View Full Version : Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (recruiting over)

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2008-11-13, 04:22 PM
People on the boat can join in now.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-13, 05:41 PM
The Orcs are on the other side, you can only really go downriver. Just a technical detail.

Ok, wait a second. The archers are on the other side? Oh, I thought they were coming up behind me. Could I go back and raid that one dead body, then? I want the head for my collection, which am starting now.

2008-11-13, 05:50 PM
Yes. It has a Choppa, a Dagger, [roll0] brass pennies, a mail shirt, leather jack and leather skullcap. You can also take the head.

2008-11-13, 06:27 PM
People on the boat can join in now.

I tried to already.:smalltongue:

2008-11-13, 06:30 PM
All right, someone do something, row the boat over to Amendil or run away from him, but do something or this game will grind to a halt.

2008-11-13, 06:59 PM
sorry i wasnt online to do anything lol we should help that elf, and quick how many orcs are there? if there are only a few i will try to attack them if there are alot i will try save the elf by rowing to him (assuming everyone else is on the boat)

also i will share the money evenly with all of us except the hedge wizard whom i give all the daggers will have a smaller cut to make things fair

2008-11-13, 07:01 PM
As if to answer your question, thirteen Orcan archers rush up and a small army's worth of Orcs follows them.

2008-11-13, 07:05 PM
ah... QUICK IN THE BOAT! tilmann will begin to row towards the elf across the river, hey you! over there! get ready were coming to get you!

2008-11-13, 07:25 PM
Happy to be getting away from the direction he was told holds a Witch Hunter & friends, Bernolt rows with Tilmann as hard as he can, muttering "Well, that decision's made then."
"When we get close, jump for it!" he shouts to the elf.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-13, 07:39 PM
"Right!" Amendil will run back and ready a running jump so he can make it in the boat with relative ease.

2008-11-13, 07:47 PM
Sorry, I have been busy with school.

We should get out of here quickly, I would like to stay and fight but those are way too many orcs for us to handle. Orzax says trying to row as fast as he can once the elf gets in the boat.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-13, 08:04 PM
As soon as the boat drew near, Amendil made a charging run towards the boat and then jumped with all his might.

Do I need to make a jump check for that? *shudders at bad bad memories* Or am I good?

2008-11-14, 12:09 PM
No, it's 3 yards away approximately; you have Movement 5, so you can always jump far enough across. However, you have to make an Agility test. If you fail it, the boat rocks. If you fail it by a margin of 2-4, you fall in on landing. If you fail it by a margin of 5 or more, the boat capsizes.

2008-11-14, 12:28 PM
As Orzax has shoved him aside to help Tilmann row, Bernolt will squat in the boat, prepared to help steady the boat (and the elf) as the elf lands.
[roll0] vs. 31

At least it's not a bad failure. :smallredface:

2008-11-14, 12:32 PM
It's only the elf who needs to make an Ag test. But since you're helping him, I'll give him +10% on the test.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-14, 03:13 PM
Ok, my agility, which is 40, plus 10% makes it 50 vs. [roll0]

2008-11-14, 03:16 PM
You land safely and lightly in the boat. It bobs gently and heads off down towards Averheim.
The Orcs folow the boat a little way, but have to content themselves with waving their choppas at you before it picks up speed.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-14, 03:28 PM
Yay! No death!

"Thank the Gods." He says quietly to himself. Amendil then takes a moment to reorient himself before he greets the men, and dwarf, that saved his life. "Travelers, you all my thanks. I have been trying to evade those brutish green skins for almost a week." At this point, Amendil stopped to take a breath. "My name is Amendil Thol. I am a traveler of sorts, and one without the blessings of Lileath, or even the God men call Ranald. Of course, today, it seems Lileath has finally smiled on me, again." Amendil sighed for a moment and removed his helmet, letting the air blow through his hair. "Tell me travelers, who are you?"

2008-11-14, 06:27 PM
i am tilmann, priest of sigmar tilmann makes the sign of the twin tailed comet at the newcomer and pre-occupied with rowing doesnt wait for a reply strength test (half?) 43 [roll0] to keep up to speed

2008-11-14, 06:34 PM
The boat collides with a stone, rocks violently, and the hull takes on water. It will be reduced to ½ movement (1½ if floating, 3½ if being rowed) until bailed out. If not completely bailed out within [roll0] rounds (3 minutes), it will capsize.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-14, 06:41 PM
"Whoa!" Amendil takes his helmet and starts to scoop up the water and pour it out the side. "Not to tell how to steer this thing, but we need to make land fall or we will be swept down stream."

2008-11-14, 06:45 PM
To make shore, the rower would normally have to make a Hard Row skill check at half Strength, but as there are two of them, I'll allow them to make the test at Easy with full Strength.

2008-11-14, 07:00 PM
OK, both rowers have logged out, so I'll take the tests.

Tilmann: Str 43+20 [roll0] difficulty 63
Orzax: Str 39+20 [roll1] difficulty 59

The boat is quickly rowed to the side, and everyone can get out. You have about two and a half minutes left to bail it out, or else it will fill with water and sink.

2008-11-14, 07:31 PM
Orzax quickly hops/steps out of the boat and onto land. Then he helps lift others onto the land.

2008-11-14, 07:55 PM
OK, I'm assuming getting everyone and their things onto dry land takes half a minute. You have two minutes left in which to bail out the boat or lose it.

2008-11-14, 07:56 PM
perhaps we should stop it from sinking as boats can be useful and even then, if we dont need it and im sure ravandil doesnt want it back otherwise he would of sent some one to row it back with us, we can sell it, boats can be worth a good bit of money, and this ones big enough for a fair few people. tilmann begins to bail it out as quick as possible (if you want me to roll on it roll for me Xsesiv to save time)

Arq Kujos
2008-11-14, 07:58 PM
"Since you saved my life, the least I can do is help you save your boat." Amendil will begin helping bail out the boat. Roll for me too, if you need to.

2008-11-14, 08:00 PM
Agility test. You bail out a number of tenths of the water equal to degrees of success (minimum of 1).
Tilmann: Ag 41 [roll0]
Amendil: Ag 40 [roll1]
Tilmann bailed out 1/10 of the water, Amendil 4/10.

Half of it is gone, slowing the sink rate and giving you four minutes to try again.

2008-11-14, 08:04 PM
I'm assuming you want to try again.
Tilmann: Ag 41 [roll0]
Amendil: Ag 40 [roll1]
Tilmann and Amendil each bailed out 1/10 of the water. The boat continues to sink, so you have only three minutes to get the last bit out.

2008-11-14, 08:06 PM
Again, till it sinks or is empty.
Tilmann: Ag 41 [roll0]
Amendil: Ag 40 [roll1]
Tilmann and Emendil each bailed out 1/10 of the water. Bad failure ruling- Tilmann accidentally introduced more water.

The amount of water left is negligible, so you have effectively emptied the boat.

2008-11-14, 08:16 PM
tilmann lets out a sigh of relief, and sits back at the oar, back in the boat, we will be in town much quicker this way... just some one keep an eye out for more rocks and shallows

2008-11-14, 08:18 PM
After about a hundred-and-fifty yards' travel, weeds clog the floor. Row tests will be required from now on, due to the difficulty incurred by rowing against the weeds.

Row test to carry on.

2008-11-14, 08:22 PM
str 43 [roll0]

2008-11-14, 08:26 PM
The boat progresses normally, but the oars become slightly entangled with weeds, so that any further Row tests have a -5% penalty. After fifty more yards, a flimsy-looking crate is floating in the water, one corner uppermost.

2008-11-14, 08:32 PM
tilmann tries to grab it out of the water as they row past, slowing down tilmann grabs it pulls it on board and looks inside (any tests?)

2008-11-14, 08:37 PM
It crumbles to bits under the lightest touch. Inside you find it packed with eight padded bottles of Moonshine spirit. One of them is empty and has something inside it, obscured by the label and the dark bottle-glass. You may need to smash the bottle to get it out.

2008-11-14, 08:44 PM
tilmann takes some cloth and wraps the bottle in it and hits the bottle with his hammer just hard eough to smash it (no glass in my eye, thank you lol) and unwraps it carefully

2008-11-14, 08:49 PM
There is a small note in here along with a green-metal dagger. The dagger is inscribed J.P.S. Ordo Ranald. You notice "something funny" about it.
The note reads: To Ordo One-eye: Thanks for bringing troops upriver. Cruetzfeldts and Durrenbachs meeting. Averheim junction. Backup required 20th Pflugzeit.

2008-11-14, 08:54 PM
magic sense int 32 [roll0] to sense if its magical(or it could be poisoned?)

2008-11-14, 08:57 PM
You sense it is magical. Cursed (+5%WS at night,-5%WS at day) and has Dark Venom poison effect. You can tell it's not good magic, but not Dark or evil magic.

2008-11-14, 09:03 PM
tilmann puts the dagger away while he thinks what to do with it, showing every one the note too tired to think about it now, logging off, ill sort it out tomorrow

Arq Kujos
2008-11-14, 09:16 PM
Amendil reached for the note and inspected it. "What do you think this means? It sounds like some form of military instructions or something."

2008-11-15, 11:12 AM
Amendil can't read.
The river tapers to a tiny bottleneck. This is because a canal has been cut out of it. You can either take the canal, or get the boat out of the water and walk with it.

2008-11-15, 11:44 AM
Remigo grabs the note and reads it outloud to the group.

"Sounds like river bandits to me, in my travels in the empire i've never known the army to distribute its orders via bottles throw in the river and when you're planning on raping and pillaging you traditionally want to do it where the military isn't."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 11:52 AM
"No no, not the regular army. I meant something like rebels. Outlaws. People no longer content to live under the yolk of the Empire. I've never heard of bandits refer to each other as 'troops'. Have you?"

2008-11-15, 12:42 PM
The river becomes too narrow to be followed any more. You have to either go up a nearby canal, or get out of the river and take the boat with you.

2008-11-15, 03:20 PM
I would'nae know about anything regarding the military, but I should certainly think that unless there's more money in ambushing these berks what wrote it, why not just sell the booze and boat and make the best of the profits?

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 03:51 PM
"Maybe there would be money involved. All I know is that a rebellion could be very bad, especially with the forces of chaos running around." Amendil turns to Tilmann. "Think of it. You would be a hero in the eyes of the Empire and the Church if you turned back a rebellion." Then, he turns to Orzax. "Not to mention the possibly dangerous battles that we would face if there was one. Someone could die." Then, Amendil turns to Bernolt. "And of course, there is the possibility of a hefty reward a noble would be willing give out for this kind of information."

Boo-Ya! I almost wish I could make a diplomacy check to go with that.:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-15, 04:40 PM
Stupid ruling made earlier; when searching relevant information from campaign, accidentally copied it from advice dealing with NPC's. Completely ignore Charm Check and subsequent ruling.

The boat thumps against the bank where the river becomes a narrow brook. It will have to be rowed down the nearby canal or moved out of the water.

2008-11-15, 06:55 PM
tilmann will try to stear it to the canal, with orzaxs help im sure, it would be a waste of energy to walk with it while there is a perfectly useful canal to use, hmmm, that bottle has been there a while i would recon, but possibly just an old bottle? but either way we must think about it when we get to town, we should have a little while before anything happens as we have the note so they will have to be given another before they know this info, so we should have some time

(how long have we got untill that date on the note?)

2008-11-15, 07:02 PM
You have six days till the 20th.

A barrier is slammed down over either end of the boat to stop it moving onwards. Two militiamen step out of the watchhouse and one greets you with thick Averland accents and clearly memorised words. "We welcomes yer ter Brücke-an-der-Wein. We hopes yer enjoys bein' here, if yer gonna stay. Even if yer not gonna, sorry ter be unfriendly, but we does have to tell yer it's a crown a boat toll ter use the Aver Canal." With an oily smile, the other turns to Amendil. "Er...and an extra crown "ear tax"."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 07:10 PM
"Even though this 'extortion' disgusts me, since you gentlemen saved my life, allow me to pay this outlandish sum. Consider it my thanks to you all." Amendil will pay the men, and give the oily one a nasty glance, but say nothing else.

2008-11-15, 07:14 PM
The barriers are lifted and the boat floats off down the canal. You are nearing Averheim; it is just over the horizon. After a couple of minutes' plain sailing rowing, a large drafthorse stands by a broken cart at the left hand side of the canal, with a gaping flesh wound on its right haunch. It still has straps attaching it to the cart, so it cannot move off, but a large blood puddle is on the cart and the driver is nowhere to be seen.

2008-11-15, 07:21 PM
strange... maybe we should try and stop if from bleeding, and move on, before any commotion starts. i dont like leaving animals hurt like this to bleed to death with no good reason tilmann gets the boat to the side of the canal and hops out and tries to heal the poor animals wounds int 32 +10 for 2 ranks in heal [roll0]

2008-11-15, 07:27 PM
You fail to help the animal, and as you poke its wound, the horse pulls away whinnying in distress and pain, but cannot move for the cart is still attached to it and a plank from the cart is buried into the ground. Four or five kegs of ale, the cart's load, have been left by the side of the road, so robbery is not the motive for the damage to this cart. From where you are, now, though, a trail of blood from the pool on the cart leads you to the driver of the cart several yards away behind a bush. Without a doubt, he is dead, as he lies in a pool of blood a yard in diameter that trickles into the river.

2008-11-15, 07:31 PM
tilmann curses in dwarfish, no matter how much i want to give him a proper burial i think now is not the time as im sure some one will come and think we did it, we must get to the town at once and tell the first guards we see what has happened tilmann quickly has another go at helping the poor animal before getting back into the boat
int 32 +10 [roll0]

tilmann quickly gets into the boat and begins to row quicker to the town

2008-11-15, 07:32 PM
The wound becomes aggravated. The horse loses 1 Wound and pulls away again, somehow managing to break the strap, and goes galloping off in panic.

2008-11-15, 07:35 PM
.............. thats what i get for trying to help tilmann sighs,

str 43 to row quicker to town, [roll0]

2008-11-15, 07:36 PM
You get to town within a half hour. The militiamen let you dock at the port for a much more reasonable fare of "three muck".

2008-11-15, 07:39 PM
dont worry i already thought of that tilmann arrives at the docks and pays the man, and asks for the town watch, or its equivilent from the man

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 07:41 PM
"I just hope they do not try to blame us." Amendil whispers to Tilmann.

2008-11-15, 07:41 PM
Anyone who got close (or would have got close) to the dead driver, to loot him or otherwise, will see that there are enormous clawmarks on him, rending his flesh and clothes, and four bites taken out of his neck. Anyone who sees the latter will have to make a WP check or gain one IP.

A bored-looking Sergeant comes out of his office downing a goblet of wine. "Well, what do you want, hammerhead?"

2008-11-15, 07:42 PM
i agree, but hopefully seeing as we will be the ones to report it, and nothings been stolen that we can see of, also i am a priest of sigmar, any suspicions we can get rid of them tilmann wispers just before the sargeant arrives

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 07:47 PM
Amendil will stand slightly behind Tilamnn, trying to seem impressive.

I dropped my poll because I didn't get close enough to see the wounds on the dead guy, just the dead guy in the distance.

2008-11-15, 07:47 PM
pre mentioned sainity test, wp 35 [roll0] my good sir says tilmann ignoreing the hammerhead remark there has been a killing, back on the side of the canal, a poor cart driver has been killed and his horse injured, please, go investigate this, as it seems like a serious case tilmann intentionally misses out the details of the body as that may lead to the man to disbelieve tilmann

2008-11-15, 07:53 PM
"A killin'? In the name of Ulric's most holy arse, that it the most exciting thing to happen for weeks. Come on, guys, let's have a look at what Sigmar's little helper's dug up."

Clearly, he doesn't believe you, though he comes along.

2008-11-15, 07:56 PM
sir, it is about half an hours way down the canal, im sorry to seem so reluctant to go with you but i would not like to get in the way of your duties sir tilmann gives the man sigmars blessing and tries to walk away hoping the man doesnt stop him as tilmann does not wish to see the body again... if its still there

2008-11-15, 07:58 PM
Nuh-uh, hammerhead. You're coming with us lads, so's we don't think you had summat to do with it. The few Watchmen he has enlisted swing their cudgels, hoping for an arrest. Nothing happens in sleepy towns like this.

2008-11-15, 08:01 PM
tilmann curses in khazalid again, but quietly so that if they do manage to hear him they dont know what his said ok sir, if you insist, are we walking or taking a boat?

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:02 PM
Amendil rests his hand on Tilmann's shoulder and whispers in his ear, "Just humor him for the time being. I doubt they will accuse a holy man, such as yourself, of misdoings."

2008-11-15, 08:02 PM
"Don't be speaking in tongues while you're with us, elfy. We doesn't want to have you putted under arrest for withholding secret information. I also doesn't want you pushing us out of t'e boat when we're in t'e middle of t'e canal. We're walkin'."

2008-11-15, 08:06 PM
fine, we shall walk, i hope your men are in good shape, its going to take a while tilmann leads off first to lead the way, moving at a slightly faster than average walk to get this over and done with

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:08 PM
"I suddenly feel in the mood for some vigorous exercise. Would you care to join me, Tilmann?" Amendil asked his comrade as he picked up his pace to a fast walk.

2008-11-15, 08:10 PM
The physician is called to pronounce death, and the Watchmen drop their heavy packs of manacles in the office.
After a gruelling walk, you reach the place where the horse was. The men look round and one vomits as he notices the corpse, which has a couple more bites taken out of it. The physician approaches him and bends town to examine the wounds. He laughs grimly. "Did anyone see this?" he asks, pointing to one wound. The watchmen seem more interested in the barrels of ale and where they could be fitted into the office. "First Quaff's in two or three weeks," one says. "I know it's a Stuntie holiday but...might as well..."

2008-11-15, 08:11 PM
ah, good idea, this way we can keep fit and get to the body quicker! good thinking tilmann begins a gental jog, nothing too strenuous yet though

2008-11-15, 08:12 PM
(if as i have already passed the insanity point test i would not gain one from looking again i will look if i will gain another then i will not)

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:12 PM
"No, we came across the body as we were rowing down the canal."

2008-11-15, 08:14 PM
"He has scales on his skin around the wounds. Clearly, he was a minor mutant. Who would eat mutated parts of someone?"
"And where's the hossy?"

2008-11-15, 08:16 PM
... perhaps other mutants?....... no it couldnt be could it? not .... skaven?

the "hossy" as you put it, seems to have broken free of the cart.

2008-11-15, 08:18 PM
"Pppppppppfff! Everyone knows the Skaven dinnae exist!"

"No, these be, for certain, human bites. I were a specialist dentist once."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:19 PM
"The minions of chaos are little more than animals. It does not surprise me that they would do this. Monsters." Amendil scoffed at the notion.

2008-11-15, 08:20 PM
skaven dont exist? why dont you try telling the dwarf that?

thank god, human bites, but even then i can only see othe mutants even contemplate eating another mutant, possibly a slaaneshie worshipper?

2008-11-15, 08:23 PM
"Or elf bites, so be quiet."

A shout comes up from the nearby copse.
"The Watch be here!"
"We cannot stop now. Put the blackstuff onto the horseflesh."
A chanting comes up and repeats over and over.
"Inii raa amanthid Tzeentch!"
Three of the six Watchmen run off while the others stand agape.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:26 PM
"Tzeentch?" Amendil reaches on his back and pulls his sword out. ""Tilmann, grab your hammer. There are daemons afoot." With that, Amendil will run in the direction of the voices.

2008-11-15, 08:27 PM
tilmann not afriad to swear at this momant (or any other for a priest supprisingly) oh f*ck.....tzeentch, knew it would be some chaos god or another, time for some wrongs to be righted with the death of these beasts! tilmann prepares for battle as he watches the others run away, and moves forward into the bushes

2008-11-15, 08:29 PM
Anyone entering the copse will have to make a Fear test. The horse is glowing brightly with what can easily be assumed to be warpstone, and is being roasted over a bonfire. More warpstone is sprinkled onto the horse, turrning the fire purple. The chanting is incessant and third arms, third eyes, clubfeet and tentacles abound. The mutants are eating the horses' flesh as well as the mutated bits of the dead mutant.

2008-11-15, 08:31 PM
wp 35, dont fail me now [roll0]

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:33 PM
"For the Glory of the Asur!" Amendil makes an attack on the closest mutant.

[roll0] vs. 41

2008-11-15, 08:34 PM
back up, fear test before that m8

2008-11-15, 08:34 PM
Oblivious to anything elsee that is going on, the mutants eat and eat as the chanting escalates to deafening levels. Not too terrified to lose his wits, Tilmann can see there are about eight of them, and they are headed by another one who is chanting in Daemonic, has the symbol of Tzeentch painted on his robes and each of his five tentacles.Tentacles with an n, not an s, before you get any strange ideas.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:36 PM
I tell you what, can that other one be my fear test, since it comes first? I'll just roll another WS roll.

2008-11-15, 08:37 PM
Oh, go on then.

2008-11-15, 08:38 PM
up to Xsesiv, although i have a spell to bring allies out of fear and terror so as long as i pass, and they are oblivious, doesnt matter too much if you fail

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:38 PM
Thanks. *Ahem* Now, for my attack. [roll0] vs. 41

2008-11-15, 08:39 PM
One of the mutants gets a blade swishing past hs ear, but goes on chanting as a horn begins to sprout from his head. Another Fear test for Amendil.

2008-11-15, 08:40 PM
as they currently seem oblivious tilmann will lunge forward with his ally and cast the blessing of sigmar on his hammer followed by an attack (both half actions) mag1 cast no 3 [roll0] and ws 41 [roll1]

Arq Kujos
2008-11-15, 08:41 PM
Another one? Ok, [roll0]

2008-11-15, 08:42 PM
forgot damage, SB= 4 blessing of sigmar +1 [roll0]

2008-11-15, 08:43 PM
You hit him in the right arm for [roll0] or [roll1] Wounds (hammer blessing gives Impact quality), your SB 4 minus his TB of 3.

2008-11-15, 08:44 PM
+1 on crits table, [roll0]

2008-11-15, 08:46 PM
Your hammer smashes into the mutant's forearm, fracturing the bones with a satisfying snap. He is stunned for [roll0] turns by the intense pain.
As the mutant screams in pain and stops his chanting, the ritual is brought to a close by the ending of the chant. All eight mutants and their leader turn on you, infuriated with you for breaking their contact.

2008-11-15, 08:51 PM
FOR SIGMARRRR! blessing of courage on arq as he failed his fear cast no 3 [roll0] and will take another whack at the next closest enemy ws 41 [roll1] unless we roll initiative now? but i assumed i still had some extra time while they were noticing the ritual had stopped

2008-11-15, 08:55 PM
The three remaining Watchmen turn up clanking some manacles as you swing for the next mutant, missing him by a fraction. The mutants and their Daemonic-speaking leader run off. "Worry not, my friends!" he calls. "We handled enough dark powder and ate enough mutated flesh for our beloved Tzeentch to bless us with more mutations!"
The horse rotates on the spit, glowing eerily.

2008-11-15, 08:58 PM
looks like this town has a problem on its hands... actually more than one he adds to himself remembering the note (what about my 1 on magic?)

2008-11-15, 09:02 PM
For roll of 1: Check OOC thread
The Sergeant comes puffing up.
"Well, that pretty much sums it up. Next time they're here, it'll be our problem, not yours. Here, we're not legally meant to pay you, but if you take a couple of these kegs of ale fer yer troubles, I'm sure the owner wouldn't mind."
The Sergeant looks at Orzax.
"First Quaff in a couple of weeks, you're meant to open at least one barrel. Might as well be a free one."

2008-11-15, 09:05 PM
thank you, these kegs will keep orzax... and i if im honest, happy for atleast a few days with the way dwarfs drink, thank you for your kindness... are you sure you and your men can handle these..... monstrosities?

2008-11-15, 09:09 PM
"Well...to be honest, we'll have some help not too far over the hill. The Cruetzfeldts and Durrenbachs are meeting for peace talks on the 20th. They've been fighting for years over trivial trivial things, like "Your son may or may not have seen my daughter from two miles away." So each family's bringin' eight soldiers with 'em. That'll be more than enough. But if you're offering some help..."

2008-11-15, 09:14 PM
well if we are still in town we will surely lend a hand to anyone who wished to oppose those things but as you seem to have this sorted, even if we leave town to look for bigger threats to the empire *tilmann rolls his eyes* at the misconceptions of the note... and takes one of the bottles found with the note and emptys it and places the note inside, then throws it back into the water when no one was looking, feeling slightly silly, then begins to travel back to town

2008-11-15, 09:20 PM
The group approaches Averheim again. They are now in the middle of the town and have a while to do whatever they want. Further travel downriver will take you to Streisen, and then to Nuln.

2008-11-15, 09:22 PM
nice town, here, ok a couple of hours i think, then we meet in the tavern over there? tilmann goes his seperate way but doesnt stop anybody from following him if they want

tilmann will go to the temple of sigmar, if they have one, to chat with some of the priests there for a short while

2008-11-15, 09:25 PM
"Sigmar's blessing on you." says the High Priest, seeing you enter, doing the V-sign and swinging his hammer in greeting.

2008-11-15, 09:26 PM
tilmann bows and returns the sign, hello, i am a priest of sigmar, i would like to talk to the supirior priest of this temple

2008-11-15, 09:31 PM
"That would be me, how do you do...um?" He is asking for your name btw, he's not a retard"Unless you mean the High Priest of Ranald, or The High Priestess of Shallya? They are sharing our temple for a while, as theirs were wrecked by a band of Trolls."

2008-11-15, 09:37 PM
tilmann, tilmann frohlich tilmann says as he kneels momentarily and stand up, i have been given a mission from sigmar himself, no less, to help the empire by destroying the attacking forces of chaos and greenskins, and as you can see, i have this lovely hammer but if sigmar wishes me to help in the war against chaos, i need a great war-hammer, (2 handed) and would like to know if this temple has any said weapons or knows of anywhere i could get said weapon worthy of a sigmarite, part of the cult of the silver hammer... tilmann realises that this might seem a little far fetched and casts sigmars blessing on his hammer as some form of proof that sigmar has indeed chosen him mag 1 cast no 3 [roll0]

tilmann listened to what the priest said about the trolls but says nothing of it for now, but will relay it too orzax later

2008-11-15, 09:45 PM
"Try Hugelstein's. Just head up Sudstrasse, across the canal bridge. It's worth a try, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ghal Marax itself turned up there. Fishing bait, swords, pottery, furniture, perfume, mummies, Magnus’ toe. Anything. Problem is, you just never know. And half the time, neither does he."
A couple more Priests turn up. One of them is dressed in a black hooded robe embroidered with silver X's with a dagger by his side shuffling a pack of cards, and the other in a white hooded robe with a golden heart on it holding a bandage.
"Who is this, High Priest?" asks the one in white.
"Yeah, who the hell are you?" says the other.
"Frohlich," says the Sigmarite Priest. "Tilmann Frohlich. Apparently he has been blessed by Sigmar himself."

2008-11-15, 09:47 PM
indeed... the high priest here tells me youve had some troubles with trolls lately? well i and my travling companions are... expirienced with their kind, strong but slow, and i would like to offer help to your temples by dispatching this menace as i cannot allow fellow temples and priests to be damaged or hurt by the very things sigmar has told me to kill!

2008-11-15, 09:51 PM
The Ranald Priest listens to you, but sees the greenish dagger at your hip and spends the duration of your speech staring at it."Mr. Sigmarite High Priest, is there any way we can help this man? I think that that dagger that that man has be a genuine relic of Ranald, and I am sure our temple would rejoice to have it."

2008-11-15, 09:55 PM
what, this? tilmann picks it up off his hip into his hand hmmm if this is truely a relic then you can gladly have it as it is of no use to me tilmann hands the dagger over and does the sign of the hammer you may take it, for im sure you would do the same with a sigmarite relic

2008-11-15, 10:02 PM
The High Priest of Ranald shakes at the knees, then drops to them.
"I thank you sincerely, my friend. I thank you again. I will never be able to thank you enough. This dagger shall be shown to the High Priest of Ranald for all of the Old World, and I am sure it will restart the faith of the common folk in the Lord of Fortune!" He passes out and the Shallyan Priestess puts him into a recovery position.

"Try Hugelstein's, then. Down Sudstrasse, just over the canal bridge."

Ranald Priests bless you with luck. Until the end of the day, you may reverse the order of any rolls on a Skill/Characteristic Test. e.g., 82% could become 28%.

2008-11-15, 10:04 PM
thank you, i will go now tilmann heads towards the shop and enters hello?

2008-11-15, 10:09 PM
Hugelstein’s is known to collectors throughout the region as a storehouse of the most eclectic assortment of rare goods, not to mention a legendary source of adventurers’ provisions. Surrounded by small houses overloaded with the working class, one will find a crumbling half-timbered affair with a crude sign that reads: ‘Alvin Hugelstein’s Curiosities & Collectibles.’ It’s actually two houses joined by an awkward extension of plaster and creaking wood. On the ground floor, walls have been removed to create open warehouse space without consideration for structural integrity. As a result, sections of the roof sag, the worst of it supported by an ancient sandstone pillar covered in hieroglyphics. (The pillar is for sale, by the way.)
“Come in! Out of that cold! First time here? I wouldn’t say that I never forget a face, but it’s a rare thing. Rare things! That’s what I’m offering here. Just, I don’t like browsers and dawdlers. If you’re only here to look around, you can try Borham’s Emporium on Gesselweg. Alvin Hugelstein caters only to true adventurers. You wouldn’t be a true adventurer if you hadn’t put away a few Karls earned from all that excitement, eh?”

2008-11-15, 10:13 PM
tilmann will walk upto the man behind the counter hello, i was recommended you, to be able to get me a 2 handed great warhammer, preferably of sigmar? would you happen to have any? tilmann lets his symbols of the twin tailed comet on the side of his current hammer show and the ones on his robes to hint that he is a priest of sigmar

2008-11-15, 10:16 PM
He lifts a dusty tarp from the back wall and pullsa large something in oiled leather out. "I call this the Middenheimmer. The bone picker who traded me for this hammer says that it was found on the field of battle outside of Middenheim. Of course, that same picker once tried to sell me a handful of dirt from Sigmar’s tomb, so I’m none too quick to accept her stories."

This is a huge, beaked hammer, with one end of the head featuring a wicked spike. It looks to be hundreds of years old. Grime fills each of its deep grooves and lines. It’s decorated with azurite and coloured glass, forming the image of a twin-tailed comet head between the leather-wrapped handle and the hammer’s head.

"Will you be purchasing this fine item today?"

2008-11-15, 10:19 PM
tilmann stands in awe, if i have enough money... which i doubt tilmann says it in such a way as to inquire as to its price

2008-11-15, 10:21 PM
Forty Karls, but I'm open to haggles. I do like a good haggle. If you're looking for something a bit more affordable, you could have this...Verena's Gavel:Created for a Templar of the Owl in far off Estalia, it has delivered the justice of Verena in many crusades against the men of Araby. Holy relics aren’t my area of expertise, so I’ll leave you to judge for yourself.

2008-11-15, 10:22 PM
int 32, magic sense on the items [roll0]

2008-11-15, 10:24 PM
Neither are magic, so unlucky. Alvin is becoming quite agitated. "Well? Do you want either of them?"

2008-11-15, 10:24 PM
i got a error message from the second roll? dont know what the hell that means

2008-11-15, 10:25 PM
ok, basis of 1 gold is a karl yes? for the first one, 30?

2008-11-15, 10:25 PM
When you deleted it, it says that so's I know if you've been cheating. I saw the original post, so I don't care about the message; you didn't cheat.

You see another twin-tailed comet symbol on a handle of something sticking out of a barrel, as Alvin thinks. "OK, 30 Karls for the Middenheimmer. Because I like the looks of you." He crosses to the till and writes down the purchase in a ledger, then hands you the hammer.

2008-11-15, 10:28 PM
hey... hang on whats that? in that barrel there? sorry to be so awkward, but doesnt looke like youve got any other custom just at this momenttilmann points

2008-11-15, 10:30 PM
Edit: beat me to it

deal, then tilmann produces the money and extends an arm to shake his hand

2008-11-15, 10:31 PM
Sorry, it was when I was writing it up that you posted yours, so I didn't see it.

2008-11-15, 10:34 PM
deleted post by mistake.
A Sigmarite Whip. A fine goad made from the highest quality chain, sold to me by a Stirland merchant who was hoping it would find a home among the faithful. It seems kind of weird to me, so if you want it, you can have it for free with the hammer. He pulls it out.
Each golden link in this whip’s chain is forged in the shape of a hammer and the handle is engraved with a twin tailed comet.

The man jingles the money in his hand, takes out a crown and bites it. "Thank you very much sir."

2008-11-15, 10:36 PM
what are the stats on these weapons so i can write them into my character sheet? also sense magic on the whip 32 [roll0] damn it, doesnt look like im gonna reverse that roll, would make it worse lol

tilmann says his thanks and leaves inspecting both weapons closely

2008-11-15, 10:42 PM
Craftsmanship: Good (refurbishment makes it become Best)
Encumbrance: 220
Group: Two-handed
Damage: SB (if using spike) or SB+1 (if using hammerhead)
Qualities: Armour Piercing (if using spike) or Impact & Slow (if using hammerhead)

Sigmarite Whip:
Craftsmenship: Good
Encumbrance: 35,
Group: Entangling
Damage: SB
Range: 4/-
Reload Half
Qualities: Snare

Alvin has lots of creditors and some of them are fed up with his excuses for missed payments. The construction crew that joined the two houses – years ago – still has not been paid in full. They’re long past caring about the money. Now they just want Alvin to suffer. Slipping on masks and carrying planks of wood, some of the remaining members of this work gang are going to pay the shopkeeper a visit. They shove past you as you exit.

2008-11-15, 10:45 PM
Edit: scrap that,

as they bardge past tilmann says hey whats going on here?

2008-11-15, 10:49 PM
"He's owed us money since eight years ago. Now get out of our way, he deserves what he gets."

2008-11-15, 10:51 PM
how much money? tilmann says stalling them

2008-11-15, 10:54 PM
"Two hundred marks. Now, get out of our way, as I said, or you'll catch some of it too."

2008-11-15, 10:56 PM
ok, ill do us all a favour. tilmann gets some paper and writing kit out and franticly writes on the paper, and hands it over to them saying sign this. can they read?

2008-11-15, 10:57 PM
No, but they can't write either...for ease of storyline they put their mark on the paper.

2008-11-15, 11:05 PM
tilmann takes it back and reads the paper *ahem* we, as the party who are owed money sign here to say that alvin, the person owing the money of 200 marks, no longer owes this money and that acts of harm over this issue, or will to break this contract will result in being beaten up by a third party, this is a legally binding contract and and breakages of this contract will not only make you (the people formally being owed money) beaten up by a third party but imprisonment too, to make this legal and fair to all partys, all of the owed party, the owing party and a third party must sign, signed....... by you!, tilmann reaveals the paper as a piece of paper of the reciet and has the signiture of alvin on it and tilmann signed aswell as he wrote the contract also signed by alvin ,and the third party, me..... tilmann then promptly hides the piece of paper, and drawns his new hammer so,erm who wants to honor this contract?

yeah ok so its pretty much jibberish, but im a priest of sigmar, and i stand for the empire, so i thought it would make sense if they could be fooled into thinking i knew law and stuff and took the threat and back down lol

2008-11-15, 11:30 PM
Bernolt mutters quietly to Tilmann, "Haha, I like your style, Tilmann. Sure you shouldn't be following Ranald?" Chuckling at the face Tilmann undoubtedly makes at this joke he would find "distasteful" at best, Bernolt offers a hand to take the document, remarking, "I'd be happy to sign as a witness, if necessary."

2008-11-15, 11:35 PM
tilmann wispers back haha nice joke, although a little distasteful seems bernolt was right, as tilmann gives him a little look to say, "i cant deney that was witty, but just be careful where you tread" which is hard to pull off i can tell you... tilmann turns back to the men ah, and we shall have the witness sign aswell just to prove that we all signed it and that nobody can back out of it tilmann quickly produces the paper again and tells him just to put a squiggle on the dotted line quickly, and then puts it away instantly afterwards, turning back to face them with his hammer raised still

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 02:16 AM
Whoa, you guys really went crazy without me.

"I approve. Not many in this day would solve such a problem with words rather than violence. I am impressed." At this point, Amendil will go to the shopkeep and ask to sell an Orc Choppa. "Good sir, I have here an Orc Axe, more commonly called a Choppa. How much would you give me for such an item? I can vouch for its effectiveness." He points to a cut in his armor on his shoulder. "I am in the market for magical trinkets. Amulets, rings, and anything of elven design."

2008-11-16, 06:04 AM
When Tilmann makes his announcement about visiting the temple, Remigo tunes out, gives some vague well-wishes towards his endevours and wanders off towards the rougher part of town in search of a tavern in which to drink and gamble.

(Sorry about my lack of contributions of late, i've been rather busy with my university exams, but my final one is tomorrow. Also seedy tavern in a bad neighbourhood might be a sensible place to meet a bandit.)

2008-11-16, 08:47 AM
@Tilmann: The men look deflated, and, annoyed, walk off fuming with rage. Alvin is so thankful he offers to give you a fifty-crown credit note for the shop.

@Amendil: "The Choppa, I would give five crowns for. Please do not take offence at the price, but I already have a large stock of them. Now, I don't have much made by the pointies, as they don't die so I can't inherit it, and they barely trade so I can't buy it. But I have this...an Orcskin drum. This, I'm assured, has an Elven touch to it. That's five Karls. And If you're still looking for rings, here's something for you..." he pulls out a small box containing about 100 cheap rings of metal, stone, bone and wood. "I've not yet checked to see if there's anything really valuable in there. I'm giving that away for five as well."

@Remigo: You find a better area of the city, in which one in two people is missing an ear or a finger, but that doesn't stop them from brawling, pickpocketing, throat-slitting, rigging games of cards and drinking in the street next to the open sewers. The first tavern you come to is called the "Broken Arms".

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 12:19 PM
Is he selling the whole box for 5 gold? Cause I'll take that.

"No offense taken. It was not difficult to separate the brute's head from his its shoulders, so I can see why you would have so many." Amedil will examine the drum and the rings.

I'll roll an evaluate check for each, but I don't posses that skill, so I am rolling at half Intelligence.

I'll roll for the drum first. [roll0] vs. 15

Now I'll roll for the box of rings. [roll1] vs. 15

2008-11-16, 12:22 PM
You can't divine the value any better than he does. The box of rings seems to you to be worth 25 gc. But you buy the box of rings for 5 gc.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 12:27 PM
Yeah, I know that a Karl is a gold crown. I just said gold for simplicity.

Amendil examines the box and the drum, but he is a warrior, and unable to closely discover anything about them. He will buy them, but not before he haggles over them.

I do have haggle. Haggle is versus Fellowship. So, [roll0] vs. 33.

2008-11-16, 12:28 PM
He refuses to be haggled down.
I'm going to eat my tea now, reply in a minute

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 12:28 PM
Dammit! No luck today.

2008-11-16, 01:09 PM
You pick up the box of rings at the original price. Make a Perception Test.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 01:33 PM
"I shall accept your price. May the Gods smile upon you." Amendil will pull out the Choppa and 5 crowns and pay the man.

Ok, I roll vs. Int. which is 34, not 31, like I said earlier. I have excellent vision, which gives me a 10% bonus, but that is reduced to half because I don't have perception. 100 vs. 17+5=22

2008-11-16, 01:35 PM
Post again. The test is not vision related, further, you need to put 1d100, not just 100. Correct me if I'm wrong but i think bonuses are added after halving.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 01:36 PM
Oh, so then it is just a 17. [roll0]

2008-11-16, 01:36 PM
The box is made of dark wood locked with a small hook and full of rings, but you notice little else.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 01:37 PM
Can you describe the drum for me?

2008-11-16, 01:41 PM
The drum is made of a log of red wood, hollowed out and painted black and red. Some Orc skin in stretched over the top and held in place by black leather thongs. As you have Common Knowledge (Elves), you can tell it has an Elven touch to it, but it is probably dark elves who would even contemplate making this. It causes Fear in all Greenskins.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 01:46 PM
Amendil will look at the drum and then holster it to his side. Any weapon that can be used against the greenskins is a tool he would not pass up. As for the box of rings, he will try to examine them closer. Would it be possible to see if any of them are elven or have an elven touch to them?

Greenskins are orcs and goblins, right? Or would that also include hob goblins and trolls also? I see them a with orc armies alot.

2008-11-16, 01:50 PM
Greenskins are Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Snotlings, but not Trolls.

Having Common Knowledge (Elves), you see that only a couple of the rings have Elven touches to them, such as intricate carvings and symbols to their gods.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 01:54 PM
Amendil will take any of the rings that have any elven touches and separate them from the others. He will take them and wear as many as he can. How many elven rings are there?

What are the rules for rings? Is it like D&D where I can wear ten but only have 4 activated? Or is it different?

2008-11-16, 01:57 PM
If anything you have has magical efects, they stack. You can wear as many rings as the GM approves. Five of them are Elven, twelve Dwarven and the rest Human or Halfling. Differences between the craftsmanship of the two latter are non-existent, apart from the size.

Disappointingly, you feel no immediate effects from any of the rings.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 02:06 PM
Amendil will stare at the rings for a moment, but not being mage, he is unable to find anything different about them. He will then take the 5 best forged Dwarven rings and place them on his left hand. He then turns to the store owner. "Do you have any higher quality locks? I would hate for these to be stolen because of a faulty lock, and sense you happen to have such a fine business here, I feel it is only in my best interest to ask you first."

2008-11-16, 02:09 PM
The proprietor shrugs and signals for you to take a look around. There is so much stuff he doesn't know if he has any locks. You will have to look round the entire shop, which needs a Hard (-20) Search test.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 02:34 PM
[roll0] vs 34-20(for hard)+10(for excellent vision)

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 02:35 PM
Never mind that excellent vision bonus. Not that it mattered, anyway.

2008-11-16, 02:46 PM
You find a common quality lock. It will cost six shillings.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 02:52 PM
Amendil will buy it and then leave. At this point, he will explore the town a little to see what it has.

2008-11-16, 03:04 PM
Too many taverns and a good deal of shops, as well as small farming and fishing industries.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:07 PM
Amendil will window shop a little. He will stop for weapon shops and magical trinkets.

2008-11-16, 03:12 PM
Borham's Emporium sells weaponry, but this being a backward town, they have no magical items.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:18 PM
Ok, Amendil will browse the weapon shop. Do I need a search check?


2008-11-16, 03:19 PM
No, it's not necessary. I did it in the other shop cause it was so disorganised. Are you looking for anything in particular?

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:23 PM
Well, he is in training to be a swordmaster, so greatswords are his preference, but he can wield any weapon the elves use. Longspears, Longbows, Longswords, etc. He is looking for a good longbow. He is also looking to sell that stuff he got off the orc, the Leather Jack, the Mail Shirt, and the leather skullcap, and the dagger.

2008-11-16, 03:34 PM
You can have an Average Quality Longbow for 17 crowns or a Good Quality Bow for 30. The shop will give you 45 gc for the mail shirt, and 10 for all the leather, and 10 s for the dagger.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:38 PM
Amendil will take it it. Now, how about Greatswords?

2008-11-16, 03:42 PM
Upon asking, he is presented with a five-foot box. The centre piece of this package is a shiny two-handed sword clearly marked as one of those used by the Carroburg Greatswords. It is unused and of the highest quality. Also included is an unexpectedly plain broadsword, the Greatswords’ standard side arm. Their scabbards bear the Carroburg city crest.

"The price? Ah, everybody asks that, but nobody likes the answer. 70 marks for the greatsword, 30 marks for the broadsword. Be a shame to break up the set, so if you have coin to spend, both of them for 80."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:52 PM
How much would he give e for my greatsword. I also have a crossbow and a shield I won't need. I really need to look over my character possessions. If that isn't enough, I'll think of something.

2008-11-16, 03:55 PM
For your greatsword, he's prepared to swap his. Excellent condition for Elven craftsmanship. He'll give 7gc for a shield, and for a crossbow 20.

2008-11-16, 03:56 PM
After checking to make sure his weapons are close to hand and that his coin purse isn't, Remigo enters the Broken Arms, calls for a tankard of ale and glances around for any games of chance.

2008-11-16, 03:57 PM
Several men in the corner, more than slightly inebriated, are playing a simple winner-takes-all gambling game with ten-sided dice.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 03:58 PM
Now the next question, which would be better? His or mine? Oh, but I will sell the crossbow and the shield.

2008-11-16, 03:59 PM
His is brand new and Good Craftsmanship, but yours, even though it is old and Common, is Elvish. When you say "better", it depends whether you mean the fighter's or collector's market.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:02 PM
I mean which is the best weapon to kill with. Which is more powerful, better crafted, and better for killing?

2008-11-16, 04:02 PM
His. It is lighter, newer and sharper.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:14 PM

*ahem* Amendil lays his sword on the table and gently strokes it once. "Treat her well. She is an excellent sword." He then exchanges the other items for the money and then sets 10 crowns on the counter. "I'll take the broadsword with it, if you would."

2008-11-16, 04:17 PM
"Thank you sir." He gives you the greatsword out of the box and hitches out the broadsword. "Will you be needing the box with it, or are these for your personal use?".

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:27 PM
"I require only the sheaths of these weapons. I would not carry around a weapon I did not intend to use." Amendil holds the weapon and studies it for a moment. "Yes, this is a quality weapon that even Hoeth would be proud of. Tell me sir, is there an area where I may test this blade? I must attune myself to this weapon if I am to use it properly."

2008-11-16, 04:29 PM
"Certainly. There is a Goblin camp a quarter-mile north, if that will suffice."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:34 PM
"Not exactly what I had in mind, but I feel it would do just nicely." Amendil smiled cruelly and then turned towards the door. "Any idea how many goblins I will get to swing at?"

2008-11-16, 04:38 PM
"Four or five are left. They're the ones that had sense enough to run when the watch came up waving their bloody sticks."

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:45 PM
"Excellent. A nice little warm up." Amendil sheaths his new weapons and then heads for the door.

How long will it take him to journey to the camp?

2008-11-16, 04:46 PM
Five minutes, less if he runs, more if he gets people to help him.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 04:52 PM
Instead of running, we will try to walk slowly and quietly, so he can get the drop on them. When he gets to the camp, what does he see?

2008-11-16, 04:57 PM
Four shelters have been constructed, but the Gobbos are inside, apart from one who is banking up the fire.
Goblin's Perception vs Int 25 [roll0].

2008-11-16, 05:00 PM
The Goblin sees you, but, being to stupid to rouse his comrades, charges you. WS 25+10 from charge [roll0] difficulty 35. Luckily he misses.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:03 PM
I hit the little Gobbo in the face with my shiny new sword.


Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:04 PM
Or not. :smallfurious:

2008-11-16, 05:04 PM
You miss badly due to the strange weighting of your sword. The Goblin lights his club in the fire and swings it at you.
Damage[roll1] and from fire Damage[roll2]
The flaming brand flashes past your body.

2008-11-16, 05:07 PM
No, I just do damage in the same post to avoid having to make a new one each time as you can't roll on edits.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:07 PM
After readjusting himself, Amendil swings again. [roll0] vs. 41

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:09 PM
Now, Damage! [roll0]+3(strength bonus). Right?

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:17 PM
Oops, I get to roll twice. [roll0]+3

2008-11-16, 05:34 PM
You slash the Goblin in the body, where it has armour. 1 and TB 3. that's 7-4=3 Wounds.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 05:41 PM
I hit him for 8. So it should be 4 wounds, not 3.

2008-11-16, 06:05 PM
Yes, I subtracted armour twice. The Goblin attacks then delays. [roll0]
Damage [roll1] and [roll2] from fire.

2008-11-16, 06:26 PM
The Goblin misses terribly and accidentally lights one shelter on fire. One Goblin screams as he burns to death, and two others come out to see what caused he commotion.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 06:40 PM
Amendil swings again. First, he takes a half action to aim. (God knows I need the help) and then I take a half action to attack the one in front of me that has already taken 4 wounds.

[roll0] vs. 41+10=51

2008-11-16, 06:47 PM
after the men leave, (from about 2 pages ago) tilmann looks at his new warhammer, its good, but old and needs a bit of a clean up i think when he enters the shop again and tells alvin what happened he also asks anywhere i could get this cleaned up?

2008-11-16, 06:57 PM
Orzax after getting off the boat goes and starts looking through all the shops for any good deals on weapons or armor or trinkets. If he finds none he goes to a cheap bar for some cheap spirits.

sorry for lack of posts i was gone yesterday, which coincidentally was the day you did a bunch of posts. i can roll if you need me to for a search check or something.

2008-11-16, 07:23 PM
@Tilmann: "Nowhere round here. In Streisen I believe there are a group of Dwarves who do very resonably priced work."

@Orzax: You follow Remigo to the cheap bar and ask the barman for a drink, which will cost 3p.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-16, 08:48 PM
Amendil misses the goblin that he swung at, and then he turns and screams at the goblins. "Foul beasts. Prepare to meet your end at the end of my sword." After screaming at the goblins, Amendil will beat on his drum, trying to frighten them.

2008-11-16, 09:01 PM
Producing the four daggers he stole from the county jail, Bernolt announces, "I'd be willing to part with these beauties for a crown apiece. What do you say, my man, have we a deal?"

2008-11-17, 11:11 AM
@Amendil: The Goblins stand there paralysed in Fear having seen the drum.
Next round they get WP to regain their bearings.
@Bernolt: The man reaises an eyebrow.
"A crown apiece. Done."

2008-11-17, 12:24 PM
Bernolt leans forward as he accepts the coins, exposing the nice rapier & main gauche he wears, attempting to get the man to see it and be enticed to make an offer. ((Is there something to roll for that?)) Failing that, he'll remove the belt and simply ask, "And what am I got for these, friend? exquisite workmanship as you can see and, I can assure you, barely used at all."

2008-11-17, 12:28 PM
Remigo throws three coppers on the bar and gestures to have his drink brought to him. Remigo crossed the room to the gamblers table, pulled out a chair and sat down with a broad smile "Greetings friends, got room for another player?"

2008-11-17, 12:54 PM
@Bernolt: "The rapier is exquisite. Unfortunately the main gauche, not so. Ah...sixty for the pair?"

@Remigo: You are eagerly accepted into the game. To play, you have to make an Opposed Gamble Skill Test against each. They are gambling shillings, and the loser will also have to pay for their next round. They count as Bandits who have Int 30.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 01:25 PM
Amendil laughs slightly and then begins again. "Prepare to die, vermin." Amendil will attack the one he has been fighting now, taking the time to aim(+10%) and then swing.

[roll0] vs 41+10=51

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 01:36 PM
Not to be rude, but could I roll damage? I just feel better when I do it.

[roll0] [roll1]

2008-11-17, 01:38 PM
OK, but put it in the same post so I don't have to guess.

Ulric's Fury! Make another WS test and roll some more damage.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 01:41 PM
Ok, for know on, I will put the damage rolls in with the WS roll.

[roll0] vs 51

[roll1] or [roll2]

2008-11-17, 01:46 PM
You hit him for 18-3=15 points of damage in the right arm, and your weapon drives cleanly through the Goblin's shoulder near the junction between body and neck and continues deep into his chest cavity. He can only stare at you as he slides slowly off your blade and into oblivion, dying inevitably within [roll0] turns. The other two have to make a WP test.

2008-11-17, 01:48 PM
WP 25

2008-11-17, 01:49 PM
Both succeed at overcoming their fear, and decide to charge you simulaneously. WS 25, +10 from two on one, +10 from charge.
[roll0] difficulty 45
[roll1] difficulty 45


One hit you in the head for 3 Wounds, the other in the chest for 9.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 01:54 PM
I'm dead. I only have 12 wounds. :smallannoyed:

2008-11-17, 01:55 PM
Nuh-uh, you're not dead, you took a Critical Hit. You have +1 on the crits tabel (let me roll something up) [roll0]

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 01:58 PM
I'm confused. Happy I'm not dead, but confused. I took 3 wounds from the first hit, and 9 from the second. I only have 12 wounds. Don't I die when my wounds meet or exceed my limit?

2008-11-17, 01:59 PM
OK, You automatically gain an IP, the table says as you raise your weapon to defend your chest, you got a broken hand, which is useless till it heals in [roll0] weeks, and the bones will need to be properly set in the first week, but you're still fully conscious and able to fight.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:03 PM
So, how many wounds did I take, then?

2008-11-17, 02:05 PM
You took all your Wounds, and a fairly bad result on the crits table. You can still fight, but you are at 0 Wounds, and further hits will not be so lucky.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:11 PM
Amendil, cursing his misfortune, takes his possessions and leaves. He is now in a very bad mood.:smallmad:

2008-11-17, 02:13 PM
One Goblin pulls a bow and shouts loudly at you in Goblin, urging you to move on. The pain in your hand is beyond excruciating.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:17 PM
He is already gone. His hand feels as though it is one fire. When Amendil reaches town, he asks around for doctor, or a healer, or something.

2008-11-17, 02:18 PM
Very Easy Gossip Test. People can clearly see you are in trouble and pain.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:24 PM
What do you know? I don't have gossip. Just my luck. F*** you, Ranald.

17 + 30=47


2008-11-17, 02:25 PM
Nobody knows of a doctor or physician, but they direct you to the Temple of Sigmar, in which the Shallyan High Priestess is staying, who is capable of healing.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:25 PM
And you too, Lileath. :smallfurious:

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:27 PM
Amendil will thank them quickly and then make his way to the temple. As he enters, he will show his hand to the first person he sees and ask the way to hallyan High Priestess.

2008-11-17, 02:31 PM
The Shallyan High Priestess has you lie down on a bed and puts a cushion and then a very heavy book of cures onto your hand to set the bones straight-very painful, but very helpful for future manipulaton using that hand. She then touches the hand while praying to Shallya, which will half the time to heal to 2 weeks, and splints the bones to a plank.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:38 PM
When she is finished, Amendil will thank her for her time. "Without your help, I am not sure what would have happened to me. I, Amendil Thol, am in your debt. Allow me to make a donation to Shallya for your hard work." Amendil will then pay the woman 4 gold crowns. "If you do not mind my inquiry, what is your name, oh High Priestess?"

2008-11-17, 02:47 PM
"My name is Elisinda Vandengarter. I thank you for your donation, friend elf. Shallya's Mercy be upon you.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 02:51 PM
Afterwards, Amendil will leave the temple and try to find his comrades. With his hand broken, he doubts he could be of much use to them, but feels that if there is anything afoot, he is more likely to find it with the help of his allies than by himself.

2008-11-17, 02:53 PM
OK, you can meet them in the tavern when they've finished.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 03:15 PM
While at the tavern, Amendil orders a goblet of wine to help ease the pain in his hand.

2008-11-17, 03:21 PM
3p. And the barman slides the wine to you.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 03:27 PM
Amendil pays the man without a word and then drinks the wine in silence. I have to get stronger. I can't hope to serve as a swordmaster if I cannot even defeat a few pathetic goblins. He thinks to himself.

2008-11-17, 03:43 PM
Night is beginning to fall and weary travellers begin to spill into the inn. If you want to get a bed, get an order in now.

Arq Kujos
2008-11-17, 03:46 PM
Amendil will order, pay for, and then drink another goblet of wine before making his way to the inn. When he makes it to the innkeeper, he will ask, "How much for a decent room, good sir?"