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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Murphy's Law 6: Will we ever stop burning through threads so quickly?

    I accept that there could be some sort of truly grim reality behind this new cleric but as far as my own immediate reaction to the update goes?

    I may be jumping the gun here, but I think Janine may have just found the potential "someone" I was hoping for her to find...
    Think we're a little too early in the storyline for anything big to come of it yet though so...Meh. This could be the beginings of a genuine breakthrough for Janine though... (This is weird, because I'm hoping for this and I'm usually a very anti-romance type person. I must be going soft or something )

    Also: Lix? Someone, somewhere might just have heard your demand for a false bearded Radic image... but who am I to say? [/OMINOUS]
    Last edited by Eleanor_Rigby; 2011-03-05 at 08:40 AM.
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    Thanks to Teutonic Knight, Kasanip, Oblivion, Dogmantra, Elder Tsofu, araveugnitsuga and Alarra