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    Ogre in the Playground
    slayerx's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: My Little Pony: Avatar is Magic (also Adopt-a-Pony)

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetRein View Post
    This is wonderful!

    Would you be willing to make a couple small and one possibly medium change?
    If not, I'll definitely use it as is and just tweak the colors a bit. :3

    If you're willing to tweak it though:
    Would you be willing to shade the reds slightly?
    Specifically, I'd prefer the following two reds:

    As: light red for the foreground horn. The darker red for the mane stripes and the background horn.
    Leaving eye unchanged on hue.

    For the eye, making the bright red a little bit more dominating over the black (enlarge it out slightly / shrink the black bat slight? Not sure.) for the purposes of that showing a bit more clearly on the avatar version.

    And the medium tweak:
    Making the hair a little bit more billowy on the foreground side. Specifically, the back of the jaw/neck area is kind of throwing and makes it seem as though the hair is disconnected somehow.
    To be more specific, if you could accomplish something along the following lines:
    Vector Hair 1 or Vector Hair 2

    Thank you again! If the tweaks are too much of a bother, then I'm fine with you leaving it as is as well.
    this better

    Also what is the exact max dimensions of avatars? 100, 125?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkflight View Post
    Hey, I gotta ask a question. Do the artists here appreciate feedback / critique, or do they prefer 'thanks for the avatar' and leave it at that?
    Personally i appreciate feedback

    thank you
    Last edited by slayerx; 2011-03-31 at 01:23 PM.