Well, let's see what I've got:

- Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin; lots of templates)
- Bastards and Bloodlines (Green Ronin; about crossbreeding creatures)
- BoEF (um, do I really have to explain this one?)
- Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition (Silverthorne Games; more templates)
- The Quintessential Chaos Mage (Mongoose Publishing; new magic system)
- Legends and Lairs: Monster’s Handbook (Fantasy Flight Games; quite a mixed bag of stuff, separated into chapters for different types)
- Hyperconsciousness (Malhavoc Press; new psionics stuff, including mindscape combat)
- The Immortals Handbook: Epic Bestiary (Eternity Publishing; crazy stuff, like a monster with a CR of over 9000)
- Secret College of Necromancy (Green Ronin; necromancy-focused stuff)
- Secrets of Pact Magic (by some dude called Dario Nardi; different versions of binding)
- Tome of Horrors (Necromancer Games; updating monsters that WoTC didn't)