Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
If I might ask, what makes it dramatic or intense? Writers do need to know what they do wrong, yes, but they also need to know what they've done right.
At work & busy (& pissed off but that's another story)

Off the top of my head though, I'd have to say it's the way that Kylira tells her story without any interruptions. We all play, we know that PCs like to be in charge and if there's any talking happening, it's gonna be them. The fact that what she had to say was so incredible, and yet true that they couldn't even find their voices made in incredibly powerful. Even more so because the only times they got any actions they were just short little paragraphs saying all they could do was verify the truth of what she was saying. Even when they got a chance to be seen and heard, they still couldn't find any words to refute her with. All they had was 'yes she's telling the truth'.