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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony: Because Friendship Is Goddamn Magic

    Quote Originally Posted by Even Human View Post
    I'm going to need something more than an (admittedly intriguing) pic and assurance of awesomeness. Tell me more, for I am curious and more that slightly tempted.
    It's rather amusing with lots of self-aware and under-the-radar humour (Lauren says she was aiming for the Pixar effect by appealing to older fans), and some funny implications (in one episode Applejack gets tired over-working, but the way she acts as a result makes it seem like she's stoned).

    The characters are incredibly cute (especially Applebloom and Fluttershy) and really expressive, plus it's got songs which have a tendancy to ear worm.

    And on /co/ it's approaching Team Fortress 2 levels of memetic mutation:

    (Also I got 10 out of 12 on that quiz, god help me)
    Last edited by Jahkaivah; 2010-12-20 at 07:43 PM.
    Steamname: Atheist God, if you're lucky.