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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP Recruitment Thread

    Time for ponies!

    Name: Berry Ann
    Appearance: Brown earth pony with a red mane. Her cutie mark is a rasberry. She's often seen with her lantern nearby, though it's only lit during the night.
    Cutie Mark: A raspberry
    Skills: Berry farmer
    Biography: Berry Ann is part of the Berry Clan, distant offshoots of the main Apple family. Of course, to hear the Berries say it, those no good Apple varmints are a disgrace to the good Berry family name - the two clans have been rivals for generations, ever feuding over the fruit trade. The Berry Clan are all experts in the various parts of berry farming, from growing cherry trees and strawberry bushes to various berry dishes and preserves. Berry Ann in particular has an affinity for red and blue rasperries. She was enouraged to leave the ancestral Berry farm near Fillydelphia to strike out on her own and build up her own berry farm.
    Personality: Unfortunately, Berry's a bit abrasive and stubborn, and she has issues with authority. She's also got a healthy dose of the Berry Clan pride, which will lead to confrontations with any Apples that might appear. Still, once you get past that exterior, she's a faithful friend that will always be there when you need her.
    Relationships: Berry Ann's new in town, so she doesn't really know anybody.
    Last edited by tonberrian; 2011-03-27 at 09:22 PM.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.