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Thread: [Nexus] Underside - The Second!

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Darklord Bright's Avatar

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    Wellington, New Zealand

    Default [Nexus] Underside - The Second!

    This thread is for all actions and events taking place in Underside, the sprawling network of underground caverns beneath the surface of the Nexus. Underside is a vast, largely unexplored territory of the world, seemingly going on forever in all directions as well as further down into the depths of the world – often lit in a dim glow by the strange plants and fungi which grow in those labyrinthine tunnels. The Underside is often considered a separate world beneath the feet of the Nexus, operating under strange, foreign rules and keeping its business where it belongs.

    Main Locations

    Undercity is constantly expanding out into the tunnels, its hub located at the center of a large, open area in the rock. There, the city’s center is built into a massive stalactite, bridges extending to smaller ones in an expansive, web-like city above, even as buildings gaze up from below. It is lit by glowing blue crystals mined from the rock, used in lieu of lanterns or fire.

    This city is ruled not by a single leader, but by a contingent of noble houses, each one involved in feuds and alliances with the others even as new houses spring up periodically throughout the city. The rules in the Undercity are simple – the nobles make the rules (so long as enough of them can agree on anything).

    The one golden rule, however, is this: Undercity business is Undercity business - and if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. The Nobles may make the rules, but the citizen here are hard. They're a Family with a capital 'F', and nobody messes with family, be they topsider, outsider, noble, or even your own flesh and blood.

    This isn't a haven for criminals and slavers, and the residents will let you learn that the hard way. Everyone here earned their keep, and pulls their weight in their own way. These people live in the harsh underground by choice.

    They're fighters. They're survivors. And nobody messes with their family.

    Good Example

    The Tunnels
    There is no one single description for the tunnels. The tunnels are not one location, but are instead a vast network of passageways and openings and nooks and crannies in the rock, some natural, some decidedly not. There are forests of towering, luminescent fungi, forgotten cities, rivers of water and magma, and cultures of all kinds. But the tunnels are not as romantic as they might sound – dark beasts lurk in the depths of the world, and one does not leave the relative safety of the Undercity without protection…

    All forum rules apply, godmodding rules apply.
    No destroying the Undercity is probably the biggest thing, and I'd prefer that this not be used as a hideout for topside criminals. In any case, criminals from topside who bring their troubles to the Undercity will likely be dealt with in whatever way the nobles can agree on - and oh…

    Welcome to Underside.

    Previous threads:
    The First
    Last edited by Darklord Bright; 2011-11-18 at 08:30 PM.