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Thread: Bladesinger PrC build.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Bladesinger PrC build.

    Start with ROF version, get rid of (never used) Still Spell as a requirement, replace the separate spellbook with a 7/10 or 8/10 standard caster progression, and you have a very good prc that fits the 'elite of the elite' fluff and tough prereqs of the bladesinger. Eventually, at epic lvls he'll be able to be a lvl 15 caster, like Josidiah Starym.

    Ftr4/wiz2/bladesinger10/abj champion4 will get you BAB +19 and caster lvl 13 or 14. Or back to wizard instead of abj champion if you consider abj champion overpowered (as if wizard isn't!), BAB +17 and caster lvl 13/14 (plus Wizard5 bonus feat/acf, etc), pretty close to what Josidiah could do.

    Honestly, none of the class abilities are really earthshaking except Song of Celerity, which is very powerful though limited by ROF's requirement that you have to make a full attack in the round you quicken a spell, thus ruling out quickened spell/non quickened spell in a round tactics impossible. Three bonus feats from a small list are nice. Bladesong grants dodge bonus to ac, which is definitely a plus for a light armored melee, Lessor Spellsong is nice but not needed at high lvls where defensive casting is automatic, Greater Spellsong is something that a Spellsword gets what, 6 levels earlier? And song of Fury as the capstone ability - it's something a monk gets at lvl 1 and archers get with Rapid Shot at low lvls; nice but nothing astonishing at lvl 16+.

    Song of celerity is THE standout ability, and fits the seemless blending of an elite melee caster perfectly, and makes up for being behind 7 to 9 caster lvls from pure caster, 5 to 7 lvls behind the much easier to qualify for EK. RP restrictions and choices aside, it also has the huge mechanical restrictions of weapon choice and style (the ONLY true gish that has such severe restrictions iirc; you can forget about Enlarge Person reach weapon/spiked chain two handed power attack Wraithstrike attacks and such) which limits a lot of favorite melee options, but it's still a very good package with great flavor and mechanically viable. Much better than current view by many of the PRC as something to avoid or to maybe consider for a one lvl dip (ugh...)
    Last edited by ithildur; 2011-01-27 at 11:37 AM.