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Thread: What language to learn

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In the Playground

    Default Re: What language to learn

    I know very little about French.

    Spanish and Italian are roughly the same language. (If you speak one, people who speak the other will be able to understand you fine). Personally, I like the sound of Italian more.

    If you learn Arabic or Chinese you are instantly more employable in the job market, and they may end up being more useful. Also, more unusual, which means they may teach you more from a linguistic perspective. However they're also further from English phonologically, so it'll be harder to learn to pronounce.

    Personally, I suggest you study Nahuatl.
    Last edited by Icewalker; 2011-02-03 at 07:50 PM.