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2021-05-30, 02:35 PM
A 344 correction
This spell cures 1d4 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

If you cast this spell immediately after the subject takes damage, it effectively prevents the damage.

Abby never reaches -1 so consumptive field never triggers. Immediates can interrupt things whether they are actions or not. Close wounds, like any immediate, is capable of interrupting the conditions where casting it is applicable. If it weren't, it wouldn't work. This is how close wounds can prevent you from being outright killed when you are taken past -10, for example, because immediates can take place before the action

2021-05-30, 02:47 PM
This is how close wounds can prevent you from being outright killed when you are taken past -10, for example, because immediates can take place before the action
It's a special clause in the close wounds spell that "If you cast this spell immediately after the subject takes damage, it effectively prevents the damage" -- that's not a general property of immediate actions. And it doesn't apply in this case because being raised back to life at -1 hp isn't the same as taking damage.

2021-05-30, 06:19 PM
Q 345
Does a phantom steed (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/phantomSteed.htm), whose entire highly detailed statline lists no ability scores (though it does list a Dex modifier), have a Con score?

Q 346
Can a phantom steed take the Run (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#run) action?

2021-05-30, 06:27 PM
A 345 No.
A 346 Yes.

Maat Mons
2021-05-30, 08:15 PM
Q347: If I use Metamorphosis, and my Constitution score changes, does this, then, bring about a change in my maximum hit points?

2021-05-30, 08:18 PM
A 347 No. ten characters

St Fan
2021-05-31, 03:04 AM
Q 348

Aeshuur: When the illumian deals damage to a target with a sneak attack or a critical hit, she gains a +2 dodge bonus to her AC against that target until the beginning of her next turn.

Considering dodge bonuses stack, if an illumian with an active Aeshuur power sigil...

A)... makes a full attack against the same opponent and damages it twice with critical hits or sneak attacks, is the bonus +4 for this round?

B)... manages to land both a critical hit and sneak attack with a single attack, is the bonus +4 for this single hit?

2021-05-31, 04:25 AM
Q 348

Considering dodge bonuses stack, if an illumian with an active Aeshuur power sigil...

A)... makes a full attack against the same opponent and damages it twice with critical hits or sneak attacks, is the bonus +4 for this round?

B)... manages to land both a critical hit and sneak attack with a single attack, is the bonus +4 for this single hit?
A. Dodge bonuses are an exception to the normal bonus stacking rules in that they stack with other dodge bonuses. "Other" is the key word here; maybe your DM rules that two instances of this ability are considered different effects (I would disagree with that), but dodge bonuses from the same source do not stack.
B. See above, but even if your DM rules favorably on A, the effect triggers only once per instance of damage.

2021-05-31, 04:54 AM
Can a prestige class benefit from the skilled city dweller ACF?
Can multiple base classes in the same build (i.e. Barb 1/ fighter 1/ ranger 1 swap handle animal for gather information on all of them)?

2021-05-31, 08:24 AM
A 349 Yes.
A 349a Yes.

St Fan
2021-06-01, 06:18 AM
The above question should have been numbered 349.

Q 350
The "Disruptive Attack" Rogue ACF has the following benefit:

Beginning at 4th level, through careful study you're able to find exploitable flaws in any creature's tactics and defenses. Whenever you hit a target that is flat-footed against your attack, or whenever you hit a target that you flank, you can choose to sacrifice your sneak attack damage in order to apply a -5 penalty to that creature's AC for 1 round. Multiple hits on the same target don't stack. This extraordinary ability works even against creatures normally immune to extra damage from sneak attacks, such as undead.

A) The description says "Whenever you hit a target that is flat-footed against your attack," not "Whenever you hit a target that is denied his dexterity bonus to AC," which is the standard for a sneak attack. Does that mean the ability would work against a flat-footed opponent that still keep his Dex bonus (like with Uncanny Dodge)?

B) How does this mesh with Ambush feats? Can a rogue applies an Ambush feat to a sneak attack, reducing his sneak attack damage accordingly (but still keeping at least 1d6, as per the Ambush feats rule) and then sacrifice what remains of sneak attack damage to apply the Disruptive Attack effect?

2021-06-01, 06:21 AM
A 350 Yes.
A 350a Yes.

2021-06-01, 01:38 PM
Does taking one of the initiator classes make the relative disciplines associated skills a class skill for all future classes, the way that martial study does?

2021-06-01, 04:37 PM
A 351 No. ten characters

2021-06-01, 05:51 PM
Q 352

Is there a Gith or Githyanki subtype, for races such as Githyanki?

Q 352 B

Does every humanoid race have a racial subtype?

2021-06-01, 06:07 PM
Q 352

Is there a Gith or Githyanki subtype, for races such as Githyanki?

Q 352 B

Does every humanoid race have a racial subtype?
Here is the relevant rule.

Various subtypes further differentiate creatures of the humanoid type. These subtypes include the likes of dwarf, elf, human, orc, and so on. Although a creature of a specific race might not have a subtype noted in its statistics, it has the subtype associated with its race.

2021-06-01, 06:09 PM
Gith are (extraplanar)

2021-06-02, 02:21 AM
Gith are (extraplanar)

Extraplanar is not a racial subtype.

2021-06-02, 02:56 AM

If a (ex) feature says "gains the X feat"

353.a : is the feat lost if the feature is lost?

353.b : do you still need to meet the prerequisites to use the feat?

2021-06-02, 03:04 AM
A 353a No.
A 353b If not, the class will have some language to the effect of "the character need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats."

In the absence of such language, you do need to meet prereqs. Oftentimes, you will get reminder that you must meet the prereqs for these kinds of bonus feats.

St Fan
2021-06-02, 05:33 AM
A 353a contention

A bonus feat linked to a class feature is usually lost if the class feature is lost (for example through retraining, or by losing the relevant class level).

A detail that need to be cleared up is whether the feat is a "virtual feat" and not an actual bonus feat. For examples, Ranger are treated as having the feats associated with their combat style (Rapid Shot or Two-Weapon Fighting) for all that matter (bonuses and prerequisites) when wearing light armor, but don't really have the feat -- hence it cannot be retrained individually (the whole feature can be) nor Dark Chaos Shuffled.

2021-06-02, 06:00 AM
In the case of retraining, you would certainly be right since it's as though the character never had the feat-granting class feature in the first place. The same would be true for permanently losing a level to energy drain or being raised, so how it is lost does matter.

If there's a specific class that's being asked about, it would be helpful to know and since the precise answer may indeed vary. I assume this is for an iron chef or similar contest so this information will be withheld and tried to answer the general question as accurately as possible.

That is accurate re:ranger and similar classes which actually grant feats, such as monks, also exist.

St Fan
2021-06-03, 07:34 AM
Q 354

Are the Fiery Fist and Ki Blast feats (Player's Handbook II) considered supernatural abilities?

Those feats are in General / Fighter Bonus Feats category, which are usually (Ex).

However, the fluff for Fiery Fist says "you sheathe your limbs in magical fire", and the Ki Blast is described as a force effect, which I don't think was ever demonstrated to be possible without magic...

Duke of Urrel
2021-06-03, 08:54 AM
Q 354

Are the Fiery Fist and Ki Blast feats (Player's Handbook II) considered supernatural abilities?

Those feats are in General / Fighter Bonus Feats category, which are usually (Ex).

However, the fluff for Fiery Fist says "you sheathe your limbs in magical fire", and the Ki Blast is described as a force effect, which I don't think was ever demonstrated to be possible without magic...

A 354

Logically, yes.

Here is my logic. Because the monk's Ki Strike is a supernatural ability (Player's Handbook page 41 and Dungeon Master's Guide page 289), and because the descriptions of the Fiery Fist feat and the Ki Blast feat both refer to ki (Player's Handbook II, pages 79 and 80), I think we can deduce that these feats are supernatural abilities.

There is also no rule that says general feats and fighter bonus feats (Player's Handbook pages 38 and 87) can only be extraordinary but never magical, or that prohibits characters of the fighter class from obtaining supernatural abilities.

2021-06-03, 09:19 AM
A 354 (backing up) The above answer is correct. The RAW basis for this is that all feats are extraordinary unless otherwise specified such as exalted and vile feats which are explicitly supernatural. Having no such similar language, these two feats are thus also extraordinary.

2021-06-03, 04:30 PM
Q 355

Can set-list spontaneous casters (Beguiler, Dread Necro, Warmage) benefit from the Dragonblood Spell-pact spell?

For instance, could a Beguiler use Dragonblood Spell-pact to swap Vertigo Field out for Fireball, with a willing Sorcerer?

2021-06-03, 04:50 PM
A 355 Yes ten characters

2021-06-03, 08:36 PM
The glossary doesn't define "object," but it does define a "creature" as "not an object." If something is not a creature then it should be an object, right?
Is water an object?

2021-06-03, 09:00 PM
A 356 Pretty much. That's as close as you're going to get to a raw answer. There are a couple of peculiar exceptions such as non-creature plants, things created by fx like mordenkainen's faithful hound/unseen servant, violet fungus, and green slime, but for the most part you can safely assume that a bottle, rug, chair, etc are going to be objects.

A test I recommend for whether something is a creature is "does it have a wis and cha score?" If so, it is a creature. If not, it is not a creature and is very likely an object.

A 356b Yes.

2021-06-04, 01:13 AM
A 356 Pretty much. That's as close as you're going to get to a raw answer. There are a couple of peculiar exceptions such as non-creature plants, things created by fx like mordenkainen's faithful hound/unseen servant, violet fungus, and green slime, but for the most part you can safely assume that a bottle, rug, chair, etc are going to be objects.

A test I recommend for whether something is a creature is "does it have a wis and cha score?" If so, it is a creature. If not, it is not a creature and is very likely an object.

The most notable examples of "both a creature and an object" are intelligent magic items - they're treated as creatures with the Construct type:


Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Treat them as constructs.

2021-06-04, 03:43 AM
A 356b Yes.

The school of conjuration comes with the following restrictions:

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.
Would this prevent conjuration spells from functioning underwater?

2021-06-04, 04:00 AM
A 357 While certain spells (those with the [fire] descriptor) work differently underwater, there is no rule saying other kinds of conjuration spells work differently.

For land-based combat, a creature can't be summoned in the air, but underwater, even if a creature is higher than you vertically, it is still supported by the water underneath it so this is a legal square to summon them in assuming there is no creature/other object there. They displace the water that was in their square the same way they displace the air in their square when summoned on land.

I had assumed you were asking about water on its own to know if you could make it invisible or polymorph it into something. If you have a specific context a question is being asked in you can clarify within the question and/or ask sub-questions in the same post like above. It will help you get the most useful answers for your specific circumstance.

2021-06-04, 05:20 AM

Tome of battle, do stances count as manouvers for the purpose of qualifying for other manouvers, feats, prestige classes?

2021-06-04, 05:26 AM
A 358 Yes ten characters

2021-06-04, 02:00 PM
The school of conjuration comes with the following restrictions:

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

Would this prevent conjuration spells from functioning underwater?

If a creature or object doesn't sink in water, the water is dense enough to support it.
Water is a fluid so it isn't treated as a (solid) object.

Floating in that context seems to mean in mid-air (with insufficient support) not floating on a fluid (something that can support it). Bad word choice.

Maat Mons
2021-06-04, 04:34 PM
Q359: For purpose of Craft (alchemy)'s requirement of being a spellcaster, does having spell-like abilities count?

2021-06-04, 08:09 PM
A 358 Yes. ten characters

2021-06-05, 12:40 AM
Q360 - Alternate Form

What's the lowest LA/HD way to get an alternate form or alter self ability from a race/creature or template?

2021-06-05, 12:58 AM
Q360 - Alternate Form

What's the lowest LA/HD way to get an alternate form or alter self ability from a race/creature or template?

A 360

Hengeyokai is LA +0 according to the Dragon update.

2021-06-05, 01:03 AM
A 360 (addition) That is the fastest way to get alternate form. If you specifically wanted alter self instead, fey'ri allow alter self into any humanoid form for +2 LA.

2021-06-05, 04:19 AM
A 360 (addition) That is the fastest way to get alternate form. If you specifically wanted alter self instead, fey'ri allow alter self into any humanoid form for +2 LA.
True, but not the fastest. The Momentary Alteration feat grants a limited alter self as a spell-like ability 1/day. It can be taken at level 1 by any race, provided you've been exposed to an alter self spell at some point in your backstory.

2021-06-05, 06:55 AM
Q 361a
Does Mitigate Suffering (CC 61) have a range limit?

Q 361b
If a creature has an ability drained, but also damaged, what's the maximum to which Mitigate Suffering can raise that ability score?

Q 361c
Is how temporary ability points are supposed to work even defined anywhere?

True, but not the fastest. The Momentary Alteration feat grants a limited alter self as a spell-like ability 1/day. It can be taken at level 1 by any race, provided you've been exposed to an alter self spell at some point in your backstory.

Pretty funny feat for what it is, what with the Personal range thing, though.

2021-06-05, 12:46 PM
A 361a There is none listed.
A 361b To its normal maximum. Mitigate suffering does not differentiate between damaged and drained abilities or say it cannot help drained abilities.
A 361c No.

2021-06-05, 05:10 PM
Q 362

What happens if you take the War Domain with Hextor (favored weapons: light mace or heavy mace) as a patron deity? Do you get Weapon Focus with both light and heavy mace or only one of them? Can you swap these with the Weapon Aptitude of the Warblade?

What about Frigga, by means of Heretic of the Faith (Frigga's natural weapons are "The natural weapons of the animal whose form she assumes")? Do I choose one specific animal and get Weapon Focus for all their natural attacks? For all natural attacks from all animals? For any one natural attack of one animal? For the natural attacks I have when I'm transformed into an animal? And again, what about Weapon Aptitude?

2021-06-05, 10:58 PM
Q 363 sorry if this isn't really a RAW question

Are there any templates, feats or other non-item, non-spell/power methods to permanently (or continuously) make a large Outsider medium in size? Specifically, for a Chraal (MM3 p.28)?

Maat Mons
2021-06-05, 11:12 PM
Q364: Does the bonus from the Commerce domain apply when using the "running a business" rules from DMGII?

2021-06-06, 05:00 AM
A362a: According to my sources, Hextor gets a flail as a favored weapon. I'm unaware of a deity that has the War domain and gets a choice of either light or heavy mace as a favored weapon, though I could be overlooking something. If there was such a deity, the cleric would choose which one of the two upon getting access to the war domain. Once this decision is made, it is permanent (barring rebuilding or the like). Because a warblade's weapon aptitude ability affects feats that apply to only a single weapon, a multiclass warblade/cleric (with the war domain) could adjust their weapon focus feat (Although this could potentially run afoul of a cleric's code of conduct. See your DM).

A362b: This cleric would choose one type of Natural Attack, such as bite, claws, slam, tail slap, etc, at the time they got access to the war domain. It would apply to any form the cleric assumed that had that natural attack. Similarly to above, a warblade's weapon aptitude would apply.

A364: If the profit check is a Profession check, it would apply. It it is Craft, Perform, or some other roll, no.

2021-06-06, 10:59 AM
Q 365
Can you activate and use a maneuver from a martial script without meeting its prerequisites?

2021-06-06, 11:48 AM
A 365: Yes. Meeting the pre-requisites for a maneuver is irrelevant to using a martial script. The only limitation is:

If the maneuver can only be used once per encounter or has other use restrictions, all those limitations apply to your use of it. Using a script does not allow you to break the normal usage rules for maneuvers.

For example, a martial script of Bonecrusher (Stone Dragon 3) could only be used if the initiator is in contact with the ground, as per normal for Stone Dragon maneuvers (p81). Or Pouncing Charge (Tiger Claw 5) could not be used if the initiator cannot make a charge attack (e.g. difficult terrain, no way to bypass).

2021-06-06, 02:33 PM
Q366: What's the Save DC of Ice Slick's balance check? Is it your spellcasting DC? Flat DC 10?

2021-06-06, 04:12 PM
Q367 If a Level 20 Druid takes Prestige Classes that stack with their Animal Companion class feature, does their Animal Companion gain any more bonuses for levels after 20 in these prestige classes?

2021-06-06, 04:31 PM
A367: Yes. The question is worded as if all 20 Druid levels were taken before entering a PrC at level 21. There may be some weird interaction based on specific wording of the class in question, but the general rule is as follows.

Animal Companion
The epic druid’s animal companion continues to increase in power. At every three levels higher than 18th (21st, 24th, 27th, and so on), the companion gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor increases by 2, its Strength and Dexterity modifiers increase by 1, and it learns one additional bonus trick.

2021-06-06, 04:34 PM
Q366: What's the Save DC of Ice Slick's balance check? Is it your spellcasting DC? Flat DC 10?

A 366

Since Ice Slick does not list a Balance check DC the way the Grease spell does, it defaults to the hazard mentioned (slippery ice). As per Frostburn p.21, the Balance check DC is 10.

2021-06-06, 04:39 PM
Q 363 sorry if this isn't really a RAW question

Are there any templates, feats or other non-item, non-spell/power methods to permanently (or continuously) make a large Outsider medium in size? Specifically, for a Chraal (MM3 p.28)?

A 363 (partial) You can do some template chaining to do it. For example, if you make it into an aberration, animal, magical beast, or vermin, you can then apply the Dungeonbred template (Dungeonscape, pg. 113) to make it Medium.

Now, admittedly, I don't have a one-step solution for turning an outsider into an aberration, though I'm fairly certain that there's SOME template or another out there that will do the trick.

2021-06-06, 04:54 PM
A 363 (partial) You can do some template chaining to do it. For example, if you make it into an aberration, animal, magical beast, or vermin, you can then apply the Dungeonbred template (Dungeonscape, pg. 113) to make it Medium.

Now, admittedly, I don't have a one-step solution for turning an outsider into an aberration, though I'm fairly certain that there's SOME template or another out there that will do the trick.

Spellwarped + Dungeonbred will do the trick nicely. Thanks. :smallsmile:

Half-farspawn Half-troll Spellwarped Dungeonbred Chraal (what a mouthful).

2021-06-06, 06:03 PM
A 366

Since Ice Slick does not list a Balance check DC the way the Grease spell does, it defaults to the hazard mentioned (slippery ice). As per Frostburn p.21, the Balance check DC is 10.

Q366 part 2 (Q368?): That DC is for running and charging across it. Not for standing on it. No standing DC is given, so I'm very confused. Are you sure it's still 10?

2021-06-06, 07:05 PM
Q366 part 2 (Q368?): That DC is for running and charging across it. Not for standing on it. No standing DC is given, so I'm very confused. Are you sure it's still 10?

Good point. In short, the spell is worded very poorly, and should have had clearer language, like the Grease spell does. I checked the errata, but nothing was updated about the spell.

Ultimately, I suppose the most concise answer is "Ask your DM", unless there is info I've missed.

My 2 coppers? At my table, I'd rule it similarly to Grease except where noted otherwise, with the same DC 10 Balance checks.

2021-06-07, 07:16 AM
Q377 Manual of the Planes, page 191 - Air Element Creatures template. What is the level adjustment for this template, if any? I cannot see any mention of a level adjustment.

Morof Stonehands
2021-06-07, 08:08 AM
Q377 Manual of the Planes, page 191 - Air Element Creatures template. What is the level adjustment for this template, if any? I cannot see any mention of a level adjustment.

It’s in the update booklet, LA +4


2021-06-07, 04:06 PM
Q378.A if I don't have any claw/bite natural attack, can I still manifest Metaphysical Claw to enhance a natural attack of a different type?

Q378.B If I manifest some claws with Claws of the beast, can I manifest metaphysical claw to enhance natural attacks that aren't claws/bite ?

Q378.C is there a power with the same functionality of Metaphysical Claw, but for slam/tail slap/whatever other natural weapon that isn't claw/bite ?

Morof Stonehands
2021-06-07, 05:31 PM
Q378.A if I don't have any claw/bite natural attack, can I still manifest Metaphysical Claw to enhance a natural attack of a different type?

Q378.B If I manifest some claws with Claws of the beast, can I manifest metaphysical claw to enhance natural attacks that aren't claws/bite ?

Q378.C is there a power with the same functionality of Metaphysical Claw, but for slam/tail slap/whatever other natural weapon that isn't claw/bite ?

As written, you need a claw or bite attack for Metaphysical Claw to function, and when it does, it provides its bonus to any natural weapon you have.

For another version, it appears that Metaphysical Claw and Metaphyaical Weapon are the psionic versions of Magic Fang and Magic Weapon, so I do not think there is a version for the other natural attacks

2021-06-07, 11:29 PM
Q377 Manual of the Planes, page 191 - Air Element Creatures template. What is the level adjustment for this template, if any? I cannot see any mention of a level adjustment.
This was question 367, not 377. The next question asked will be 369.

2021-06-07, 11:59 PM
Q379 Does the Planar Self class feature from Planar Shepherd grant immortality since you become an Outsider?

2021-06-08, 12:16 AM
A 369 No. Immortality is not a trait conferred by the outsider type.

2021-06-08, 03:12 AM
A 369 No. Immortality is not a trait conferred by the outsider type.

I believe he meant "no resurrection possible"‚ that's the only thing I can think of

2021-06-08, 09:32 AM
How do "1st level only" feats interact with creatures that have racial hit dies?

2021-06-08, 05:15 PM
The rules for stacking spell effects contains this line:

Same Effect with Differing Results: The same spell can sometimes produce varying effects if applied to the same recipient more than once. Usually the last spell in the series trumps the others. None of the previous spells are actually removed or dispelled, but their effects become irrelevant while the final spell in the series lasts.
Does that mean that you can only benefit from a single instance of a spell like Resist Energy? For example, I cast Resist Energy [Cold] and then Resist Energy [Acid]. Does the second casting effectively suppress the first casting, preventing me from benefiting from cold resistance while it is active?

2021-06-08, 05:29 PM
A 370 It applies to that character's first class level.

A371 No. You can benefit from resist energy (acid) and resist energy (cold) at the same time if you want to. "Usually" means this is just talking about spells that say something to that effect in the text themselves. If that is missing or outright contradicted from a spell that lets you pick from a menu of abilities such as vine mine or enhance wild shape, ignore this.

2021-06-08, 07:34 PM
How do "1st level only" feats interact with creatures that have racial hit dies?
Creatures with racial hit dice still gain feats at level 1, 3, 6, and so on; their racial hit dice just count as their first X levels. For a 1st-level only feat, that means you would simply take it in the "1" slot, i.e. for your first racial hit die.

St Fan
2021-06-09, 01:01 PM
A371 No. You can benefit from resist energy (acid) and resist energy (cold) at the same time if you want to. "Usually" means this is just talking about spells that say something to that effect in the text themselves. If that is missing or outright contradicted from a spell that lets you pick from a menu of abilities such as vine mine or enhance wild shape, ignore this.

A 371 contention
Please note though, that rule point is heavily debated, and the above response cannot fully be considered RAW.

My response as a GM: yes, you cannot benefit of both resist energy (acid) and resist energy (cold) at the same time. The last spell cast is the one that prevails. You can, however, benefits of those effects simultaneously with two actually different spells.

St Fan
2021-06-09, 01:05 PM
Q 372

The Minor Shape Change racial trait of a changeling is (Su).

What happens if a changeling is targeted by a spurn the supernatural spell (Tome of Magic)?
Said spell says: "For the duration of the spell, the target is unable to activate the supernatural ability you have chosen."

If the changeling had already taken another shape before failing a saving throw against the spell, is he/she forced to return to his/her true form?

2021-06-09, 04:02 PM
The rules for stacking spell effects contains this line:

Does that mean that you can only benefit from a single instance of a spell like Resist Energy? For example, I cast Resist Energy [Cold] and then Resist Energy [Acid]. Does the second casting effectively suppress the first casting, preventing me from benefiting from cold resistance while it is active?

A371 No. You can benefit from resist energy (acid) and resist energy (cold) at the same time if you want to. "Usually" means this is just talking about spells that say something to that effect in the text themselves. If that is missing or outright contradicted from a spell that lets you pick from a menu of abilities such as vine mine or enhance wild shape, ignore this.

A 371 contention
Please note though, that rule point is heavily debated, and the above response cannot fully be considered RAW.

My response as a GM: yes, you cannot benefit of both resist energy (acid) and resist energy (cold) at the same time. The last spell cast is the one that prevails. You can, however, benefits of those effects simultaneously with two actually different spells.

A371 further reading
This is an issue we keep (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?621639-Multiple-spells-with-differing-effects) litigating (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?621484-whats-a-good-feat-from-heroics-other-than-power-attack-and-martial-study/) repeatedly (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?604955-Does-this-work-Stacking-Personal-Weapon-Augmentation) over (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?309576-Artificers-and-Metamagic-Item) and (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?144041-Bestow-Curse-question) over (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?133860-Abusing-the-spell-quot-Heroics-quot-or-Why-the-Wizard-IS-the-Fighter); you can peruse those for an overview of what the implications of each interpretation are,we're not going to resolve it here this time either; the cornerstone of this dispute is one of the passages where SRD text differs from the PH 172 by the removal of an example. Segev broadly summarizes the positions here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24784997&postcount=92).

2021-06-09, 05:01 PM
the cornerstone of this dispute is one of the passages where SRD text differs from the PH 172 by the removal of an example.
Ah, I didn't look it up in the PHB. I checked Rules Compendium, which also drops the example and is thus entirely consistent with the SRD's text while also declaring itself to have precedence over Core when rules differ.

2021-06-09, 05:07 PM
Rules Compendium (*snip*) declaring itself to have precedence over Core when rules differ.

Incidentally, whether or not that is valid is also heavily debated.

2021-06-09, 06:53 PM
Q 373 - Holy Mount feat

For the purpose of advancing your paladin mount, "you can combine the levels of your paladin class with those of your other divine spellcasting classes."

Does "other divine spellcasting classes" include classes that advance the divine spellcasting of another class, or only those that directly provide divine spellcasting?

2021-06-10, 07:19 AM
It’s in the update booklet, LA +4


Thank you, much appreciated.

Q374 I have two inherited templates that I would like to apply to a monster. The first template requires the monster to be of a specific creature type. After that template is applied, can I apply a second creature template that then changes the monster to a different creature type?

2021-06-10, 09:53 AM
Q 373 - Holy Mount feat

For the purpose of advancing your paladin mount, "you can combine the levels of your paladin class with those of your other divine spellcasting classes."

Does "other divine spellcasting classes" include classes that advance the divine spellcasting of another class, or only those that directly provide divine spellcasting?

A 373

The text does not specify. You will have to determine this with your GM.

2021-06-10, 05:12 PM
Q375: Are there any rules for determining the CR of a skeleton or zombie with more than 20 hit dice?

2021-06-10, 11:18 PM
A 375

No rules I am aware of - you'll probably have to extrapolate from the existing rules.

I know, for instance, that a Mohrg can create Zombies without the HD cap of the Animate Dead spell, so it's a valid question.

2021-06-11, 12:20 AM
Q 376
Can a ghost voluntarily end its manifestation? If so, what action, if any, does that require?

2021-06-11, 08:05 AM
Q 377
Where can I find the chart for weapon/natural attack damage for sizes above colossal? I know of the pathfinder one, but I can't seem to find the D&D one, I vaguely remember the rule of thumb is "add 4d6 / 4d8 per size depending on where you started out", but for the life of me I don't remember where this chart is, if it exists at all

2021-06-11, 11:15 AM
A 377 DMG p 28 Table 2-2

2021-06-11, 11:34 AM
thank you (and to everybody that takes time to answer this thread, it's much appreciated by us all, I'm sure)

that table doesn't help me ( :( ), because it's not progressing to numbers higher than 8d6 / 8d8 / 12d8, I remember a table that progressed further, 8d6 -> 12d6 -> 16d6 and so on, but it could have been pathfinder, I'm trying to find the equivalent for 3.5

Tell me if I should open a thread instead

Q 378.a
if a natural attack only does ability damage, for example "1d4 constitution damage" , is that die increased if the creature size increases? the description is " a natural attack that deals XdY (ability) damage", not a special quality that adds poison to an existing natural attack

Q 378.b
can Improved natural attack be taken for the above example or other similar situations??

2021-06-11, 11:51 AM
You're welcome.

I understand what you want. The table I cited is what exists in 3.5. No chart explicitly detailing colossal+ or larger weapon damage exists in first-party material.

That said, you can simply extrapolate from the table: if your weapon is 8d6 at colossal, add 2d6 for each step up. For 8d8, add 2d8, and for 12d8, add 4d8.

It's possible you saw a chart in the third party "Immortal Handbook" or similar detailing colossal+ or larger damage.

You can make a thread if you want to, but I don't think it will point you to a chart going above these values.

A 378a No. I can't think of any monster with such an attack. Out of curiosity is this in reference to anything specific?

A 378b No. Improved natural attack improves the numerical variable hit point damage from a slam/bite/claw/etc as according to table 2-2 (or extrapolation beyond it depending on your size) but does not improve ability damage associated with that attack.

St Fan
2021-06-11, 01:42 PM
Q 379

A few spells make use of the caster's main spellcasting stat for some calculations beyond the spell's saving throw DC (for example telekinesis, or wall of water from Sandstorm).

For standard classes, it is rather straightforward: Int for Wizards, Cha for Sorcerers, Wis for Clerics, etc.

However, some other classes (like Archivist), feats (Academic Priest) or even racial traits (Illumian) can end up relying on more than one spellcasting stat, basically by splitting it between three elements: Bonus spells per day, maximum spell level, and Save DC.

(For example, an Archivist uses Int for maximum spell level and Save DC, but Wis for bonus spells. Likewise, a Cleric with Academic Priest will use Int for bonus spells and maximum spell level, but still Wis for Save DC.)

In such special cases, when a spell requires to apply the modifier of the spellcasting stat to something else than the Save DC, which stat should be used?

2021-06-11, 03:03 PM
A 376

Leaving this here for future googlers/self: I still can't find any rules spelling out that a ghost has the ability to go ethereal again after manifesting, but the text of Quicken Manifestation (LM 29) says that turning ethereal "still" requires a standard action, implying that turning ethereal as a standard action is something you can normally do.

2021-06-12, 02:27 AM
A377 addendum

Q 377
Where can I find the chart for weapon/natural attack damage for sizes above colossal? I know of the pathfinder one, but I can't seem to find the D&D one, I vaguely remember the rule of thumb is "add 4d6 / 4d8 per size depending on where you started out", but for the life of me I don't remember where this chart is, if it exists at all

While there does indeed appear to be no chart detailing what you want, p.99/100 of the Draconomicon details what happens when a dragon advances to Colossal+, including increasing it's natural attack dice. This will give you a starting point.

2021-06-12, 03:16 AM
What's the size penalty on attack rolls for a creature of that reaches Gargantuan or above size thanks to a magical effect such as the spell Enlarge person or the psionic power expansion?

to be clear, the spells/power says "you get a size penalty of 1/2", is that stacking with the size penalty from the actual size? is it "overlapping" with the "size" size penalty ( only the worst one applies ), is it overrriding the "size" size penalty?

Examples for each :
1)a large creature expands to gargantuan, his penalty due to size is 6, 4 from the table at Big and small (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) and 2 from the augmented expansion power description.

2)a large humanoid expands to gargantuan, his penalty due to size is 4, because that's the bigger of the two size(modifier) penalties he has, 4 from the physical size and 2 from the power

3)a huge humanoid expands to colossal, normally the size penalty for a colossal creature is 8, but the power specifically says that your size penalty due to increased size is 2, therefore your total penalty is 4 (penalty for huge creatures, plus 2)

thanks about the draconomicon!

2021-06-12, 03:17 AM

I am attempting to boost my caster level for Mighty Works of Magic (TM).

The spell 'Mystic Surge' has a duration of one round and reads

The subject of mystic surge is able to channel a greater amount of magical energy into the next spell it casts before this spell’s duration expires

Can this spell be used to boost spells that have a casting time longer than a full round action?

Edit: Question number was Swordsaged

2021-06-12, 03:29 AM

The spells assume you begin at Medium (or small), and calculates bonuses from there.
If you start from a different base point, use the stated bonuses/penalties for Strength and Dexterity, but use the correct modifiers to hit/AC/Hide/Combat maneuvers etc as appropriate to your true size.
Note that multiple magical effects which increase size don't stack.

What's the size penalty on attack rolls for a creature of that reaches Gargantuan or above size thanks to a magical effect such as the spell Enlarge person or the psionic power expansion?

to be clear, the spells/power says "you get a size penalty of 1/2", is that stacking with the size penalty from the actual size? is it "overlapping" with the "size" size penalty ( only the worst one applies ), is it overrriding the "size" size penalty?

Examples for each :
1)a large creature expands to gargantuan, his penalty due to size is 6, 4 from the table at Big and small (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) and 2 from the augmented expansion power description.

2)a large humanoid expands to gargantuan, his penalty due to size is 4, because that's the bigger of the two size(modifier) penalties he has, 4 from the physical size and 2 from the power

3)a huge humanoid expands to colossal, normally the size penalty for a colossal creature is 8, but the power specifically says that your size penalty due to increased size is 2, therefore your total penalty is 4 (penalty for huge creatures, plus 2)

thanks about the draconomicon!

2021-06-12, 01:35 PM
Q382 What is the Equivalent Character Level (ECL) of Gerti Oreldottr and the Cat Lord? I couldn't seem to find it when I glanced over their stats in the Epic Level Handbook.

2021-06-12, 02:30 PM
Q383 Do Planar Shepherds gain the native subtype when they become outsiders at 10th level?

Q384 When a Planar Shepherd becomes an outsider, do they start using the skill point advancement that outsiders get instead of what their class states?

2021-06-12, 06:06 PM
A 383 No.
A 384 No.

2021-06-13, 04:06 AM

Does a Ranger 2/scout 3 with the swift hunter feat qualify for Improved skirmish feat?


Is precision damage multiplied when delivered by a piercing weapon during a dive attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#fly) ?

2021-06-13, 04:46 AM
A 385 Yes.
A 386 No.

A more generalized explanation for related questions explaining the underlying principle:

1) Tabulate all static bonuses (power attack, favored enemy, strength, racial bonus, etc.)
2) Apply multiplier(s)
3) Add variable source(s) of bonus damage which are expressed as dice (e.g. precision damage, flaming weapon, etc)

So same as you don't get precision damage multiplied on a crit because you add it after multipliers are applied, you also do not add it on a dive attack.

2021-06-13, 05:13 PM
Q382 What is the Equivalent Character Level (ECL) of Gerti Oreldottr and the Cat Lord? I couldn't seem to find it when I glanced over their stats in the Epic Level Handbook.


Gerti Oreldottr is a Frost Giant (14 racial hit dice) Cleric 5/Runecaster 4. Frost Giants have a level adjustment of +4. Therefore her Effective Character Level (ECL) is 14 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 27.

Cat Lord is trickier: he is listed as a Human Lycanthrope (were-cat) Rogue 37. Firstly, the type of "cat" is not defined (presumably not a house cat, since his hybrid and animal forms are medium; leopard might be a fair guess, based on the illustration [panthers are black leopards]). Secondly, he has a total of 37 hit dice, meaning he does not follow the normal lycanthrope rules of adding animal hit dice. And thirdly, he is listed as an Outsider, rather than a Humanoid (Shapechanger).

All of this means he is a unique monster, and without having a level adjustment listed in his stat block, cannot be assigned an ECL by RAW.

I checked the ELH 3.5 update booklet in case anything was updated or clarified, but nothing is mentioned about the Cat Lord.

2021-06-14, 01:57 PM
Q387 What do Planar Shepherds gain from becoming outsiders at 10th Level?

2021-06-14, 02:52 PM
A 387 Their type changes to outsider. They are considered native to the plane they're associated with (note: this is not the same thing as being a native outsider, which means you are associated with the material plane which is I believe where the confusion in your earlier question arose.) When you are on any other plane, you have the extraplanar subtype. If you are banished or similar while on any plane but your new home plane, that plane is where you return. You get dr 10/magic and +1 to cl on divine spells when in one of your plane's manifest zones. You no longer need to eat or sleep and have darkvision 60.

St Fan
2021-06-15, 01:05 AM
Q 388

A) Spellcaster casts a contingency spell while under some other spells or tricks that temporarily boost her caster level. Beyond affecting the duration of the contingency, will the companion spell have a boosted level when it is triggered too, days afterward?

B) Spellcaster casts a contingency spell while under some effect that temporarily boost her spellcasting stat or provides other save DC bonuses. Will the companion spell, in the rare but possible case it grants a saving throw, have its save DC still boosted when triggered?

C) Same questions as the above, but with other forms of delaying the moment a spell take effect, for example a touch spell that you're holding the charge. Do the effects of even shorter temporary boosts still concern a spell cast while they last, but taking effect after the boosts expired?

D) Does it concern penalties too? If the spellcaster gained a level after having cast a contingency, does the companion spell takes affect at her old level? Or if she's struck with negative levels while holding the charge to a touch spell, is the spell's caster level unaffected since it was cast before?

2021-06-15, 03:20 AM
A 388a Yes, because it was cast at the same time as the contingency was. Assuming whatever CL booster you used was active that is when it checks its cl, even if the spell is triggered days later.

A 388b Yes.

clarification 388c I don't understand what you're asking. Please rephrase.

A 388d Yes and yes. As with parts a and b, contingency, the spell you put in it (and any spell effect) check for variables when the spell is cast. The spell is cast when you cast the contingency. In both instances, it would use your old level since that's your level while casting the spell.

St Fan
2021-06-15, 07:08 AM
clarification 388c I don't understand what you're asking. Please rephrase.

388C: I was asking if the situation is the same as with contingency for any other effect that separate the moment a spell is cast, and the moment it actually takes effect. I was using casting a touch spell and holding the charge as an example.

The spellcaster has a very short-lived caster-level boost, and cast a touch-range spell while it lasts. She, however, holds the charge of said spell, and when making a touch attack the CL boost has expired already; does the touch spell still benefit from the boost?

2021-06-15, 12:02 PM

Is the damage dealt by Overchannel reduced by Damage Reduction?


What's the manifester level of a multiclass character that has more than one psionic class? I am unclear if I am to add them together or treat them separated. I lean toward treating them as separated, because the SRD says this on the matter: "While you maintain a single reserve of power points from your class, race, and feat selections, you are still limited by the manifester level you have achieved with each power you know."

for example a Psion1/Wilder1/figther 4 with 14 INT, 14 CHA and practiced manifester(psion). I thought it would have a power point reserve of 2(1 level of psion)+5(ML as psion/2*INT modifier)+2 (1 level of wilder) +2 (ML as wilder/2*CHA modifier) and a ML of 5 for the powers known as psion and ML 1 for the power known as wilder.

but the SRD of overchannel has this

"Normal: Your manifester level is equal to your total levels in classes that manifest powers." , which confuses me on this matter, should I just ignore this bit on the description of overchannel?

2021-06-15, 01:18 PM

Can you use oversized two weapon fighting to dual wield lances while riding a horse?

2021-06-15, 02:47 PM

Is the damage dealt by Overchannel reduced by Damage Reduction?


What's the manifester level of a multiclass character that has more than one psionic class? I am unclear if I am to add them together or treat them separated. I lean toward treating them as separated, because the SRD says this on the matter: "While you maintain a single reserve of power points from your class, race, and feat selections, you are still limited by the manifester level you have achieved with each power you know."

for example a Psion1/Wilder1/figther 4 with 14 INT, 14 CHA and practiced manifester(psion). I thought it would have a power point reserve of 2(1 level of psion)+5(ML as psion/2*INT modifier)+2 (1 level of wilder) +2 (ML as wilder/2*CHA modifier) and a ML of 5 for the powers known as psion and ML 1 for the power known as wilder.

but the SRD of overchannel has this

"Normal: Your manifester level is equal to your total levels in classes that manifest powers." , which confuses me on this matter, should I just ignore this bit on the description of overchannel?
It's separate for each class.

2021-06-16, 09:32 AM
Should I recalculate BAB and saves for monster's racial HD when add wendigo template?

In what square does throwing weapon stay after attack?

2021-06-16, 09:15 PM
A 391 No. Oversized two weapon fighting applies to one handed weapons. The lance is a two handed weapon.
A 392 No.
A 393 No square is specified

2021-06-17, 05:30 AM
Q 394

I'm not sure there is a RAW answer for this, but here goes: using the alternative half-fiend rules found here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a), what size would a Half-Goristro Nezumi be? Medium, Large, or Huge?

2021-06-17, 05:50 AM
A 394

I'm not sure there is a RAW answer for this, but here goes: using the alternative half-fiend rules found here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a), what size would a Half-Goristro Nezumi be? Medium, Large, or Huge?

Nezumi is Medium?

If the model fiend is Huge size or bigger, and the base creature is size Large or smaller, then increase the base creature's size by one category.
So Half-Goristro Nezumi would be Large.

2021-06-17, 06:44 AM
Q 395

Can creatures gain the same template multiple times? Assume the creature meets the prerequisites for it every time it is applied.

2021-06-17, 07:08 AM
A 395 That depends on the template - some one can (or at least different versions thereof, some one cannot.

2021-06-17, 07:11 AM
A 395 That depends on the template - some one can (or at least different versions thereof, some one cannot.
Is there a default rule if the template does not specify either way?

2021-06-17, 09:43 AM
A 395 Clarification

Unless it specifies otherwise, a template can only be taken once per creature.

2021-06-18, 06:35 AM
Q 396

Can holding your breath save you from the effects of a Stinking Cloud?

St Fan
2021-06-18, 01:47 PM
Q 396

Can holding your breath save you from the effects of a Stinking Cloud?

A 396

No. A stinking cloud is essentially a magically created inhaled poison. The rules covering inhaled poisons are clear about it:

Holding one’s breath is ineffective against inhaled poisons; they affect the nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body.

Escaping a stinking cloud requires being either non-living, or being immune to poison (or the nauseated condition).

St Fan
2021-06-18, 01:58 PM
Q 397

A) What happens if a Wizard is caught in a grapple and manages to cast a time stop spell (which is possible considering it's a vocal-only spell)? Can she then escape the grapple automatically?

B) A character under the effect of a statue spell successfully catches an opponent in a grapple, and then uses the free action to turn into a stone statue. What does the opponent need to do to escape the grapple?

2021-06-18, 02:54 PM
Q 398

Take human. Cast reduce person on him. Take troll. Combine they by symbiotic template.
Reduce person ends - what will happen?

2021-06-18, 03:15 PM
Q 399

Does Guided Shot remove the standard -4 penalty on your attack roll from shooting or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee?

2021-06-18, 03:18 PM
A 399 No. ten characters

2021-06-18, 03:19 PM
A 397a No.

A 397b Statues do not have grapple mods so in this instance the character being grappled actually could escape automatically.

A 398 Nothing. Same as any effect, templates only check for eligibility when they are applied. It doesn't matter if things happen later.

A 399 No.

King of Nowhere
2021-06-19, 08:04 AM
a) a creature with change shape - specifically, a succubus - goes disguised as human. the ability description says that she has a +10 to disguise. it's not clear, however, if she has to roll disguise for imitating a specific person, or just to hide that she's a succubus. Is it possible to find her (or even just to realize that she's more than what she appears) by just a high spot check, without magic?
b) for this specific succubus, I inserted the limitation that she keeps violet eyes, mostly for fluff. the color exhist in humans, but it's exceedingly rare, and people may remark on it. if she does not want to be remembered, she could cast an illusion to change her eye color - she has a few wizard levels. what's the lowest level spell you'd deem appropriate for the task? and what would the dc be on a spot check to see such an illusion?
c) would her change shape register as magical to a detect magic spell?
in fact, would she register as magic in the first place, simply for being an outsider and a magic creature?

Duke of Urrel
2021-06-19, 09:18 AM
a) a creature with change shape - specifically, a succubus - goes disguised as human. the ability description says that she has a +10 to disguise. it's not clear, however, if she has to roll disguise for imitating a specific person, or just to hide that she's a succubus. Is it possible to find her (or even just to realize that she's more than what she appears) by just a high spot check, without magic?
b) for this specific succubus, I inserted the limitation that she keeps violet eyes, mostly for fluff. the color exhist in humans, but it's exceedingly rare, and people may remark on it. if she does not want to be remembered, she could cast an illusion to change her eye color - she has a few wizard levels. what's the lowest level spell you'd deem appropriate for the task? and what would the dc be on a spot check to see such an illusion?
c) would her change shape register as magical to a detect magic spell?
in fact, would she register as magic in the first place, simply for being an outsider and a magic creature?

A 400 (a)

Does your succubus want to impersonate a specific human, or does she want to pass as a generic human? This makes a difference.

The SRD says (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/disguise.htm) that you don't have to make a Disguise check unless you draw attention to yourself. Moreover, even people who are professionally curious, "such as a guard who is watching commoners walking through a city gate," merely takes 10 on Spot checks, so if your Disguise skill is good and you don't have bad luck on your Disguise check roll, you're unlikely to be noticed as an impostor, particularly with the +17 modifier that a succubus adds to Disguise checks.

However, observers who personally know the individual you're impersonating add familiarity bonuses (+4 to +10) to their Spot checks. If you have to interact with an observer of this kind, you're going to draw attention to yourself, and you're not going to avoid having to make a Disguise check. Succubi are particularly good at impersonation, because their Bluff skill adds a synergy bonus of +2 to their Disguise checks whenever their disguise involves "acting in character." This raises the succubus's Disguise modifier up to +19.

On the other hand, spotting a disguise and knowing who or what the disguised creature really is are two different things, and the rules don't help us here. Ask your dungeon master.

A 400 (b)

There is no point in combining the Change Shape ability with an Illusion spell like Disguise Self. There is only one +10 bonus to Disguise checks: the one that you get from any "[m]agic that alters your form." This bonus doesn't stack with itself. Since the Change Shape ability adds +10 to Disguise checks, we can assume that it can change your eye color with no problem.

A 400 (c)

The Change Shape ability is a supernatural ability, not a spell, which means that spells like Detect Magic cannot detect it, whether the succubus is using it or not.

Since a succubus has a spell-like ability – Summon Demon – this can be detected by the Arcane Sight spell and the Greater Arcane Sight spell, and if the succubus activates this ability, the summoned demon (a vrock) radiates detectable magic that even the Detect Magic spell can detect.

2021-06-19, 12:56 PM
A 400b (correction) The bonuses to disguise from change shape and other fx such as disguise self, polymorph, etc are untyped and from different sources, so they stack normally.

2021-06-20, 04:08 PM
Q401: What's the final LA of a warforged incarnate construct divine minion? One of my players says it's 0 (the -2 and +2 cancel), the other says it's +2 (the incarnate construct is undercapped at 0, and then the +2 of divine minion kicks in).

2021-06-20, 05:37 PM
Q401: What's the final LA of a warforged incarnate construct divine minion? One of my players says it's 0 (the -2 and +2 cancel), the other says it's +2 (the incarnate construct is undercapped at 0, and then the +2 of divine minion kicks in).

A 401

This is somewhat debated, but this is my understanding.

Because of the order of operations required for this to be a legal combo, the Divine Minion template is applied after Incarnate Construct. IC has an LA modifier of -2: however, the rules do not make a provision for negative LA, therefore you cannot "hold it in reserve" to apply when you next gain LA.

By my reading, your IC Warforged has an effective LA of +0. If you then apply a +2 LA version of DM, the end LA is +2.

Note: some tables to allow negative LA, so in those cases the end result would be LA +0; AFAIK, though, this is a house rule, since the rules do not support negative LA to begin with.

St Fan
2021-06-21, 05:10 PM
Q 402

Can a spellcaster uses the "violent thrust" option of a telekinesis spell to hurt someone in an antimagic field, as long as the affected items are picked up and accelerated outside of the field?

2021-06-21, 05:14 PM
A 402 Yes. ten characters

2021-06-21, 09:50 PM
Q 403

Suppose an incorporeal and corporeal creature of the same size category share a space, which per LM 142 grants the incorporeal creature cover and the corporeal creature concealment.
Does this allow both creatures to Hide?

2021-06-21, 10:24 PM
A 403 Yes ten characters

Maat Mons
2021-06-22, 04:59 PM
Q404: If you use the Upgrading a Business option in DMGII multiple times, does each use represent a different upgrade, and thus a different bonus, and therefore stack? Or are Upgrades a single bonus source, meaning you only apply the bonus from the most beneficial upgrade? Or some third interpretation I'm not seeing?

St Fan
2021-06-22, 06:01 PM
Q 405

The description of familiars include this line:

Use the master’s base attack bonus, as calculated from all his classes. Use the familiar’s Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater, to get the familiar’s melee attack bonus with natural weapons.

The Dex part is obvious, most small animals have weapon finesse as a bonus feat. However, it makes no mention of size modifiers. Most familiars are tiny animals, thus with a +2 size bonus to hit. Does a familiar gets this bonus in addition to the increased base attack bonus?

Duke of Urrel
2021-06-22, 07:53 PM
Q 405

The description of familiars include this line:

The Dex part is obvious, most small animals have weapon finesse as a bonus feat. However, it makes no mention of size modifiers. Most familiars are tiny animals, thus with a +2 size bonus to hit. Does a familiar gets this bonus in addition to the increased base attack bonus?

A 405


Unless a familiar changes its size category, it retains its normal size modifiers. For example, a Tiny sized cat familiar adds a size modifier of +2 to its Armor Class and its attack rolls and a size modifier of +8 to its Hide checks.

2021-06-23, 01:13 AM
Q 406
When you stop concentrating on a spell, when does it end exactly? (Immediately? At the end of your turn? At the beginning of your next turn?)

Q 407
Is it possible for a bard to stop a bardic music effect, e.g. to be able to cast spells again?

Duke of Urrel
2021-06-23, 04:17 PM
Q 406
When you stop concentrating on a spell, when does it end exactly? (Immediately? At the end of your turn? At the beginning of your next turn?)

A 406

When you stop concentrating on a spell, it ends immediately, unless the spell's description tells you otherwise.

Since ceasing to concentrate on a spell is a free action (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#ceaseConcentrationonSpell), you may cause the spell to stop at the beginning of your turn, at the end of your turn, or somewhere in the middle.

A spell that requires you to concentrate also ends immediately if something breaks your concentration outside of your turn. For example, if an attacker grapples or pins you (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/castingSpells.htm#grapplingorPinned) while you are trying to concentrate to maintain a spell and your Concentration check fails, your spell ends immediately.

A few spells that require concentration to maintain persist for a short time after you stop concentrating on them. For example, the Minor Image spell (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/minorImage.htm) persists for two rounds after you stop concentrating and the Major Image spell (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/majorImage.htm) persists for three rounds after you stop concentrating.

Q 407
Is it possible for a bard to stop a bardic music effect, e.g. to be able to cast spells again?

A 407

Yes, but when you stop performing, the effect of bardic music ends, unless the SRD tells you otherwise.

Starting to produce a bardic music effect again after it has expired takes a standard action (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/bard.htm).

Notice that some bardic music effects (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/bard.htm) don't end when you stop performing but persist for some time after you stop.

1. The bardic music effects of Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire Heroics persist for five rounds even after you stop performing.

2. The bardic music effect of Suggestion works "as the spell" of the same name (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestion.htm). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that: (1) you don't have to continue performing to maintain the effect, and (2) the effect lasts equally as long as the Suggestion spell, that is, up to one hour per caster level. By "reasonable to assume," I mean: Ask your dungeon master.

2021-06-23, 06:35 PM
Q 408

Question about the Ability Rip spell (SK):

In exchange for this new ability, the recipient permanently loses a supernatural ability it already possesses. If it has none to exchange, it instead loses two class levels (or 2 Hit Dice if it has no class levels).

The spell fails if used to transfer an ability to a creature that lacks the proper body parts, size, or other criterion for its use, or if the target creature has fewer than 2 Hit Dice and no supernatural abilities to trade.

Bolding mine.

What happens if the spell is cast and one of the creatures has exactly 2 HD, and no supernatural abilities to trade? Does the spell fail, or does that creature now have 0 HD (not sure how that would even work)?

Is this just a grammatical error in the spell? Having a hard time locating the SK errata.

Maat Mons
2021-06-23, 09:55 PM
Q409: If you use the Running a Business rules in DMGII, and you take the option to run your business out of a wagon, how does the mobile nature of the wagon interact with the rules related to the location of the business? Can you pay startup costs for a wilderness location, then make profits for a location in a metropolis?

2021-06-24, 01:54 AM
[b]A 408[b] While by RAI it's probably an error, RAW is that the creature would have 0 HD. How exactly that works, I do not know. (Maybe it dies as if it had too many negative levels?)

The SK errata is silent on the issue.

Having a hard time locating the SK errata.

WotC's archives fortunately haven't been taken down yet (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/errata).

2021-06-24, 03:45 AM
Q 410
Is simply having any appropriately high caster level sufficient to satisfy a generic caster level requirement? For example, could a 6th-level cleric with the Knowledge and Oracle domain (who casts divination spells at CL 9) and Craft Magic Arms And Armor create a magic weapon with a +3 enhancement bonus?

Q 410b
Could a 6th-level specialist wizard with the Conjuration school banned, under effects of the Artifice, Craft, and Creation domain (who would cast creation spells at CL 9 but actually can't cast any such spells at all) create a magic weapon with a +3 enhancement bonus?

Q 411
When exercising the option granted by Dragonfire Inspiration, each inspired ally "loses the standard morale bonus on weapon attack rolls and damage rolls". The standard inspire courage effect grants morale bonuses "on saving throws against charm and fear effects", and "on attack and weapon damage rolls".

When using Dragonfire Inspiration, do the allies gain a bonus on non-weapon attack rolls?

2021-06-24, 03:55 PM
Couple of questions that come up surprisingly often in our games. These are hotly debated, so any citations would be much appreciated.

Q 412

Can you 5-foot step while flying? Does the answer depend on your manoeuvrability rating? Does it make any different if the flight is natural (wings) or magical?

Q 413a

Can non-intelligent (mindless undead etc.) creatures make tactical decisions in combat such as 5-foot stepping, or using the Withdraw action?

Q 413b

Same question, but for animal-intelligence (Int 1-2) creatures.

2021-06-24, 04:30 PM
Q 412

Can you 5-foot step while flying? Does the answer depend on your manoeuvrability rating? Does it make any different if the flight is natural (wings) or magical?

A 412

Yes, maybe, and no, I believe.

There's nothing in the RAW if 5-foot step saying you can't do it whole flying, assuming you qualify for it (i.e have movement greater than 10 ft, don't move that round, etc). It seems the only reason to think that wpuldn't be possible is the "step" terminology, but you can explicitly 5-foot step while swimming if you have a swim speed, so actually stepping (and not simply maneuvering through a medium in which you freely move in 3d) is not a requirement.

The reason for the "maybe" is that you need to hover in order to not move as a flying creature - but then again, you could argue falling is forced movement, which shouldn't count. I've never heard anyone say you can't 5-foot step in a round in which you've been bull rushed, so you could make that case.

2021-06-24, 04:45 PM
Q 413b
Same question, but for animal-intelligence (Int 1-2) creatures.

Undoubtedly yes.

Non-intelligent... It's more difficult. Zombie maybe no. It can 5-ft if it need move only 5-ft to attack. It's ok. For tactical advantage only if it have instruction, I think.
Vermins, in other hand... Ok, IRL vermins are not non-intelligent. Well, at least, not all. I can't believe in ant that can't do 5-ft to flank opponent, for example.

St Fan
2021-06-25, 07:54 AM
Q 414

A familiar is separated from its master and his group, and is attacked by some dangerous monster. It manages to singlehandedly vanquish the opponent thanks to various spells or powers its master has cast or granted it.

Does the master receive the standard XP reward for its familiar beating an adversary by itself?

2021-06-25, 04:43 PM
Q 414

A familiar is separated from its master and his group, and is attacked by some dangerous monster. It manages to singlehandedly vanquish the opponent thanks to various spells or powers its master has cast or granted it.

Does the master receive the standard XP reward for its familiar beating an adversary by itself?

Yes. Familiar isn't just a separate creature, familiar is class feature.

Maat Mons
2021-06-25, 06:19 PM
Fun fact: Until you reach 9th level, the rats your cat-familiar kills in its spare time are challenging enough to give you xp!

St Fan
2021-06-27, 07:32 AM
Q 415

A changeling wizard picking the 5th-level racial substitution for wizards can gain the Morphic Familiar ACF. The familiar can thus "change its form to that of any creature that the wizard could normally have as a familiar".

A) If the campaign allows further type of standard familiars beyond those given in the SRD/Player's Handbook (for example, plenty are found on Dragon magazines), can the morphic familiar take these shapes too?

B) If the familiar's original form is a raven, it can speak a language of the master's choice. Since it is a supernatural ability, does a morphic familiar retains this power whatever form it takes?

2021-06-27, 07:59 AM
A 415a Yes
A 415b No

2021-06-27, 04:44 PM
Q 416

Can anyone say for sure whether the insectile creature template from SS adds 4 arms to a bipedal creature or makes one have 6 arms total? For example, would a human with the aberrant arms NPC trait have 8 or 6 arms?

2021-06-27, 05:13 PM
A 416

The wording in Savage Species is quite clear - you add 4 to the number of your existing number of arms:

An insectile creature is a biped, and it gains four more arms.

Since you can generally apply inherited templates in the most beneficial order (the NPC traits are, in essence, templates), an Aberrant Insectile Human would have 8 arms.

2021-06-27, 06:21 PM
A 416

The wording in Savage Species is quite clear - you add 4 to the number of your existing number of arms:

Since you can generally apply inherited templates in the most beneficial order (the NPC traits are, in essence, templates), an Aberrant Insectile Human would have 8 arms.

Thanks for the answer. SS also says (under the "attacks" section) "despite having six arms", which is why I was unsure.

Maat Mons
2021-06-28, 11:24 PM
Q417: If you put on a Necklace of Adaptation, and then jump into the water, do you get wet?

2021-06-29, 02:15 AM
A 417 Yes. ten characters

2021-06-29, 04:47 AM
Q417: If you put on a Necklace of Adaptation, and then jump into the water, do you get wet?
As far as I'm aware, the only mechanical effect of wetness is to make you more vulnerable to hypothermia. Since the necklace provides no special protection against freezing water beyond preventing you from drowning in it, it's reasonable to assume you still get wet, despite being sheathed in a thin shell of fresh air.

2021-07-01, 10:34 AM

is there some proper, RAW compliant way to assign skill ranks to level-adjusted animal companions? it bothers me a lot that a lot of them don't have starting skill ranks that match with how many skill ranks they're supposed to have for the amount of HD they have, do I just accept that they have more/less skill ranks that they are supposed ot have and add the appropriate amount of ranks depending on how many HD it's being advanced for?

2021-07-01, 03:33 PM
A 418

I think the only real answer to this is "Ask your DM".

Personally, I think it would be a fairly reasonable request to ask a DM to correct a stat block error by assigning the correct number of skill ranks that a creature is supposed to have by its type, HD and Int modifier, so long as the skills selected are inline with what already appears in the stat block.

St Fan
2021-07-01, 05:35 PM
Q 419

As far as the description of a spell goes, are "the spell fail if X" and "the spell has no effect if X" the same thing?

For example, if a caster cast a wings of the sea spell (which gives a speed swim bonus, but only if you already have swim speed) on a creature that has no swim speed, does the spell fail, or does is it still active for its duration, simply having no effect?

In this case, if the subject uses some transformation afterward, such as alter self, to gain a swim speed, does he receive the wings of the sea bonus?

2021-07-01, 08:06 PM
A 419

A spell that fails does nothing. It fizzles out, or whatever other flavor text you may wish to assign similar to a spellcaster being interrupted or what have you.

A spell that has no effect also "does nothing", but is still active and may potentially have an effect later, such as a Contingency.

For your specific Wings of the Sea example, it is in the latter category.

Morof Stonehands
2021-07-02, 10:53 AM

Lightning bolt has an area of 120 ft. line.

Player's Handbook pg. 175-176 says: A line-shaped spell shoots away from you in a line in the direction you designate. It starts from any corner of your square and extends to the limit of its range or until it strikes a barrier that blocks line of effect. A line-shaped spell affects all creatures in squares that the line passes through.

So if a character fires their lightning bolt straight ahead, does it affect a 10 ft. wide line 120 ft. long, since both squares on either side touch the line, or do you choose a side for it to affect?

2021-07-03, 03:52 AM
A420 Both - i.e. 10' wide.

2021-07-03, 05:34 PM
Q 421

Is a spellcaster using the effect of a Spider Climb spell (say, hanging from a wall or ceiling) hampered in casting spells with somatic or material components?

2021-07-03, 05:35 PM
A 421 No. ten characters

2021-07-04, 02:55 AM
A 421 extra Spider climb requires the recipient to use at least one hand to hang on to the surface which leaves one free for spellcasting, however if they are holding something in that hand (e.g. a weapon or a lantern) then they no longer have a hand free for spellcasting.

2021-07-04, 01:38 PM
I was looking for ways to create (using some base materials and Fabricate) several items required to help me cast spells: Components, foci, etc. Along the way I ran into a few RAW ambiguities and I've been bashing my head against them since.

The main issue is that some Transmute X to Y (or equivalent spells, like Stone Metamorphosis or PaO) are Duration: Permanent while others are Duration: Instantaneous and I have this nagging feeling that that's significant. The main difference is that something permanently transmuted isn't really the new thing, you know? It's just so good at pretending that it can keep pretending as long as nobody calls it out. So, onto my questions.

Q422A I take some stone. I cast Transmute Stone to Sand (Duration: Permanent). I cast Transmute Sand to Glass (Duration: Permanent). Is this legal?
Q422B (assuming yes,) I cast Dispel Magic. It dispels the Transmute Stone to Sand, but not Transmute Sand to Glass. What happens?
Q422C If a spell "Pocket Sand" has a material component "A pocket of sand," can I use transmuted stone to fulfill that? Assume that the original stone wasn't created by one of the spells that says "This can't be used as a material component."
Q422D What if I need sand as a focus for a spell, instead? Again, neither components nor foci were called out in any of the involved spells, but it does feel like components are called out enough more that their rulings could be more restrictive.

2021-07-05, 03:32 AM
Q423 Can a rage mage use Tome of battle manouvers that require concentration checks while in a spell rage? more in general, are there ways to be allowed to use diamond mind manouvers while raging?

2021-07-05, 03:01 PM
A 422a Yes
A 422b Nothing
A 422c Yes.
A 422d You may use it normally.
A 423 There is no restriction on any use of the concentration skill while in a spell rage, so you can use tob maneuvers normally while spell raging.

As to your second question, if they use concentration, rage precludes using them. For diamond mind maneuvers that do not require concentration, they work normally.

2021-07-06, 07:11 PM
Q 424

Can a Favored Soul with the Magical Training feat (and has selected Sorcerer-type casting for the feat) use the Arcane Preparation feat to memorize Sanctified spells in their Favored Soul spell slots?

2021-07-07, 01:01 PM
Q 425

What happens when I cast Deeper Darkness near a character that has Luminous Armor active?

2021-07-07, 01:40 PM
Q 425

What happens when I cast Deeper Darkness near a character that has Luminous Armor active?
Since it sheds light as daylight, otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping area, per the former's spell description.

Q 424

Can a Favored Soul with the Magical Training feat (and has selected Sorcerer-type casting for the feat) use the Arcane Preparation feat to memorize Sanctified spells in their Favored Soul spell slots?
No. While this trick allows you to sneak Arcane Preparation onto a divine caster, it still only allows you to prepare spells you know. You'd have to find a way to get sanctified spells on your spells known list.

2021-07-08, 05:25 AM
Q 426

On the base of one old question:

Q 352

Is there a Gith or Githyanki subtype, for races such as Githyanki?

Q 352 B

Does every humanoid race have a racial subtype?

Here is the relevant rule.

Various subtypes further differentiate creatures of the humanoid type. These subtypes include the likes of dwarf, elf, human, orc, and so on. Although a creature of a specific race might not have a subtype noted in its statistics, it has the subtype associated with its race.
A) What's to do with humanoid races which are descendants from two different races (such as numerous "Half-<something>") if they don't have the subtype listed? Which one should we use?
B) Incarnate Construct, Create Faux Human, and Greater Humanoid Essence spells are all producing Humanoids (even if just temporary - like in latter case). Should those newly-created Humanoids get subtypes? (And, if "yes", which ones?)
C) Lesser Planetouched are Humanoids too - thus, similar question...

St Fan
2021-07-08, 11:16 AM
Q 427

Rereading the section of the Augment Crystals on the Magic Item Compendium, I realize I had assumed that said crystals being affixed to a weapon or armor was a magical property of them, but that isn't so clearly indicated in the text.

So, does an augment crystal magically sticks to its armor or weapon, or does it have to be actually fixated with string, clamp, glue, or some other mundane method?

2021-07-08, 11:23 AM
A 427 They are self-adhesive. You are not required to hold them on with string, glue, tape, etc.

St Fan
2021-07-08, 04:57 PM
A 427 They are self-adhesive. You are not required to hold them on with string, glue, tape, etc.


Q 427 B: If it's the case, though, does that mean an Augment Crystal will un-stick from its weapon or armor if you enter an anti-magic field?

2021-07-08, 05:02 PM
A 427b No. ten characters

2021-07-09, 09:15 AM
Q 428:

Would Mind Blank prevent an undead from being controled by a Control/Command Undead spell? What about a Cleric's Rebuke?

2021-07-09, 09:22 AM
A 428 No and no.

2021-07-11, 12:29 PM
Q429 Are there any ACFs or other rage replacements that a barbarian would still be able to use after becoming lawful, besides the one from Unearthed Arcana that replaces rage with favored enemy and archery combat style?

Thank you!

2021-07-11, 01:06 PM
Q429 Are there any ACFs or other rage replacements that a barbarian would still be able to use after becoming lawful, besides the one from Unearthed Arcana that replaces rage with favored enemy and archery combat style?

Thank you!

A 429 Not directly, but there are several ways to get rage or a rage-like ability on a lawful character without using barbarian and therefore avoiding the clause about ex-barbarians. (Be warned, these methods are generally annoying in one way or another.)

2021-07-11, 01:13 PM
A429 I looked around a little and I don't see any issues with having Berserker Strength (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060501a&page=3) or Ferocity (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a).

St Fan
2021-07-14, 04:27 AM
Q 430

Spell immunity and greater spell immunity grant "[t]he warded creature effectively has unbeatable spell resistance regarding the specified spell or spells."

However, what happen if the spell selected specifies "Spell Resistance: No" in its stat block? Can spell immunity still protect against such?

2021-07-14, 04:55 AM
A 430 No: ten characters

Naturally, that immunity doesn’t protect a creature from spells for which spell resistance doesn’t apply.

2021-07-14, 04:56 AM
A 430

The warded creature effectively has unbeatable spell resistance regarding the specified spell or spells. Naturally, that immunity doesn’t protect a creature from spells for which spell resistance doesn’t apply.

2021-07-14, 07:12 PM
Q 431

Looking for a rules citation. My current DM is ruling that you must have material components in hand and a free hand to manipulate them to cast spells which require material components.

I was almost certain that simply having them on your person, such as in a spell component pouch, sufficed.

Am I wrong? If I'm not wrong, can I please have citations to present to my DM?

2021-07-14, 07:57 PM
A 431

I can't find a solid citation for the general case, but the fact that you need to already have spell components in hand to cast while grappling implies it:

Cast a Spell: You can attempt to cast a spell while grappling or even while pinned (see below), provided its casting time is no more than 1 standard action, it has no somatic component, and you have in hand any material components or focuses you might need.

Retrieve a Spell Component: You can produce a spell component from your pouch while grappling by using a full-round action. Doing so does not require a successful grapple check.

To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any). Additionally, you must concentrate to cast a spell—and it’s hard to concentrate in the heat of battle. (See below for details.)

Grappling or Pinned: The only spells you can cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + the level of the spell you’re casting) or lose the spell.

There's also a bunch of situational evidence:

If the new form is capable of speech, you can communicate normally. You retain any spellcasting ability you had in your original form, but the new form must be able to speak intelligibly (that is, speak a language) to use verbal components and must have limbs capable of fine manipulation to use somatic or material components.
If you need merely have material components on your person, you shouldn't expect need to be capable of fine manipulation, but you explicitly do, although MM 315 has this exception for certain spellcasting creatures:

A spellcasting creature that lacks hands or arms can provide any somatic component a spell might require by moving its body. Such a creature also does need material components for its spells. The creature can cast the spell by either touching the required component (but not if the component is in another creature’s possession) or having the required component on its person. Sometimes spellcasting creatures utilize the Eschew Materials feat to avoid fussing with noncostly components.

Also, PH 141 specifies that it's a free action to "Prepare spell components to cast a spell" ("Unless the component is an extremely large or awkward item (DM’s call)."), which implies that you have to do something with them, though it doesn't go into much detail.

2021-07-15, 04:17 AM
Hmm, I may have been misremembering the part from spellcasting creatures without hands ("having the required component on its person") as being a general rule.

Thanks for looking into it for me.

I also found this in the Magic Overview section:

To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any). Additionally, you must concentrate to cast a spell.

While "manipulate" may not be a defined game term, the implication is fairly clear. Simply having the material component on your person wouldn't necessitate manipulation.

Also, the Ectoplasmic Cocoon power says:

The subject can execute purely mental actions (such as manifesting powers or casting spells with no verbal, somatic, or material components).

Again, implying that some kind of physical action is required for spells with Material Components.

Long story short, looks like my assumption was wrong, and my DM was right.

St Fan
2021-07-15, 07:35 AM
Q 431

Looking for a rules citation. My current DM is ruling that you must have material components in hand and a free hand to manipulate them to cast spells which require material components.

I was almost certain that simply having them on your person, such as in a spell component pouch, sufficed.

Am I wrong? If I'm not wrong, can I please have citations to present to my DM?

A 431
The rule citation can be found on the SRD, chapter "Magic Overview > Casting Spells":

To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any).

Emphasis mine. The "Combat > Actions in Combat" section further specifies that preparing a spell component for casting is a free action (unless said component is especially large and awkward).

Both clearly emphasize that the standard to cast a spell is to "manipulate" the material component, which clearly requires a free hand. Some spells further describe what need to be done with the component (spider climb or identify, for example, require to eat/drink them).

Some ways exist to allow casting with the component still in the pouch (for example, the imbue familiar with spell ability spell), but overall tricks that remove material components altogether are favored.

2021-07-15, 06:40 PM
Questions about Favored Souls and Drake-Helms:

Q 432a

Does a Favored Soul with Southern Magician count as a "spontaneous arcane spellcaster" for reqs?

Q 432b

Can a Favored Soul make a UMD check to emulate being a "spontaneous arcane spellcaster" for reqs?

Q 432c

Assuming a favored Soul can somehow meet the item reqs, the item grants "an extra arcane spell known"; is there any way a Favored Soul can utilise this spell, using Southern Magician or UMD?

2021-07-15, 07:45 PM
Questions about Favored Souls and Drake-Helms:

Q 432a

Does a Favored Soul with Southern Magician count as a "spontaneous arcane spellcaster" for reqs?

Q 432b

Can a Favored Soul make a UMD check to emulate being a "spontaneous arcane spellcaster" for reqs?

Q 432c

Assuming a favored Soul can somehow meet the item reqs, the item grants "an extra arcane spell known"; is there any way a Favored Soul can utilise this spell, using Southern Magician or UMD?
Here's the relevant text from the UMD skill.

Sometimes you need to use a class feature to activate a magic item. In this case, your effective level in the emulated class equals your Use Magic Device check result minus 20. This skill does not let you actually use the class feature of another class. It just lets you activate items as if you had that class feature.
As you can see, this lets you emulate a class feature for the purpose of an item's activation. How is a drake-helm activated?

A drake-helm provides its benefit whenever you wear it. You can change the spell within a Siberys dragonshard by casting a spell into it (see below). If you’re wearing a drake-helm, you can attach or remove a dragonshard as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Others cannot remove the dragonshards.
By either casting a spell into it or swapping the dragonshard around. Which means you could only emulate arcane spellcasting for this purpose, not for the rest of the item's functions.

So, the more general answer is:
a. No, because Southern Magician doesn't affect the spell's power source
b. Depends on the item
c. Not using either of those, no

2021-07-17, 06:35 PM

Assuming the campaign uses the random EL-based treasure tables from the 3.5 Hypertext SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/treasure.htm), should the characters also be able to take whatever the corpses have to offer (ex, armor, weapons, clothes, hide, meat, etc)? Is there RAW on this? Is there other guidance on this?

2021-07-17, 07:36 PM
A 433 partial

The below quote would indicate to me, at least, that a creature's gear etc. do count towards its treasure (although I can see reading as the opposite):

This line reflects how much wealth the creature owns and refers to Table 3–5: Treasure on page 52 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. In most cases, a creature keeps valuables in its home or lair and has no treasure with it when it travels. Intelligent creatures that own useful, portable treasure (such as magic items) tend to carry and use these, leaving bulky items at home. See the glossary for more details on using the Treasure line of each monster entry.

For body parts, meat etc. unless these have a listed value, I would say they do not count towards treasure.

A Redcap, for instance, has this as its treasure line: "1/2 coins only (plus 1 redcap tooth)"

Conversely, a Giant Eagle's treasure line says "None", but they may have eggs in their nest worth 2,500 gp each.

I would suggest reading the DMG section on treasure (some of which is not reprinted in the SRD). For instance, in the case of monsters with class levels, it specifies generating their gear and treasure separately. It also calls out that an encounter with a Wizard, you subtract the value of their spellbook and components from the treasure amount. Another section mentions that for NPCs, their gear should be the bulk of their treasure.

I think the only real answer to this is "Ask your DM".

DM side note: when calculating for encounters at my own table, I do include the gear and such that monsters carry. This stops mattering so much at higher levels, but at lower levels a suit of armor alone can potentially be worth more than a creatures general treasure amount.

2021-07-18, 11:47 PM
Q 434

Not RAW as such, but need help finding something. I recall a spell that caused a magical staff to sprout a one-charge "wand" of a spell that is contained in the staff. From memory it was a Druid spell, and I'm pretty sure it was from a FR splat book.

Does anyone know what I am referring to?

A 434

Was an online spell, The Hamagess' Staffsprout.

2021-07-19, 11:39 AM
[B]Q 365:[B]

Can a Divine Crusader use it's spellcasting feature to qualify for sovereign speaker?

2021-07-19, 11:57 AM
A 435 Yes. ten characters

Maat Mons
2021-07-19, 05:16 PM
Q366436: Let's say I apply the Vivacious Creature template to a Shrieker. (I'm planning a weird farm.) How does the "Intelligence is at least 3" effect of the template interact with the "Int -" of the base creature?

Edit: Dang it Birchy! You mislead me about what number we were on.

2021-07-19, 05:19 PM
A 436 The int changes to 3.

2021-07-20, 12:00 PM

What canon RAW ways are there to acquire druidic as a language without taking levels of druid?

2021-07-20, 02:33 PM
A 437 I assume you mean knowing it permanently and not just temporarily using comprehend languages/ tongues/ etc.

1) Mind control a druid and make them teach you the language (which will make them fall.)

2) Learn it from a blighter, who all know druidic having been druids at some point.

3) Be a tibbit who have all languages available as bonus languages without the caveat that it can't be druidic like humans.

4) Take at least 4 levels of loremaster who can learn any language as a bonus language.

5) Take the epic polyglot feat which makes you fluent in all languages.

6) Learn druidic from someone who has used any of the above methods to learn druidic.

2021-07-20, 04:25 PM
A 437 continued

7) Be a Hellbred who was a Druid before they were re-born (they all languages from their previous life).

8) Be a Dvati who, like Tibbits, can know any language as a bonus language, without the usual restriction of not learning secret languages.

2021-07-20, 07:21 PM
Q 438

What happens with classes like Sha'ir or Savant, in regards to PrCs that have "+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class" or "+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class", in regards to advancing their base casting?

Does it work differently for each?

2021-07-22, 01:44 AM
Q 438

What happens with classes like Sha'ir or Savant, in regards to PrCs that have "+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class" or "+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class", in regards to advancing their base casting?

Does it work differently for each?

A438 : Unclear‚ but most probably only one level is gained‚ following the writing of Mystic Theurge.

2021-07-22, 03:00 PM
A 437 I assume you mean knowing it permanently and not just temporarily using comprehend languages/ tongues/ etc.

1) Mind control a druid and make them teach you the language (which will make them fall.)

2) Learn it from a blighter, who all know druidic having been druids at some point.

3) Be a tibbit who have all languages available as bonus languages without the caveat that it can't be druidic like humans.

4) Take at least 4 levels of loremaster who can learn any language as a bonus language.

5) Take the epic polyglot feat which makes you fluent in all languages.

6) Learn druidic from someone who has used any of the above methods to learn druidic.
Druidic has an exception to the normal language rules: unlike other languages, it's limited to only druids. You've already tacitly accepted this by acknowledging that you can't simply learn it with Speak Language. The same restriction applies to any form of learning new languages. Exceptions carry the highest level of rules precedence, so any general or even specific effects that allow you to learn any language won't allow you to learn it unless they explicitly say it's an option. So, loremaster and tibbit don't work, and if they did, you wouldn't need them, because the language would already be available through the Speak Language skill. (The latter interpretation is, of course, a valid alternative reading of the RAW, but I'm guessing it's not a popular one.)

Furthermore, as far as I'm aware, there isn't any RAW mechanism for one character to teach a language to another character, which would mean you can't just learn it from a blighter, since, by RAW, nobody can learn any language from anybody. I mean, unless there's a rule I don't know about, which, in fairness, there could be.

2021-07-22, 04:13 PM
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting reads:

The character can make as many attacks with his or her off-hand weapon as with his or her primary weapon, using the same base attack bonus. The character still takes the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons.

If an epic monk was to use flurry of blows in conjunction with PTWF, does she gain an additional off-hand attack from PTWF for each of the extra attacks granted by flurry? These are attacks made with a primary weapon, so PTWF should apply an additional off-hand attack to them, right?

2021-07-22, 07:39 PM
Q440. Does the Aptitude weapon enhancement apply to all weapon feats or just those with effects similar to the examples Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization? For example, would it be eligible for the Lightning Mace feat?

2021-07-22, 08:30 PM
Q440. Does the Aptitude weapon enhancement apply to all weapon feats or just those with effects similar to the examples Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization? For example, would it be eligible for the Lightning Mace feat?

A 440

There does not seem to be a consensus for this under RAW. There are compelling arguments for reading it either way, and has been debated since the release of ToB.

Best answer is "Ask your DM".

2021-07-23, 03:21 AM
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting reads:

If an epic monk was to use flurry of blows in conjunction with PTWF, does she gain an additional off-hand attack from PTWF for each of the extra attacks granted by flurry? These are attacks made with a primary weapon, so PTWF should apply an additional off-hand attack to them, right?

A 439 Flurry of blows doesn't specify that the bonus attacks are made with the primary hand. You can just use X more attacks in the round. PTWF has no influence on that, no more than regular TWF would allow you to add one flurry of blow attack with each hand.

2021-07-23, 01:16 PM

The Monk class states:

There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed.
Therefore, regardless of which physical hand you strike with, by RAW you can't two-weapon fight with Unarmed Strike/Unarmed Strike. You can do so with Unarmed Strike and a monk weapon.

2021-07-23, 02:02 PM

The Monk class states:

Therefore, regardless of which physical hand you strike with, by RAW you can't two-weapon fight with Unarmed Strike/Unarmed Strike. You can do so with Unarmed Strike and a monk weapon.

And you can replace any monk weapon attack with Unarmed Strike. Plus, FAQ unequivocally allows TWF with US.

2021-07-24, 12:33 PM

The Monk class states:

Therefore, regardless of which physical hand you strike with, by RAW you can't two-weapon fight with Unarmed Strike/Unarmed Strike. You can do so with Unarmed Strike and a monk weapon.
Presumably our TWF monk is using weapons rather than fists in her flurry for this reason.

2021-07-24, 08:29 PM
Q 441

Do the rules ever state (or even imply) how long the levelling up process takes?

For the purposes of early entry using temporary measure (bard music to add extra HD etc.), there seems to be an assumption that you must keep your temporary qualifiers for 24 hours or more - but what is this based on?

2021-07-24, 08:38 PM
A 441 There is no text saying there is any minimum time it takes. It can happen instantaneously once you cross the xp threshold
unless you want to delay it for crafting or something. You do not need to keep anything for 24 hours.

2021-07-25, 01:30 PM
Q 441

Do the rules ever state (or even imply) how long the levelling up process takes?

For the purposes of early entry using temporary measure (bard music to add extra HD etc.), there seems to be an assumption that you must keep your temporary qualifiers for 24 hours or more - but what is this based on?
There is a variant rule (DMG 198) that requires downtime, training, and/or tutelage in order to gain the benefits of a level-up. If you're not using that variant, then no downtime is required; characters are assumed to have been practicing and studying the techniques of their new level offscreen here and there throughout the whole previous level (DMG 197). In this case, leveling up typically happens between sessions (DMG 36, 58).

If we presume that your buff must be in effect for the entire duration of the leveling process, then this means you may need it either for several weeks, several days, or the entire previous level. You can ask your DM for more clarification.

2021-07-27, 10:25 AM
Q 442

If I'm the target of a 'Still' and 'Silent' mind-effecting spell such as suggestion. Do I know I'm being targeted? Do I know by who? Does this answer change whether I make or fail my will-save?

2021-07-27, 12:35 PM
A 442 You always know if you succeed on a will save. If you fail a save you may know - it depends on the spell in question.

2021-07-27, 05:06 PM
Q 442

If I'm the target of a 'Still' and 'Silent' mind-effecting spell such as suggestion. Do I know I'm being targeted? Do I know by who? Does this answer change whether I make or fail my will-save?

A 422 continued

Here's a citation:

Succeeding on a Saving Throw
A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature’s saving throw succeeds against a targeted spell you sense that the spell has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells.

The rules don't state that this changes for Stilled/Silent effects.

So yes, if you succeed you know you were targeted, but you don't automatically know the source or caster.

Since the rules don't make any special mention, it's probably safe to assume that on a failed save, you don't know anything.

If it is mind affecting (as in your example), your allies may get a Sense Motive check to notice something amiss:

Sense Enchantment
You can tell that someone’s behavior is being influenced by an enchantment effect (by definition, a mind-affecting effect), even if that person isn’t aware of it. The usual DC is 25, but if the target is dominated (see dominate person), the DC is only 15 because of the limited range of the target’s activities.

And as Khedrac mentioned, certain spells will have particular rules in regards to what happens on a successful or failed save.

St Fan
2021-07-28, 04:55 AM
A 442

Also please note that suggestion is a language-dependent spell.

A language-dependent spell uses intelligible language as a medium for communication. If the target cannot understand or cannot hear what the caster of a language-dependent spell says the spell fails.

Using Silent Spell on a language-dependent spell will hide the verbal component of the spell, but not the actual phrasing of the suggestion, which the caster must speak and the target must hear. Silent Spell (no need for Still Spell, there's no somatic component) would allow the spellcaster to make it look like the suggestion is just casual dialogue with no suspicious spellcasting taking place, but he must still talk to the target and be understood or the spell fail.

2021-07-28, 06:29 AM

Are auras emanations or spreads? I mean, do they turn corners?

2021-07-28, 07:10 AM
A 443 Is there a particular kind of aura you're interested in? E.g. a cleric's alignment aura, a lich's fear aura, etc. In any event, they aren't either of those things but they behave the same way, meaning they are blocked by solid barriers which are bereft of holes larger than 1 foot in diameter, so no, they do not turn corners.

2021-07-28, 11:43 AM
Q443 addendum

Protection Devotion.

2021-07-29, 11:07 PM
Q444 Can a wizard with a prohibited school use spell-completion items (or other magic items) of that school with Use Magic Device?

The wording in the "prohibited schools" section is a hard no on using them, while the wording in the UMD skill description doesn't mention that as being a stumbling block so long as you have the skill ranks.

I think RAI is that wizards can put cross-class ranks into UMD and not be less effective than a commoner doing the same thing, and the prohibited schools description was written that way in order to not clutter a reader, who likely hadn't read the skills chapter yet, about extraneous information. But you could argue that either location is more specific, depending on your point of view.

2021-07-30, 12:25 AM

Determine which characters are aware of their opponents at the start of the battle. If some but not all of the combatants are aware of their opponents, a surprise round happens before regular rounds of combat begin.

An archer is perched on a rooftop and an enemy below doesn't see him. The archer readies an action to shoot an arrow if the enemy moves into range. After this happens, does he then also get a surprise round, because at the start of the battle (the firing of the readied arrow), the enemy wasn't yet aware of him?

2021-07-30, 02:26 AM
Q 446

Is there any indication of how a warmage recovers spell slots? I don't see anything in Complete Arcane or its official errata.

2021-07-30, 02:36 AM
A445 One cannot ready an action before initiative is determined, thus one cannot ready before the surprise round as that is the first round of initiative.

2021-07-30, 02:38 AM

The spell Blades of Fire, from Spell Compendium p31:
It grants +1d8 Fire damage to weapons.

Would this grant a straight 1d8 damage on a touch attack?

2021-07-30, 03:01 AM
Q 446

Is there any indication of how a warmage recovers spell slots? I don't see anything in Complete Arcane or its official errata.
They use the general rules for spontaneous arcane spellcasters, found in Chapter 10 of the PHB. (I believe they were later reprinted in RC as well.)


The spell Blades of Fire, from Spell Compendium p31:
It grants +1d8 Fire damage to weapons.

Would this grant a straight 1d8 damage on a touch attack?
Depends on the touch attack. Emerald razor? Yes. Trip attempt? No.

2021-07-30, 04:05 AM
A445 One cannot ready an action before initiative is determined, thus one cannot ready before the surprise round as that is the first round of initiative.

Do you have a cite? Seems like you can do it whenever you have a turn
I don't think rounds cease to exist outside of combat otherwise how do you measure per-round durations outside of combat

2021-07-30, 07:12 AM
Q 448

Glove of Storing: ... item can weigh no more than 20 pounds and must be able to be held in one hand. ... item is held in stasis and shrunk down ... Spell durations are not suppressed, but continue to expire. ...

Can this also store a small living being, like a kitten? Or only non-alive things, and also (per the DMG) active fire?

It specifies "item" repeatedly. Since it doesn't use "object", which I thought was the default in the books, I am left wondering.

2021-07-30, 12:43 PM
Q/A455 Citation I think the usual citation for this is where you find it in the SRD - it is in the section "Special Intiative Actions" (along with Delay) - and thus the logic goes they are only available during initiative (and the very first line states "here are ways to change when you act during combat" implying you have to be in combat to Ready).

Another thing to consider is the case when opposing groups are either side of a door and aware of the other groups presence. Intiative is rolled when the door is opened - the ability to ready actions would make a mockery of that ruling as both groups would have everyone other than the door opening readying their actions.

2021-07-30, 04:07 PM
A 455

As already pointed out, Ready is a special Initiative action, and is also listed as a standard action on the Actions in Combat table. If Initiative has not been declared/rolled, you cannot take a special Initiative action.

The ready action lets you prepare to take an action later, after your turn is over but before your next one has begun. Readying is a standard action. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity (though the action that you ready might do so).

It calls out "your turn": you can only have "your turn" within an Initiative order.

Side note: the way my group handles "readying" when you anticipate a combat, is that readied characters get a Circumstance bonus to the Initiative rule (if the DM agrees they could reasonably "get the drop" on the opponents), as a variant of the "favorable circumstance" rules on skill checks (DMG p.30).

2021-07-30, 04:57 PM
Q 449

How does Legacy Champion interact with Initiator Level?

Presumably the 8 levels where LC advances class level would advance IL as if you had taken an level in your martial adept class (if you put all 8 such levels towards the same martial adept class).

But do also get an additional boost of 5 levels for 10 levels of the PrC? Or do you only get an additional 1 level for the 2 levels of LC that don't advance your class? Or something else altogether?

2021-07-31, 02:58 PM

An archer is perched on a rooftop and an enemy below doesn't see him. The archer readies an action to shoot an arrow if the enemy moves into range. After this happens, does he then also get a surprise round, because at the start of the battle (the firing of the readied arrow), the enemy wasn't yet aware of him?
You can't readies an action before initiative check.

2021-08-01, 02:06 AM
Q 450

Am I my own ally? In specific, I'm looking at the SC spell recitation, which grants bonuses to allies but doesn't mention the caster one way or the other.

2021-08-01, 02:48 AM
A 450: Yes unless specified otherwise you count as your own ally.

2021-08-01, 04:04 AM
A450 Addendum

Yes, by the rules. However, if you goal is a better gameplay experience, do note that the people writing the books forgot about this rule a good 40% of the time and sometimes (e.g. White Raven Tactics) you'll want to use your judgement as to what makes more sense to apply.

2021-08-01, 04:35 AM
Thanks. May I ask where the rule is stated? I'm guessing it's the RC, but I don't own that. :smallfrown:

2021-08-01, 04:48 AM
Thanks. May I ask where the rule is stated? I'm guessing it's the RC, but I don't own that. :smallfrown:

You can also find it on P.304 of the PHB.

ally: A creature friendly to you. In most cases, references to “allies” include yourself. (Emphasis mine.)

Maat Mons
2021-08-01, 06:36 AM
Q451: If you accidentally poison yourself while trying to apply poison to a weapon, does that use up the dose of poison?

Q452: What happens if a Warforged takes 10 levels in Green Star Adept?

2021-08-01, 05:17 PM
Q451: If you accidentally poison yourself while trying to apply poison to a weapon, does that use up the dose of poison?

A 451

Since each does of posion can only affect one creature, yes, it is used up.

Q452: What happens if a Warforged takes 10 levels in Green Star Adept?

A 452

I can see two readings of that:

1.) You lose the Living Construct subtype, and become just a regular Construct (subject to the modifications to the Construct type listed under Emerald Perfection).

2.) You retain the Living Construct type despite having no Con score. There is a precedent, of sorts, for creatures of a type that would normally have a Con score having a non-ability: Corrupted Flesh Golem (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/eo/20040904a)

In either case, the new traits listed under Emerald Perfection would overwrite and relevant traits the Warforged has from being a Living Construct, where applicable.


Emerald Perfection (Ex): At 10th level, a Green Star adept completes his transformation. He resembles a perfectly sculpted statue of himself, forged from green starmetal. His type changes to construct, which brings about the following alterations to his basic nature:

* An adept loses his Constitution score and any hit point adjustment for Constitution. However, he gains bonus hit points based on his size: +10 hit points for Small, +20 hit points for Medium, or +30 hit points for Large.

* Unlike other constructs, a Green Star adept has no special immunity to mind-affecting effects. He is essentially a human mind in a magically animated body.

* He gains immunity to poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, extra damage from sneak attacks, death effects, and necromancy effects.

* He no longer heals damage on his own, and receives no benefit from spells or effects that heal living creatures. However, he can repair himself by means of repair damage spells (see page 120) or his rapid repair ability (see below).

* He is no longer subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain.

* He gains immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects, or is harmless.

* He is no longer at risk of death from massive damage, but he is immediately destroyed if reduced to 0 hit points. However, unlike other constructs, a Green Star adept can be returned from the dead by any means that would have worked on him before his final transformation.

* He no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. He cannot die of old age and might exist in this form for eons.


living construct subtype

A living construct is a new subtype of construct, a created being given sentience and free will through powerful and complex creation enchantments. Living constructs combine aspects of both constructs and living creatures, as detailed below.
Features: A living construct derives its Hit Dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.
Traits: A living construct possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Unlike other constructs, a living construct has a Constitution score. A living construct does not gain bonus hit points by size but gains (or loses) bonus hit points through a Constitution bonus (or penalty) as with other living creatures.
Unlike other constructs, a living construct does not have low-light vision or darkvision.
Unlike other constructs, a living construct is not immune to mind-influencing effects.
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain.
A living construct cannot heal damage naturally.
Unlike other constructs, living constructs are subject to critical hits, effects requiring a Fort save, death from massive damage, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death effects or necromancy effects.
Unlike other constructs, a living construct can use the run action.
Living constructs can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a living construct can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell, for example, and a living construct is vulnerable to a harm spell. However, spells from the healing subschool provide only half effect to a living construct.
A living construct responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A living construct with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. He can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than 0 and greater than -10, a living construct is inert. He is unconscious and helpless, and he cannot perform any actions. However, an inert living construct does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with a living creature that is stable.
Can be raised or resurrected.
Does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes' feast and potions.
Does not need to sleep, but must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

2021-08-01, 07:02 PM
Q 453

This may be a silly question, but while answering previous question, I noticed something unusual. In the D&D glossary, the Living Construct type says the following:

Does not need to sleep, but must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

I checked MM3, and it says the same thing for the Living Construct subtype there.

That's normally the case for arcane casters, but not divine. The Warforged racial entry in the ECS:

Although living constructs do not need to sleep, a warforged wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

Does this mean, by RAW, living constructs that are divine casters must rest 8 hours before preparing spells, or not? Is it different for Warforged to other Living Constructs?

A divine spellcaster chooses and prepares spells ahead of time, just as a wizard does. However, a divine spellcaster does not require a period of rest to prepare spells.

St Fan
2021-08-02, 06:44 AM
A 453

Q 453
Does this mean, by RAW, living constructs that are divine casters must rest 8 hours before preparing spells, or not? Is it different for Warforged to other Living Constructs?

The rule is the same as for all divine spellcasters. They don't need to rest, but they can only refresh their spells at a specific time of day. Although you should take note of this important sub-rule:

As with arcane spells, at the time of preparation any spells cast within the previous 8 hours count against the number of spells that can be prepared.

It means that, in practice, although divine casters don't require the rest, they will rather avoid casting spells for the 8 hours preceding praying for new spells to have their full spell selection, and at least for those preparing in the morning they'll make it correspond with the time of rest for simplicity's sake. A warforged cleric will probably do the same even if not physically needing to sleep.

2021-08-02, 10:01 AM
Q 454

Pretty sure this is a no, but can't remember for sure. Can PRCs take the skilled city dweller acf?

2021-08-02, 02:41 PM
Q 454

Pretty sure this is a no, but can't remember for sure. Can PRCs take the skilled city dweller acf?

A 454

Yes, they can. From the text (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a): "Skilled City-Dweller

The various wilderness-oriented skills are valuable indeed, but make less sense -- and may prove less useful -- for an urban character.

Class: Any class that has one or more of the "skills replaced," as listed below, on its list of class skills."

Any class. PrCs are classes, so they qualify.

2021-08-02, 04:43 PM
A 453The rule is the same as for all divine spellcasters. They don't need to rest, but they can only refresh their spells at a specific time of day. Although you should take note of this important sub-rule:

It means that, in practice, although divine casters don't require the rest, they will rather avoid casting spells for the 8 hours preceding praying for new spells to have their full spell selection, and at least for those preparing in the morning they'll make it correspond with the time of rest for simplicity's sake. A warforged cleric will probably do the same even if not physically needing to sleep.

A 453 clarification

I tend to agree with the outcome, but what's your reasoning or citation for ignoring the line I quoted in the Living Construct subtype?

2021-08-02, 06:58 PM
Q 455
What constitutes an epic character? Which of the following does or does not constitute an epic character?
21+ levels of a class (ie fighter 21)
21+ class levels (ie fighter 11 + barbarian 10)
21+ hit dice (ie fighter 19 + 2 RHD)
ECL 21+ (ie fighter 16 + 2 RHD + 3 LA)

Q 456
Once you become an epic character you stop gaining BAB and start gaining epic attack bonus, which effectively prevents you from gaining additional iterative attacks...
But, if you managed to gain a BAB significantly greater than your HD before actually reaching epic levels, would you be able to gain more iterative attacks than what is normally expected?

King of Nowhere
2021-08-02, 07:58 PM
Q457: regarding the "drown" spell from spell compendium: the spell specify that you can stabilize a victim with a heal check, but it says nothing about heal spells. would a healing spell be successful in reverting the effect of drown? or would a healed victim come back to positive hit points, but then still die in the third round? what about the unconsciousness that also immediately hits the drown victim (which is not caused by hit points loss, otherwise the victim would just be staggered)?

2021-08-03, 01:07 AM
Where is it defined that features that are X/day uses, such as the barbarian rage, are recovered on a long rest? more in general "what is the recovery method of x/day resources?"

Is long rest defined at all as such or is it only an emergent term? In relation to things other than recovering arcane spell slots

2021-08-03, 03:22 AM
A 459 "Long Rest" didn't become an actual rules term until 5e. You may see it used when talking about earlier editions just because it's a bit easier to say than "rest for eight hours", etc, but it doesn't exist as a game term.

2021-08-03, 04:58 AM
Q 455
What constitutes an epic character? Which of the following does or does not constitute an epic character?
21+ levels of a class (ie fighter 21)
21+ class levels (ie fighter 11 + barbarian 10)
21+ hit dice (ie fighter 19 + 2 RHD)
ECL 21+ (ie fighter 16 + 2 RHD + 3 LA)

21+ hit dice (ie fighter 19 + 2 RHD)

Q 456
Once you become an epic character you stop gaining BAB and start gaining epic attack bonus, which effectively prevents you from gaining additional iterative attacks...
But, if you managed to gain a BAB significantly greater than your HD before actually reaching epic levels, would you be able to gain more iterative attacks than what is normally expected?
No. 4 is maximum.

St Fan
2021-08-03, 07:42 AM
A 453 clarification

I tend to agree with the outcome, but what's your reasoning or citation for ignoring the line I quoted in the Living Construct subtype?

The reasoning is that the line "Does not need to sleep, but must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells." is certainly just an omission resulting from too much brevity, whoever having written that forgetting that rest isn't necessary with divine spells. The line should be read as "Does not need to sleep, but must rest for 8 hours before preparing arcane spells."

Doctor Despair
2021-08-03, 02:06 PM

When you reach level 3, you may reduce your level adjustment if you have LA+1 and you are using the buy-off rules. I am a little confused at how this process works. Do you pay the XP immediately upon reaching level 3, thereby going down to level 2 (and functionally not seeing gameplay at level 3 at that time)? Or do you pay the XP at some point while you are level 3 such that it does not reduce your class levels?

2021-08-03, 02:39 PM
A 460. Assuming no racial hit dice and LA+1, this transaction occurs when the character attains ECL 4 (3 class levels +1 LA).

The character spends the XP, going from 6,000 to 3,000. ECL drops from 4 (3 + 1 LA) to 3 (3 class levels only). The character goes through ECL 3 twice, but never drops in levels.

Maat Mons
2021-08-03, 06:27 PM
A458: I'm not aware of any universal mechanic.

What exactly does “once per day” mean? Does it mean “once per 24-hour period” or is it recharged after the character has rested for 8 hours, like spells?
It means that in any given day, the ability can be used once. So what constitutes a day? That’s where things get a little tricky and rely on the DM’s common sense.
The Sage advises using daybreak as the start of a “day,” meaning that all daily-use abilities are recharged in full each morning, regardless of exactly when they were used during the previous 24-hour period. For the vast majority of games, that’s when most abilities are recharged anyway (spells, for example), which makes it easy to use.
If your players try to abuse this flexibility—such as by adventuring through the night and then suddenly getting all their abilities back when the sun comes up—the DM should feel free to be more restrictive. It’s entirely reasonable to require a full 8 hours of rest before allowing daily-use abilities to recharge (even for those characters who don’t require sleep).

As noted earlier, spell-like abilities with daily use limits become available to the creature automatically each day. The creature doesn't need to rest, study, or prepare for them in any way. In this case, a "day" is any contiguous period of 24 hours. There is no set "recharge" time for a spell-like ability. Instead, the creature can use the ability a set number of times in any given period of 24 hours. For example, a lillend can use its darkness spell-like ability three times a day. The lillend cannot create three darkness effects at 11 PM one day, then create three more two hours later (at 1 AM the next day). Instead, the lillend can use darkness up to three times during any period of 24 consecutive hours. If she creates darkness at 11 PM on a given day, she can use the ability only twice more during the following 24 hours. Let's say she uses the power again at 1 AM the next day and again at 7 AM that same day. She has exhausted her daily limit on her darkness ability at 7 AM. The earliest she can use the ability again is 11 PM on the second day, when she can use the power only once (because she already has used the power twice during the preceding 24 hours). If she doesn't use the power at all after 7 AM the second day, the earliest that she will have three uses available again will be 7 AM on the third day.

Many magic items have a limited number of uses per day. When the last of these uses is used, that power is no longer
available for the day, but the item is still magical and might have other powers available. Unless otherwise noted in an
item’s description, any item that has daily uses regains all those uses at dawn each day.

2021-08-04, 10:02 AM
A 459 "Long Rest" didn't become an actual rules term until 5e. You may see it used when talking about earlier editions just because it's a bit easier to say than "rest for eight hours", etc, but it doesn't exist as a game term.

459 commentary

While it doesn't 100% address the specific question at hand, the sidebar "recovering power points" on pg. 63 of the Expanded Psionics Handbook gives a little bit of insight into the dev mindset regarding how per-day abilities should come back. The primary justification is simply ease of play. While this is clearly an indicator of RAI rather than anything RAW, I do believe it to be evidence that the intent of per-day abilities is to come back after a period of rest between scenes rather than making notes about the actual clock time at which each ability was used.

(Also, 4e used the "long rest" term before 5e did, but that's immaterial overall.)

2021-08-04, 06:46 PM
Q 461

The Abyssal Specialist ACF (DotU) lets you ban a single school, and get the effects of specialization with spells of certain descriptors.

My question is, could you ban Divination (which a normal specialist Wizard cannot)? I'm guessing no, due to the wording (underlining mine), but I thought I would check anyway.

You must select one school of magic to serve as your prohibited school, and you can never cast spells from it or use spell completion and spell trigger devices connected to it, as per normal specialist rules.

Q 462

Could a specialist Wizard (or Abyssal Specialist) chose the Universal school to ban? i.e. are Universal spells considered their own school?