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Thread: Bladesinger PrC build.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Bladesinger PrC build.

    Here is some options courtesy of Tom Costos and Erik Scott De Bie

    BLADESONG DUSKBLADEPH2 Substitution Levels
    Elves take to the duskblade class like a hawk to the sky. The class seamlessly combines their inclination for swordplay with
    magic—much like Corellon Larethian himself. In ages past, many elves took up the heavy armor and often more brutal style of
    the Nael’kerymCCh. More, however, pursued the duskblade class to master the elven martial art of the bladesong.
    The bladesong emphasizes beauty and economy of movement over destruction and sheer power. (Most bladesong
    duskblades take the Combat Expertise feat early in their careers.) The movement of these elves makes them appear as if they are
    dancing when the fight. Nevertheless, the elven bladesong is deceptively dangerous, for all its apparent grace. The bladesong is
    so named for the whistling of the blade as it slices through the air and the haunting, wordless tune many of its practitioners
    appear to sing as they fight (when in truth, they are reciting the arcane syllables of the magic they so seamlessly weave into their
    swordplay). The most elite duskblades, those who have made their study of the bladesong their life’s focus, are often known as
    bladesingers. While they often work alone discovering new forms within the bladesong, they will sometimes take another under
    their wing to train for a time. The concept of anything as formalized as a bladesinger school is an absurd notion to these masters
    of the bladesong. Nevertheless, many bladesingers do belong to loosely-organized fraternal societies known as guilds.
    (Note: This represents an alternate path to the role of “bladesinger.” It is perfectly acceptable for elves to come from many
    different class backgrounds, whether as single-classed duskblades or multi-classed adherents of the bladesinger prestige class presented in Complete Warrior.)

    Hit Die: d8
    To take a bladesong duskblade substitution level, a character must be an elf about to take his 1st, 4th, or 7th level of duskblade.
    Class Skills
    Bladesong duskblades are often capable of working their way through the battlefield with ease, but spend less time in study than
    their fellow duskblades.
    Bladesong duskblade substitution levels have the class skills of the standard duskblade class, minus Craft, Decipher Script,
    and all Knowledge skills except Knowledge (arcana), plus Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Perform (dance) (Cha), Perform (sing)
    (Cha), and Tumble (Dex). Once an elf takes a bladesong duskblade substitution level, these changes apply to each subsequent
    duskblade level.
    Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier (or four times this number as a 1st-level character).
    Class Features
    All the following are class features of the bladesong duskblade racial substitution levels.
    Bladesinger Spells: A bladesong duskblade adds the following spells to his duskblade spell list (see page 24 of Player’s
    Handbook II): 0—electric joltSC, resistance; 1st—mage armor, shield; 2nd—bladesongSp:B (see below), blur, burning swordSC, heroism, mirror
    image, protection from arrows, swift hasteSC; 3rd—blink, displacement, greater mage armorSC; 4th—haste, improved invisibility, stoneskin; 5th—
    greater blinkSC.
    A bladesong duskblades removes all necromancy and fear spells from his duskblades spell list, including: 0—disrupt undead,
    touch of fatigue; 1st—blade of blood, cause fear, chill touch, ray of enfeeblement; 2—ghoul touch; 3—doom scarabs, ray of exhaustion, vampiric
    touch; 4—enervation, phantasmal killer; 5—waves of fatigue.
    Bladesong Style (Ex): When wielding a longsword, rapier, elven lightbladeRW, or elven thinbladeRW in one hand (and
    nothing in the other), a bladesong duskblade gains a dodge bonus to Armor class equal to his class level, up to a maximum of
    his Intelligence bonus. If the elf wears medium or heavy armor, he loses all benefits of the bladesong style.
    This substitution feature replaces the standard duskblade’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields (as
    well as armored mage benefits with light shields).
    Reflexive Grace (Ex): A bladesong duskblade uses the good base save bonus progression for Reflex save and poor base
    save bonus progression for Fortitude save. This change applies to every duskblade level the elf takes thereafter. (In effect,
    switch the Fortitude Save and Reflex Save bonuses listed at any and all duskblade levels the character takes.)
    Improved Bladesong Style (Ex): When wielding a longsword, rapier, elven lightbladeRW, or elven thinbladeRW in one hand
    (and nothing in the other), a bladesong duskblade can take 10 when making a Concentration check to cast defensively.
    This substitution feature replaces the standard duskblade’s armored mage (medium) class feature.
    Bladesong Flurry (Ex): When a bladesong duskblade makes a full attack with a longsword, rapier, elven lightbladeRW, or
    elven thinbladeRW in one hand (and nothing in the other), he can make one extra attack a round at his highest base attack bonus,
    but this attack and each other attack made that round take a -2 penalty. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks
    of opportunity the duskblade might make before his next action.
    This substitution feature replaces the standard swashbuckler’s armored mage (heavy shield) class feature.
    Level Fort Ref Special
    1 +0 +2 Armored attunement, bladesinger spells, bladesong style, armored mage (light), reflexive grace
    4 +1 +4 Improved bladesong style
    7 +2 +5 Bladesong flurry
    New Spell
    Level: Bard 2, bladesong duskblade 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
    Components: V, S, F
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Targets: Weapon touched
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
    As you intone the final words of the spell, your blade begins to hum—the music quickly builds to a hymn of sharp, deadly beauty.
    Bladesong makes a bladed weapon emit magical music in combat. Any round that the weapon is used in melee combat, this
    spell allows the wielder to make a single, additional touch attack with the sword as a free action. The attack uses the wielder’s
    normal attack bonus with that weapon but inflicts no damage. Instead, anyone successfully touched by the weapon in this way is
    dazed for one round. Dazed characters cannot take actions but can defend themselves normally.
    Focus: The weapon.
    Credit: Bladesong was written by Monte Cook and first appeared on the Wizards of the Coast website
    ( The description has been added.
    Last edited by Andry; 2011-01-17 at 02:46 AM.