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Thread: WW Isocerne City [Recruiting]

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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: WW Isocerne City [Recruiting]

    Quote Originally Posted by Arden View Post
    Sorry if I'm making you repeat yourself, but just to make sure I'm understanding correctly:
    - The User has his/her own personal nightkill, separate from the PM votes that others get.

    - At night, everyone else PM's the narrator who they think the current User is, and who they'd like the new User to be. Their vote only counts if they correctly guess the current User, and once that current User loses the box, he/she dies.
    Aaand some questions:
    - What happens during the daytime?

    - What defines sufficient votes?

    - What motivation does one have to support any given User?
    (possibly more later)
    You do seem to correctly understand both of the things you specified. As regards your questions...

    A typical lynch happens during the daytime, via popular vote as usual. If this hits the User, it's assumed the box is lost and recovered by the "election winner" that night.

    "Sufficient votes" means receiving at least one vote other than your own. (This is done to require the User to branch out for support.)

    Players will want to support an User both to try to sway favor with regards to the lynch (say, if they have a player they want to kill) and in hopes of lasting longer in the game through alliance. I have finally changed the rules to stipulate that the last three players all "win" to some extent, though obviously the final User would get more glory.

    Quote Originally Posted by 101jir View Post
    Just wondering, what is the advantage to having the User die if they lose the box? Also, why should it be important that votes only count if the current user can be guessed?
    The User dies when the box is taken (via vote - voluntary transfers don't do it) both to keep a nightkill and to encourage transfers or other forms of power-sharing. (It's also vaguely related to the story - the box is taken forcibly.)

    The reason that I require the current User to be guessed is to allow a very well-put-together User group to be able to maintain election through subtlety.
    Last edited by BobTheFerret; 2011-04-04 at 02:09 PM.
    Shapeshifters 2 WW
    It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
    Gooooooo Colonials!