Some players relish in optimizing charger builds that can dish out over 1000 damage in the first round. Question is, what do you do if you (as PC) have to fight _against_ such a brute?

Let's say you have to fight a bunch of highlevel Orcs. You don't know it, but you have to expect one of them might have pulled all the registers: Frenzied Berserker, Pounce, Shock Trooper, the works. He is stronger than a Tarrasque and can dish out 5 attacks on a charge. In short, if you gets in range he'd pummel you into the middle of next century. He also a lot of HP of course.

If you know beforehand _who_ it is, and can act before he gets near you, of course your casters will send some Will saves his way which will hopefully suffice.
I guess you can also ready an action to simply evade a charge, if you have the room or the gear (Dimension Stride boots or somesuch).

Normally I'd take a Reach weapon and try to trip a charger so he kisses the gravel before he can attack, but if you consider a potential Strength score over 50 when you only have 30 kinda rules that out.

Any other tricks that help against a charger when you really, definitely, don't want to risk getting hit for 800 damage? Particularly if there are like 10 charging attackers at a time, and you don't know which is the heavy hitter?