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Thread: [Rail IC] Academy City

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lillith's Avatar

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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City

    A small alley across the cafe
    If one would enter the alley where just now a boy and three men disappeared, he or she would be in for a scary scene. The three men were all quite tall and muscled. They were light blue suits, like they came out of a prison. There was no logo or emblem on them. On their hands were thick gloves to hide their fingerprints and their head seemed to have been shaved completely. It seemed these guy had planned this from the start. Their appearance was almost completely identical.

    The tallest of the three seemed to be carrying the blond haired boy on his shoulder, who was unconscious. The smallest of the three seemed to be carrying a strange device, but quickly pocketed it away when he heard noise. From his belt he grabbed a large gun and so did his two partners.

    A few blocks away from the cafe
    The streets were all but abandoned. It seemed that people here were enjoying their free Sunday by staying in their beds. Only three or four people were up and about, but otherwise the street was completely vacant. A large blue truck screeches through the streets, barely avoiding the few pedestrians that were there. This alone would make any Anti-Skill officer notice it and grind his teeth, but just before the truck disappeared one of it's side doors seems to open and a large elongated package is dropped on a pile of garbage.

    What to do, chase the truck or check what they threw out?

    Inside the cafe
    Jane walked to Jason's table, obviously excited. In her arms she carried a stack of brochures and quickly set down opposite of him.

    <"I never knew this city had so much to offer! There's so much I'd like to see! And do! I also picked out some stuff I think you guys might like!"> She noticed Jason was staring at a newspaper. <"Hey, why the serious look on your face? You look like somebody died.">
    Last edited by Lillith; 2011-02-21 at 03:47 AM.
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