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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion II: No Longer Mortal

    Quote Originally Posted by Drascin View Post
    I'd have to spend nearly all the points just on the physical stats.
    Not necessarily - IIRC, a lot of the Charms later in the book can serve as mutations, so you can literally give it the ability to always succeed on a Dex+Martial Arts+Bite Specialty roll, and other such things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drascin View Post
    Plus, they also share abilities. And somehow, the behemoth being able to speak three languages fluently... strikes me as kind of odd
    Why is that? It's a behemoth, not a mindless animal. Isn't it more silly that a yeddim can sneak, or how a Strix has about the same MDV as most starting characters, or how all these animals seem to be able to reconstruct crime scenes?
    Last edited by TheCountAlucard; 2011-02-01 at 07:14 PM.