Tomas, like the valiant captain he is, sets a good example and quickly scrambles up the tattered sails and rigging. Everyone else, though, has less luck. They all lose their footing a few times, or have clothe rip or rope snap beneath their weight. Eventually Maximo, Richard, and Papa Bonu all manage to get aboard the ship, but they're quite bruised and tired from the ordeal.

The top deck of the ship is empty, aside from a skeleton picked clean by carrion birds. It is sprawled out on the deck, which has begun to warp beneath the heat of the sun.

The lower decks of the ship hold similar sights. A few skeletons lay scattered about, likely members of the crew killed during the battle with the pirates. However, there's very little treasure to be found. The hold is empty! Well, almost empty. There are a few loose coins on the floor, as though they were dropped and forgotten, or ignored in favor of some other loot. Either the ship has already been raided, or there was never any loot to begin with...

The door to the Captain's Quarters doesn't seem to want to open, however. The heat of the sun has warped the wood, causing the door to get stuck in the frame. It will take a bit of force to open it...


Wow, only 4 people still in this?

Maximo, Richard, and Papa Bonu each take 1 Level of Fatigue.

There's enough gold so that everyone gets (1d6)[4] coins.

Strength check to open the door to the Captain's Quarters.