hey all, i'm moving to colorado in 30 days and i'm the dm so my group wants to keep playing over the internet. we've been slowly trying ideas online like playing over msn and skype and such but people don't seem to like it or it takes WAAAAY too long to do anything.

so far the thing that seemed to work best was world of warcraft, but after cataclysm we basically said no we're not paying for wow anymore (there are much better mmos out there that are free) but warcraft was really good because of it's /roll commands, being able to sit and emote and do all sorts of things that could be useful in d&d over the internet. i've tried a private server but they are filled with idiots and the servers are usually run by highschool kids who, basically, are terrible at keeping the server afloat.

we also tried team fortress 2 but as you could have guessed that turned into a destraction really fast. Basically we would like to use a game or something like it because it kidna gives the illusion that you are in the same room with a person being able to seem them get up and walk around and whatnot, and none of us like webcams, they lag, and it just doesnt feel...right? idk i guess im picky.

anyway, any tips y'all got would be much appreciated!