Richard, Hektor and Jeffrey

The woman doesn't respons at all to the warning growl, as if she didn't "get" it.
Richard quickly shifts to Urshul form, aided by the fact that the current phase of the moon is his Auspice.

The woman does react to that. She seems frightened. Not lunacy-frightened, but more a "I am outnumbered"-kind of fright. She stumbles a bit. "I ehh. Guess that's the only trick you werewolves have, save primitive beasts. Brawl and physical combat, are that you're answers to everything?" She fakes a smile, pretending to still be confident, but it's quite obvious she feels far less secure, now that it turns out there are 3 of you.

"If that's the case, killing your pack will be even more easy that the previous bunch. Good day!" With those words (that sounded quite fake and rehearsed) she bows in a very theatrical way to all three of you. Seconds later her body starts to twist and turn and falls apart, disintegrates, in a group of crows. Her dress and clothes merging into their bodies. The murder of crows quickly flies away into the forest, making loud noices sounding a bit like laughter.

The fire has spread to the gas station...

Jonathan, Bran and Lamar

Nothing interesting happens for 10 minutes. In the distance you see James Parker closing down the shop. He turns off the lights. He closes the windows. He locks the door, turns around to all of you in the distance: nods, smiles and he kindly waves with his hand, greeting you all.... then his body splits into a big cluster of spiders that quickly spread and crawl away from the highway rest stop in many different directions.