Quote Originally Posted by NerfTW View Post
Seventy five copies is not exactly a "big hunk" of the print run for NCftPB. The print run was in the thousands, if not entering five digits.
Wait, what?

Five digits? I don't know in which country you live in, but even in US, the largest comic book market in the world, five digit circulation is unheard of outside Batman-level of popularity for comic books, and that in the case of trade paperbacks, which are significantly more marketable than OotS, and cheaper to boot. Sorry, OotS is good, but compared to flagship titles of US/manga comic books, it's a niche.

Honestly, I would be very surprised if any OotS book broke four digits, and that if prefaced by '1', if that. Two numbers for comparison - in the whole 2010/11, Batman The Long Halloween (priced $19.99) managed to sell 7000 books. Naruto vol 47 (priced $9.99) managed 6.500. I'd like you to show something supporting your claim that OotS outsells two vastly more popular titles by an order of magnitude.

The only titles even close to five digits are $2.99, thin monthly comic books, and if someone really managed 5 digits selling OotS, then he is an economic genius larger than Greenspan and Smith combined.

So, yes, 75 pieces is a big hunk of the printing run.

I think you're underestimating how easy it is to misplace one box of something in a massive warehouse.
Oh? Small publishers have... 'massive warehouse'?

Do you know how much such a thing does cost? Especially in business where margins are paper-thin? Have you ever been in actual printer warehouse? I was, and the largest printer of comic books (pushing dozen+ titles per month) in my country has room sized one. Hardly a place where you can misplace something for more than a five minutes.