Also: Kafka is completely insane.
And exactly what I mean by depressing. I think everything ends with "nobody loves you and you die!" And I think almost all german writers who wanted to become "respectable and famous writers" in the last 60 years wanted to hop up on that band wagon.

I might have been a bit unfair, and their are certainly some writers who write to entertain and because they have fun writing, who are also german citizens. But they are not what the important german literature critics would consider "literature". At best trivial-literature, but it's obvious how that term really means pseudo-literature.

Yes, there are certainly good writers who write very interesting and good books in german. But stay away from the "most important and famous writers of contemporary german literature". Those are the guys you have to read in school, that everyone in the room hates, except the teacher, and that have made millions of young germans believe that German classes and literature analysis is all one big hoax.
Oh how I hate them!