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2021-05-16, 11:35 PM
I-I don't think you can. You aren't a part of the Seeing, and my Sight has never been wrong.

2021-05-16, 11:38 PM
"Not friends with benefits, right?" Jasmine asks shyly.
"Oh, no, I've never been the type for that," Sophia says. Although she had been thinking she might want to loosen up a bit during college - it was the time to experiment, after all. But a new acquaintance who seemed a bit shy did not seem like the person to talk to about that. "And... well, I did date one of my old friends once, and that didn't turn out so well. So I'm strictly platonic with the ones I've got left. No matter how good I am at turning some of them on," she remarks teasingly at Sarah.

2021-05-17, 12:09 AM
I-I don't think you can. You aren't a part of the Seeing, and my Sight has never been wrong.

Well then I'll still try. We'll challenge fate together!

"Oh, no, I've never been the type for that," Sophia says. Although she had been thinking she might want to loosen up a bit during college - it was the time to experiment, after all. But a new acquaintance who seemed a bit shy did not seem like the person to talk to about that. "And... well, I did date one of my old friends once, and that didn't turn out so well. So I'm strictly platonic with the ones I've got left. No matter how good I am at turning some of them on," she remarks teasingly at Sarah.

Jasmine relaxes at that. "So what's your major? I'm here for magical theory."

2021-05-17, 12:22 AM
No! Brooklyn slams her hands onto the table as she stands up. She leans over the table to put her face closer to Maya. Which has the added effect of allowing Maya unfettered access to see what has, until now, been concealed by her uniform jacket and shirt.

You have to take care of yourself. You can't let them get to you! They want as many people as they can, to twist us to their ends!

2021-05-17, 12:54 AM
No! Brooklyn slams her hands onto the table as she stands up. She leans over the table to put her face closer to Maya. Which has the added effect of allowing Maya unfettered access to see what has, until now, been concealed by her uniform jacket and shirt.

You have to take care of yourself. You can't let them get to you! They want as many people as they can, to twist us to their ends!

Brooklyn Maya says after checking her out quickly. I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself. She says soothingly.

2021-05-17, 12:59 AM
I don't know what is going to happen. I have not seen that. But they will get me. I have seen that, and it will happen with or without you intervening. I do not want you to get hurt. Your face is far too cute to risk disfigurement.

2021-05-17, 01:03 AM
I don't know what is going to happen. I have not seen that. But they will get me. I have seen that, and it will happen with or without you intervening. I do not want you to get hurt. Your face is far too cute to risk disfigurement.

I can't imagine, unless whoever is out to get you is a powerful sorcerer that they can cause me more harm then Thenkoian plasma weaponry. Maya points out.

2021-05-17, 08:36 AM
You would be surprised. Especially considering that they are doing it in His name. And that is why I need you to stay out of it. I don't want to see you getting hurt, or worse, changed, because of this.

2021-05-17, 01:25 PM
You would be surprised. Especially considering that they are doing it in His name. And that is why I need you to stay out of it. I don't want to see you getting hurt, or worse, changed, because of this.

Changed how? Maya asks concerned.

2021-05-17, 04:09 PM
Jasmine relaxes at that. "So what's your major? I'm here for magical theory."
"Musical theater," Sophia says with a smile. "I'm looking to be a performer, and I'm not half bad at singing, so seems like a good place to start."

2021-05-17, 06:51 PM
Changed how? Maya asks concerned.

The laugh is hollow. Combined with the tears, you can’t be sure if she is hysterical or not.

Its ironic that in their pursuit for zealots, that in order to make our souls pure, they kill the spark within us that speaks to the existence of the truly divine.

2021-05-19, 10:07 PM
"Musical theater," Sophia says with a smile. "I'm looking to be a performer, and I'm not half bad at singing, so seems like a good place to start."

"Oh, I hear any art program burns through it's student quickly." Jasmine comments.

"Any idea how true that is?"

The laugh is hollow. Combined with the tears, you can’t be sure if she is hysterical or not.

Its ironic that in their pursuit for zealots, that in order to make our souls pure, they kill the spark within us that speaks to the existence of the truly divine.

Are.....are you okay? Maya asks holding your face concerned.

2021-05-19, 10:27 PM
Brooklyn looked at her cards. She looked at the array in front of her, and saw in her mind what it meant.

She picked up the deck, and turned over the next card. Which was blank.

I-I.... she wiped at the tears running down her face.

I don't know.

2021-05-19, 10:38 PM
"Oh, I hear any art program burns through it's student quickly." Jasmine comments.

"Any idea how true that is?"
"Not a clue," Sophia said with a shrug. "Going to be hard to burn me out though, my parents are both entertainers. It's in my blood!" she said proudly.

"Guess we'll see how long our classmates stick around, eh Sarah?" she remarked to her friend, who, as an aspiring actress, was in the school's drama program.

2021-05-19, 11:03 PM
Brooklyn looked at her cards. She looked at the array in front of her, and saw in her mind what it meant.

She picked up the deck, and turned over the next card. Which was blank.

I-I.... she wiped at the tears running down her face.

I don't know.

Let me help, please. Maya implores.

"Not a clue," Sophia said with a shrug. "Going to be hard to burn me out though, my parents are both entertainers. It's in my blood!" she said proudly.

"Guess we'll see how long our classmates stick around, eh Sarah?" she remarked to her friend, who, as an aspiring actress, was in the school's drama program.

"Oh, that's neat! What movies are they in?" Jasmine speaks up over Sarah.

2021-05-19, 11:23 PM
Brooklyn stood up. She picked up her cards, and shuffled them back together.

Just... Just let me go for a bit... I need to... I need...

She picked up her other things, her cigarettes and her lighter, but her hand was shaking as she tried to light one as she started to step away from the table.

2021-05-19, 11:56 PM
"Oh, that's neat! What movies are they in?" Jasmine speaks up over Sarah.
"Oh, they're not actors," Sophia clarifies. "By entertainers I mean my dad does a magic-slash-variety show - you know, Genie, he's kind of good at that - and my mom does online videos where she does cover versions of rock and metal songs. You may or may not have heard of them: dad's show is called Sterling the Amazing, and my mom goes by The Rock Witch? I mean, dad's more big near home than he is famous nationally, so maybe not in his case, but I can never tell who might've heard of mom."

2021-05-20, 02:05 PM
Brooklyn stood up. She picked up her cards, and shuffled them back together.

Just... Just let me go for a bit... I need to... I need...

She picked up her other things, her cigarettes and her lighter, but her hand was shaking as she tried to light one as she started to step away from the table.

Maya lets you go, keeping an eye on you nervously.

"Oh, they're not actors," Sophia clarifies. "By entertainers I mean my dad does a magic-slash-variety show - you know, Genie, he's kind of good at that - and my mom does online videos where she does cover versions of rock and metal songs. You may or may not have heard of them: dad's show is called Sterling the Amazing, and my mom goes by The Rock Witch? I mean, dad's more big near home than he is famous nationally, so maybe not in his case, but I can never tell who might've heard of mom."

"If your mom does earth magic, then why do you do use wind magic?" Some guy pipes up walking over, to which Jasmine and Sarah look at him like he's a dummy.

2021-05-20, 05:10 PM
"If your mom does earth magic, then why do you do use wind magic?" Some guy pipes up walking over, to which Jasmine and Sarah look at him like he's a dummy.
Without even looking at the guy, Sophia sighs and replies, "That joke wasn't funny the first time I heard it, and it hasn't gotten better with age."

2021-05-20, 10:38 PM
Episode 1 Scene 7

You finally manage to catch a break from morning classes, it's a bright sunny august noon. The temperature is a mid 80's, and Maya is coming back from filling the water tanks of the school.

She is walking with someone who seems to be in admin, as the sound of a crane, taking the main body of the water tower beeps.

Hasn't anyone ever heard of quick showers? Like yes, I've got the magic to keep doing this, but I keep needing to refresh it every hour cause you don't have the storage to hold more. You're lucky I don't bother with a full night sleep practically ever, and I'm pretty sure I woke up my roommate at least once last night.

That's when you see Ms.Shawels go up to Maya, but instead of complete fear on her face, it's more like 90% fear.

"Um. Miss.Maya.... I want you to know, that I took your genie friend's advice to um. Visit the school shrink. And she said the first step to conquer my fear was to.... um evaluate it rationally, and that maybe if you haven't broken anything, I shouldn't assume that you are about to.... So um..... while it's going to take some time.... I'd like...... I'm going to conquer my fear."

That's when the crane operator passes out on the wheel, and the crane does a harsh spin that tips it over sending it and the large object of metal toppling towards oh no! Morrigan, and possibly the shortest gal you've seen since you got here.

And instead of them splatting under the crane, or the body of the water tower the short blonde lets out a shriek of terror, before her eyes glow brightly.

Oh crap! Everyone get down now! Maya shouts out to the courtyard-picnic area, as Ms.Shawels starts shouting. "No....no.... I can't do this again!"

As soon as the crane touches the now standing blonde's fingers it completely stops it's forward momentum, she lets out an adrenaline filled shout as she lifts the crane off the ground effortlessly.

No don't! Maya shouts out, as she bolts at super human speed, before the blonde can throw the crane in sheer sorcerous reflex, Maya grabs the other end, stomps her foot and a massive earthen wall forms to brace her.

"Morrigan, everyone get out of here!" you hear the crane twist and what sounds like ripped metal, before the blonde seems to shoulder check, through the stone wall as Ms.Shawels falls into fetal style.

Skill =You already memorized the clearest escape routes. +3 VP with Maya

Conflict =Someone (Possibly Ms.Shawels, possibly someone else.) is having a breakdown. Physically move them. +3 VP with Maya

Luck =Someone else, helps you. +3 VP with Maya.

Ties mean all players involved in the tie, win VP.

2021-05-21, 09:00 AM
Floris was lost, wandering around when she noticed the danger appearing. "Oh no! Morrigan!" She called over. "This way!"

Okay I've got maybe morning person but this is the time to Overclock. +3 or +5 depending on morning person, skill.

2021-05-22, 07:40 PM
Brooklyn gives Ms. Shawels a quick shove in the right direction, but doesn't seem to care about getting her out of the way.

Conflict. Activating Personality Flip. -2 total.

2021-05-24, 05:15 PM
Sophia's instinct, as this disaster started unfolding before her, was probably not what Maya wanted it to be just then: she intended to stay and help. After all, it was pretty hard for her to suffer any permanent harm, and while her magic was definitely not as powerful as a sorcerer's, it could still help. Besides, she'd added a pair of golden high-heeled sandals to her outfit on a whim, figuring they complimented her current form, and those things were not easy run in (forgetting, in the heat of the moment, that she could just fly...).

She called up as much of her wind magic as possible, trying to use a gust to reinforce Maya's efforts to stop the crane - probably a futile gesture, as without a wish her wind magic was limited enough that she couldn't even fully push away a person who was determined to fight it, much less a huge piece of machinery like this, but she had to try. But she also multi-tasked, at least, starting up gentler gusts along the group to try and help push the people around away from the area of danger. "Everybody, clear the area! Fast!" she shouted, using magic to enhance her voice to try to be heard over the sound of the machinery being pushed against, the wind, and Maya (and probably anyone else in the area) similarly shouting.

Luck, Harem Outfit +1, Eccentric Outfit +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Butt In +2, Overclock +2 = +9 total.
Just in case it's not obvious, I figure on a success, then all of the noise she's making attracts the attention of someone who can help. On a failure, well, either she doesn't end up needing further help due to how someone else's' roll plays out, or Sophia at least won't be hurt enough that she can't bounce back quickly with Maya's help.

2021-05-24, 10:16 PM
Morrigan immediately turns to run, and immediately slips and falls into an enormous puddle. Her soaked clothes are now weighing her down, and she's prone, and the crane isn't politely waiting for her to move to continue its fall.

Luck. Strong 1 + Accident-Prone 2 + Vulnerable 2 + Splash Magnet 2 + Elemental Affinity 2 = +9

Setting this up is easier when Vulnerable is just directly handed to me.

2021-05-24, 10:51 PM
Floris was lost, wandering around when she noticed the danger appearing. "Oh no! Morrigan!" She called over. "This way!"

Okay I've got maybe morning person but this is the time to Overclock. +3 or +5 depending on morning person, skill.

You manage to see Morrigan trip and fall. Which might be funny. Under normal circumstances.

Under today's circumstances however..... At least one of the vampire campus members is helping her up.

Morrigan immediately turns to run, and immediately slips and falls into an enormous puddle. Her soaked clothes are now weighing her down, and she's prone, and the crane isn't politely waiting for her to move to continue its fall.

Luck. Strong 1 + Accident-Prone 2 + Vulnerable 2 + Splash Magnet 2 + Elemental Affinity 2 = +9

Setting this up is easier when Vulnerable is just directly handed to me.

Thankfully. Ms.Abigail, or is it Mrs. She never really said. Physically lifts you up as if picking up a sheet of paper.

"Are you alright?" She asks starting to book it as she passes Floris.

Brooklyn gives Ms. Shawels a quick shove in the right direction, but doesn't seem to care about getting her out of the way.

Conflict. Activating Personality Flip. -2 total.

Ms.Shawels instead falls head-first onto a table. Of course instead of blaming you.


You manage to evac the area and see this big meathead jock ask you. "What's going on, is there a fight?"

Sophia's instinct, as this disaster started unfolding before her, was probably not what Maya wanted it to be just then: she intended to stay and help. After all, it was pretty hard for her to suffer any permanent harm, and while her magic was definitely not as powerful as a sorcerer's, it could still help. Besides, she'd added a pair of golden high-heeled sandals to her outfit on a whim, figuring they complimented her current form, and those things were not easy run in (forgetting, in the heat of the moment, that she could just fly...).

She called up as much of her wind magic as possible, trying to use a gust to reinforce Maya's efforts to stop the crane - probably a futile gesture, as without a wish her wind magic was limited enough that she couldn't even fully push away a person who was determined to fight it, much less a huge piece of machinery like this, but she had to try. But she also multi-tasked, at least, starting up gentler gusts along the group to try and help push the people around away from the area of danger. "Everybody, clear the area! Fast!" she shouted, using magic to enhance her voice to try to be heard over the sound of the machinery being pushed against, the wind, and Maya (and probably anyone else in the area) similarly shouting.

Luck, Harem Outfit +1, Eccentric Outfit +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Butt In +2, Overclock +2 = +9 total.
Just in case it's not obvious, I figure on a success, then all of the noise she's making attracts the attention of someone who can help. On a failure, well, either she doesn't end up needing further help due to how someone else's' roll plays out, or Sophia at least won't be hurt enough that she can't bounce back quickly with Maya's help.

Thankfully for Sophia, instead of throwing the crane against her, the gal on a jerk throws it into the building next to them. The lack of any time for any momentum to build up means only the glass windows shatter, and while the guy seems cut up he'll probably live. He seems to wake up, and start screaming what the hell is going on.

Sir, sir. You are under a panicking sorcerer right now, you are not helping.

"No fair!" Crystal pouts from beside you. "Why does she get to be a sorceress?"

2021-05-24, 11:00 PM
Brooklyn looks up at the jock. Then she looks down, appraising him as she tilts her head to one side.

A fight? No. A battle against fate, perhaps. A never ending battle against the forces of chaos and entropy.

She squeezes one of his biceps.

Yes. I think you might do...

2021-05-24, 11:48 PM
Thankfully for Sophia, instead of throwing the crane against her, the gal on a jerk throws it into the building next to them. The lack of any time for any momentum to build up means only the glass windows shatter, and while the guy seems cut up he'll probably live. He seems to wake up, and start screaming what the hell is going on.

Sir, sir. You are under a panicking sorcerer right now, you are not helping.

"No fair!" Crystal pouts from beside you. "Why does she get to be a sorceress?"
"Not exactly the time, Crystal!" Sophia says, heading over to help Maya with the injured man, while letting the winds she'd conjured dissipate, since the immediate danger of the crane was gone. She conjures some bandages and begins to apply them to the man's wounds, hoping to keep him from suffering much blood loss. "I assume you're dealing with the sorceress?" she asks Maya.

2021-05-25, 01:43 AM
Brooklyn looks up at the jock. Then she looks down, appraising him as she tilts her head to one side.

A fight? No. A battle against fate, perhaps. A never ending battle against the forces of chaos and entropy.

She squeezes one of his biceps.

Yes. I think you might do...

"Ohh.... Ohhh. Some, post danger cotuplation." He grins missaying the word

"Not exactly the time, Crystal!" Sophia says, heading over to help Maya with the injured man, while letting the winds she'd conjured dissipate, since the immediate danger of the crane was gone. She conjures some bandages and begins to apply them to the man's wounds, hoping to keep him from suffering much blood loss. "I assume you're dealing with the sorceress?" she asks Maya.

Trying here! Maya lets out, dodging an enhanced punch from the short lil blonde girl.

Really glad I'm a quick learner, but I think she's has magically powerful as I am!

2021-05-25, 06:31 AM
Floris figured it was time to intervene! Someone might get hurt if this kept going!

She interposed herself between the girl attacking Maya and Maya. "You're going to hurt someone!" She insists. "Oh, by the way, it's nice to meet you. I am–"

2021-05-25, 12:42 PM
"Ohh.... Ohhh. Some, post danger cotuplation." He grins missaying the word

Brooklyn sighs. Oh you poor thing. You don’t seem to reali- Brooklyn grabs his arm and yanks him hard to the left. Moments later a piece of broken metal falls where the jock had been standing.

As I was saying... you have no idea what is going on do you? Well. No matter. Feel up to carrying me out of here? In return, we can work on your grammar. I’m sure you’ll enjoy my tutelage.

And before the boy could say anything, Brooklyn lept up and parked herself on his shoulders.

2021-05-25, 03:52 PM
Trying here! Maya lets out, dodging an enhanced punch from the short lil blonde girl.

Really glad I'm a quick learner, but I think she's has magically powerful as I am!
"Well, the crane's out of the way now, so she just needs to calm down, right?" Sophia responds, still working on bandaging up the crane operator's wounds while she does. "Miss, the danger's past, you can stop! You don't need to worry anymore!" she tries saying to the blonde girl.

Floris figured it was time to intervene! Someone might get hurt if this kept going!

She interposed herself between the girl attacking Maya and Maya. "You're going to hurt someone!" She insists. "Oh, by the way, it's nice to meet you. I am–"
And then Floris interposed herself like that. "Bad idea Floris!" Sophia shouted, and kicked up a gust of wind to try and push the other girl away from the sorceresses and towards where she and the crane operator were.

2021-05-25, 10:38 PM
Floris figured it was time to intervene! Someone might get hurt if this kept going!

She interposed herself between the girl attacking Maya and Maya. "You're going to hurt someone!" She insists. "Oh, by the way, it's nice to meet you. I am–"

see below post.

"Well, the crane's out of the way now, so she just needs to calm down, right?" Sophia responds, still working on bandaging up the crane operator's wounds while she does. "Miss, the danger's past, you can stop! You don't need to worry anymore!" she tries saying to the blonde girl.

And then Floris interposed herself like that. "Bad idea Floris!" Sophia shouted, and kicked up a gust of wind to try and push the other girl away from the sorceresses and towards where she and the crane operator were.

[Roll me an allure or skill check DC 7]

Brooklyn sighs. Oh you poor thing. You don’t seem to reali- Brooklyn grabs his arm and yanks him hard to the left. Moments later a piece of broken metal falls where the jock had been standing.

As I was saying... you have no idea what is going on do you? Well. No matter. Feel up to carrying me out of here? In return, we can work on your grammar. I’m sure you’ll enjoy my tutelage.

And before the boy could say anything, Brooklyn lept up and parked herself on his shoulders.

"Um, right.....Um... just so I know what is going on? No one pulled weapons right?" He asks now showing a bit of concern.

2021-05-25, 10:48 PM
Depends on how you define weapons. I am fairly certain magic qualifies, hence you getting me out of here. And toward Mary who, I believe has a need of me right now.

2021-05-26, 12:43 AM
Depends on how you define weapons. I am fairly certain magic qualifies, hence you getting me out of here. And toward Mary who, I believe has a need of me right now.

"Wait, people are throwing magic around. I hope it's not the sorceress! I heard tales she got expelled from her school for leading a watery rain of terror." He remarks.

"Well, the crane's out of the way now, so she just needs to calm down, right?" Sophia responds, still working on bandaging up the crane operator's wounds while she does. "Miss, the danger's past, you can stop! You don't need to worry anymore!" she tries saying to the blonde girl.

And then Floris interposed herself like that. "Bad idea Floris!" Sophia shouted, and kicked up a gust of wind to try and push the other girl away from the sorceresses and towards where she and the crane operator were.

Floris feels herself blown back and spirals onto the ground by the unexpected gust.

Unfortunately Maya gets decked in the face, and what bricks from the sky failed to do the punch does as her eye noticeably swells.

Okay, that's the first time in three years I've felt pain. Kinda wish you weren't super strong.

The sorceress throws another wild haymaker but Maya manages to duck underneath it, twisting the girl in some sort of grapple.

I'll let you go when you calm down. She states firmly but calmly.

It takes a minute which seems like eternity before the blonde girl's head falls for a moment, before rising up and seeming alot more alert.

"What just happened!?"

2021-05-26, 03:59 PM
Floris feels herself blown back and spirals onto the ground by the unexpected gust.

Unfortunately Maya gets decked in the face, and what bricks from the sky failed to do the punch does as her eye noticeably swells.

Okay, that's the first time in three years I've felt pain. Kinda wish you weren't super strong.

The sorceress throws another wild haymaker but Maya manages to duck underneath it, twisting the girl in some sort of grapple.

I'll let you go when you calm down. She states firmly but calmly.

It takes a minute which seems like eternity before the blonde girl's head falls for a moment, before rising up and seeming alot more alert.

"What just happened!?"
Sophia, finished bandaging the crane operator, heads over to help Floris up. "Sorry, but I don't think anyone wants to know what would've happened if the magic-powered punch had hit you instead of our resident Superwoman."

In response to blonde girl's question, she says, "Well, a bunch of things, but the big two are: that crane fell, and well, congratulations, looks like you're a sorceress."

2021-05-26, 04:02 PM
Thankfully. Ms.Abigail, or is it Mrs. She never really said. Physically lifts you up as if picking up a sheet of paper.

"Are you alright?" She asks starting to book it as she passes Floris.

"I'm f-fine," she replies, blushing. "Just tripped, is all..."

2021-05-26, 07:41 PM
Floris lands on her butt, then hastily stands up and brushes her dress off, keeping it immaculate and proper. "Sophia!" she said, sounding mostly excited to have done something new. "You swept new off my feet!"

Anyone paying close attention might have seen that under her large flowy skirts she had on a second skirt; a part of an underdress that would not have been indecent to wear on its own. And that wasn’t anywhere near her last layer.

2021-05-26, 09:46 PM
"Wait, people are throwing magic around. I hope it's not the sorceress! I heard tales she got expelled from her school for leading a watery rain of terror." He remarks.

First of all, don't listen to nasty rumors. Our sorceress is an amazing, sweet and incredibly hot and sexy woman. Now. Onward, to my Mary!

She leans forward so she is looking at him upside down. Unless this is the closest you want to be to me...

2021-05-26, 10:25 PM
Sophia, finished bandaging the crane operator, heads over to help Floris up. "Sorry, but I don't think anyone wants to know what would've happened if the magic-powered punch had hit you instead of our resident Superwoman."

In response to blonde girl's question, she says, "Well, a bunch of things, but the big two are: that crane fell, and well, congratulations, looks like you're a sorceress."

"Is that why our RA is there screaming her lungs out?" She replies blinking rapidly.
Yup. So far haven't gotten used to it.
"I can't do this again! Now there's two!!!!!"
Maya turns to the crane operator.
You passed out at the wheel, if she wasn't a sorceress, there'd be two bodies on the ground right now. She says sternly.

Unfortunately the RA only hears the word body, and her mind goes to the obvious logical conclusion to her.
"Oh gods, they're talking about leaving bodies!"

"Will somebody shut her up!" The blonde glares.

Floris lands on her butt, then hastily stands up and brushes her dress off, keeping it immaculate and proper. "Sophia!" she said, sounding mostly excited to have done something new. "You swept new off my feet!"

Anyone paying close attention might have seen that under her large flowy skirts she had on a second skirt; a part of an underdress that would not have been indecent to wear on its own. And that wasn’t anywhere near her last layer.

That's when Morrigan's roommate comes over. "You agree it's unfair too, right. That blondey gets superpowers?"

"I'm f-fine," she replies, blushing. "Just tripped, is all..."

She visibly inspects you.

"I didn't see any of the sorcerers magic impact you, so I'll leave to you, would you like to go to the infirmly."

First of all, don't listen to nasty rumors. Our sorceress is an amazing, sweet and incredibly hot and sexy woman. Now. Onward, to my Mary!

She leans forward so she is looking at him upside down. Unless this is the closest you want to be to me...

"Do....do you know where Mary is? Cause I don't...." He points out.

2021-05-26, 10:33 PM
Are you an anime fan? No? Well then, I guess this reference is going to be lost on you then.

She reaches into her shirt and pulls out her tarot cards.

Because it is time to call upon the HEART OF THE CARDS!!!

2021-05-26, 10:37 PM
Floris smiled at her. "Nobody has power. We are all adrift in an uncaring cosmos, bound under the same entropy. Squabbling over what little difference there is will accomplish nothing." And with a happy nod of good-bye to Morrigan's roommate she went up to Maya. "You were very brave, Maya!"

2021-05-26, 10:49 PM
Are you an anime fan? No? Well then, I guess this reference is going to be lost on you then.

She reaches into her shirt and pulls out her tarot cards.

Because it is time to call upon the HEART OF THE CARDS!!!

[Make a DC 4 Allure or skill roll]

Floris smiled at her. "Nobody has power. We are all adrift in an uncaring cosmos, bound under the same entropy. Squabbling over what little difference there is will accomplish nothing." And with a happy nod of good-bye to Morrigan's roommate she went up to Maya. "You were very brave, Maya!"

"I'm pretty sure, splitting a sea counts as power." Crystal snarks as you walk off.

Oh hey, Floris, are you doing alright? Maya says starting her gaze turning to Floris, and gasping as she takes her in.

Um... In any case, I don't think you're more then scuffed up.

2021-05-26, 10:57 PM
"Oh, I'm absolutely lovely," Floris said, offering her hand to Maya. "And I hope you are also doing well?"

2021-05-26, 11:32 PM
Floris lands on her butt, then hastily stands up and brushes her dress off, keeping it immaculate and proper. "Sophia!" she said, sounding mostly excited to have done something new. "You swept new off my feet!"

Anyone paying close attention might have seen that under her large flowy skirts she had on a second skirt; a part of an underdress that would not have been indecent to wear on its own. And that wasn’t anywhere near her last layer.
Sophia can't help but giggle at that remark, unexpected as it was in the middle of this mess. "That's one way to put it, sure," she answers, briefly amused.

"Is that why our RA is there screaming her lungs out?" She replies blinking rapidly.
Yup. So far haven't gotten used to it.
"I can't do this again! Now there's two!!!!!"
Maya turns to the crane operator.
You passed out at the wheel, if she wasn't a sorceress, there'd be two bodies on the ground right now. She says sternly.

Unfortunately the RA only hears the word body, and her mind goes to the obvious logical conclusion to her.
"Oh gods, they're talking about leaving bodies!"

"Will somebody shut her up!" The blonde glares.
"If only we knew how," Sophia remarked to the blonde. "Unless Maya knows a sleep spell she hasn't mentioned though, we're stuck with trying to calm her the old fashioned way."

She walked over to where the RA lay, and knelt down next to her. "Miss Shawels, try taking a few deep breaths," she said, and started rubbing her hand on the woman's back in what she hoped was a comforting fashion. "The danger has passed. Everyone else is calm now - and I do mean everyone. It's okay; we're all safe."

2021-05-26, 11:57 PM
"Oh, I'm absolutely lovely," Floris said, offering her hand to Maya. "And I hope you are also doing well?"

Um, yeah... I just need a second to heal this black eye. Maya comments as it already starts fading.
"Um.... sorry." The blonde remarks looking down at the ground.
Don't be, not your fault your body dumped you full of adrenaline.

Sophia can't help but giggle at that remark, unexpected as it was in the middle of this mess. "That's one way to put it, sure," she answers, briefly amused.

"If only we knew how," Sophia remarked to the blonde. "Unless Maya knows a sleep spell she hasn't mentioned though, we're stuck with trying to calm her the old fashioned way."

She walked over to where the RA lay, and knelt down next to her. "Miss Shawels, try taking a few deep breaths," she said, and started rubbing her hand on the woman's back in what she hoped was a comforting fashion. "The danger has passed. Everyone else is calm now - and I do mean everyone. It's okay; we're all safe."

[Roll me an allure check, DC 8]

2021-05-27, 12:11 AM
Floris lifted her veil to get a better look at Maya. "Your clothes are all ruined, Maya!" She said, distressed. "Come by my home later, I can fix it!"

2021-05-27, 01:05 AM
Floris lifted her veil to get a better look at Maya. "Your clothes are all ruined, Maya!" She said, distressed. "Come by my home later, I can fix it!"

Maya looks down and notices her state of dress, covering her generous chest with her arms.

The blonde looks up and wolf whistles. "Wooo, you go girl~" She snarks.

Sophia can't help but giggle at that remark, unexpected as it was in the middle of this mess. "That's one way to put it, sure," she answers, briefly amused.

"If only we knew how," Sophia remarked to the blonde. "Unless Maya knows a sleep spell she hasn't mentioned though, we're stuck with trying to calm her the old fashioned way."

She walked over to where the RA lay, and knelt down next to her. "Miss Shawels, try taking a few deep breaths," she said, and started rubbing her hand on the woman's back in what she hoped was a comforting fashion. "The danger has passed. Everyone else is calm now - and I do mean everyone. It's okay; we're all safe."

"The breaths won't help. Corpses can't breathe!"

2021-05-27, 07:31 AM
Floris makes a few quick observations. "Here, why don't you put my dress on? I'm wearing more under here than any of you are wearing now!" She turns her back to Maya. "Can you get the laces for me?"

2021-05-27, 01:40 PM
Floris makes a few quick observations. "Here, why don't you put my dress on? I'm wearing more under here than any of you are wearing now!" She turns her back to Maya. "Can you get the laces for me?"

Maya leans down starting to undo the laces. "First time I've done this, on someone not me." She comments, her voice carefully even.

She gets it off, and puts it on, and before it's even laced up, everyone can tell it's going to be somewhat baggy on her, due to the lack of layers.

2021-05-27, 01:45 PM
Floris blushes deeply once her outermost layer is gone. "I've never been this exposed in public," she confesses, lacing up Maya from behind. She is now clad in a collarbone-to-ankle black dress with long sleeves, a conservative dress by basically anyone's standards, but Floris's embarrassed glances could have been from someone entirely naked. It is at least now possible to guess her proportions. "You look lovely!" She says to Maya.

2021-05-27, 04:39 PM
"The breaths won't help. Corpses can't breathe!"
Sophia sighs. "There are no corpses. There won't be any. Everyone is fine, and calm. The breaths are to help you calm down. Try it."

2021-05-27, 09:00 PM
Floris blushes deeply once her outermost layer is gone. "I've never been this exposed in public," she confesses, lacing up Maya from behind. She is now clad in a collarbone-to-ankle black dress with long sleeves, a conservative dress by basically anyone's standards, but Floris's embarrassed glances could have been from someone entirely naked. It is at least now possible to guess her proportions. "You look lovely!" She says to Maya.

So do you. Maya comments averting her eyes to protect Floris's modesty.

Do you want me to try and conjure you another dress

Sophia sighs. "There are no corpses. There won't be any. Everyone is fine, and calm. The breaths are to help you calm down. Try it."

She breaths in slowly, and while it's helping a tiny amount, it doesn't really seem to be fixing the problem.

2021-05-27, 09:47 PM
Are you an anime fan? No? Well then, I guess this reference is going to be lost on you then.

She reaches into her shirt and pulls out her tarot cards.

Because it is time to call upon the HEART OF THE CARDS!!!

You whip out the cards of truth, and you pull out the inverted ten of cards, telling you that Mary is in math class!

You take your transport as he hustles to math class, where you look in and see a bored looking Mary.

Obviously, you need to warn the class about the awakening sorceress!

2021-05-27, 10:13 PM
She breaths in slowly, and while it's helping a tiny amount, it doesn't really seem to be fixing the problem.
Sophia sighed. Of course this was going to be hard. And it wasn't like she was a psychologist or anything... "Okay, so..." she said, thinking a moment before snapping her fingers, conjuring a little stress ball in the shape of a star on the ground right in front of Ms. Shawels. "Grab that and squeeze, see if it helps. If it does, maybe try sitting up?" she suggested, hoping she could at least get the woman to just look around and see that nothing was happening anymore.

2021-05-27, 10:22 PM
Floris's eyes widened in fascination. "You can do that? Can we match?"

2021-05-27, 10:40 PM
You whip out the cards of truth, and you pull out the inverted ten of cards, telling you that Mary is in math class!

You take your transport as he hustles to math class, where you look in and see a bored looking Mary.

Obviously, you need to warn the class about the awakening sorceress!

Brooklyn hops off her transport, then pulls a permanent marker out of the pocket of her uniform jacket. She writes her phone number on it.

Message me about those English lessons, okay?

She then turns and goes into Mary's math class, without bothering to knock. And then, also without invitation, she starts talking.

Hey, just so everyone knows, there is a second sorceress awakening outside right now, so, don't panic, but things are gonna get crazy for a bit.

She then walks over to the window, hops up onto the sill, opens it up and starts smoking while looking over toward where the crazy stuff is happening.

Oh, and don't worry. No one is gonna die or anything. Just some cuts and bruises, three women will go into premature labor, and one older guy will need a new pacemaker, but I don't see any death in this.

She takes another drag on the cigarette.

Oh, and a couple of people will need some serious therapy.

2021-05-27, 10:47 PM
Sophia sighed. Of course this was going to be hard. And it wasn't like she was a psychologist or anything... "Okay, so..." she said, thinking a moment before snapping her fingers, conjuring a little stress ball in the shape of a star on the ground right in front of Ms. Shawels. "Grab that and squeeze, see if it helps. If it does, maybe try sitting up?" she suggested, hoping she could at least get the woman to just look around and see that nothing was happening anymore.

She squeezes it so hard, it practically breaks. [Roll me a luck check DC 4]

Floris's eyes widened in fascination. "You can do that? Can we match?"

I.... can try... Maya offers.

Brooklyn hops off her transport, then pulls a permanent marker out of the pocket of her uniform jacket. She writes her phone number on it.

Message me about those English lessons, okay?

She then turns and goes into Mary's math class, without bothering to knock. And then, also without invitation, she starts talking.

Hey, just so everyone knows, there is a second sorceress awakening outside right now, so, don't panic, but things are gonna get crazy for a bit.

She then walks over to the window, hops up onto the sill, opens it up and starts smoking while looking over toward where the crazy stuff is happening.

Oh, and don't worry. No one is gonna die or anything. Just some cuts and bruises, three women will go into premature labor, and one older guy will need a new pacemaker, but I don't see any death in this.

She takes another drag on the cigarette.

Oh, and a couple of people will need some serious therapy.

"Wait.... wait seriously." The professor starts, going pale for a moment.

"Everyone under the desk." He instructs, his monocle falling to the ground in shock.

2021-05-27, 10:58 PM
She visibly inspects you.

"I didn't see any of the sorcerers magic impact you, so I'll leave to you, would you like to go to the infirmly."

Morrigan gives her an odd look. "I'm not really hurt, it just took me off-guard. Thanks for the save."

2021-05-27, 11:02 PM
"Oh. Well, if it's difficult, I'd rather you not try after straining yourself so much. If it were easy there would have been no reason for me to give you my dress!" Floris reminds her. "When the curtain of darkness comes down, the eyes of the underworld will open," she says casually.

2021-05-27, 11:08 PM
Pretty sure, yes. There is some crazy magic stuff going on. But our first sorceress is helping, hence the nobody dying.

Brooklyn turns to look over at Mary. She smiles.

Hi. Came to make sure you get through it okay.

2021-05-27, 11:08 PM
Sophia sighed. Of course this was going to be hard. And it wasn't like she was a psychologist or anything... "Okay, so..." she said, thinking a moment before snapping her fingers, conjuring a little stress ball in the shape of a star on the ground right in front of Ms. Shawels. "Grab that and squeeze, see if it helps. If it does, maybe try sitting up?" she suggested, hoping she could at least get the woman to just look around and see that nothing was happening anymore.

She squeezes it so hard, it seems it might break. "I.... think I'm a little calmer now...." She remarks looking at the ground.

Morrigan gives her an odd look. "I'm not really hurt, it just took me off-guard. Thanks for the save."

"Alright, I shall leave you to your friends. Farewell." She beams before walking off.

"Oh. Well, if it's difficult, I'd rather you not try after straining yourself so much. If it were easy there would have been no reason for me to give you my dress!" Floris reminds her. "When the curtain of darkness comes down, the eyes of the underworld will open," she says casually.

Maya focuses for a moment, but instead of a dress out pops a shirt.

Sorry, object creation is hard.

2021-05-27, 11:09 PM
Pretty sure, yes. There is some crazy magic stuff going on. But our first sorceress is helping, hence the nobody dying.

Brooklyn turns to look over at Mary. She smiles.

Hi. Came to make sure you get through it okay.

"I hope you don't think I'll need therapy~" She teasingly winks getting up out of her seat.

2021-05-27, 11:13 PM
Only for a bad romance... hopefully not because of me.

2021-05-27, 11:14 PM
"I'm really fine," Floris insists, but holds the shirt. "I'll treasure it always, thank you. If you're feeling better, Miss, we should all get somewhere safe!"

2021-05-27, 11:20 PM
Only for a bad romance... hopefully not because of me.

"Oh girl, if it was going to be that, it'd already have happened?"

"I'm really fine," Floris insists, but holds the shirt. "I'll treasure it always, thank you. If you're feeling better, Miss, we should all get somewhere safe!"

"I mean I'm pretty sure we are safe.... I'm not pumped full of adrenaline right now, so I have control of my powers." The blonde points out.

2021-05-27, 11:26 PM
With a quirked smile of her mouth, Brooklyn winks at her.

We have world enough and time, for that.

2021-05-27, 11:33 PM
She squeezes it so hard, it seems it might break. "I.... think I'm a little calmer now...." She remarks looking at the ground.
"Good, that's good," Sophia says, trying not to sound impatient. "Now, maybe sit up, and take a look around? You'll see, nothing's going on anymore, and there's nothing to worry about. The crane damaged the building some, but nobody's hurt, and everybody's calm and acting perfectly normal."

I mean, do you really think that I'd be here, trying to calm you down, if there was still more important, dangerous stuff going down? she couldn't help thinking to herself.

2021-05-27, 11:38 PM
With a quirked smile of her mouth, Brooklyn winks at her.

We have world enough and time, for that.

"How are you doing? Handling the big change okay?" Mary asks with a warm sigh.

"Good, that's good," Sophia says, trying not to sound impatient. "Now, maybe sit up, and take a look around? You'll see, nothing's going on anymore, and there's nothing to worry about. The crane damaged the building some, but nobody's hurt, and everybody's calm and acting perfectly normal."

I mean, do you really think that I'd be here, trying to calm you down, if there was still more important, dangerous stuff going down? she couldn't help thinking to herself.

"Are you sure the sorceress didn't damage the building?" Ms.Shawels asks nervously

2021-05-27, 11:45 PM
"How are you doing? Handling the big change okay?" Mary asks with a warm sigh.

No. I don't know what is going to happen. But I know it is coming, and it still scares me.

She uses the remains of her cigarette to light another without having to pull out her lighter.

I don't know what to do, but what really terrifies me is having to do it alone...

2021-05-28, 01:14 AM
No. I don't know what is going to happen. But I know it is coming, and it still scares me.

She uses the remains of her cigarette to light another without having to pull out her lighter.

I don't know what to do, but what really terrifies me is having to do it alone...

"Anything I can do to help?" Mary offers cautiously.

2021-05-28, 08:21 AM
Brooklyn smiles at Mary. She reaches out and touches the girl’s cheek.

Thats sweet of you to ask. But the cards are hazy on this. I sense that someone will be there, but I do not see any details.

She moves her hand to brush back a stray lock of Mary’s hair.

But. I... I do hope you will be there.

2021-05-28, 03:44 PM
"Are you sure the sorceress didn't damage the building?" Ms.Shawels asks nervously
"Yes - I watched everything happen. It was the crane hitting it that did the damage." Sophia said confidently. Sure, technically the blonde girl had knocked the falling crane aside into the building, but somehow she suspected the subtle nuance of "she was keeping it from landing on her head" as a reason for that would be lost on Ms. Shawels, so she left that detail out.

2021-05-28, 09:59 PM
Brooklyn smiles at Mary. She reaches out and touches the girl’s cheek.

Thats sweet of you to ask. But the cards are hazy on this. I sense that someone will be there, but I do not see any details.

She moves her hand to brush back a stray lock of Mary’s hair.

But. I... I do hope you will be there.

"You flatter me~" Mary blushes as you touch her hair.

"Yes - I watched everything happen. It was the crane hitting it that did the damage." Sophia said confidently. Sure, technically the blonde girl had knocked the falling crane aside into the building, but somehow she suspected the subtle nuance of "she was keeping it from landing on her head" as a reason for that would be lost on Ms. Shawels, so she left that detail out.

[You are TECHNICALLY not lying. The best kind of not lying. Due to Ms.Shawels scattered brain right now, I will not require a check.]

"Oh.....Any idea why the crane attacked the building?" Ms.Shawels says shakily.

2021-05-28, 10:07 PM
And you...

Brooklyn suddenly remembers where she is. She starts to blush as she yanks her hand back.

Sorry... Sorry....

And without another word, she jumps out the window.

2021-05-28, 11:20 PM
[You are TECHNICALLY not lying. The best kind of not lying. Due to Ms.Shawels scattered brain right now, I will not require a check.]

"Oh.....Any idea why the crane attacked the building?" Ms.Shawels says shakily.
"Well, it fell, obviously," Sophia responded, shrugging. "I think Maya said she thinks the operator fell asleep at the wheel - or whatever cranes have - but I dunno how that works exactly. That's going to be a question for whatever construction company owns the thing to worry about more than us, right?" She offered Ms. Shawels her hand to help her stand up.

2021-05-28, 11:20 PM
And you...

Brooklyn suddenly remembers where she is. She starts to blush as she yanks her hand back.

Sorry... Sorry....

And without another word, she jumps out the window.

Mary moves reflexively trying to stop Brooklyn from jumping.

"You're fine, you're fine. I'll help!" She ensures Brooklyn.

2021-05-28, 11:50 PM
No. I'm getting too intimate. I shouldn't. It's just...

2021-05-29, 07:49 AM
"I hope you're feeling better, teacher lady who follows Maya around!" Floris says chipperly to Ms. Shawels. "Hi, Sophia!"

2021-05-29, 10:23 PM
No. I'm getting too intimate. I shouldn't. It's just...

"It's fine. I'm choosing to help." Mary beams warmly.

"I hope you're feeling better, teacher lady who follows Maya around!" Floris says chipperly to Ms. Shawels. "Hi, Sophia!"

Ms.Shawel stands up as Sophia helps her to her feet. "Yes, yes. We should call the construction company and report an accident. That's something productive and helpful." She says clearly abit shaken still.

2021-05-29, 10:54 PM
Thank you, Mary.

She turns to look toward the scene of the whatever was going on out there.

Wanna go up to the roof and watch it all better?

2021-05-30, 01:02 AM
"I hope you're feeling better, teacher lady who follows Maya around!" Floris says chipperly to Ms. Shawels. "Hi, Sophia!"

Ms.Shawel stands up as Sophia helps her to her feet. "Yes, yes. We should call the construction company and report an accident. That's something productive and helpful." She says clearly abit shaken still.
"Hi Floris," Sophia responds, though she's obviously more focused on Ms. Shawels. "Yes, it certainly is. Do you have their number? You can probably get it from the crane operator if you don't. Actually, I wonder if he might've called already..." Sophia thinks aloud, looking over to see what, if anything, the man was up to.

2021-05-30, 03:14 PM
Thank you, Mary.

She turns to look toward the scene of the whatever was going on out there.

Wanna go up to the roof and watch it all better?

Mary extends her arm. "Lead the way"

"Hi Floris," Sophia responds, though she's obviously more focused on Ms. Shawels. "Yes, it certainly is. Do you have their number? You can probably get it from the crane operator if you don't. Actually, I wonder if he might've called already..." Sophia thinks aloud, looking over to see what, if anything, the man was up to.

The man is currently trying to slowly slink away while everyone's attention is focused elsewhere. What do you do?

2021-05-30, 05:44 PM
The man is currently trying to slowly slink away while everyone's attention is focused elsewhere. What do you do?
Sophia waves one hand a whips up a quick gust to discourage the man from leaving. "Woah there, buddy!" she says, flying over to him. "I know that thing isn't a car, but I'd bet that 'no leaving the scene of the accident' is still the way to go here, yeah?"

2021-05-30, 05:56 PM
Mary extends her arm. "Lead the way"

Brooklyn takes the arm and begins walking down the hall, looking for the stairs. Right this way, my lady.

2021-06-01, 01:54 AM
Episode 1 Scene 8

I think you get a sorcery teacher for a year, and if you want free therapy to make sure there's no trauma, but since you're an adult I think you can refuse the therapy. And if you want I'll teach you healing magic. Knowing it is a massive tax write off, tho you kinda are expected to help out if you see an injury. Maya comments to the short, now super strong blonde, whose name is Jessica.

Granted, based on how hard you punched, barely putting any magic into it. I'm pretty sure you're at the power level where you can tell the IRS to **** off. She muses out loud. To which the cops currently interviewing you about the incident roll their eyes at the blatant talk about illegality

Oh, and you get a free yearly week long trip to Hawaii, and if you decide to live there they'll pretty much pay you to live there. At this, she turns to the group.

Oh btw! I was thinking when we get our first vacation! She calls out loudly. Wanna come with me to Hawaii, I get to bring a few friends! She beams warmly.

"So. Tell me your view of what just happened?" The cops look down at all four of you.

Allure =d8 Make your best plea for them to arrest the crane operator. +3 VP with Maya

Skill =d6 Point out that there was no reason for the crane operator to be right next to the student lunch area and even if he tip the crane, he coulda ran some kid over. +2 VP with Maya

Luck =d4 Do something stupid, and don't get arrested. (They don't want to bug the sorceresses) +1 VP with Maya

2021-06-01, 07:51 AM
Floris pulls a full sewing kit out of her backpack and fixes Maya's clothes. "So how does this work, anyway? Whoever we blame the hardest is put in a room? That sounds like a fun game, depending on how long they're put in the room! My mother started a similar game with me, where if my chores aren't done by the time she's awake, I'm sent to the Death Chamber where I can only escape by solving a series of puzzles and riddles! Ooh! I have a riddle idea!" But she forgets all about her riddle idea when she realizes she's finished fixing Maya's clothes.
She jumps out of the interrogation room and runs right up to Maya, interrupting whatever she is doing. "Here you are, Maya! I fixed your clothes! It's thanks for how lovely you've been to me." And Floris hugs Maya tight.

Okay I'm going to use Non Sequitor to do the Luck roll with skill. With Overclock's penalty that's a total of -3. But Shrine Caretaker gives me +2 on making repairs, culture enthusiast on the idea of prison for another +1, and since I'm pretty clearly mothering Maya, Yamato Nadeshiko gives me another +2. Combined with my strong skill, I will be taking my -3 to a total of +3 meaning I cannot fail to get a 4 or higher on the d6.

tl;dr Using skill on the luck one to auto-succeed the 1 VP one.

2021-06-01, 04:13 PM
Brooklyn slinks away while the cops are talking to some of the others. Who cares about them anyway? Cops don't actually give a sh*t about most people.

Besides, there are far more... interesting things to be about.

Brooklyn walks along the side of the crane, and reaches down when she spots what she was looking for. Four cans of spray paint, in the colors used by construction workers to mark work sites and other things on concrete and pavement. She grabs them, and while she is fairly certain no one is looking, shoves three of them into her bag. With the fourth one, a sky blue can, she quickly sprays a tag she remembered seeing back in New York. No idea what it meant, but whatever. Something for the pigs to figure out, right?

She then leaves before someone points out the tag to the cops.

I mean I have to, right? Since I have it?

Neutral Luck. Screw the Police. Vulnerability. +4 total. Can't fail.

2021-06-03, 09:17 PM
Sophia jumped in, interrupting Floris as she was misunderstanding the cop's question. "No Floris, they just want to know what happened. And I can totally show you!" she said enthusiastically, and began explaining what she'd seen complete with conjured visual aids, including a little diorama of the area to show where she'd seen everyone relative to each other, and a miniature crane to show what it had looked like as it fell. "So, crane's falling, Maya's trying to keep the new sorceress - oh, right, Jessica - from tossing it and hurting someone by accident, so I decide, screw it, I can't get hurt as bad as the others, so I start using my magic to help," she describes, conjuring up winds in the diorama to show how she'd tried to reinforce Maya and push the others to safety. "Jessica still manages to toss the thing though, but it only goes into that building and breaks some windows. The driver's thrown clear and seems cut up, but I head over to help bandage him, and Maya healed him later, so he's fine. Jessica's still kind of panicking and flailing though, so we try to talk to her to calm her, and Maya gets her in an arm lock until she finally calms down. Then I had to go over and try to calm down Miss Shawels, who was freaking out at every little thing Maya and Jessica said, she seems to be terrified of sorceresses - though just them, not all magic, as she's never seemed scared of me. Go figure. That took a while, but when she was finally calm enough to stand up again, I saw that the crane driver was trying to slink away, so I went and stopped him from doing that. I dunno, I didn't see him fall asleep like Maya says, but that does make him kind of suspicious to me."

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, - 2 Overclock Burnout = +4 total.

2021-06-04, 10:27 PM
After the cops get her account of events, Morrigan checks herself over for injuries and finds a couple scrapes. She doesn't wanna bother Maya about it right now, especially since it's minor and she's talking shop with another sorceress, so she swivels her backpack around and starts digging through it looking for her first aid kit...but everything's gotten so jumbled! After a minute or two fruitlessly searching through it by feel, Morrigan decides to just start pulling things out until she finds it. As a small pile of stuff starts growing next to her, she jams her hand in to grab something else out.


Morrigan winces as everybody looks at her. "Accidental discharge, sorry...oh hey, there's the first aid kit." She pulls out a 9mm pistol and quickly unloads the ammunition before setting it aside. She doesn't keep it loaded in her backpack, but when things jumbled...urgh this is gonna make it hard to keep herself safe...

She takes the first aid kit out and starts bandaging her now more serious leg wound.

Luck. Strong roll 1 + Accident-Prone 2 + Vulnerable 2 = +5.

2021-06-04, 10:52 PM
Floris pulls a full sewing kit out of her backpack and fixes Maya's clothes. "So how does this work, anyway? Whoever we blame the hardest is put in a room? That sounds like a fun game, depending on how long they're put in the room! My mother started a similar game with me, where if my chores aren't done by the time she's awake, I'm sent to the Death Chamber where I can only escape by solving a series of puzzles and riddles! Ooh! I have a riddle idea!" But she forgets all about her riddle idea when she realizes she's finished fixing Maya's clothes.
She jumps out of the interrogation room and runs right up to Maya, interrupting whatever she is doing. "Here you are, Maya! I fixed your clothes! It's thanks for how lovely you've been to me." And Floris hugs Maya tight.

Okay I'm going to use Non Sequitor to do the Luck roll with skill. With Overclock's penalty that's a total of -3. But Shrine Caretaker gives me +2 on making repairs, culture enthusiast on the idea of prison for another +1, and since I'm pretty clearly mothering Maya, Yamato Nadeshiko gives me another +2. Combined with my strong skill, I will be taking my -3 to a total of +3 meaning I cannot fail to get a 4 or higher on the d6.

tl;dr Using skill on the luck one to auto-succeed the 1 VP one.

Maya hugs Floris tight. Thank you! She beamed warmly.

Brooklyn slinks away while the cops are talking to some of the others. Who cares about them anyway? Cops don't actually give a sh*t about most people.

Besides, there are far more... interesting things to be about.

Brooklyn walks along the side of the crane, and reaches down when she spots what she was looking for. Four cans of spray paint, in the colors used by construction workers to mark work sites and other things on concrete and pavement. She grabs them, and while she is fairly certain no one is looking, shoves three of them into her bag. With the fourth one, a sky blue can, she quickly sprays a tag she remembered seeing back in New York. No idea what it meant, but whatever. Something for the pigs to figure out, right?

She then leaves before someone points out the tag to the cops.

I mean I have to, right? Since I have it?

Neutral Luck. Screw the Police. Vulnerability. +4 total. Can't fail.

That's when Ms.Jelly (*a.k.a* Crystal) pops up next to you. "Oooo, nice sign. You practice that before?" She teases with a large grin thankfully quiet.

Sophia jumped in, interrupting Floris as she was misunderstanding the cop's question. "No Floris, they just want to know what happened. And I can totally show you!" she said enthusiastically, and began explaining what she'd seen complete with conjured visual aids, including a little diorama of the area to show where she'd seen everyone relative to each other, and a miniature crane to show what it had looked like as it fell. "So, crane's falling, Maya's trying to keep the new sorceress - oh, right, Jessica - from tossing it and hurting someone by accident, so I decide, screw it, I can't get hurt as bad as the others, so I start using my magic to help," she describes, conjuring up winds in the diorama to show how she'd tried to reinforce Maya and push the others to safety. "Jessica still manages to toss the thing though, but it only goes into that building and breaks some windows. The driver's thrown clear and seems cut up, but I head over to help bandage him, and Maya healed him later, so he's fine. Jessica's still kind of panicking and flailing though, so we try to talk to her to calm her, and Maya gets her in an arm lock until she finally calms down. Then I had to go over and try to calm down Miss Shawels, who was freaking out at every little thing Maya and Jessica said, she seems to be terrified of sorceresses - though just them, not all magic, as she's never seemed scared of me. Go figure. That took a while, but when she was finally calm enough to stand up again, I saw that the crane driver was trying to slink away, so I went and stopped him from doing that. I dunno, I didn't see him fall asleep like Maya says, but that does make him kind of suspicious to me."

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, - 2 Overclock Burnout = +4 total.

Sophia's display is amazing, but unfortunately interrupted by.....

After the cops get her account of events, Morrigan checks herself over for injuries and finds a couple scrapes. She doesn't wanna bother Maya about it right now, especially since it's minor and she's talking shop with another sorceress, so she swivels her backpack around and starts digging through it looking for her first aid kit...but everything's gotten so jumbled! After a minute or two fruitlessly searching through it by feel, Morrigan decides to just start pulling things out until she finds it. As a small pile of stuff starts growing next to her, she jams her hand in to grab something else out.


Morrigan winces as everybody looks at her. "Accidental discharge, sorry...oh hey, there's the first aid kit." She pulls out a 9mm pistol and quickly unloads the ammunition before setting it aside. She doesn't keep it loaded in her backpack, but when things jumbled...urgh this is gonna make it hard to keep herself safe...

She takes the first aid kit out and starts bandaging her now more serious leg wound.

Luck. Strong roll 1 + Accident-Prone 2 + Vulnerable 2 = +5.

Wait! You have a gun! Who the hell let you have a gun!? You're cursed! Maya breaks away from Floris to stomp over. "I'm confiscating this immediately! Maya remarks grabbing for the gun.

"Oh no! She has a gun, run!" Ms.Shawels shouts out.

I am literally less dangerous with a gun!

2021-06-04, 10:57 PM
Wait! You have a gun! Who the hell let you have a gun!? You're cursed! Maya breaks away from Floris to stomp over. "I'm confiscating this immediately! Maya remarks grabbing for the gun.

"Oh no! She has a gun, run!" Ms.Shawels shouts out.

I am literally less dangerous with a gun!

Morrigan protests. "I don't keep it loaded, the ammo must have slipped in! I have a right to defend myself!" >:V

2021-06-04, 11:04 PM
Morrigan protests. "I don't keep it loaded, the ammo must have slipped in! I have a right to defend myself!" >:V

The fact that it slipped in is more proof YOU specifically should not have a gun!

2021-06-04, 11:07 PM
The fact that it slipped in is more proof YOU specifically should not have a gun!

"I can keep the ammo somewhere it can't slip in!"

2021-06-04, 11:07 PM
"I can keep the ammo somewhere it can't slip in!"

"With your luck? Where is that, the moon?"

2021-06-04, 11:14 PM
Floris frowns. She doesn't really understand this "gun" thing, it looks small but it sure seems like it makes a loud noise! Still, it's something that certainly seems to be upsetting Maya! And when someone is upset, Floris knows what to do!
"Let's go to my family home! I can make brownies for everyone!" Floris suggests.

2021-06-04, 11:31 PM
That's when Ms.Jelly (*a.k.a* Crystal) pops up next to you. "Oooo, nice sign. You practice that before?" She teases with a large grin thankfully quiet.

Used to live in Brownsville. Some of these tags are only still around for murals, but to the right people, some of these won't ever fade away.

She pulls out her cigarettes, and taps the bottom so a couple of them pop up from the pack. She pulls one out for herself and then holds the pack out so the other girl can take one.

After she lights her cigarette(s) and puts everything away, she starts talking again.

You might get out, but you never leave the projects, know what I'm saying?

2021-06-04, 11:52 PM
Floris frowns. She doesn't really understand this "gun" thing, it looks small but it sure seems like it makes a loud noise! Still, it's something that certainly seems to be upsetting Maya! And when someone is upset, Floris knows what to do!
"Let's go to my family home! I can make brownies for everyone!" Floris suggests.

How far away do you live? Maya asks raising an eyebrow

Used to live in Brownsville. Some of these tags are only still around for murals, but to the right people, some of these won't ever fade away.

She pulls out her cigarettes, and taps the bottom so a couple of them pop up from the pack. She pulls one out for herself and then holds the pack out so the other girl can take one.

After she lights her cigarette(s) and puts everything away, she starts talking again.

You might get out, but you never leave the projects, know what I'm saying?

"Sorry no, I'm a native through and through." Crystal smiles warmly.

2021-06-05, 12:02 AM
"Not far by carriage – perhaps a quarter day's travel," Floris says happily.

2021-06-05, 12:02 AM
Well we can't all be. Nothing wrong with that.

She surreptitiously checks Crystal out, and then goes on. So. What can I do for you?

2021-06-05, 11:43 AM
"Not far by carriage – perhaps a quarter day's travel," Floris says happily.

So.... 2 to 3 hours each way? Floris, I have classes

Well we can't all be. Nothing wrong with that.

She surreptitiously checks Crystal out, and then goes on. So. What can I do for you?

"Teach me how to do those~" Crystal grins mischievously

2021-06-05, 11:54 AM
The reading? Or the tagging?

With another puff of smoke, Brooklyn goes on.

Because for one, you have to have a glimpse of the Sight. And the other... is not for wannabes.

2021-06-05, 12:51 PM
"How about over the weekend?" Floris asks. "Please, my family would love to meet you."

2021-06-05, 04:53 PM
"Uh, yeah, maybe not the time Floris," Sophia says, shaking off her shock from what had just happened. "Maya, you can heal her, right? I don't think a gunshot wound is something you just want bandages for," she remarks, clearly worried about Morrigan.

"And, um, Morrigan? I dunno much about guns, but from what I've heard, aren't they supposed to have something called a safety, that would keep it from firing even if the bullets 'fell into it' somehow? Because if your luck made even something like that fail too, then yeah, it's just a really bad idea for you to have one of those."

2021-06-06, 12:05 AM
"Uh, yeah, maybe not the time Floris," Sophia says, shaking off her shock from what had just happened. "Maya, you can heal her, right? I don't think a gunshot wound is something you just want bandages for," she remarks, clearly worried about Morrigan.

"And, um, Morrigan? I dunno much about guns, but from what I've heard, aren't they supposed to have something called a safety, that would keep it from firing even if the bullets 'fell into it' somehow? Because if your luck made even something like that fail too, then yeah, it's just a really bad idea for you to have one of those."

"That still won't be a problem if I just keep the ammo in another pocket so that when big stuff happens it can't slip in. Besides it's not like anybody besides me is gonna get shot if something goes wrong."

2021-06-06, 12:15 AM
The reading? Or the tagging?

With another puff of smoke, Brooklyn goes on.

Because for one, you have to have a glimpse of the Sight. And the other... is not for wannabes.

"I'm no wananbe!" Crystal assures Brooklyn

"How about over the weekend?" Floris asks. "Please, my family would love to meet you."

Everyone's invited, right? Maya hints

"Uh, yeah, maybe not the time Floris," Sophia says, shaking off her shock from what had just happened. "Maya, you can heal her, right? I don't think a gunshot wound is something you just want bandages for," she remarks, clearly worried about Morrigan.

"And, um, Morrigan? I dunno much about guns, but from what I've heard, aren't they supposed to have something called a safety, that would keep it from firing even if the bullets 'fell into it' somehow? Because if your luck made even something like that fail too, then yeah, it's just a really bad idea for you to have one of those."

Yeah, got to agree with Sophia here. Maya lets out looking at Morrigan's shin as she kneels by her laying a hand on it as her other hand goes for the gun.

"That still won't be a problem if I just keep the ammo in another pocket so that when big stuff happens it can't slip in. Besides it's not like anybody besides me is gonna get shot if something goes wrong."

How would you feel about a protection spell instead, I'd trust my magic, sooner then I'd trust your luck with a gun.

2021-06-06, 12:18 AM
"Uh... what do you mean everybody? I don’t think they’d all fit..." Floris thought of how many people there must be. It was a lot. Probably thousands.

2021-06-06, 12:22 AM
If that were true, you wouldn't be asking about me teaching you tags. You would already have one from wherever you were from, and you would know better than to...

Brooklyn stops, not wanting to reveal too much.

2021-06-06, 12:28 AM
"Uh... what do you mean everybody? I don’t think they’d all fit..." Floris thought of how many people there must be. It was a lot. Probably thousands.

Maya giggles
I meant, Brooklyn, Sophia, Morrigan. She beams

If that were true, you wouldn't be asking about me teaching you tags. You would already have one from wherever you were from, and you would know better than to...

Brooklyn stops, not wanting to reveal too much.

"Ohhhh, do tell~" Crystal grins wildly.

2021-06-06, 12:34 AM
I am sorry, but I have paid my dues for the right to paint these tags. I have no idea what street cred you have.

2021-06-06, 12:41 AM
"Of course!" Floris says, only flinching a little at Maya saying “Brooklyn.”

2021-06-07, 12:59 AM
I am sorry, but I have paid my dues for the right to paint these tags. I have no idea what street cred you have.

"Who could possibly know these streets better then me." Crystal points out.

"Of course!" Floris says, only flinching a little at Maya saying “Brooklyn.”

Sounds lovely. Maya beams

2021-06-07, 10:28 AM
Yeah... That's not street cred.

2021-06-07, 09:58 PM
"That still won't be a problem if I just keep the ammo in another pocket so that when big stuff happens it can't slip in. Besides it's not like anybody besides me is gonna get shot if something goes wrong."
"Right, because it's so much less likely that your luck could cause a hole to open in whatever other pocket you put the ammo in than that it would do anything else that it does," Sophia remarks. "And even if you were the only one at risk - which, given everything else we've seen your luck do, I don't think you can really say you are - you are way too nonchalant about getting shot, girl! You're not some bullet-proof sorcerer here, that could kill you," she said, gesturing to Morrigan's wound.

Yeah, got to agree with Sophia here. Maya lets out looking at Morrigan's shin as she kneels by her laying a hand on it as her other hand goes for the gun.
Sophia breathed a sigh of relief as Maya went to heal Morrigan's wound. At least someone was taking this seriously.

How would you feel about a protection spell instead, I'd trust my magic, sooner then I'd trust your luck with a gun.
"Oh, for sure," Sophia agreed.

2021-06-07, 11:15 PM
Yeah... That's not street cred.

Wait... You really don't have any idea what I am talking about, do you?

Brooklyn grinned wickedly. She pulled her cigarettes out again and lit a new one, then she held the pack out to Crystal.


2021-06-09, 12:16 AM
"Right, because it's so much less likely that your luck could cause a hole to open in whatever other pocket you put the ammo in than that it would do anything else that it does," Sophia remarks. "And even if you were the only one at risk - which, given everything else we've seen your luck do, I don't think you can really say you are - you are way too nonchalant about getting shot, girl! You're not some bullet-proof sorcerer here, that could kill you," she said, gesturing to Morrigan's wound.

"It's only a flesh wound..." she grumbles, but looks away.

2021-06-09, 12:29 AM
"Right, because it's so much less likely that your luck could cause a hole to open in whatever other pocket you put the ammo in than that it would do anything else that it does," Sophia remarks. "And even if you were the only one at risk - which, given everything else we've seen your luck do, I don't think you can really say you are - you are way too nonchalant about getting shot, girl! You're not some bullet-proof sorcerer here, that could kill you," she said, gesturing to Morrigan's wound.

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief as Maya went to heal Morrigan's wound. At least someone was taking this seriously.

"Oh, for sure," Sophia agreed.

Sophia does see a bit of earth, seem to pluck Morrigan's gun away from her.

Wait... You really don't have any idea what I am talking about, do you?

Brooklyn grinned wickedly. She pulled her cigarettes out again and lit a new one, then she held the pack out to Crystal.


"Isn't that dangerous to my health, and addictive besides?" Crystal replies. Like a good girl.

"It's only a flesh wound..." she grumbles, but looks away.

We're concerned for your safety~ Maya replies softly.

2021-06-09, 05:28 PM
"Your blood is pretty!" Floris compliments Morrigan.

2021-06-09, 06:56 PM
"Isn't that dangerous to my health, and addictive besides?" Crystal replies. Like a good girl.

So what if it is? You gonna be a goody goody your whole life? Or are you gonna cut loose for a while, and live before you get burdened down by a career and the average 2.4 kids and a husband who will go behind your back for the secretary?

2021-06-10, 10:55 PM
Episode 1 scene 9 A magical meeting

Thankfully the crane operator is swiftly arrested, and you all settle into a nice easy couple of weeks. Class in the morning, "party" at night.

Everything seems normal, during one misty day.

So apparently our college is damn weird and we got a vacation coming up in a couple of weeks. I haven't used my sorcerer Hawaii trip this year, and I can bring a few friends. Do you want to come with?

Tropical wonderland of fun. All expenses paid! Sounds fun!

Make your roll of choice to show just how funny Hawaii will be. +3 VP

Oh, and this is the last scene of the episode, so please make sure all your abilities are in the used up position.

2021-06-11, 12:31 AM
Floris was already pulling a blue cake out of the oven, with eight green, grass-colored sections rising out of it in the shape of the Hawai'ian islands. She had made a Hawaii cake. She shoved it in front of them and cut perfectly shaped cake slices without dripping frosting, creating perfect plates of cake for all of them, that one might find in an advertisement as she plopped the plates right in front of everybody. "Oh, I am ready!" She declares. "I have read up on Hawaii! There we can find the Night Marchers, or Huaka'i Po! They're spirits of ancient warriors who continue protecting the island in patrols at night! According to legend, if you look one in the eye, you join their ranks and march with them for eternity!" Floris exclaims happily. She sits next to Maya, her excitement bubbling. "Here, you have to taste it!" And she forcibly feeds Sophia a bite of cake. It's good!

Floris bonuses

Allure +0!
Morning Person! +2
Culture Enthusiast +1
Baking a Hawaii cake (Yamato Nadeshiko) +2
You know I’m butting in +2
Maiden’s Garb cuz I bake with full funerary clothes including veil +2



2021-06-13, 09:10 PM
"A free trip to Hawaii? Who'd be crazy enough to turn that down?" Sophia answered enthusiastically. "Ooo, I can't wait to get to attend a real luau! I bet I could be a pretty good hula dancer," she said, and with a snap of her fingers her clothes changed into a skimpy hula outfit - sandals, coconut bra, grass skirt down to her knees, and a necklace, crown, and wristbands all made of flowers. At the same time, she'd changed her body just a bit, shrinking her bust to a more average size, but enlarging her hips, the better to go with a hula dance. She gave Maya a wink and started to do her best approximation of how she'd always seen hula dances portrayed. "What about you Maya? Think you'd like to learn to hula too?"

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1 = +2 total.
Yeah, if Floris is actually getting all that, I can't compete with it given all my resources are used and I have no knowledge of how to use Appealing Form with Maya yet - and I expect a similar modifier from Morrigan anyway. So just doing something fun, and maybe fishing to see if I can get a reaction from Maya. Need to figure out how to use Appealing Form with her sometime if it's going to be a useful ability.

Also, episode ending on scene 9 instead of 10? There's a surprise.

2021-06-13, 10:35 PM
Brooklyn spends a few days thinking about it. She consults her cards, the leaves from tea with Mary.

She finds a shop in town (finally) and consults the patron, an old voodoo witch.

All the signs are the same. She makes up her mind, but on the way to tell Maya, buys a white flower. Not even sure of why, just that something tells her to do it.

She is almost back to the campus when it happens. The bells of a church ring as she comes upon the front doors. They open.

Maya, passing by a few hours later, comes upon the flower. She somehow knows it is for her, but she can't figure out why.

And of Brooklyn...

There is no sign.

I also can't compete with the +11. So I am opting to use my second use of Truant to just skip it.

2021-06-15, 09:50 AM
Morrigan approaches Maya, looking a little flustered. "Uh...can I ask a favor? Surfing looks real fun, but it's one of those things that I've never felt comfortable trying out, cuz of...but with you here, things can't go so wrong? I don't wanna impose, though..."

Allure. Strong roll 1, total +1.

2021-06-16, 10:29 PM
Floris watches Sophia dance with rapt interest. "Oh my... and... what do you call this?"

2021-06-16, 11:49 PM
Floris was already pulling a blue cake out of the oven, with eight green, grass-colored sections rising out of it in the shape of the Hawai'ian islands. She had made a Hawaii cake. She shoved it in front of them and cut perfectly shaped cake slices without dripping frosting, creating perfect plates of cake for all of them, that one might find in an advertisement as she plopped the plates right in front of everybody. "Oh, I am ready!" She declares. "I have read up on Hawaii! There we can find the Night Marchers, or Huaka'i Po! They're spirits of ancient warriors who continue protecting the island in patrols at night! According to legend, if you look one in the eye, you join their ranks and march with them for eternity!" Floris exclaims happily. She sits next to Maya, her excitement bubbling. "Here, you have to taste it!" And she forcibly feeds Sophia a bite of cake. It's good!

Floris bonuses

Allure +0!
Morning Person! +2
Culture Enthusiast +1
Baking a Hawaii cake (Yamato Nadeshiko) +2
You know I’m butting in +2
Maiden’s Garb cuz I bake with full funerary clothes including veil +2



When do I get a taste? Maya grinned leaning her elbow on the table, head in her hand as she opened her mouth.

"A free trip to Hawaii? Who'd be crazy enough to turn that down?" Sophia answered enthusiastically. "Ooo, I can't wait to get to attend a real luau! I bet I could be a pretty good hula dancer," she said, and with a snap of her fingers her clothes changed into a skimpy hula outfit - sandals, coconut bra, grass skirt down to her knees, and a necklace, crown, and wristbands all made of flowers. At the same time, she'd changed her body just a bit, shrinking her bust to a more average size, but enlarging her hips, the better to go with a hula dance. She gave Maya a wink and started to do her best approximation of how she'd always seen hula dances portrayed. "What about you Maya? Think you'd like to learn to hula too?"

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1 = +2 total.
Yeah, if Floris is actually getting all that, I can't compete with it given all my resources are used and I have no knowledge of how to use Appealing Form with Maya yet - and I expect a similar modifier from Morrigan anyway. So just doing something fun, and maybe fishing to see if I can get a reaction from Maya. Need to figure out how to use Appealing Form with her sometime if it's going to be a useful ability.

Also, episode ending on scene 9 instead of 10? There's a surprise.

Maya turns from Floris Where's the orange skin of a true lava nymph, and the pointy ears. She critiques, giggling to show she's teasing.

Morrigan approaches Maya, looking a little flustered. "Uh...can I ask a favor? Surfing looks real fun, but it's one of those things that I've never felt comfortable trying out, cuz of...but with you here, things can't go so wrong? I don't wanna impose, though..."

Allure. Strong roll 1, total +1.

That sounds lovely, and it's a wonderful.... Maya starts before gasping in complete shock.

No.....no no no..... She starts rubbing her temples.

Brooklyn spends a few days thinking about it. She consults her cards, the leaves from tea with Mary.

She finds a shop in town (finally) and consults the patron, an old voodoo witch.

All the signs are the same. She makes up her mind, but on the way to tell Maya, buys a white flower. Not even sure of why, just that something tells her to do it.

She is almost back to the campus when it happens. The bells of a church ring as she comes upon the front doors. They open.

Maya, passing by a few hours later, comes upon the flower. She somehow knows it is for her, but she can't figure out why.

And of Brooklyn...

There is no sign.

I also can't compete with the +11. So I am opting to use my second use of Truant to just skip it.

....Who got me flowers?

2021-06-16, 11:53 PM
When do I get a taste? Maya grinned leaning her elbow on the table, head in her hand as she opened her mouth.

Floris smiles and feeds Maya as much as she wants. "I hope you like it."

2021-06-17, 12:11 AM
Maya turns from Floris Where's the orange skin of a true lava nymph, and the pointy ears. She critiques, giggling to show she's teasing.
Sophia briefly looked surprised at the remark, but then shrugged, and a second later had orange skin and pointed ears. "Hadn't heard of them, but ask and you shall receive," she replied with a wink, while continuing to dance. "No interest in joining me learning it though? I bet you could do some cool moves, mixing in a little water magic with the dance."

....Who got me flowers?
"I kinda assumed you'd know?" Sophia remarked in confusion.

Floris watches Sophia dance with rapt interest. "Oh my... and... what do you call this?"
Sophia looked quite surprised at that. "Have you never heard of the hula dance? I thought it was like, the most famous thing from Hawaii. It's a dance they do at parties called luaus there. I dunno if I'm doing it right, I've never been taught, but this is more or less how I've always seen it portrayed in shows and online."

2021-06-17, 12:19 AM
I hate you so much. You know that, don't you? I could have been in Hawaii right now, with my friends.

"There are things more important that friends. You were given the gift of the sight. It is something that you always had and always will have."

Yeah? Well, I wouldn't have ever known that, would I? Wait. What? I have no idea what you are talking about.

"Yes you do. You have kept a part alive with you all these years. You just didn't know it because you didn't know what your sight was. Or what it meant. Look inside, look behind. Look ahead."

The f**k does that mean?

"You may not understand now. But you will. Go in peace, child."

Brooklyn awakens outside the church. Not even sure of what day it is. All she knows is that she needs a smoke. She doesn't even bother to get up, just lays on the ground outside the church smoking.

2021-06-17, 12:50 AM
Floris smiles and feeds Maya as much as she wants. "I hope you like it."

It tastes delicious. Maya assures her

Sophia briefly looked surprised at the remark, but then shrugged, and a second later had orange skin and pointed ears. "Hadn't heard of them, but ask and you shall receive," she replied with a wink, while continuing to dance. "No interest in joining me learning it though? I bet you could do some cool moves, mixing in a little water magic with the dance."

"I kinda assumed you'd know?" Sophia remarked in confusion.

Well, if I'm going to Hawaii anyway, I'd love to learn how to mix a little lava into my magic. She grins a dangerous but confident smile.

And no, I'm not sure, I just know this flower is for me.

I hate you so much. You know that, don't you? I could have been in Hawaii right now, with my friends.

"There are things more important that friends. You were given the gift of the sight. It is something that you always had and always will have."

Yeah? Well, I wouldn't have ever known that, would I? Wait. What? I have no idea what you are talking about.

"Yes you do. You have kept a part alive with you all these years. You just didn't know it because you didn't know what your sight was. Or what it meant. Look inside, look behind. Look ahead."

The f**k does that mean?

"You may not understand now. But you will. Go in peace, child."

Brooklyn awakens outside the church. Not even sure of what day it is. All she knows is that she needs a smoke. She doesn't even bother to get up, just lays on the ground outside the church smoking.

"Hello, miss are you alright?" A redheaded very short woman pipes up.

2021-06-17, 12:54 AM
Sophia looked quite surprised at that. "Have you never heard of the hula dance? I thought it was like, the most famous thing from Hawaii. It's a dance they do at parties called luaus there. I dunno if I'm doing it right, I've never been taught, but this is more or less how I've always seen it portrayed in shows and online."

"Hm? I thought the most famous thing about Hawaii was its resistance to American Imperialism and its army of ghost guardians."

It tastes delicious. Maya assures her

Floris pours Maya a glass of milk and offers her a sip. "Here, wash it down."

2021-06-17, 01:16 AM
Well, if I'm going to Hawaii anyway, I'd love to learn how to mix a little lava into my magic. She grins a dangerous but confident smile.

And no, I'm not sure, I just know this flower is for me.
"I... don't even know if lava magic's a thing. But even if it is, I think the water magic goes better with the hula. I mean, if we're on the beach anyway, nobody will mind if they get a little wet while dancing, right?" Sophia remarked suggestively.

As for the flower, she just shrugged.

"Hm? I thought the most famous thing about Hawaii was its resistance to American Imperialism and its army of ghost guardians."
Sophia just looks even more confused. "Uh, what resistance? Hawaii's a state. Has been for... well, I dunno exactly how long, history's not my best subject, but a really long time."

2021-06-17, 04:11 AM
That sounds lovely, and it's a wonderful.... Maya starts before gasping in complete shock.

No.....no no no..... She starts rubbing her temples.

What's wrong, Maya?" :smallfrown:

2021-06-17, 07:05 AM
[COLOR="#FF0000"]"Hello, miss are you alright?" A redheaded very short woman pipes up.

Yeah.... No.... I really don't know.

Brooklyn sits up.

You ever get the feeling where you aren't sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

2021-06-17, 07:14 AM
Floris didn't launch into an explanation of Hawaiian history as Maya seemed to be struggling. "Maya, do you need to lie down? Let me help you rest."

2021-06-18, 12:56 AM
"Hm? I thought the most famous thing about Hawaii was its resistance to American Imperialism and its army of ghost guardians."

Floris pours Maya a glass of milk and offers her a sip. "Here, wash it down."

Not ghost guardians but Lava Nymphs. Maya corrects.

"I... don't even know if lava magic's a thing. But even if it is, I think the water magic goes better with the hula. I mean, if we're on the beach anyway, nobody will mind if they get a little wet while dancing, right?" Sophia remarked suggestively.

As for the flower, she just shrugged.

Sophia just looks even more confused. "Uh, what resistance? Hawaii's a state. Has been for... well, I dunno exactly how long, history's not my best subject, but a really long time."

Hawaii's been a state for ten years. Maya comments offhandily. It was a whole big issue with their monarchy.

What's wrong, Maya?" :smallfrown:

Someone else is awakening on campus... Maya lets out.

Yeah.... No.... I really don't know.

Brooklyn sits up.

You ever get the feeling where you aren't sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

She comes over and pinches you, and it hurts.

2021-06-18, 01:18 PM
Hawaii's been a state for ten years. Maya comments offhandily. It was a whole big issue with their monarchy.
Sophia blinked. "Oh, right, duh. Sorry, brain fart there," she said, softly tapping her head with her fist, embarrassed.

Someone else is awakening on campus... Maya lets out.
"You're kidding," Sophia remarks in disbelief. "...wait, how can you tell? Are sorcerers like Jedi or something, you can all sense each other?"

2021-06-18, 02:13 PM
"We don't have time to talk about cheese!" Floris tells Sophia. "Maya, can you find this person? We need to help them before someone gets hurt!"

2021-06-18, 07:29 PM
She comes over and pinches you, and it hurts.


Brooklyn rubs the spot the girl pinched.

That hurt! She pinches the redhead back.

And that isn’t what I meant, anyway! I was being philosophical!

2021-06-19, 10:22 PM
Sophia blinked. "Oh, right, duh. Sorry, brain fart there," she said, softly tapping her head with her fist, embarrassed.

"You're kidding," Sophia remarks in disbelief. "...wait, how can you tell? Are sorcerers like Jedi or something, you can all sense each other?"

Not exactly. It requires you to be able to see the sorcerer, with my level of power and fine control I can see the liquids in you, even through solid brickwork. Maya explains.

"We don't have time to talk about cheese!" Floris tells Sophia. "Maya, can you find this person? We need to help them before someone gets hurt!"

I should be helping them. You really should be staying away. Maya points out.


Brooklyn rubs the spot the girl pinched.

That hurt! She pinches the redhead back.

And that isn’t what I meant, anyway! I was being philosophical!

"Oh....Then like dreaming how?" She asks wincing at the pinch~

2021-06-19, 11:42 PM
Not exactly. It requires you to be able to see the sorcerer, with my level of power and fine control I can see the liquids in you, even through solid brickwork. Maya explains.
"Ooh-kaay?" Sophia said slowly, confused. "Not sure how that turns into you being able to tell someone's awakening now, though."

I should be helping them. You really should be staying away. Maya points out.
"Floris maybe. And Morrigan definitely," she said, shooting an apologetic look at the luckless girl. "But I might be able to help. I might be no sorcerer, but I've got magic too, and we genies can recover from worse than most people."

2021-06-19, 11:45 PM
"Don't be silly," Floris says, hiking her skirts to stand. She offers Maya a hand up. "Of course I'll come help. Worst case scenario, I die," she points out chipperly.

2021-06-20, 12:04 AM
"Oh....Then like dreaming how?" She asks wincing at the pinch~

I just.... experienced something.... In there... She gestures toward the church with her cigarette.

Only... not in there. In here. She points to her head, and then to the center of her chest.

And here.

2021-06-20, 11:45 AM
"Don't be silly," Floris says, hiking her skirts to stand. She offers Maya a hand up. "Of course I'll come help. Worst case scenario, I die," she points out chipperly.
"Uh, yeah. That's kinda the worst case scenario," Sophia comments stunned by that remark.

2021-06-20, 02:10 PM
"So we're all in agreement! Nothing that bad can happen!" Floris stuck out the offered hand to Maya insistently.

2021-06-20, 07:19 PM
"Ooh-kaay?" Sophia said slowly, confused. "Not sure how that turns into you being able to tell someone's awakening now, though."

"Floris maybe. And Morrigan definitely," she said, shooting an apologetic look at the luckless girl. "But I might be able to help. I might be no sorcerer, but I've got magic too, and we genies can recover from worse than most people."

I mean, I still don't want you getting hurt....

"Don't be silly," Floris says, hiking her skirts to stand. She offers Maya a hand up. "Of course I'll come help. Worst case scenario, I die," she points out chipperly.

"So we're all in agreement! Nothing that bad can happen!" Floris stuck out the offered hand to Maya insistently.

I for one would be very upset if you died.....But I suppose I can protect you. Maya starts waving her arms over you.

I just.... experienced something.... In there... She gestures toward the church with her cigarette.

Only... not in there. In here. She points to her head, and then to the center of her chest.

And here.

"I think they just call that religion...." The lady points out.

2021-06-20, 07:42 PM
Religion is bull. Just a bunch of old white guys telling everyone else how to live their lives according to how they want the world to work. No room in that world for lesbians, gays, trans folk or any one else’s culture that opposes that dogmatic, oppressive, misogynistic worldview.

Brooklyn sits up.

This was… different. Someone was speaking to me. In my head. And it wasn’t just a fragment of my id or whatever.

2021-06-20, 10:02 PM
"So we're all in agreement! Nothing that bad can happen!" Floris stuck out the offered hand to Maya insistently.
"Uh, no. Dying is kind of the worst thing that can happen to anyone," Sophia responded, still weirded out by Floris' remarks here. "And you don't really have anything protecting you from, well, anything..." she starts to say, just Maya starts casting a spell to help protect Floris. At which she shrugs, though she's clearly uncomfortable with the idea of Floris coming with them into danger.

I mean, I still don't want you getting hurt....
"And I don't want you getting hurt. And neither of us wants this new sorcerer or sorceress hurting anyone else. Best way to make sure no one gets hurt is to go help them, right?"

2021-06-20, 10:07 PM
"Don't be silly. Since death is merely a return to the status quo that existed before our birth, it's life itself that is the aberration. I have been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and have not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."

2021-06-22, 01:55 AM
Religion is bull. Just a bunch of old white guys telling everyone else how to live their lives according to how they want the world to work. No room in that world for lesbians, gays, trans folk or any one else’s culture that opposes that dogmatic, oppressive, misogynistic worldview.

Brooklyn sits up.

This was… different. Someone was speaking to me. In my head. And it wasn’t just a fragment of my id or whatever.

"There are other churches you know. And even some are less....domatic then then others."

"Uh, no. Dying is kind of the worst thing that can happen to anyone," Sophia responded, still weirded out by Floris' remarks here. "And you don't really have anything protecting you from, well, anything..." she starts to say, just Maya starts casting a spell to help protect Floris. At which she shrugs, though she's clearly uncomfortable with the idea of Floris coming with them into danger.

"And I don't want you getting hurt. And neither of us wants this new sorcerer or sorceress hurting anyone else. Best way to make sure no one gets hurt is to go help them, right?"

I'm going to be safe.

"Don't be silly. Since death is merely a return to the status quo that existed before our birth, it's life itself that is the aberration. I have been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and have not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."

Okay, yes. But you would have people who miss you.

2021-06-22, 07:56 AM
"Aww, that's sweet!" Floris said. "Let's go!"

2021-06-22, 08:07 PM
"Don't be silly. Since death is merely a return to the status quo that existed before our birth, it's life itself that is the aberration. I have been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and have not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
"That makes no sense..." Sophia says, dumbfounded.

I'm going to be safe.
"Maya, I was there with Jessica too you know," Sophia reminded her. "We both know that however tough you are, other sorcerers can hurt you. And another sorcerer is what we're talking about here."

2021-06-22, 09:04 PM
Its all church. Anyway, Brooklyn says tossing her cigarette away and holding out her hand.

Help me up? I’m Brooklyn, by the way.

2021-06-22, 11:20 PM
"Aww, that's sweet!" Floris said. "Let's go!"

You start to head down, Maya pretty much dragging you with her speed.

"That makes no sense..." Sophia says, dumbfounded.

"Maya, I was there with Jessica too you know," Sophia reminded her. "We both know that however tough you are, other sorcerers can hurt you. And another sorcerer is what we're talking about here."

We'll just scope out the situation, and take it slow. She says as you go out into the courtyard and you see Crystal shrieking in delight as she shifts from animal to animal. Though thankfully there's little destruction, however a flock of crows circles ominously

Its all church. Anyway, Brooklyn says tossing her cigarette away and holding out her hand.

Help me up? I’m Brooklyn, by the way.

"Carmen, it's a pleasure to meet you~" She pecks your hand~

2021-06-22, 11:25 PM
"Seems like there's nothing to worry about," Floris says happily upon seeing Crystal.

2021-06-22, 11:29 PM
That is very.... chivalrous of you to do, but seriously. Help me up.

It was when Carmen took her hand that it happened. Her sight flared to life. But not in the same way it had before. Before she needed the cards to see, to make sense of what it was in her third eye.

When it was over, Brooklyn froze for a moment, and then she pulled the girl in for a tender embrace.

I am sorry for your loss. I may not be able to replace her in your heart. But I can bring some happiness to balance out the sorrow. If you want me to.

2021-06-23, 03:43 PM
You start to head down, Maya pretty much dragging you with her speed.

We'll just scope out the situation, and take it slow. She says as you go out into the courtyard and you see Crystal shrieking in delight as she shifts from animal to animal. Though thankfully there's little destruction, however a flock of crows circles ominously
"Wow. Well, she doesn't seem to be hurting anyone. And at least this should mean she can stop being jealous of you and Jessica," Sophia remarked. Though she couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy herself, seeing Crystal shape-shifting into animal forms like that so easily right after awakening. "Still, it typically takes something dangerous to trigger an awakening, right? So... what happened?" she asked, looking around cautiously

2021-06-23, 10:37 PM
"Seems like there's nothing to worry about," Floris says happily upon seeing Crystal.

I'd like to know what made her awaken.... Maya muses

That is very.... chivalrous of you to do, but seriously. Help me up.

It was when Carmen took her hand that it happened. Her sight flared to life. But not in the same way it had before. Before she needed the cards to see, to make sense of what it was in her third eye.

When it was over, Brooklyn froze for a moment, and then she pulled the girl in for a tender embrace.

I am sorry for your loss. I may not be able to replace her in your heart. But I can bring some happiness to balance out the sorrow. If you want me to.

"Are you asking me out?" She grins but her eyes show fear at what you might know.

"Wow. Well, she doesn't seem to be hurting anyone. And at least this should mean she can stop being jealous of you and Jessica," Sophia remarked. Though she couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy herself, seeing Crystal shape-shifting into animal forms like that so easily right after awakening. "Still, it typically takes something dangerous to trigger an awakening, right? So... what happened?" she asked, looking around cautiously

That or personal tragedy. Could be a relative died.... Maya comments.

You do see a few students hanging about concerned, do you ask them?

2021-06-23, 10:40 PM
"Are you asking me out?" She grins but her eyes show fear at what you might know.

Just coffee. Let's sit down and talk, and see where it goes?

2021-06-23, 10:50 PM
Floris walks right up to Cyrstal and curtsies. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Floris Naretzah. I see you have sorcery powers. Maya is wondering how you got them!"

2021-06-23, 11:08 PM
That or personal tragedy. Could be a relative died.... Maya comments.

You do see a few students hanging about concerned, do you ask them?
"I guess that might be preferable to another crane falling on people, in some ways," Sophia remarks with a wince. "Maybe we should talk to her about it? Assuming she's not too excited to-"

"-aaand Floris is getting ahead of us on that," she remarked with a sigh as the other girl walked off in the middle of the conversation. She followed shortly after. "Yeah, yo Crystal. Maya felt another awakening happening, so we were worried something bad might be going down. Not seeing any damage like earlier with Jessica though, so that's good. Are you doing okay?"

2021-06-26, 09:28 PM
Just coffee. Let's sit down and talk, and see where it goes?

"Sounds lovely, you a local, or am I showing you around?" She grins

Floris walks right up to Cyrstal and curtsies. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Floris Naretzah. I see you have sorcery powers. Maya is wondering how you got them!"

[See below post]

"I guess that might be preferable to another crane falling on people, in some ways," Sophia remarks with a wince. "Maybe we should talk to her about it? Assuming she's not too excited to-"

"-aaand Floris is getting ahead of us on that," she remarked with a sigh as the other girl walked off in the middle of the conversation. She followed shortly after. "Yeah, yo Crystal. Maya felt another awakening happening, so we were worried something bad might be going down. Not seeing any damage like earlier with Jessica though, so that's good. Are you doing okay?"

"Oh, I just climbed to the top of that really tall tree and jumped off. The physical danger awoke my powers." Crystal beamed happily, to Maya's horrified gaze.

2021-06-26, 10:23 PM
Brooklyn hooks her arm around the other girl's as she rests her head on Carmen's shoulder.

Whatever you want to show me is fine with me...

2021-06-26, 10:45 PM
"Neat trick!" Floris says. "Will you be joining us in Hawai'i?"

2021-06-27, 09:57 AM
"Oh, I just climbed to the top of that really tall tree and jumped off. The physical danger awoke my powers." Crystal beamed happily, to Maya's horrified gaze.
Sophia's jaw dropped - literally to the ground, like something out of a cartoon. She picked it back up, and said, "Crystal, are you crazy?! You could've killed yourself doing that! Heck, even with you being insanely lucky and actually having sorcerer powers, I think you could still be seriously hurt doing something like that! I don't think all sorcerers have Maya's Superman-esque toughness. Are you okay? No aches or pains, even small ones? Adrenaline could be keeping you from feeling much even if you broke something, you know." Sophia looked very concerned.

2021-07-05, 01:04 PM
Episode 2 Scene 1 (I Lava the beach)

It is late September, you are all ready with your suitcases, explanation to parents, and other beach attire.

But drama has struck! While you wait to depart the campus, someone bumped into Maya and sleight of handed the tickets off of her. As well as her phone!

Okay, so I could probably prove to the ticket agents that yes I'm a sorceress, but I'd rather not flood the airport to do so. And I like my phone it has things on it I need.

Allure =Talk to people on the campus get them to let you know if any of their friends have sticky fingers. +3 VP with Maya.

Conflict =Intimidate people by pointing out, WHY WOULD YOU PICKPOCKET A GODDESS? +3 VP with Maya.

Luck =The Moron trips over you. +3 VP with Maya.

2021-07-05, 06:17 PM
Sophia was up bright and early that day, eager to get to their Hawaiian vacation. So when Maya discovered the tickets had been lost and suspected thievery, she wasted no time. "Be right back - I think I know someone who could be able to help," she remarked, flying off at top speed. She had a friend from High School who was a real social butterfly and aspiring journalist, Emily - even if she didn't know who the prime suspect would be, she'd probably know who would know.

As she flew off to find her, she shifted her appearance - Emily had a weakness for tomboys, so whenever she wanted her undivided attention fast, it was always a good idea to look and act the part. She shifted her pants to a blue reminiscent of blue jeans, shifted her top into a tied-off t-shirt a bit like Brooklyn tended to wear but minus the sleeves (and plus a Hawaiian pattern), shortened her hair dramatically, shrunk her chest, and gave herself just a bit of noticeable muscle. When she found Emily, the shorter girl was speaking with a few people Sophia didn't recognize. With most people she'd assume they were Emily's classmates, but with Emily, who knows who they could be? Still, it was easy enough to Emily's attention by blowing a quick, clearly unnatural gust of wind through her long hair, and she flew up and put one arm around her friend's shoulder, not caring that was she was interrupting. "Hey, babe, got a question for you," she remarked, suddenly chewing something as she did (it was bubblegum, but for all Emily knew it could be chewing tobacco). "Know anyone around campus dumb enough to steal from a sorceress? Maybe they don't like 'em, maybe they just really wanted some free tickets to Hawaii? Maya's in a bit of a jam, seems her tickets for the trip got swiped, and I figured you might know enough people around here by now to know who we ought to be checking on first. Or at least know who might know, y'know?"

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Appealing Form +2, Overclock +2 = +10 total.

2021-07-05, 06:32 PM
"Don’t worry, Maya!" Floris opened up her suitcase. "My parents got me a brand new phone to call them with while I’m here, and you can use it whenever you like!" She pulled a phone from her suitcase.

I’m going hard on luck here. Which due to overwhatever is a flat -2. But with nonsequitor I’d like to make it a Skill roll, at the price of a -1 penalty, bringing the total to a -2.

2021-07-05, 09:34 PM
Brooklyn is lounging nearby, one foot propped up as she leans against the wall.

She doesn't help in the search, since she knows she can't help. All will be found, and all will be well.

Those nearby hear the sound of her fiddling with the zippo's case, flipping it open and closed.

Open and closed.

Occasionally, she lights it to smoke another cigarette.

Luck, Personality Flip. -2 total.

2021-07-09, 05:07 PM
Morrigan is on edge. She's been having a surprisingly good day so far. She asks around about Maya's phone, but it seems people are avoiding her? That's kinda fair...

Allure. Strong roll 1, total +1.

2021-07-09, 11:04 PM
Nida just tries her best to... be acting 'regular' this time. How were others doing it...? Yeah, just ask around. But perhaps it was her odd mannerisms, or creepy stare but most likely noone would pay attention to the girl.

Allure: Weak Roll(-1), A Thousand Faces(Roll equals 1), Culture Enthusiast +2. Result = 2

2021-07-10, 05:38 PM
"Don’t worry, Maya!" Floris opened up her suitcase. "My parents got me a brand new phone to call them with while I’m here, and you can use it whenever you like!" She pulled a phone from her suitcase.

I’m going hard on luck here. Which due to overwhatever is a flat -2. But with nonsequitor I’d like to make it a Skill roll, at the price of a -1 penalty, bringing the total to a -2.

Maya raises an eyebrow

Um... but don't those phones need to be plugged into a sort of wire or something? She asks. Clearly Floris needs to show her how it works.

Brooklyn is lounging nearby, one foot propped up as she leans against the wall.

She doesn't help in the search, since she knows she can't help. All will be found, and all will be well.

Those nearby hear the sound of her fiddling with the zippo's case, flipping it open and closed.

Open and closed.

Occasionally, she lights it to smoke another cigarette.

Luck, Personality Flip. -2 total.

Hey. Brooklyn do you know how to use this phone? Maya calls over waving you down

Nida just tries her best to... be acting 'regular' this time. How were others doing it...? Yeah, just ask around. But perhaps it was her odd mannerisms, or creepy stare but most likely noone would pay attention to the girl.

Allure: Weak Roll(-1), A Thousand Faces(Roll equals 1), Culture Enthusiast +2. Result = 2

"Oh my gosh, are you an Alien!?" A chipper blonde girl goes up to you and grabs your hands happily.

Morrigan is on edge. She's been having a surprisingly good day so far. She asks around about Maya's phone, but it seems people are avoiding her? That's kinda fair...

Allure. Strong roll 1, total +1.

That's when you see an Alien having a blonde girl invade her personal space!

What does Morrigan do?

Sophia was up bright and early that day, eager to get to their Hawaiian vacation. So when Maya discovered the tickets had been lost and suspected thievery, she wasted no time. "Be right back - I think I know someone who could be able to help," she remarked, flying off at top speed. She had a friend from High School who was a real social butterfly and aspiring journalist, Emily - even if she didn't know who the prime suspect would be, she'd probably know who would know.

As she flew off to find her, she shifted her appearance - Emily had a weakness for tomboys, so whenever she wanted her undivided attention fast, it was always a good idea to look and act the part. She shifted her pants to a blue reminiscent of blue jeans, shifted her top into a tied-off t-shirt a bit like Brooklyn tended to wear but minus the sleeves (and plus a Hawaiian pattern), shortened her hair dramatically, shrunk her chest, and gave herself just a bit of noticeable muscle. When she found Emily, the shorter girl was speaking with a few people Sophia didn't recognize. With most people she'd assume they were Emily's classmates, but with Emily, who knows who they could be? Still, it was easy enough to Emily's attention by blowing a quick, clearly unnatural gust of wind through her long hair, and she flew up and put one arm around her friend's shoulder, not caring that was she was interrupting. "Hey, babe, got a question for you," she remarked, suddenly chewing something as she did (it was bubblegum, but for all Emily knew it could be chewing tobacco). "Know anyone around campus dumb enough to steal from a sorceress? Maybe they don't like 'em, maybe they just really wanted some free tickets to Hawaii? Maya's in a bit of a jam, seems her tickets for the trip got swiped, and I figured you might know enough people around here by now to know who we ought to be checking on first. Or at least know who might know, y'know?"

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Appealing Form +2, Overclock +2 = +10 total.

"Oh um.... hi..... Sophie" Emily blushes slightly. "Um.... Could be Nick, he was apparently arrested for petty larceny back in high school..... So which sorceress was stolen from. Was it Maya? Was someone that dumb?" She grins pulling out a notepad.

2021-07-10, 06:26 PM
Hey. Brooklyn do you know how to use this phone? Maya calls over waving you down.

I do. But it isn't portable. So the only way it would work right now would be if it connects to the Goddess Help Line. Should we see if it does?

2021-07-10, 06:35 PM
"Oh, no, netherworld no, this phone will only work after I set it up at the hotel. Why, did you need to make an immediate call?" Floris asks. "I was going to call my parents when we settled in, but you can call before me!"

2021-07-10, 07:00 PM
"Oh um.... hi..... Sophie" Emily blushes slightly. "Um.... Could be Nick, he was apparently arrested for petty larceny back in high school..... So which sorceress was stolen from. Was it Maya? Was someone that dumb?" She grins pulling out a notepad.
"Crazy that's even question you've gotta think about these days, isn't it?" Sophia remarked. "But yep, it's Maya, like I said."

"So, seen this Nick this morning? Or got a description so I could try to find him?"

2021-07-10, 07:27 PM
Are you aware, Brooklyn begins, pausing to light yet another cigarette. That we have mobile phones? Ones that don’t need to be plugged in to a phone line to work? And that the hotel would have a landline phone in your room?

2021-07-10, 08:30 PM
I do. But it isn't portable. So the only way it would work right now would be if it connects to the Goddess Help Line. Should we see if it does?

"Oh, no, netherworld no, this phone will only work after I set it up at the hotel. Why, did you need to make an immediate call?" Floris asks. "I was going to call my parents when we settled in, but you can call before me!"

Are you aware, Brooklyn begins, pausing to light yet another cigarette. That we have mobile phones? Ones that don’t need to be plugged in to a phone line to work? And that the hotel would have a landline phone in your room?

And I imagine the audio quality on the hotel phone would be several times better then this antique. Maya points out.

"Crazy that's even question you've gotta think about these days, isn't it?" Sophia remarked. "But yep, it's Maya, like I said."

"So, seen this Nick this morning? Or got a description so I could try to find him?"

"Try the biggest crowd of girls, he's always trying to pick up girls." Emily says distastefully.

2021-07-11, 12:51 AM
"Try the biggest crowd of girls, he's always trying to pick up girls." Emily says distastefully.
Sophia smirked at that. "Uh, Em, you do remember we're in college now, right? That's gonna be most of the guys around, and some of the girls," she pointed out.

2021-07-11, 12:55 AM
And I imagine the audio quality on the hotel phone would be several times better then this antique. Maya points out.

I don't know... If we get the Goddess Help Line, I would bet it comes in clear.

2021-07-11, 07:24 AM
"Antique? I already told you, it's brand new!" Floris said. "My family doesn't collect antiques."

2021-07-11, 03:39 PM
"Oh my gosh, are you an Alien!?" A chipper blonde girl goes up to you and grabs your hands happily.

Nida would blink at the person grabbing her hands. Someone was... grabbing her hands? Didn't that involve being familiar with person? Wasn't that a lewd act?

She'd start blushing and try to get her hands away from the person. "A-a-ah, yes! Y-yes I am!" Were people already trying to propose to her then? How lewd!

"D-didn't think people on this planet are so straightforward!"

2021-07-11, 04:16 PM
"Antique? I already told you, it's brand new!" Floris said. "My family doesn't collect antiques."

*click* Brooklyn is still playing with her lighter.

Yeah. Says the walking antique.

2021-07-11, 07:01 PM
Floris started crying. "Mother always said... if you were kind to people they’d be kind back. I still believe that, Brook. You’re a lovely person, and I’m sure you’ll let that kindness out soon." she kept crying, though.

2021-07-11, 11:05 PM
Oh, for f***s sake… Brooklyn thought.

Oh, for f***s sake, Brooklyn says.

If you can’t deal with a little teasing, what the hell you gonna do when someone really is mean? Pick up the phone and cal for a goddess?

She reaches up, seemingly without thought and rubs her shoulder.

2021-07-12, 12:55 AM
Sophia smirked at that. "Uh, Em, you do remember we're in college now, right? That's gonna be most of the guys around, and some of the girls," she pointed out.

"No." Emily corrects. "They are going to pick up girls some of the time. Not all the time, important distinction." She says with a grin.

Nida would blink at the person grabbing her hands. Someone was... grabbing her hands? Didn't that involve being familiar with person? Wasn't that a lewd act?

She'd start blushing and try to get her hands away from the person. "A-a-ah, yes! Y-yes I am!" Were people already trying to propose to her then? How lewd!

"D-didn't think people on this planet are so straightforward!"

"Oh yeah, humans are like ninety percent straight. I mean unless you get some celestial, demon, or nymph blood in the mix. And there's certain areas of high and low sexuality." She starts explaining. "Like I'm a sociology major, and last semester I did a project on this town called Northington."

I don't know... If we get the Goddess Help Line, I would bet it comes in clear.

Well tell you what, if I ever pull a religious leader you'll be the first to know. Maya grins.

"Antique? I already told you, it's brand new!" Floris said. "My family doesn't collect antiques."

Um.... Floris. Humans haven't used those in like.....over a hundred years. Maya lets out gently.

2021-07-12, 08:31 AM
"It's just like the phone we have at home, though!" Floris said, surprised.

2021-07-12, 04:04 PM
"No." Emily corrects. "They are going to pick up girls some of the time. Not all the time, important distinction." She says with a grin.
Sophia rolled her eyes, though she seemed slightly amused. "Point bein' Em, I don't think 'look for the guy hittin' on a lot of girls' is gonna be enough to find him. Can you tell me what he looks like?"

2021-07-12, 11:53 PM
"It's just like the phone we have at home, though!" Floris said, surprised.

Land lines have holographic technology now. Maya points out.

Sophia rolled her eyes, though she seemed slightly amused. "Point bein' Em, I don't think 'look for the guy hittin' on a lot of girls' is gonna be enough to find him. Can you tell me what he looks like?"

"Tall, Irish, glasses." Emily chuckles. "Need me to draw a map~"

2021-07-13, 12:08 AM
"What are holograms?" Floris looked around and finally noticed Sophia's new look. She hiked up her skirts to approach Sophia. "Wow, Sophia, you look great! I don't fully understand why but I'm a big fan of it, it makes me feel bubbly and warm!"

2021-07-13, 12:19 AM
"Tall, Irish, glasses." Emily chuckles. "Need me to draw a map~"
Sophia chuckled. "That'd be great - but unless you slipped him a tracking device at some point, I'm guessin' it's outta the question. That ought to be enough to go on though. Thanks Em!" she said with a smile and a nod, before flying off.

She headed back to where she'd left Maya, figuring the Sorceress would want to confront the thief herself. She let her voice return to normal, but otherwise stuck with the tomboy look she'd adopted for Emily. "Hey Maya, I think I've got a lead on - oh, cool antique phone, Floris," she remarked as she landed back with the group.

2021-07-13, 01:31 PM
Sophia chuckled. "That'd be great - but unless you slipped him a tracking device at some point, I'm guessin' it's outta the question. That ought to be enough to go on though. Thanks Em!" she said with a smile and a nod, before flying off.

She headed back to where she'd left Maya, figuring the Sorceress would want to confront the thief herself. She let her voice return to normal, but otherwise stuck with the tomboy look she'd adopted for Emily. "Hey Maya, I think I've got a lead on - oh, cool antique phone, Floris," she remarked as she landed back with the group.

Did some moron really steal it? Maya comments, raising her eyes in shock.

2021-07-13, 01:34 PM
Floris blushed behind her veil.
"Thanks, Sophia."

2021-07-13, 04:09 PM
"What are holograms?" Floris looked around and finally noticed Sophia's new look. She hiked up her skirts to approach Sophia. "Wow, Sophia, you look great! I don't fully understand why but I'm a big fan of it, it makes me feel bubbly and warm!"
I'm going to assume she says this just after Sophia gets back. Didn't see it before my last post, you posted while I was writing it.
"Oh, thanks," Sophia says with a smile and a wink. "Another friend of mine really likes the tomboy look too. I normally prefer more feminine looks, but there's a definite appeal to it. And especially to giving my back a break, if you know what I mean."

Did some moron really steal it? Maya comments, raising her eyes in shock.
"Hm? Oh, right; yeah, someone might have. My friend Emily pointed me at a guy named Nick - he apparently got arrested for minor theft back in High School, and she thinks he might pull the same thing again. Tall guy, Irish, wears glasses, and apparently always hitting on any girls he runs across. Ring any bells? Or do you have magic that could find him? We could always try flying and looking for him, I guess, but that'd probably take longer."

2021-07-13, 09:00 PM
"Oh, I know what you mean. Naretzah women are matrons, and we have had breasts to match for at least three generations. Mother guided me in a lot of back-improvement techniques. A hard bed I’ve found helpful, and proper posture alongside plenty of milk. But the dorm bed has been such a welcome change." Floris said, happy to relate to something Sophia had said.

2021-07-13, 09:33 PM
"Oh, I know what you mean. Naretzah women are matrons, and we have had breasts to match for at least three generations. Mother guided me in a lot of back-improvement techniques. A hard bed I’ve found helpful, and proper posture alongside plenty of milk. But the dorm bed has been such a welcome change." Floris said, happy to relate to something Sophia had said.
"A hard bed? Helpful? How? I'd have thought that would just make your back hurt more," Sophia asks, tilting her head in confusion.

2021-07-13, 09:45 PM
"It helps your spine keep form. It's more helpful in the long run, a soft mattress lets your spine lose shape in your sleep!" Floris explains.

This is out of date information that hasn't been true of mattresses in... well, at the time of the rp around a hundred years.

2021-07-14, 03:51 PM
"It helps your spine keep form. It's more helpful in the long run, a soft mattress lets your spine lose shape in your sleep!" Floris explains.

This is out of date information that hasn't been true of mattresses in... well, at the time of the rp around a hundred years.
Interesting. But probably not something Sophia would know, soo....
"Really? Huh, I had no idea," Sophia said with a shrug. "Guess I'm lucky I don't have to worry about that kind of thing. Although, you know, I don't think I know anyone who does have a hard bed? Every bed I've ever seen has a mattress."

2021-07-14, 10:15 PM
I'm going to assume she says this just after Sophia gets back. Didn't see it before my last post, you posted while I was writing it.
"Oh, thanks," Sophia says with a smile and a wink. "Another friend of mine really likes the tomboy look too. I normally prefer more feminine looks, but there's a definite appeal to it. And especially to giving my back a break, if you know what I mean."

"Hm? Oh, right; yeah, someone might have. My friend Emily pointed me at a guy named Nick - he apparently got arrested for minor theft back in High School, and she thinks he might pull the same thing again. Tall guy, Irish, wears glasses, and apparently always hitting on any girls he runs across. Ring any bells? Or do you have magic that could find him? We could always try flying and looking for him, I guess, but that'd probably take longer."

Sounds familiar, I think I remember him bumping into me earlier. I think we can look around, to find him quickly.

Allure or skill check DC 6, to not add another scene to the episode.

Interesting. But probably not something Sophia would know, soo....
"Really? Huh, I had no idea," Sophia said with a shrug. "Guess I'm lucky I don't have to worry about that kind of thing. Although, you know, I don't think I know anyone who does have a hard bed? Every bed I've ever seen has a mattress."

I mean, thankfully I've never had back problems, regardless of my mattress.

2021-07-14, 10:18 PM
"That is lucky, especially since your chest is so attractive!" Floris says to Maya.

2021-07-14, 10:48 PM
Sounds familiar, I think I remember him bumping into me earlier. I think we can look around, to find him quickly.
"He bumped into you earlier? Sounds like Em was on the money then, that's like, the most obvious pick-pocket move in the book. Let's go get him."

I mean, thankfully I've never had back problems, regardless of my mattress.

"That is lucky, especially since your chest is so attractive!" Floris says to Maya.
Sophia couldn't stifle a quick laugh at Floris' complete lack of subtlety there. "Well, you're not wrong, at least," Sophia said to Floris, before shooting Maya a look that was half apologetic, half still smiling humorously.

2021-07-15, 10:35 AM
"That is lucky, especially since your chest is so attractive!" Floris says to Maya.

Coming from Ms."My family's been buxom for three generations" She teases back.

"He bumped into you earlier? Sounds like Em was on the money then, that's like, the most obvious pick-pocket move in the book. Let's go get him."

Sophia couldn't stifle a quick laugh at Floris' complete lack of subtlety there. "Well, you're not wrong, at least," Sophia said to Floris, before shooting Maya a look that was half apologetic, half still smiling humorously.

That's when Sophia's appeal strikes true, and she sees a heavily irish man checking her out!

2021-07-15, 03:46 PM
That's when Sophia's appeal strikes true, and she sees a heavily irish man checking her out!
Sophia can hardly believe her luck. This might be really easy after all, then.

She turns to Nick and gives him a suggestive look, winks at him, and beckons him over with one finger. "I think we might have found our man," she remarks to Maya - her voice sultry so as to make Nick assume she meant something very different than Maya would know she meant.

2021-07-15, 07:57 PM
Brooklyn rolls her eyes.

I’m gonna go before Little Miss Noir here turns this into the last scene of Casablanca.

She is still rubbing her shoulder as she starts walking off.

2021-07-15, 10:34 PM
Floris looks to Maya and Sophia, confused at their friendly ribbing. "Did I say something wrong?"

2021-07-16, 10:34 PM
Sophia can hardly believe her luck. This might be really easy after all, then.

She turns to Nick and gives him a suggestive look, winks at him, and beckons him over with one finger. "I think we might have found our man," she remarks to Maya - her voice sultry so as to make Nick assume she meant something very different than Maya would know she meant.

Maya looks at Sophia with a grin. He looks perfect for us~ She starts rolling her upper body in such a way as to flaunt her chest

Floris looks to Maya and Sophia, confused at their friendly ribbing. "Did I say something wrong?"

You're fine~ Maya assures Floris before suddenly leaping 20 feet to grab Nick and lift him up. I remember you, got something of mine? She chirps with false happiness.

"OH GODS SHE'S BRUTALIZING STUDENTS!" Ms.Shawels starts screaming loudly.

2021-07-16, 11:13 PM
Maya looks at Sophia with a grin. He looks perfect for us~ She starts rolling her upper body in such a way as to flaunt her chest

You're fine~ Maya assures Floris before suddenly leaping 20 feet to grab Nick and lift him up. I remember you, got something of mine? She chirps with false happiness.

"OH GODS SHE'S BRUTALIZING STUDENTS!" Ms.Shawels starts screaming loudly.
Sophia smiles back at Maya, enjoying the little performance they were putting on to lure Nick in.

Her enjoyment was shattered all too quickly, though, by the sound of Ms. Shawels. She let out an audible groan of frustration before turning to face the woman. "Okay, one: no she isn't, she's getting back the plane tickets this guy stole from her. Two, are you stalking us or something? Because I'd swear you weren't here a minute ago."

2021-07-18, 09:10 PM
Floris looked at Sophia and tried to copy her posture. "I'm very cross with you," she said. "Following Maya around is apparently very bad! And she is merely reclaiming her property. Even if the boy dies he will merely be returned to the earth. As my mother taught me, men do not even have souls so nothing is lost."

2021-07-18, 10:11 PM
Floris looked at Sophia and tried to copy her posture. "I'm very cross with you," she said. "Following Maya around is apparently very bad! And she is merely reclaiming her property. Even if the boy dies he will merely be returned to the earth. As my mother taught me, men do not even have souls so nothing is lost."
Sophia's head quickly turned to look at Floris, horrified. "What?! Floris, nobody's dying, or even getting hurt! Don't suggest crazy things like that around Ms. Shawels, in case you haven't noticed, she overreacts to everything when it comes to Maya. Also, of course men have souls - geez, what the heck is wrong with your mom, telling you something like that?"

2021-07-18, 10:23 PM
Floris looked at Sophia and tried to copy her posture. "I'm very cross with you," she said. "Following Maya around is apparently very bad! And she is merely reclaiming her property. Even if the boy dies he will merely be returned to the earth. As my mother taught me, men do not even have souls so nothing is lost."

Floris, could you please not say that around Ms.Shawels. Maya remarks.

Sophia's head quickly turned to look at Floris, horrified. "What?! Floris, nobody's dying, or even getting hurt! Don't suggest crazy things like that around Ms. Shawels, in case you haven't noticed, she overreacts to everything when it comes to Maya. Also, of course men have souls - geez, what the heck is wrong with your mom, telling you something like that?"

I'm going to be so glad to be done with her for a week.
"I'll....I'll give you back your tickets.... Just.... let me call my loved ones!" :smallfrown:

Maya just sighs.

2021-07-18, 10:37 PM
Floris gasped. "What? But dad..." she frowned for a second. "We need to hold a séance!" She says with urgency.

2021-07-18, 10:50 PM
Brooklyn is walking off when she hears Miss Shawels.

You have got to be kidding me...

She turns back, about to take one step toward the woman to try and, once and for all, shake some sense into the woman.

Instead, of stalking back to her, there is a flutter of feathers, a rustling of wings, and Brooklyn is suddenly there, feathers from her outstretched wings falling around them. She grabs Miss Shawels by her blouse and does, in fact, start shaking her, smoke from her cigarette lowing into the other woman's face.

Don't you get it? You make everything so much worse when you start this sh*t! Knock it off woman!

And then she realized that she was holding the woman ten feet off the ground.

The cigarette falls from Brooklyn's mouth.

2021-07-18, 10:52 PM
I'm going to be so glad to be done with her for a week.
"I'll....I'll give you back your tickets.... Just.... let me call my loved ones!" :smallfrown:

Maya just sighs.
"Yeah, no f***ing kidding," Sophia agreed softly with Maya's remark, rubbing her forehead at the headache that was forming. She'd really tried to calm Miss Shawels down and get her to seek help back when they'd first met, but the woman was wearing on her rapidly as the weeks passed.

"You don't need to call anyone, she's not going to hurt you, Miss Shawels just freaks out every time Maya so much as sneezes. Just give back the tickets and phone, that's all anyone wants here," she remarks to Nick.

Floris gasped. "What? But dad..." she frowned for a second. "We need to hold a séance!" She says with urgency.
"Uh... what?" Sophia cocked her head, confused. "Does that even work? I mean, I know some of us have magic and all, but I haven't heard of magic that works on the dead before. I know Genie magic doesn't."

2021-07-18, 10:56 PM
"Mother talks to the dead all the time! But whenever I ask if we can talk to dad she says she can't because men don't have souls. I have to talk to him, don't you see? I never got to say hello to him." Floris starts tearing up a little.

2021-07-18, 11:39 PM
Brooklyn is walking off when she hears Miss Shawels.

You have got to be kidding me...

She turns back, about to take one step toward the woman to try and, once and for all, shake some sense into the woman.

Instead, of stalking back to her, there is a flutter of feathers, a rustling of wings, and Brooklyn is suddenly there, feathers from her outstretched wings falling around them. She grabs Miss Shawels by her blouse and does, in fact, start shaking her, smoke from her cigarette lowing into the other woman's face.

Don't you get it? You make everything so much worse when you start this sh*t! Knock it off woman!

And then she realized that she was holding the woman ten feet off the ground.

The cigarette falls from Brooklyn's mouth.

Surprisingly, she seems calmer now that she's ten feet in the air.


"Yeah, no f***ing kidding," Sophia agreed softly with Maya's remark, rubbing her forehead at the headache that was forming. She'd really tried to calm Miss Shawels down and get her to seek help back when they'd first met, but the woman was wearing on her rapidly as the weeks passed.

"You don't need to call anyone, she's not going to hurt you, Miss Shawels just freaks out every time Maya so much as sneezes. Just give back the tickets and phone, that's all anyone wants here," she remarks to Nick.

"Uh... what?" Sophia cocked her head, confused. "Does that even work? I mean, I know some of us have magic and all, but I haven't heard of magic that works on the dead before. I know Genie magic doesn't."

Could be a religious thing Maya points out.

"Mother talks to the dead all the time! But whenever I ask if we can talk to dad she says she can't because men don't have souls. I have to talk to him, don't you see? I never got to say hello to him." Floris starts tearing up a little.

Aw sweetie! Maya drops Nick to wrap you up in a comforting hug.

Nick starts to crawl back fearfully.

2021-07-18, 11:42 PM
Floris held her close, pushing up against Maya's side. "Thank you, Maya." After a second: "He gave you your phone back too, right?"

2021-07-19, 12:00 AM
Surprisingly, she seems calmer now that she's ten feet in the air.



Brooklyn starts trying to figure out her wings, and then she starts lowering the two of them to the ground.

I'll make you a deal. You stop trying to 'help' with Maya. You do that, and I will promise to carry you away if she does go completely bonkers. Deal?

2021-07-19, 12:14 AM
Brooklyn is walking off when she hears Miss Shawels.

You have got to be kidding me...

She turns back, about to take one step toward the woman to try and, once and for all, shake some sense into the woman.

Instead, of stalking back to her, there is a flutter of feathers, a rustling of wings, and Brooklyn is suddenly there, feathers from her outstretched wings falling around them. She grabs Miss Shawels by her blouse and does, in fact, start shaking her, smoke from her cigarette lowing into the other woman's face.

Don't you get it? You make everything so much worse when you start this sh*t! Knock it off woman!

And then she realized that she was holding the woman ten feet off the ground.

The cigarette falls from Brooklyn's mouth.
Sophia's looks up at the sight above her, flabbergasted. "Well... that's new. Brooklyn, did you awaken as a sorceress too in the last five minutes or something? Or maybe I'm just dreaming, that is like, three really weird things in the last two minutes here..."

"Mother talks to the dead all the time! But whenever I ask if we can talk to dad she says she can't because men don't have souls. I have to talk to him, don't you see? I never got to say hello to him." Floris starts tearing up a little.
"Oh... huh," Sophia said, having a hard time processing how else to respond to that. "I mean, well, then... do you know how to do a séance? Because I dunno if the rest of us do. And does it need someone with particular magic? Maybe Maya could manage that, but I don't think that was one of the kinds she already knew..."

Aw sweetie! Maya drops Nick to wrap you up in a comforting hug.

Nick starts to crawl back fearfully.
"Did he give you back the things he stole?" Sophia remarks to Maya, making a point of watching Nick.

2021-07-19, 12:29 AM
New? Well, yes. And no. Brooklyn says as she touches back down on the ground.

You see, when I was sixteen I had my wings tattooed on my back. Symbols of my freedom from what was holding me captive. I had no idea they were anything more until recently. I am still not sure exactly what they were trying to tell me, but some of it makes more sense now...

2021-07-19, 12:48 PM

Brooklyn starts trying to figure out her wings, and then she starts lowering the two of them to the ground.

I'll make you a deal. You stop trying to 'help' with Maya. You do that, and I will promise to carry you away if she does go completely bonkers. Deal?

"You....you think that's likely?"

Sophia's looks up at the sight above her, flabbergasted. "Well... that's new. Brooklyn, did you awaken as a sorceress too in the last five minutes or something? Or maybe I'm just dreaming, that is like, three really weird things in the last two minutes here..."

"Oh... huh," Sophia said, having a hard time processing how else to respond to that. "I mean, well, then... do you know how to do a séance? Because I dunno if the rest of us do. And does it need someone with particular magic? Maybe Maya could manage that, but I don't think that was one of the kinds she already knew..."

"Did he give you back the things he stole?" Sophia remarks to Maya, making a point of watching Nick.

No he hasn't. Maya starts fishing through his pockets.

New? Well, yes. And no. Brooklyn says as she touches back down on the ground.

You see, when I was sixteen I had my wings tattooed on my back. Symbols of my freedom from what was holding me captive. I had no idea they were anything more until recently. I am still not sure exactly what they were trying to tell me, but some of it makes more sense now...

How does it feel, flying? Maya asks cocking an eyebrow

2021-07-19, 04:11 PM
New? Well, yes. And no. Brooklyn says as she touches back down on the ground.

You see, when I was sixteen I had my wings tattooed on my back. Symbols of my freedom from what was holding me captive. I had no idea they were anything more until recently. I am still not sure exactly what they were trying to tell me, but some of it makes more sense now...
"So, magic tattoos, then? Huh. Guess I'm learning all kinds of new magic types today," Sophia says. "Though, who's the 'they' you're talking about?"

No he hasn't. Maya starts fishing through his pockets.
Sophia tries to keep an eye on Nick as Maya does this. The last thing they needed was for him to leave without returning the tickets and Maya's phone.

How does it feel, flying? Maya asks cocking an eyebrow
Sophia raised an eyebrow of her own at that. "Wait... can you not? I mean, I guess I just kind of assumed, you being a sorceress and all; I thought that was the kind of magic most sorcerers learned."

2021-07-19, 04:52 PM
"So many things are happening at once and I’d just like to take this moment to tell you all that you’re lovely people, lovelier friends and you all genuinely make me happier even in this emotionally tumultuous time."

2021-07-19, 10:15 PM
"You....you think that's likely?"

No. But my only options to get you to shut the f**k up are to promise you this, or kiss you. Which would you rather have?

How does it feel, flying? Maya asks cocking an eyebrow

Ask me again when I do it intentionally.

"So, magic tattoos, then? Huh. Guess I'm learning all kinds of new magic types today," Sophia says. "Though, who's the 'they' you're talking about?"

If that is what you want to assume, I won't correct you. Just remember what they say about what happens when you assume something.

2021-07-20, 12:19 AM
"So many things are happening at once and I’d just like to take this moment to tell you all that you’re lovely people, lovelier friends and you all genuinely make me happier even in this emotionally tumultuous time."
"Aw, that's sweet Floris," Sophia says warmly. "...I'd call for a group hug, but I don't think pulling Maya away from Nick or Brooklyn away from Ms. Shawels is a good idea right now."

If that is what you want to assume, I won't correct you. Just remember what they say about what happens when you assume something.
Sophia tilted her head in confusion. "Uh, what? If that's not what you meant, what did you mean? Because your explanation for suddenly having wings was to talk about your tattoo and say you'd just learned it was 'something more,' so, yeah, it really sounded like you meant you'd found out the tattoo was magic."

2021-07-20, 12:26 AM
And take a moment. Just one. To engage your brain and recall that I see the f**king future. Do you not think that I would have seen the wings I would one day have and have them tattooed on me, not realizing the significance of that vision?

2021-07-20, 12:55 AM
No. But my only options to get you to shut the f**k up are to promise you this, or kiss you. Which would you rather have?

"As your RA, kissing me would be very inappropriate. But I'm flattered by your affections."

Sophia raised an eyebrow of her own at that. "Wait... can you not? I mean, I guess I just kind of assumed, you being a sorceress and all; I thought that was the kind of magic most sorcerers learned."

I've never had a chance. Like most angels and quite a few demons can fly, but they need the wings. I don't have those, or any similar features.

2021-07-20, 06:00 AM
"Aw, that's sweet Floris," Sophia says warmly. "...I'd call for a group hug, but I don't think pulling Maya away from Nick or Brooklyn away from Ms. Shawels is a good idea right now."

Floris kicked the ground and looked at it with her cheeks coloring a bit. "we could hug" she breathed.

2021-07-20, 04:08 PM
And take a moment. Just one. To engage your brain and recall that I see the f**king future. Do you not think that I would have seen the wings I would one day have and have them tattooed on me, not realizing the significance of that vision?
"Hey, there's no need to be rude," Sophia replied. "And no, I would have no idea what you might have seen in the future, unless you say something about it. If what you were trying to say was that you got the tattoos because you saw a vision of the wings, okay, that makes sense I guess. Still leaves me confused about why you suddenly have actual wings now though."

I've never had a chance. Like most angels and quite a few demons can fly, but they need the wings. I don't have those, or any similar features.
"Can't sorcerers learn to fly without wings? I would've sworn that was a thing," Sophia said, scratching her head. "I mean, Genies can, and besides granting wishes I didn't think there was much we could do that a sorcerer couldn't learn to as well."

Floris kicked the ground and looked at it with her cheeks coloring a bit. "we could hug" she breathed.
With everything else that was going on, Sophia doesn't seem to hear Floris' whispered remark.

2021-07-20, 06:37 PM
"Oh yeah, humans are like ninety percent straight. I mean unless you get some celestial, demon, or nymph blood in the mix. And there's certain areas of high and low sexuality." She starts explaining. "Like I'm a sociology major, and last semester I did a project on this town called Northington."

Nida was, in meantime, being distracted by the girl that she was talking with. Learning quite a lot she didn't know about human culture in fact.

But it felt like she was forgetting something. Something important...

She gasps.


2021-07-20, 10:40 PM
Episode 2, Scene 2

Thankfully with the tickets and Maya's phone in hand, you manage to get to the airport. You get through check in, none of you have any guns. (SIDES THESE MUSCLE GUNS!)

You get on the plane, of which other people are on. But you are all in first class, where it's just you and you are all being waited on hand and foot by two very tall, curvy nymphs.

Earth nymphs. To which Maya is quite red in the face.

Allure =d7 Strike up casual conversation with the nymphs. +2 VP with Maya

Skill =d9 Suggest things that they could do for Maya, that she would either like. or Like. +3 VP with Maya

Conflict =d9 Someone is being an asshat on the plane. Get them to stop. +3 VP with Maya

Luck =d5 Ooooo, someone dropped something nice~ +1 VP with Maya.

2021-07-20, 11:25 PM
Going through all the airport security sucks....

Brooklyn would kill for a cigarette, but she can't leave her place in line for it. instead she taps her foot each time she stops, waiting to get through and into the terminal proper.

She finally does, and then vanishes for that much needed cigarette. She is walking through the terminal on her way to the gate to meet everyone again when she passes by a shop with treats and snacks from around the world. She browses the snacks and treats for a few minutes, and then finds a curious and interesting shaped lollipop.

She buys the lollipop and then stores the treat in the same place she stores everything, inside her blouse.

As they board the plane, Brooklyn is introduced to the nymph stewardesses. Which brought a whole new dimension to the trip, and gave her... interesting visions of the way things may go for the next ten or so hours.

Did they know how long the flight was going to be? Did someone say that already?

Oh well.

Now, we place the bag here, just... so. And voila! Now we wait...

Wait for someone to try and push their bag up and everything falls down. On one of the nymphs.

Oh, sh*t! Are you okay? Here, let me help.

And as Brooklyn stands up, the questionably shaped lollipop she had stuck in her blouse decided to get itself stuck... somewhere... else.

Oh, God! Brooklyn says as she gently retrieves the lollipop. I am so sorry....

And she slowly, deliberately slides the lollipop into her mouth, looking up into the nymph's eyes.

Strong Allure. Maiden's Garb. Sweet Tooth. Personality Flip. +6 total. Can't fail.

2021-07-21, 08:16 AM
Floris notices Maya getting red in the face and addresses one of the earth nymphs: "We all think you're very attractive," Floris says, trying not to implicate Maya specifically. Then she sits next to Maya, happily enjoying her flight, getting out books and games to keep Maya entertained for the whole flight. Eventually, she notices Maya beginning to yawn, and gets up to address one of the flight attendants.
"Maya is trying to fall asleep," Floris explains. "I am going to sing her a lullaby, and it would be lovely if you could help! Here is the plan..."

The next time Maya yawns, Floris is sitting back down and puts up the armrest between them, gently pulling Maya onto her chest. "It's okay, Maya. Go to sleep, those stewardesses will still be here when you awake... oh, here's one now!"
One of the stewardesses starts humming and puts a blanket over Maya, keeping up a tune that the other joins in on. And Floris begins to sing her a lullaby:
"O woman, washing beside the river,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
My woeful wail, do you pity never?
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
A year ago I was snatched for ever,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
From my home to the hill where hawthorns quiver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

'Tis there the fairy-court is holden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there flow beor and ale so olden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there are combs of honey golden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there lie men in bonds enfolden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

How many are there of fairest faces,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Bright-eyed boys with manly graces,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Gold-haired girls with curling tresses,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And mothers who nurse - with sad caresses,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

O, tell my husband to come to-morrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
A waxen taper he first shall borrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And black knife bring to cross my sorrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And stab the flank of the first steed thorough,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

Say, pluck the herb where hawthorns quiver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And wish a wish that God may deliver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
If he come not now - he need come never,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
For I shall be Queen of these Fairies for ever,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!"

And once Maya is comfortably resting to this beautiful, not at all disturbing song, Floris sets her up on her chest so that her position makes her cute and alluring to the stewardesses, making sure to get their attention and keeping Maya looking great for them.

Okay, let's stretch everything!
Lullabies are mom activities, +2 from Yamato Nadeshiko!
Culture Enthusiast! Floris has never been on a plane, met a nymph, or learned what "first class" is. +1!
Strong Skill! +1!
Floris isn't just trying to help Maya fall asleep, per se, she's trying to make her look cute while doing it! That means setting her up on her chest, wiping up any drool when no one's looking, keeping her in a cute position, etc. And I think that she can use her expertise as a Shrine Caretaker keeping her home spotless and presentable. +2!(?)
OVERCLOCK! Floris is working really hard here guys +2
If that all works +8 and I can't fail. If you are heartless and take Shrine Caretaker away then I just need to roll a 3 or better with +6.
EDIT: I have been informed that HM (Harem Mistress) is heartless. I will use Non-Sequitor to make this roll with Allure, taking a -1 penalty and losing Strong Skill to add +2 Maiden’s Garb and +2 Morning Person, ending on +8 and being once more unable to fail.

2021-07-21, 12:31 PM
Having managed to catch up with the rest of the group after her distractions in regards to Earth's culture, and there were so many of them, Nida enjoyed her seat in the plane. So this was the so called... first class? It was odd to say the least. Where's the ever shifting environment, contained only by the magical field? Where was the... what was the equivalent here? A fridge, kind of, for each passenger? Only two nymphs and of static size? And why were they still held down by gravi- oh right, this wasn't space plane.

Still, it was... a different experience for her, to say the least. Nida would be looking through the window but all she could see was blue sky above clouds... and that big burning ball of fire that was this planet's star. She didn't mind stars, she loved them... at night time. The window blinds on her side of plane were pulled down, the light above her off, giving her some measure of dark and comfort.

But there was something, or rather, someone more important. Maya! She was... a bit red, however. Was she sick? Oh, she was looking at the nymphs, maybe she was too shy to ask them for assistance? Oh, Maya, your friend Nida is going to solve this.

The shadow on her side would slowly stretch towards the sorceress and Nida's eyes would remain on her. Out of shadow, tendrils of dark would reach towards her, gently massaging her limbs, to reach towards neck and shoulders over time. Nida would have moved closer to Maya during this.

"Maya, you don't have to be shy, I'm sure people here want to make sure you're comfortable. Maybe a massage, if not from them then from me? Oh, we could ask them for some... fruit, right? I could peel the grapes for you and feed you them~" She'd say, one of her fingers gaining a very sharp edge as she'd say that, happy. Her gaze would turn towards the nymphs, tilting her head slightly. "Those are within your duties, right? Not sure how it works here on Earth in first class... I know that on my world the passenger's comfort was the top priority~"

Elemental Affinity(Shadow) +2 Skill
Knife Nut +2 Skill when involving sharp objects
Tentacles +2 Skill when having multiple appendages is useful
Culture Enthusiast +2 Skill when faced with unfamiliar activities.
Strong Roll +1

+9 total on Skill, can't fail.

2021-07-21, 10:47 PM
Sophia smiled in amusement when she saw Maya's face go red at the sight of the stewardesses. "Earth Nymphs get you tongue-tied?" she teasingly whispered to the sorceress, playfully elbowing her.

As Floris starts singing a... well, very weird lullaby for some reason, Sophia just tilts her head in confusion. Maya didn't seem tired to her - probably just yawning from boredom, since she was just sitting there, too embarrassed to do anything around the Nymphs. She uses a quick, light gust of wind to get the attention of one of the stewardesses whom Floris had asked to help her, interrupting her humming. Maya would probably thank her for making the creepy song slightly less creepy, she figured. "So, you've probably been to Hawaii a lot before, right? Since I bet this plane flies there all the time. Know any good sights to see there? Oo, or shows? Like, Hawaiian singing and dancing shows? I mean, the beaches are obvious, but this is my first time going, and I want to see the best stuff I can," she asked.

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Overclock Burnout -2 = +4 total.

2021-07-23, 10:48 PM
"Maybe y'all should feed her something new?" Morrigan suggests innocently. "Trying new food is always a fun experience."

How was she supposed to know they'd interpret that as hand-feeding Maya while letting her sit in their laps?

Skill. Easily Forgiven.

2021-07-23, 11:35 PM
Going through all the airport security sucks....

Brooklyn would kill for a cigarette, but she can't leave her place in line for it. instead she taps her foot each time she stops, waiting to get through and into the terminal proper.

She finally does, and then vanishes for that much needed cigarette. She is walking through the terminal on her way to the gate to meet everyone again when she passes by a shop with treats and snacks from around the world. She browses the snacks and treats for a few minutes, and then finds a curious and interesting shaped lollipop.

She buys the lollipop and then stores the treat in the same place she stores everything, inside her blouse.

As they board the plane, Brooklyn is introduced to the nymph stewardesses. Which brought a whole new dimension to the trip, and gave her... interesting visions of the way things may go for the next ten or so hours.

Did they know how long the flight was going to be? Did someone say that already?

Oh well.

Now, we place the bag here, just... so. And voila! Now we wait...

Wait for someone to try and push their bag up and everything falls down. On one of the nymphs.

Oh, sh*t! Are you okay? Here, let me help.

And as Brooklyn stands up, the questionably shaped lollipop she had stuck in her blouse decided to get itself stuck... somewhere... else.

Oh, God! Brooklyn says as she gently retrieves the lollipop. I am so sorry....

And she slowly, deliberately slides the lollipop into her mouth, looking up into the nymph's eyes.

Strong Allure. Maiden's Garb. Sweet Tooth. Personality Flip. +6 total. Can't fail.

The nymph who was alil busy with her eyes wandering down the only slightly shorter Brooke's chest.

"No problem." She smiles finally meeting Brooke's eyes. "Name's Terra. You're..... Brooklyn correct?"

Having managed to catch up with the rest of the group after her distractions in regards to Earth's culture, and there were so many of them, Nida enjoyed her seat in the plane. So this was the so called... first class? It was odd to say the least. Where's the ever shifting environment, contained only by the magical field? Where was the... what was the equivalent here? A fridge, kind of, for each passenger? Only two nymphs and of static size? And why were they still held down by gravi- oh right, this wasn't space plane.

Still, it was... a different experience for her, to say the least. Nida would be looking through the window but all she could see was blue sky above clouds... and that big burning ball of fire that was this planet's star. She didn't mind stars, she loved them... at night time. The window blinds on her side of plane were pulled down, the light above her off, giving her some measure of dark and comfort.

But there was something, or rather, someone more important. Maya! She was... a bit red, however. Was she sick? Oh, she was looking at the nymphs, maybe she was too shy to ask them for assistance? Oh, Maya, your friend Nida is going to solve this.

The shadow on her side would slowly stretch towards the sorceress and Nida's eyes would remain on her. Out of shadow, tendrils of dark would reach towards her, gently massaging her limbs, to reach towards neck and shoulders over time. Nida would have moved closer to Maya during this.

"Maya, you don't have to be shy, I'm sure people here want to make sure you're comfortable. Maybe a massage, if not from them then from me? Oh, we could ask them for some... fruit, right? I could peel the grapes for you and feed you them~" She'd say, one of her fingers gaining a very sharp edge as she'd say that, happy. Her gaze would turn towards the nymphs, tilting her head slightly. "Those are within your duties, right? Not sure how it works here on Earth in first class... I know that on my world the passenger's comfort was the top priority~"

Elemental Affinity(Shadow) +2 Skill
Knife Nut +2 Skill when involving sharp objects
Tentacles +2 Skill when having multiple appendages is useful
Culture Enthusiast +2 Skill when faced with unfamiliar activities.
Strong Roll +1

+9 total on Skill, can't fail.

"Those are absolutely in our duties." Another earth nymph curtsies. "Would grapes please you miss?" To which Maya nods beet red.

"Maybe y'all should feed her something new?" Morrigan suggests innocently. "Trying new food is always a fun experience."

How was she supposed to know they'd interpret that as hand-feeding Maya while letting her sit in their laps?

Skill. Easily Forgiven.

The other nymph pulls Maya onto her lap, using a contraption to hold her in place, somewhat like a seatbelt. As Nida hands the nymph grapes, she gently palms them to Maya~

Sophia smiled in amusement when she saw Maya's face go red at the sight of the stewardesses. "Earth Nymphs get you tongue-tied?" she teasingly whispered to the sorceress, playfully elbowing her.

As Floris starts singing a... well, very weird lullaby for some reason, Sophia just tilts her head in confusion. Maya didn't seem tired to her - probably just yawning from boredom, since she was just sitting there, too embarrassed to do anything around the Nymphs. She uses a quick, light gust of wind to get the attention of one of the stewardesses whom Floris had asked to help her, interrupting her humming. Maya would probably thank her for making the creepy song slightly less creepy, she figured. "So, you've probably been to Hawaii a lot before, right? Since I bet this plane flies there all the time. Know any good sights to see there? Oo, or shows? Like, Hawaiian singing and dancing shows? I mean, the beaches are obvious, but this is my first time going, and I want to see the best stuff I can," she asked.

Strong Allure +1, Harem Outfit +1, Butt In +2, Elemental Affinity +2, Overclock Burnout -2 = +4 total.

"Oh I actually live in Hawaii." The nymph explains, "I know, I know not a lava nymph." She giggles. "But I've been working with the tourism board for special interest visitors for three years now. So I know all the best sights. And Maya here has picked a very fun filled event calendar." She beams at the sorceress in her lap. "But we can probably sneak in a few cultural activities."

Floris notices Maya getting red in the face and addresses one of the earth nymphs: "We all think you're very attractive," Floris says, trying not to implicate Maya specifically. Then she sits next to Maya, happily enjoying her flight, getting out books and games to keep Maya entertained for the whole flight. Eventually, she notices Maya beginning to yawn, and gets up to address one of the flight attendants.
"Maya is trying to fall asleep," Floris explains. "I am going to sing her a lullaby, and it would be lovely if you could help! Here is the plan..."

The next time Maya yawns, Floris is sitting back down and puts up the armrest between them, gently pulling Maya onto her chest. "It's okay, Maya. Go to sleep, those stewardesses will still be here when you awake... oh, here's one now!"
One of the stewardesses starts humming and puts a blanket over Maya, keeping up a tune that the other joins in on. And Floris begins to sing her a lullaby:
"O woman, washing beside the river,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
My woeful wail, do you pity never?
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
A year ago I was snatched for ever,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
From my home to the hill where hawthorns quiver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

'Tis there the fairy-court is holden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there flow beor and ale so olden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there are combs of honey golden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And there lie men in bonds enfolden,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

How many are there of fairest faces,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Bright-eyed boys with manly graces,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Gold-haired girls with curling tresses,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And mothers who nurse - with sad caresses,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

O, tell my husband to come to-morrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
A waxen taper he first shall borrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And black knife bring to cross my sorrow,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And stab the flank of the first steed thorough,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!

Say, pluck the herb where hawthorns quiver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
And wish a wish that God may deliver,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
If he come not now - he need come never,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine,
For I shall be Queen of these Fairies for ever,
Hush-a-by baby, babe not mine.
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
Shoheen sho, strange baby O!
Shoheen sho, ulolo,
You're not my own sweet baby O!"

And once Maya is comfortably resting to this beautiful, not at all disturbing song, Floris sets her up on her chest so that her position makes her cute and alluring to the stewardesses, making sure to get their attention and keeping Maya looking great for them.

Okay, let's stretch everything!
Lullabies are mom activities, +2 from Yamato Nadeshiko!
Culture Enthusiast! Floris has never been on a plane, met a nymph, or learned what "first class" is. +1!
Strong Skill! +1!
[S]Floris isn't just trying to help Maya fall asleep, per se, she's trying to make her look cute while doing it! That means setting her up on her chest, wiping up any drool when no one's looking, keeping her in a cute position, etc. And I think that she can use her expertise as a Shrine Caretaker keeping her home spotless and presentable. +2!(?)
OVERCLOCK! Floris is working really hard here guys +2
If that all works +8 and I can't fail. If you are heartless and take Shrine Caretaker away then I just need to roll a 3 or better with +6.
EDIT: I have been informed that HM (Harem Mistress) is heartless. I will use Non-Sequitor to make this roll with Allure, taking a -1 penalty and losing Strong Skill to add +2 Maiden’s Garb and +2 Morning Person, ending on +8 and being once more unable to fail.

Maya is not asleep, but is currently very. VERY. red in the face.

"You have a lovely voice Miss....Floris." She beams warmly at you, and while leaning you get a wonderful view down her flight attendent suit. "My name is Ruby."

2021-07-23, 11:48 PM
The nymph who was alil busy with her eyes wandering down the only slightly shorter Brooke's chest.

"No problem." She smiles finally meeting Brooke's eyes. "Name's Terra. You're..... Brooklyn correct?"

Brooklyn slowly pulls the candy from her mouth.

I am. And you taste better than I had foreseen.

2021-07-24, 12:09 AM
Floris, despite being needled at Sophie interrupting her (but singing on REGARDLESS), hugs Maya deeper into her chest to protect her... or maybe to protect herself. "Th-thank you, Ruby. You are also beautiful, and welcoming and you have kind eyes. I'd like to..." she swallows and stops.

2021-07-24, 12:31 AM
The other nymph pulls Maya onto her lap, using a contraption to hold her in place, somewhat like a seatbelt. As Nida hands the nymph grapes, she gently palms them to Maya~
"Oh I actually live in Hawaii." The nymph explains, "I know, I know not a lava nymph." She giggles. "But I've been working with the tourism board for special interest visitors for three years now. So I know all the best sights. And Maya here has picked a very fun filled event calendar." She beams at the sorceress in her lap. "But we can probably sneak in a few cultural activities."
Maya is not asleep, but is currently very. VERY. red in the face.
Sophia grinned at the blushing sorceress. "First class is even better than I imagined - I had no idea you got service this good," she said, with a wink.

Replying to the Nymph stewardess, she said, "Ooo, lucky, getting to actually live there must be great! And I'd appreciate that. I'd really like to see any performances we can - I want to see how other people do it, since I want to be a performer myself."

"...wait, so are you going to be our tour guide when we get there, then?" Sophia asked, that implication of the woman's remarks catching up to her just a moment later.

2021-07-24, 01:03 AM
Brooklyn slowly pulls the candy from her mouth.

I am. And you taste better than I had foreseen.

"Aren't you a flatterer~" Terra teases with a wink.

Floris, despite being needled at Sophie interrupting her (but singing on REGARDLESS), hugs Maya deeper into her chest to protect her... or maybe to protect herself. "Th-thank you, Ruby. You are also beautiful, and welcoming and you have kind eyes. I'd like to..." she swallows and stops.

"Like to.....?" She prompts shooting Floris a wink~

Sophia grinned at the blushing sorceress. "First class is even better than I imagined - I had no idea you got service this good," she said, with a wink.

Replying to the Nymph stewardess, she said, "Ooo, lucky, getting to actually live there must be great! And I'd appreciate that. I'd really like to see any performances we can - I want to see how other people do it, since I want to be a performer myself."

"...wait, so are you going to be our tour guide when we get there, then?" Sophia asked, that implication of the woman's remarks catching up to her just a moment later.

"It's fantastic. The weather's always great, there's always something to do, and countless gorgeous girls." Ruby shoots a wink at Maya.

"And yes, I shall be with you during the duration of the trip."

2021-07-24, 01:17 AM
"Aren't you a flatterer~" Terra teases with a wink.

A girl tries.

Brooklyn touches the nymph's cheek. Something passes between the two, and Brooklyn shivers.

You were born during an eruption, weren't you. I can see the inferno inside you. That would cause rope to burn. Brooklyn sounds like she is speaking from far away, almost dreamlike.

Then she looks up at Terra with a impish smile. I guess that means we will have to use steel, won't we?

2021-07-24, 01:18 AM
Floris looks down at Maya's hair. "I don't... I've seen this thing where... people touch lips and it's called..." Floris sputters to a stop.

2021-07-24, 01:19 AM
"It's fantastic. The weather's always great, there's always something to do, and countless gorgeous girls." Ruby shoots a wink at Maya.

"And yes, I shall be with you during the duration of the trip."
"Sounds like heaven," Sophia said to the former.

At the latter, she beamed. "Oh, that's awesome! I bet you're looking forward to the vacation even more now, huh Maya?" she remarked teasingly to the sorceress.

2021-07-24, 01:39 PM
A girl tries.

Brooklyn touches the nymph's cheek. Something passes between the two, and Brooklyn shivers.

You were born during an eruption, weren't you. I can see the inferno inside you. That would cause rope to burn. Brooklyn sounds like she is speaking from far away, almost dreamlike.

Then she looks up at Terra with a impish smile. I guess that means we will have to use steel, won't we?

"I wasn't actually born in Hawaii, but correct." Terra grins rubbing her face against the hand.

Floris looks down at Maya's hair. "I don't... I've seen this thing where... people touch lips and it's called..." Floris sputters to a stop.

"Kissing? Do you want a kiss~" Ruby winks.

"Sounds like heaven," Sophia said to the former.

At the latter, she beamed. "Oh, that's awesome! I bet you're looking forward to the vacation even more now, huh Maya?" she remarked teasingly to the sorceress.

Maya hides her face in Floris's chest.

The idea is sound, the execution failing as her blush intensifies.

2021-07-24, 02:01 PM
Floris pets Maya’s hair. "I... ask me later? I don’t... that’s a big step for me I’d rather know my first kiss a bit better..." she looked down at Maya, then over at Sophia.

2021-07-24, 03:03 PM
Maya hides her face in Floris's chest.

The idea is sound, the execution failing as her blush intensifies.
What's failing? Sophia's just teasing Maya about this weakness of hers for these Nymphs. To her, this is unqualified success. :P
Sophia chuckled at the other girl's reaction. "You know, you're cute when you're embarrassed," she said, only half-teasing this time.

Floris pets Maya’s hair. "I... ask me later? I don’t... that’s a big step for me I’d rather know my first kiss a bit better..." she looked down at Maya, then over at Sophia.
Sophia gave Floris a surprised look at that. "Wait, you haven't had your first kiss yet?!" she said, a little shocked. "Wow. How'd you get through high school without even one? Were you the quiet loner type back then or something?" she asked.

2021-07-24, 04:18 PM
"What school?" Floris asked. "This is my first non-homeschool. What divides high school from low school?"

2021-07-25, 10:56 AM
"What school?" Floris asked. "This is my first non-homeschool. What divides high school from low school?"
"Oh, you were homeschooled!" Sophia replied. "I don't think I've ever met someone who was homeschooled before. Well, High School would've been your last few years of school before now - grades nine through twelve. Before that, first through fifth grade is called Elementary School, and sixth through eighth is called Middle School," she explained.

"Still, didn't you get to go out of you home before? You know, have a chance to make friends, have fun, or do things you couldn't at home?" she asked.

2021-07-25, 11:03 AM
"Every Autumn Equinox we took a trip to the cemetery where my grandmothers of the last ten generations are buried so mom can ask them for advice," Floris said as if that counted. "And when I turned thirteen mom took me to the Miller house where a woman’s daughter was killed and buried under the house, and that woman’s ghoul continues digging there to find her to this very day."

2021-07-25, 09:07 PM
"I wasn't actually born in Hawaii, but correct." Terra grins rubbing her face against the hand.

Where you were born has nothing to do with the fire inside you. I… learned that, not too long ago.

Brooklyn let’s her hand trail along Terra’s arm as she sits back down, which lets her pull the nymph’s hand to her lips for a quick kiss.

Will it be alright if I come find you if I need some service during the flight?

2021-07-25, 10:13 PM
"Every Autumn Equinox we took a trip to the cemetery where my grandmothers of the last ten generations are buried so mom can ask them for advice," Floris said as if that counted. "And when I turned thirteen mom took me to the Miller house where a woman’s daughter was killed and buried under the house, and that woman’s ghoul continues digging there to find her to this very day."

That sounds very sad. Maya mewls in Floris's chest.

Where you were born has nothing to do with the fire inside you. I… learned that, not too long ago.

Brooklyn let’s her hand trail along Terra’s arm as she sits back down, which lets her pull the nymph’s hand to her lips for a quick kiss.

Will it be alright if I come find you if I need some service during the flight?

"That would be more then alright~" Terra purrs clearly biting back a swoon~

2021-07-25, 11:15 PM
"Every Autumn Equinox we took a trip to the cemetery where my grandmothers of the last ten generations are buried so mom can ask them for advice," Floris said as if that counted. "And when I turned thirteen mom took me to the Miller house where a woman’s daughter was killed and buried under the house, and that woman’s ghoul continues digging there to find her to this very day."

That sounds very sad. Maya mewls in Floris's chest.
"Uh... yeah, that's not at all the kind of thing I was talking about. Why would she even take you to that second one, geez?"

"Floris, did you even have friends before now? Get to see other people your own age that you weren't related to?" Sophia asks.