Yay! There's our favourite riding dog!

Also at Serrin's reaction to Janine just wanting water. Some people just don't like drinking, ok? Mind, I don't do it because I don't like the taste - I imagine Janine has a deeper reason for it. I also don't know think I know the milk joke...

Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Swiftmongoose View Post
And you do?
Think of me as almost Co-Author when it comes to the Peakane family.
Silverraptor gets extra spoilers because Lucrid and Saffrin (sp?) came from a roleplaying game he played with Coffee, in which he played Lucrid right? That's what I remember reading a thread or two ago anyway.

I've done the 'pencils' for part four of five of that cover project I was doing, by the way Coffee, and while I'm on that subject I should maybe point out that the first post still links to the first draft of part three, rather than the updated version with Lloyd and Janine's newer faces.