Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
I would say that so far Jimbei is the most realistic fishman to join the crew, he is about the same power level, and he has some reason to join them.
A few things of note:

#1 If Jimbei would be that prone to join another crew, wouldn't he have been a Whitebeard pirate already? There's no denying that he was so close to them that he was practically a crewmate in ways.

#2 What exactly would his reasons be? He gets along just great with Luffy, but his vow to protect him ended with the marineford arc, I don't exactly see any other reason that couldn't apply to many of the other friends Luffy made over the years.

#3 Obviously there's always a chance it'll be revealed later, but every straw hat has a big dream of some sort, right? Jimbei doesn't seem to have what I'd consider the straw-hat- type of dream based personality.

Obviously it'll be very difficult to predict what will happen after the timeskip, because everything we've seen since the end of thriller Bark has just been unprecedented in One Piece.

Still, a lot of people expected every single Marineford/ID character to join the crew at some point (buggy, croc, jimbei, mr.2, boa hancock, mr.3 etc etc); The only real reason Jimbei would still be considered "likely" is the fact that he's the only one not officially left in the strawhat's wake.

But that alone really doesn't seem like a solid reason at all.

Of course, time might prove me wrong, but I don't see any reason to claim he'd be the most likely fishman.