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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Mr.Bookworm's Avatar

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    Sep 2007

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion II: No Longer Mortal

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyborg Mage View Post
    A martial art style combining extreme muscle control with essence to do stuff like providing natural lethal/bashing soak and hardness.
    There are martial arts that can do this kind of stuff, but it's not really an appropriate thing to base an entire style around (not that my opinion should stop you if you want to do this). Martial arts are supposed to do weird things that you can't access with your own charm tree.

    A Yozi charm tree (And a few souls/demons) with a higher-power charm (Just for flavour so far) that basically makes history false.
    That's a loooooot of homebrewing. What do you mean by "makes history false"?

    A Warstrider-sized adamant daiklaive made from a piece of The Core.
    The Core is the fetich soul or jouten of Autochthon. If you knock a piece off it, you're going to have bigger problems then figuring out how to make it into a daiklave.

    A Soulsteel daiklaive forged from one of the Neverborn. (Rather brave, rather stupid Abyssal.)
    Primordials and their ilk don't have souls.

    They have people to do that for them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meschlum
    a) Find a f(r)iendly Fair Folk Diplomat.
    I have cunningly spotted the flaw in your plan.
    Last edited by Mr.Bookworm; 2011-01-27 at 02:05 PM.
    Awesome Cyborg Doom Monkey avatar by Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins. Offer up your robo-bananas to him.