Werekat! Good to see you around here again! I've really been missing your writing and advice!

Quote Originally Posted by Werekat View Post
Righting a Wrong
Is standing up to a Baron crazy or having moral fiber?
I would say that Morgana definitely demonstrated moral fiber here, but then again, I'm an idealist.

I really enjoyed this story. Morgana is quite a compelling character, and
I especially enjoyed all of your descriptions. They really gave me an idea of what the characters were feeling and seeing, which made me feel very immersed in the story and setting. Great work, as always.
Quote Originally Posted by Werekat View Post

Choosing Sides
Writing a character with 10th century morals in a Humanity-centered game is asking for trouble
Wow. This was dark. Not that I'm complaining though! I love this one!

What I really love about these stories is that even though I know absolutely nothing about WoD, I still feel like I'm right there in the middle of the story, which is totally awesome. Though this also makes me really want to know exactly what happened right before this snippet took place. Then again, I always want to know what happened exactly before a snippet took place.

Quote Originally Posted by Werekat View Post
Machuchang: for now, I'll just say that I enjoyed your work a lot - I have some work to do now, but I'll get back to you next post. Varen's storyline is probably my favorite, but Abigail's quickly catching up in my personal rating! ;-)
You are far too kind! Though I think that the compliments for the storylines should go to my DM.