Quote Originally Posted by Swiftmongoose View Post
Why would an assassin care about two homeless children? And none of that "destined to" stuff.
Herpests right. destined to indeed.

cause sooner or alter they start asking the question "who're m'parents?" "where'd I come from?" "why am I an erphun?" that eventually leads thme to to their homeland which leads them to the overlord which leads to the Truth and leads to overthrowing.

that and in medieval times, blood was very important. to them blood = divine right to rule. no blood left, no divine right, vacuum for some else to claim a new divine right under their blood and establish a new dynasty. meaning the long lost prince thing is a little more threatening than you think, cause while they probably aren't that bad or anything, people say like......Littlefinger....who could take advantage of that, use them and their divine right as a puppet for their own rule.

so yeah. thats why he would care.