I'm getting a bit suspicious of you here. You're just drawing logical-sounding nonsense out of thin air to sound like you'd be on the village's side while trying to cast doubt.

Wolves would never claim in such a situation. Ever. It's like saying I prevented the wolf team from coming out on day one and shouting 'hey we're the wolves guys' - I've done nothing of the sort and they'd never do that anyway.

I'm always a target for the wolves - by claiming(which I haven't done, by the way, just supported IP's claim) okay, heavily implying a villager, I've lessened my value as their target if they haven't scried me yet. This would technically slightly increase the chances of another un-outed powerrole being hit by a random kill but that's negligible.

And I've repeatedly and pointedly made clear that because of the Seer/Fool mechanics of this game, I am not trustworthy, especially since I haven't even told any of you my role. I just figured that it's best for the baner to be aware of the fact and protect the Seer/Fool instead of a proxy.

IP has been voided two nights in a row. IP has been in contact with me for what, five nights in a row? There's a distinct lack of correlation here.