Out of curiosity, after this competition is done, would anyone be amenable to an Alternate Rules and Restrictions contest? You know, something like: "Magic Rating replaces caster level; all the stuff that boosts cl doesn't affect Magic Rating (which is sorta like magical BAB; look in your copy of Unearthed Arcana today!). Build an effective character with a magic rating between 10 and 15." Or something.

I'm just thinking that an optimization contest where the fundamental assumptions of the system are changed (or assumptions not so fundamental) could be awesome.

Build an e6 party (It's more like snack foods than a meal in this case)
Using the injury system (some classes gain usefulness, some lose usefulness)

Of course, like Leadership is banned here, and Landlord is banned in the vehicle contest, some other feats will have to be banned; for example, NO ONE CAN TAKE STEADFAST DETERMINATION IF THE COMPETITION IS BASED OFF OF THE INJURY SYSTEM. Otherwise, anyone with a decent Fort save becomes immune to mundane damage, among other things.

Anyone game for this?