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Thread: Community Based Monster Classes VI

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Hyudra's Avatar

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    Default Re: Community Based Monster Classes VI

    Quote Originally Posted by flabort View Post
    Wow. I want to play one.... the goblins, that is.
    Presenting three times the target may be VERY bad for area spells, such as fireballs, and divination magic could be quite screwy.
    Also, what happens when they gain/lose size categories?
    If, for example, I want to take a class that increases the size category to medium, I'd not imagine too much change. But if it then gives a second increase, to large, what happens? What If a class shrinks me down to tiny?
    Can multiple mobs (Aka two characters with this) interact?
    Could this be extended to further levels to get more goblins in the mob (6 goblins = CR 6/3= CR 2)?
    This class would be almost too great for Battlefield control wizards, AoO abusers, and a couple others.
    What happens to roleplaying when the character also has the flaw giving them multiple personalities ? Speaking of which, what happens with flaws like, say, blind? Are all three goblins blind?

    Class is great, just has a couple minor problems like that. Just needs a tiny toning down, and a few clarifications, in my opinion.
    I get the picture, believe me. I anticipated that problems along those lines would come up, but like I said in the comments, there's so many bases to cover I couldn't do it alone, so I was hoping for collaborative input on stuff like that. Thanks for starting to help hammer down the issues.

    Regardless of the issues, though, I really do think it would be scads of fun to play in a party.
    Last edited by Hyudra; 2011-02-25 at 12:59 PM.