunned character. Character wants to use third eye clarity now to get rid of stun so they'd have their AC back, not be denied dex ac, etc. The stun condition says "can’t take actions".

Under RAW - is the second clause specifying exactly how the item gets around being able to take no actions by using the immediate action at the perfect minute before you become stunned?

I'm having a hard time making this ruling. If the item was just printed with the first clause then I'd rule yes, they would get rid of the stun whenever they want. If the item was printed with only the second clause (and obviously listing the conditions in it) then I'd say no - you should have used it as soon as the stun condition was placed and it's too late now that other actions have happened.


2021-03-13, 01:01 AM
A 211
As the item says, "You can activate the eye in response to an effect that would impose one of these conditions (for instance, after failing your save against a monk’s Stunning Fist attack but before the stun takes effect)."

If the stun has already taken effect that doesn't apply.


Customize Domain, Dragon #325.
Wow, the Magic benefit is insane.

2021-03-14, 06:02 PM
Q 212

What happens if a Dweomerkeeper casts Miracle as a Supernatural Spell, then uses the Miracle to duplicate a spell that allows SR (say, Fire Storm)?

Is SR allowed against the Fire Storm effect, or not?

2021-03-14, 06:40 PM
Q 212

What happens if a Dweomerkeeper casts Miracle as a Supernatural Spell, then uses the Miracle to duplicate a spell that allows SR (say, Fire Storm)?

Is SR allowed against the Fire Storm effect, or not?
No spell resistance is allowed. Dweomerkeeper provides an exception to the spell's normal text.

2021-03-14, 08:03 PM
No spell resistance is allowed. Dweomerkeeper provides an exception to the spell's normal text.

So that carries over to the spell mimicked/created by the Miracle?

I know if I was casting Fire Storm directly, that would be the case, but wasn't sure if there was an extra step in the middle, such as Miracle.

2021-03-15, 03:23 PM
Q 213

What effects are there to let a concentration-duration spell continue after you stop concentrating on it?

2021-03-15, 03:27 PM
Q 213

What effects are there to let a concentration-duration spell continue after you stop concentrating on it?
This is really more of a crowdsource research question than a simple RAW question, but try Familiar Concentration from Lost Empires of Faerun.

2021-03-15, 04:20 PM
A 213

I guess that sonorous hum could be helpful.

2021-03-16, 09:25 AM
How does the Use magic device skill work when you try to cast from a scroll as a rogue?
Do you make 1 roll to decipher the spell and 1 to cast the spell and its done or do you need multiple rolls for all the other stuff regarding scrolls (ability score, CL...)?

Again on the use magic device skill:
What is "activate blindly" supposed to mean? can I activate a scroll without deciphering it? Or is this meant for Wands and other items that haven't been identified yet?


2021-03-16, 02:36 PM
Q 216

Does the minimum damage for a hit take magic enhancements into account?

For example, a person with 1 Str will deal 1d4-5 damage with a nonmagical dagger, minimum (and maximum) of 1. If it's a +1 dagger, does the extra +1 apply before or after this minimum? Will that same person deal 1 or 2 damage?

St Fan
2021-03-16, 02:59 PM
Q 216

Does the minimum damage for a hit take magic enhancements into account?

For example, a person with 1 Str will deal 1d4-5 damage with a nonmagical dagger, minimum (and maximum) of 1. If it's a +1 dagger, does the extra +1 apply before or after this minimum? Will that same person deal 1 or 2 damage?

A 216
Bonuses and maluses, whatever their origins (including magic enhancement), are all calculated together before the roll. In the above case, it results in 1d4-4 damage, thus still minimum and maximum of 1. The only thing that applies after the damage roll is damage reduction.

2021-03-17, 02:08 AM
Q 217

If I take the ranger's Solitary Hunting ACF, would it apply to favored enemies gained from other classes?

2021-03-17, 02:13 AM
Q 217

If I take the ranger's Solitary Hunting ACF, would it apply to favored enemies gained from other classes?
It depends on how you interpret the ability.

2021-03-17, 02:35 AM
Is net a one-handed or two-handed weapon?

2021-03-17, 10:20 AM

Can I make trip attacks with the Whirling Blade spell [SpC p238] ?

How would Improved Trip interact with this ?

2021-03-17, 10:40 AM

Can I make trip attacks with the Whirling Blade spell [SpC p238] ?

How would Improved Trip interact with this ?
No. You make normal melee attacks to deal damage. However, if you had something like the Knock-Down feat, you might be able to trigger a trip attempt as a result of the normal attack.

2021-03-17, 10:41 AM

Can I make trip attacks with the Whirling Blade spell [SpC p238] ?

How would Improved Trip interact with this ?


The spell explicitly say "you make a normal melee attack. So you can't, I believe.

2021-03-17, 10:51 AM
OK - thanks.

That's was what I thought also - I just wanted another view.

Maat Mons
2021-03-17, 09:31 PM

Which of the following can I create with Psionic Minor Creation?

mashed potatoes
the world's largest baked potato
vegan cherry pie
apple juice
cooked corn on the cob
almond milk
tea leaves
a hemp sack full of flour

What happens when I eat it?

St Fan
2021-03-18, 07:31 AM

Which of the following can I create with Psionic Minor Creation?

mashed potatoes
the world's largest baked potato
vegan cherry pie
apple juice
cooked corn on the cob
almond milk
tea leaves
a hemp sack full of flour

What happens when I eat it?

A 220
About all the things you mentioned, although the most complex confections will require an appropriate skill check (mostly Profession[cook], except maybe Profession[winegrower] for wine, profession [miller] for flour, profession[chocolatier], etc.). With the psionic version, you don't even need a sample as material component.

(One caveat: although you can produce already-cooked things, I doubt it is possible for the power to create heat, hence they would be cold. No boiling tea to toss at someone. Also salt-free, since salt is a mineral.)

When you eat them, they probably taste as good as the real things (depending on the skill check and the DM's whim) and will give a sensation of fullness too. However, since whatever you created cease to exist after a few hours, none of these will provide any real nourishment long-term.

PS: I realized, the foodstuff is still real for these few hours, so it could still trigger food allergies, or hyperglycemia in the meantime.

St Fan
2021-03-18, 07:37 AM
Q 221

About the subject of a sepia snake sigil:

If the target fails its save, it is engulfed in a shimmering amber field of force and immobilized until released, either at your command or when 1d4 days + one day per caster level have elapsed.

While trapped in the amber field of force, the subject does not age, breathe, grow hungry, sleep, or regain spells. It is preserved in a state of suspended animation, unaware of its surroundings. It can be damaged by outside forces (and perhaps even killed), since the field provides no protection against physical injury.

A) Can the target be moved around despite the "shimmering amber field of force"?

B) Since the victim can be wounded, can she also be divested of some carried items?

2021-03-18, 01:29 PM
Q1 For a bard/dervish, while in the Dervish Dance could I still use bardic music abilities or cast? It doesn't seem to say I can't, but this feels like the kinda thing I'd easily miss

2021-03-18, 07:15 PM
Q1 For a bard/dervish, while in the Dervish Dance could I still use bardic music abilities or cast? It doesn't seem to say I can't, but this feels like the kinda thing I'd easily miss

A 222

You can't use any skills or abilities which require concentration, so no spell casting, but you can explicitly use bardic music - it is specifically called out as an exception.

(Psst, by the way, we're counting total Qs for the thread, not personal number of Qs.)

Maat Mons
2021-03-19, 12:01 AM

Are all nightmares female, or is that just a name?

2021-03-19, 12:15 AM

Are all nightmares female, or is that just a name?
This is more of a lore question than a RAW question, but yes, it is just a name. Lore-wise, a nightmare is a corrupted pegasus, and can have any gender that a pegasus can have.

2021-03-19, 01:17 AM
Is net a one-handed or two-handed weapon?

Bump 10letters

2021-03-19, 01:41 AM
Q 221

About the subject of a sepia snake sigil:

A) Can the target be moved around despite the "shimmering amber field of force"?

B) Since the victim can be wounded, can she also be divested of some carried items?
DM discretion.

Is net a one-handed or two-handed weapon?

2021-03-19, 02:26 AM

What the fudge? The question was whether net is "one-handed" or "two-handed"?

Does net require one or two hands to use? The rules seem unclear on this and I thought someone might shed some more light on this, with perhaps having the knowledge of an earlier discussion that I am unaware of.

I can assure you I wasn't trolling or anything. I'm dead serious.

2021-03-20, 04:06 AM
Q 224

The arcane disciple feat (complete divine) requires "alignement matches you deity's alignment". Does that mean the same alignment, or the same range of alignments a cleric of said deity could have?

P.S: I, too, would like to know how many hands does throwing a net require.

2021-03-20, 07:31 AM
Q 224

The arcane disciple feat (complete divine) requires "alignement matches you deity's alignment". Does that mean the same alignment, or the same range of alignments a cleric of said deity could have?

P.S: I, too, would like to know how many hands does throwing a net require.

In 3.0, all weapons were thrown one-handed. Even weapons that were two-handed in melee, were one-handed at range. And took longer to throw - a full round action instead of a standard action - page 97, 3.0 PHB. Since the Net was Medium rather than Large, it took a standard action instead of a full round action to throw - which makes it the equivalent of a one-handed melee weapon.

3.5, however, removes all the "It is automatically thrown one-handed even if it's a two-handed weapon" text (But keeps "two handed weapons are more time consuming to throw").

However, if you extrapolate forward from 3.0, it's reasonable to conjecture that like in 3.0, nets are the equivalent of "Medium thrown weapons" which is "One-handed thrown weapons".

And to have them take a standard action, instead of a full-round action, to throw.

As for A 224 - I'd say "matches deity's alignment" is supposed to be taken literally. If they meant "within one step" they would have said so.

St Fan
2021-03-20, 07:59 AM
Q 225

For the Deepwarden prestige class:

Stone Warden (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a deepwarden knows how to use his strengths to compensate for his weaknesses. He adds his Constitution bonus to AC instead of his Dexterity, if the character's Constitution bonus is higher. The deepwarden loses this bonus to his Armor Class whenever he would normally be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. In such a situation, the deepwarden would still be considered flat-footed.

Does a 2nd(or higher)-level Deepwarden sees this Constitution bonus to AC also caped by the "Maximum Dex Bonus" of armors when wearing one?

2021-03-20, 08:06 AM
A 225: I'd go with yes.

I see "wearing armour with a Dex Bonus cap lower than your actual Dex bonus" as "denying you your Dex bonus to AC" but on a small scale - not denying it completely, but denying some of it.

As such, Con Bonus to AC should have the same cap - you have your Dex bonus partially denied, so you get your Con bonus "partially denied".

2021-03-20, 10:45 AM
Q 226

What's the interaction between feats and abilities that reduce metamagic costs to a minimum of +1 and those that reduce to a minimum of +0? Do you get to apply them in beneficiary order?

For example, could an epic caster take improved metamagic 3 times and practical metamagic: quicken spell once, and thereafter quicken all of their spells for free?

King of Nowhere
2021-03-20, 12:21 PM
Q227:if you use a magic ranged weapon as an improvised blunt instrument - like, trying to bash people with a crossbow - can you apply the enhancement bonus? or does it apply only if you use the weapon the way it's supposed to be used? is there even anything about this in the rules?

2021-03-20, 12:50 PM
Q227:if you use a magic ranged weapon as an improvised blunt instrument - like, trying to bash people with a crossbow - can you apply the enhancement bonus? or does it apply only if you use the weapon the way it's supposed to be used? is there even anything about this in the rules?
If a weapon (or armor, or shield) has multiple modes, enhancements are applied separately to each mode. Your crossbow's enhancement bonus applies only to its use as a crossbow.

2021-03-20, 03:18 PM
A 226

You apply bonuses and abilities in the order you choose, usually the most beneficial to you. Unless they have text explicitly saying so, they don't affect any abilities later applied. So you can pick all those feats and have Quicken at +0.

2021-03-20, 04:22 PM
What the fudge? The question was whether net is "one-handed" or "two-handed"?

Does net require one or two hands to use? The rules seem unclear on this and I thought someone might shed some more light on this, with perhaps having the knowledge of an earlier discussion that I am unaware of.

I can assure you I wasn't trolling or anything. I'm dead serious.
I'm not having much luck turning up a definite answer, though Complete Warrior has a net & trident style feat... It's not exactly a direct RAW statement that nets are one-handed, but it does seem to imply that they are one-handed since the sole purpose of the feat is to grant additional options to a character using TWF to wield a net in conjunction with another weapon.

2021-03-21, 01:11 PM
Q 228

Quick reference:

A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

An exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

The exhausted condition is linked to the fatigued condition (fatigued + fatigued = exhausted; exhausted + rest = fatigued), but it doesn't say that it includes the effects of fatigued.

228 Subquestion 1: Can a character be fatigued and exhausted at the same time (for example, by being subjected to an exhaustion effect and then subsequently being subjected to a fatigue effect)? If not, why not?

228 Subquestion 2: Can an exhausted character run or charge?

2021-03-21, 02:13 PM
What the fudge? The question was whether net is "one-handed" or "two-handed"?

Does net require one or two hands to use? The rules seem unclear on this and I thought someone might shed some more light on this, with perhaps having the knowledge of an earlier discussion that I am unaware of.

I can assure you I wasn't trolling or anything. I'm dead serious.
It's not one-handed or two-handed. Those categories only apply to melee weapons.

Q 228

Quick reference:

The exhausted condition is linked to the fatigued condition (fatigued + fatigued = exhausted; exhausted + rest = fatigued), but it doesn't say that it includes the effects of fatigued.

228 Subquestion 1: Can a character be fatigued and exhausted at the same time (for example, by being subjected to an exhaustion effect and then subsequently being subjected to a fatigue effect)? If not, why not?

228 Subquestion 2: Can an exhausted character run or charge?
1. Being fatigued and exhausted at the same time is the same as being exhausted. It's an escalating condition, similar to fear.
2. Yes, it's an effect of both conditions.

2021-03-21, 02:45 PM
1. Being fatigued and exhausted at the same time is the same as being exhausted. It's an escalating condition, similar to fear.
2. Yes, it's an effect of both conditions.

Q 228 clarification

This seems to be implied, but I cannot find an actual citation for it in the rules. Can you please elaborate with rules text? My current feeling is that what you described is RAI (and also how I play at a real table) but, in another example of a rules dysfunction, RAW disagrees and never actually makes exhausted mutually exclusive with fatigued, nor does it explicitly roll the effects of fatigued into exhausted.

2021-03-21, 04:31 PM

What is the range of Warlock Invocations such as Cocoon of Refuse (Cityscape)?
I've hunted through the books but can't find a set range for anything except Eldrich Blast. Even the Handbooks haven't helped Me :smallfrown:

2021-03-21, 04:38 PM

What is the range of Warlock Invocations such as Cocoon of Refuse (Cityscape)?
I've hunted through the books but can't find a set range for anything except Eldrich Blast. Even the Handbooks haven't helped Me :smallfrown:

A229: IMO, since it duplicates the entangle spell (it says "target is entangled" in italics) it uses that spell's range.

2021-03-21, 11:59 PM
It's not one-handed or two-handed. Those categories only apply to melee weapons.

Again doesn't answer to my question, so I'll repeat

Q230a how many hands do you need to make the so-called attack with a net? Although net is not a melee weapon, surely you need to know how many hands you need to throw the net? I guess I could assume that unless it specifically says otherwise, like most projectiles do, all ranged weapons require only one hand to use effectively. But am I correct to assume so?

Q230b Likewise, how many hands do you need to control the rope of a net?

Q230c Can you use two-weapon fighting with a net and another weapon by RAW, without needing to take a feat from a certain book other than the one that introduced said weapon?

2021-03-22, 04:36 AM
Again doesn't answer to my question, so I'll repeat

Q230a how many hands do you need to make the so-called attack with a net? Although net is not a melee weapon, surely you need to know how many hands you need to throw the net? I guess I could assume that unless it specifically says otherwise, like most projectiles do, all ranged weapons require only one hand to use effectively. But am I correct to assume so?

Q230b Likewise, how many hands do you need to control the rope of a net?

Q230c Can you use two-weapon fighting with a net and another weapon by RAW, without needing to take a feat from a certain book other than the one that introduced said weapon?

I thought both these answers were helpful

In 3.0, all weapons were thrown one-handed. Even weapons that were two-handed in melee, were one-handed at range. And took longer to throw - a full round action instead of a standard action - page 97, 3.0 PHB. Since the Net was Medium rather than Large, it took a standard action instead of a full round action to throw - which makes it the equivalent of a one-handed melee weapon.

3.5, however, removes all the "It is automatically thrown one-handed even if it's a two-handed weapon" text (But keeps "two handed weapons are more time consuming to throw").

However, if you extrapolate forward from 3.0, it's reasonable to conjecture that like in 3.0, nets are the equivalent of "Medium thrown weapons" which is "One-handed thrown weapons".

And to have them take a standard action, instead of a full-round action, to throw

I'm not having much luck turning up a definite answer, though Complete Warrior has a net & trident style feat... It's not exactly a direct RAW statement that nets are one-handed, but it does seem to imply that they are one-handed since the sole purpose of the feat is to grant additional options to a character using TWF to wield a net in conjunction with another weapon.

I'll add that the net and trident feat doesn't use language that implies TWFing with a net is unusual.

2021-03-22, 05:57 AM
I thought both these answers were helpful
Oh, I must've missed hamishspence's response, as it wasn't replied directly to the original question.

I'll add that the net and trident feat doesn't use language that implies TWFing with a net is unusual.
Thanks. I didn't have the time to look it up myself yet.

Although, knowing that people behind different books have made mistakes before in how certain rules are supposed to interact with each other according to earlier books, I'm slightly suspicious of the implication, or lack thereof. But, RAW is RAW, and should be enough for this matter.

2021-03-22, 09:46 AM
A229: IMO, since it duplicates the entangle spell (it says "target is entangled" in italics) it uses that spell's range.

A 229 Contention Entangled is not just a spell, but also a condition. It doesn't specify, so there's no reason to think it duplicates the spell rather than just causing the condition.

Silent Alarm
2021-03-22, 12:31 PM
Q231 Do Dedicated Wrights allow a character to overcome the limitation on crafting multiple magical items at once, or no?

A character can work on only one item at a time. If a character starts work on a new item, all materials used and XP spent on the under-construction item are wasted.

Item Creation (Su): A dedicated wright can perform the daily tasks related to item creation on behalf of its master. The master must meet (or emulate) all the prerequisites to create the desired item normally, and pays the gold and XP cost himself. The only cost a dedicated wright can help with is time. The master spends 1 hour initiating the process, channeling spell prerequisites into the dedicated wright, and paying the XP cost to make the item. He may then leave, allowing the wright to carry the process through to completion.

2021-03-22, 03:39 PM
A 229 Contention Entangled is not just a spell, but also a condition. It doesn't specify, so there's no reason to think it duplicates the spell rather than just causing the condition.

Actually, there is even reason to think it does not duplicate the spell. If it was the case, the word would be spelled with its real name "entangle", not an adjective. When an invocation reproduces a spell, the vocabulary used is along the lines of "Can use name of spell, like the spell", with the spell always having its real and complete name written (afaik). It is even more evident with the numerous differences between the spell and the invocation (only one target, can get out with a standard action instead of a full-round one, 1 rd/level instead of 1 min/level... Cocoon of refuse is really the poor man's Entangle).

About the range, there is really no clear-cut range description in Cityscape, nor a default range for invocations. It is then up to you and your DM to decide that. (I would recommend long range, 400+40/lv, since the effect is already that much worse than Entangle, at least let the warlock spam it to prevent someone from escaping after a battle).

A 231
A character/creature can indeed only work on one item at a time, but a Dedicated Wright is a creature all its own, hence it can work on an item creation while its creator works on another.

Blue Jay
2021-03-22, 06:09 PM
Again doesn't answer to my question, so I'll repeat

Q230a how many hands do you need to make the so-called attack with a net? Although net is not a melee weapon, surely you need to know how many hands you need to throw the net? I guess I could assume that unless it specifically says otherwise, like most projectiles do, all ranged weapons require only one hand to use effectively. But am I correct to assume so?

Q230b Likewise, how many hands do you need to control the rope of a net?

Q230c Can you use two-weapon fighting with a net and another weapon by RAW, without needing to take a feat from a certain book other than the one that introduced said weapon?

A 230
Here's a subsection of text from the "Two-Weapon Fighting" section of the Combat chapter (PHB, p. 160):

Ranged Weapons: The same rules apply when you throw or fire a weapon from each hand. Treat a dart or shuriken as a light weapon when used in this manner, and treat a bolas, javelin, net, or sling as a one-handed weapon.

At least for the purposes of TWF, a net count as a one-handed weapon.

2021-03-22, 08:00 PM
A 229 Contention Entangled is not just a spell, but also a condition. It doesn't specify, so there's no reason to think it duplicates the spell rather than just causing the condition.
The word is italicized, so it is referencing a spell.

2021-03-23, 04:44 AM
Q 232

Does an Iaijutsu Focus skill check have to be made after making your attack roll for the triggering attack? Is there any rule to help adjudicate this?

St Fan
2021-03-23, 05:15 AM
Q 232

Does an Iaijutsu Focus skill check have to be made after making your attack roll for the triggering attack? Is there any rule to help adjudicate this?

A 232
Considering there would be no point in making the check if the attack roll is failed, it would naturally be made after the attack roll.

The text says "If you attack a flat-footed opponent immediately after drawing a melee weapon, you can deal extra damage, based on the result of an Iaijutsu Focus check." It quite clearly imply the check applies after with the "you can deal extra damage". (You don't have to, you make the check if you want and if the attack succeeded.)

St Fan
2021-03-23, 12:32 PM
Q 233

The Expanded Knowledge class feature (notably of the Recaster prestige class, but from a few others too) adds a spell to the character's class list, with the limitation it has to be one level lower than the highest level of spell she can cast.

If the character takes the epic feat Improved Spell Capacity, and thus gain a 10th-level spell slot, upon gaining an even level of Recaster, can she thus pick a 9th-level spell with Expanded Knowledge?

Q 234
Without even tackling the Chameleon floating feat shenanigans, if a wizard pick the Extra Spell feat and thus write a spell from his spell list to his spellbook, can he retrain the feat next level with the spell staying unaltered on his spellbook?

2021-03-23, 12:52 PM
Q 233

The Expanded Knowledge class feature (notably of the Recaster prestige class, but from a few others too) adds a spell to the character's class list, with the limitation it has to be one level lower than the highest level of spell she can cast.

If the character takes the epic feat Improved Spell Capacity, and thus gain a 10th-level spell slot, upon gaining an even level of Recaster, can she thus pick a 9th-level spell with Expanded Knowledge?
I would personally rule that if taking Improved Spell Capacity multiple times gives you access to 11th level slots, then taking it once should give you access to 9th level expanded knowledge, since they use the same wording. If you take the reading that says you need Improved Heighten Spell in order to count as being able to cast 10th or 11th level spells before you can use Improved Spell Capacity to gain slots above 10th level, then the same restriction would apply to expanded knowledge. Both interpretations are valid.

Q 234
Without even tackling the Chameleon floating feat shenanigans, if a wizard pick the Extra Spell feat and thus write a spell from his spell list to his spellbook, can he retrain the feat next level with the spell staying unaltered on his spellbook?
Yes, but only if you actually spent the time and materials to scribe it in there for reals. The "free" version you gained through the feat would be gone.

2021-03-23, 03:04 PM

About Control Shape skill.

Check (Involuntary Change): An afflicted character must make a check at moonrise each night of the full moon to resist
involuntarily assuming animal form. An injured character must also check for an involuntary change after accumulating enough damage to reduce his hit points by one-quarter and again after each additional one-quarter lost.
If afflicted lycanthrope takes damage enough to reduce his hit points by three-quarter with one single hit, how many checks does he need to make, one or three?