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Thread: [3.PF/3.5] Weapons for a Wizard

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: [3.PF/3.5] Weapons for a Wizard

    I am sorry, but I have to address the "I'm playing a generalist wizard": Never play a generalist wizard in PF It is by far the weakest build option for a wizard. Specialize: Evoker and Illusionist schools are especially good and if you have access to Advanced Player's Guide you can make them even better.

    edit: you also get school powers and extra spells (if I remember correctly). You also have access to Summon Monster V at this point, so you should not have to enter Melee.

    As for a weapon, keep in mind that you are not going to be attacking with it, it merely serves to keep you from being unarmed, and if applicable give you bonuses from enhancements. If you absolutely must attack get a ranged weapon -your dex is likely better than your str. If you still insist on having a melee weapon get something with reach. If you get in close with a fighter type you will not last long.

    edit: if it is not completely out of the question you could consider going for sorcerer instead and then take the Dragon Disciple PrC. This will give you the strength and HP to withstand melee while preserving most of your casting abilities. -and you get a breath weapon
    Last edited by Lord Bingo; 2010-12-20 at 05:59 PM.