I am an experienced GM who has run long campaigns in detailed homebrew worlds. I currently don't run any games, but want to.

The problem is that I'm starting a blogging career on top of my 40 hour normal job, and time is really at a premium. If I run a game, I have to do it with nearly zero prep time.

I have a plan that might allow me to do that:


1. Use Castles and Crusades ruleset for minimal rule time and quick monster creation

2. Run a game where the point is exploring a wilderness area (exploration is the goal instead of a central plot or BBEG)

3. Players can go anywhere, but have to let me know one week in advance which area they want to explore next time.

4. I take one weekend to make the encounter charts and maps for every explorable location, so it's all ready in my toolbox before the game even starts. Thus there is very little additional prep needed before each week's session.

I'm interested in feedback on that plan AND tips from fellow GMs/players on how to save time or make do with less prep.

How do you minimize prep time for your games?