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Thread: [BitP:R] Mortal World 2

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World 2

    Cassandra turns around at the sound of the man's voice. She hadn't noticed him approach; he gave off no reiatsu, and yet she had a tag attached to him. Interesting.

    "Do I know you?" She asked simply. She had honestly never seen the man before.

    Then she heard his last question. "Obviously not," she answered, getting annoyed.

    In case you were wondering, because the clone that fought Mihail is dead, Cassandra never got its memories back. Therefore, she honestly has no idea who Mihail is.
    Last edited by Kayne650; 2011-02-08 at 03:58 PM.
    Bleach iTP Reborn characters
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    Awesome Cassandra Avatar courtesy of the equally awesome Shades of Grey!

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