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2008-08-25, 01:58 PM
Such an awesome episode! I absolutely can't wait for the next one.

2008-08-25, 02:04 PM
Gah, I've heard of the maternal instinct can make a woman very defensive, but this...and the language! I just hope the baby can't hear that.

Giant, admit it--you've always wanted to hear some woman say that in a movie.

2008-08-25, 05:46 PM
Ouch. I hope the potion doesn't make the baby aggressive too.
I think that's probably the "pregnant rage" ability.
On that note, I don't think we actually know what the potion she took was. vIt could have been virtually any potion to help with combat: Bull's strength, Bear's endurance, Heroism, Rage...

Gotta say that is one badass pregnant mother. Moral of the story for all you Mooks out there? You do not put the life of a child in mortal danger within proximity of the mother - and, by extension, the life of the mother if she is pregnant. She will go berserk.

I wonder what the game rules for that would be... is it a template temporarily added to their race, or is it a set number of pseudo-levels?

Also, I think people misunderstand how the inverse ninja law works. What counts is how many ninjas were in your group to start with, not how many of them are still up and fighting. Being the last ninja left of a group that the hero's already mostly mopped up doesn't get you an upgrade. And the group membership is determined more by matching uniforms than by actual presence in the room together.
#1. Actually, it does work that way. When you have 8 ninja and take out 7 of them, unless you take out the last one almost immediately, then they're going to be something of a challenge.
#2. I don't think there's a consistent rule on how the number of ninja on a side is determined.

Also, has anyone noticed that Kazumi can't get her own sandwich, yet she's able to kill (at least) three ninja with reasonable ease?

My thoughts on the next comic...

I see two possibilities:
#1. Kazumi isn't doing well and is about to lose when Elan and Therkla come to the rescue... other stuff happens.
#2. You have the entire comic of Elan and Therkla hurriedly rowing back to the boat, running along the corridors to reach that room, Elan jumps through the window to get there... then on the last line row of panels, we discover that Kazumi has killed off all the ninja by herself, then after a couple (relatively generic) panels, Kazumi walks back to the couch and asks if someone can get her that sandwich, since Daigo is unconscious...
Obviously, the second one would be far better.

2008-08-25, 06:49 PM
Did you see what the potion did to the mother? It'll probably grow up to be Superman!

Am I the only one who thought of Obelix, from Asterix?

2008-08-25, 08:35 PM
What I really love about this strip is it starts by shooting down the idea that Kazumi is acting irrationally because she's pregnant with the magazine bit, then does a complete 180 into hormonal rage.

I gotta say, nice setup.

2008-08-25, 09:22 PM
Please eat cheese.

What kind of Cheese? I recently tried eating a cube of Parmigano Reggiano, and it got a :smallyuk:.

However, Double Gloucester was pretty good.

David Argall
2008-08-26, 12:38 AM
Am I the only one who thought of Obelix, from Asterix?

No. We have had two or three, starting back with #18

2008-08-26, 01:03 PM
Now the only thing this strip needs is for giant to use coding to put in a play button for some rock and roll music

Any thoughts as to what track? The Buffy Theme comes to mind...

I think there should be some ramifications for the baby from the potion, too.

2008-08-26, 02:45 PM
"I'm a goddamn baby-making, life-taking MACHINE!"

"Why should I care how many people I have to kill? I can just make MORE in my TUMMY!"

New T-shirt quotes!

YES PLEASE! I would definitely buy those!

2008-08-26, 05:42 PM
YES PLEASE! I would definitely buy those!

Hell, I think there are a slew of guys here who would end up buying them for their girlfriends, quite a good marketing move actually :smallamused:

2008-08-26, 07:06 PM
I've had a scary thought:

What if Kazumi thinks Therkla is one of the ninjas attacking her?


2008-08-26, 07:09 PM
I've had a scary thought:

What if Kazumi thinks Therkla is one of the ninjas attacking her?

:smalleek:Why would she think that? Does she even know her?

2008-08-26, 07:12 PM
Why would she think that? Does she even know her?

Berzerker rage tends not to distinguish between people in jammies. Being in ninja gear is not the best idea here.

2008-08-26, 07:36 PM
Why would she think that? Does she even know her?
Exactly why she would think that. I don't know you. You're in ninja gear. Ninjas are attacking me. Die mother@#&$er!

2008-08-26, 11:58 PM

I haven't gone through the archives in a while, is this the first time anyone's ever used a word bad enough to require $@!#?

Also, awesome strip Giant. I wonder if Daigo is going to have to use his last name to come back.

2008-08-27, 01:44 AM
Also, awesome strip Giant. I wonder if Daigo is going to have to use his last name to come back.

Come back? To paraphrase Granny Weatherwax, HE ATEN'T DEAD...

2008-08-27, 07:39 AM
I logged in just so I could reply.


2008-08-27, 02:32 PM
I've had a scary thought:

What if Kazumi thinks Therkla is one of the ninjas attacking her?

Fortunately, Therkla should count as a separate side for purposes of conservation of ninjutsu now that she's switched sides. She's like a cross between a lone ninja and a maroon shirt... very interesting.
Actually, I think she would have counted separately even if she was still on the same side as the other ninja, because she's special and different... something like an evil maroon shirt...

What we really need to worry about is...

Having Elan and Therkla showing up right when there's ONE ninja left, so you have something like a cross between conservation of ninjutsu and villain order by strength that, effectively, makes them weaker/the ninja even stronger... :smalleek:

2008-08-27, 03:55 PM
i think that is the scariest thing i've ever heard from a pregnant woman, great job rich

2008-08-27, 04:51 PM
Fortunately, Therkla should count as a separate side for purposes of conservation of ninjutsu now that she's switched sides. She's like a cross between a lone ninja and a maroon shirt... very interesting.
Actually, I think she would have counted separately even if she was still on the same side as the other ninja, because she's special and different... something like an evil maroon shirt...

What we really need to worry about is...

Having Elan and Therkla showing up right when there's ONE ninja left, so you have something like a cross between conservation of ninjutsu and villain order by strength that, effectively, makes them weaker/the ninja even stronger... :smalleek:

And, of course, she has a name, so that will help.

2008-08-27, 08:50 PM
And, of course, she has a name, so that will help.
Which is what makes her like a single ninja or a maroon shirt.

2008-08-28, 11:46 PM
I think what's kinda getting lost amid the Sneak Attack calculations and "But what if..."s is that

Seriously. Kazumi is made of win and cheesecake right now. And if that baby comes out ready to kick ass and take names, just like Mommy and (usually) Daddy? Even better. Talk about secret weapon - "Please, please don't hurt my baby!", followed by the instinctive second of "Aww, lookit teh baby-"at almost all humans have, and then Joe McNinja gets precision-aimed-projectile-vomited on, or worse should said baby be male. FREAKING AWESOME.

2008-08-29, 08:51 AM
LOL! Baby Kato is going to be like Jack Jack from the Incredibles! :smallbiggrin:

2008-08-29, 11:39 AM
One of my favorite comics so far