Do remember though, part of the reason why blade weapons in 40k are effective, is because they are all either:

A. Made out of "Wonder metals" such as Ceramite, Plasteel, Admantium, Wraith Bone, Living Metal, Crystaline, Composite

B. Enhanced through various means (Psyker attuned, or shrouded in disruptive energies, or hydraulics/Biotic muscles

C. Formed using DNA from various creatures (Tyranids)

D. Demonically posed weapon armor... need I say more?

aside from the Tau of course.

Also, prepare for a true DnD De-motivation poster... Nostalgia Critic Fans may also catch a slight reference....(All credit goes of course, to the artist, not me, link also included in spoiler

yes... I went there.... The fail burns, does it not?
My "Repentance"

Ok ok, fine, calm down IG players (I play them myself anyways)

Admit, you know you've always wanted to do this at least once to your gaming group.