Ive recently joined a game of DC Adventures and I'm creating a Green lanturn type character. Ive got a general idea of what his super powers are suppose to be, but im have trouble understanding what exact powers i need to have them have the similar effects.

The race im playing generate there own energy supply within themselves so i dont use the power ring.

He can create constructs, fire energy blasts "Blasts, Lines, Arcs not just bolts" produce a force field, and generate an energy aura. The real trouble is that i dont know what else to do to make him able to use his powers in unison. For example while generating his force field he is also using his energy aura through the field so that not only is he stopping an incoming attack but hes also damaging the enemy if the blow would be physical.

Ive tried to understand how the array concept works but to no avail.

So then i looked at the green lantern/sinistro info page and figured why not copy them. When i did the power ring and array weren't the only problems i couldn't understand but the power level was also to confusing. Green lantern has a power level of 14. My character is power level 10 so i had no idea were to begin to scale the power to my ranking.

As for other aspects of this guy he is the BFG/ Gun / Nuke heavy hitter and pretty much nothing else. Most of his combat style is done at a distance but he can do close combat damage if needed.

Any Tips or advice on how to make my gun the most effective is greatly appreciated