Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post

What would happen if (team member) was actually a shapeshifter?
Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Eclipse View Post
Technically Tinder is a shapeshifter, considering that he is a dragon that parades in human-form.

Edit: Hey I am supposed to be the ninja.... darn it..even to the formatting
I would have ninja'd you too Dusk except a)I'm 100% too slow to ninja folk and b)no, that's about it. What I'm trying to say was that when I read Lix's theory that was what popped up first, along with Radic and Janine, but HalfTangible ninja'd me on them by about a day so....

Quote Originally Posted by Kyuubi View Post
Janine might actually be able to get with Lloyd?
Initially humourous suggestion.
When you think about it a little more though that joke would basically mean a horrible abuse of Lloyd that I'm fairly confident that Janine would never actually stoop to no matter how desperate she is to be with him. If I'm wrong there then I've gravely overestimated her character. (From things Coffee said during the love potion arc I doubt I have)

Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
It is possible for her to get with Lloyd assuming he is not strictly homosexual. Maybe if she changed a bit he would like her more.

At least how I see it, Lloyd might be like Lucas and Cadugan in Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic link for understanding The first four or so panels are the pertinent ones.
Simple info if you don't read that web comic:
Lucas: Baron, and in a relationship with the half-elf Cadugan.
The Ghost: Former Baron (and I can't remember his name) and his family is under a curse which does something along the lines of kills the person's wife (or something along those lines). And to not like carrots too.
And Cadugan: Male Half-elf in a relationship with Lucas.
Just my thoughts on that.
You've summed up my feelings on Janine managing to date Lloyd pretty succinctly based on the strip itself. Coffee's commentary suggests to me that it's not something we're going to see though and Lexington's essentially going to be the only love interest Lloyd seriously considers over the strip's run, with the outside possibility that complications may arise with someother male character somewhere along the line. Basically though I suspect Janine's very much clinging to false hope with Lloyd and I'm not sure Lloyd-is-gay or otherwise Lloyd and Janine eventually hooking up would have ever really felt 'satisfying' to me due to the unhealthiness of Janine's attitude about it at the moment. I they were to hook up it would have to be written very carefully. This said I genuinely hope that before the comic's over Janine finds somebody to date who will genuinely love her for who she is and who she genuinely loves back. Generally I'm pretty anti "pair the spares" in fiction but Janine seems to desperately long for romantic company and validation to such an extent that she's an exception because I feel hooking up with someone properly at some point is what she needs to find hapiness, even if that relationship eventually broke down.
On an off topic note (sorry guys):
Yay another YAFGC reader! I basically found OotS, and therefore Murphy's Law thanks to that April Fools comic YAFGC ran one year (which I a)didn't find particularly funny and b)don't think in retrospect captures the heart of OotS too well). Still reading it daily and would reccomend it to the folks here.

Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
Radic: Could go male to avoid the advances of Matt.
I don't want to sound like some kind of chauvinist who somehow missed the whole feminist movement here but... on some level I think Radic likes the way Matt overdoes his advances. I'm not saying she'd like that if any guy tried to behave like that towards her but I think Radic does actually "like like" Matt. She just happens to be very aware how not perfect he is at the same time.
Matt: Not really sure, Maybe use it to escape law enforcement. I mean he did start out this comic clearly as a thief type.
Now Matt I could see using shape changing for a Radic dating related reason. I'm not saying he'd do something awful like shift into the form of another person she's said she would like to schtup àla Uther of the Arthurian legends, I don't think there's a member of Team Gale that would exploit shape shifting in that way. Some of them may vaguely consider it, none of them would go all the way with it. But I can see Matt using shape-shifting-esque scrolls or potions to make himself look more "buff" or something to try to impress Radic. Nothing that would involve him tricking her into believing he was somebody else and having her way with her but something that he thought would make Radic view him as a more attractive person.
Janine: Like Kyuubi said, she might go male (once Team Gale knows about Lloyd's sexual orientation) to attract his attention. But then there is what I said above that might mean she could get his attention as a female.
I think the only way a "Janine turns male to get Lloyd to like her" story might work would be if she thought that was a good idea, did it and then came to the conclusion that she didn't want to be with Lloyd as another person, "chickened out" and then went back to persuing him in her true form. That scenario would play out roughly the same on Janine's side of things if she went into it with a shape shifted form that was very obviously still her and deliberately so, just a male her. I think.
Tinder: I don't really know too much about how he thinks.
I like pretend that I do but offhand the only way I can think of him exploiting an "any kind of shape shifting you want" situation would be to enable himself to adopt a more convincing human form so he could blend in with Team Gale related business. Tinder usually wanders around in a form that isn't his own with the active intent to decieve others and he's perfectly comfortable with that. Stands to reason he'd take up an offer to get a more convincing human form as long as a)the rest of Team Gale would still know he was Tinder b)the deal was a no-strings-attached thing and c)he still had the option to return to dragon form just as easily as he can at the moment.
Lloyd: He could enter a more "traditional" relationship with Lexi but, as they are already together, they probably don't care too much about that.
Yeah. The thought may or may not cross his mind for "experimentation" reasons but ultimately I think that Lloyd's pretty comfortable with his own sexuality and grew up in a fantasy setting that means that shapeshifting for a more "traditional" relationship with his partner would feel like a much odder thing to do as a result of societal pressure than it would if Lloyd originated from some real world settings. Kago is a horrible horrible place in a lot of ways, but one thing it has going for it is that on the surface of it is (from what little we've seen) it's genuinely accepting of the LGBTA community.
Serrin: God (or Coffee) knows what goes on in her head to even guess how that might affect (or is it effect) how she acts.
Agree. I can't come up with anything for Serrin.
Whee, that was fun.
And erm, re:my last post? (don't worry, spoilered content is much briefer than it was last time around)
Open apology time: I want it to be clear that I wouldn't ever accuse anyone here of consciously "emotionally blackmailing" Coffee. It's obvious even to an outsider that we all love this thread, especially Coffee. She's tough enough to put up with us.
I'm quite strange and sometimes get a little too involved in my own theories. I basically made that post for my own benefit above anyone elses.
I do still believe that my Murphy's Law Banter Thread suggestion was a valid one to keep in mind should the mods ever get fed up enough with us going "off topic" to want to talk to us about it though.