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    Barbarian in the Playground
    TruorTupnm's Avatar

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    Oct 2009
    Columbia, South Carolina

    Default Re: [SWitP] Star Wars in the Playground: Discussion & Setup

    Ugh. I hate those guys. I can understand that way of thinking. I certainly wouldn't want another Waru oozing around, for instance. Anyways, I can toss the Ssi-Ruuk dude's profile up, as well, merely for perusal. I've had these guys lying around, for a while. Yes, he wouldn't be advertising for timeshares on Lwhekk. He'd definitely be trying to keep a low profile, partly because he's afraid that his people might want to come after him.

    Anyways, Yay esoteric! Boo boring humans! Also ---> I'll edit this post to stick profiles in.

    The Hutt --->
    Name: Gargul

    Gender: Male (currently, since they do change)

    Species: Hutt and proud!

    Age: Mid two hundreds (still pretty young, for a Hutt)

    Height Slash Weight: Let's just type that he's about one third to one half of Jabba's size, from Return Of The Jedi

    Eyes: Yellow (sharp and mischievous)

    Appearance: Besides the bits already specified, he's got a leafy green hide with yellow along his back. He looks young, eager, and intelligent. He slithers around while on his own ship or someplace with decently clean floors where he won't have to be moving for an extended period of time. Otherwise, he'd prefer to use a lift for the convenience, since not every place was designed with Hutts in brain.

    Personality: Idealistic, ambitious, full of self-confidence, except when it comes to dealing with more left-brained type subjects, which is a large bit of embarrassment for him, since most Hutts are fairly interested in such things. He is a bit of an art snob and comes equipped with the ability to appreciate many of its forms. He has tried to make some of his own every now and then but isn't very good, except when it comes to writing. His verbal talents are useful for his job when he has to learn new languages and make effective speeches. He revels in being different, sometimes annoying his elders, but always challenging and attempting to show off how useful he can be to them. Also, he thinks that Hutts are the greatest race and is quietly amused by people who wouldn't agree with that, but he doesn't really hate any other races.

    History: Born on Nal Hutta to a modestly wealthy clan of Hutts who actually had more legal businesses than most and were famous for their talents when it came to numbers. But when his parent turned female to have him, plenty thought that she had gone crazy when she started having trouble with math and found enjoyment in all kinds of art. Once the female phase passed, though, his parent went back to his usual self and had any pieces that he had made destroyed. When Gargul got a bit older and heard about it, he was able to find some recordings of them and have them privately recreated. He keeps a few around different Huttese headquarters but several on his ship. Most (even his parent, who wouldn't remember them too well) think that he made them. His superiors were quite disappointed in him but found that he was very useful and enthusiastic when it came to marketing and public relations and things, so they found better things for him to do, while still acting as if he isn't that great, which he certainly isn't convinced of, especially since he's been able to enjoy all kinds of freedom by getting his own ship and flying all over the galaxy.

    Equipment: A many-pocketed vest with a small blaster and a datapad. Also, his ship, which should be named, is a smallish yacht with two large rooms made for Hutts with one bath to share, two two bunk rooms, one of which has been converted to house his Qom Jha and Qom Qae pilots, and a large kitchen with a small common area outside. All of the surfaces are kept clean and smooth by several simple little cleaning droids, for easy slithering. The only weapons it has are a lot of ion cannons, one light turret in the front, and some hidden cutting device for hijacking ships, just in case he ever gets the chance

    Abilities: He's decently corpulent for his age, but he still has plenty of strength, flexibility, and endurance. Plenty resistant to evil brain powers (or even seemingly well-intentioned ones). The ability to be a snootbag about art, politics, and the economy?

    The Qom Jha --->
    Name: Seeker Of Stars

    Gender: Male

    Species: Qom Jha

    Age: Young, teen-agerish, for one of these.

    Height Slash Weight: I dunno. Small and slim, for his race and age.

    Eyes: Black?

    Appearance: a mynock slash bat looking thing, talons and wings and all of that, light gray skin, loves hanging upside down from ceilings to make faces at people, longer and very sensitive snout, which he relies on just as much as sight, which he's better at in darkness, and very fast reflexes. To the few that'd be able to tell with his kind, he'd look young, hyper, innocent, and friendly, but most would just see him and see that he looks creepy and hungry.

    Personality: Well, sure, young, hyper, innocent, and friendly is right. Also, yes, he is a little creepy-looking when it comes to hunger, which he'll whine about if he isn't always eating to fuel his superly fast metabolism. He's curious about everything, and modest about his talents, unless it looks like appreciation equals more food. He dreams of getting his employer to somehow design fighters for Qom Jha, then going back home to recruit a bunch, then flying around the galaxy, having fun. His reflexes and minor bit of psychicness (which he's come to rely on as just a combat sense, so he's hardly ever on the alert while away from his ship) make him an excellent pilot. He has an automatic distaste of adults of any race, or anyone who cares about traditions and things, but then, he easily forgives and forgets. He is the sort to play practical jokes, is afraid of little, and tries to get others to follow him into crazily daring situations every now and then. He is interested in anything that he hasn't seen before, but has learned that most droids are boring. He doesn't hate any particular race and doesn't even mind when people think that he's just some animal, since he enjoys surprising them later.

    History: Born on Nirauan, led little gangs of Qom Jha into trouble frequently, but lost lots of friends when they started growing up and getting more serious. They thought that he was crazy for always sticking so close to the outposts of a more technologically advanced society in the area. He was one of the first of his kind to learn how to speak Basic, which most thought was a useless skill, since they were used to their minor psychic ability to sense and transmit surface intentions and emotions. He stowed away in a lot of ships and kept trying to get some younger dudes to help him out with stealing one, but was only able to get offworld when the above Hutt character came to sell some information, and he snuck aboard his ship. He impressed and entertained the guy, and eventually got the ship's controls modified to accommodate him.

    Equipment: Nope. Mayhaps a fanny pack with some snacks.

    Abilities: Minor bit of psychicness already mentioned. Fast reflexes. Flight. Ace pilot! *dramatic pose* Creepy-looking?

    The Qom Qae --->
    Name: Thief Of Tools

    Gender: Male

    Species: Qom Qae

    Age: Older, middle-agedish, for one of these.

    Height Slash Weight: I dunno. Large and lanky, for his race and age.

    Eyes: Black? Possibly?

    Appearance: Muddy brown skin, hunches like a vulture all of the time, looking introverted and depressed but nervous and irritable when around a lot of people, suspicious eyes that quickly catalogue everything

    Personality: Very controlled, private, serious, always looking objectively and at the big picture, despises imperfection. Very intelligent but usually way too arrogant to actually take the time to learn a new skill. Has zero social skills, is always blunt, and prefers to squawk in his own language while tossing some visual or an impression psychically at people, if he has to talk at them only briefly. If he has to talk to them at length, though, he'd try to use some Basic, which he isn't an expert at.

    History: Born on Nirauan, he was plenty useful to his people, even though most didn't really call him friend. The idea that the more technologically advanced on the planet seemed to have of them as vermin really annoyed him, so he spent a lot of his time stealing things and watching people, figuring out how they worked. He arrogantly planned on building his own more efficient versions of the available technology but never got around to it, since, after a chance encounter with the Qom Jha dude and the spontaneous decision to jump on the Hutt's ship, he has become addicted to all of the little jobs he can find and the large variety of knowledge to be had away from home.

    Equipment: Mechanic's toolbelt, light blaster, a copy of The Complete Primitive's Guide To The 'Fresher, And Other Conversations In Basic.

    Abilities: Same as the other dude, pretty much, except that he isn't as fast and isn't as great of a pilot, but he's a lot more intelligent.

    The Ssi-Ruuk --->
    Name: Po'ifu

    Gender: Male

    Species: Ssi-Ruu

    Age: Approaching middle-aged, for one of these.

    Height Slash Weight: Small and pathetic-looking, for one of these. Still kind of imposing, for your average human, though, I would think.

    Eyes: Yellow

    Appearance: A distracted stumble of a geekish walk, less than impressive, small yellow scales, forked tongues that come out of the nostrils, and probably one in his mouth, too. Super sensitive to light, can pick up emotions through smell, somehow, but he'd probably be too self-absorbed to really care about anything besides hostile intent. Keeps a datapad with him at all times, parts, tools, good books (or equivalents). Has no weapons, tries not to call attention to himself, eyes downcast, movements kept careful, slow, non-threatening, close to the body. Keeps whistles quiet and mostly to his droid, but will get animated at something new that interests him, though. Sharp teeth and claws, merely as good grooming, to his mind. He's stronger and more resilient than he looks, but only about as good as a bit above average human. Has zero combat instincts, though, and would freeze up or hide behind his droid or something.

    Personality: A large geek. He knows a lot about his areas of expertise and doesn't care much for anything else. Very proud of his accomplishments, and does an admirable job of not bragging too much. Because he was picked on and embarrassed, even by members of his own caste, he doesn't like seeing such things and retaliates by reprogramming computers or droids to get even in some way. Beats himself up about mistakes, but is constantly reminded of how much better things are away from Ssi-Ruuk type punishments. Is giddily happy about being away, figuring out other technologies, loves getting into conversations about droids and bits of technology. Is habitually honest but normally guarded, cautious, since he's around a bunch of weird aliens that would probably figure that Ssi-Ruuk are evil, and he doesn't know their cultures well enough. A bit naive, loves a good challenge, reads books on science, technology, droid stuff, doesn't know much about different races, except that they usually smell bad. Gets really quiet around or other reptiloids, since they'd be the most likely to call him out about his race. Loves talking to droids, ofttimes mostly just to open them up, but they are usually polite and knowledgeable about stuff, which he enjoys.

    History: Born on Lwhekk, got into droids early on, traveled all over the Ssi-Ruuvi planets, getting trained, obtaining respect. Until one day, when an injured and retreating Ssi-Ruuk ship was heading back home but broke down halfway there, they stumbled upon a normally vacant plot of space used as a hiding spot for a Sljee trickster. They captured his ship then limped home. After a useless interrogation, this guy claimed the Sljee that would have just been killed to see if it could provide useful energy. After the entechment into a basic security droid, he added useful things like Ssi-Ruuk translators, of course, and information that his type of droid would be expected to have. He kept it locked up in case it turned out to be dangerous, but, due to the curiosity of bumping into some new race, he didn't entirely enslave the mind. It was turned on but didn't do anything for a while, and he forgot about it until it surprised him by going through his computer. It started talking, told him that he'd been a bit stunned for a while, angry, stuff like that, had to get used to his new less useful (at least to him) body that had no tentacles and this strange sense of sight. He found that the Sljee wasn't really so bad, just asked about his body, found it had been destroyed, had expected that. Upon learning that stuff, his new droid finally warned him that the police might pick him up or something because he was a horrible slicer and had illegally checked a few things out. He got scared because had never really been in trouble before, but the new droid picked up on that and persuaded him to help steal his ship back. After an amazing escape, the Sljee dude now uses him for cover, in cons or getting even with rivals. This guy is mostly happy to be stay in the underbellies of cities, places least likely for other Ssi-Ruuk to find him. He is happily checking out the droids of other races, has modified his buddy in a few ways, gave him a couple of tentacles, just to make him feel better. Lots don't really care or know that he's Ssi-Ruuk. Those that do believe that he's just a refugee, and not a lot get angry, but his droid is kind of compelled to defend him with his stun beam

    Equpment: A man purse with his datapad and reading materials and various tools and such. Also, the ship, which needs a name, is a common thing mostly built for civilians. It has conventional systems, then ones more suited towards Sljee, and, most recently, a way for his new droid body to patch in and control the thing. It would have some hidden surprises, like an ion cannon, back up shield generators, some light lasers, and a very unconventional security system, though.

    Abilities: That picking up emotions thing. That super intelligent, when it comes to programming thing. Also, he's a big lizard dude and a geek that would totally think that lightsabers are awesome! That's pretty cool.

    The Sljee --->
    Name: I have no examples of Sljee names. I shall call him Augustus! Also, I'll have to figure out a droid name for him.

    Gender: Male

    Species: Physically, he's this kind of droid. Otherwise, he's a Sljee.

    Age: Late teens or a bit later, for one of these.

    Height Slash Weight: Probably in the above droid link.

    Eyes: Nope. Photoreceptor's probably black, though.

    Appearance: Modifications to the droid link: He believes that he is quite intelligent for painting himself in unconventional pastel colors and patterns, aiming for people to consciously try to keep him out of view. He does have paint for other occasions, though. Also, two tentacles that are usually withdrawn, a comlink, and a stun beam.

    Personality: Well, weaselly, quick-witted, and streetsmart. Not too intelligent, and doesn't think much of intelligent types, since he figures that they are about as easy to trick as anyone else. Hates his two older brothers, is afraid to go back to the Corporate Sector, since was a pretty reckless and untalented con artist, cheater, and stuff like that. With his new Ssi-Ruuk patsy and droid body, though, he's come up with some new ideas. Definitely a braggart, has become a bit of a neat freak and perfectionist, since being turned into a droid. For some reason, he doesn't mind much, though. Huh. Well, he doesn't dwell on it, although he is sure that he should be a lot more offended. He doesn't think much of other droids, but he knows how to talk to them and can easily reprogram them, thanks to his partner.

    History: Born on Sljee, was tragically orphaned somehow, and then was poorly raised by his two older and criminal brothers who told him only as much as they thought he needed to know He mostly just became a pretty good getaway pilot, but wasn't as good as they were at conning and stuff. They used him as a patsy a lot, which is why he despises family and the love of it. Eventually, when he was pretty mad at them one time about how infamous he was getting, he stole their ship and has been attempting to survive on his own. He still has several contacts and hiding spots, since he's needed so many

    Equipment: Already mentioned, above.

    Abilities: A very good getaway driver. An unintentionally hilarious conman. A great household appliance. A passable cook.
    Last edited by TruorTupnm; 2011-01-01 at 11:49 PM.
    You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial.
    Strength and stupidity in numbers.

    - Myself

    Free-Form Role-Playing Game Characters, because I got tired of sticking links in my posts --->